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Resource ID Organiser Add-In for Visual C++ 5.0/6.0/.NET

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An application/add-in to organise and renumber resource symbol IDs
// Utils.cpp : Utility functions

#include "stdafx.h"			// Precompiled header file
#include "NGMacros.h"			// Library header
#include "NGUtils.h"			// Library header
#include "NGRegistry.h"		// CNGRegistry class
#include <afxPriv.h>		// For AFX_NOTIFY declaration
#include <lmcons.h>			// For UNLEN definition

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// Define this to check the results of CombinePath() against the equivalent shlwapi funtions

#ifndef _DEBUG

// Helper functions

NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL SetHelpFileName(const CString& sFileName)
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;

	CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();
	if (NULL != pApp)
		CString	sHelpFilePath = GetAppStartDir() + 
								_T("\\") +

		// Note: If you assign a value to m_pszHelpFilePath, it must be dynamically
		// allocated on the heap. The CWinApp destructor calls free( ) with
		// this pointer. Also, free the memory associated with the current
		// pointer before assigning a new value:

		// First free the string allocated by MFC at CWinApp startup.
		// The string is allocated before InitInstance is called.

		// Change the name of the helpfile.
		// The CWinApp destructor will free the memory.
		pApp->m_pszHelpFilePath = _tcsdup(sHelpFilePath);

		bResult = TRUE;
	return bResult;

 *	Return the start directory of the current application

NGLIB_EXT_API CString GetAppStartDir(void)
	CString sExe;
	LPTSTR pszName = sExe.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH);
	::GetModuleFileName(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, pszName, _MAX_PATH);

	int nLastSlash = sExe.ReverseFind( _T('\\') );
	CString sPath = sExe.Left(nLastSlash);

	return sPath;

 *	Add a "Run Once" key to the registry
 *	The specified command line will be executed when the system is next
 *	restarted.

NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL AddRunOnceKey(const CString& rsAppName, const CString& rsCmdLine)
	CString sKey = _T("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce\\");
	CString sValue = rsAppName + _T(" ") + rsCmdLine;

	CNGRegistry Reg;
	Reg.SetEntry(sKey, sValue);
	return TRUE;

// Set the text in pane 0 of the status bar
NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL SetStatusBarText(const CString& rsText, UINT uID /*= AFX_IDW_STATUS_BAR*/)
	CWnd* pMainFrame = AfxGetMainWnd();

	CWnd* pWnd = pMainFrame->GetDescendantWindow(uID, TRUE);
	if (pWnd != NULL)

		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

 *	Send a WM_COMMAND message to a defined CCmdTarget
 *	Note: the message WILL NOT touch Windows itself or the message pump
 *	since it will be dispatched directly into the message map by CCmdTarget

NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL SendCommandMsg(CCmdTarget* pTarget, UINT uID)
	ASSERT(NULL != pTarget);
	ASSERT(uID != 0);

	if (pTarget != NULL)
		return pTarget->OnCmdMsg(uID, CN_COMMAND, NULL, NULL);
	return FALSE;

 *	Send a WM_NOTIFY message to a defined CCmdTarget
 *	Note: the message WILL NOT touch Windows itself or the message pump
 *	since it will be dispatched directly into the message map by CCmdTarget

NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL SendNotifyMsg(CCmdTarget* pTarget,
								 UINT uID,
								 int nCode,
								 NMHDR* pNMHDR,
								 LRESULT* pResult)
	ASSERT(NULL != pTarget);

	pNMHDR->idFrom = uID;
	pNMHDR->code = nCode;

	AFX_NOTIFY notify;
	notify.pResult = pResult;
	notify.pNMHDR = pNMHDR;

	return pTarget->OnCmdMsg(pNMHDR->idFrom, MAKELONG(pNMHDR->code, WM_NOTIFY), &notify, NULL);

 *      Bit twiddling routines

unsigned long SetBit(unsigned long nData, UINT nBitNo, BOOL bBitState)
	unsigned long nMask = 1 << nBitNo;
	if (bBitState)
		nData = nData | nMask;
		nData = nData & (ULONG_MAX - nMask);

	return (nData);

BOOL GetBit(unsigned long nData, UINT nBitNo)
	if (nData & (unsigned long) (1 << nBitNo))
		return (TRUE);

	return (FALSE);

 *	String manipulation routines

// Remove tabs from the given string
NGLIB_EXT_API CString UnTabify(const CString& rsData, int nTabWidth /*= 4*/)
	CString sResult;
	for (int nPos = 0; nPos < rsData.GetLength(); nPos++)
		if (_T('\t') == rsData[nPos])
			sResult += CString(_T(' '), nTabWidth - (nPos % nTabWidth) );
			sResult += rsData[nPos];
	TRACE1("tabbed string   : %s\n", rsData);
	TRACE1("detabbed string : %s\n", sResult);
	return sResult;

// Return source string up to, but not including, target
NGLIB_EXT_API CString Before(const CString& rsSource, LPCTSTR pszTarget)
    int nTargetPos = rsSource.Find(pszTarget);
    if (-1 == nTargetPos)
        return rsSource;        // target not present; return all

	return rsSource.Left(nTargetPos);

// Return source string after, but not including, target
NGLIB_EXT_API CString After(const CString& rsSource, LPCTSTR pszTarget)
    int nTargetPos = rsSource.Find(pszTarget);
    if (-1 != nTargetPos)        // Found?
        int nChars = rsSource.GetLength() - (nTargetPos + lstrlen(pszTarget));
        if (nChars > 0)         // Something after the target...
            return (rsSource.Right(nChars));
	return _T("");         // Nowt after target

// Return source string between two target strings
NGLIB_EXT_API CString Between(const CString& rsSource, LPCTSTR pszStartAfter, LPCTSTR pszStopBefore)
	return Before(After(rsSource, pszStartAfter), pszStopBefore);

//  Chomp the next parameter out of the given string
//	consuming it in the process
NGLIB_EXT_API CString Chomp(CString& rsSource, LPCTSTR pszDelimiter /*= ","*/)
	CString sParam;

	// Loop until we've either found a non-null parameter or we run out of string
	while (!rsSource.IsEmpty())
		// Extract string up to, but not including, delimiter
		sParam = Before(rsSource, pszDelimiter);
		// Remove the parameter and delimiter from the original string
		rsSource = After(rsSource, sParam + pszDelimiter);

		if ( !sParam.IsEmpty() )
	return sParam;

// return pos of next none white space char, starting at nPos
NGLIB_EXT_API int FindNoneWhiteSpace(LPCTSTR pszData, int nPos)
	if (NULL == pszData)
		return -1;
	while (_T('\0') != pszData[nPos])
		if (!_istspace(pszData[nPos]))
	if (_T('\0') == pszData[nPos])
		nPos = -1;
	return nPos;

//	Strip trailing decimal points from numeric strings
//	NOTE: NOT EXPORTED (implementation only)
void StripPeriod(CString& sTarget)
	if (_T(".") == sTarget.Right(1))
		sTarget = Before(sTarget, _T("."));

// Convert int to CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString IntToStr(int i)
    char cTemp[15];
    CString sResult = itoa(i, cTemp, 10);
    return sResult;

// Convert long to CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString IntToStr(long i)
    char cTemp[15];
    CString sResult = ltoa(i, cTemp, 10);
    return (sResult);

// Convert unsigned integer to CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString UIntToStr(unsigned int i)
    unsigned long lVal = (unsigned long) i;
    return (UIntToStr(lVal));

// Convert unsigned long (i.e. DWORD) to CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString UIntToStr(unsigned long i)
    char cTemp[15];
    CString sResult = ultoa(i, cTemp, 10);
    return (sResult);

// Convert unsigned integer to Hex CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString HexUIntToStr(unsigned int i, int nMinWidth /* = 0 */)
    unsigned long lVal = (unsigned long) i;
    return (HexUIntToStr(lVal, nMinWidth));

// Convert unsigned long (i.e. DWORD) to Hex CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString HexUIntToStr(unsigned long i, int nMinWidth /* = 0 */)
    char cTemp[15];
    CString sResult = ultoa(i, cTemp, 16);

	int nPadChars = nMinWidth - sResult.GetLength() - 2;
	if (nPadChars > 0)
		sResult = CString('0', nPadChars) + sResult;
    return ("0x" + sResult);

// Convert double to CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString FloatToStr(double f, int nDigits /*= 15 */)
    char buffer[50];                            // Reserve space for up to 50 chars
    if (_gcvt(f, nDigits, buffer))
	    CString sResult = buffer;
    	return (sResult);
        return ("");

// Convert float to CString
NGLIB_EXT_API CString FloatToStr(float f, int nDigits /*= 7 */)
	return (FloatToStr((double) f, nDigits));

NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL IsNumeric(LPCTSTR pszValue, double* pdValue /*= NULL*/)
	double dValue = 0;

	if (pszValue != NULL)
		while ( (*pszValue == _T(' ')) || (*pszValue == _T('\t') ) )
			pszValue++;			// Eat leading white space
		TCHAR chFirst = pszValue[0];

		dValue = _tcstod(pszValue, (TCHAR**)&pszValue);

		if ( (dValue == 0.0) && (chFirst != _T('0') ) )
			return FALSE;   // could not convert
		while ( (*pszValue == _T(' ')) || (*pszValue == _T('\t') ) )
		if (*pszValue != _T('\0') )
			return FALSE;   // not terminated properly
		if (pdValue != NULL)
			*pdValue = dValue;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

	return ( 2*(n/2) == n);

	return !IsEven(n);

 *	Rounding functions

// This function will round a number upwards if it's modulus is greater
// than or equal to 0.5 or round it down if it is less than 0.5
NGLIB_EXT_API double Round(double dVal)
	double dRemainder = fabs(fmod(dVal, 1) * (int)10);
	if (dVal > 0)
		if (dRemainder >= (int)5)
			return ceil(dVal);
		return floor(dVal);

	if (dRemainder >= (int)5)	// Negative numbers require special treatment
		return floor(dVal);

	return ceil(dVal);

//	Round to a specified number of decimal places
NGLIB_EXT_API double Round(double dVal, UINT nDecPlaces)
	double dFactor = pow(10.0, (double)nDecPlaces);
	return ( Round( dVal * dFactor) / dFactor);

// Retrieves the name of this PC
NGLIB_EXT_API CString GetComputerName(void)
	DWORD dwSize = _MAX_PATH;
	CString sName;
	LPTSTR pszBuffer = sName.GetBuffer(dwSize);
	if (::GetComputerName(pszBuffer, &dwSize))
		return sName;
	return _T("");

// Retrieves the name of the currently logged on user
NGLIB_EXT_API CString GetUserName(void)
	DWORD dwSize = UNLEN + 1;
	CString sUserName;
	LPTSTR pszBuffer = sUserName.GetBuffer(dwSize);
	if (::GetUserName(pszBuffer, &dwSize))
		return sUserName;
	return _T("");

// Retrieves the resolution of the screen, in pixels
NGLIB_EXT_API CSize GetDisplayResolution(void)
	ASSERT(NULL != AfxGetMainWnd());
	CClientDC dc(AfxGetMainWnd());

	return CSize(dc.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES), dc.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES) );

// Retrieves the SIZE of the screen, in mm
NGLIB_EXT_API CSize GetDisplaySize(void)
	ASSERT(NULL != AfxGetMainWnd());
	CClientDC dc(AfxGetMainWnd());

	return CSize(dc.GetDeviceCaps(HORZSIZE), dc.GetDeviceCaps(VERTSIZE) );

// Return colour depth in bits
NGLIB_EXT_API int GetColourDepth(void)
	int nDepth = -1;
	HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
	if (hdc != NULL)
		nDepth = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL);

		::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
	return nDepth;

// Return TRUE if screen deivce supports 256 colors or better
NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL Is256ColorSupported(void)
	BOOL bRetval = FALSE;

	HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
	if (hdc != NULL)
		if (::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL) >= 8)
			bRetval = TRUE;
		::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
	return bRetval;

NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL FileExists(const CString& sFileName)
	CFile f;
	CFileException e;
	BOOL bExists = f.Open(	sFileName,
							CFile::modeRead |
	if (bExists)
	return bExists;

NGLIB_EXT_API BOOL FolderExists(const CString& sDirName)
	return (::GetFileAttributes(sDirName) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);

// This function does the same thing as PathCombine() in Shlwapi.dll but using CStrings
NGLIB_EXT_API CString CombinePath(const CString& sFolder,
								  const CString& sRelativePath)
	CString sResult = sFolder;

	sResult.TrimRight( _T("\\") );

	int nFolderEnd = -1;
	int nPathStart = 0;

	while (TRUE)
		if (sRelativePath.Mid(nPathStart, 3) == _T("..\\") )
			// For each leading "..\", strip a folder from sFolder
			nPathStart +=3;
			nFolderEnd = sResult.ReverseFind( _T('\\') );

			sResult = sResult.Left(nFolderEnd);
		else if (sRelativePath.Mid(nPathStart, 2) == _T(".\\") )
			// Just ignore .\ as a starting folder
	if (sRelativePath.GetLength() > nPathStart)
		sResult += _T("\\") + sRelativePath.Mid(nPathStart);

	//	Test against the value returned by shlwapi's PathCombine()
	CString sPathCombineResult;
	LPTSTR pszBuffer = sPathCombineResult.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH);

	::PathCombine(	pszBuffer,


	ASSERT(sPathCombineResult == sResult);

	return sResult;

NGLIB_EXT_API int LoadRtfString(HMODULE hInst,
								UINT nID,
								LPTSTR lpszBuf,
								UINT nMaxBuf)
	DWORD dwSize = 0;

	// Load text into display
	HRSRC hInfo = ::FindResource(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID), _T("RTF"));
	if (hInfo != NULL)
		HGLOBAL hInfoMem = ::LoadResource(hInst, hInfo);

		dwSize = ::SizeofResource(hInst, hInfo);

		if (dwSize <= (DWORD)nMaxBuf * sizeof(TCHAR) )
			LPBYTE	pData = (LPBYTE)::LockResource(hInfoMem);
			memcpy( (LPVOID)lpszBuf, (LPVOID)pData, dwSize);
			dwSize = 0;
	return (int)dwSize;

// Taken from AfxLoadString()
NGLIB_EXT_API int LoadRtfString(UINT nID,
								LPTSTR lpszBuf,
								UINT nMaxBuf)
	ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(lpszBuf, nMaxBuf*sizeof(TCHAR)));


	int nLen;

	// first check the main module state
	AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState();
	if (!pModuleState->m_bSystem)
		hInst = AfxGetResourceHandle();
		if (::FindResource(hInst, lpszName, _T("RTF")) != NULL &&
			(nLen = ::LoadRtfString(hInst, nID, lpszBuf, nMaxBuf)) != 0)
			// found a non-zero string in app
			return nLen;

	// check non-system DLLs in proper order
	for (CDynLinkLibrary* pDLL = pModuleState->m_libraryList; pDLL != NULL;
		pDLL = pDLL->m_pNextDLL)
		if (!pDLL->m_bSystem && (hInst = pDLL->m_hResource) != NULL &&
		  ::FindResource(hInst, lpszName, _T("RTF")) != NULL &&
		  (nLen = ::LoadRtfString(hInst, nID, lpszBuf, nMaxBuf)) != 0)
			return nLen;

	// check language specific DLL next
	hInst = pModuleState->m_appLangDLL;
	if (hInst != NULL && ::FindResource(hInst, lpszName, _T("RTF")) != NULL &&
		(nLen = ::LoadRtfString(hInst, nID, lpszBuf, nMaxBuf)) != 0)
		// found a non-zero string in language DLL
		return nLen;

	// check the system module state
	if (pModuleState->m_bSystem)
		hInst = AfxGetResourceHandle();
		if (::FindResource(hInst, lpszName, _T("RTF")) != NULL &&
			(nLen = ::LoadRtfString(hInst, nID, lpszBuf, nMaxBuf)) != 0)
			// found a non-zero string in app
			return nLen;

	// check system DLLs in proper order
	for (pDLL = pModuleState->m_libraryList; pDLL != NULL; pDLL = pDLL->m_pNextDLL)
		if (pDLL->m_bSystem && (hInst = pDLL->m_hResource) != NULL &&
		  ::FindResource(hInst, lpszName, _T("RTF")) != NULL &&
		  (nLen = ::LoadRtfString(hInst, nID, lpszBuf, nMaxBuf)) != 0)
			return nLen;

	// did not find it
	lpszBuf[0] = '\0';
	return 0;

NGLIB_EXT_API CString LoadRtfString(UINT uID)
	CString sText;
	int nMaxBuf = 16384;		// Pick a number, any number

	LPTSTR pszText = sText.GetBuffer(nMaxBuf);

	int nCount = ::LoadRtfString(uID, pszText, nMaxBuf);


	return sText;


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Written By
Founder Riverblade Limited
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I haven't always written software for a living. When I graduated from Surrey University in 1989, it was with an Electronic Engineering degree, but unfortunately that never really gave me the opportunity to do anything particularly interesting (with the possible exception of designing Darth Vader's Codpiece * for the UK Army in 1990).
    * Also known as the Standard Army Bootswitch. But that's another story...
Since the opportunity arose to lead a software team developing C++ software for Avionic Test Systems in 1996, I've not looked back. More recently I've been involved in the development of subsea acoustic navigation systems, digital TV broadcast systems, port security/tracking systems, and most recently software development tools with my own company, Riverblade Ltd.

One of my personal specialities is IDE plug-in development. ResOrg was my first attempt at a plug-in, but my day to day work is with Visual Lint, an interactive code analysis tool environment with works within the Visual Studio and Eclipse IDEs or on build servers.

I love lots of things, but particularly music, photography and anything connected with history or engineering. I despise ignorant, intolerant and obstructive people - and it shows...I can be a bolshy cow if you wind me up the wrong way...Laugh | :laugh:

I'm currently based 15 minutes walk from the beach in Bournemouth on the south coast of England. Since I moved here I've grown to love the place - even if it is full of grockles in Summer!

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