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Usage of the simple MAPI API.
                   Simple MAPI.NET

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;

namespace Win32Mapi

public class Mapi

	#region SESSION
	// ----------------------------------------------------------- SESSION ---------

	public bool Logon( IntPtr hwnd )
		winhandle = hwnd;
		error = MAPILogon( hwnd, null, null, 0, 0, ref session );
		if( error != 0 )
			error = MAPILogon( hwnd, null, null, MapiLogonUI, 0, ref session );
		return error == 0;

	public void Reset()
		findseed = null;
		origin = new MapiRecipDesc();
		lastMsg = null;

	public void Logoff()
		if( session != IntPtr.Zero )
			error = MAPILogoff( session, winhandle, 0, 0 );
			session = IntPtr.Zero;

	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
	private static extern int MAPILogon(	IntPtr hwnd, string prf, string pw, 
											int flg, int rsv, ref IntPtr sess );
	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL")]
	private static extern int MAPILogoff(	IntPtr sess, IntPtr hwnd,
											int flg, int rsv );

	private const int MapiLogonUI		= 0x00000001;
	private const int MapiPasswordUI	= 0x00020000;
	private const int MapiNewSession	= 0x00000002;
	private const int MapiForceDownload	= 0x00001000;
	private const int MapiExtendedUI	= 0x00000020;

	private IntPtr session		= IntPtr.Zero;
	private IntPtr winhandle	= IntPtr.Zero;

	#region SENDING
	// ----------------------------------------------------------- SENDING ---------

	public bool Send( string sub, string txt )
		lastMsg				= new MapiMessage();
		lastMsg.subject		= sub;
		lastMsg.noteText	= txt;

		// set pointers
		lastMsg.originator	= AllocOrigin();
		lastMsg.recips		= AllocRecips(  out lastMsg.recipCount );
		lastMsg.files		= AllocAttachs( out lastMsg.fileCount  );

		error = MAPISendMail( session, winhandle, lastMsg, 0, 0 );
		return error == 0;

	public void AddRecip( string name, string addr, bool cc )
		MapiRecipDesc dest = new MapiRecipDesc();
		if( cc )
			dest.recipClass = MapiCC;
			dest.recipClass = MapiTO; = name;
		dest.address = addr;
		recpts.Add( dest );

	public void SetSender( string sname, string saddr )
		{		= sname;
		origin.address	= saddr;

	public void Attach( string filepath )
		attachs.Add( filepath );

	private IntPtr AllocOrigin()
		origin.recipClass = MapiORIG;
		Type rtype = typeof(MapiRecipDesc);
		int rsize = Marshal.SizeOf( rtype );
		IntPtr ptro = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( rsize );
		Marshal.StructureToPtr( origin, ptro, false );
		return ptro;

	private IntPtr AllocRecips( out int recipCount )
		recipCount = 0;
		if( recpts.Count == 0 )
			return IntPtr.Zero;

		Type rtype = typeof(MapiRecipDesc);
		int rsize = Marshal.SizeOf( rtype );
		IntPtr ptrr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( recpts.Count * rsize );

		int runptr = (int) ptrr;
		for( int i = 0; i < recpts.Count; i++ )
			Marshal.StructureToPtr( recpts[i] as MapiRecipDesc, (IntPtr) runptr, false );
			runptr += rsize;

		recipCount = recpts.Count;
		return ptrr;
	private IntPtr AllocAttachs( out int fileCount )
		fileCount = 0;
		if( attachs == null )
			return IntPtr.Zero;
		if( (attachs.Count <= 0) || (attachs.Count > 100) )
			return IntPtr.Zero;

		Type atype = typeof(MapiFileDesc);
		int asize = Marshal.SizeOf( atype );
		IntPtr ptra = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( attachs.Count * asize );

		MapiFileDesc mfd = new MapiFileDesc();
		mfd.position = -1;
		int runptr = (int) ptra;
		for( int i = 0; i < attachs.Count; i++ )
			string path = attachs[i] as string; = Path.GetFileName( path );
			mfd.path = path;
			Marshal.StructureToPtr( mfd, (IntPtr) runptr, false );
			runptr += asize;

		fileCount = attachs.Count;
		return ptra;

	private void Dealloc()
		Type rtype = typeof(MapiRecipDesc);
		int rsize = Marshal.SizeOf( rtype );

		if( lastMsg.originator != IntPtr.Zero )
			Marshal.DestroyStructure( lastMsg.originator, rtype );
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal( lastMsg.originator );

		if( lastMsg.recips != IntPtr.Zero )
			int runptr = (int) lastMsg.recips;
			for( int i = 0; i < lastMsg.recipCount; i++ )
				Marshal.DestroyStructure( (IntPtr) runptr, rtype );
				runptr += rsize;
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal( lastMsg.recips );

		if( lastMsg.files != IntPtr.Zero )
			Type ftype = typeof(MapiFileDesc);
			int fsize = Marshal.SizeOf( ftype );

			int runptr = (int) lastMsg.files;
			for( int i = 0; i < lastMsg.fileCount; i++ )
				Marshal.DestroyStructure( (IntPtr) runptr, ftype );
				runptr += fsize;
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal( lastMsg.files );

	private const int MapiORIG	= 0;
	private const int MapiTO	= 1;
	private const int MapiCC	= 2;
	private const int MapiBCC	= 3;

	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL")]
	private static extern int MAPISendMail(	IntPtr sess, IntPtr hwnd,
											MapiMessage message,
											int flg, int rsv );

	private MapiRecipDesc	origin	= new MapiRecipDesc();
	private ArrayList		recpts	= new ArrayList();
	private ArrayList		attachs = new ArrayList();

	#region FINDING
	// ----------------------------------------------------------- FINDING ---------

	public bool Next( ref MailEnvelop env )
		error = MAPIFindNext(	session, winhandle, null, findseed,
								MapiLongMsgID, 0, lastMsgID );
		if( error != 0 )
			return false;
		findseed = lastMsgID.ToString();

		IntPtr ptrmsg = IntPtr.Zero;
		error = MAPIReadMail( session, winhandle, findseed,
							MapiEnvOnly | MapiPeek | MapiSuprAttach, 0, ref ptrmsg );
		if( (error != 0) || (ptrmsg == IntPtr.Zero) )
			return false;

		lastMsg = new MapiMessage();
		Marshal.PtrToStructure( ptrmsg, lastMsg );
		MapiRecipDesc orig = new MapiRecipDesc();
		if( lastMsg.originator != IntPtr.Zero )
			Marshal.PtrToStructure( lastMsg.originator, orig );		= findseed;	= DateTime.ParseExact( lastMsg.dateReceived, "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo );
		env.subject	= lastMsg.subject;
		env.from	=;
		env.unread	= (lastMsg.flags & MapiUnread) != 0;
		env.atts	= lastMsg.fileCount;

		error = MAPIFreeBuffer( ptrmsg );
		return error == 0;

	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
	private static extern int MAPIFindNext( IntPtr sess, IntPtr hwnd, string typ,
											string seed, int flg, int rsv, StringBuilder id );

	private const int MapiUnreadOnly		= 0x00000020;
	private const int MapiGuaranteeFiFo		= 0x00000100;
	private const int MapiLongMsgID			= 0x00004000;

	private StringBuilder	lastMsgID = new StringBuilder( 600 );
	private string			findseed  = null;

	#region READING
	// ----------------------------------------------------------- READING ---------

	public string Read( string id, out MailAttach[] aat )
		aat = null;
		IntPtr ptrmsg = IntPtr.Zero;
		error = MAPIReadMail( session, winhandle, id,
								MapiPeek | MapiSuprAttach, 0, ref ptrmsg );
		if( (error != 0) || (ptrmsg == IntPtr.Zero) )
			return null;

		lastMsg = new MapiMessage();
		Marshal.PtrToStructure( ptrmsg, lastMsg );

		if( (lastMsg.fileCount > 0) && (lastMsg.fileCount < 100) && (lastMsg.files != IntPtr.Zero) )
			GetAttachNames( out aat );

		MAPIFreeBuffer( ptrmsg );
		return lastMsg.noteText;

	public bool Delete( string id )
		error = MAPIDeleteMail( session, winhandle, id, 0, 0 );
		return error == 0;

	public bool SaveAttachm( string id, string name, string savepath )
		IntPtr ptrmsg = IntPtr.Zero;
		error = MAPIReadMail( session, winhandle, id,
								MapiPeek, 0, ref ptrmsg );
		if( (error != 0) || (ptrmsg == IntPtr.Zero) )
			return false;

		lastMsg = new MapiMessage();
		Marshal.PtrToStructure( ptrmsg, lastMsg );
		bool f = false;
		if( (lastMsg.fileCount > 0) && (lastMsg.fileCount < 100) && (lastMsg.files != IntPtr.Zero) )
			f = SaveAttachByName( name, savepath );
		MAPIFreeBuffer( ptrmsg );
		return f;

	private void GetAttachNames( out MailAttach[] aat )
		aat = new MailAttach[ lastMsg.fileCount ];
		Type fdtype = typeof(MapiFileDesc);
		int fdsize = Marshal.SizeOf( fdtype );
		MapiFileDesc fdtmp = new MapiFileDesc();
		int runptr = (int) lastMsg.files;
		for( int i = 0; i < lastMsg.fileCount; i++ )
			Marshal.PtrToStructure( (IntPtr) runptr, fdtmp );
			runptr += fdsize;
			aat[i] = new MailAttach();
			if( fdtmp.flags == 0 )
				aat[i].position = fdtmp.position;
				aat[i].name		=;
				aat[i].path		= fdtmp.path;

	private bool SaveAttachByName( string name, string savepath )
		bool f = true;
		Type fdtype = typeof(MapiFileDesc);
		int fdsize = Marshal.SizeOf( fdtype );
		MapiFileDesc fdtmp = new MapiFileDesc();
		int runptr = (int) lastMsg.files;
		for( int i = 0; i < lastMsg.fileCount; i++ )
			Marshal.PtrToStructure( (IntPtr) runptr, fdtmp );
			runptr += fdsize;
			if( fdtmp.flags != 0 )
			if( == null )

			try {
				if( name == )
					if( File.Exists( savepath ) )
						File.Delete( savepath );
					File.Move( fdtmp.path, savepath );
			catch( Exception )
				{ f = false; error = 13; }

			try {
				File.Delete( fdtmp.path );
			catch( Exception )
		return f;

	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
	private static extern int MAPIReadMail( IntPtr sess, IntPtr hwnd, string id,
											int flg, int rsv, ref IntPtr ptrmsg );

	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL")]
	private static extern int MAPIFreeBuffer( IntPtr ptr );

	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
	private static extern int MAPIDeleteMail( IntPtr sess, IntPtr hwnd, string id,
											int flg, int rsv );

	private const int MapiPeek			= 0x00000080;
	private const int MapiSuprAttach	= 0x00000800;
	private const int MapiEnvOnly		= 0x00000040;
	private const int MapiBodyAsFile	= 0x00000200;

	private const int MapiUnread		= 0x00000001;
	private const int MapiReceiptReq	= 0x00000002;
	private const int MapiSent			= 0x00000004;

	private MapiMessage lastMsg = null;

	#region ADDRESS

	public bool SingleAddress( string label, out string name, out string addr )
		name = null;
		addr = null;
		int newrec = 0;
		IntPtr ptrnew = IntPtr.Zero;
		error = MAPIAddress(	session, winhandle, null, 1, label, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
								0, 0, ref newrec, ref ptrnew );
		if( (error != 0) || (newrec < 1) || (ptrnew == IntPtr.Zero) )
			return false;

		MapiRecipDesc recip = new MapiRecipDesc();
		Marshal.PtrToStructure( ptrnew, recip );
		name =;
		addr = recip.address;

		MAPIFreeBuffer( ptrnew );
		return true;

	[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
	private static extern int MAPIAddress( IntPtr sess, IntPtr hwnd, string caption,
											int editfld, string labels, int recipcount, IntPtr ptrrecips,
											int flg, int rsv, ref int newrec, ref IntPtr ptrnew );

	#region ERRORS
	// ----------------------------------------------------------- ERRORS ---------

	public string Error()
		if( error <= 26 )
			return errors[ error ];
		return "?unknown? [" + error.ToString() + "]";

	private int error = 0;

	private readonly string[] errors	= new string[] {
		"OK [0]", "User abort [1]", "General MAPI failure [2]", "MAPI login failure [3]",
		"Disk full [4]", "Insufficient memory [5]", "Access denied [6]", "-unknown- [7]",
		"Too many sessions [8]", "Too many files were specified [9]", "Too many recipients were specified [10]", "A specified attachment was not found [11]",
		"Attachment open failure [12]", "Attachment write failure [13]", "Unknown recipient [14]", "Bad recipient type [15]",
		"No messages [16]", "Invalid message [17]", "Text too large [18]", "Invalid session [19]",
		"Type not supported [20]", "A recipient was specified ambiguously [21]", "Message in use [22]", "Network failure [23]",
		"Invalid edit fields [24]", "Invalid recipients [25]", "Not supported [26]" 


// ********************************************* MAPI STRUCTURES *********************************************

[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi )]
public class MapiMessage
	public int		reserved;
	public string	subject;
	public string	noteText;
	public string	messageType;
	public string	dateReceived;
	public string	conversationID;
	public int		flags;
	public IntPtr	originator;		// MapiRecipDesc* [1]
	public int		recipCount;
	public IntPtr	recips;			// MapiRecipDesc* [n]
	public int		fileCount;
	public IntPtr	files;			// MapiFileDesc*  [n]

[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi )]
public class MapiRecipDesc
	public int		reserved;
	public int		recipClass;
	public string	name;
	public string	address;
	public int		eIDSize;
	public IntPtr	entryID;			// void*

[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi )]
public class MapiFileDesc
	public int		reserved;
	public int		flags;
	public int		position;
	public string	path;
	public string	name;
	public IntPtr	type;


// ********************************************* HELPER STRUCTURES *********************************************

public class MailEnvelop
	public string	id;
	public DateTime	date;
	public string	from;
	public string	subject;
	public bool		unread;
	public int		atts;

public class MailAttach
	public int		position;
	public string	path;
	public string	name;


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