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Computational Geometry


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by Petrov Vladimir
Compact and simply Vector Formula of the Intersection Point of Two Line Segments
In this article, I am going to explain how to generate a hexagonal tessellation and how to draw it in Unity 3D
by Steffen Ploetz
Box, cylinder, cone and sphere construction for OpenGL with texture and light effects
by Peter Occil
Describes parametric curves and surfaces and how to generate them using my public-domain HTML 3D library

Latest Articles

by Steffen Ploetz
Box, cylinder, cone and sphere construction for OpenGL with texture and light effects
by Petrov Vladimir
Compact and simply Vector Formula of the Intersection Point of Two Line Segments
by Peter Occil
Describes parametric curves and surfaces and how to generate them using my public-domain HTML 3D library
In this article, I am going to explain how to generate a hexagonal tessellation and how to draw it in Unity 3D

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Computational Geometry 

5 Dec 2019 by Petrov Vladimir
Compact and simply Vector Formula of the Intersection Point of Two Line Segments
25 Jun 2018 by LLLLGGGG
In this article, I am going to explain how to generate a hexagonal tessellation and how to draw it in Unity 3D
9 Mar 2021 by Steffen Ploetz
Box, cylinder, cone and sphere construction for OpenGL with texture and light effects
28 Jan 2019 by Peter Occil
Describes parametric curves and surfaces and how to generate them using my public-domain HTML 3D library
13 Aug 2012 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
All you need to solve that is explained rather nicely here: Points of Intersection of an Ellipse and a line[^]. Just rember that a line that goes through the point of origin is inevitably of the form:y = x * aWith a = tan(alpha) with alpha being the angle between the abscissa[^] and the...
20 Dec 2016 by Chris Maunder
Today's challenge is late but simple one.Given a set of (x,y) points representing a polygon, determine whether a given (x,y) point is inside or outside the polygon. For example, the polygon defined by the points (counter-clockwise) { (2,0), (4,1), (4,4), (2,5), (1,2) and (2,0) } contains...
6 Jan 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
20 Dec 2016 by Jon McKee
First, I'd like to explain my methodology. Second, I'll explain my code.So first, my technique is similar to the ray-casting algorithm. I double cast a ray in both directions and count the intersections individually then OR them together which allows me to catch points on sides like...
12 Feb 2013 by OriginalGriff
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action.Try it yourself, you may find it...
18 Jan 2014 by Petr Ivankov
Application of abstract approach to database domain
3 Jul 2014 by YvesDaoust
The start-end vector together with the normal direction allow you to compute the direction of the line perpendicular to the chord in the circle plane.r = SE/||SE|| /\ nMake it pass through the midpoint.M = 1/2(S + E).By Pythagoras, you will find the altitude of the triangle...
3 Mar 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I like the problem, it is pretty funny purely algorithmic problem, not very much of programming. But you are supposed to be the author of the solution, which looks like a home assignment. Therefore, let's do this: I though just a bit at it and came to a pretty interesting simple idea. I'll share...
23 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The question makes no sense, by the following reason: if you have two straight lines, you can always characterize their slopes, but you can compare them to tell which is greater only if you tell the coordinate system for comparison.Say, if you have to vectors in X-Y coordinates, you can...
23 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The question does not make any definitive sense. I explained part of it in my recent answer: What does it indicate if slope of line 1 is less than slope of line2 and vice versa?[^].Even at this level, it seems apparent that continuing this discussion does not make much sense.You...
16 Dec 2016 by Ramza360
Adding another example using most of what OriginalGriff wrote except no foreach loop.public class TestPoints { GraphicsPath path; public TestPoints(Point[] points) { path = new GraphicsPath(points); } public bool CheckVisible(int x, int y) { ...
16 Dec 2016 by Thomas Daniels
Time for some maths! My code uses the ray casting algorithm: it looks at how many times a ray, starting from the given point to whatever direction, intersects with the polygon. If this number is odd, the point is inside the polygon. If it's even, the number is outside the polygon./*...
16 Dec 2016 by Marc Clifton
If you allow me an extension method so I can get fluent coding: public static class GPExt { public static GraphicsPath AddPolygon2(this GraphicsPath gp, PointF[] points) { gp.AddPolygon(points); return gp; } }I can...
5 Jan 2017 by Peter Leow
Picked out this new mission while waiting for my flight home. One look and this is going to involve geometry, that means Cartesian coordinate system, vectors, edges, and angles sort of things. To kill time, I started drawing out my thought on the phone... There are three ways to solve this...
30 Jan 2013 by gilvani
The problem is the following.I have 2 arrays of points. In a graphics I need to paint the polygon (array 1) without painting the inside (array 2), As this...
30 Jan 2013 by gilvani
hello, I found the solution.In graphics I changed the CompositingMode that determines when to paint a polygon on the other it is overwritten and not superimposed.Bitmap img = new Bitmap( 200, 200 );Graphics imgGraph = Graphics.FromImage( img );imgGraph.CompositingMode =...
11 Feb 2013 by IDominator
Hi folks, I've been trying to generate shadow volumes with the gpu.But can't get the geometry shader to produce output.So how can I create a shader with stream output in slimdx? Can someone give me an example with code in hlsl and slimdx?Edit:@ CHill60here's some...
12 Feb 2013 by Anurag Sinha V
Hi,Let us talk in some simple terms.There are 2 points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and you need to find a point in between these above points which is at a distance z from the first point.I think you will have to provide the distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) also, coz after that the number of...
12 Feb 2013 by lukeer
Let's assume you have written an extremely useful library for co-ordinate manipulation, which includesPointF Add(PointF p0, PointF p1)PointF Sub(PointF p0, PointF p1)PointF Multiply(PointF p0, float factor)PointF Multiply(float factor, PointF p0) // Commutativeness is not for freefloat...
20 Mar 2013 by Joshi Kumar AV
I am trying to write a program that calculates the slope and intercept of series of points and plot it in a graph using line fitting algorithm. I want to develop this program into a stand alone exe file to run independently. Please guide me how do I go about?I did do my homework trying to...
6 Aug 2013 by Dusan Paulovic
Hello, do you know about any robust library which supports conversions between rotation matrix and quaternion? I have found any using google, but these does not support reflections.Also it should be able to ortho-normalize rotation matrix. Thanks in advance.
28 Oct 2014 by Kinna-10626331
Hi ,as a test I am adding as background of a Grid column a DrawingBrush element which using PElipseGeometry draws something similar a strech ellipse.Here is the code: ...
30 Oct 2014 by AeroClassics
Make you map using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. Then import the file into Blend. When it is imported you will see all the Path Objects with data. Copy these into you XAML file and use them.I do this when adding glyphs to my buttons.Doug
2 Mar 2015 by Member 11380284
My situation Input: a set of rectangles each rect is comprised of 4 doubles like this: (x0,y0,w,h) they are not "rotated" at any angle, all they are "normal" rectangles that go "up/down" and "left/right" with respect to the screen they are randomly placed - they may be...
18 Mar 2015 by Member 9977262
I am trying to decal sketch on mesh using exponential map. While generating exponential map, I am calculating plane by initial point on mesh and normal calculated on mesh by that point. then algorithm calculates nearest vertices from that point and traverse to them by edges.Then Edges are...
10 Jun 2015 by Fredrik Bornander
Right, two answer this I am going to make the assumption that the following is know;All the lengths of the five sides of the pentagon.Two angles between segments, these need to be adjacent angles.Let's assume a pentagon going through the 5 points A, B, C, D and E.The length from A...
16 Dec 2016 by OriginalGriff
Well ... you could just use standard framework methods:Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point(2, 0), new Point(4, 1), new Point(4, 4), new Point(2, 5), new Point(1, 2), new Point(2, 0 ) };GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();Point last = points[0];foreach (Point p in points) {...
16 Dec 2016 by Duncan Edwards Jones
If I recall you take an imaginary line from your point (x,y) to (xMax,y) and check if each of the vertices crosses it. If the number that crosses is even you are outside the polygon (inclusive of 0) otherwise you are inside the polygon.
19 Dec 2016 by Patrice T
Here is my submission.Looks like I took a little original approach. I guess the method is known but I have no clue about it. The method works with clockwise and non clockwise polygons, convex or not.First I move the polygon as if the testing point was {0,0}.Then I compute the angle covered...
19 Dec 2016 by Niklas L
Abusing Chris' generosity regarding data type, I made a solution which has rather nice runtime complexity :p#include #include #include using namespace std;class point{public: bool x, y; point(bool _x, bool _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {} bool...
20 Dec 2016 by CDP1802
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;class Program{ public static bool TestPointAgainstPolygon(List Polygon, Vector3D TestPoint) { Vector3D Normal; int...
8 Feb 2018 by Member 11733943
Hi Everyone! I´m working in an aerial mapping application which tries to determine what part of the terrain is viewed from an aerial camera. First I have rendered DEM (Digital Elevation Model) from existing .tif file, generating all the triangles of the mesh by .tif positions and values. I...
14 Mar 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: Can anyone teach me what approach will be best and most effective in terms of time complexity? The approach is brut force, test very single segment against every horizontal segment. Apply the KISS method a list of N-1 segments, a list of...
26 May 2020 by RickZeeland
See this CodeProject article: A Purely XAML Coded Animated Bezier Curve via WPF[^]
24 Sep 2020 by DoingWork
Is there any library for WPF (XAML code) that contains Shapes or Geometries of Electronic Components like Fuse, Transformer, Wire, Resister, Diode and etc What I have tried:
24 Sep 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
Probably doesn't exist. You're best source for component outlines is probably going to be for PCB layout software like Eagle. That have large numbers of libraries of components that have outlines for the device itself as well as pad layout and...
30 Sep 2020 by Gerry Schmitz
You're not "reinventing the wheel" when your only other alternative is to "buy" the wheel. That's what commerce and trade are all about and why I don't make my own shoes. And if it was that easy, there comes the question of "fair use": MS could...
10 Dec 2013 by Petr Ivankov
Multidisciplinary paradigm of software development
11 Jan 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
4 Apr 2015 by
In this tip series, we will create a small C++ game engine.
3 Mar 2016 by The Zakies
Tutorial 2 (how to interactively add multiple shapes GDI using linked lists)
6 Sep 2012 by ravithejag[^]
17 Jan 2016 by cmbay
I am creating a WPF Custom Control Template and I would like one of the GeometryDrawing Brushs to use the Background Brush of the control's container. For example if I put this control on a Window I would like this particular Brush to use the Window's Background Brush. Like wise if the control...
8 Feb 2018 by Rick York
There are tons of research papers written on this topic or relatives of it and there are several tactics used. One of the most common is subdividing the mesh and checking each division. Generally this is done by dividing the mesh in quarters and doing a hit check on each quarter and then for...
20 Jul 2012 by Sunil P V
This article is a simple geometry library for drawing lines, circles, arcs, text, etc.
30 Jan 2018 by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Presenting one kind of the exotic spiral, i.e., using big round dots, twisting polygons and, possibly, your own photo. Offering web-page used to illustrate different aspects of it.
18 Jan 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
cmbay asked:…So the question is, is it possible to bind the Background of my control to its' container's background without explicitly identifying the container.It can be done by binding using RelativeSource. Please see:RelativeSource Class (System.Windows.Data)[^],C# Corner:...
2 Mar 2015 by Praneet Nadkar
Hi,Have a look at the examples and the discussion going here:[^]Hope this helps !! :)
29 Jun 2014 by Madhan Mohan Reddy P
I Have arc start point, end point, radius and normal direction.With this data how to find arc centre point in 3D coordinates.Thank You.
9 Aug 2012 by ravithejag
hi I want to find the point on the ellipse that intersects with an given angle taken from the origin.
7 Aug 2013 by sl65agm
I am try to modify the HOOPS 3D source code to satisfy the demand of occlusion culling of large amount of triangles, for the reason that the dx9 driver can not discard triangle primitives in its render pipeline. So I have to figure out the render process of the platform by reading its source...
12 Feb 2013 by pvt_infotech
HI All,i have two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). I want to know the point which lies at specific distance from the first point(x1,y1) assuming a straight line between above two points.for suppose, if i say 10 meters distance, then the output point should be on the same straight line of...
11 Jul 2014 by phpdna
It gives me intersecting triangles with a regular triangulation. I have 2 questions a) is this possible? b) How can I remove intersecting triangles? Question a) Seems to me logical with human sense but what is with question b)? Is there a library that can do regular triangulation with any...
23 Jul 2014 by phpdna
I think it's a programming question. Anyway I think I solved the problem.
23 Jul 2014 by phpdna
I wonder how I can see the infinity edges with the n-dimension delaunay triangulation. ATM I use the incremental bowyer-watson algorithm with infinity edges but how to do this with the n-dimension solver, i.e. when you project the points onto a paraboloid?
10 Aug 2014 by phpdna
Sometimes there is empty regions in power diagram. It looks like some regions are smaller compared to the normal Voronoi diagram? How is this possible and how is this useful? Here is an example:[^]....
29 Oct 2014 by Vijay m. parmar
i am Working on an Application in that i have to know that the given latitude and longitude is inside of given range of latitude and longitude.for example i have multiple lat,long of an area now i put a single lat,long. and application check that the single lat,long in inside of given range...
6 May 2016 by Member 12508138
I created a program located at Where changing the value of z tocos(point)*120+120Creates a circle that is rotating in a circular motion. Can anyone tell the formula to create a triangle that rotates in a circular motion?What I have tried:cos(), sin(), exp()...
6 May 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
use Math object refer: JavaScript Math Reference[^]JavaScript Math Functions[^]JavaScript The Math Object[^]Math Object (JavaScript)[^]example:var value = Math.cos(25);alert (value);
14 Mar 2020 by Member 14773225
You are given N points in a plane (numbered 1 through N); for each valid i, the i-th point is Pi=(i,Ai). There are N−1 line segments between them (numbered 1 through N−1); for each valid i, the i-th line segment is formed by connecting the points...
26 May 2020 by Member 12618031
Using the following code, I get a circle or arc drawing effect. using Microsoft.Expression.Shapes; Arc a = new Arc(); a.ArcThicknessUnit = Microsoft.Expression.Media.UnitType.Pixel; a.ArcThickness = 10; a.StrokeThickness = 1; a.Fill = new...
30 Sep 2020 by DoingWork
I want to convert Visio Shapes to Path Data. Then I want to use these path data in Xaml (WPF) If I spend my time on re-inventing the wheel, it will take too much time Any Help ? What I have tried: I have spent very large time on Shapes and...