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Object-Oriented database design with the DatabaseObjects library

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31 Jan 20076 min read 109.3K   3.9K   64  
Demonstrates creating object-oriented database systems with the DatabaseObjects library.
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On

Imports DatabaseObjects
Imports System.Collections

Public Class Products
    Inherits DatabaseObjects.DatabaseObjects
    Implements IEnumerable

    'Allow other DLL projects to load a product using it's ProductID with something similar to:
    'Dim objproduct As Product = DirectCast(NorthwindDB.Products, IGlobalDatabaseObjects).Object(productid)
    Implements IGlobalDatabaseObjects

    Public Enum SearchType
    End Enum

    Private pobjCategory As Category

    Friend Sub New(ByVal objDatabase As Database)


    End Sub

    Friend WriteOnly Property Category() As Category
        Set(ByVal Value As Category)
            'Friend will allow public access within the NorthwindDB project but will be
            'private outside of the NorthwindDB project

            pobjCategory = Value

        End Set
    End Property

    Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal strProductCode As String) As Product

            Return MyBase.ObjectByKey(strProductCode)

        End Get
    End Property

    Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal intOrdinal As Integer) As Product

            Return MyBase.ObjectByOrdinal(intOrdinal)

        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer

            Return MyBase.ObjectsCount

        End Get
    End Property

    Public Function Add(Optional ByVal strProductName As String = "") As Product

        Add = ItemInstance()
        Add.Name = strProductName

    End Function

    Public Function Search(ByVal strName As String, ByVal eType As SearchType) As IList

        Dim objConditions As SQL.SQLConditions = New SQL.SQLConditions

        Select Case eType
            Case SearchType.NamePrefix
                objConditions.Add("ProductName", SQL.ComparisonOperator.Like, strName & "%")
            Case SearchType.Name
                objConditions.Add("ProductName", SQL.ComparisonOperator.Like, "%" & strName & "%")
        End Select

        Return MyBase.ObjectsSearch(objConditions)

    End Function

    Public Sub Delete(ByRef objProduct As Product)


    End Sub

    Public Function Exists(ByVal strProductName As String) As Boolean

        Return MyBase.ObjectExists(strProductName)

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function DistinctFieldAutoIncrements() As Boolean

        Return True

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function DistinctFieldName() As String

        Return "ProductID"

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function ItemInstance() As IDatabaseObject

        Return New Product

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function KeyFieldName() As String

        Return "ProductName"

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function OrderBy() As SQL.SQLSelectOrderByFields

        Dim objOrderByFields As SQL.SQLSelectOrderByFields = New SQL.SQLSelectOrderByFields

        objOrderByFields.Add("ProductName", SQL.OrderBy.Ascending)

        Return objOrderByFields

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function Subset() As SQL.SQLConditions

        'if the category filter has been set then this collection should only
        'contain products within the specified category. The Item, Count, Delete and Exists
        'functions will all reflect this change
        If Not pobjCategory Is Nothing Then
            Dim objConditions As SQL.SQLConditions = New SQL.SQLConditions
            objConditions.Add("CategoryID", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, pobjCategory.ID)
            Return objConditions
        End If

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function TableName() As String

        Return "Products"

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function TableJoins(ByVal objPrimaryTable As DatabaseObjects.SQL.SQLSelectTable, ByVal objTables As DatabaseObjects.SQL.SQLSelectTables) As DatabaseObjects.SQL.SQLSelectTableJoins

        'Implementing this function is optional, but is useful when attempting to optimise loading speeds.
        'This function is used by the ObjectsList, Object, ObjectByKey, ObjectOrdinal and ObjectSearch functions.
        'If this function has been implemented the Search can also search fields in the joined table(s).
        'In this example, Products table will always be joined with the Supplier table. We could also join the Products
        'table to the Category table, however the Product.Category property is not used often enough to warrant
        'always joining the category table whenever loading a product. Of course, you can always join different
        'tables in different situations, for example you might want join to other tables when searching and to
        'not join to other tables in normal circumstances.

        Dim objTableJoins As SQL.SQLSelectTableJoins = New SQL.SQLSelectTableJoins

        With objTableJoins.Add(objPrimaryTable, SQL.SQLSelectTableJoin.Type.Inner, objTables.Add("Suppliers"))
            .Where.Add("SupplierID", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, "SupplierID")
        End With

        'With objTableJoins.Add(objPrimaryTable, SQL.SQLSelectTableJoin.Type.Inner, objTables.Add("Categories"))
        '    .Where.Add("CategoryID", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, "CategoryID")
        'End With

        Return objTableJoins

    End Function

    Private Function IGlobalDatabaseObjects_Object(ByVal objDistinctValue As Object) As IDatabaseObject Implements IGlobalDatabaseObjects.Object

        Return MyBase.Object(objDistinctValue)

    End Function

    Private Function GetEnumerator() As System.Collections.IEnumerator Implements System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator

        Return MyBase.ObjectsList.GetEnumerator

    End Function

End Class

Public Class Product
    Inherits DatabaseObject

    'Below I have demonstrated 2 methods for implementing object relationships with the
    'Category and Supplier properties. The Supplier property is the simplest method, however
    'it can cause speed degradation because it must load the associated Supplier object everytime a Product is loaded.
    'The speed degradation would be most noticable on a Product search screen or something similar.
    'The second method demonstrated with the Category object will only load the object when it the property
    'is explicity called - i.e. it will only store the CategoryID and load the associated Category object
    'when the property is explicity called. This method results in faster loading speeds and still provides
    'the necessary object relationships. Because this is a fairly common situation I have created the
    'LateBoundObject class which handles this neatly, and can be used as an alternative to the method
    'demonstrated below using the plngCategoryID and pobjCategory variables. This method is demonstrated
    'this using the Category2 property.

    Private pstrName As String
    Private pcurUnitPrice As Decimal
    Private pintUnitsInStock As Short
    Private pintUnitsOnOrder As Short

    Private pintCategoryID As Integer
    Private pobjCategory As Category

    'For a new product instance default to using the first category
    'Private pobjCategory2 As LateBoundObject = New NorthwindLateBoundObject(NorthwindDB.Categories, 0, bUseDefaultObject:=True)

    'Alternatively, for a new product instance default the category to Nothing
    'Private pobjCategory2 As LateBoundObject = New LateBoundObject

    Private pobjSupplier As Supplier

    Private pstrQuantityPerUnit As String
    Private pbDiscontinued As Boolean

    Public Sub New()


    End Sub

    Friend ReadOnly Property ID() As Integer

            Return MyBase.DistinctValue

        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property QuantityPerUnit() As String

            Return pstrQuantityPerUnit

        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Discontinued() As Boolean

            Return pbDiscontinued

        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property UnitsInStock() As Short

            Return pintUnitsInStock

        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property IsInStock() As Boolean

            Return pintUnitsInStock > 0

        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property IsOnOrder() As Boolean

            Return pintUnitsOnOrder > 0

        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property Name() As String

            Return pstrName

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As String)

            If Value.Trim = Nothing Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException
                pstrName = Value
            End If

        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property UnitPrice() As Decimal

            Return pcurUnitPrice

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)

            If Value >= 0 Then
                pcurUnitPrice = Value
                Throw New ArgumentException(Value)
            End If

        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Category() As Category

            If pobjCategory Is Nothing Then
                If pintCategoryID > 0 Then
                    pobjCategory = NorthwindDB.Database.Object(NorthwindDB.Categories, pintCategoryID)
                    pobjCategory = NorthwindDB.Categories(1)
                    pintCategoryID = pobjCategory.ID
                End If
            End If

            Return pobjCategory

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Category)

            If Value Is Nothing Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException
            End If

            pobjCategory = Value

            'Alternatively the ObjectDistinctValue function can be used to return the
            'same ID value. In this instance I have create a Friend property in the Category class
            'to make the code more readable.
            pintCategoryID = pobjCategory.ID

        End Set
    End Property

    'Public Property Category2() As Category
    '    Get

    '        Return pobjCategory2.Object

    '    End Get

    '    Set(ByVal Value As Category)

    '        If Value Is Nothing Then
    '            Throw New ArgumentNullException
    '        End If

    '        pobjCategory2.Object = Value

    '    End Set
    'End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Supplier() As Supplier

            Return pobjSupplier

        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub AddUnits(ByVal intQuantity As Integer)

        If intQuantity >= 0 Then
            pintUnitsInStock = pintUnitsInStock + intQuantity
            Throw New ArgumentException(intQuantity)
        End If

    End Sub

    Public Sub RemoveUnits(ByVal intQuantity As Integer)

        If intQuantity >= 0 Then
            If intQuantity > pintUnitsInStock Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("Cannot remove more units than are available")
            End If
            pintUnitsInStock = pintUnitsInStock - intQuantity
            Throw New ArgumentException(intQuantity)
        End If

    End Sub

    Public Overloads Sub Save()


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub LoadFields(ByVal objFields As SQL.SQLFieldValues)
        'This function should copy all of the relevant field values from the database
        'into the object.

        pstrName = objFields("ProductName").Value
        pcurUnitPrice = objFields("UnitPrice").Value
        pintUnitsOnOrder = objFields("UnitsOnOrder").Value
        pintUnitsInStock = objFields("UnitsInStock").Value
        pstrQuantityPerUnit = objFields("QuantityPerUnit").Value
        pbDiscontinued = objFields("Discontinued").Value
        pintCategoryID = objFields("CategoryID").Value
        'pobjCategory2 = New NorthwindLateBoundObject(NorthwindDB.Categories, objFields("CategoryID").Value)

        If objFields.Exists("CompanyName") Then
            'load the object from the objFields because it contains all of the associated supplier fields
            pobjSupplier = NorthwindDB.Database.ObjectFromFieldValues(NorthwindDB.Suppliers, objFields)
            'load the supplier with an SQL call
            pobjSupplier = NorthwindDB.Database.Object(NorthwindDB.Suppliers, objFields("SupplierID").Value)
        End If

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Function SaveFields() As SQL.SQLFieldValues
        'This function should copy all of the relevant field values from the object
        'into the database.

        Dim objFields As SQL.SQLFieldValues
        objFields = New SQL.SQLFieldValues

        objFields.Add("ProductName", pstrName)
        objFields.Add("UnitPrice", pcurUnitPrice)
        objFields.Add("UnitsOnOrder", pintUnitsOnOrder)
        objFields.Add("UnitsInStock", pintUnitsInStock)
        objFields.Add("QuantityPerUnit", Me.QuantityPerUnit)
        objFields.Add("Discontinued", Me.Discontinued)
        objFields.Add("SupplierID", pobjSupplier.ID)
        'Alternatively, you can cast to a IDatabaseObject and access the distinct value
        'objFields.Add("SupplierID", DirectCast(pobjSupplier, IDatabaseObject).DistinctValue)
        objFields.Add("CategoryID", pintCategoryID)
        'objFields.Add("CategoryID", pobjCategory2.DistinctValue)

        Return objFields

    End Function

End Class

Public Class ProductSearch

    'This class provides the ability to search on multiple fields on multiple criteria
    'for a product, as opposed to the Product.Search function which only provides searching
    'on 1 field.

    'This class also demonstrates how to optimise the objects so that rather than loading
    'referenced objects (in this case the product's Supplier object) via multiple SQL calls
    'all of the associated tables are joined and returned in one recordset. Have a look in the
    'Product's Load to see how the objects are loaded from the same
    'recordset, and in particular the ObjectFromFieldValues function.

    Private Enum TriState
        [Default] = -2
        [True] = True
        [False] = False
    End Enum

    Private pstrName As String
    Private peInStock As TriState = TriState.Default
    Private peOnOrder As TriState = TriState.Default
    Private peDiscontinued As TriState = TriState.Default

    Public WriteOnly Property Name() As String
        Set(ByVal Value As String)

            pstrName = Value.Trim

        End Set
    End Property

    Public WriteOnly Property InStock() As Boolean
        Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

            peInStock = Value

        End Set
    End Property

    Public WriteOnly Property OnOrder() As Boolean
        Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

            peOnOrder = Value

        End Set
    End Property

    Public WriteOnly Property Discontinued() As Boolean
        Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

            peDiscontinued = Value

        End Set
    End Property

    Public Function Search() As IList

        Dim objConnection As IDbConnection
        Dim objProducts As IDatabaseObjects
        Dim lngIndex As Integer
        Dim objProduct As Product
        Dim objResults As IDataReader
        Dim objResultsList As IList = New ArrayList
        Dim objSelect As SQL.SQLSelect = New SQL.SQLSelect

        'The TableJoins function will join the Products and Suppliers tables so that the
        'results are returned in one recordset, rather than requiring multiple statements to read
        'each product's associated supplier record. See the Products' TableJoins
        'on how this is done.

        objProducts = NorthwindDB.Products
        objSelect.Tables.Joins = objProducts.TableJoins(objSelect.Tables(0), objSelect.Tables)

        'search for the product name if it has been set
        If pstrName <> Nothing Then
            objSelect.Where.Add("ProductName", SQL.ComparisonOperator.Like, "%" & pstrName & "%")
        End If

        If peInStock <> TriState.Default Then
            If peInStock = TriState.True Then
                'select products that are in stock
                objSelect.Where.Add("UnitsInStock", SQL.ComparisonOperator.GreaterThan, 0)
                'select products that are not in stock
                objSelect.Where.Add("UnitsInStock", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, 0)
            End If
        End If

        If peOnOrder <> TriState.Default Then
            If peOnOrder = TriState.True Then
                'select products that are on order
                objSelect.Where.Add("UnitsOnOrder", SQL.ComparisonOperator.GreaterThan, 0)
                'select products that are not on order
                objSelect.Where.Add("UnitsOnOrder", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, 0)
            End If
        End If

        If peDiscontinued <> TriState.Default Then
            objSelect.Where.Add("Discontinued", SQL.ComparisonOperator.EqualTo, CBool(peDiscontinued))
        End If

        objSelect.OrderBy.Add("ProductName", SQL.OrderBy.Ascending)

        objConnection = NorthwindDB.CreateConnection

        With objConnection.CreateCommand
            .CommandText = objSelect.SQL
            objResults = .ExecuteReader()
        End With

        While objResults.Read()
            objProduct = NorthwindDB.Database.ObjectFromDataReader(NorthwindDB.Products, objResults)
        End While


        Return objResultsList

    End Function

End Class

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