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XTree - Part II

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29 May 2006CPOL4 min read 64.7K   604   62  
A template driven tree control.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;					// -- used by drag & drop stuff.
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml;

using Clifton.Tools.Xml;
using Clifton.Windows.Forms.XmlTree;

namespace Clifton.Windows.Forms
	public class GTreeEventArgs : EventArgs
		protected bool handled;

		public bool Handled
			get { return handled; }
			set { handled = value; }

		public GTreeEventArgs()

	public class XTree : TreeView, ISupportInitialize
		public event EventHandler DisplayContextMenu;

		protected RootNode rootNode;
		protected Point mousePos;
		protected TreeNode selNode;
		protected string treeDefFileName;
		protected IXtreeNode selectedNodeInstance;

		protected Dictionary<string, NodeDef> nodeList;
		protected Dictionary<Type, NodeDef> controllerToNodeDefMap;
		protected Dictionary<string, NodeDef> nameToNodeDefMap;

		public Point MousePos
			get { return mousePos; }
			set { mousePos = value; }

		public string TreeDefinitionFileName
			get { return treeDefFileName; }
			set { treeDefFileName = value; }

		public XTree()

		public virtual void BeginInit()

		public virtual void EndInit()
			if (treeDefFileName != null)
				XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();

			AllowDrop = true;

			DragOver += new DragEventHandler(OnXTreeDragOver);
			DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(OnXTreeDragEnter);
			ItemDrag += new ItemDragEventHandler(OnXTreeItemDrag);
			DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(OnXTreeDragDrop);

		public virtual void Clear()

		public void Initialize(XmlDocument xdoc)
			nodeList = new Dictionary<string, NodeDef>();
			controllerToNodeDefMap = new Dictionary<Type, NodeDef>();
			nameToNodeDefMap = new Dictionary<string, NodeDef>();
//			LabelEdit = true;
			ImageList = new ImageList();
			MycroParser mp = new MycroParser();
			mp.Load(xdoc, null, null);
			mp.NamespaceMap[""] = "Clifton.Windows.Forms.XmlTree, Clifton.Windows.Forms";
			nodeList[rootNode.Name] = rootNode;
//			TreeNode tn=CreateNodeAndRequiredChildren(rootNode);
//			Nodes.Add(tn);

		public TreeNode AddNode(IXtreeNode inst, TreeNode parent)
			NodeDef nodeDef = null;

			if (!controllerToNodeDefMap.ContainsKey(inst.GetType()))
				throw new ApplicationException("The controller instance "+inst.GetType().Name+" is expected but not defined in a TypeName attribute of the tree schema.");

			nodeDef = controllerToNodeDefMap[inst.GetType()];

			TreeNode tn = CreateNodeAndRequiredChildren(nodeDef, inst);

			if (parent != null)

			return tn;

		public TreeNode CreateNode(NodeDef node, IXtreeNode inst)
			TreeNode tn = new TreeNode();
			tn.Text = node.Text;

			// If no controller is specified, use the text in the NodeDef.
			if (!(inst is PlaceholderInstance))
				tn.Text = inst.Name;

			tn.Tag = new NodeInstance(tn, node, inst);

			if (node.ImageList != null)
				// Have images been loaded into the TreeView's image list?
				if (node.ImageOffset == -1)
					// No.  Load them and save the offset.
					node.ImageOffset = ImageList.Images.Count;

					foreach (Image img in node.ImageList.Images)


				// Yes, just update the indices.
				tn.ImageIndex = node.ImageOffset + inst.IconIndex;
				tn.SelectedImageIndex = node.ImageOffset + inst.SelectedIconIndex;

			return tn;

		public TreeNode CreateNodeAndRequiredChildren(NodeDef node, IXtreeNode parentInst)
			TreeNode tn = CreateNode(node, parentInst);

			foreach (NodeDef child in node.Nodes)
				if (child.IsRequired)
					IXtreeNode inst = child.CreateImplementingType(parentInst);
					TreeNode tnChild = CreateNodeAndRequiredChildren(child, inst);

			return tn;

		public ContextMenu BuildContextMenu(TreeNode tn, NodeDef n)
			ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();
			bool first = true;

			// Populate from this node's popup collection.
			if (n.PopupItems.Count != 0)
				foreach (Popup popup in n.PopupItems)
					NodeMenuItem nmi = new NodeMenuItem(popup.Text, tn, n, null, popup);
					nmi.Click += new EventHandler(OnContextItem);
					nmi.Enabled = ((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).Instance.IsEnabled(popup.Tag, popup.Enabled);

				first = false;

			// For each child node, populate from the child's ParentPopupItems collection.
			foreach (NodeDef child in n.Nodes)
				NodeDef refNode = child;

				// Resolve any referenced node.
				if (child.IsRef)
					if (!nodeList.ContainsKey(child.RefName))
						throw new ApplicationException("referenced node does not exist.");

					refNode = nodeList[child.RefName];

				if (refNode.ParentPopupItems.Count != 0)
					if (!first)

					first = false;

					// Populate the items.
					foreach (Popup popup in refNode.ParentPopupItems)
						NodeMenuItem nmi = new NodeMenuItem(popup.Text, tn, n, refNode, popup);
						nmi.Click += new EventHandler(OnContextItem);
						nmi.Enabled = ((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).Instance.IsEnabled(popup.Tag, popup.Enabled);

			return cm;

		public void Serialize(string fn)
			XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = xdoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null);
			xdoc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, xdoc.DocumentElement);
			XmlNode xnode = xdoc.CreateElement("XTree");

			foreach (TreeNode tn in Nodes)
				WriteNode(xdoc, xnode, tn);



		public void Deserialize(string fn)
			XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlNode node = xdoc.DocumentElement;
			ReadNode(xdoc, node, Nodes, null);

		protected void ReadNode(XmlDocument xdoc, XmlNode node, TreeNodeCollection nodes, IXtreeNode parent)
			foreach (XmlNode xn in node.ChildNodes)
				IXtreeNode inst = nodeList[xn.Name].CreateImplementingType(parent);
				TreeNode tn = CreateNode(nodeList[xn.Name], inst);
				ReadNode(xdoc, xn, tn.Nodes, inst);

				if (Convert.ToBoolean(xn.Attributes["IsExpanded"].Value))

		protected void WriteNode(XmlDocument xdoc, XmlNode xnode, TreeNode tn)
			XmlNode xn = xdoc.CreateElement(((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).NodeDef.Name);
			xn.Attributes["Text"].Value = tn.Text;
			xn.Attributes["IsExpanded"].Value = tn.IsExpanded.ToString();

			foreach (TreeNode child in tn.Nodes)
				WriteNode(xdoc, xn, child);

		protected void BuildFlatNodeList(NodeDef node)
			foreach (NodeDef child in node.Nodes)
				if (child.Name == null)
					throw new ApplicationException("NodeDef Name cannot be null.");

				nodeList[child.Name] = child;
				controllerToNodeDefMap[child.ImplementingType] = child;
				nameToNodeDefMap[child.Name] = child;

				if (!child.Recurse)

		protected override void  OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)

			if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F2)
				if (!((NodeInstance)SelectedNode.Tag).NodeDef.IsReadOnly)
					if (!SelectedNode.IsEditing)
						LabelEdit = true;

		protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
			selNode = GetNodeAt(e.Location);

			if (selNode != null)
				if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
					// clicked twice on the same node?
					if (selNode == SelectedNode)
						if (!((NodeInstance)selNode.Tag).NodeDef.IsReadOnly)
							SelectedNode = selNode;

							if (!selNode.IsEditing)
								LabelEdit = true;
					SelectedNode = selNode;

				selectedNodeInstance = ((NodeInstance)SelectedNode.Tag).Instance;

		protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)

			if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
				mousePos = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

		protected override void OnAfterLabelEdit(NodeLabelEditEventArgs e)
			if (e.Label != null)
				LabelEdit = false;

		protected virtual void OnDisplayContextMenu()
			GTreeEventArgs ea = new GTreeEventArgs();
			if (DisplayContextMenu != null)
				DisplayContextMenu(this, ea);

			if (!ea.Handled)
				TreeNode tn = GetNodeAt(mousePos);
				NodeDef nodeDef;

				if (tn == null)
					nodeDef = rootNode;
					nodeDef = ((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).NodeDef;

				ContextMenu cm=BuildContextMenu(tn, nodeDef);
				cm.Show(this, mousePos);

		private void OnContextItem(object sender, EventArgs e)
			NodeMenuItem nmi = (NodeMenuItem)sender;

			if (nmi.PopupInfo.IsAdd)
				IXtreeNode parentInst = null;

				if (nmi.TreeNode != null)
					parentInst = ((NodeInstance)nmi.TreeNode.Tag).Instance;

				IXtreeNode inst = nmi.ChildNode.CreateImplementingType(parentInst);
				bool success=inst.AddNode(parentInst, nmi.PopupInfo.Tag);

				if (success)
					TreeNode tn = CreateNodeAndRequiredChildren(nmi.ChildNode, inst);

					// This wouldn't be necessary if there was something like an ITreeNode interface
					// which both TreeView and TreeNode implemented to give you access to the Nodes collection!
					if (nmi.TreeNode == null)

					tn.TreeView.SelectedNode = tn;
			else if (nmi.PopupInfo.IsRemove)
				NodeInstance ni = (NodeInstance)nmi.TreeNode.Tag;
				IXtreeNode inst = ni.Instance;
				IXtreeNode parentInst = null;
				TreeNode parentNode = nmi.TreeNode.Parent;

				if (parentNode != null)
					parentInst = ((NodeInstance)parentNode.Tag).Instance;

				bool success = inst.DeleteNode(parentInst);

				if (success)
		// ------------ Drag & Drop Events --------------

		// Modified from Gabe Anguiano's work here:

		private string NodeMap;
		private const int MAPSIZE = 128;
		private StringBuilder NewNodeMap = new StringBuilder(MAPSIZE);

		private void OnXTreeItemDrag(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs e)
			DoDragDrop(e.Item, DragDropEffects.Move);

		private void OnXTreeDragEnter(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
			e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
		private void OnXTreeDragDrop(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
			if (e.Data.GetDataPresent("System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode", false) && this.NodeMap != "")
				TreeNode MovingNode = (TreeNode)e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode");
				string[] NodeIndexes = this.NodeMap.Split('|');
				TreeNodeCollection InsertCollection = Nodes;
				TreeNode newParent=null;

				for (int i = 0; i < NodeIndexes.Length - 1; i++)
					InsertCollection = newParent.Nodes;

				if (InsertCollection != null)
						int idx = Int32.Parse(NodeIndexes[NodeIndexes.Length - 1]);

						// Get the node controller for the moving node.
						NodeInstance ni = (NodeInstance)MovingNode.Tag;
						IXtreeNode inst = ni.Instance;
						// Get the node controller for the new parent.
						NodeInstance parent = (NodeInstance)newParent.Tag;
						IXtreeNode parentInst = parent.Instance;
						IXtreeNode movingNodeParentInst = ((NodeInstance)MovingNode.Parent.Tag).Instance;

						// Can only move to another parent of the same type.
						if (parentInst.GetType() == movingNodeParentInst.GetType())
							inst.MoveTo(parentInst, movingNodeParentInst, idx);
							InsertCollection.Insert(idx, (TreeNode)MovingNode.Clone());
							SelectedNode = InsertCollection[idx];
							// Remove markers.
					catch (Exception ex)

		private void OnXTreeDragOver(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
			TreeNode NodeOver = GetNodeAt(PointToClient(Cursor.Position));
			TreeNode NodeMoving = (TreeNode)e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode");

			// A bit long, but to summarize, process the following code only if the nodeover is null
			// and either the nodeover is not the same thing as nodemoving UNLESSS nodeover happens
			// to be the last node in the branch (so we can allow drag & drop below a parent branch)
			if (NodeOver != null && (NodeOver != NodeMoving || (NodeOver.Parent != null && NodeOver.Index == (NodeOver.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1))))
				int OffsetY = PointToClient(Cursor.Position).Y - NodeOver.Bounds.Top;
//				int NodeOverImageWidth = ImageList.Images[NodeOver.ImageIndex].Size.Width + 8;
				Graphics g = CreateGraphics();

				// Image index of 1 is the non-folder icon
//				if (NodeOver.ImageIndex == 1)
				// MTC
				// If there are subnodes already, or we're at the last node, then draw the "before/after" markers.
				// What this prevents happening is the ability to add subnodes to a last node that has no children.
				// So we need to add an AND expression, that if we're at the last node AND the mouse Y is at the top third or bottom third of the node,
				// THEN we want to treat this as a "before/after" selection.  Otherwise, treat it as adding a child node.
				if ( (NodeOver.Nodes.Count > 0) || 
					( (NodeOver.Index == (NodeOver.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1)) &&
					  ( (OffsetY < NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 3) || (OffsetY > 2*NodeOver.Bounds.Height/3) ) )
					#region Standard Node
					if (OffsetY < (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 2))
						//this.lblDebug.Text = "top";

						#region If NodeOver is a child then cancel
						TreeNode tnParadox = NodeOver;
						while (tnParadox.Parent != null)
							if (tnParadox.Parent == NodeMoving)
								this.NodeMap = "";

							tnParadox = tnParadox.Parent;
						#region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string
						SetNewNodeMap(NodeOver, false);
						if (SetMapsEqual() == true)
						#region Clear placeholders above and below
						#region Draw the placeholders
						//this.lblDebug.Text = "bottom";

						#region If NodeOver is a child then cancel
						TreeNode tnParadox = NodeOver;
						while (tnParadox.Parent != null)
							if (tnParadox.Parent == NodeMoving)
								this.NodeMap = "";

							tnParadox = tnParadox.Parent;
						#region Allow drag drop to parent branches
						TreeNode ParentDragDrop = null;
						// If the node the mouse is over is the last node of the branch we should allow
						// the ability to drop the "nodemoving" node BELOW the parent node
						if (NodeOver.Parent != null && NodeOver.Index == (NodeOver.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1))
							int XPos = PointToClient(Cursor.Position).X;
							if (XPos < NodeOver.Bounds.Left)
								ParentDragDrop = NodeOver.Parent;

								// MTC - commented out--maybe there isn't an image list!!!
								//if (XPos < (ParentDragDrop.Bounds.Left - ImageList.Images[ParentDragDrop.ImageIndex].Size.Width))
								//    if (ParentDragDrop.Parent != null)
								//        ParentDragDrop = ParentDragDrop.Parent;
						#region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string
						// Since we are in a special case here, use the ParentDragDrop node as the current "nodeover"
						SetNewNodeMap(ParentDragDrop != null ? ParentDragDrop : NodeOver, true);
						if (SetMapsEqual() == true)
						#region Clear placeholders above and below
						#region Draw the placeholders
						DrawLeafBottomPlaceholders(NodeOver, ParentDragDrop);
					#region Folder Node
					if (OffsetY < (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 3))
						//this.lblDebug.Text = "folder top";

						#region If NodeOver is a child then cancel
						TreeNode tnParadox = NodeOver;
						while (tnParadox.Parent != null)
							if (tnParadox.Parent == NodeMoving)
								this.NodeMap = "";

							tnParadox = tnParadox.Parent;
						#region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string
						SetNewNodeMap(NodeOver, false);
						if (SetMapsEqual() == true)
						#region Clear placeholders above and below
						#region Draw the placeholders
					else if ((NodeOver.Parent != null && NodeOver.Index == 0) && (OffsetY > (NodeOver.Bounds.Height - (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 3))))
						//this.lblDebug.Text = "folder bottom";

						#region If NodeOver is a child then cancel
						TreeNode tnParadox = NodeOver;
						while (tnParadox.Parent != null)
							if (tnParadox.Parent == NodeMoving)
								this.NodeMap = "";

							tnParadox = tnParadox.Parent;
						#region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string
						SetNewNodeMap(NodeOver, true);
						if (SetMapsEqual() == true)
						#region Clear placeholders above and below
						#region Draw the placeholders
						//this.lblDebug.Text = "folder over";

						if (NodeOver.Nodes.Count > 0)
							#region Prevent the node from being dragged onto itself
							if (NodeMoving == NodeOver)
							#region If NodeOver is a child then cancel
							TreeNode tnParadox = NodeOver;
							while (tnParadox.Parent != null)
								if (tnParadox.Parent == NodeMoving)
									this.NodeMap = "";

								tnParadox = tnParadox.Parent;
							#region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string
							SetNewNodeMap(NodeOver, false);
							NewNodeMap = NewNodeMap.Insert(NewNodeMap.Length, "|0");

							if (SetMapsEqual() == true)
							#region Clear placeholders above and below
							#region Draw the "add to folder" placeholder

		private void SetNewNodeMap(TreeNode tnNode, bool boolBelowNode)
			NewNodeMap.Length = 0;

			if (boolBelowNode)
				NewNodeMap.Insert(0, (int)tnNode.Index + 1);
				NewNodeMap.Insert(0, (int)tnNode.Index);
			TreeNode tnCurNode = tnNode;

			while (tnCurNode.Parent != null)
				tnCurNode = tnCurNode.Parent;

				if (NewNodeMap.Length == 0 && boolBelowNode == true)
					NewNodeMap.Insert(0, (tnCurNode.Index + 1) + "|");
					NewNodeMap.Insert(0, tnCurNode.Index + "|");

		private bool SetMapsEqual()
			if (this.NewNodeMap.ToString() == this.NodeMap)
				return true;
				this.NodeMap = this.NewNodeMap.ToString();
				return false;

		private void DrawLeafTopPlaceholders(TreeNode NodeOver)
			Graphics g = CreateGraphics();

			// MTC
//			int NodeOverImageWidth = ImageList.Images[NodeOver.ImageIndex].Size.Width + 8;
			int LeftPos = NodeOver.Bounds.Left; // MTC -NodeOverImageWidth;
			int RightPos = Width - 4;

			Point[] LeftTriangle = new Point[5]{
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 4),
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top + 4),
												   new Point(LeftPos + 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Y),
												   new Point(LeftPos + 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 1),
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 5)};

			Point[] RightTriangle = new Point[5]{
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 4),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top + 4),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Y),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 1),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 5)};

			g.FillPolygon(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, LeftTriangle);
			g.FillPolygon(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, RightTriangle);
			g.DrawLine(new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Black, 2), new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top), new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top));


		private void DrawLeafBottomPlaceholders(TreeNode NodeOver, TreeNode ParentDragDrop)
			Graphics g = CreateGraphics();

			// MTC
//			int NodeOverImageWidth = ImageList.Images[NodeOver.ImageIndex].Size.Width + 8;
			// Once again, we are not dragging to node over, draw the placeholder using the ParentDragDrop bounds
			int LeftPos, RightPos;
			// MTC
			//if (ParentDragDrop != null)
			//    LeftPos = ParentDragDrop.Bounds.Left - (ImageList.Images[ParentDragDrop.ImageIndex].Size.Width + 8);
			LeftPos = NodeOver.Bounds.Left; // MTC -NodeOverImageWidth;
			RightPos = Width - 4;

			Point[] LeftTriangle = new Point[5]{
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom - 4),
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom + 4),
												   new Point(LeftPos + 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom),
												   new Point(LeftPos + 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom - 1),
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom - 5)};

			Point[] RightTriangle = new Point[5]{
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom - 4),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom + 4),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom - 1),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom - 5)};

			g.FillPolygon(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, LeftTriangle);
			g.FillPolygon(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, RightTriangle);
			g.DrawLine(new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Black, 2), new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom), new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Bottom));

		private void DrawFolderTopPlaceholders(TreeNode NodeOver)
			Graphics g = CreateGraphics();
			// MTC
//			int NodeOverImageWidth = ImageList.Images[NodeOver.ImageIndex].Size.Width + 8;

			int LeftPos, RightPos;
			LeftPos = NodeOver.Bounds.Left; // MTC -NodeOverImageWidth;
			RightPos = Width - 4;

			Point[] LeftTriangle = new Point[5]{
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 4),
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top + 4),
												   new Point(LeftPos + 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Y),
												   new Point(LeftPos + 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 1),
												   new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 5)};

			Point[] RightTriangle = new Point[5]{
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 4),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top + 4),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Y),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 1),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top - 5)};

			g.FillPolygon(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, LeftTriangle);
			g.FillPolygon(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, RightTriangle);
			g.DrawLine(new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Black, 2), new Point(LeftPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top), new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Top));

		private void DrawAddToFolderPlaceholder(TreeNode NodeOver)
			Graphics g = CreateGraphics();
			int RightPos = NodeOver.Bounds.Right + 6;
			Point[] RightTriangle = new Point[5]{
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Y + (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 2) + 4),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Y + (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 2) + 4),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Y + (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 2)),
													new Point(RightPos - 4, NodeOver.Bounds.Y + (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 2) - 1),
													new Point(RightPos, NodeOver.Bounds.Y + (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 2) - 5)};

			g.FillPolygon(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, RightTriangle);

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Written By
Architect Interacx
United States United States
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All my life I have been passionate about architecture / software design, as this is the cornerstone to a maintainable and extensible application. As such, I have enjoyed exploring some crazy ideas and discovering that they are not so crazy after all. I also love writing about my ideas and seeing the community response. As a consultant, I've enjoyed working in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, boatyard management, remote sensing, emergency services / data management, and casino operations. I've done a variety of pro-bono work non-profit organizations related to nature conservancy, drug recovery and women's health.

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