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Everything / Web Development / Apache



Great Reads

by Sacha Barber
An article on how to use the open source Apache Kafka messaging framework, with a bit of RxScala thrown in for good luck
by Sacha Barber
Looking at Spark/Cassandra working together
by Omar Al Zabir
Use ElasticSearch and Grafana to build powerful and beautiful dashboards. Monitor and analyze IIS/Apache logs in near real time
by Christopher Swiderski
We’ll be using Java 7 and the Apache CXF framework for implementing a web service and client within the Eclipse IDE.

Latest Articles

by Richard Chambers
Creating a simple VisionFive 2 RISC-V SBC web site using Apache2, PHP, and Postgres with the Mosquitto message broker and installing Golang, Java, and Rust.
by chionatech
A step by step guide on how to automate Apache OpenOffice Calc using Visual Studio 2022 and the C# language
by Rion Williams
How to avoid Kotlin minefields in Apache Beam
by Rion Williams
Some recommended readings about streaming systems

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15 Mar 2016 by Sacha Barber
An article on how to use the open source Apache Kafka messaging framework, with a bit of RxScala thrown in for good luck
20 Jan 2016 by Sacha Barber
Looking at Spark/Cassandra working together
29 May 2016 by Omar Al Zabir
Use ElasticSearch and Grafana to build powerful and beautiful dashboards. Monitor and analyze IIS/Apache logs in near real time
22 Jan 2015 by Christopher Swiderski
We’ll be using Java 7 and the Apache CXF framework for implementing a web service and client within the Eclipse IDE.
19 Jun 2015 by Emiliano Musso
Geolocalize a device and store coordinates on webserver
4 Apr 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
Call a RESTful method from Android without breaking, or in any wise damaging, a sweat
7 Aug 2017 by FiegeU
A worktime tracking solution that reads RFID tags on a Raspberry based terminal that is integrated to Dynamics AX 2009
28 Mar 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
How to build an app with chat capability using Azure Redis cache
12 Jun 2018 by Member 13737597
This article shows how to build Apache web server from source on Windows.
24 Jul 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Have a look:FeatureIISApacheIndependent Request HandlerYesYes(limited)Multiple Process Request HandlersYesYesThread SupportYesYes (on a suitable OS)ASPYesWith Chilisoft, Apache::ASP, or modmonoCGIYesYesPerlYesYesPythonYesYesPHPYesYesJSPYesYes.NET...
12 Nov 2012 by Andy Kirkham
Part 2 - Stepping into the C++ world
9 Aug 2013 by UmarSiddiqui
The Intelligent Way to Develop Business in the World of Healthcare
2 Mar 2011 by Amit Kumar Tiwari
Try below link:[^]
14 Jan 2013 by Mihail Mateev
In this article you will learn about how to use PhoneGap with the new cutting edge Microsoft platform – Windows 8
10 Jul 2013 by zenspace
have you tried wrapping Y with single quote?:)
6 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The data "from local disk" you mention is called Web cache. Please see:[^].First of all, I would recommend this complete tutorial on cache control:[^].Some...
16 Jan 2014 by Peter Leow
1. By all means. According to this:[^]2. Modify the port in httpd.conf file and restart apache:#Listen 80Listen 8080
30 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
Raspberry Pi 2: Configuring it as a complete WordPress Web Server – Part 3 – Install and Configure Apache and PHP
13 Dec 2017 by Michael_Churchman
Alibaba Cloud offers a range of Big Data solutions. This article outlines them and explains which types of Big Data services on the Alibaba Cloud align with various workloads.
25 Jan 2019 by Priyanka Sabharwal81
Basic understanding of how to write/use the Apache-tika facade function and debug it in Eclipse
24 Jan 2024 by Andre Oosthuizen
Looking at your link given, you are going about this the wrong way, PHP is supposed to be your backend and javascript/jquery you front end looking at your post... You are adding multiple loads to your requests on you server which responds in slow...
29 Jun 2010 by Graham Breach
I would create a new function to check the type:function check_file_type($ext, $mime){ $allowed_types = array( 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', // add other types here ); $ext = strtolower($ext); return (array_key_exists($ext, $allowed_types) && $allowed_types[$ext] ==...
4 Oct 2010 by Rohit from Delhi
Is it possible to run ASP.NET (.aspx pages) on an APACHE webserver? And if so, could someone please explain to me how this could be done?Actually i am working on a project which contain both .php and .aspx pagesand as per requirement i want to run both the .php and .aspx pages on...
27 Nov 2010 by #realJSOP
Googling this phrase - "deploy java servlet" - revelaed 500,000 hits, and the very first one has the title "Introduction to Java Servlets, Developing your first Java Servlet".Seriously dude - this is the internet, any question you might come up with has almost always been asked/answered...
27 Feb 2011 by elad2109
Hi guys,Got 2 htaccess questions, hopefully you could help me out:1) Why do these commands don't work:RewriteRule ^(.*)\/Bing$ http://$1 [NC,L,R=301]RewriteRule ^(.*)\/Bing\/(.*)$ http://$1/$2 [NC,L,R=301]While these do work:RewriteRule ^(.*)\/Bing$
12 Aug 2011 by Aniruddha Loya
How to set up Apache 2.2 on MacOS to test websites with self generated certificates in order to verify settings for secure HTTP (HTTPS)
12 Mar 2012 by E.F. Nijboer
Check the following links for a solution:[^][^]Good luck!
12 Jun 2012 by krumia
30 Dec 2012 by mumera
An Associative Array is one of the most basic and useful data structures where each value is identified by a key, usually a string.
25 Jan 2013 by simsam77
How to set up a SmartOS machine with Node.js and an AMP stack.
13 Feb 2013 by phil.o
On your router, you should set a NAT (Network Address Translation) rule of TCP port 80 to your internal server.It means that every request on your public IP address on TCP port 80 should be forwarded to your internal server IP address ; from here people will be able to access your website...
9 Apr 2013 by hudku
Block any number of IP addresses using mod_security. We can do that dynamically without having to restart the Apache web server every time.
26 Apr 2013 by Sudhakar Shinde
This [SDK ]will be useful for you which offers developers as well as commercial licence.
30 Jul 2013 by The_Inventor
The DSW is a 'project configuration' file much like CSPROJ file types. You will need a standard RICH_FILE_TYPE, or TXT_TYPE word processing program like 'Notepad' or 'WordPad' that comes standard with a Windows operating system.Open/Edit with WordPad or similar program, and edit the file to...
12 Sep 2013 by dmgcodevil
Framework for performing aggregation and plain MongoDB queries in myBatis style
11 Nov 2013 by Morgan Estes
You're not doing anything wrong in your code; it's complaining about the timezone settings in php.ini.In a standard PHP installation, the timezone is set around line 923 of php.ini. In a *nix install, you can find out where your file is located by passing a flag to the command line like...
27 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Just learn Apache configuration, which is in its standard documentation. This is how a port is setup (80 is standard for HTTP):[^].What makes your thinking that your server is not configured to serve on port 80?[EDIT]By the way,...
26 Jan 2014 by Er. Tushar Srivastava
Hi Friend,Try This.... I was moved by your question and I dived into the deep ocean of coding and I took out this beautiful pearl for you. Tell me if it worked for you as per your requirement or not. Also, do rate my answer. Happy Coding :)Here's my solution.. this is what I call two layer...
27 Dec 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
4 Feb 2014 by Swab.Jat
okay, you need to distinguish between 1. building a 1 petabytes data set Usually, you don't build a single 1 petabytes database by importing a 1 PB file, usually a PB database get built up over time, one small piece a time2. running an analysis of 1 petabytes data set Hadoop HDFS...
29 Jul 2014 by Marin Cokarić
Securing Your phpMyAdmin
10 Apr 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The files and directories are already protected by the system and Apache. Nobody from outside word can access them, unless you write code intended to work around this protection. The rest of the question is to broad and vague for a Quick Answer.You provide a read-only access to all files...
16 Jun 2015 by Chris_Riley
I recently spent some time with Rogue Wave OpenLogic product. OpenLogic is an “open source” component review tool.
8 Oct 2015 by Gajana Paralkar
You can make the mod_rewrite module load dynamically in to the Apache web server environment using the LoadModule Directive in the httpd.conf file. Load this file in a text editor and find a line similar to the one given below.#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.soUncomment...
23 Oct 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
As a first line of defense, you can check up the HTTP referral, which is one of the HTTP header fields of an HTTP request:[^],[^].All scripting modules for all non-nonsense...
25 Oct 2015 by Andreas Gieriet
Google?E.g. enable perl apache?E.g.[^].RegardsAndi
8 Apr 2016 by Maxim Komlev
Suppression of Browser dialog of Basic Http Authentication and customization
25 Apr 2016 by Jochen Arndt
To solve this you must define what should be displayed: A directory listing or a default page (usually an index page) when it is present.See DirectoryListings - Httpd Wiki[^] for the required Apache configuration settings.
19 Apr 2017 by Intel
This article introduces BigDL, shows you how to build the library on a variety of platforms, and provides examples of BigDL in action.
28 Sep 2017 by Alejandro Ferreira Guido
This article is about explaining the process of building an authentication servlet filter from scratch, including configuration initialization, url path filtering for login page and the process to get a user dynamically authenticated on a separate LDAP Windows Active Domain.
6 Oct 2017 by OriginalGriff
Then good luck to you: but we are not here to monitor your progress, or do your homework. Either this is: 1) Homework and you want us to do it - and we don't do that: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there...
30 Aug 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
It doesn't work because sudo is interactive. It'll ask for a password which your website will not be able to "type in". I don't know how you're launching the command, so I suspect you're launching a command like "sudo command"? You can try changing the command to "echo password | sudo...
4 Feb 2020 by OwenDavies
Looks like sSMTP is no longer maintained, MSMTP is the suggested replacement. This post discusses how to do the replacement.
15 May 2020 by Rion Williams
Some recommended readings about streaming systems
15 Sep 2021 by Peter_in_2780
Simple. The DirectoryIndex directive will use the first file it can find of the ones you list. So DirectoryIndex index.html index.php will use index.html if it exists, before it looks for index.php. As always, it pays to read the mod_dir -...
23 Jun 2022 by OriginalGriff
This is a development site, not am apache / tomcat tech support site - try here: Apache Tomcat® - Find Help[^]
22 Feb 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
You can use URL rewriting techniques to convert the dynamic URLs into static URLs by changing it'd format. In your .htaccess file you can use something like this - RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond...