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Using screensavers inside the Windows Media Player

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15 Jul 2011CPOL1 min read 107.9K   3.1K   53  
Wrapping a screensaver inside a WMP visualization plug-in.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#include "sheepwmp.h"


#define DEFAULT_SCR_FILENAME  _T("c:\\windows\\es.scr")
#define DEFAULT_PROFILE_KEY   _T("SheepWMP")
#define DEFAULT_DLL_EXT       _T(".dll")
#define DEFAULT_INI_EXT       _T(".ini")
#define DEFAULT_COMMAND_PARAM _T(" /p %u")
#define DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX  _T("SheepWMP: ")
#define DEFAULT_SCR_EXT       _T("*.scr")


extern HINSTANCE gThisInstance ;
static HANDLE gInstance = NULL ;
static HWND gWnd = NULL ;
static RECT gRect ;
static CAtlString gRunningScr ;
static CAtlString gDefaultScr ;

class CLock 

	CLock ()	
		EnterCriticalSection ( GetCriticalSection () ) ;

	~CLock ()
		LeaveCriticalSection ( GetCriticalSection () ) ;


	LPCRITICAL_SECTION GetCriticalSection ()
		static bool lInit = false ;
		static CRITICAL_SECTION lCriticalSection ;
		if ( lInit == false )
			InitializeCriticalSection ( &lCriticalSection ) ;
			lInit = true ;
		return &lCriticalSection ;

} ;


static HANDLE LaunchProcess ( LPCTSTR aProcessName, LPCTSTR aArgs, RECT aRect )
	STARTUPINFO lStartupInfo;			

	memset ( &lProcessInfo, 0, sizeof ( lProcessInfo ) );
	memset ( &lStartupInfo, 0, sizeof ( lStartupInfo ) );

	lStartupInfo.cb = sizeof ( lStartupInfo );
	lStartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
	lStartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
	lStartupInfo.dwX = aRect.left ;
	lStartupInfo.dwY = ;
	lStartupInfo.dwXSize = aRect.right - aRect.left ;
	lStartupInfo.dwYSize = aRect.bottom - ;

	ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Set running process %s\n"), aProcessName ) ;
	gRunningScr = aProcessName ;

	// Create target process
	CreateProcess ( (LPTSTR) aProcessName, (LPTSTR) aArgs, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, & lStartupInfo, & lProcessInfo );

	ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Set process priority to low\n") ) ;
	SetPriorityClass ( lProcessInfo.hProcess, IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS ) ;

	return lProcessInfo.hProcess ;


static CAtlString GetIni ()
	CAtlString lFileName ;
	GetModuleFileName ( gThisInstance, lFileName . GetBufferSetLength ( MAX_PATH ), MAX_PATH ) ;
	lFileName . ReleaseBuffer () ;
	lFileName . MakeLower () ;
	lFileName . Replace ( DEFAULT_DLL_EXT, DEFAULT_INI_EXT ) ;

	ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("INI file located at %s\n"), lFileName ) ;

	return lFileName ;


static CAtlString GetScr ()
	// So we only do it once per run
	if ( gDefaultScr . IsEmpty () )
		CAtlString lIni = GetIni () ;
		if ( lIni . IsEmpty () == FALSE )
			lCmd . ReleaseBuffer () ;
		ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("SCR file located at %s\n"), lCmd ) ;

		gDefaultScr = lCmd ;
	return gDefaultScr ;


static void RunProcess ( HWND aWnd, LPCTSTR aScr, RECT aRect )
	if ( aWnd )
		CAtlString lCommand ;
		lCommand . Format ( DEFAULT_COMMAND_PARAM, (ULONGLONG) aWnd ) ;

		CAtlString lExe = ( aScr != NULL ? aScr : GetScr () ) ;

		ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Launch process \"%s\"\n"), lExe + lCommand ) ;

		// Create the new instance
		gInstance = LaunchProcess ( lExe, lExe + lCommand, aRect ) ;


static void KillProcess ()
	if ( gInstance )
		ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Kill process \"%u\"\n"), (ULONGLONG) gInstance ) ;

		// Kill the old instance
		TerminateProcess ( gInstance, 0 ) ;
		gInstance = NULL ;

		gRunningScr = _T("") ;


CSheepWMP::CSheepWMP() :
	CLock lLock ;

	CAtlString lPath ;
	SHGetFolderPath ( NULL, CSIDL_SYSTEM, NULL, 0, lPath . GetBufferSetLength ( MAX_PATH ) ) ;
	lPath . ReleaseBuffer () ;

	ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Finding all scrs in %s\n"), lPath ) ;

	CAtlString lSearch = lPath ;
	PathAppend ( lSearch . GetBufferSetLength ( MAX_PATH ), DEFAULT_SCR_EXT ) ;
	lSearch . ReleaseBuffer () ;

	WIN32_FIND_DATA lFindFileData;
	HANDLE lFind = FindFirstFile ( lSearch, &lFindFileData ) ;
			CAtlString lScr = lPath ;
			PathAppend ( lScr . GetBufferSetLength ( MAX_PATH ), lFindFileData . cFileName  ) ;
			lScr . ReleaseBuffer () ;
			ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Adding scr, %s\n"), lScr ) ;

			m_Scrs . push_back ( lScr ) ;
		while ( FindNextFile ( lFind, &lFindFileData ) ) ;

		FindClose ( lFind ) ;





HRESULT CSheepWMP::FinalConstruct()
    return S_OK;


void CSheepWMP::FinalRelease()


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::Render(TimedLevel *pLevels, HDC hdc, RECT *prc)
    return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::MediaInfo(LONG lChannelCount, LONG lSampleRate, BSTR bstrTitle )
    return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::GetCapabilities(DWORD * pdwCapabilities)
    if (NULL == pdwCapabilities)
        return E_POINTER;

    *pdwCapabilities = 0;
    return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::GetTitle(BSTR* bstrTitle)

    if (NULL == bstrTitle)
        return E_POINTER;

    CComBSTR bstrTemp;
    if ((!bstrTemp) || (0 == bstrTemp.Length()))
        return E_FAIL;

    *bstrTitle = bstrTemp.Detach();

    return S_OK;


LPCTSTR CSheepWMP::ActiveScr () 
	if ( m_nPreset > 0 && m_nPreset < (LONG) m_Scrs . size () + 1 )
		return m_Scrs [ m_nPreset - 1 ]  ;
	return NULL ;


CAtlString CSheepWMP::GetScrName ( CAtlString aScr ) 
	// Initially get the filename and remove extension
	CAtlString lName = PathFindFileName ( aScr ) ;
	PathRemoveExtension ( lName . GetBufferSetLength ( MAX_PATH ) ) ;
	lName . ReleaseBuffer () ;

	// Load the DLL as a data file, and do not resolve any references
	ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Loading library %s\n"), aScr ) ;
	if ( lInstance )
		// Examining all SCR, string 1 is the description used by the display properties
		CAtlString lDesc ;
		LoadString ( lInstance, 1, lDesc . GetBufferSetLength ( MAX_PATH ), MAX_PATH ) ;
		lDesc . ReleaseBuffer () ;

		// Clean up
		FreeLibrary ( lInstance ) ;

		// If we have a valid description use it
		if ( lDesc . IsEmpty () == FALSE )
			ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Set scr name to description, %s\n"), lDesc ) ;
			lName = lDesc ;
	return lName ;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::GetPresetTitle(LONG nPreset, BSTR *bstrPresetTitle)

    if (NULL == bstrPresetTitle)
        return E_POINTER;

    if ((nPreset < 0) || (nPreset >= (LONG) m_Scrs . size () + 1 ))
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    CComBSTR bstrTemp;
    switch (nPreset)
		case 0:
			} break;
				// Use nice name for the screensaver
				bstrTemp = GetScrName ( m_Scrs [ nPreset - 1 ] ) ;
			} break ;
    if ((!bstrTemp) || (0 == bstrTemp.Length()))
        return E_FAIL;

    *bstrPresetTitle = bstrTemp.Detach();

    return S_OK;


HWND CSheepWMP::FindScreenSaverWnd ( HWND aWnd )

	HWND lWnd = NULL ;
	lWnd = FindWindowEx ( aWnd, NULL, _T("WindowsScreenSaverClass"), NULL ) ;
	if ( lWnd )
		return lWnd ;

	lWnd = FindWindowEx ( aWnd, NULL, _T("D3DScreenSaverClass"), NULL ) ;
	if ( lWnd )
		return lWnd ;

	lWnd = FindWindowEx ( aWnd, NULL, _T("ElectricsheepWndClass"), NULL ) ;
	if ( lWnd )
		return lWnd ;

	CAtlString lScr = ActiveScr () ;
	if ( lScr.IsEmpty () )
		lScr = GetScr () ;
	lScr . MakeLower () ;

	for ( HWND lChild = GetWindow ( aWnd, GW_CHILD ) ; lChild != NULL ; lChild = GetWindow ( lChild, GW_HWNDNEXT ) )
		GetWindowThreadProcessId ( lChild, &lPID ) ;

		if ( lProcess )
			TCHAR lModuleFileName [ 256 ] = _T("") ;
			GetModuleFileNameEx ( lProcess, NULL, lModuleFileName, 256 ) ;
			PathStripPath ( lModuleFileName ) ;

			CAtlString lFileName = lModuleFileName ;
			lFileName . MakeLower () ;

			if ( lScr . Find ( lFileName ) != -1 )
				lWnd = lChild ;
				break ;
	return lWnd ;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::GetPresetCount(LONG *pnPresetCount)
    if (NULL == pnPresetCount)
        return E_POINTER;

    *pnPresetCount = (LONG) m_Scrs . size () + 1 ;

    return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::SetCurrentPreset(LONG nPreset)
    if ((nPreset < 0) || (nPreset >= (LONG) m_Scrs . size () + 1 ))
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    m_nPreset = nPreset;

    return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::GetCurrentPreset(LONG *pnPreset)
    if (NULL == pnPreset)
        return E_POINTER;

    *pnPreset = m_nPreset;

    return S_OK;


    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // release any existing WMP core interfaces

    // If we get passed a NULL core, this  means
    // that the plugin is being shutdown.

    if (pCore == NULL)
        return S_OK;

    m_spCore = pCore;

    return hr;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::Create(HWND hwndParent)
	CLock lLock ;

	m_hwndParent = hwndParent;

	// Store new window
	gWnd = m_hwndParent ;

	KillProcess () ;

	RECT lRect ;
	GetClientRect ( gWnd, &lRect ) ;

	RunProcess ( gWnd, ActiveScr (), lRect ) ;

    return S_OK;


	CLock lLock ;

	m_hwndParent = NULL;
	gWnd = NULL ;

	KillProcess () ;

    return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::NotifyNewMedia(IWMPMedia *pMedia)
    return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::OnWindowMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam, LRESULT *plResultParam )
    // return S_OK only if the plugin has handled the window message
    // return S_FALSE to let the defWindowProc handle the message
    return S_FALSE;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::RenderWindowed(TimedLevel *pLevels, BOOL fRequiredRender )
	CLock lLock ;

	// NULL parent window should not happen 
    if (NULL == m_hwndParent)
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // At this point the visualization should draw directly into the parent
    // window. This sample just calls windowless render for simplicity.
	if ( m_hwndParent )
		if ( IsWindowVisible ( m_hwndParent ) == FALSE )
			KillProcess () ;
			return S_OK ;

		// Has the window changed?
		if ( m_hwndParent != gWnd )
			ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("HWND changed...\n") ) ;
			// Store new window
			gWnd = m_hwndParent ;

			KillProcess () ;

		// Has the window changed dimensions
		RECT lRect ;
		GetClientRect ( gWnd, &lRect ) ;
		if ( memcmp ( &gRect, &lRect, sizeof ( RECT ) ) != 0 )
			ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Window size changed...\n") ) ;
			memcpy ( &gRect, &lRect, sizeof ( RECT ) ) ;

			// Try to update the exinsing window
			HWND lWnd = FindScreenSaverWnd ( gWnd ) ;
			if ( lWnd ) 
				ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Moving screensaver window...\n") ) ;
				SetWindowPos ( lWnd, NULL, lRect . left, lRect . top, lRect . right - lRect . left, lRect . bottom - lRect . top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW ) ;
				ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Failed to find screensaver window...\n") ) ;
				// KillProcess () ;

		// Check we have the correct SCR running
		LPCTSTR lActive = ActiveScr () ;
		if ( gInstance )
			// NULL, default
			if ( lActive == NULL )
				// Check the running scr matches the default
				if ( gRunningScr != GetScr () )
					ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("DEFAULT scr is not running...\n") ) ;
					KillProcess () ;
			// Check the running scr matches the active one
			else if ( gRunningScr != lActive )
				ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("ACTIVE scr is not running...\n"), lActive ) ;
				KillProcess () ;

		// If no instance running
		if ( gInstance == NULL )
			RunProcess ( gWnd, lActive, lRect ) ;


		// Finally send keystates to the screensaver
		if ( gWnd )
			// Get status of all keys
			BYTE lKeys [ 256 ] ;
			GetKeyboardState ( lKeys ) ;

			// See if a key has been pressed
			bool lPressed = false ;
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i ++ )
				if (  lKeys [ i ] & 128 )
					ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Key press detected...\n") ) ;
					lPressed = true ;
					break ;

			// Yes a key has been pressed send it to the SCR
			if ( lPressed )
				HWND lWnd = FindScreenSaverWnd ( gWnd ) ;
				if ( lWnd ) 
					ATLTRACE ( DEFAULT_TRACE_PREFIX _T("Sending keypress to screensaver window...\n") ) ;
					for ( int i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i ++ )
						if (  lKeys [ i ] & 128 )
							SendMessage ( lWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, MAKELONG ( i ,0 ), 0) ;
    return S_OK;


void CSheepWMP::ReleaseCore()
    if (m_spCore)
        m_spCore = NULL;


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::get_foregroundColor(BSTR *pVal)
	return ColorToWz( pVal, m_clrForeground);


STDMETHODIMP CSheepWMP::put_foregroundColor(BSTR newVal)
	return WzToColor(newVal, &m_clrForeground);


HRESULT CSheepWMP::WzToColor(const WCHAR *pwszColor, COLORREF *pcrColor)
    if (NULL == pwszColor)
        //NULL color string passed in
        return E_POINTER;

    if (0 == lstrlenW(pwszColor))
        //Empty color string passed in
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if (NULL == pcrColor)
        //NULL output color DWORD passed in
        return E_POINTER;
    if (lstrlenW(pwszColor) != 7)
        //hex color string is not of the correct length
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    DWORD dwRet = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
        // shift dwRet by 4
        dwRet <<= 4;
        // and add in the value of this string

        if ((pwszColor[i] >= L'0') && (pwszColor[i] <= L'9'))
            dwRet += pwszColor[i] - '0';
        else if ((pwszColor[i] >= L'A') && (pwszColor[i] <= L'F'))
            dwRet += 10 + (pwszColor[i] - L'A');
        else if ((pwszColor[i] >= L'a') && (pwszColor[i] <= L'f'))
            dwRet += 10 + (pwszColor[i] - L'a');
           //Invalid hex digit in color string
            return E_INVALIDARG;

    *pcrColor = SwapBytes(dwRet);

    return S_OK;


HRESULT CSheepWMP::ColorToWz( BSTR* pbstrColor, COLORREF crColor)
    _ASSERT( NULL != pbstrColor );
    _ASSERT( (crColor & 0x00FFFFFF) == crColor );

    *pbstrColor = NULL;

    WCHAR wsz[8];
    HRESULT hr  = S_OK;

    wsprintfW( wsz, L"#%06X", SwapBytes(crColor) );
    *pbstrColor = ::SysAllocString( wsz );

    if (!pbstrColor)
        hr = E_FAIL;

    return hr;


inline DWORD CSheepWMP::SwapBytes(DWORD dwRet)
    return ((dwRet & 0x0000FF00) | ((dwRet & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) | ((dwRet & 0x000000FF) << 16));


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Written By
Web Developer
Australia Australia
Developing windows applications for over 15 years now starting on Win 3.1 with Object Oriented Pascal, progressed to C++ and OWL, in 1996 switch to MFC and never looked back, now focusing on .NET/Mono.

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