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Internet of Things
22 Mar 2019   Updated: 30 Jan 2020   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 5.57
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Overview of required tools to cross compile/build/remote debug C/C++ projects on a Windows host ( 10 ) for a Raspberry PI 3B

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Engineer Movu robotics
Belgium Belgium
Born: 21/02/1963

Went to school, later university grade higher education but not at a university. Got a degree as "industrial engineer" in telecommunication. Then went to the army (not that I had any choice in the matter). After that,in september 1986, found a job in automation in which I wrote software for compressor controllers and multiple compressor installation management systems. I also traveled the world to install the things and explain their use to customers. I did that for 24 years and enjoyed it a lot.
Later I did some database applications using Powerbuilder and Microsoft SQL server for a few years.
Latest activity is back to real time control systems for various purposes, partially for the company I work for and sometimes as a consultant for other companies.
Later I dabbled in HVAC control systems for a while and then started doing pure consultancy work for Dekimo Experts Gent.
Was active for a few years in Avionics at ScioTeq BV in Kortrijk.

Now working at Movu robotics: making software for Pallet robots.

When I am not working I cycle, make my own wine and do some reading ( mainly science fiction ).