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by Daniele Fontani
Sample Wordpress plugin that receives messages from slack and creates wordpress post
by Daniele Fontani
Implement a private Wordpress reposiotory using Angular and PHP slim framework as backend
by Ahmed Khateeb
In this article, I will describe how to Create WordPress Bitnami VM, how to connect to VM, how to add Custom Domain to that VM and important steps to follow after fresh installation.
by James A. Brannan
How to write an algorithm and then create working Java code from that algorithm

Latest Articles

by Christian Specht
In this post I migrate my blog from Jekyll to Hugo and share what I learned.
by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps
How to install WordPress on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using always free tier
by Gábor Angyal
A walkthrough on how to create a real staging environment for WooCommerce
by Daniele Fontani
Implement a private Wordpress reposiotory using Angular and PHP slim framework as backend

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24 Jan 2019 by Daniele Fontani
Sample Wordpress plugin that receives messages from slack and creates wordpress post
9 Dec 2022 by Daniele Fontani
Implement a private Wordpress reposiotory using Angular and PHP slim framework as backend
21 Jan 2020 by OriginalGriff
Pretty much, you can't - if nothing else it's pretty simple to spoof the User Agent Strings which are what tells you the capabilities: How to Change Your Browser’s User Agent Without Installing Any Extensions[^] I changed mine to LCARS for a while, just to see is any systems really look too...
25 Oct 2016 by Ahmed Khateeb
In this article, I will describe how to Create WordPress Bitnami VM, how to connect to VM, how to add Custom Domain to that VM and important steps to follow after fresh installation.
25 Mar 2019 by James A. Brannan
How to write an algorithm and then create working Java code from that algorithm
19 Jul 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
If there is such an API then Google is the place to go to find it. This forum is for specific technical programming questions.
12 Mar 2024 by
To have HTTPS, SSL Certificate is needed to be installed on the server. HTTPS for WordPress – Documentation[^]
16 Apr 2012 by AlexTatiyants
How to use WordPress custom post types to add events to your site
21 May 2014 by Peter Leow
Refer: Opinions and Facts[^]Wordpress is like a ready-made house, you get what is provided by the developer, you may extend your house in the future, but subject to certain constraints like existing structure and space. Whereas PHP is like building a house from scratch by yourself based on...
28 Jan 2015 by Peter Leow
Try this:Read more: rtrim[^]
15 Jul 2015 by Wendelius
In order to figure out the correct SQL statement we'd need to know the tables structure and the meaning of the columns and so on. Without knowing all the logic only some guidelines can be explained.Having that said, one thing I didn't quite understand was, are you trying to delete from...
11 Oct 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
1) Anything like this is useless. Base64 encoding is no encryption. It makes any 8-bit data transmittable over legacy 7-bit channel (making the string only from printable ascii characters).2) There is nowhere any "conversion" to xml.3) If you want base64 encoded string, you can use Notepad++...
2 Aug 2017 by Peter Leow
in the custom.css file, add this code at the bottom of it: .navbar { background-image: url("") }
9 May 2018 by John R. Shaw
I don't know php, but the leading space in ' wordpress_footer_menu' may be the issue.
22 Jan 2020 by CHill60
I have to ask why would you want to do that? - If you are concerned about how it might look on other devices then consider reactive technologies such as Bootstrap[^] - If you're concerned about who might be accessing it perhaps an IntRAnet might be more appropriate - How To Create An...
26 Jun 2020 by OriginalGriff
Quote: what is the languages used in creating Code Project? A bunch of 'em: English, Australian, and French. PLus the usual culprits: C#, Javascript, a huge pile of SQL, and some JS frameworks, I believe. Quote: best choice of languages to...
4 Aug 2021 by Chris Copeland
It would depend on the version of PHP you're using, I believe the get_magic_quotes_gpc function was removed in PHP 8.0. I'd suggest you're either using an older version of Wordpress which had the dependency on that function, in which case you...
17 Jul 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
I have answered this same question from you a while back at - How to connect stock items on wordpress ?[^] by suggesting that you use Quote: Square for WooCommerce .
8 Aug 2012 by Kislay Raj
To adding Domain to your hosting, you should choose addon( easily found in Cpanel>domain>addon Domain) to add your domain. and after that you have to update nameserver. after updating it will take about 72 hour to work properly. and after all it will create other director for each domain if you...
10 Oct 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
You could start by asking your question in the appropriate place[^].
31 Jan 2013 by Matej Hlatky
I tried your code and the main problem was in the if part:if (empty(userphoto($curauth)))...First, your userphoto function SHOULD not print/echo value, but only return path to user image.Second, you need to assign return value from userphoto($curauth) function call into variable!Third,...
9 Jul 2013 by gvprabu
Hi,Check the below Code....DECLARE @Cat TABLE(CatID INT, CatDesc VARCHAR(200))DECLARE @TranDtls TABLE (CatID INT, PostCount INT)INSERT INTO @Cat(CatID, CatDesc)SELECT 1, 'Sports'UNION ALL SELECT 2,'Accounts'UNION ALL SELECT 3,'IT'UNION ALL SELECT 4,'General'INSERT INTO...
30 Jul 2013 by UL UL ALBAB
Hi, here is my webpage:[^]In my index.php code is here:
15 Aug 2013 by Infinity Signal
I have learnt Codeigniter(which is a PHP framework) now I want to use some CMS to build my website.Classes which I found in Codigniter were very useful, now I wanna use them in my website developed with CMS(e.g., Joomla).Is there anyway to integrate CMS and php framework or what should I do...
22 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
With PHP, use:[^],or[^].With WordPress… I don't know, this would be a subject of a separate question.—SA
22 Sep 2013 by ridoy
Better you should have search in Google[^] and pick one that resolve your requirement.
7 Nov 2013 by Morgan Estes
Add the code to an external JavaScript file inside your plugin directory, then use wp_enqueue_script() to load it. Here's how the call should be made:Assuming you have your plugin file and js file in the same directory, your call will look something like this:function...
18 Dec 2013 by thatraja
There're tons of plugins in web for blogs. Use Google to find that, check below50 Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Know[^]21 WordPress Plugins for Safer, Smoother, and Better User Registration[^]
3 Feb 2014 by Jawad Siddiqui
Okay. Just go to profile -> Profile Fields You can add new fields and remove old one to customize registration form . Secondly you can install[^] To Add more categories or types in the field types. Thankyou . Let...
16 Feb 2014 by HardikPatel.SE
I am using WooCommerse 2.1.1 & wordpress version 3.8.1. I am getting SSL error while redirecting to Login/Register link in my project.... Please help me to solve this error.... & also getting same error while visiting Dashboard, View Order, Change Password pages from My Account.... Please help...
16 Feb 2014 by Nirav Prabtani
Fix SSL errorGoogle chrome shows a yellow or red icon if they see a potential risk on the site. Firefox is worst because it shows an error alert message warning the user. This is NOT good for your website’s reputation (specially the donate page of non-profits). When you see a yellow...
18 Apr 2014 by myiah2013
Hellohow do i get my header and footer sidebar and everything to stay fixed on the screen but have only my post scroll on my word-press site so initially all html elements will be fixed and only the content on the webpage will scroll my website is
18 Apr 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
Fixed is the way to go but I am not sure what other things are impacting try the below styles.#header{position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 1000;background: rgba(255,255,255,0.95);width: 100%;height: 3.5em;line-height: 3.5em;text-align: center;font-family: 'Open Sans...
2 Jul 2014 by Kristofer Kallsbo
Migrate WordPress to Google App Engine
16 Sep 2014 by Raymund Macaalay
How to place ad scripts in between post listings on Index.php in WordPress
9 Nov 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
The thing is you don't want to create a wordpress media player, you want to create a media player. You need to understand that a media player can be created using JavaScript, or its library jQuery. Somehow before digging deeper, I will tell you that wordpress already has an HTML5 jQuery...
9 Dec 2014 by John Teague
I want to preface this by saying that the version that your WordPress instance is currently loading is the version that instance has been tested against, and you may experience unpredictable results using a newer untested version, which may not be compatible with other jQuery scripts, plugins,...
10 Dec 2014 by John Teague
WordPress, by default, uses a PHP function called mail() to send mail notifications if the host server supports it. Some servers require that all mail be sent using a valid SMTP account. In that case, host providers often include a SMTP plugin so you can configure your account credentials for...
10 Dec 2014 by John Teague
Wow - Guys. Let's make sure that the replies are accurate here. One fact that a lot people don't recognize about WordPress is that all content created are actually POST types. The following are examples:POSTS (Blog Posts) are created for unique content, such as articles, reviews,...
11 Mar 2015 by Peter Leow
Web app has no access to system configuration of the end user. However, various information about the HTTP request and the user's browser can be found in the http header. Read more: HTTP Headers for Dummies[^]
7 Apr 2015 by OriginalGriff
Never, ever, accept code from a insecure website to handle anything to do with real money.You do not know who is giving you the code, you do not know what it does, you do not know that it places the monies correctly into the appropriate account, without passing the details to any third...
6 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You can use, for example, Image Magic for PHP for cropping and many other transformations:[^],[^].—SA
12 Jun 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
I am sure that you wanted to ask this to some one else, in some other thread or discussion.Still, I can answer this.Quote:How can I get the actual permalink when I save the content as draft not publish?If you don't publish, then WordPress can't create URL for that post. "Publish" means...
11 Oct 2015 by Patrice T
Rather simple:First, you have to create the code from what will be the result later. echo base64_encode($xml);?>which gives...
8 Dec 2015 by Abhinav S
Check[^].Not a code fix but rather a configuration change.
12 Feb 2016 by Lucy Barret Geek
For those of us who haven’t been living under a rock for the last 6 years, we know that since WordPress 3.0 release we are now free to create our own post types. Basically, you can set a standard ‘format’ to display a certain ‘type’ of content via custom post types. This article will guide you step-
28 Feb 2017 by Graeme_Grant
Process of elimination. Remove/disable all plugins and use a default template. If that works, leave the plugs disabled and use your template. If that flashes, then you know what your problem is. If not, then load/enable one plugin at a time and test. When the flicker appears, then you will...
30 Apr 2017 by OriginalGriff
You don't access a database like that: you need an application to access the data. For MySql, that would probably be MySQL Workbench[^] or HeidiSQL[^] - for SQL Server, it's SSMS which is available as a separate download these days: Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) | Microsoft...
16 Jun 2017 by W Balboos, GHB
You've answered your own question. Make sure they're not added twice. You can (1) check the database for their existence [such as (COUNT(*) > 0)] and/or (2) add a UNIQUE constraint to the appropriate fields in your database, after which, you'd handle the error return. You're should also...
2 Sep 2017 by Graeme_Grant
Check out this link re: support: 9 WooCommerce Support Forums That Have All The Answer! — WooBeginner[^]
10 Nov 2017 by Jyoti Ray
If you want that your site always opens with SSL/ HTTPS only, then you need to redirect HTTP to HTTPS. There are several methods to do it. But in this tip, I share the easiest HTTPS redirection methods.
21 Dec 2017 by David_Wimbley
Wordpress is PHP and MVC is C#. You can't just put "wordpress" into your c# mvc framework project as one is C# the other is PHP. Wordpress is just a blogging framework/platform, blog frameworks and platforms exist in MVC, you just have to do a little bit a research (only you know what you want...
1 Feb 2018 by OriginalGriff
Never, ever, accept code from a insecure website to handle anything to do with real money. You do not know who is giving you the code, you do not know what it does, you do not know that it places the monies correctly into the appropriate account, without passing the details to any third parties....
28 Oct 2018 by OriginalGriff
Forget the internet, get a book, or better go on a course. Here are some: adddison wesley python - Google Search[^] And also here: wrox python - Google Search[^] Then follow it through from the beginning to the end, doing all the exercises.
1 Nov 2018 by MadMyche
Based on these 2 items 3. It's happening in Most recent Vs. of fire fox. 4. It's only happening on One system which is my client's system. It is going to be pretty safe to say that something on your client's particular combination of Windows and Firefox is causing the issue. While safe-mode...
15 Nov 2018 by MadMyche
Against my better judgement I went to the site and found two critical errors that are issues: 1- You do not have an element with a class of "navbar" or "x-navbar"
8 Nov 2019 by #realJSOP
0) The delay does not go on the page where the user clicked the link - it goes on the page that has the download button. 1) To make a link open in a new tab, add target="_top" to the href. 2) You should respond to an event in order for the html to be rendered. 3) For the record, these...
22 Jan 2020 by MadMyche
There is no foolproof way to identify what type of device is accessing the web site. You can try looking at the user-agent or device capabilities; but this is known to have problems. Read through this article, and you can see some of the problems there are with related code. If you should...
27 May 2020 by air4x
This is malicious code. The file wp-content/mu-plugins/rms_unique_wp_mu_pl_fl_nm.php opens up remote login to people with access to the site url by passing in a 'token' in the url. If you check the file, you can see it reporting the site url back...
10 Mar 2021 by OriginalGriff
Names can't contain spaces, use camelCase names instead: $categories = get the category($post->ID); Becomes$categories = getTheCategory($post->ID); You can use underscores insead, but that's pretty old school these days:$categories =...
30 Mar 2022 by Chris Copeland
The icon isn't a part of any standard font library, what you're seeing is an icon font library at work. For example: TikTok - brands | Font Awesome[^] To use them you just need to import the library CSS onto your website, then follow the...
12 Apr 2022 by online battlegrounds
I was working on increasing the speed of my small blog and there on the plugin section of my WordPress dashboard I see a small advance.php drop-in file. So, I want to remove it but I am unable to. Well, if somebody can help me it would be just a...
25 Jul 2022 by Mike Town
I have experienced simialit issues when Upgrading the the latest version of PHP. Luckily I initially stepped back to the previous version, to fix the issue on a temp basis. I contacted the theme developers, as they needed to be aware of the...
29 Jul 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
You would probably get a quicker answer at Support | English (UK)[^].
17 Oct 2022 by OriginalGriff
Talk to WordPress tech support: Contact – Support[^] - they will probably have access to your site as well as experience with such problems. Us? We don't even know the URL, much less how you wrote your code ...
11 Feb 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
Ask your question in the Wordpress Forum[^].
21 Jun 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
There are quite a few help documents that will assist you. 1) Quote: if they do not pay WooCommerce plan for their account, does my client site disappears from the internet? No, the site will still be active including themes. Any other...
19 Jul 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
You are almost there :). From what I can gather, you want the first part of the title to be displayed separately from the rest of the title. I have used the hyphen character ('-') as the delimiter instead of ' - ' with spaces between the hyphen....
20 Jul 2023 by OriginalGriff
If such an API exists (and it probably does) it's going to be really specialist, and almost certainly proprietary - an intellectual property that a make manufacture has invested a considerable amount of effort in and would be unwilling to share...
20 Jul 2023 by Patrice T
Quote: I tried searching on Google for potential APIs, but unfortunately, many of them turned out to be quite costly. So you found ! As it is medical diagnostic, the API maker hold responsibility, and such thing comes with cost. By the way, make...
11 Sep 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
You did not show us the actual error message(s), so this is something of a guess. But the variable $plateauType only exists within the scope of the calculdebit function. So your reference at the bottom of the HTML posted above, will be undefined.
2 Oct 2023 by OriginalGriff
This site isn't tech support for Wordpress - you would do better asking your question here: Contact – Support[^]
17 Jan 2024 by Neelu Singhal
I am creating a custom CPT where I have customized CPT URL structure of CPT, I am using the rewrite rule for this but it is conflicting This is a Lessons CPT, I want to remove lessons from the URL and if any category or subcategory is selected in...
12 Apr 2024 by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps
How to install WordPress on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using always free tier
N 31 May 2024 by Christian Specht
In this post I migrate my blog from Jekyll to Hugo and share what I learned.
25 Nov 2011 by Brady Kelly
I need to implement a simple mail queue in PHP, with task priority and scheduled send time for mail items, inside a WordPress plugin. I have looked at some existing queue packages, as well the queuing function of my mail package, Swift, but given the simplicity of my requirements, and the...
26 Nov 2011 by Yvan Rodrigues
I can't recommend one personally, but if your needs are simple, roll your own.1. Have your web page write the e-mail to a file on the filesystem, like in /var/youapp/mail, or to a table in a database.2. Set a cron job to run a php script every x minutes. The script checks for new entries,...
17 Dec 2011 by taloweb
This tip explains how to enable multiple table searches
2 Jan 2012 by drewdclifton
Hi there,I have requested some help at, but I'm not sure how to make it actually work on my website. I'm aware that stackoverflow isn't exactly for that purpose, but rather to answer one specific question, so I thought I'd ask here.1. I put the first code (I think it's...
9 Jan 2012 by thatraja
add new posts to a new page in wordpress? Both are different, see Post vs. Page[^]Check this site Beginner's Guide for WordPress[^]
8 Jan 2012 by chopoe
Hi,I am a newbie of wordpress. i would like to add new post under the new page. Could you please help me how to do it?Thanks,Olive
10 Jan 2012 by Brady Kelly
I am implementing client validation using the Validate plugin for jQuery, and coming short with a form field that uses the TinyMCE editor component. This renders an incredibly complex control tree under the containing tag for my form field, including an iframe for the actual editing area, and a...
23 Jan 2012 by psgviscom
Refer this links. It may help you to embed javascript in wordpress[^][^]
16 Feb 2012 by Member 8640855
I want to use a few WordPress widgets. Lets take the RSS feed widget as an example. I create the RSS widget and implement it. Now, I create a few more different widgets. Next, I want users/readers to be able to vote on each widget. And then, when widgets are voted on, they would either go to the...
16 Apr 2012 by wizardzz
What do you plan on using, like what language? I have written many scrappers in a few languages. If you provide what you have tried or what you are stuck on, I'd be happy to try to help.
17 Apr 2012 by Peta2010
Hi I want to create newspaper website in php. So please suggest me which technology of php good for use like joomla, wordpress etc ?