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Update History:

06 Aug 2000 - David Wulff - Fixed desktop folder selection. Now buttons are only drawn raised when the mouse is over them, and button status is reset when a new button is selected. Drawing code has been redone to mimic the Office 2000 File dialog appearance (for the 'side bar'). Other miscellaneous changes and tidying up.

08 Aug 2000 - David Wulff - Rewrote control placement code to allow the dialog size to be calculated from the template size. Updated the CCoolBtn class to look more like the Office 2000 equivalent.

13 Aug 2000 - David Wulff - Fixed network folder selection. Modified the shell folder loading code to support OS's without IE4 or later installed (thanks to Mike Dunn for the solution). Icons are now drawn in true 256 colours on machines with more than 256 colours (although they are no longer transparent - see note in source). Dialog now supports custom context help (see above).

16 August 2000 - David Wulff, When selecting a file in the list control, then choosing a button on the side bar, the dialog no longer returns the previously selected file.

18 August 2000 - David Wulff, (again). Updated the article to explain how to incorporate the dialog into your own applications.

06 Sep 2000 - David Wulff. Demo program updated to show how to retrieve the selected filename.

08 Sep 20000 - David Wulff. Completely rewrote demo program to show off all features of the new file dialog. Added the preview panel which lets you preview bitmap images. Updated article to reflect this.

15 Sep 20000 - Duc Truong, fixed memory leak in OnPaint.

14 Oct 20000 - Miscellaneous changes:

22 March 2001 - David Wulff - Updated the source to include the VS.NET style for the sidebar. Cleaned up some minor problems with the picture preview not updating if the dialog was dragged off screen (thanks to James Millson for bringing it to my attention). Added a new demo program to show off the VS.NET style dialogs. I added basic support for opening files from the Internet (by downloading them to the temp directory). This code uses Chris Maunder's CWebGrab class, and my implementation of it is still in testing and has only been used to download text files so far.

24 Mar 2001 - David Wulff, miscellaneous drawing updates
Tak^Shoran, working sizing support for dialogs with no image preview.

31 Mar 2001 - David Wulff, Major Update. A lot of the code has been updated, and the source files have been tidied up and re-commented. The sizing support now works for all dialogs (Windows 98 and 2000 and later only). Sizing support and the new VS.NET style can now be dynamically specified rather than at compile time. Article content updated to reflect new code.