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by Wayne Ye
Personal Schedule Management Tool
by Faisal(mfrony)
This article will help you to build your own scheduler with the flavour of Observable Design Pattern.
by Maxim Komlev
Task Scheduler JavaScript library
by László Á. Koller
Creating and implementing a custom URL validator in a web project.

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by Raj Kumar79
Create a new task and set up a IIS restart using Windows 10 Task Scheduler
by Greg Utas
Cleaving the Gordian knot of thread safety
by honey the codewitch
Leveraging some less well known areas of the .NET Task framework to schedule tasks to execute on your own conditions.
by InspGadget99
A small compact tutorial for creating Windows services in .NET Core - Examples containing scheduled jobs / Entitiy Framework Core / Hosting a WebApi

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27 Mar 2011 by Andrew Brock
erez_l wrote:The big prblem is that I don't know exactly what is the structure of those at files and how to search inside them, because they are in the "control panel\scheduled tasks" folder.You can easily dissect these files, MSDN has documentation on the file format.See 2.4.1...
24 Apr 2011 by Wayne Ye
Personal Schedule Management Tool
16 May 2013 by Faisal(mfrony)
This article will help you to build your own scheduler with the flavour of Observable Design Pattern.
27 Mar 2011 by Аslam Iqbal
Have you ever tried this:C:\>cd WINDOWSC:\WINDOWS>cd TasksC:\WINDOWS\Tasks>dir /a/s/bC:\WINDOWS\Tasks\dfrag.jobC:\WINDOWS\Tasks\At1.jobC:\WINDOWS\Tasks\desktop.iniC:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SA.DATC:\WINDOWS\Tasks\User_Task1.jobTo delete this *.job files Just execute the following...
23 Jan 2012 by Shahin Khorshidnia
Why did you realize that System.Timers was impossible But it works well for me!void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e){ Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate() { if(Your Conditions) YourMethod(); });}
22 May 2014 by László Á. Koller
Creating and implementing a custom URL validator in a web project.
27 Mar 2011 by Alan N
Schtasks.exe is a more recent tool than at.exe. With it you can create, query, run and delete tasks.C:\Documents and Settings\dev\desktop>schtasks /query /fo LIST /vHostName: GIRAFFETaskName: BCTESTNext Run Time: ...
19 Mar 2012 by Abhinav S
You can always use the Windows Scheduler[^] to schedule an exe to run at a particular time.
20 Mar 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You could be better of using existing Windows Task Scheduler service.Please see[^].First, you can schedule events using command-line utilities AT.EXE or CSHTASKS.EXE (which is replacing AT.EXE),...
4 Apr 2013 by Sudhakar Shinde
pausejob suspends execution of a particular job whereas pausetrigger results in suspending execution of all the jobs associated with it. So you should be using pauseTrigger to stop execution of all jobs associated with it.
31 May 2013 by Stas Wolski
This tutorial describes how to create a basic Google-like event calendar app for Windows 8.
20 Jun 2014 by Richard Deeming
Rather that writing this as a Windows Service, write it as a standalone application and use the built-in Task Scheduler to schedule it to run every hour:[^]
27 Oct 2015 by Debojyoti Saha
Users of the standard API:2,500 free requests per day, 10 requests per secondcheck it[^]
3 May 2016 by CHill60
In the past I've approached this in three slightly different ways1. Each process had it's own folder for handling the files "owned" by that process. Files were moved from the central drop area into the processing folder, then once that process was finished the file was physically moved into...
2 Jul 2021 by RickZeeland
You probably need the full path, e.g. C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe
10 Mar 2011 by OriginalGriff
It probably won't effect anything.It is a legacy from the days of DOS: all programs returned an int. Zero was OK, any other value was an error code. Batch programs could then test return codes and decide what processing to do as a result.When Windows was first developed, it was a...
27 Mar 2011 by Wendelius
To search the files you could use FindFirstFile[^] and FindNextFile[^]. When you found matches you could use CFile. Here's one good link:[^]
30 Mar 2011 by user_code
Hello, I want to get a list of all the AT scheduled tasks' application names.I'm using NetScheduleJobEnum() and an array of AT_ENUM structs. But in my code, after running of NetScheduleJobEnum, buffPtr doesn't point to an AT_ENUM, and the line:for(ai = buffPtr, cnt = 0; cnt
5 Oct 2011 by Yvan Rodrigues
The easiest an simplest way would be to employ the Windows Task Scheduler[^] service.Build your class into a console application, then use the Task Scheduler to schedule it. This can be done using the GUI (Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Task Scheduler), or at the command line using...
19 Mar 2012 by Dylan Morley
In addition to Abhinav S answer, have a look at this articleA New Task Scheduler Class Library for .NET[^]It's basically a .Net wrapper to the windows scheduler. Personally, I'd just use the Windows Scheduler by itself, keep it simple eh!
13 Sep 2012 by pdoxtader
Seems like you need to run the process as the logged in user. This code should do it (drop it in a new module):Imports System.Runtime.InteropServicesModule modProcessAsUser _ Private Structure STARTUPINFO Public cb As Int32...
16 Sep 2012 by pdoxtader
Here ya go - tested it just a minute ago. Use like this:ProcessAsUser.Launch("c:\YourApp.exe", "-Your -commands")Imports System.Runtime.InteropServicesModule modProcessAsUser _ Private Structure STARTUPINFO Public cb As...
19 Sep 2012 by malcomm
Well, despite the excellent advise received, I have failed completely to get the Win7 Scheduler to do the job its made for.A simple app that calls upon ffmpeg as a process. I can ffmpeg to fire up but its internal processes are now failing due to the Win7 Schedulers security crap.In...
18 Feb 2013 by Andreas Gieriet
If you want the best solution, you need to evaluate all permutations.Often, a good enough solution is sufficient.If you can define a "good enough" criterion, you can define a break condition to stop searching.E.g. (pseudo code):iteration = MaxIterations;best = none;while...
19 Apr 2014 by Manas Bhardwaj
You can use a PowerShell script and schedule it using Windows Scheduler to run at a specific time every day.People would argue to use SP Timer Jobs, but having the good old Scheduled jobs makes it cloud ready considering Microsoft shift to Office 365 where you can not run a Full Trust...
27 Jul 2015 by Ben J. Boyle
Either set it up with e SQL Server Agent (if available and you have access), or create a batch file to run a SQL script from the command line and schedule the batch file.Here[^] are the docs for SQLCMD:
28 Apr 2016 by OriginalGriff
That's not going to have any real effect - in fact it may slow things down as you are creating even more threads that you were (the new exe executions will also be threads).The problem is that you can only simultaneously execute as many threads in a system as you have free cores: if you have...
25 May 2018 by ChandraRam
The absolute same program, with same logged in user, runs correctly when invoked directly, but behaves differently when run as a scheduled task. What am I missing? Any suggestions welcome, thank you in advance. Edited to add program description: The program is kind of like a console app - it...
2 Jul 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
Your shutdown command should be "shutdown /r /t 0". The /t is the amount of second to wait before shutting down the machine. Specifying it also enables the /f option, which forces all applications that are open to close without user interaction...
23 Nov 2009 by ralphraptor
I have a simple script that maps a shared folder from one of our servers. And then move all the files from one of the folders in it to the local machine. I created an entry in windows scheduler to run this script every 10 minutes. The script works fine when I am logged in the machine.The problem
22 Nov 2009 by Aman Bhullar
Found a little different script for copying.Check if this can help you
24 Jan 2011 by JF2015
See this recent answer for an idea what is involved:create a timetable for scchool[^]
24 Feb 2011 by dankomil[^]
27 Mar 2011 by user_code
When creating a new scheduled task, using CreateProcess with at.exe command, I get files in the scheduled tasks folder named at1.job, at2.job, at3.job, etc. I want to delete some of them, using c++ programming. I want to search all the at files, look for a specific command in their command...
28 Mar 2011 by user_code
Hello,When using schtasks.exe, I can easily change "Run as" to be System (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM), with /RU option.I want to see task creator (under creator in Scheduled Tasks folder) to be System as well (now I see there my username). How can I do it?(If I use AT.exe the creator is...
28 Mar 2011 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can't. You cannot give a process more permissions that you already have.If the process needs to run as System, a process already running as System has to launch it itself.
28 Mar 2011 by Alan N
Hello again, What happens when you use the command line option /RU "SYSTEM". From my reading of the documentation[^] that should solve the problem, assuming you run schtasks from an administrator account.SCHTASKS /Create /SC hourly /TN Task1 /TR "notepad.exe" /RU "SYSTEM"Alan.
30 Mar 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Is it a variant of your past Question get application names of AT jobs from scheduled tasks[^]?Please see my Answer. I hope it will be helpful here as well.It can be the problem of compatibility between versions of Task Scheduler. You scheduled tasks could be invisible to this code. The...
5 Apr 2011 by #realJSOP
I looked at that article, and someone else posted this:You must write a flag after the setaccountinformation :_Task.Flags = TaskFlags.RunOnlyIfLoggedOn;
25 May 2011 by kode are
This sounds like you need to create a Windows Service. A windows service will run even when you are not logged in. Of course to do that, you would have to have Admin privileges and the VBScript would have to be in C# or VB.The following code (in C#) can be used to create a windows service...
13 Jul 2011 by Sobelja
Hi SirI have a dedicated server running IIS6.0.We have a website running in it using .NET 2.0 ( & C#)I want to know how we can automate and send a mail from a webpage on a daily basis at a specified time.Has anyone done this before.If so,Please share the informationThank...
13 Jul 2011 by Christian Graus
Your best bet to do this is to run a service on your server computer, I believe. ASP.NET generates pages on demand, it has no code running to check or run a timer.
22 Aug 2011 by Suresh Kumar_P
Hi to All,I used one (*.vbs) file for scheduler process. In that .vbs file i called Page1.aspx on that Page1.aspx page contain the method to redirect to Page2.aspx.My Problem is:While i configure the .vbs in Windows scheduler it's working fine and call the Page1.aspx, while executing...
5 Oct 2011 by Member 8290781
I need to check a daily log file for errors. I have created a C# class with one method that checks the file and sends an e-mail with the answer. I want the system to run this class automatically every night.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
25 Oct 2011 by ShacharK
I hoped I wouldn't have to deal with that, but it seems like you can't avoid the inevitable.I have in my server a pile of messages (received from the low-tier clients, and the upper-tier server), and are supposed to be broadcast eventually to all the clients, and to the server (simple tree...
25 Oct 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Sending messages from servers to clients is not recommended as the clients could be offline and it would take up to much resources on the server and wouldn't scale.Polling from the clients is recommended.For the distribution of messages (depending on your requirements of low latency and...
8 Dec 2011 by Member 8044422
Hi Team,We have a requirement where in all the emails sent by the specified sender’s to the identified email account need to be read and the attachments present in that email’s have to be extracted and placed in the designated Physical drive. This has to happen periodically. To achieve the...
8 Dec 2011 by #realJSOP
Try putting the code from your console app into a windows service (with approriate code for scheduling the action to be taken, of course), and turn off the scheduler altogether. That shouldn't take you more than an hour or two.
1 Feb 2012 by Manoj Tambe
hi all i am using calendar event scheduler in mvc after loading page they give the error Error type: LoadXML Description: Incorrect XML i am not getting what is the actual problem.please help me asapThanks in advanced Manoj Tambe
1 Feb 2012 by Abhinav S
Looks like the data that you are loading is not in correct xml format.The parser is unable to load this data as an XML.Based on what details you have provided, its impossible to deduce anything else.
7 Feb 2012 by Manoj Tambe
Hi I want to use Telerik Scheduler in mvc.using this i want save the event in database and display this event on the scheduler.also i want delete this event.please help me.Thanks in advanced Manoj Tambe
7 Feb 2012 by Christian Graus
If the control was writting for webforms, I doubt it will be compatible, it probably won't work, and MVC sure won't catch the events it tries to fire.If it was written for MVC, then you should read the documentation.You CAN do 'classic' ASP.NET pages inside an MVC project if you need to.
10 Mar 2012 by ali_amiri
Is There any relation between UMS and TPL?I mean can we create an application that uses TPL and UMS both together?If the answer is "yes" how can we use both of them?it is complicated for me!please make a simple code that use both of them if your answer is yes and if your answer is "no" please...
19 Mar 2012 by dgthecodeproject
26 Apr 2012 by andrew_dk
I've developed a COM+ server component (dll) that uses the ITaskScheduler and ITask interfaces to create and edit tasks for a specific .exe also created by the company I work for. The component is called from a classic ASP page (VBScript) and is part of an office package we are developing. The...
20 May 2012 by NaveenSoftwares
Hi,A particluar scheduled task is set to run in the windows 2008 server for every 5 minutes. It ran without any issues for the first time triggering an EXE. But for the next time, it fails to launch by itself and it throws the error code 2147750687.I have to manually trigger the scheduled...
21 May 2012 by Ruard
According to this[^] the error means: "duplicate task already running".So it seems that the task is still running. Perhaps you can find the answer on the page.Since it works when you trigger it manually it may have something to do with security.In that case you may want to take a look...
11 Jun 2012 by prathamesh chavan
Hi, I am required to send mails to a particular mailing list which is populated by a simple select query in sql server. This is required to be done every day at 8:30 am. So I am required to create a job in Control M. Can anyone provide me with some pointers regarding this , as I am new to...
24 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Yes, you can do it using SQL Server Agent. In SQL Server Agent, there is a Jobs section, where one can create a new job and see a list of steps that is needed to create it. During creation, one can specify the step to run a stored procedure(like: exec MyStoredProcedure).Refer: MS...
12 Sep 2012 by malcomm
HiI have written a .net application which, up till recently, was installed on a XP PC and run under Windows Scheduler. That worked perfectly.We have just migrated the app to a Windows 7 PC on which runs perfectly when run as astandard app. Click it and it runs.However when I try and...
17 Sep 2012 by pdoxtader
Honestly, I think you should save yourself the trouble and use the library. Here's an example using the library pulled from one of my projects. Using the task scheduler library, and the code below you can schedule an application to run, specify a command line, and determine the interval in...
10 Oct 2012 by Blake Miller
Do you impersonate the user prior to the COM calls?COM call could be executing in different thread, for which your impersonation is not set.
10 Oct 2012 by chaau
Make sure your IUsr_... user has SeImpersonatePrivilege privilege. The easiest way to check and/or set it is via secpol.msc. Go to User Rights Assignments->Impersonate a client after authentication and add the IUsr_... user there
10 Oct 2012 by Beniwal01
res = ::NetScheduleJobEnum(NULL, (LPBYTE*)&buffPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &nrRead, &posRead, NULL);if(res != 0){ int i;}else for(ai = buffPtr, cnt = 0; cnt JobId,...
17 Oct 2012 by bbirajdar
1. Outline exactly what you want your computer to do. You cannot make assumptions, and neither can the computer. If you want to write a program that will create a timetable, you must know and clearly outline every single rule in the time table and every possibility of what can happen in the time...
6 Nov 2012 by mohsen_3325
when i use this code:job code: Public Class ImportJob Implements IJob Public Sub Execute(context As IJobExecutionContext) Implements IJob.Execute '''some code End Sub End Classtrigger code: Public Class ScheduleManager Public Shared...
15 Nov 2012 by R. Giskard Reventlov
You should direct your questions to the author of the software. Start here[^]. You may have more luck than you've had here.
20 Nov 2012 by VIKASH RAAJ
hi, I want to get the alexa rank of my website daily through scheduling script in my hosting account. after fetching it should deliver the mail to my mail id.please share the script. script can be of any langauge but it should support the scheduling in php server.please mail me with the...
10 Dec 2012 by masdhasdh
Hello All,Framework using:2010 framework:3.5Operating system : 2008 enterprise R2Task done: I have created a web application(.aspx); containing coding related to consumption of web services, creation of word document reports (DOCX:using openxml library)and some...
11 Dec 2012 by Rai Pawan
HiI think you could have created the solution comprising of two projects i.e., 1. dot net library project to have the DOCX conversion code + charting code2. Consume the library using a stand alone console application (if it is not be accessed from outside)3. Configure the schedule jobs...
18 Jan 2013 by sijo 2
Hello all, I am facing a problem in running an SQL Job. it is working correctly in the test server but not working in the Live.i have attached the details of the history obtained when executed once.Date 12/17/2012 2:00:00 PMLog Job History (AC_Admin_Resend_Notification)Step...
20 Jan 2013 by milenalukic
Hi,Have you tried running the code in the job on the test server under that user? It could be a rights issue. Try running each step separately to make it easier to identify where the error lies.
5 Feb 2013 by Venkatesh Mookkan
I am not sure whether you searched well.[^][^]
15 Feb 2013 by Vicky.tts
I have to write a scheduler which sends an email automatically to the clients on a particular time.Can anybody please help me out to write that scheduler? Because m having no idea how to do this. I am using c# in MVC3 using linq.Thanks
15 Feb 2013 by Ranjithkumar54
Hai,There is another solution Create a console application and write your code build will get a .exe file in bin folder of your application and give that .exe file to windows schedular.....
15 Feb 2013 by fjdiewornncalwe
You have two options:1) As already posted by Ranjithkumar54(Solution 1), you could build a console application and execute it through Windows Scheduler.2) You could create a Windows Service application and run it that way.You should not try to run scheduled applications from a web...
18 Feb 2013 by sstiller
I have a series of processes that I want to occur in the least amount of time.Each Series has 4 consecutive parts, each component part may have different times in each series. The waits may be longer or shorter than the processes, The second waits must occur consecutively.ProccessA...
25 Mar 2013 by charan1431
I am using dhtmlx schedulehi,I have downloaded sample project for mvc4 scheduler.What I want is,If user double click on the schedule,I don't want to display the Lightbox,How can I define this in my view page and in which action I have to define it?Index.cshtml in"...
26 Mar 2013 by Jameel VM
Try this Using jQuery you can easily implement double click event$(document).ready(function(){ var yourControlId = $("#yourControl"); yourControlId .dblclick(function () { //show light box here });});Hope this helps
4 Apr 2013 by gavkk
How can I get a quartz scheduler which created in another java class.ex:I started a scheduler :SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory();Scheduler scheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler();JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail("gr1", "GTLPL",...
4 Apr 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Pass the scheduler object from the classA object to the classB object, via some method. e.g.ClassB bObject = new ClassB();bObject.method(scheduler);
4 Apr 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,Generally you are expected to call StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler() method. The factory will create the default scheduler instance and register it inside a SchedularRepository which is a singleton. So once the scheduler is up and running you can always obtain the reference for...
4 Apr 2013 by gavkk
What is the difference between pauseJob() and pauseTrigger() in quartz scheduler?How can select one among them for use?If I am using pauseJob(), will it 1. pause all the jobs in execution or2. pause all triggers of that jobwhich is right?
18 Apr 2013 by Member 9393685
0 down vote favorite I am facing an issue and need your expert advice.After changing timezone on frontend and DB servers i am facing issue where scheduled jobs are running late by one hour.Time Zone in DB Server was: (GMT -5:00) Indiana (East) Time Zone in frontend Server was:...
3 May 2013 by Anatos
Hi All,I assume that there are lot of discussions around windows service vs schedule tasks, however my case not so simple.There is asmx webservice, with dozen of methods, each method should be called be schedule(from 1 min to 24 hours), than data returned by this method should be...
27 Jun 2013 by malcomm
HiI’ve revisited this issue as my current solution of replacing the Windows 7 Scheduler with the Solway one has reached its limits. Solway doesn’t cater for 30 second start times plus it has a few other bugs.Just to recap, my application is written in VB2008, net 3, running under Win 7...
24 Jul 2013 by TheFoZ
Hi I been scouring the web for a good way to implement an alarm in my application. My aim is to set a time of day and when it is reached, display a message to a user.I was thinking of using a background worker that would Sleep until the required time and fire things on but I've seen...
24 Jul 2013 by Code-Hunt
19 Aug 2013 by LordVovin
Hi All,I've got a question regarding Calendar or Scheduler. Maybe first I will describe you, what I would like to achieve. My application is some kind of employee management tool, and my idea is to create vacation planner as well. I'm using user controls to open things in mainWindow (as a...
26 Oct 2013 by Churianov Roman
So far I've found very little information on the scheduling policy, resource management policy of Azure HPC Scheduler.I would appreciate any kind of information regarding some of these questions:* What scheduling policy does a Head Node use to scatter jobs to Compute Nodes?* Does Azure...
20 Nov 2013 by Sriram Ramachandran
Hi ALL,I've a requirement. kindly say me the functional feasibility. I need to fetch all emails from mail server we use. I've a web application which runs without internet. So I decided to automatically fetch emails from mail server and direct to SQL SERVER(2008) storing from, subject,body...
8 Jan 2014 by Member 10512952
We are getting this exception after a job fired successfully (quartz 1.5.2): M: 2014-01-08 07:31:14,737 [QuartzScheduler_Worker-9] ERROR org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger - An error occured while marking executed job complete. job= 'DEFAULT.MIL002_APPLINK_HTTP_SMS_20140108070013'...
3 Feb 2014 by ahmed ali mohd
hiee Iam a new bee..I have assigned with a task of writing a wcf service for scheduling without using windows service. here it goes...I have a table in the database consists of URI,Profile number,schedule time1,schedule time2.Now the URI should be fired when ever the schedule time occur....
7 Apr 2014 by vicvis
Hi,I am really struggling with an issue and will be grateful if you expert can provide some good solution.My problem is that i need to write a window service that could look for some detail in database and send mail...I have written a service but i want it to run every hour.How can i...
23 Apr 2014 by ali_1
Dear All ,How are You ??I have created a Windows Task named "MytestTask"and I am executing the following code for running the task ,I dont know why it is not working ************************************************** protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs...
24 Apr 2014 by OriginalGriff
Probably, it's your arguments: Look at the documentation and I suspect your "/Run/TN" part ios wrong: RUN needs a username which doesn't seem to be optional.[^]I would also suggest that you add the path to your...
14 May 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Of course what you have tried is totally wrong as it simply put the main thread to sleep and keep it non-responsive for a while. Basically, almost any use of the Sleep in the UI thread is the indication of wrong approach. Your snooze method should set some flag in the state machine of your...
20 Jun 2014 by E.F. Nijboer
Simply schedule task a windows. Check here:[^]Good luck!
2 Jul 2014 by Peter Leow
You have been posting 6 different homework in the last couple of minutes. You have seriously got the wrong idea. This is a quick answers forum that helps fellow programmer to learn to solve specific coding issue. We do not do your homework. We are not helping you if we do. The purpose of...