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A managed wrapper for the HTML Tidy library

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12 Jan 2007CPOL2 min read 140.6K   2.6K   28  
A managed C++ for a small part of the HTML Tidy C library
#ifndef __ATTRS_H__
#define __ATTRS_H__

/* attrs.h -- recognize HTML attributes

  (c) 1998-2003 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University
  See tidy.h for the copyright notice.
  CVS Info :

    $Author: arnaud02 $ 
    $Date: 2005/08/24 10:27:43 $ 
    $Revision: 1.20 $ 


#include "forward.h"

/* declaration for methods that check attribute values */
typedef void (AttrCheck)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval);

struct _Attribute
    TidyAttrId  id;
    tmbstr      name;
    unsigned    versions;
    AttrCheck*  attrchk;

    struct _Attribute* next;

 Anchor/Node linked list

struct _Anchor
    struct _Anchor *next;
    Node *node;
    char *name;

typedef struct _Anchor Anchor;


struct _TidyAttribImpl
    /* anchor/node lookup */
    Anchor*    anchor_list;

    /* Declared literal attributes */
    Attribute* declared_attr_list;

    Attribute* hashtab[ATTRIBUTE_HASH_SIZE];

typedef struct _TidyAttribImpl TidyAttribImpl;


 Bind attribute types to procedures to check values.
 You can add new procedures for better validation
 and each procedure has access to the node in which
 the attribute occurred as well as the attribute name
 and its value.

 By default, attributes are checked without regard
 to the element they are found on. You have the choice
 of making the procedure test which element is involved
 or in writing methods for each element which controls
 exactly how the attributes of that element are checked.
 This latter approach is best for detecting the absence
 of required attributes.

AttrCheck CheckUrl;
AttrCheck CheckScript;
AttrCheck CheckName;
AttrCheck CheckId;
AttrCheck CheckAlign;
AttrCheck CheckValign;
AttrCheck CheckBool;
AttrCheck CheckLength;
AttrCheck CheckTarget;
AttrCheck CheckFsubmit;
AttrCheck CheckClear;
AttrCheck CheckShape;
AttrCheck CheckNumber;
AttrCheck CheckScope;
AttrCheck CheckColor;
AttrCheck CheckVType;
AttrCheck CheckScroll;
AttrCheck CheckTextDir;
AttrCheck CheckLang;
AttrCheck CheckType;

/* public method for finding attribute definition by name */
const Attribute* CheckAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval );

const Attribute* FindAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc, AttVal *attval );

AttVal* GetAttrByName( Node *node, ctmbstr name );

AttVal* AddAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc,
                      Node *node, ctmbstr name, ctmbstr value );

AttVal* RepairAttrValue(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, ctmbstr name, ctmbstr value);

Bool IsUrl( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname );

Bool IsBool( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname );

Bool IsScript( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname );

/* may id or name serve as anchor? */
Bool IsAnchorElement( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node );

  In CSS1, selectors can contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, and
  Unicode characters 161-255, plus dash (-); they cannot start with
  a dash or a digit; they can also contain escaped characters and any
  Unicode character as a numeric code (see next item).

  The backslash followed by at most four hexadecimal digits (0..9A..F)
  stands for the Unicode character with that number.

  Any character except a hexadecimal digit can be escaped to remove its
  special meaning, by putting a backslash in front.

  #508936 - CSS class naming for -clean option
Bool IsCSS1Selector( ctmbstr buf );

Bool IsValidHTMLID(ctmbstr id);
Bool IsValidXMLID(ctmbstr id);

/* removes anchor for specific node */
void RemoveAnchorByNode( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node );

/* add new anchor to namespace */
Anchor* AddAnchor( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name, Node *node );

/* return node associated with anchor */
Node* GetNodeByAnchor( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name );

/* free all anchors */
void FreeAnchors( TidyDocImpl* doc );

/* public methods for inititializing/freeing attribute dictionary */
void InitAttrs( TidyDocImpl* doc );
void FreeAttrTable( TidyDocImpl* doc );

 the same attribute name can't be used
 more than once in each element
void RepairDuplicateAttributes( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node );

Bool IsBoolAttribute( AttVal* attval );
Bool attrIsEvent( AttVal* attval );

AttVal* AttrGetById( Node* node, TidyAttrId id );

uint NodeAttributeVersions( Node* node, TidyAttrId id );

/* 0 == TidyAttr_UNKNOWN  */
#define AttrId(av) ((av) && (av)->dict ? (av)->dict->id : TidyAttr_UNKNOWN)
#define AttrIsId(av, atid) ((av) && (av)->dict && ((av)->dict->id == atid))

#define AttrHasValue(attr)      ((attr) && (attr)->value)
#define AttrValueIs(attr, val)  (AttrHasValue(attr) && \
                                 tmbstrcasecmp((attr)->value, val) == 0)
#define AttrContains(attr, val) (AttrHasValue(attr) && \
                                 tmbsubstr((attr)->value, val) != NULL)
#define AttrVersions(attr)      ((attr) && (attr)->dict ? (attr)->dict->versions : VERS_PROPRIETARY)

#define AttrsHaveSameId(a, b) (a && b && a->dict && b->dict && a->dict->id && \
                               b->dict->id && a->dict->id == b->dict->id)

#define attrIsABBR(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ABBR  )
#define attrIsACCEPT(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACCEPT  )
#define attrIsACCEPT_CHARSET(av)    AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACCEPT_CHARSET  )
#define attrIsACCESSKEY(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACCESSKEY  )
#define attrIsACTION(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ACTION  )
#define attrIsADD_DATE(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ADD_DATE  )
#define attrIsALIGN(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ALIGN  )
#define attrIsALINK(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ALINK  )
#define attrIsALT(av)               AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ALT  )
#define attrIsARCHIVE(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ARCHIVE  )
#define attrIsAXIS(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_AXIS  )
#define attrIsBACKGROUND(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BACKGROUND  )
#define attrIsBGCOLOR(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BGCOLOR  )
#define attrIsBGPROPERTIES(av)      AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BGPROPERTIES  )
#define attrIsBORDER(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BORDER  )
#define attrIsBORDERCOLOR(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BORDERCOLOR  )
#define attrIsBOTTOMMARGIN(av)      AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_BOTTOMMARGIN  )
#define attrIsCELLPADDING(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CELLPADDING  )
#define attrIsCELLSPACING(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CELLSPACING  )
#define attrIsCHAR(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHAR  )
#define attrIsCHAROFF(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHAROFF  )
#define attrIsCHARSET(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHARSET  )
#define attrIsCHECKED(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CHECKED  )
#define attrIsCITE(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CITE  )
#define attrIsCLASS(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CLASS  )
#define attrIsCLASSID(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CLASSID  )
#define attrIsCLEAR(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CLEAR  )
#define attrIsCODE(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CODE  )
#define attrIsCODEBASE(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CODEBASE  )
#define attrIsCODETYPE(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CODETYPE  )
#define attrIsCOLOR(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COLOR  )
#define attrIsCOLS(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COLS  )
#define attrIsCOLSPAN(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COLSPAN  )
#define attrIsCOMPACT(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COMPACT  )
#define attrIsCONTENT(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_CONTENT  )
#define attrIsCOORDS(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_COORDS  )
#define attrIsDATA(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATA  )
#define attrIsDATAFLD(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATAFLD  )
#define attrIsDATAFORMATAS(av)      AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATAFORMATAS  )
#define attrIsDATAPAGESIZE(av)      AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATAPAGESIZE  )
#define attrIsDATASRC(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATASRC  )
#define attrIsDATETIME(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DATETIME  )
#define attrIsDECLARE(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DECLARE  )
#define attrIsDEFER(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DEFER  )
#define attrIsDIR(av)               AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DIR  )
#define attrIsDISABLED(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_DISABLED  )
#define attrIsENCODING(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ENCODING  )
#define attrIsENCTYPE(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ENCTYPE  )
#define attrIsFACE(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FACE  )
#define attrIsFOR(av)               AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FOR  )
#define attrIsFRAME(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FRAME  )
#define attrIsFRAMEBORDER(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FRAMEBORDER  )
#define attrIsFRAMESPACING(av)      AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_FRAMESPACING  )
#define attrIsGRIDX(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_GRIDX  )
#define attrIsGRIDY(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_GRIDY  )
#define attrIsHEADERS(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HEADERS  )
#define attrIsHEIGHT(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HEIGHT  )
#define attrIsHREF(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HREF  )
#define attrIsHREFLANG(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HREFLANG  )
#define attrIsHSPACE(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HSPACE  )
#define attrIsHTTP_EQUIV(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_HTTP_EQUIV  )
#define attrIsID(av)                AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ID  )
#define attrIsISMAP(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ISMAP  )
#define attrIsLABEL(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LABEL  )
#define attrIsLANG(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LANG  )
#define attrIsLANGUAGE(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LANGUAGE  )
#define attrIsLAST_MODIFIED(av)     AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LAST_MODIFIED  )
#define attrIsLAST_VISIT(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LAST_VISIT  )
#define attrIsLEFTMARGIN(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LEFTMARGIN  )
#define attrIsLINK(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LINK  )
#define attrIsLONGDESC(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LONGDESC  )
#define attrIsLOWSRC(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_LOWSRC  )
#define attrIsMARGINHEIGHT(av)      AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MARGINHEIGHT  )
#define attrIsMARGINWIDTH(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MARGINWIDTH  )
#define attrIsMAXLENGTH(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MAXLENGTH  )
#define attrIsMEDIA(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MEDIA  )
#define attrIsMETHOD(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_METHOD  )
#define attrIsMULTIPLE(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_MULTIPLE  )
#define attrIsNAME(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NAME  )
#define attrIsNOHREF(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NOHREF  )
#define attrIsNORESIZE(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NORESIZE  )
#define attrIsNOSHADE(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NOSHADE  )
#define attrIsNOWRAP(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_NOWRAP  )
#define attrIsOBJECT(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OBJECT  )
#define attrIsOnAFTERUPDATE(av)     AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnAFTERUPDATE  )
#define attrIsOnBEFOREUNLOAD(av)    AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUNLOAD  )
#define attrIsOnBEFOREUPDATE(av)    AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUPDATE  )
#define attrIsOnBLUR(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnBLUR  )
#define attrIsOnCHANGE(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnCHANGE  )
#define attrIsOnCLICK(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnCLICK  )
#define attrIsOnDATAAVAILABLE(av)   AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDATAAVAILABLE  )
#define attrIsOnDATASETCHANGED(av)  AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDATASETCHANGED  )
#define attrIsOnDATASETCOMPLETE(av) AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDATASETCOMPLETE  )
#define attrIsOnDBLCLICK(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnDBLCLICK  )
#define attrIsOnERRORUPDATE(av)     AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnERRORUPDATE  )
#define attrIsOnFOCUS(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnFOCUS  )
#define attrIsOnKEYDOWN(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN  )
#define attrIsOnKEYPRESS(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS  )
#define attrIsOnKEYUP(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnKEYUP  )
#define attrIsOnLOAD(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnLOAD  )
#define attrIsOnMOUSEDOWN(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN  )
#define attrIsOnMOUSEMOVE(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE  )
#define attrIsOnMOUSEOUT(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT  )
#define attrIsOnMOUSEOVER(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER  )
#define attrIsOnMOUSEUP(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP  )
#define attrIsOnRESET(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnRESET  )
#define attrIsOnROWENTER(av)        AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnROWENTER  )
#define attrIsOnROWEXIT(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnROWEXIT  )
#define attrIsOnSELECT(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnSELECT  )
#define attrIsOnSUBMIT(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnSUBMIT  )
#define attrIsOnUNLOAD(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_OnUNLOAD  )
#define attrIsPROFILE(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_PROFILE  )
#define attrIsPROMPT(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_PROMPT  )
#define attrIsRBSPAN(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_RBSPAN  )
#define attrIsREADONLY(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_READONLY  )
#define attrIsREL(av)               AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_REL  )
#define attrIsREV(av)               AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_REV  )
#define attrIsRIGHTMARGIN(av)       AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_RIGHTMARGIN  )
#define attrIsROWS(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ROWS  )
#define attrIsROWSPAN(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_ROWSPAN  )
#define attrIsRULES(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_RULES  )
#define attrIsSCHEME(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SCHEME  )
#define attrIsSCOPE(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SCOPE  )
#define attrIsSCROLLING(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SCROLLING  )
#define attrIsSELECTED(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SELECTED  )
#define attrIsSHAPE(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHAPE  )
#define attrIsSHOWGRID(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHOWGRID  )
#define attrIsSHOWGRIDX(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDX  )
#define attrIsSHOWGRIDY(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDY  )
#define attrIsSIZE(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SIZE  )
#define attrIsSPAN(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SPAN  )
#define attrIsSRC(av)               AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SRC  )
#define attrIsSTANDBY(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_STANDBY  )
#define attrIsSTART(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_START  )
#define attrIsSTYLE(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_STYLE  )
#define attrIsSUMMARY(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_SUMMARY  )
#define attrIsTABINDEX(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TABINDEX  )
#define attrIsTARGET(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TARGET  )
#define attrIsTEXT(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TEXT  )
#define attrIsTITLE(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TITLE  )
#define attrIsTOPMARGIN(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TOPMARGIN  )
#define attrIsTYPE(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_TYPE  )
#define attrIsUSEMAP(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_USEMAP  )
#define attrIsVALIGN(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VALIGN  )
#define attrIsVALUE(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VALUE  )
#define attrIsVALUETYPE(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VALUETYPE  )
#define attrIsVERSION(av)           AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VERSION  )
#define attrIsVLINK(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VLINK  )
#define attrIsVSPACE(av)            AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_VSPACE  )
#define attrIsWIDTH(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_WIDTH  )
#define attrIsWRAP(av)              AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_WRAP  )
#define attrIsXMLNS(av)             AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_XMLNS  )
#define attrIsXML_LANG(av)          AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_XML_LANG  )
#define attrIsXML_SPACE(av)         AttrIsId( av, TidyAttr_XML_SPACE  )

/* Attribute Retrieval macros
#define attrGetHREF( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_HREF  )
#define attrGetSRC( nod )         AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_SRC  )
#define attrGetID( nod )          AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_ID  )
#define attrGetNAME( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_NAME  )
#define attrGetSUMMARY( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_SUMMARY  )
#define attrGetALT( nod )         AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_ALT  )
#define attrGetLONGDESC( nod )    AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_LONGDESC  )
#define attrGetUSEMAP( nod )      AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_USEMAP  )
#define attrGetISMAP( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_ISMAP  )
#define attrGetLANGUAGE( nod )    AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_LANGUAGE  )
#define attrGetTYPE( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_TYPE  )
#define attrGetVALUE( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_VALUE  )
#define attrGetCONTENT( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_CONTENT  )
#define attrGetTITLE( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_TITLE  )
#define attrGetXMLNS( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_XMLNS  )
#define attrGetDATAFLD( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_DATAFLD  )
#define attrGetWIDTH( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_WIDTH  )
#define attrGetHEIGHT( nod )      AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_HEIGHT  )
#define attrGetFOR( nod )         AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_FOR  )
#define attrGetSELECTED( nod )    AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_SELECTED  )
#define attrGetCHECKED( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_CHECKED  )
#define attrGetLANG( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_LANG  )
#define attrGetTARGET( nod )      AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_TARGET  )
#define attrGetHTTP_EQUIV( nod )  AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_HTTP_EQUIV  )
#define attrGetREL( nod )         AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_REL  )

#define attrGetOnMOUSEMOVE( nod ) AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE  )
#define attrGetOnMOUSEDOWN( nod ) AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN  )
#define attrGetOnMOUSEUP( nod )   AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP  )
#define attrGetOnCLICK( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnCLICK  )
#define attrGetOnMOUSEOVER( nod ) AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER  )
#define attrGetOnMOUSEOUT( nod )  AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT  )
#define attrGetOnKEYDOWN( nod )   AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN  )
#define attrGetOnKEYUP( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnKEYUP  )
#define attrGetOnKEYPRESS( nod )  AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS  )
#define attrGetOnFOCUS( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnFOCUS  )
#define attrGetOnBLUR( nod )      AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_OnBLUR  )

#define attrGetBGCOLOR( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_BGCOLOR  )

#define attrGetLINK( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_LINK  )
#define attrGetALINK( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_ALINK  )
#define attrGetVLINK( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_VLINK  )

#define attrGetTEXT( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_TEXT  )
#define attrGetSTYLE( nod )       AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_STYLE  )
#define attrGetABBR( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_ABBR  )
#define attrGetCOLSPAN( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_COLSPAN  )
#define attrGetFONT( nod )        AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_FONT  )
#define attrGetBASEFONT( nod )    AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_BASEFONT  )
#define attrGetROWSPAN( nod )     AttrGetById( nod, TidyAttr_ROWSPAN  )

#endif /* __ATTRS_H__ */

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Written By
Chief Technology Officer Zeta Software GmbH
Germany Germany
Uwe does programming since 1989 with experiences in Assembler, C++, MFC and lots of web- and database stuff and now uses ASP.NET and C# extensively, too. He has also teached programming to students at the local university.

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In his free time, he does climbing, running and mountain biking. In 2012 he became a father of a cute boy and in 2014 of an awesome girl.

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