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FiveLoaves v1.0

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FiveLoaves is an Internet utility designed to meet the most common needs of internet users - primarily secure connectivity
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//			  Copyright (c) 1998 - 2002  All Rights Reserved.
// Source in this file is released to the public under the following license:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This toolkit may be used free of charge for any purpose including corporate
// and academic use.  For profit, and Non-Profit uses are permitted.
// This source code and any work derived from this source code must retain 
// this copyright at the top of each source file.
// UBT welcomes any suggestions, improvements or new platform ports.
// email to:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef _G_STRING_HH_
#define _G_STRING_HH_

#ifndef ___max
#define ___max(a,b)            (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

#ifndef ___min
#define ___min(a,b)            (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

#ifndef _WIN32
	#define	__int64 long long

#include "GList.h"

#include <stdarg.h> // for va_list declaration

// 2X faster than using an ostream with a preallocated strstreambuf.
// 10X more portable. -- Designed for speedo. :)
class GString
	char *_str;
	long  _len;
	long  _max;
	void resize();

	// System wide GString settings that affect all GStrings on all threads
	static GString	g_FloatFmt;			// "%.6g"
	static GString	g_DoubleFmt;		// "%.6g"
	static GString	g_LongDoubleFmt;	// "%.6Lg"

	// constructs an empty string
	GString(long nInitialSize = 256);

	// constructs a copy of the source string 
	GString(const GString &src);
	GString(const GString &src, int nCnt);

	// constructs a copy of the character string
	GString(const char *src);
	GString(const char *src, int nCnt);

	// constructs a string with ch repeated nCnt times
	GString(char ch, short nCnt);

	// frees the buffer
	virtual ~GString();
	// Load this GString from an file
	int FromFile(const char* pzFileName, bool bThrowOnFail = 1);
	// Save this GString to a file - overwrite if file exists
	int ToFile(const char* pzFileName, bool bThrowOnFail = 1);
	// Append this GString to a file - create file if not existing
	int ToFileAppend(const char* pzFileName, bool bThrowOnFail = 1);

// formatting functions
		The mask can contain any printable character and is terminated 
		by a null.

		The character '_' in the mask will be replaced by a single character
		in the source string.  The character '*' will be replaced by the
		remaining characters in the source string.  Both '_' and '*' can be
		escaped using the character '\'.  You can escape the escape character
		with an escape character, i.e. "\\".

		Some example masks:

		Phone number mask: (___)___-____ [ext:*]
		Socialism security mask: ___-__-____

		If the source data is larger than the mask and the mask doesn't contain
		the wild character '*' the source data will be truncated.
	void MergeMask(const char *szSrc, const char *szMask);

		FormatNumber formats the value of the GString using the format
		string specified by szFormat
	void FormatNumber(const char *szFormat, 
					  char decimal_separator = '.',
					  char grouping_separator = ',',
					  char minus_sign = '-',
					  const char *NaN = "NaN",
					  char zero_digit = '0',
					  char digit = '#',
					  char pattern_separator = ';',
					  char percent = '%',
					  char permille = '?');

	// Call this member function to write formatted data to a 
	// GString in the same way that sprintf formats data into 
	// a C-style character array. 
	void Format(const char *lpszFormat, ...);
	void FormatV(const char *lpszFormat, va_list argList);

	// removes leading and trailing quotation's from string
	void StripQuotes();

	// assignment operators
	GString & operator=(char);
	GString & operator=(__int64);
	GString & operator=(const char *);
	GString & operator=(const signed char *);
	GString & operator=(unsigned char);
	GString & operator=(signed char);
	GString & operator=(short);
	GString & operator=(unsigned short);
	GString & operator=(int);
	GString & operator=(unsigned int);
	GString & operator=(long);
	GString & operator=(unsigned long);
	GString & operator=(float);
	GString & operator=(double);
	GString & operator=(long double);
	GString & operator=(const GString &);

	// append operators, enables a GString to mimic ostream
	// write() appends to the GString to mimic ostream
	void write(const char *,int);
	GString & operator<<(__int64);
	GString & operator<<(const char *);
	GString & operator<<(const signed char *);
	GString & operator<<(char);
	GString & operator<<(unsigned char);
	GString & operator<<(signed char);
	GString & operator<<(short);
	GString & operator<<(unsigned short);
	GString & operator<<(int);
	GString & operator<<(unsigned int);
	GString & operator<<(long);
	GString & operator<<(unsigned long);
	GString & operator<<(float);
	GString & operator<<(double);
	GString & operator<<(long double);
	GString & operator<<(const GString &);

	GString & operator+=(__int64);
	GString & operator+=(const signed char *);
	GString & operator+=(const char *);
	GString & operator+=(char);
	GString & operator+=(unsigned char);
	GString & operator+=(signed char);
	GString & operator+=(short);
	GString & operator+=(unsigned short);
	GString & operator+=(int);
	GString & operator+=(unsigned int);
	GString & operator+=(long);
	GString & operator+=(unsigned long);
	GString & operator+=(float);
	GString & operator+=(double);
	GString & operator+=(long double);
	GString & operator+=(const GString &);

	// friend functions for addition
	friend GString operator+(GString &, GString &);
	friend GString operator+(GString &, const char *);
	friend GString operator+(const char *, GString &);
	friend GString operator+(GString &, const signed char *);
	friend GString operator+(const signed char *, GString &);
	friend GString operator+(GString &, char);
	friend GString operator+(char, GString &);
	friend GString operator+(GString &, unsigned char);
	friend GString operator+(unsigned char, GString &);
	friend GString operator+(GString &, signed char);
	friend GString operator+(signed char, GString &);

	// Comparitive operators with other GString classes
	int operator >  (const GString &) const;
	int operator >= (const GString &) const;
	int operator == (const GString &) const;
	int operator <  (const GString &) const;
	int operator <= (const GString &) const;
	int operator != (const GString &) const;

	// Returns zero if the strings are identical, 
	// < 0 if this GString object is less than lpsz, 
	// or > 0 if this GString object is greater than lpsz.
	int Compare(const char *) const;
	int Compare(GString &) const;
	int CompareNoCase(const char *) const;
	int CompareNoCase(const GString &) const;

	// Comparitive operators with standard GString
	int operator >  (const char *) const;
	int operator >= (const char *) const;
	int operator == (const char *) const;
	int operator <  (const char *) const;
	int operator <= (const char *) const;
	int operator != (const char *) const;

	// returns the length of the string
	long Length() const { return _len; }
	long GetLength() const { return _len; } // for MFC'ers
	// escapes <>&"\ in 'this' with &#ascii-number;
	void EscapeXMLReserved();
	// appends pzSource onto 'this', escaping <>&"\ with &#ascii;
	// nLen = # bytes to append from pzSource or -1 to append until a null.
	void AppendEscapeXMLReserved(const char *pzSource, int nLen = -1);
	void AppendXMLTabs( int nTabs );

	// returns a character pointer to the string�s data.
	inline operator const char *() const { return _str; }
	// same as a (const char *) cast above - easier to use through a pointer ->
	// turns this [ (const char *)(*myStr) ] into [ myStr->StrVal() ]
	const char *StrVal() const { return _str; }

	// given s == "Hello World" 
	// s.StartingAt(6) == "World"
	// The string is not trimmed, just indexed. s still == "Hello World"
	const char *StartingAt( int n0BasedIndex ) {return (n0BasedIndex < _len) ? &_str[n0BasedIndex] : 0;}

	// returns true if the string is empty
	bool IsEmpty() const { return _len == 0; }

	// Makes this GString object an empty string.
	void Empty() { _len = 0; _str[_len] = 0; }

	// Load an error from the active ErrorProfile() owned by GException.cpp
	void LoadResource(const char* szSystem, int error, ...);

	// overloaded subscript ([]) operator returns a single character 
	// specified by the zero-based index in nIndex. 
	char& operator[](int nIdx);
	char GetAt(int nIdx) const;
	// The SetAt member function overwrites a single character 
	// specified by an zero based index number. 
	void SetAt(int nIdx, char ch);

	// Pads the string object on the left with ch to make the string
	// a minimum of n character's in length
	void PadLeft(int nCnt, char ch = ' ');
	// Pads the string on the left with nCnt of ch
	void Prepend(int nCnt, char ch = ' ');
	// Removes the character ch from the left side of the string.
	void TrimLeft(char ch = ' ', short nCnt = -1);
	// trim white space from the left of the string
	void TrimLeftWS(); 
	// Pads the string object on the right with ch to make the string
	// a minimum of n character's in length
	void PadRight(int nCnt, char ch = ' ');
	// Pads the string on the right with nCnt of ch
	void Append(int nCnt, char ch = ' ');
	// Removes the character ch from the right side of the string. (max nCnt)
	void TrimRight(char ch = ' ', short nCnt = -1);
	// Shortens the sting by nCnt bytes
	void TrimRightBytes(short nCnt);

	// Extracts the first (that is, leftmost) nCount characters from 
	// this GString object and returns a copy of the extracted substring. 
	// If nCount exceeds the string length, then the entire string is extracted. 
	GString Left (int nCnt) const;
	// Extracts a substring of length nCount characters from this GString object, 
	// starting at position nFirst (zero-based). 
	GString Mid  (int nFirst) const;
	GString Mid  (int nFirst, int nCnt) const;
	// Extracts the last (that is, rightmost) nCount characters from this GString 
	// object and returns a copy of the extracted substring. If nCount exceeds the
	// string length, then the entire string is extracted. 
	GString Right(int nCnt) const;
	void TrimRightWS(); // trim white space from the end of the string

	// Converts this GString object to an uppercase string.
	void MakeUpper();
	// Converts this GString object to a lowercase string.
	void MakeLower();
	// Reverses the characters in the GString
	void MakeReverse();

	int FindSubStringCaseInsensitive( const char * lpszSub, int nStart = 0 ) const;
	int Find( char ch ) const;
	int Find( const char * lpszSub ) const;
	int Find( char ch, int nStart ) const;
	int Find( const char * pstr, int nStart ) const;

	void Insert( int nIndex, char ch );
	void Insert( int nIndex, const char * pstr );

	void Remove ( int nStart, int nLen );
	void Replace( char chWhat, char chRep );
	void Replace( const char * szWhat, char chRep );
	void Replace( const char * szWhat, const char *szRep );
	void ReplaceCaseInsensitive( const char * szWhat, const char *szRep, int nStart = 0 );
	void Replace( char chWhat, const char *szRep );

	// replace each char in pzReplaceChars with %nn where
	// nn is a two byte hex value of the byte that was replaced.
	// example: GString s("ABC");  
	//			s.EscapeWithHex("XYZB");
	//			s == "A%42C"
	//	42 is hex for 66 that is the ASCII of a B, the only matching escape in XYZB.
	// another example: GString s("A\nC");  
	//			s.EscapeWithHex("\r\n\t");
	//			s == "A%0AC"
	const char *EscapeWithHex(const char *pzEscapeChars);
	void UnEscapeHexed();

	// x-path
	void NormalizeSpace();
	void Translate(const char *szConvert, const char *szTo);

	// allocated along with 'this' to reduces malloc/free calls.
	// When a GString < 256 bytes is constructed, _initialbuf is used.
	// As the string grows beyond 256, _strIsOnHeap becomes true and
	// _str no longer points into _initialbuf, but now is on the heap.
	char _initialbuf[260];
	int _strIsOnHeap; // false when we're working in our _initialbuf


#endif //_G_STRING_HH_

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Written By
Founder United Business Technologies
United States United States

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