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Adding Mouse Gesture Functionality to Your .NET Application Within Seconds

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15 May 2008CPOL10 min read 112.1K   2.9K   151  
This project allows you to add mouse gesture functionality to your Windows Forms application with just a few lines of code.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace DcamMouseGesture 
    #region delegates & event args

    public class MouseGestureEventArgs : EventArgs
        public string Key { get; set; }
        public string Command { get; set; }
        public Rectangle Bounds { get; set; }
        public Control Control { get; set; }

        public MouseGestureEventArgs( string strKey, string strCommand, Rectangle rBounds, Control ctrl )
            Key = strKey;
            Command = strCommand;
            Bounds = rBounds;
            Control = ctrl;

    public delegate void MouseGestureEventHandler( object sender, MouseGestureEventArgs e );

    #endregion // delegates & event args

    public class MouseGesture : IDisposable
        #region enums

        internal enum EKeyOperation

        #endregion // enums

        #region constants & variables

        // for Base64 mapping table see 
        private const string __strBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
        private const int __iSize = 6;
        internal const int __iGestureThumbSize = 32;

        // capturing 
        private bool _bDisposed = false;                                // for the implementation of the IDisposable interface
        private MouseGestureData _data = MouseGestureData.Instance;     // use a variable to have a shorter name
        private Graphics _g = null;
        private Pen _penLine = null;
        private Control _ctrlParent = null;                             // the parent control
        private CaptureForm _formCapture = new CaptureForm();           // the form to draw the capture points onto
        private List<Point> _listMousePos = new List<Point>();          // the captured mouse positions, relative to 0/0 of the parent 
                                                                        // control or of the client rectangle of the parent Form
        private List<Point> _listPath = new List<Point>();              // the path of the mouse gesture in x/y coordinates of a square of __iSize * __iSize fields
                                                                        // used to draw the gesture while entering it
        private bool _bCapturing = false;                               // true if capturing is in progress
        private int _iDrawOffsetX = 0;                                  // because of client and screen coordinates difference
        private int _iDrawOffsetY = 0;
        private int _iMouseOffsetX = 0;
        private int _iMouseOffsetY = 0;
        private Point _pntNew;
        private Point _pntLast;                                         // last point drawn, ussed for drawing the lines
        private Timer _timerDelay = new Timer();                        // timer to delay hiding the capture window

        // when last gesture found...
        public Rectangle LastBounds { get; private set; }               // bounding rectangle; 0/0/0/0 if not found
        public string LastKey { get; private set; }                     // key; empty if not found
        public string LastCommand { get; private set; }                 // appropriate command; empty if not found
        public Control LastControl { get; private set; }                // the control the gesture started in; null if not found

        // events
        public event MouseGestureEventHandler MouseGestureEntered;

        #endregion // constants & variables

        #region construction, initialization & destruction

        public MouseGesture( Control ctrlParent, List<Type> listAllowedControls )
            if( ctrlParent == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException();
            _ctrlParent = ctrlParent;

            // init automatic properties
            LastBounds = new Rectangle();
            LastKey = string.Empty;
            LastCommand = string.Empty;

            // setup the timer
            _timerDelay.Interval = _data.HideDelay;
            _timerDelay.Tick += new EventHandler( OnTimerTick );

            // setup the capturing window
            _formCapture.Name = "CaptureForm";
            _formCapture.Text = "CaptureForm";
            _formCapture.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size( 500, 500 );
            _formCapture.ShowInTaskbar = false;
            _formCapture.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
            _formCapture.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual;
            _formCapture.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
            _formCapture.Opacity = _data.Opacity;

            // make sure null uses default list
            RegisterMouseEvents( _ctrlParent, listAllowedControls == null ? GetDefaultAllowedControls() : listAllowedControls );

            Dispose( false );

        public void Dispose()
            Dispose( true );
            GC.SuppressFinalize( this );

        private void Dispose( bool disposing )
            if( !_bDisposed )
                if( disposing )
                    UnregisterMouseEvents( _ctrlParent );
                    _timerDelay.Tick -= new EventHandler( OnTimerTick );
                _bDisposed = true;

        #endregion // construction, initialization & destruction

        #region instance methods

        internal static Bitmap CreateThumbBitmap( string strKey )
            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( strKey ) ) throw new ArgumentNullException( Properties.Resources.MouseGesture_ErrorEmptyKey );

            Bitmap bmpRet = new Bitmap( __iGestureThumbSize, __iGestureThumbSize );
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage( bmpRet );

            // draw bitmap
                int iStretch = 3;
                int iOffset = ( __iGestureThumbSize - iStretch * __iSize ) / 2;

                // draw second to second last points
                for( int i = 1; i < strKey.Length - 1; i++ )
                    int iX = __strBase64.IndexOf( strKey[ i ] ) % __iSize;
                    int iY = __strBase64.IndexOf( strKey[ i ] ) / __iSize;

                    // only draw the point if it is a valid index
                    if( iX == -1 || iY == -1 ) throw new Exception();
                    g.FillRectangle( Brushes.LightPink, iOffset + iX * iStretch, iOffset + iY * iStretch, iStretch, iStretch );

                // draw first and last point to make sure they are visible
                int iX0 = __strBase64.IndexOf( strKey[ 0 ] ) % __iSize;
                int iY0 = __strBase64.IndexOf( strKey[ 0 ] ) / __iSize;
                int iX1 = __strBase64.IndexOf( strKey[ strKey.Length - 1 ] ) % __iSize;
                int iY1 = __strBase64.IndexOf( strKey[ strKey.Length - 1 ] ) / __iSize;

                // both points are at the same position
                if( iX0 == iX1 && iY0 == iY1 )
                    g.FillRectangle( Brushes.DarkViolet, iOffset + iX0 * iStretch, iOffset + iY0 * iStretch, iStretch, iStretch );
                    g.FillRectangle( Brushes.Blue, iOffset + iX0 * iStretch, iOffset + iY0 * iStretch, iStretch, iStretch );
                    g.FillRectangle( Brushes.Red, iOffset + iX1 * iStretch, iOffset + iY1 * iStretch, iStretch, iStretch );
                // draw a red X on white background with blue text "Error"
                g.Clear( Color.White );
                g.DrawLine( Pens.Red, 0, 0, __iGestureThumbSize - 1, __iGestureThumbSize - 1 );
                g.DrawLine( Pens.Red, 0, __iGestureThumbSize - 1, __iGestureThumbSize - 1, 0 );
                StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
                sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                g.DrawString( "Error", new Font( "Arial", 8f ), Brushes.Blue, __iGestureThumbSize / 2, __iGestureThumbSize / 2, sf );

            return bmpRet;

        internal static string MirrorRotateKey( string strKey, EKeyOperation keyOp )
            StringBuilder sbKey = new StringBuilder( strKey.Length );

            for( int i = 0; i < strKey.Length; i++ )
                int iIndex = __strBase64.IndexOf( strKey[ i ] );
                int iX = iIndex % __iSize;
                int iY = iIndex / __iSize;

                switch( keyOp )
                    case EKeyOperation.MirrorX:
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ ( __iSize - 1 - iX ) + ( iY * __iSize ) ] );
                    case EKeyOperation.MirrorY:
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ iX + ( ( __iSize - 1 - iY ) * __iSize ) ] );
                    case EKeyOperation.MirrorXY:
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ ( __iSize - 1 - iX ) + ( ( __iSize - 1 - iY ) * __iSize ) ] );
                    case EKeyOperation.RotateCW:
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ ( __iSize - 1 - iY ) + ( iX * __iSize ) ] );
                    case EKeyOperation.RotateCCW:
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ iY + ( ( __iSize - 1 - iX ) * __iSize ) ] );
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

            return sbKey.ToString();

        public static List<Type> GetDefaultAllowedControls()
            return new List<Type>() { typeof( Label ), typeof( GroupBox ), typeof( PictureBox ), 
                                      typeof( ProgressBar ), typeof( ScrollableControl ), typeof( TabControl ) };


        private void RegisterMouseEvents( Control ctrlParten, List<Type> listAllowedControls )
            // Note: 
            //  We are not registering for the mouse events on all type of controls,
            //  only some sort of "container controls". Meaning that these are controls that "show" 
            //  some sort of the parent control's background and not having selectable elements and 
            //  not being data entering controls.
            //  Also assuming that only such controls can have other "container controls", if any; 
            //  (e.g. a GroupBox that is not allowed can't contain a ListBox that is allowed)
            bool bOk = false;
            foreach( Type t in listAllowedControls )
                if( t.IsInstanceOfType( ctrlParten ) )
                    bOk = true;
            if( !bOk ) return;

            // register passed control
            ctrlParten.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler( OnMouseDown );
            ctrlParten.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler( OnMouseUp );
            ctrlParten.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler( OnMouseMove );

            // recursive call of all containing controls 
            foreach( Control ctrl in ctrlParten.Controls )
                RegisterMouseEvents( ctrl, listAllowedControls );

        private void UnregisterMouseEvents( Control ctrlParten )
            // unregister for all control, so we don't need a list of the allowed controls
            ctrlParten.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler( OnMouseDown );
            ctrlParten.MouseUp -= new MouseEventHandler( OnMouseUp );
            ctrlParten.MouseMove -= new MouseEventHandler( OnMouseMove );

            // recursive call of all containing controls 
            foreach( Control ctrl in ctrlParten.Controls )
                UnregisterMouseEvents( ctrl );

        private void DisposeGlobalResources()
            if( _g != null )
                _g = null;

            if( _penLine != null )
                _penLine = null;


        private void InitData()
            _iDrawOffsetX = 0;
            _iDrawOffsetY = 0;
            _pntLast = new Point( -1000000, -1000000 );     // make this invalid

            LastBounds = new Rectangle();
            LastKey = string.Empty;
            LastCommand = string.Empty;
            LastControl = null;

        private void AddMousePoint( Point pnt )
            _pntNew = new Point( _iMouseOffsetX + pnt.X, _iMouseOffsetY + pnt.Y );
            _listMousePos.Add( _pntNew );

        private void DrawMousePoint()
            switch( _data.GestureAppearance )
                case EGestureAppearance.Points:
                    _g.DrawLine( _penLine, _iDrawOffsetX + _pntNew.X, _iDrawOffsetY + _pntNew.Y,
                                _iDrawOffsetX + _pntNew.X + 1, _iDrawOffsetY + _pntNew.Y + 1 );
                case EGestureAppearance.Lines:
                    if( _pntLast.X > -1000000 )
                        _g.DrawLine( _penLine, _iDrawOffsetX + _pntLast.X, _iDrawOffsetY + _pntLast.Y,
                                    _iDrawOffsetX + _pntNew.X, _iDrawOffsetY + _pntNew.Y );
                    _pntLast = _pntNew;

        private void DrawBoundsGridPath()
            if( _data.ShowBounds )
                Pen penBounds = new Pen( _data.BoundsColor );
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle( _iDrawOffsetX + LastBounds.X, _iDrawOffsetY + LastBounds.Y, LastBounds.Width, LastBounds.Height );
                _g.DrawRectangle( penBounds, rect );

                if( _data.ShowGrid )
                    Pen penGrid = new Pen( _data.GridColor );
                    for( int i = 1; i < __iSize; i++ )
                        _g.DrawLine( penGrid, rect.X + rect.Width * i / __iSize, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width * i / __iSize, rect.Bottom );
                        _g.DrawLine( penGrid, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height * i / __iSize, rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height * i / __iSize );

            if( _data.ShowPath )
                Brush brush = new SolidBrush( _data.PathColor );
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, LastBounds.Width / __iSize, LastBounds.Height / __iSize );
                for( int i = 0; i < _listPath.Count; i++ )
                    rect.X = _iDrawOffsetX + LastBounds.X + _listPath[ i ].X * LastBounds.Width / __iSize;
                    rect.Y = _iDrawOffsetY + LastBounds.Y + _listPath[ i ].Y * LastBounds.Height / __iSize;
                    _g.FillRectangle( brush, rect );

        private void CreateKeyAndPath()
            // Note: 
            //  - The path of the mouse gesture is in x/y coordinates of a square of __iSize * __iSize fields
            //    --> so top/left square = 0/0, bottom/right square = 7/7.
            //  - The key is a string of Base64 maped charactes, where each character defines a field 
            //    number in the square of __iSize * __iSize fields. The fields are numbered from 0 to 63 from 
            //    left to right and from top to buttom.
            //    --> so top/left square = 0, bottom/right square = 63.
            StringBuilder sbKey = new StringBuilder( 100 );
            Point pntLast = new Point( -1, -1 );
            Point pntPath;

            // using only X axis (Y axis is always 0 and won't be added to the key)
            if( LastBounds.Height / __iSize < _data.UnidimensionalLimit )
                for( int i = 0; i < _listMousePos.Count; i++ )
                    pntPath = new Point( ( _listMousePos[ i ].X - LastBounds.X ) * __iSize / LastBounds.Width, 0 );
                    if( pntPath.X != pntLast.X )
                        _listPath.Add( pntPath );
                        pntLast = pntPath;
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ pntPath.X + pntPath.Y * __iSize ] );
            // ...using only Y axis (X axis is always 0 and won't be added to the key)
            else if( LastBounds.Width / __iSize < _data.UnidimensionalLimit )
                for( int i = 0; i < _listMousePos.Count; i++ )
                    pntPath = new Point( 0, ( _listMousePos[ i ].Y - LastBounds.Y ) * __iSize / LastBounds.Height );
                    if( pntPath.Y != pntLast.Y )
                        _listPath.Add( pntPath );
                        pntLast = pntPath;
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ pntPath.X + pntPath.Y * __iSize ] );
            // ...using x and Y axis = two-dimensional
                for( int i = 0; i < _listMousePos.Count; i++ )
                    pntPath = new Point( ( _listMousePos[ i ].X - LastBounds.X ) * __iSize / LastBounds.Width,
                                         ( _listMousePos[ i ].Y - LastBounds.Y ) * __iSize / LastBounds.Height );
                    if( pntPath.X != pntLast.X || pntPath.Y != pntLast.Y )
                        _listPath.Add( pntPath );
                        pntLast = pntPath;
                        sbKey.Append( __strBase64[ pntPath.X + pntPath.Y * __iSize ] );

            LastKey = sbKey.ToString();

        private void AnalysePoints()
            // search bounding rectangle
            int iMinX, iMaxX, iMinY, iMaxY;
            iMinX = iMaxX = _listMousePos[ 0 ].X;
            iMinY = iMaxY = _listMousePos[ 0 ].Y;
            for( int i = 1; i < _listMousePos.Count; i++ )
                Point pnt = _listMousePos[ i ];
                if( pnt.X < iMinX ) iMinX = pnt.X;
                if( pnt.Y < iMinY ) iMinY = pnt.Y;
                if( pnt.X > iMaxX ) iMaxX = pnt.X;
                if( pnt.Y > iMaxY ) iMaxY = pnt.Y;
            LastBounds = new Rectangle( iMinX, iMinY, iMaxX - iMinX + 1, iMaxY - iMinY + 1 );

            // check for minimum movement
            if( LastBounds.Width >= _data.MinimumMovement || LastBounds.Height >= _data.MinimumMovement )
                LastCommand = _data.Commands.GetCommand( LastKey );

        #endregion // instance methods

        #region event handlers

        private void OnMouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
            // only enter capturing if...
            if( !_bCapturing &&                                     // ...not capturing in progress
                e.Button == _data.MouseButtonTrigger &&             // ...the button pressed last to trigger
                Control.MouseButtons == _data.MouseButtonMask &&    // ...this/these button/s pressed together
                Control.ModifierKeys == _data.ModifierKeyMask       // ...this/these modifier key/s (shift/ctrl/alt)
                LastControl = (Control)sender;
                _bCapturing = true;

                // set position and size of the capture window and calc the offsets
                Point pntParent = _ctrlParent.PointToScreen( new Point() );
                Point pntSender = ( (Control)sender ).PointToScreen( new Point() );
                _iMouseOffsetX = pntSender.X - pntParent.X;
                _iMouseOffsetY = pntSender.Y - pntParent.Y;

                switch( _data.WindowAppearance )
                    case ECaptureWindowAppearance.FullScreenOpaque:
                        _formCapture.Location = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Location;
                        _formCapture.Size = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size;
                        _iDrawOffsetX = pntParent.X;
                        _iDrawOffsetY = pntParent.Y;

                    case ECaptureWindowAppearance.ParentOpaque:
                    case ECaptureWindowAppearance.ParentClear:
                        _formCapture.Location = pntParent;
                        // the Form's Size includes title and border, but we only want the client area
                        Form formTmp = _ctrlParent as Form;
                        _formCapture.Size = ( formTmp != null ) ? formTmp.ClientSize : _ctrlParent.Size;

                        if( _data.WindowAppearance == ECaptureWindowAppearance.ParentClear )

                // add first point
                AddMousePoint( e.Location );

                // if gesture window desired
                if( _data.WindowAppearance != ECaptureWindowAppearance.None )
                    // make it visible
                    _formCapture.Opacity = _data.Opacity;
                    _formCapture.BackColor = _data.BackColor;

                    // create global resources to draw
                    _g = _formCapture.CreateGraphics();
                    _penLine = new Pen( _data.LineColor, _data.LineWidth );

                    // finaly draw the first point

        private void OnMouseMove( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
            if( _bCapturing )
                AddMousePoint( e.Location );
                if( _data.WindowAppearance != ECaptureWindowAppearance.None ) DrawMousePoint();

        private void OnMouseUp( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
            if( _bCapturing )
                // from now on, capturing the mouse positions is finished, no matter
                // if a gesture will be found or not
                _bCapturing = false;

                // the trigger button must be released to successfully end capturing 
                if( e.Button == _data.MouseButtonTrigger )
                    AddMousePoint( e.Location );
                    // DrawPoint not needed, because MouseUp event raises after last MouseMove event

                    // draw result
                    if( _data.WindowAppearance != ECaptureWindowAppearance.None )
                        _timerDelay.Interval = _data.HideDelay; 

                    // rais event
                    if( MouseGestureEntered != null )
                        MouseGestureEntered( this, new MouseGestureEventArgs( LastKey, LastCommand, LastBounds, LastControl ) );

                // otherwise just clear the data and hide window

        private void OnTimerTick( object sender, EventArgs e )

            if( _g != null )
                // clear the bounding rectangle, otherwise it will
                // be drawn when showing the window again
                Brush brush = new SolidBrush( _formCapture.BackColor );
                _g.FillRectangle( brush, LastBounds );



        #endregion // event handlers

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