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18 Oct 2005CPOL7 min read 130K   2K   69  
A tool used to catch and combine values output by different applications.
// Author: Dr. Mircea Puiu
// Created on: October 2005 for CodeProject
// ScriptDlg.cpp : implementation file

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CatchCulator.h"
#include "ScriptDlg.h"

#include "CatchCulatorDlg.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CScriptDlg dialog

CScriptDlg::CScriptDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
	: CDialog(CScriptDlg::IDD, pParent)
		// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
	m_colorBkGnd = RGB(186, 198, 179);
	m_strCaption = " Script";
	m_nID = -1;

void CScriptDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SCRIPT, m_script);


// CScriptDlg message handlers

HBRUSH CScriptDlg::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) 
	HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);

	if ( nCtlColor != CTLCOLOR_EDIT)
		hbr = (HBRUSH)m_brushBkGnd.GetSafeHandle();
	return hbr;

BOOL CScriptDlg::OnInitDialog() 
	// TODO: Add extra initialization here
	return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
	              // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

double CScriptDlg::ComputedValue(char *resultName)
	// Look for the <resultName> in m_listToDo and return the result
	double			result = 0.0;
	Calculation		CL;
	CString			strName = resultName;

	if ( m_listToDo.IsEmpty () ) return result;
	// Cut the blanks at left and right, if any
	// Go through the list
	pos = m_listToDo.GetHeadPosition();
	while ( pos )
		CL = m_listToDo.GetNext(pos);
		if ( CL.resultName == strName )
			result = CL.result;
	return result;

POSITION CScriptDlg::FindVariable(char *varName)
	// Return the POSITION of [varName] in m_listToDo or NULL if not found
	POSITION		posName = NULL, pos, posCrt;
	Calculation		CL;
	CString			strName = varName;

	if ( m_listToDo.IsEmpty () ) return posName;
	// Cut the blanks at left and right, if any
	// Go through the list
	pos = m_listToDo.GetHeadPosition();
	while ( pos )
		posCrt = pos;
		CL = m_listToDo.GetNext(pos);
		if ( CL.resultName == strName )
			posName = posCrt;
	return posName;

void CScriptDlg::OnButtonUpdateScript() 
	// TODO: Update the script
	// Supported operations: +, -, *, /
	CCatchCulatorDlg	*pMain = (CCatchCulatorDlg *)AfxGetMainWnd();
	CString				strText, strL, strR, strAux;
	Calculation			CL;
	int					i, nLines, N, posToken, posTokenName1, posTokenName2;
	char				chText[1024], chValue[256];
	bool				bIsZero;
	double				dValue;

	if ( !pMain ) return;
	// Clear the previous calculations list, if any
	if ( !m_listToDo.IsEmpty() ) m_listToDo.RemoveAll();
	// Go throughout the multi-line edit control
	nLines = m_script.GetLineCount();
	for ( i=0; i<nLines; i++ )
		// Get line "i"
		N = m_script.GetLine(i, chText, 1023);
		chText[N] = 0; // make it a null-terminated string
		strText = chText;
		if ( strText.GetLength() < 1 ) continue; // no script in this line
		// Get the operation
		posToken = strText.ReverseFind('*');
		if ( posToken != -1 ) CL.operation = "*";
			posToken = strText.ReverseFind('/');
			if ( posToken != -1 ) CL.operation = "/";
				posToken = strText.ReverseFind('+');
				if ( posToken != -1 ) CL.operation = "+";
					posToken = strText.ReverseFind('-');
					if ( posToken != -1 ) CL.operation = "-";
					else continue; // unrecognized operation
		// Get the name associated with the result
		posTokenName2 = strText.Find(">");
		if ( posTokenName2 == -1 ) continue; // no name
		if ( posTokenName2 > posToken ) continue; // invalid naming
		posTokenName1 = strText.Find("<");
		if ( posTokenName1 == -1 ) continue; // no name
		if ( posTokenName1 > posTokenName2 ) continue; // invalid naming syntax
		CL.resultName = strText.Mid(posTokenName1 + 1, 
									posTokenName2 - posTokenName1 - 1);
		if ( CL.resultName == "" ) continue; // no name
		// Get the operands (left and right with respect to posToken)
		strL = strText.Mid(posTokenName2 + 1, posToken - posTokenName2 - 1);
		strR = strText.Right(strText.GetLength() - posToken - 1);
		if ( (strL == "") && (CL.operation != "+") && (CL.operation != "-") ) 
					continue; // no left operand
		if ( strR == "" ) continue; // no right operand
		strL.TrimLeft();	strL.TrimRight();
		strR.TrimLeft();	strR.TrimRight();
		// Check if strL is a constant value, else
		// look for strL among the names in the catches tree and then
		// among the names within the ToDo list
		strAux = strL;
		strAux.Replace(" ", "");
		bIsZero = false;
		if (strAux == "0" ) bIsZero = true;
		if ( strAux.GetLength() > 255 ) strncpy(chValue, strAux.GetBuffer(0), 255);
		else strcpy(chValue, strAux.GetBuffer(0));
		dValue = 0.0;
		sscanf(chValue, "%lf", &dValue);
		if ( bIsZero && ((int)dValue == 0) )
			// opL is constant 0
			CL.opL = "3-0";
		else if ( dValue != 0 )
			// opL is a (non-zero) constant
			sprintf(chValue, "%lf", dValue);
			CL.opL = "3-";
			CL.opL += chValue;
		else if ( pMain->FindVariable(strL.GetBuffer(0)) )
			// opL is a monitored variable
			CL.opL = "1-";
			CL.opL += strL;
			if ( FindVariable(strL.GetBuffer(0)) )
				CL.opL = "2-";
				CL.opL += strL;
				// Unknown variable, disregard script line
		// Check if strR is a constant value, else
		// look for strR among the names in the catches tree and then
		// among the names within the ToDo list
		strAux = strR;
		strAux.Replace(" ", "");
		bIsZero = false;
		if (strAux == "0" ) bIsZero = true;
		if ( strAux.GetLength() > 255 ) strncpy(chValue, strAux.GetBuffer(0), 255);
		else strcpy(chValue, strAux.GetBuffer(0));
		dValue = 0.0;
		sscanf(chValue, "%lf", &dValue);
		if ( bIsZero && ((int)dValue == 0) )
			// opR is constant 0
			CL.opR = "3-0";
		else if ( dValue != 0 )
			// opR is a (non-zero) constant
			sprintf(chValue, "%lf", dValue);
			CL.opR = "3-";
			CL.opR += chValue;
		else if ( pMain->FindVariable(strR.GetBuffer(0)) )
			// opL is a monitored variable
			CL.opR = "1-";
			CL.opR += strR;
			if ( FindVariable(strR.GetBuffer(0)) )
				CL.opR = "2-";
				CL.opR += strR;
				// Unknown variable, disregard script line
		// Initialize the result with 0
		CL.result = 0.0;
		// Add CL to m_listToDo
	} // next line of script (i)
	// Update the display

void CScriptDlg::UpdateScript()

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Europe Europe
More than 30 years of software development experience.
(also playing the SCRUM Master role depending on the project)

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