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Comments by OriginalGriff (Top 200 by date)

OriginalGriff 5hrs 15mins ago View    
There is no "one answer" that guarantees profits.
If you are selling 10 copies at $200,000 each, then buy damn good protection - the customer will understand and even expect it, but it's unlikely to be heavily pirated anyway.
If you are selling 10 copies at $20 each, then it's not worth protecting - it'll cost more to add and support it than you'll make.
And it'll depend on who your customers are: think about software that gets pirated and if your software fits into that group.

Somewhere in the middle is a "happy medium" where it's worth protecting, but where that is depends on your specific circumstances - and the heavier the protection you add, the more likely it gets to be cracked as a challenge, and the more your support costs grow when the protection gets too "heavy handed" with legitimate customers.

In my experience, it's almost never worth your time to add "home grown" protection to software!
OriginalGriff 6hrs ago View    
Think about your number projections, and work out "best case" and "worst case" values. Then look at the worst case - because if you get the the best case the likelihood of of cracking goes up, not down but you've probably got the revenue stream to support paying for "proper" protection. How much is your time worth to you? How much of it can you afford to expend before (in the worst case) you start to make a loss? How many hours is that? How many hours have you invested in "protection" so far? How much money is left in the budget for that?

Remember, if it gets to selling significantly above worse case you can add protection as part of a major "free upgrade" - but if you add poor protection it'll impact sales and drive your support costs up as well as damaging reputation.

I'm guessing here, but I'd say you have probably gone out of budget already!

Is it really that obvious that I used to run companies? :laugh:
OriginalGriff 2 days ago View    
AI can write code!

Not working code, no. But even students can write non-working code and they are hardly intelligent most of the time ... :D
OriginalGriff 2 days ago View    
As CPallini says, that's just a code dump.

And we have no idea what it is supposed to do, much less helps us with any information, such as:
1) What does it do that you didn't expect, or not do that you did?
2) What have you tried to do to find out why?
3) Are there any error messages, and if so, where and when? What did you do to make them happen?
4) If you have "completed the entire code" then what is the problem? Just hand it in for grading!

This is not a good question - we cannot work out from that little what you are trying to do.
Remember that we can't see your screen, access your HDD, or read your mind - we only get exactly what you type to work with.
Use the "Improve question" widget to edit your question and provide better information.
OriginalGriff 3 days ago View    
Answer updated