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Great Reads

by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
An entertainment app written in C# language for the Xamarin Forms and Android, using a SQLite local database
by Daniel Vaughan
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
by n.podbielski
Use of IoC container in Xamarin on example of TinyIoC

Latest Articles

by Chandru BK
This article will assume you have basic knowledge of C# and Xamarin Forms and shows how to implement the Xamarin Form Validations using simple Data Annotations applied on the models.
by Zijian
A series of articles comparing programmer experiences of Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin and MAUI
by Zijian
A series of articles comparing programmer experiences of Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin and MAUI
by Zijian
Use PowerShell scripts to generate icons of native mobile apps

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15 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
31 Mar 2018 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
An entertainment app written in C# language for the Xamarin Forms and Android, using a SQLite local database
17 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
26 Dec 2016 by n.podbielski
Use of IoC container in Xamarin on example of TinyIoC
4 Mar 2017 by Junian Triajianto
How to play video as page background, like Spotify and Uber, using Xamarin.Forms with Android and iOS Custom Renderer.
21 Nov 2013 by ThatsAlok
Using Fragments in your mobile application.
21 Nov 2013 by ThatsAlok
TabHost control in MonoAndroid
31 Dec 2016 by Andrew Lai
This is Part 2 of my Raspberry Pi traffic light and weather station project - The mobile app
25 Sep 2015 by khanzzirfan
This article helps you to understand how to listen to nested controls inside the recycler view and update the view dynamically.
3 Jan 2018 by NoMoreComputers
Xamarin and MvvmCross: A simple tutorial for beginners
14 Feb 2014 by Yvan Rodrigues
After many weeks I found it. I compared the csproj sections of Release and AppStore builds, and the AppStore had the additional line:FullSince my app uses reflection to invoke the RESTful client library, the linker did not think I needed certain functionality and optimized it away.
7 Apr 2015 by Nitheesh George
Swift is free but iMac and MacBook are not. You may have to upgrade OSX to install a new XCode version. And In a 3 year old Mac, you may not be able to install a latest version of OSX. Ultimately these all are business and business is for making profit and not for helping the people.install...
2 Sep 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
First of all you need to understand the basic different between them so that you can choose which one to use in your case. First of all, Unity3D is a gaming engine and Xamarin is a cross-platform application development framework. Although there purpose is same, but their functionality and...
27 Jan 2017 by S Ravi Kumar (TechieRathore)
In this article, we will learn how to use a few of graph options OxyPlot.
5 Sep 2017 by dimpant
Learn how to properly use the NotifyDataSetChanged method of the ListViewAdapter to remove items from a ListView
13 Mar 2018 by Slim Hammami
This is a tutorial which contains the finger print authentication using Xamarin Forms
8 Dec 2019 by Abdulrahman Emad
This article proposes a solution for plugging "Rg.Plugins.Popup" asynchronous into your code.
12 Nov 2015 by Alvin Ashcraft
Open source software (OSS) development has reached the mainstream .NET community and created a whole new customer segment for development tools. Microsoft has responded to this need by creating the Visual Studio Community Edition.
23 Apr 2016 by n.podbielski
This is another article in the mini series of Xamarin bugs and workarounds for them. 
8 Dec 2016 by n.podbielski
Reflection.Emit is very powerful tool. It creates IL code and since C# is converted into IL too, we have the same functionality as in C# and even more. It is very powerful and at the same time very complicated. Because of that, it is worth discussing how and for what it should be used.
27 Mar 2017 by S Ravi Kumar (TechieRathore)
This is my new tool for creating Xamarin app icons
3 Apr 2017 by GrumpyPants
VS 20017 + Xamarin: can't reference a new Portable Library straight out of the box - another failure of a very basic function
7 May 2017 by n.podbielski
Fixing hiding text box controls by software keyboard on Xamarin Android
29 May 2017 by Junian Triajianto
Building and distribution automation for Xamarin apps to make your life easier and simpler.
5 Jan 2018 by didourebai
How to set up Xamarin Notes environment
1 Apr 2018 by Daniel Vaughan
Learn how to leverage the asynchronous ICommand implementation in Codon FX to support commands that kick-off long-running operations.
13 Nov 2023 by Zijian
Use PowerShell scripts to generate icons of native mobile apps
24 Jan 2019 by Harshit Gindra
This article with help monetize your Xamarin Forms app using Google Admob. This article shares different implementations for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
2 Sep 2015 by rashidebad
7 Nov 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Not really... The installer currently available will look back to 2015 only... However Visual Studio Community Edition 2017 is free and supporting Xamarin fully... It also works side-by-side with older versions (I have 2008, 2010, 2015 and 2017 installed on the same machine)...
28 Apr 2018 by MilanGohil
This article contains possible basic questions along with their answers to help you to understand or gain basic knowledge about Xamarin.
7 May 2018 by User 7429338
You can use Enumerable.Sum Method (System.Linq)[^]: _price = receiptData.Sum(element => element.Price);
21 Feb 2019 by Korlakunta
DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact("2013-02-11T14:29:01", "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); I have used 2013-02-11T14:29:01 instead of 2013-02-11T14:29:01-05:00 and its showing date time as per the requirement. Thank You
26 Aug 2019 by robertcarlson8203
Learn how to quickly build mobile apps using a Xamarin with a cloud hosted mobile backend in minutes.
16 Dec 2019 by OriginalGriff
You can do it - it's not even complicated - but you may find you need more than one field: two fields will only hold 2* 64K = 128K and it;s very easy for a modern image to exceed that. Instead of reading the whole image: fs.Read(ImageData, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length)); Just read the max...
27 Apr 2020 by DRappJr
Allow picker to show selected item by a bound ID such as by key/value list choices
6 Jan 2021 by Ana Carolina Zambon
In this post, you will learn how to make Apps have a fluid and adaptive UI on different device screen sizes.
20 Nov 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
You don't listen much, do you? As stated in your other copy of this same question, for a Xamarin app, you should NOT be connecting directly to a database engine. You SHOULD be calling a web service that sits in front of your SQL Server where the...
8 Dec 2023 by Zijian
A series of articles comparing programmer experiences of Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin and MAUI
30 Jun 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Yes.Read this -[^]
10 Oct 2014 by Dominic Burford
If you wrap your SQL calls in a web service then you can invoke them in your Android app.
2 Nov 2014 by Ullas_Krishnan
Hi,Yes you can create all functionality which developed in web grid etc..For Grid functions use List View, which can be custom designed to view all items in a grid ..For connecting it to SQL Server write WCF / JSON format service.. and host the service in web server....
13 Jan 2015 by Snesh Prajapati
It seems you need to write total 4 methods - 2 for each direction of conversion - we need to write an extension method for each type (nullable and not nullable) and you cannot club them in one method as given...
13 Apr 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
Do you understand what an ASP.NET application is? It's an application hosted on a web server, not on the client device.What you ask doesn't make any sense.
26 Oct 2017 by Oliverar
I am using Xamarin in C#, to build a cross platform BLE app. It is based on this example app using the Monkey.Robotics plugin. All the examples use a ObservableCollection devices; line, to populate a ListView with all the scanned results which the user can then manually select, setting...
14 Feb 2016 by SubhamoyBurman
MVC and other popular iOS terminology
24 Feb 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
You do not need to call ToString() on a text field, it is already a string. A call to getText() will return the string containing the item's text - see EditText | Android Developers[^].
29 Feb 2016 by Er. Puneet Goel
My team is working on Xamarin Android Development. In a view I have a scrollView and i am using 'ScrollChange' event of scrollview to detect scroll movement and performing required actions. It works fine for my machine. But when i used the same code on another machine, i am getting runtime error...
1 Mar 2016 by Er. Puneet Goel
After spending couple of hours, i make few changes to my code and now its working fine. Earlier I was using following code to attach the delegate.ScrollView ScrollView1 = (ScrollView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.ScrollView1); ScrollView1.ScrollChange +=...
23 Apr 2016 by n.podbielski
Xamarin Frame and Style with Padding
23 Apr 2016 by n.podbielski
If you are using Styles in Xamarin, you probably know how to define implicit styles. But how to inherit from them in other Styles? It is possible but require so work. Here is how you can do it.
14 Jun 2016 by S Ravi Kumar (TechieRathore)
Configure App Icons in Xamarin Forms App
30 Jun 2016 by OriginalGriff
I'd suggest that as far as IDE's go, you can't do much better than Visual Studio - and now that it supports Xamarin and Xamarin Forms, that could well be the way to go.I just wish there was a visual designer for Forms instead of having to "hand crank" the XML. :sigh:
10 Sep 2016 by BillWoodruff
Here's an example of how you might validate input:string input=Console.ReadLine ();if (input == "") Environment.Exit(-1); // handle user entered nothing ? input = input.Trim().ToLower(); // get rid of white-space, make all lower-casestring destination =...
15 Feb 2017 by Sandesh M Patil
I am currently learning xamarin.forms. I developed simple application for additon of Employee in SQLiteIn this app there is picker control(like dropdown in .Net :)). When i select Other option in this picker i want to show/ hide entry control (like textbox in .net :))In .net we show hide...
28 Jan 2017 by OriginalGriff
The only way to get an identical SHA-1 signature is to have identical contents: that's the whole idea of using an SHA-1 hash value. If they are different, then the content is different, and probably not valid - that is the whole idea.If you have a different hash, then it may be as simple as...
27 Mar 2017 by Lee P Richardson
Kill AXML - Programmatic ListViews in Xamarin Android
31 May 2017 by S Ravi Kumar (TechieRathore)
How to get started with Xamarin Forms for Mac preview
2 Aug 2017 by Member 12967177
( await Navigation.PushAsync(new MainForm()); ) Remove await and try
8 Aug 2017 by didourebai
Hello, Could you see this article : Reading and Writing CSV Files in C#[^] and to customize a ListView's Appearance please see this course : Part 3 - Customizing a ListView's Appearance - Xamarin[^]
25 Aug 2017 by Graeme_Grant
I would uninstall: 42.1024.0-beta1 constraint: Xamarin.Firebase.Common (= 42.1024.0-beta1) and then reinstall: NuGet Gallery | Xamarin.Firebase.Storage.Common 42.1021.1[^] before NuGet Gallery | Xamarin.Firebase.Storage 42.1021.1[^]
12 Sep 2017 by amartya mandal
Facebook & LinkedIn login with Firebase and Xamarin
25 Jan 2018 by David_Wimbley
Unless you are building something that takes gobs of memory and hard drive space, your laptop is fine to develop your application on and then deploy what is built out to a server. For example an API for your App probably shouldnt be running on your laptop in a production environment but having...
28 Jan 2018 by OriginalGriff
For Xamarin dev generally, I recommend Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms Book First Edition - Xamarin[^] - it's free and very good. But first, get C# sorted, which will take a while if you aren't familiar with the way .NET works - there is a lot to learn! Have a look locally for a course,...
17 May 2018 by S Ravi Kumar (TechieRathore)
Creating WPF applications using Xamarin.Forms
30 May 2018 by Suchit R. Khunt
In this article, the purpose of the code is to fetch contact details from iOS device.
29 Jun 2018 by #realJSOP
You can't connect ANY app to SSMS. SSMS is a tool used to manage a SQL Server instance. What I think you *really* want to do is to connect the app to a SQL Server database. If it were me, I'd develop a web service that could be used to connect to the database. Any app can connect to a web service.
7 Oct 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
If you're looking to hire someone to work on a project, Code Project is not the place for that. Try Be warned, you get what you pay for.
7 Oct 2018 by OriginalGriff
No. Depends what is in the repository. Code is part of the project, and often not the big part - it's the bit which makes it work, but without the design documents it ca take a considerable amount of time to get up to speed with how the code works - or is meant to work - before you can start...
11 Jan 2019 by Harshit Gindra
Check and request for Permissions in Xamarin Forms mobile application
21 Feb 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Google found DateTime.TryParseExact Method (System) | Microsoft Docs[^] in microseconds.
15 Apr 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Integrating Cognitive Services SDKs in a .NET Core based application and exploring how real-world scenarios can be tackled using ML services offered by Microsoft
9 Sep 2019 by DotnetShtien
In this article we will dicuss when new feature added recently to the meta-programming library which is the command contracts.
27 Oct 2019 by OriginalGriff
The ImageSource.FromUri(Uri) Method (Xamarin.Forms)[^] expects a URI class instance as it's single parameter, not a string. Try this: viewModel.Image = ImageSource.FromUri(new URI(string.Format(...)));
3 Jan 2020 by OriginalGriff
Simple: you are doing this in a very, very dangerous way. Never concatenate strings to build a SQL command. It leaves you wide open to accidental or deliberate SQL Injection attack which can destroy your entire database. Always use Parameterized queries instead. When you concatenate strings,...
22 Jan 2020 by Ankur Ramanuj
Your code is perfect for closing app. It might be becaause of thread can you try this if (AcceptBack) return false; Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>{ PromptForExit();}); return true; In OnBackButtonPressed.
26 May 2020 by Maciej Los
I'd suggest to read these articles: Layout Options in Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin | Microsoft Docs[^] Xamarin Forms LayoutOption Differences - Xamarin Help[^]
8 Jul 2020 by Chris Copeland
The Where method expects a function where the parameter is the object instance. If you compare what you've written in your Select method to this method, you can see that you've forgotten to declare the parameter as x => Lambda expressions - C#...
19 Nov 2020 by Gerry Schmitz
When you create your "item source collection", assign either the VALUE of "email" OR "address" to the "display field" (column), and just display what's in that column. Easier than what you're trying to do.
9 Mar 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
See Xamarin.Essentials - Xamarin | Microsoft Docs[^], but you need to be a reasonably experienced programmer.
14 Jun 2021 by Richard Deeming
You forgot to tell us what the problem is. Fortunately, it's pretty obvious: a website cannot access files on the user's device. You are asking a page hosted on to display a file stored in your local application data folder....
23 Sep 2021 by OriginalGriff
They add a Service to the app, which is what handles notifications. It's separate from the "actual app" and runs in the background permanently: Creating a Service - Xamarin | Microsoft Docs[^]
8 Nov 2021 by Member 11298827
I want to get screen X and Y values from a 'Touch' event on a SkiaSharp CanvasView. The event fires okay, but the eventargs e does not let me access the X and Y values directly. Instead, I have to dig them out of the string e.toString() as...
8 Nov 2021 by Gerry Schmitz
You're using the "wrong" signature (and namespace?) to get the event argument for ".Location" (x and y). You want SKTouchEventArgs. SKCanvasView.OnTouch(SKTouchEventArgs) Method (SkiaSharp.Views.Forms) | Microsoft Docs[^]
19 Apr 2022 by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
Good Day As you know a lot of HUAWEI phones don't support Firebase Push notification . Is there a way i can check in Xamarin forms if a phone support Firebase push so that i implement a different Push for that phone programmatically ? Thanks ...
31 May 2022 by OriginalGriff
Once you have it as a PNG file, it's already binary data - just read the file into a byte array and you are good to go. But ... OpenReadAsync returns a Stream - so why not just use the data from that directly instead of going via a file? Have...
21 Oct 2022 by PIEBALDconsult
From what I can tell... You put the first operand (X) in firstNumber. Then you put the second operand (Y) in secondNumber. Then you perform the operation, which is fine so far. Then when you click Equal again, you are putting the result (X op Y)...
7 Sep 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
Statements such as: DependencyService.Get().UpdateEmployee(employeeDetails); are a bad idea. If the Get call fails for any reason then a NullPointerException will follow. And since your code is not catching exceptions you will likely...
8 Sep 2023 by CHill60
It's not clear at all why you are having a problem - if you could type in the original connection string then you can overtype it with your new one. Perhaps one of these resources will help you Google for Xamarin edit connection string[^]
15 Oct 2023 by M Imran Ansari
In Xamarin, especially for Android development, the usage of System.Web.Services and System.Web.Services.Protocols is not supported. These namespaces are typically used in traditional .NET web applications and not in the context of mobile...
18 Nov 2023 by Zijian
A series of articles comparing programmer experiences of Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin and MAUI
22 Jan 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
So, you might want to write something like this:long runningTotal = 0; while (rd.Read()) { string sati = string.Empty; if (!rd.IsDBNull(rd.GetOrdinal("SATI")) { int satiVal = rd.GetInt32(rd.GetOrdinal("SATI")); runningTotal +=...
11 Nov 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
OTG Android Xamarin C - Google Search[^].