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by Alex Pumpet
A simple program for comparing table data from two sources - SQL databases, Excel, CSV or XML-files
by Szymon Roslowski
Just another approach to understanding communication between HID devices and C#.
by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by shunninghuang
CPS1 emulator, ROM hacking

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by Akram El Assas
Open Source .NET Workflow Engine and Automation Platform
by Pavel Bashkardin
A regular expression-based, collection-free C# INI file parser that preserves the original file formatting when editing entries.
by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to build a plugin architecture in C# ?
by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny
A rational class to extend numeric functionality

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2 Sep 2013 by Szymon Roslowski
Just another approach to understanding communication between HID devices and C#.
20 Apr 2012 by OriginalGriff
There is a common theme in development: storing data files in the application folder. This is bad, and wrong, and should be stamped on!
12 Apr 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
A short example of how byte[] misuse may hurt memory consumption
8 Aug 2013 by Ravi Rachchh
Create and deploy custom timer job definition programatically in SharePoint.
23 Aug 2012 by Vitaly Tomilov
Simplest and quickest way to automatically bind array of image bytes to asp:Image object.
19 Jan 2022 by Scott Ward
Using extension methods to make working with JavaScript in .NET Blazor easier to work with
8 Apr 2015 by Michael Sydney Balloni
How to improve on .NET memory management for large objects
8 May 2019 by Bruno Tabbia
Automatic positioning and resizing of explorer windows, without overlapping (for obsessive superusers)
15 Jul 2017 by dsuryd
SignalR is great for building real-time web functionality. MVVM is great for developing your front-end. What if they can be used together? This tip will show how to do just that, using as example a simple project to do live chart on a web browser.
5 Jul 2017 by LoveJenny
EasyLicense is an open-source license tool for .NET applications.
16 Mar 2010 by Bill9603
Many developers use ".cur" cursor files. Using them myself in Visual Studio 2008, they are not the easiest things to work with for many reasons.They are not easy to create without expensive software. (unless you are using the editor within Visual Studio)They cannot easily be ported in the...
23 Feb 2010 by C. Groß
The WebBrowser.Document.InvokeScript() method claims to provide a way to interact with JavaScript code inside of a WebBrowser HTML document. Trying to mess around with a third-party JavaScript over which I had no control (meaning: included in an external webpage that I could not alter), however,...
1 Oct 2013 by Erika Chinchio
In this article I will explain how to automate the process of downloading files with the open/save dialog box, protected by authentication.
14 Dec 2015 by Darek Danielewski
Sometimes, you just must return multiple values from a method. Instead of specifying out or passing arguments by reference, consider an OperationResult class.
27 Dec 2017 by Alberto M.
How to control TP-Link Smart Plug (HS100 or HS110) with C#
8 Apr 2020 by Gunnar S
Implementation of the Poisson Cumulative Distribution function for large Lambdas
10 Jul 2018 by Viktor Kovács
Parallel foreach loop implementation for nested loops
28 Nov 2011 by Akos Orban
Set Owner of a WPF Window to a Form
31 Dec 2019 by Marc Clifton
Please don't do this!
22 May 2010 by #realJSOP
Don't drink the kool-aid. You still need to know how to use the Windows API in .Net apps.
29 May 2010 by becker666
Sample working C# code to carry the IPN
19 Apr 2012 by Deepak_Sharma_
This article will show how to create an auto-suggest TextBox that will suggest data from a SQL Server database column.
15 Feb 2013 by Dread_Sharp
How to build an easy plugin system with C# which only takes about 30 lines of code!
21 Oct 2015 by OriginalGriff
A simple "scratch card" like control for Winforms, where the user can reveal the image by "scratching off" a cover
18 Jul 2014 by Matthew Givens
How to change databases at run-time in a user-friendly manner.
3 Sep 2011 by Phil Atkin
A surprising and potentially destructive 'feature' of the .NET garbage collector
22 Oct 2014 by Mathew Soji
This tip guides through implementing a basic REST based Web API service with multiple GET methods and its consumption using JQuery client
2 Jul 2015 by Bharat Mallapur
Sample project to host MS-Chart in your WPF application
11 Jun 2021 by Mashudu Nemukula
Generate C# object class from common SQL databases types
6 Feb 2023 by shunninghuang
Software named M1.NET which shows the details of decrypting arcade game audio
9 Feb 2011 by Robert Rohde
This one should outperform both the other methods for longer strings because of the StringBuilder.string s = "AbCdEfGhI§$%&/()1234567890";var sb = new StringBuilder(s.Length);foreach (char c in s) sb.Append(char.IsUpper(c) ? char.ToLower(c) : char.ToUpper(c));s =...
19 Mar 2012 by Rishikesh_Singh
The article displays how to save user setting or preference at run time.
21 Jan 2013 by Srinivasu Pemma
This tip provides an easy way of dealing with different types of data sources for LINQ Group By taken from my blog
19 Feb 2019 by Steffen Ploetz
How to compile and run the first C# application in ReactOS
16 Nov 2010 by Olga Tabulov
Ever tried to put a break in the textbox of the rdlc report? \n and such don't work...
24 Jan 2010 by Md. Marufuzzaman
Using of .NET TransactionScope
21 Oct 2013 by Member 7874525
This how you can monitor your database changes
22 Jul 2013 by Igor Ladnik
An interesting code illustrating the influence of Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation in .NET on code formation.
14 Dec 2014 by MarkLTX
Automatically implement INotifyPropertyChanged for every property in Entity Framework 6.0 entity classes
16 May 2015 by Mark Heath
Learn how to get started with MahApps.Metro, an open source library for giving your WPF applications a modern look and feel.
14 Jan 2022 by Andreoli Carlo
In our company, we find ourselves in need of using the internal PC (buzzer) on Windows7 64bit. At the end, we figured out how to do it.
10 Jun 2016 by TheForceIsSharp
ASP.NET Core Web API, Multiple Get or Post methods with single controller
11 Oct 2017 by Clifford Nelson
This tip presents a way to display checkboxes for selection of ListBox Items instead of the default highlighting
23 Dec 2019 by honey the codewitch
Easily implement efficient backtracking capabilities over any enumeration
13 Mar 2020 by honey the codewitch
How to provide custom formatters for string.Format() in C#
16 Feb 2011 by jim lahey
Or you could just pop over to:[^]Use the exhaustive samples they provide and not hard code your connection strings by using a standard .NET configuration file:[^]
30 Mar 2013 by OriginalGriff
Working with an Age (as in a persons age) is not the same as a Timespan, and there is no simple way to return an age. This provides a class to solve this.
19 Aug 2013 by luivis7
A simple example of how to use jQuery Autocomplete to make an AJAX call to WebAPI in an MVC4 application.
9 Dec 2013 by dietmar paul schoder
How to get the location of a specific IP-address
6 Jun 2014 by Amir Mohammad Nasrollahi
How to list the installed applications of your system and their setup details in C# language
30 Sep 2014 by WaqaarRasool
Heartbeat Implementation in WCF Service in C#
24 Apr 2015 by arora.abhishek
In this tip, we will learn about the new feature of C# 6.0, the Null Propagation Operator.
11 Feb 2016 by Martin Gmuca
A brief introduction to Windows 10 IoT development
11 Jan 2019 by akshay_zz
This article will provide you the alternative way to navigate page in a crystal report viewer, as default paging looks broken
23 Apr 2021 by honey the codewitch
BinaryReader needs a better way to read strings and types. Here's a quick and dirty fix
20 Oct 2015 by Manish Dubeyy
How to debug the design time errors in WPF XAML file?
22 Apr 2016 by Darryl Bryk
C# code for a low-pass Butterworth filter is presented
26 Apr 2020 by Omnia Hussain
A walk-through for creating a custom WPF button that contains both icon and text
16 Nov 2010 by alrosan
How to change input language
18 Jul 2013 by Mannava Siva Aditya
Uploading a file and creating a Zip file in ASP.NET with C#.
12 Aug 2013 by Le Sourcier
This tip helps in using font icons as ImageSource.
11 Jan 2015 by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Glimpse Extension for server side debugging and diagnostic information of ASP.NET applications
11 Mar 2015 by Ivan Yakimov
In this article I'll explain how to make something similar to load balancer on your single developer machine.
24 Jun 2015 by Nadun Liyanage
This tip describes creating a user control to display a drop down calculator that pops out like the DateTimePicker in Visual Studio
1 Oct 2015 by Clifford Nelson
Presents a behavior to prevent entry of anything but digits into a control
26 Nov 2016 by JamesFaix
Get a collection of all running Excel interop Application objects (not just the active one)
15 Mar 2017 by Ricardo_Torres_Torres
Read text file and insert mutiples records in just one SQL Sentence
6 Aug 2016 by Clifford Nelson
This tip presents a way to have disabled items in your ComboBox
26 Sep 2017 by Clifford Nelson
A behavior that allows the developer to bind an IList to SelectedItems of a ListBox or MultiSelector.
19 Mar 2020 by honey the codewitch
Learn how to use a powerful programming technique for multitasking in your projects
6 Apr 2011 by #realJSOP
Never assume you know what the framework is going to do
16 Jan 2014 by Tom Glick Philadelphia, US
POC to demonstrate passing of collections of complex objects to ASP.NET Web API Controllers.
26 Mar 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Popular question on Forms collaboration, also answered for WPF
9 Apr 2015 by Royston Malcomber
Setting up Google reCaptcha version 2 with MVC5
12 Apr 2015 by Jeffijoe
Writing properly formatted, grammatically correct, translatable UI messages
26 Sep 2015 by AshishShukla6
This tip describes step by step implementation of executing stored procedure having user-defined table type as a parameter in entity framework using EntityFrameworkExtras package.
17 Nov 2016 by winsonet
Create and download the file with Ajax call in ASP.NET MVC
21 Mar 2017 by dsuryd
Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build real-time React + C# .NET web apps with dotNetify-React.
15 Apr 2021 by Thoits
A design pattern for C# that reuses a generic base class, modifying it using a traits class to allow changes that cannot be accomplished through overrides in an inherited class.
5 Jan 2023 by vblover Programmer
Load Menu from Resource-Only DLL (created by VC++) and Set for Form As MainMenu by API Functions.
12 Aug 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
Batching is a nice technique that allows you to handle big amounts of data gracefully. Directory.EnumerateFiles is the API that allows you to organize batch processing for the directory with a large number of files.
17 Jan 2024 by OriginalGriff
Why switch from the "traditional" BackgroundWorker to a Task? The old way works OK, but the new way generates "tidier" code which keeps stuff together (and needs less code)
10 Oct 2012 by Lama Barri
A library for packing / unpacking 7bit user data for SMS according to the GSM 03.38 standards.
8 Jun 2012 by Clifford Nelson
You can implement BackgroundWorker using Lambdas without any sort of helper class very easily.
26 Aug 2012 by Wendelius
The tip shows one way to resolve if a user control is in design mode.
5 Dec 2012 by tumbledDown2earth
Using dynamic or ExpandoObject is a breeze to dynamic data WebAPIs, but when serializing to XML, it can cause a brain damage sometimes :)
7 Jul 2013 by Behrooz Bahrameh
This tip describes how to read Excel files and make an array of objects from Excel.
2 Aug 2013 by Zhuyun Dai
Introduce how to recover IIS when it is broken by bad editing to applicationHost.config
14 Aug 2013 by adriancs
A program/application for learning and writing HTML. Get instant visual effect side by side with your code as you type. Support HTML5, Javascript and CSS3 elements.
21 Mar 2014 by sagar_253
Listview column sort and set sort column icon (ascending/desceding)
22 Oct 2014 by Kalvin Lawrence Ernst
Generate a web app instantly, directly from a database(SQL Server)
11 Nov 2014 by Sibeesh KV
Using Intro JS (Integration to Code Project FAQ)
15 Jan 2015 by Super Lloyd
All the tools to calculate Distance to Bezier curve, find the root of Polynomial, do Complex math
26 Feb 2015 by Shridhar Gowda
This tip will explain how to sort a table / GridView on an ASP.NET or MVC(AngularJs) application. I am demonstrating both client side and server side sorting. I am sure you will have a great knowledge on this topic after reading it.
7 Apr 2015 by perspolis
Calculating permutation in a non-recursive way
27 May 2015 by Hussain Patel
In this series of articles, we would be discussing about - Reflection in .NET
29 Jun 2016 by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands
20 Jan 2017 by Pete O'Hanlon
Using the implicit operator and fluent APIs to simplify building tests
5 Mar 2017 by Jose A Pascoa
16 Aug 2017 by Clifford Nelson
This is a simple behavior that can be attached to a ContentControl and allows zooming and dragging the Content.