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TOOL (Tiny Object Oriented Language) is an easily-embedded, object-oriented, C++-like-language interpreter. The purpose of this article is to introduce the TOOL interpreter and language from the perspective of a person who has a desire to include a scripting solution as part of his project.
/*                              HEADER FILE                                  */
       $Archive: $

      $Revision: $
          $Date: $
        $Author: $

    Description: Declaration of the MemoryManager class for the InterPiler

                      TOOL And XML FORMS License

                      Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation 
                      and software included in the TOOL package is 
                      copyrighted by Michael Swartzendruber.

                      Copyright (C) 2005 Michael John Swartzendruber. 
                      All rights reserved.

                      Access to this code, whether intentional or accidental,
                      does NOT IMPLY any transfer of rights.

                      This software is provided "as-is," without any express 
                      or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held
                      liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

                      Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for 
                      any purpose, including commercial applications, and to 
                      alter and redistribute it, provided that the following 
                      conditions are met:

                      1. All redistributions of source code files must retain 
                         all copyright notices that are currently in place, 
                         and this list of conditions without modification.

                      2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
                         you must not claim that you wrote the original software.

                      3. If you use this software in another product, an acknowledgment
                         in the product documentation would be appreciated but is
                         not required.

                      4. Modified versions in source or binary form must be plainly 
                         marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being 
                         the original software.

#include <vector>
#include "./APIClasses/VMByteArray.h"
#include "./Collections/VMQueue.h"
#include "./Collections/VMStack.h"
#include "VMCoreGlobal.h"
#include "VMCoreScreenInfo.h"
#include "VMCoreVirtualChip.h"
#include "VMCoreInterpreter.h"
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
#include "VMCoreCmdLineOptions.h"

// declaration of a value container that can be used to pass variables between
// the application context and the scripting engine
class CAppContextVariant
  enum eValueType

  CAppContextVariant::eValueType GetValueType( void ) const { return( m_eType ); };

  CAppContextVariant( const char*         pchValue  );
  CAppContextVariant( long                lValue    );
  CAppContextVariant( bool                bValue    );
  CAppContextVariant( double              dblValue  );
  CAppContextVariant( DWORD               roValue   );
  CAppContextVariant( SYSTEMTIME          xValue    );
  CAppContextVariant( VMByteArray&        roValue   );

  ~CAppContextVariant( void );

  bool GetValue( char* pchOutput, int& iOutBufferSize ) const;
  bool GetValue( long&               rlOutput    )      const;
  bool GetValue( bool&               rbOutput    )      const;
  bool GetValue( double&             rdblOutput  )      const;
  bool GetValue( DWORD&              rdwOutput   )      const;
  bool GetValue( SYSTEMTIME&         rxOutput    )      const;
  bool GetValue( VMByteArray&        roOutput    )      const;

  CAppContextVariant* Clone( void );
  int  AsString( char* pchOutput ) const;

  char*               m_pchValue;
  long                m_lValue;
  bool                m_bValue;
  double              m_dblValue;
  SYSTEMTIME          m_xTimeValue;
  VMByteArray         m_oBytesValue;
  DWORD               m_dwValue;
  eValueType          m_eType;

// define the collection that is passed between the application context and
// the scripting context for data I/O
typedef std::map< std::string, CAppContextVariant* > SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS;
typedef SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS::iterator                   SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS_ITER;

// The Application Context class is used to provide a loosely coupled interface
// that allows the interpiler to be easily integrated into an application's
// design and implementation

class CAppContext
  CAppContext( void ) {;};
  virtual ~CAppContext( void ) {;};

  virtual bool  SetFieldByName( const char* pchFieldName, 
                                const CAppContextVariant* poFieldValue ) = 0;
  virtual const CAppContextVariant* GetFieldByName( const char* pchFieldName ) = 0;

  virtual bool  WriteDirectToTemplateContext( const char* pchToWrite ) = 0;

// Thread Safe Implementation of an Application Context class

class CThreadSafeAppContext : public CAppContext
friend class VMFacade;
friend class VMVirtualOpSys;

  CThreadSafeAppContext( SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS* poScriptArguments = NULL ) : CAppContext()
    InitializeCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

    m_poScriptArguments        = poScriptArguments;
    m_bThisOwnsCriticalSection = true;

  virtual ~CThreadSafeAppContext( void )
    if ( m_bThisOwnsCriticalSection == true )
      DeleteCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

  virtual bool  SetFieldByName( const char* pchFieldName, 
                                const CAppContextVariant* poFieldValue )
    bool bResult = true;

    EnterCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

    if ( NULL != m_poScriptArguments )
      bResult = true;

      SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS_ITER oIter = m_poScriptArguments->find( std::string( pchFieldName ) );

      if ( oIter != m_poScriptArguments->end() )
        m_poScriptArguments->erase( oIter );
      m_poScriptArguments->insert( SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS::value_type( std::string( pchFieldName ), 
                                                                              const_cast<CAppContextVariant*>( poFieldValue ) ) );  
      bResult = false;

    LeaveCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

    return( bResult );

  virtual const CAppContextVariant* GetFieldByName( const char* pchFieldName )
    CAppContextVariant* poResult = NULL;

    EnterCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

    if ( NULL != m_poScriptArguments )
      SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS_ITER oIter = m_poScriptArguments->find( std::string( pchFieldName ) );
      if ( oIter != m_poScriptArguments->end() )
        poResult = (*oIter).second;

    LeaveCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

    return( poResult );

  void ClearAllVars( void )
    EnterCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

    if ( m_poScriptArguments )

      for ( oIter  = m_poScriptArguments->begin();
            oIter != m_poScriptArguments->end();
            oIter++ )
        delete (*oIter).second;

    LeaveCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

  void CloneArguments( SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS* poArguments, bool bOverWrite )
    EnterCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

    if ( m_poScriptArguments && bOverWrite )

      for ( oIter  = m_poScriptArguments->begin();
            oIter != m_poScriptArguments->end();
            oIter++ )
        delete (*oIter).second;
      m_poScriptArguments    = new SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS;

    if ( poArguments )

      for ( oIter  = poArguments->begin();
            oIter != poArguments->end();
            oIter++ )
        std::string oKey            = (*oIter).first;
        CAppContextVariant* poValue = (*oIter).second->Clone();

        m_poScriptArguments->insert( SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS::value_type( oKey, poValue ) );

    LeaveCriticalSection( &m_xCriticalSection );

  SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS* m_poScriptArguments;
  CRITICAL_SECTION  m_xCriticalSection;
  bool              m_bThisOwnsCriticalSection;

  // copy and assignment construction not allowed
  CThreadSafeAppContext( const CThreadSafeAppContext& roOther );
  virtual CThreadSafeAppContext& operator=( const CThreadSafeAppContext& roOther ){ return( *this ); };

// define the basic allocation unit
typedef char* AUNIT;

// block flags
#define MARK  1

// size of each type of memory segment 
#define VSSIZE           10000  // number of LVAL's per vector segment

// vector segment structure 
typedef struct vsegment 
   struct vsegment* vs_next;    // next vector segment 
   AUNIT*           vs_free;    // next free location in this segment 
   AUNIT*           vs_top;      // top of segment (plus one) 
   AUNIT            vs_data[1]; // segment data 

// forward declarations
class VMCompiler;
class VMInterpreter;
class VMVirtualOpSys;
class VMCmdLineOptions;

class VMVirtualMachine : public VMScreenInfo
      m_psVectorSegmentList    = NULL;
      m_psCurrentVectorSegment = NULL;
      m_psNextFreeLocation     = NULL;
      m_psTopCurrentSegment    = NULL;
      m_bShowCallResults       = false; 

   virtual ~VMVirtualMachine( void );

   // this is the only method that the virtual 
   // operating system needs to over ride
   virtual int InitVirtualMachine( int smax, int cmax );

   void        SetCompiler( VMCompiler& roCompiler ){ m_poCompiler = &roCompiler; };
   void        SetDataSpace( VMVirtualChip& roVirtualChip ){ m_poVirtualChip = &roVirtualChip; };     
   void        SetInterpreter( VMInterpreter& roInterpreter ){ m_poInterpreter = &roInterpreter; };

   void          MarkReachableBlocks( VMVARIANT *val );
   char*         GetCStyleString( char* buf, int max, VMVARIANT* str );
   VMCLASS*      AllocateNewClass( char* name, VMVARIANT* base );
   VMDICT_ENTRY* AddDictionaryEntry( VMVARIANT* dict, char* key, int type );
   VMDICT_ENTRY* FindDictionaryEntry( VMVARIANT* dict, char* key );

   // mjs: new runtime strings
   VMSTRING*     AllocateNewString( int n, bool bRunTimeAlloc );

   VMOBJECT*     AllocateNewObject( VMVARIANT* pxClass );
   VMVECTOR*     AllocateNewVector( int n );
   VMSTRING*     MakeVMString( char* str );
   void          PrintOneArg( FILE* fp, int qflag, VMVARIANT *val );
   void          PrintOneArg( VMVARIANT* ios, int qflag, VMVARIANT* val );
   void          ConvertToString( char *buf, VMVARIANT *val );
   void          SetArguments(int iArgc, char *argv[] );
   void          IllegalConstantAssignment( void );
   void          SetServerContext( CThreadSafeAppContext* poServerContext ){ m_poServerContext = poServerContext; };

   VMDICTIONARY* CreateNewDictionary( VMVARIANT* pxClass );
   VMDICT_ENTRY* AllocateDictionaryEntry( VMVARIANT* dict, char* key, int type );
   VMHDR*        AllocateMemory( int type, int size );
   int           FindVectorMemory( int size );
   int           CheckVectorMemory( int size );
   int           MakeVectorMemory( int size );
   int           ExpandVectorSpace( int size );
   VSEGMENT*     CreateNewVectorSegment( unsigned int n );
   void          RunGarbageCollection( void );
   void          MarkClass( VMCLASS* pxClass );
   void          MarkDictionary( VMDICTIONARY* dict );
   void          MarkEntry( VMDICT_ENTRY* entry );
   void          MarkObject( VMOBJECT* obj );
   void          MarkVector( VMVECTOR* vect );
   void          CompactMemory( void );
   int           GetBlockSize( VMHDR* hdr );
   void          CompactVectorSegment( VSEGMENT* vseg );
   void          ConfigureBuiltInFunction( char *name, int (VMVirtualOpSys::*fcn)(int) );
   void          ConfigureBuiltInFileType( char* name, FILE* fp );
   void          ConfigureStandardStream( char* name, FILE* fp, VMVARIANT* pval );
   VMIOSTREAM*   CreateNewStream( VMIODISPATCH* pxDispatch, void* pData );
   int           NotEnoughArguments( void );
   int           TooManyArguments( void );
   void          VerifyRunLineArguments( int iCount, int iRequired );
   void          PushToStack( void* pToPush, int iType );
   short         VerifyElementType( int iOffset, int iType );
   short         VerifySubElementType( int iControl, int iCompare );
   void          VerifyStackDepth( int iRequired );
   void          FreeVectorSegments( VSEGMENT* pxRoot );

   VMInterpreter*          m_poInterpreter;
   VMCompiler*             m_poCompiler;
   VMVirtualChip*          m_poVirtualChip;
   CThreadSafeAppContext*  m_poServerContext;

   VMCmdLineOptions        m_oCmdLine;

   char**                  m_pchArgv;
   int                     m_iArgc;
   bool                    m_bShowCallResults;

  TRACKED_ALLOCS           m_oTrackedAllocs;

   VSEGMENT*               m_psVectorSegmentList;       // list of vector segments 
   VSEGMENT*               m_psCurrentVectorSegment;    // current vector segment 
   AUNIT*                  m_psNextFreeLocation;        // next free location in current segment 
   AUNIT*                  m_psTopCurrentSegment;       // top of current segment 


/* Check-in history */
 *$Log: $

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Web Developer
United States United States
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