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Everything / Web Development / XHTML



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by Sergiy Korzh
A JavaScript function to get the absolute coordinates of a DOM element within a document
by Najmul Hoda
IM status indicator is as an easy and reliable way to check online status of certain instant messenger account like yahoo, msn, aol, skype and icq..
by Bill Pierce
Creating an ASP.NET server control wrapper for the Google Maps API.
by notmasteryet
This article demonstrates using binary formats in JavaScript.

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by Mark Birbeck
Easily and quickly build web services clients using XForm
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by Sean Ewington
Web development beginner tutorials. A compilation of web development tutorials that serve as a beginner's walk to web development
by Anurag Gandhi
An HTML 2D game to describe some basic game development tips in HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

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19 Nov 2012 by Raghav Nayak
10 Dec 2013 by Bruce Yang CL
A way to query the data from Internet
1 Nov 2017 by Saurav J
Convert table from outlook email body into datatable or list using .NET C# EWS Managed API and HtmlAgilitypack
14 Dec 2017 by Kannan Ar
A step by step guide to integrate AngleSharp HTML parser into MariGold.OpenXHTML
13 Aug 2012 by Yvan Rodrigues
The web server that is built into Visual Studio 2010 can't serve all MIME types.
6 Aug 2013 by pramod.hegde
Converts DataTable to XML, XSD, or HTML using XSLT and C#
14 Jan 2011 by John Doherty
Add a JavaScript event handler to any XHTML element where the tagName and attribute value match criteria.
11 May 2010 by Michael Safyan
If you've done a regular search for API reference documentation, most likely you've come across links to very old versions of the API (e.g. links to Java 1.4.2 instead of Java 5 or Java 6), or you've probably come across plenty of links that are completely unrelated to the actual search (getting...