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A free tool for setting/updating/deleting System Environment Variables.
// RegKey - ( Support for the Registry )
// See the "RegKey.h" header file for copyright and license details.

	// Includes
#include "RegKey.h"
using namespace xfc;

/*lint -e534 -e730 */
	: iLastErrorCode_(ERROR_SUCCESS)
	, hTheKey_(NULL)
	, hBaseKey_(NULL)
	, bRemote_(false)
	, pszComputerName_(NULL)
	memset(&obLastWriteTime_, 0, sizeof(FILETIME));

/*lint -e1551 */

	hTheKey_ = NULL;

	if(bRemote_ || hBaseKey_) // Need to close remote connection ?
		hBaseKey_ = NULL;

	bRemote_ = false;

	if(pszComputerName_ != NULL)
		delete [] pszComputerName_;
		pszComputerName_ = NULL;
/*lint +e1551 */

/*lint -e731 */
	// Opens/Creates a key and make it the active key
bool RegKey::OpenKey(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, bool bCreateIfNoExist /* = false */, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remotely connected

		// If a computer name is specified, then connect to it...
	if(pszMachineName != NULL)
	{		// This will set up the base key to point to the remote machine
		if(ConnectRemote((HKEY)hBaseKey, pszMachineName) == false) // Try to connect
			return false;
		hBaseKey_ = hBaseKey; // Base key is same as the passed parameter


	if(bCreateIfNoExist) // Create ?
		DWORD dwDisp; // Disposition

		lRetValue = RegCreateKeyEx(hBaseKey_, pszKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE
			, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hTheKey_, &dwDisp);
		lRetValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hBaseKey_, pszKeyName, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hTheKey_);

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		hTheKey_ = NULL;
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;
/*lint +e731 */

	// Creates AND opens a key - key becomes active key 
bool RegKey::CreateKey(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	return OpenKey(pszKeyName, true, hBaseKey, pszMachineName);

	// Close the active key
void RegKey::CloseKey()

	hTheKey_ = NULL;

	if(bRemote_) // Need to close remote connection ?
		hBaseKey_ = NULL;

	bRemote_ = false;

	if(pszComputerName_ != NULL)
		delete [] pszComputerName_;
		pszComputerName_ = NULL;

/*lint -e774 */
bool RegKey::RecursiveDelete(RegKey* pTheCallingClass, HKEY hTheKey, LPCTSTR pszKeyName)
	HKEY hChildHandle = NULL;
	LPTSTR pszTempKeyName = NULL;

		// Open the child
	long lRetValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hTheKey, pszKeyName, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hChildHandle);
	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		pTheCallingClass->iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	pszTempKeyName = new TCHAR[_MAX_PATH];
	if(pszTempKeyName == NULL)
		pTheCallingClass->iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

		// Get the child's key name
	lRetValue = RegEnumKey(hChildHandle, 0, pszTempKeyName, _MAX_PATH);
	while(lRetValue != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		RecursiveDelete(pTheCallingClass, hChildHandle, pszTempKeyName);
		lRetValue = RegEnumKey(hChildHandle, 0, pszTempKeyName, _MAX_PATH);

	delete [] pszTempKeyName;
	pszTempKeyName = NULL;


	lRetValue = RegDeleteKey(hTheKey, pszKeyName); 
	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		pTheCallingClass->iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	return true;
/*lint +e774 */

	// Deletes a key and all values of that key
bool RegKey::DeleteKey(LPCTSTR pszKeyName)
	if(pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

	bool bRetValue = true;

		// You cannot delete a key if given a full path e.g. "A\\B"
		// We have to go back up a level to "A" and then delete

		// Take a copy of the keyName
	TCHAR* pszCopy = _tcsdup(pszKeyName);
	TCHAR* pBackSlash = _tcsrchr(pszCopy, _T('\\'));

	if(pBackSlash == NULL) // Not found
			// No path, so specified key is just a subkey of active key
		bRetValue = RecursiveDelete(this, hTheKey_, pszKeyName);
	else // Path specified
		LPTSTR pszChildKeyName = pBackSlash + 1;
		*(pBackSlash) = _T('\0'); // Null terminate the parent string

		LPTSTR pszParentKey = (TCHAR*)pszCopy;
		HKEY hTempKey;

		LONG retValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hTheKey_, pszParentKey, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hTempKey);
		if(retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			bRetValue = RecursiveDelete(this, hTempKey, pszChildKeyName);
			pszCopy = NULL;

			iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
			return false;

	pszCopy = NULL;

		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

bool RegKey::EnumerateKeys(LPTSTR pszSubkeyName, const DWORD dwIndex)
	if(pszSubkeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

		// Allocate buffers and zero them
	TCHAR subkeyNameBuffer[2048] = {'\0'};
	TCHAR classNameBuffer[2048] = {'\0'};

	DWORD sizeOfSubkeyName = sizeof(subkeyNameBuffer) - 1;
	DWORD sizeOfClassName = sizeof(classNameBuffer) - 1;

	LONG lRetValue = RegEnumKeyEx(hTheKey_, dwIndex, subkeyNameBuffer 
			, &sizeOfSubkeyName, NULL, classNameBuffer, &sizeOfClassName, &obLastWriteTime_);

	if(lRetValue == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS;
		_tcscpy(pszSubkeyName, subkeyNameBuffer);
		return false;

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	_tcscpy(pszSubkeyName, subkeyNameBuffer);

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Flushes the active key ( Write to hard disk )
bool RegKey::Flush()
	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return true;

	if(RegFlushKey(hTheKey_) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Connect to a remote computer's registry
	// Note: WinNT won't allow you to connect to these hives via RegConnectRegistry
bool RegKey::ConnectRemote(HKEY hKeyToOpen, LPCTSTR pszComputerName)
	if(pszComputerName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;


		// Try to connect using the remote key
	lRetValue = RegConnectRegistry((TCHAR *)pszComputerName, hKeyToOpen, &hBaseKey_);
	if(lRetValue == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		bRemote_ = true;
		pszComputerName_ = new TCHAR[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1];
		memset(pszComputerName_, 0, (MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
		_tcsncpy(pszComputerName_, pszComputerName, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH);
		bRemote_ = false;
		pszComputerName_ = NULL;
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();

		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Various Value Functions

	// Retrieves the size and type of a value for the active key
bool RegKey::QueryValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, DWORD& dwValueLength, DWORD& dwValueType)
	if(pszValueName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

	LONG lRetValue = RegQueryValueEx(hTheKey_, pszValueName, NULL, &dwValueType, NULL, &dwValueLength);
	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Deletes a value from the currently open active key
bool RegKey::DeleteValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName)
	if(pszValueName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

	if(RegDeleteValue(hTheKey_, pszValueName) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

		// Get all the values for the active key, returns XFC_NO_MOREDATA when no more items
bool RegKey::EnumerateValues(LPTSTR pszValueName, LPBYTE lpValue, DWORD& dwValueSize, DWORD& dwValueType, const DWORD dwIndex)
	if(pszValueName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

	TCHAR tmpName[2048] = {'\0'};

	DWORD dwTmpNameSize = sizeof(tmpName);

	LONG lRetValue = RegEnumValue(hTheKey_, dwIndex, tmpName, &dwTmpNameSize, NULL, &dwValueType, lpValue, &dwValueSize);
	if(lRetValue == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		_tcscpy(pszValueName, tmpName);
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS;
		return false;

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	_tcscpy(pszValueName, tmpName);

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Get information on active key
bool RegKey::QueryKey(DWORD& dwNumSubKeys, DWORD& dwMaxSubKeyName, DWORD& dwNumValues, DWORD& dwMaxValueName, DWORD& dwMaxValueDataSize, FILETIME& lastWriteTime)
	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

		// Not interested in the class name or security in this version, so leave as NULL
	LONG lRetValue = RegQueryInfoKey(hTheKey_, NULL, NULL, NULL
                                , &dwNumSubKeys, &dwMaxSubKeyName, NULL, &dwNumValues, &dwMaxValueName
								, &dwMaxValueDataSize, NULL, &lastWriteTime);

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// SetValue

	// Sets a value for the active key, creates a new value if it doesn't exist
bool RegKey::IntSetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, const BYTE* pValue, DWORD dwValueLength, DWORD dwValueType)
	if(pszValueName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

	if(RegSetValueEx(hTheKey_, pszValueName, NULL, dwValueType, pValue, dwValueLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Sets a DWORD value for the active key
bool RegKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, DWORD dwValue)
	return IntSetValue(pszValueName, (BYTE*)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD), REG_DWORD);

	// Sets a STRING value for the active key
bool RegKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPCTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwValueLength)
	return IntSetValue(pszValueName, (BYTE*)pszValue, dwValueLength, REG_SZ);

bool RegKey::SetValueEx(LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPCTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwValueLength)
	return IntSetValue(pszValueName, (BYTE*)pszValue, dwValueLength, REG_EXPAND_SZ);

	// Sets a BINARY value for the active key
bool RegKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, const BYTE* pValue, DWORD dwValueLength)
	return IntSetValue(pszValueName, pValue, dwValueLength, REG_BINARY);

	// GetValue

	// Gets a value from the active key
bool RegKey::IntGetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, BYTE& pValue, DWORD& dwValueLength)
	if(pszValueName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(hTheKey_ == NULL)
		return false;

	DWORD dwType = 0;

	LONG lRetValue = RegQueryValueEx(hTheKey_, pszValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&pValue, &dwValueLength);
	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Gets a DWORD value for the active key
bool RegKey::GetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, DWORD& dwValue)
	DWORD dwValueLen = sizeof(DWORD);

	if(!IntGetValue(pszValueName, (BYTE&)dwValue, dwValueLen))
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Gets a STRING value for the active key
bool RegKey::GetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPTSTR pszValue, DWORD& dwValueLength)
	TCHAR* tmpBuffer = new TCHAR[dwValueLength + 1];
	memset(tmpBuffer, 0, dwValueLength * sizeof(TCHAR));

	if(!IntGetValue(pszValueName, (BYTE&)*tmpBuffer, dwValueLength))
		delete [] tmpBuffer;
		tmpBuffer = NULL;
		return false;

	_tcsncpy(pszValue, tmpBuffer, dwValueLength);
	delete [] tmpBuffer;
	tmpBuffer = NULL;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Gets a BINARY value for the active key
bool RegKey::GetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, BYTE& pValue, DWORD& dwValueLength)
	BYTE* tmpBuffer = new BYTE[dwValueLength + 1];
	memset(tmpBuffer, 0, dwValueLength * sizeof(TCHAR));

	if(!IntGetValue(pszValueName, (BYTE&)*tmpBuffer, dwValueLength))
		delete [] tmpBuffer;
		tmpBuffer = NULL;
		return false;

	memcpy(&pValue, tmpBuffer, dwValueLength);
	delete [] tmpBuffer;
	tmpBuffer = NULL;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Configuration functions

	// Saves a registry tree into the specified file/path from the specified key position
bool RegKey::SaveRegistry(LPCTSTR pszFileName, LPCTSTR pszKeyName, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszFileName == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, false, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	LONG lRetValue = RegSaveKey(hTheKey_, pszFileName, NULL);

	if(lRetValue == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS || lRetValue == ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED) // Win NT / Win 95
		return false;

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Restores a saved registry tree from the specified file to the specified key position
bool RegKey::RestoreRegistry(LPCTSTR pszFileName, LPCTSTR pszKeyName, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszFileName == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, true, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	LONG lRetValue = RegRestoreKey(hTheKey_, pszFileName, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE);
		return false;

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Notify of a change in the specified registry key/hive
bool RegKey::NotifyChange(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, DWORD dwNotifyfilter, bool bWatchSubKeys /* = false */, HANDLE hEvent /* = NULL */, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */)
	if(pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, false, hBaseKey, NULL))
		return false;


	if(hEvent == NULL)
		lRetValue = RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(hTheKey_, bWatchSubKeys, dwNotifyfilter, hEvent, FALSE);
		lRetValue = RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(hTheKey_, bWatchSubKeys, dwNotifyfilter, hEvent, TRUE);

		return false;

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Shortcut functions
		// These functions perform an open automatically, and close if necessary
		// Saves having to do an Open(), Set(), Close() sequence.

DWORD RegKey::GetSizeOfValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	DWORD dwCount = 0;
	if(OpenKey(pszKeyName, false, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		DWORD dwType = 0;
		DWORD dwValueLength = 0;

		LONG lRetValue = RegQueryValueEx(hTheKey_, pszValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwValueLength);
		if(lRetValue == ERROR_SUCCESS || lRetValue == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
			dwCount = dwValueLength;

		CloseKey(); // Close it as we have finnished

	return dwCount;

	// Opens/Creates a key, sets a value within the key and makes it the active key if active = true, else closes the key
bool RegKey::SetKeyValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, DWORD dwValue
	, bool bCreateIfNoExist /* = false */, bool bActive /* = false */
	, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open / create the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, bCreateIfNoExist, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	if(!SetValue(pszValueName, dwValue))
		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

bool RegKey::SetKeyValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPCTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwValueLength
	, bool bCreateIfNoExist /* = false */, bool bActive /* = false */
	, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pszValue == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;
	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open / create the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, bCreateIfNoExist, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	if(!SetValue(pszValueName, pszValue, dwValueLength))
		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Set an expanded String Value
bool RegKey::SetKeyValueEx(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPCTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwValueLength
	, bool bCreateIfNoExist /* = false */, bool bActive /* = false */
	, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pszValue == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;
	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open / create the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, bCreateIfNoExist, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	if(!SetValueEx(pszValueName, pszValue, dwValueLength))
		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

bool RegKey::SetKeyValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, const BYTE* pValue, DWORD dwValueLength
	, bool bCreateIfNoExist /* = false */, bool bActive /* = false */
	, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pValue == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;		
		return false;
	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open / create the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, bCreateIfNoExist, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	if(!SetValue(pszValueName, (BYTE*)pValue, dwValueLength))
		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Opens a key and retrieves A value
	// Make it the active key if active = true, else close the key
bool RegKey::GetKeyValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, DWORD& dwValue
	, bool bActive /* = false */, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, false, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	if(!GetValue(pszValueName, dwValue))
		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

bool RegKey::GetKeyValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwValueLength
	, bool bActive /* = false */, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pszValue == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;
	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, false, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	if(!GetValue(pszValueName, pszValue, dwValueLength))
		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

/*lint -e774 */
bool RegKey::GetKeyValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, BYTE& pValue, DWORD dwValueLength
	, bool bActive /* = false */, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if((pszKeyName == NULL) || (pszValueName == NULL) || (&pValue == NULL))
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, false, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

	if(!GetValue(pszValueName, pValue, dwValueLength))
		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;
/*lint +e774 */

	// Opens a key, deletes a value from the key and makes key active if required
bool RegKey::DeleteKeyValue(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, bool bActive /* = false */, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */, LPCTSTR pszMachineName /* = NULL */)
	if(pszValueName == NULL || pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

		// Open the key
	if(!OpenKey(pszKeyName, false, hBaseKey, pszMachineName))
		return false;

		return false;

		CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Move a key, it's subkeys and all values
bool RegKey::MoveKey(LPCTSTR pszSourceKey, LPCTSTR pszDestKey, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */)
	if(pszSourceKey == NULL || pszDestKey == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	HKEY hSource = NULL;
	HKEY hDest = NULL;

		// Open the source key
	LONG lRetValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hBaseKey, pszSourceKey, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hSource);

	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

		// Open/Create the destination key
	DWORD dwDisp; // Disposition

	lRetValue = RegCreateKeyEx(hBaseKey, pszDestKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hDest, &dwDisp);
	if(lRetValue != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
		return false;

		// We have opened and created all appropriate keys
		// Enumerate all values in hSource, and recreate in hDest
	TCHAR szValueName[_MAX_PATH];
	DWORD dwValueBuffer = _MAX_PATH;
	DWORD dwIndex = 0;
	DWORD dwValueType;
	DWORD dwValueLength = 0;
	bool bContinue = true;

		// Deal with the values first
		dwValueBuffer = _MAX_PATH;
		dwValueLength = 1;

		if(RegEnumValue(hSource, dwIndex, szValueName, &dwValueBuffer, NULL, &dwValueType, NULL, &dwValueLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			LPBYTE pValue = (LPBYTE) new TCHAR[dwValueLength + 1]; // Allocate memory for the data

				DWORD dwRealDataLen = dwValueLength + 1;

				if(RegQueryValueEx(hSource, szValueName, NULL, NULL, pValue, &dwRealDataLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
					if(RegSetValueEx(hDest, szValueName, NULL, dwValueType, pValue, dwValueLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
						delete [] pValue;
						pValue = NULL;

						iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
						return false;
					delete [] pValue;
					pValue = NULL;

					iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
					return false;

				delete [] pValue;
				pValue = NULL;

			bContinue = false;

		// Enumerate all subkeys in hSource, and recreate in hDest
	bContinue = true;
	dwIndex = 0;

		if(RegEnumKey(hSource, dwIndex, szValueName, _MAX_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			TCHAR szSourceKey[_MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
			TCHAR szDestKey[_MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};

			_tcscpy(szSourceKey, pszSourceKey);
			_tcscpy(szDestKey, pszDestKey);

			_tcscat(szSourceKey, _T("\\"));
			_tcscat(szSourceKey, szValueName);

			_tcscat(szDestKey, _T("\\"));
			_tcscat(szDestKey, szValueName);

			if(!MoveKey(szSourceKey, szDestKey, hBaseKey))
			bContinue = false;

		// Now delete the original key and it's values and subkeys
	QuickDeleteKey(pszSourceKey, hBaseKey);

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;

	// Delete a Key
bool RegKey::QuickDeleteKey(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, HKEY hBaseKey /* = HKEY_CURRENT_USER */)
	if(pszKeyName == NULL)
		iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	TCHAR* pBackSlash;
	bool bRetValue = true;

		// You cannot delete a key if given a full path e.g. "A\\B"
		// We have to go back up a level to "A" and then delete

		// Take a copy of the keyName
	TCHAR* pszCopy = _tcsdup(pszKeyName);

	pBackSlash = _tcsrchr(pszCopy, _T('\\'));
	if(pBackSlash == NULL) // Not found
			// No path, so specified key is just a subkey of active key
		bRetValue = RecursiveDelete(this, hBaseKey, pszKeyName);
	else // Path specified
		LPTSTR pszChildKeyName = pBackSlash + 1;
		*(pBackSlash) = _T('\0'); // Null terminate the parent string

		LPTSTR pszParentKey = (TCHAR*)pszCopy;
		HKEY hTempKey;

		LONG retValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hBaseKey, pszParentKey, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hTempKey);

		if(retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			bRetValue = RecursiveDelete(this, hTempKey, pszChildKeyName);
			pszCopy = NULL;

			iLastErrorCode_ = GetLastError();
			return false;


		return false;

	CloseKey(); // Close current active key and base key if remote

	iLastErrorCode_ = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	return true;
/*lint +e534 +e730 */

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Written By
Architect Elekta Limited
United Kingdom United Kingdom
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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