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TOOL (Tiny Object Oriented Language) is an easily-embedded, object-oriented, C++-like-language interpreter. The purpose of this article is to introduce the TOOL interpreter and language from the perspective of a person who has a desire to include a scripting solution as part of his project.
/*                              SOURCE FILE                                  */
       $Archive:   $

      $Revision:   $
          $Date:   $
        $Author:   $

    Description:   Implementation of sql lite database wrapper classes

                      TOOL And XML FORMS License

                      Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation 
                      and software included in the TOOL package is 
                      copyrighted by Michael Swartzendruber.

                      Copyright (C) 2005 Michael John Swartzendruber. 
                      All rights reserved.

                      Access to this code, whether intentional or accidental,
                      does NOT IMPLY any transfer of rights.

                      This software is provided "as-is," without any express 
                      or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held
                      liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

                      Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for 
                      any purpose, including commercial applications, and to 
                      alter and redistribute it, provided that the following 
                      conditions are met:

                      1. All redistributions of source code files must retain 
                         all copyright notices that are currently in place, 
                         and this list of conditions without modification.

                      2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
                         you must not claim that you wrote the original software.

                      3. If you use this software in another product, an acknowledgment
                         in the product documentation would be appreciated but is
                         not required.

                      4. Modified versions in source or binary form must be plainly 
                         marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being 
                         the original software.
static char OBJECT_ID[] = "$Revision:   $ : $Date:   $";

#include "../../../stdafx.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "../../SqlLite/sqlite.h"
#include "VMSqlLite.h"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteDatabase::VMSqlLiteDatabase

       DESCRIPTION:  opens the connection to the indicated database file

             INPUT:  pchFileName - pointer to the full path to the database file
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:   - 
VMSqlLiteDatabase::VMSqlLiteDatabase( const char* pchFileName )  :  m_poDB( NULL )
  InitializeCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );
  if ( NULL != pchFileName )
    Open( VMString( pchFileName ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteDatabase::VMSqlLiteDatabase"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteDatabase::VMSqlLiteDatabase

       DESCRIPTION:  default ctor for database connection object

             INPUT:  void 
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  none
VMSqlLiteDatabase::VMSqlLiteDatabase( void )  :  m_poDB( NULL )
  InitializeCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteDatabase::VMSqlLiteDatabase"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteDatabase::~VMSqlLiteDatabase

       DESCRIPTION:  dtor

             INPUT:  void 
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  none
VMSqlLiteDatabase::~VMSqlLiteDatabase( void )
  DeleteCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteDatabase::~VMSqlLiteDatabase"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteDatabase::GetLock

       DESCRIPTION:  single threads the connection objct

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  void  
void VMSqlLiteDatabase::GetLock( void )
  EnterCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteDatabase::GetLock"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteDatabase::FreeLock

       DESCRIPTION:  thread release of this

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  void  
void VMSqlLiteDatabase::FreeLock( void )
  LeaveCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteDatabase::FreeLock"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteDatabase::Open

       DESCRIPTION:  opens and attaches to the given database file

             INPUT:  oFileName - the file name to open
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  true if worked, false if not
bool VMSqlLiteDatabase::Open( VMString oFileName )
  char* pchErrorMessage = NULL;


	m_poDB = sqlite_open( oFileName.Buffer(), 0, &pchErrorMessage );

  if ( !m_poDB )
    if ( pchErrorMessage )
      m_oErrorMessage = VMString( pchErrorMessage );
      sqlite_freemem( pchErrorMessage );
    return( false );
  return( true );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteDatabase::Open"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteDatabase::Close

       DESCRIPTION:  detaches this from the database file

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  true if worked, false if not
bool VMSqlLiteDatabase::Close( void )
  if ( m_poDB )
    sqlite_close( m_poDB );
    m_poDB = NULL;
  return( true );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteDatabase::Close"



     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::VMSqlLiteQueryBase

       DESCRIPTION:  ctor

             INPUT:  poDB - pointer to database connection object
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  none
VMSqlLiteQueryBase::VMSqlLiteQueryBase( VMSqlLiteDatabase* poDB ) : m_poDB( poDB )
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::VMSqlLiteQueryBase"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::SetColumnNameAtIndex

       DESCRIPTION:  for results result set, set the name of the column at the
                     the each column index

             INPUT:  ppchColumnNames - pointer to column names array
                     iColumnCount - the number of columns in the names array

           RETURNS:  void  - 
void VMSqlLiteQueryBase::SetColumnNameAtIndex( const char** ppchColumnNames, int iColumnCount )
  for ( int iLoop = 0; iLoop < iColumnCount; iLoop++ )
    VMString oColumnName( ppchColumnNames[ iLoop ] );
    m_oColumnNames[ std::string( oColumnName.Buffer() ) ] = iLoop;
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::SetColumnNameAtIndex"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::GetColumnIndexForName

       DESCRIPTION:  returns the column index for the given column

             INPUT:  oFieldName - the name of the column to look up
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  -1 if failed, or column index
int VMSqlLiteQueryBase::GetColumnIndexForName( VMString oFieldName )

  MAP_FIELDS_BY_NAME_ITER oIter = m_oColumnNames.find( std::string( oFieldName.Buffer() ) );
  if ( oIter == m_oColumnNames.end() )
    return( -1 );
  return( (*oIter).second );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::GetColumnIndexForName"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsChar

       DESCRIPTION:  convert a result value to a character pointer

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  value as character pointer
const char* VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsChar( void ) const
  return( m_pchData );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsChar"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsString

       DESCRIPTION:  convert a result value to a string object

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  value as string
VMString VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsString( void ) const
  return( VMString( m_pchData ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsString"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsLong

       DESCRIPTION:  convert a result value to a long

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  value as a long
long VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsLong( void ) const
  return( atol( m_pchData ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsLong"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsDouble

       DESCRIPTION:  convert a result value to a double

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  value as double
double VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsDouble( void ) const
  return( atof( m_pchData ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsDouble"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsBool

       DESCRIPTION:  convert a result value to a boolean

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  value as boolean
bool VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsBool( void ) const
  return( AsLong() != 0 );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsBool"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsDate

       DESCRIPTION:  convert a result value to a date object

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  value as date
VMDateTime VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsDate( void ) const
  return( VMDateTime( m_pchData ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField::AsDate"



     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::VMSqlLiteQuery

       DESCRIPTION:  ctor

             INPUT:  poDB - pointer to database connection object
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  none
VMSqlLiteQuery::VMSqlLiteQuery( VMSqlLiteDatabase* poDB ) 
: VMSqlLiteQueryBase( poDB ),
  m_poDBVM( NULL ),
	m_iColumnIndex( -1 ), 
  m_ppchColumnValue( NULL ), 
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::VMSqlLiteQuery"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::~VMSqlLiteQuery

       DESCRIPTION:  dtor

             INPUT:  void 
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  none
VMSqlLiteQuery::~VMSqlLiteQuery( void )
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::~VMSqlLiteQuery"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::Close

       DESCRIPTION:  close the query set

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  true if worked, false if not 
bool VMSqlLiteQuery::Close( void )
  if ( !m_poDBVM )
    return( true );

  m_oLastError = _T( "" );

  char* pchErrorMessage = NULL;

  int iResult = sqlite_finalize( m_poDBVM, &pchErrorMessage );
  if ( iResult != SQLITE_OK )
    if ( pchErrorMessage )
      m_oLastError = VMString( pchErrorMessage );
      sqlite_freemem( pchErrorMessage );
  m_poDBVM = NULL;
  return( iResult == SQLITE_OK );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::Close"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::Execute

       DESCRIPTION:  execute a query against the database

             INPUT:  pchFormatString - format string
                     ... - arguments

           RETURNS:  true if worked, false if not
bool VMSqlLiteQuery::Execute( const char* pchFormatString, ... )

  m_oLastError = _T( "" );
  va_list args;
  va_start( args, pchFormatString );

  const char* pchSqlRemainder = NULL;
  char*       pchErrorMessage = NULL; 

  char* pchSQL = sqlite_vmprintf( pchFormatString, args );

  int iResult = sqlite_compile( m_poDB->GetDB(), pchSQL, &pchSqlRemainder, &m_poDBVM, &pchErrorMessage );
  sqlite_freemem( pchSQL );
  va_end( args );

  if ( iResult != SQLITE_OK )
    if ( pchErrorMessage )
      m_oLastError = VMString( pchErrorMessage );
      sqlite_freemem( pchErrorMessage );
  return( m_oLastError.Length() == 0 );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::Execute"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::IsEOF

       DESCRIPTION:  is the result set exhausted?

             INPUT:  void 
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  true if it is, false if not
bool VMSqlLiteQuery::IsEOF( void ) const
  return( m_poDBVM == NULL );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::IsEOF"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::FetchData

       DESCRIPTION:  get one row row of data into local buffers

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  true if worked, false if not
bool VMSqlLiteQuery::FetchData( void )
  int iResult = 0;
  int iColumn = sqlite_step( m_poDBVM, &iResult, &m_ppchColumnValue, &m_ppchColumnName );
  if ( iColumn != m_iColumnIndex )
    m_iColumnIndex = iColumn;
    if ( NULL != m_ppchColumnName && NULL != *m_ppchColumnName )
      SetColumnNameAtIndex( m_ppchColumnName, m_iColumnIndex );

  if ( iResult == SQLITE_ROW )
    return( true );
    return( false );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::FetchData"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnIndex

       DESCRIPTION:  returns the column index for this

             INPUT:  void
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  internal column index value 
int VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnIndex( void ) const
  return( m_iColumnIndex );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnIndex"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnNameAtIndex

       DESCRIPTION:  the column name for the given index

             INPUT:  iFieldIndex - the index to get the name for
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  pointer to column name
const char* VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnNameAtIndex( int iFieldIndex )
  return( m_ppchColumnName[ iFieldIndex ] );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnNameAtIndex"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnValueByIndex

       DESCRIPTION:  gets the column value at the given column index (for the
                     current row)

             INPUT:  iFieldIndex - the column index
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField value object
VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnValueByIndex( int iFieldIndex )
  return( CDBField( m_ppchColumnValue[ iFieldIndex ] ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnValueByIndex"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnValueByName

       DESCRIPTION:  get the value for the column by column name (for the current

             INPUT:  oFieldName - the name of the field to get the value for
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField value object 
VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnValueByName( VMString oFieldName )
  int iIndex = GetColumnIndexForName( oFieldName );
  if ( iIndex < 0 )
    VMString oError;
    oError.Format( "Unknown field name <%s>", oFieldName.Buffer() );
    throw VMSqlLiteException( oError );
  return GetColumnValueByIndex( iIndex );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQuery::GetColumnValueByName"



     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::VMSqlLiteQueryResult

       DESCRIPTION:  ctor

             INPUT:  poDB - pointer to connection object
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  none
VMSqlLiteQueryResult::VMSqlLiteQueryResult( VMSqlLiteDatabase* poDB )
: VMSqlLiteQueryBase( poDB ),
  m_ppchResult( NULL ), 
  m_iRowCount( 0 ), 
  m_iColumnCount( 0 ),
  m_iCursor( 0 )
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::VMSqlLiteQueryResult"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::~VMSqlLiteQueryResult

       DESCRIPTION:  dtor

             INPUT:  void 
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  none
VMSqlLiteQueryResult::~VMSqlLiteQueryResult( void )
  sqlite_free_table( m_ppchResult );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::~VMSqlLiteQueryResult"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::Execute

       DESCRIPTION:  executes a query against the database and caches the result

             INPUT:  pchFormatText - format string for query
                     ... - arguments

           RETURNS:  true if worked, false if not
bool VMSqlLiteQueryResult::Execute( const char* pchFormatText, ... )
  sqlite_free_table( m_ppchResult );
  m_oLastError = _T( "" );

  char* pchErrorMessage = NULL;

  va_list args;
  va_start( args, pchFormatText );
  int iResult = SQLITE_ERROR;
  iResult = sqlite_get_table_vprintf( m_poDB->GetDB(), 
                                      args );
  va_end( args );
  if ( iResult != SQLITE_OK )
    if ( pchErrorMessage )
      m_oLastError = VMString( pchErrorMessage );
      sqlite_freemem( pchErrorMessage );
    return( false );
  SetColumnNameAtIndex( (const char**)m_ppchResult, m_iColumnCount );
  return( true );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::Execute"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::NumChanges

       DESCRIPTION:  return the number of rows changed by a query

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  row count 
int VMSqlLiteQueryResult::NumChanges( void )
  return( sqlite_changes( m_poDB->GetDB() ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::NumChanges"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetRowCount

       DESCRIPTION:  returns the number of rows in the result set

             INPUT:  void 
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  row count
int VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetRowCount( void )
  return( m_iRowCount );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetRowCount"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetColumnCount

       DESCRIPTION:  returns the number of columns in the result set

             INPUT:  void  
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  column count 
int VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetColumnCount( void )
  return( m_iColumnCount );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetColumnCount"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetFieldNameByIndex

       DESCRIPTION:  returns the name of the column at the given colum index

             INPUT:  iFieldIndex - column index
            OUTPUT:  none

           RETURNS:  pointer to column name
char* VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetFieldNameByIndex( int iFieldIndex )
  return( m_ppchResult[ iFieldIndex ] );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetFieldNameByIndex"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetValueAt

       DESCRIPTION:  return the value object at the given row/column location

             INPUT:  iRowIndex - 
                     iFieldIndex - 

           RETURNS:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField value object
VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetValueAt( int iRowIndex, int iFieldIndex )
  return( CDBField( m_ppchResult[ ( iRowIndex + 1 ) * m_iColumnCount + iFieldIndex ] ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetValueAt"


     FUNCTION NAME:  VMSqlLiteQueryResult::FieldByName

       DESCRIPTION:  return the value object at the given row index for the
                     given column name

             INPUT:  iRowIndex - 
                     oColumnName - 

           RETURNS:  VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField  value object
VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField VMSqlLiteQueryResult::FieldByName( int iRowIndex, VMString oColumnName )
  int iColumnIndex = GetColumnIndexForName( oColumnName );
  if ( iColumnIndex < 0 )
    VMString oError;
    oError.Format( "Unknown field name <%s>", oColumnName.Buffer() );
    throw VMSqlLiteException( oError );
  return( GetValueAt( iRowIndex, iColumnIndex ) );
/* End of function "VMSqlLiteQueryResult::FieldByName"

VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField VMSqlLiteQueryResult::GetValueAt( int fieldIdx )
  return( GetValueAt( m_iCursor, fieldIdx ) );

VMSqlLiteQueryBase::CDBField VMSqlLiteQueryResult::FieldByName( VMString fieldName )
  return( FieldByName( m_iCursor, fieldName ) );

/* Check-in history */
 *$Log:  $

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Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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