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Image Recognition with Neural Networks

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30 Oct 2007CPOL4 min read 1M   46.2K   286  
This article contains a brief description of BackPropagation Artificial Neural Network and its implementation for Image Recognition


 * FormANN.cs

 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * By

 * Murat FIRAT, June 2007



 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Description:

 * FormANN.cs implements the interface that uses backpropagation classes.


 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Notes:

 * To train the B.P.N. Network there must be a folder [in the same directory

 * of the .exe ] named "PATTERNS" which contains one folder[containing images] 

 * for each pattern.(For example, for english alfhabet, in "PATTERNS" directory 

 * there must be folders, namely "0","1","2"...."Z" each of which contains 

 * that letter's images). You can change this folder from settings tab.


 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.IO;

using System.Collections;

using System.Threading;

using ANN;

//BPNN: BackPropagation Neural Network

namespace BPNN


    public partial class FormANN : Form


        private BP1Layer Classifier1;

        private BP2Layer Classifier2;

        private BP3Layer Classifier3;

        private double[] InputFromUser;

        private List<Point> PointsOnPanel;

        private int AvImageHeigh;

        private int AvImageWidth;

        //private int PreInputNumber = AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth;//not needed

        private int InputNumber = 250;

        private int HiddenNumber = 100;

        private int OutputNumber;

        private double MaxError = 1.1;

        private int LayerNum=1;

        private string PatternsDirectory = "PATTERNS";

        ArrayList TrainingSet;

        ArrayList TrainingValues;        

        //to draw characters on panel

        private bool MouseMoving = false;

        private int PanelImgeHeight;

        private int PanelImgeWidth;

        //for training process

        Thread ThreadTrain;

        private bool StopTraining = false;

        public FormANN()






        //clean (any) threads

        private void FormANN_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)




        //Create Instances of Data Members

        private void InitializeDataMembers()





                string[] Dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(PatternsDirectory);

                OutputNumber = Dirs.Length;

                int AvHeight = 0, AvWidth = 0, PNum = 0;

                foreach (string Dir in Dirs)


                    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Dir))


                        if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".bmp" )


                            Bitmap BM = new Bitmap(file);

                            AvHeight += BM.Height;

                            AvWidth += BM.Width;






                AvHeight /= PNum;

                AvWidth /= PNum;

                AvImageHeigh = AvHeight;

                AvImageWidth = AvWidth;

                TrainingSet = new ArrayList(PNum);

                TrainingValues = new ArrayList(PNum);


                foreach (string Dir in Dirs)


                    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Dir))


                        if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".bmp")


                            Bitmap BM = new Bitmap(file);                           

                            TrainingSet.Add(IMGToDoubleArr(BM, AvWidth, AvHeight));

                            string[] Folders = Dir.Split('\\');

                            TrainingValues.Add(Folders[Folders.Length-1]);//the last folder                           





                PanelImgeWidth = TrackBarWidth.Value;

                PanelImgeHeight = 30 - TrackBarHeight.Value;

                pictureBoxInput.Height = AvImageHeigh;

                pictureBoxInput.Width = AvImageWidth;


                InputFromUser = new double[AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth];

                PointsOnPanel = new List<Point>();

                Classifier1 = new BP1Layer(AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth, OutputNumber);

                Classifier2 = new BP2Layer(AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth, InputNumber, OutputNumber);

                Classifier3 = new BP3Layer(AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth, InputNumber, HiddenNumber, OutputNumber);



            catch (Exception Ex)


                MessageBox.Show("Error Initializing Network Defaults: " + Ex.Message);

                textBoxState.AppendText("Error Initializing..\r\n");



        //Fill Settings Panel

        private void InitializeSettings()


            textBoxState.AppendText("Initializing Settings..");





            comboBoxLayers.SelectedIndex = 0;

            textBoxInputUnit.Text = InputNumber.ToString();

            textBoxHiddenUnit.Text = HiddenNumber.ToString();

            textBoxOutputUnit.Text = OutputNumber.ToString();

            textBoxMaxError.Text = MaxError.ToString();

            textBoxAvHeight.Text = AvImageHeigh.ToString();

            textBoxAvWidth.Text = AvImageWidth.ToString();

            PatternsDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(PatternsDirectory);

            textBoxTrainingBrowse.Text=PatternsDirectory ;




         * Convert Image To Matrix of Double.

         * Note: 

         * I Preferred Scaling Images to Average Height and Width 

         * of Training Images to Minimize Loss of Data. Trying to 

         * Recognize Smaller Images (Smaller Than Training Images)

         * May Not Give Correct Result in This Way.        


        private double[] IMGToDoubleArr(Bitmap BM, int Col, int Row)


            double HRate = ((Double)Row / BM.Height);

            double WRate = ((Double)Col / BM.Width);

            double[] Result = new double[Col * Row];

            for (int r = 0; r < Row; r++)


                for (int c = 0; c < Col; c++)


                    Color color = BM.GetPixel((int)(c / WRate), (int)(r / HRate));

                    Result[r * Col + c] =1- (color.R * .3 + color.G * .59 + color.B * .11) / 255;



            return Result;



         * Convert Matrix of Double to Image.

         * The note above is also valid for this one.


        private Bitmap DoubleArrToIMG(double[] input,int DHeight,int DWidth,

                                                     int BHeight, int BWidth)


            double HRate = ((double)BHeight / DHeight);

            double WRate = ((double)BWidth / DWidth);

            Bitmap BM = new Bitmap(BWidth, BHeight);

            for (int i = 0; i < BHeight; i++)


                for (int j = 0; j < BWidth; j++)


                    int x =(int)((double) j / WRate);

                    int y =(int)((double) i / HRate);

                    double temp = input[y * DWidth + x];

                    BM.SetPixel(j, i, Color.FromArgb((int)((1 - temp) * 255), (int)((1 - temp) * 255), (int)((1 - temp) * 255)));




            return BM;


        private void radioButtonDraw_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


            if (radioButtonDraw.Checked)


                textBoxBrowse.Enabled = false;

                buttonBrowse.Enabled = false;

                radioButtonDraw.Checked = true;

                groupBoxDrawing.Enabled = true;

                buttonClear.Enabled = true;

                InputFromUser = new double[AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth];




        private void radioButtonBrowse_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


            if (radioButtonBrowse.Checked)


                textBoxBrowse.Enabled = true;

                buttonBrowse.Enabled = true;

                radioButtonDraw.Checked = false;

                groupBoxDrawing.Enabled = false;

                buttonClear.Enabled = false;

                InputFromUser = new double[AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth];






        private void TrackBarWidth_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)


            PanelImgeWidth = TrackBarWidth.Value;

            if (PanelImgeWidth < 10)


                TrackBarWidth.Value = 10;

                PanelImgeWidth = 10;


            InputFromUser = new double[AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth];




        private void TrackBarHeight_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)


            PanelImgeHeight = TrackBarHeight.Maximum - TrackBarHeight.Value;

            if (PanelImgeHeight < 15)


                TrackBarHeight.Value = TrackBarHeight.Maximum - 15;

                PanelImgeHeight = 15;


            InputFromUser = new double[AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth];




        private void DrawingPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


            Graphics graphicsObject = e.Graphics;

            Brush BR1 = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);

            Brush BR2 = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            graphicsObject.FillRectangle(BR2, 0, 0, PanelImgeWidth * (PanelDrawing.Width / TrackBarWidth.Maximum),

                                                    PanelImgeHeight * (PanelDrawing.Height / TrackBarHeight.Maximum));

            foreach (Point p in PointsOnPanel)


                graphicsObject.FillRectangle(BR1, p.X, p.Y, (PanelDrawing.Width / TrackBarWidth.Maximum),

                                                            (PanelDrawing.Height / TrackBarHeight.Maximum));




        private void DrawingPanel_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            if (MouseMoving)


                //map to actual input(20x30)

                int X = (int)(e.X * ((double)TrackBarWidth.Maximum / PanelDrawing.Width));

                int Y = (int)(e.Y * ((double)TrackBarHeight.Maximum / PanelDrawing.Height));

                //select as to trackbar(PanelImgeHeightxPanelImgeWidth)

                if (X < 0 || PanelImgeHeight <= Y || Y < 0 || PanelImgeWidth<= X)




                //map to average dimensions(AvImageHeighxAvImageWidth)

                int y = (int)(Y * ((double)AvImageHeigh / PanelImgeHeight));

                int x = (int)(X * ((double)AvImageWidth / PanelImgeWidth));

                InputFromUser[y * AvImageWidth + x] = 1;

                //add the point as to previous dimensions(PanelDrawing.WidthxPanelDrawing.Height)

                PointsOnPanel.Add(new Point(X * (PanelDrawing.Width / TrackBarWidth.Maximum),

                                     Y * (PanelDrawing.Height / TrackBarHeight.Maximum)));




        private void DrawingPanel_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            MouseMoving = false;


        private void DrawingPanel_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            MouseMoving = true;



        private void buttonClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            InputFromUser = new double[AvImageHeigh * AvImageWidth];




        private void buttonTrainingBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            FolderBrowserDialog FD = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            FD.SelectedPath = PatternsDirectory;

            if (FD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


                textBoxTrainingBrowse.Text = FD.SelectedPath;




        private void comboBoxLayers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


            if (comboBoxLayers.SelectedIndex == 0)


                textBoxInputUnit.Enabled = false;

                textBoxHiddenUnit.Enabled = false;


            else if (comboBoxLayers.SelectedIndex == 1)


                textBoxInputUnit.Enabled = true;

                textBoxHiddenUnit.Enabled = false;


            else if (comboBoxLayers.SelectedIndex == 2)


                textBoxInputUnit.Enabled = true;

                textBoxHiddenUnit.Enabled = true;



        private void buttonSaveSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




                LayerNum = comboBoxLayers.SelectedIndex + 1;

                MaxError = Double.Parse(textBoxMaxError.Text);

                if (MaxError <= 0)


                    throw new Exception("Maximum Error Must Be Positive");


                InputNumber = Int32.Parse(textBoxInputUnit.Text);

                if (InputNumber <= 0)


                    throw new Exception("Input Unit Number Must Be Positive");


                HiddenNumber = Int32.Parse(textBoxHiddenUnit.Text);

                if (HiddenNumber <= 0)


                    throw new Exception("Hidden Unit Number Must Be Positive");


                OutputNumber = Int32.Parse(textBoxOutputUnit.Text);

                if (OutputNumber <= 0)


                    throw new Exception("Output Unit Number Must Be Positive");


                PatternsDirectory = textBoxTrainingBrowse.Text;

                if (!Directory.Exists(PatternsDirectory))


                    throw new Exception("Directory Does Not Exist: " + PatternsDirectory);


                AvImageHeigh = Int32.Parse(textBoxAvHeight.Text);

                if (AvImageHeigh <= 0)


                    throw new Exception("Average Image Height Must Be Positive");


                AvImageWidth = Int32.Parse(textBoxAvWidth.Text);

                if (AvImageWidth <= 0)


                    throw new Exception("Average Image Width Must Be Positive");



                textBoxOutputUnit.Text = OutputNumber.ToString();               

                textBoxAvHeight.Text = AvImageHeigh.ToString();

                textBoxAvWidth.Text = AvImageWidth.ToString();

                buttonRecognize.Enabled = false;

                buttonSave.Enabled = false;

                textBoxState.AppendText("Saved Settings. (Re)Train Network To Apply New Settings.\r\n");


            catch (Exception Ex)


                MessageBox.Show("Error Saving Settings: " + Ex.Message);






        private void buttonTrain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            buttonStop.Visible = true;

            ThreadTrain = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TrainNetwork));



        private void TrainNetwork()


            double CurrentError = 999;

            int iter = 0;



                switch (LayerNum)


                    case 1:

                        Classifier1.Train(TrainingSet, TrainingValues);

                        CurrentError = Classifier1.GetTotalError(TrainingSet, TrainingValues);


                    case 2:

                        Classifier2.Train(TrainingSet, TrainingValues);

                        CurrentError = Classifier2.GetTotalError(TrainingSet, TrainingValues);


                    case 3:

                        Classifier3.Train(TrainingSet, TrainingValues);

                        CurrentError = Classifier3.GetTotalError(TrainingSet, TrainingValues);





                textBoxState.AppendText("Training..Current Error: " + CurrentError.ToString("###.##") + ", Expected: " + MaxError.ToString("###.##") + ", Iteration: " + (++iter).ToString() + "\r\n");


            } while (CurrentError > MaxError && !StopTraining);

            buttonRecognize.Enabled = true;

            buttonSave.Enabled = true;

            textBoxState.AppendText("Completed Training The Network..\r\n ");

            buttonStop.Visible = false;

            StopTraining = false;


        private void buttonRecognize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            string SHight = "?", SLow = "?";

            double DHight = 0, DLow = 0;

            if (LayerNum == 1)


                Classifier1.Recognize(InputFromUser, ref SHight, ref DHight, ref SLow, ref DLow);


            else if (LayerNum == 2)


                Classifier2.Recognize(InputFromUser, ref SHight, ref DHight, ref SLow, ref DLow);


            else if (LayerNum == 3)


                Classifier3.Recognize(InputFromUser, ref SHight, ref DHight, ref SLow, ref DLow);


            pictureBoxInput.Image = DoubleArrToIMG(InputFromUser, AvImageHeigh, AvImageWidth,

                                                   pictureBoxInput.Height, pictureBoxInput.Width);


            labelMatchedHigh.Text = SHight + "(%" + (DHight * 100).ToString("##.#") + ")";

            string[] Files;

            if (SHight != "?" && Directory.Exists(PatternsDirectory + "\\" + SHight))


                Files = Directory.GetFiles(PatternsDirectory + "\\" + SHight);

                //thumbs.db may appear

                if (Path.GetExtension(Files[0]) == ".bmp" )



                        pictureBoxMatchedHigh.ImageLocation = Files[0];




                    if (File.Exists(Files[1]))

                        pictureBoxMatchedHigh.ImageLocation = Files[1];



            labelMatchedLow.Text = SLow + "(%" + (DLow * 100).ToString("##.#") + ")";

            if (SLow != "?" && Directory.Exists(PatternsDirectory + "\\" + SLow))


                Files = Directory.GetFiles(PatternsDirectory + "\\" + SLow);

                //thumbs.db may appear

                if (Path.GetExtension(Files[0]) == ".bmp")


                    if (File.Exists(Files[0]))

                        pictureBoxMatchedLow.ImageLocation = Files[0];




                    if (File.Exists(Files[1]))

                        pictureBoxMatchedLow.ImageLocation = Files[1];




        private void buttonBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            OpenFileDialog FD = new OpenFileDialog();

            FD.Filter = "Bitmap Image(*.bmp)|*.bmp";

            if (FD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


                string FileName = FD.FileName;

                if (Path.GetExtension(FileName) == ".bmp")


                    Bitmap BM = new Bitmap(FileName);

                    InputFromUser = IMGToDoubleArr(BM, AvImageWidth, AvImageHeigh);


                    textBoxBrowse.Text = FileName;




        private void buttonStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            StopTraining = true;

            textBoxState.AppendText("Stopping Training Process..\r\n");


        private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




                SaveFileDialog FD = new SaveFileDialog();

                FD.Filter = "Network File(*.net)|*.net";

                if (FD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


                    if (LayerNum == 1)


                        Classifier1.SaveNetwork(FD.FileName, AvImageHeigh, AvImageWidth);


                    else if (LayerNum == 2)


                        Classifier2.SaveNetwork(FD.FileName, AvImageHeigh, AvImageWidth);


                    else if (LayerNum == 3)


                        Classifier3.SaveNetwork(FD.FileName, AvImageHeigh, AvImageWidth);



                textBoxState.AppendText("Saved The Network Successfully..\r\n");


            catch (Exception Ex)


                MessageBox.Show("Unable To Save The File Due To The Reason: " + Ex.Message,"Error");




        private void buttonLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




                OpenFileDialog FD = new OpenFileDialog();

                FD.Filter = "Network File(*.net)|*.net";

                if (FD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


                    if (LayerNum == 1)


                        Classifier1.LoadNetwork(FD.FileName, ref AvImageHeigh, ref AvImageWidth);


                    else if (LayerNum == 2)


                        Classifier2.LoadNetwork(FD.FileName, ref AvImageHeigh, ref AvImageWidth);


                    else if (LayerNum == 3)


                        Classifier3.LoadNetwork(FD.FileName, ref AvImageHeigh, ref AvImageWidth);



                buttonRecognize.Enabled = true;

                buttonSave.Enabled = true;

                textBoxAvHeight.Text = AvImageHeigh.ToString();

                textBoxAvWidth.Text = AvImageWidth.ToString();

                textBoxState.AppendText("Loaded The Network Successfully..\r\n");


            catch (Exception Ex)


                MessageBox.Show("Unable To Load The File Due To The Reason: " + Ex.Message,"Error");






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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Turkey Turkey
Has BS degree on computer science, working as software engineer in istanbul.

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