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A DirectX Game: Quadrino

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16 Oct 2008CPOL26 min read 397.4K   6.2K   125  
An interpretation of a popular falling block game implemented with DirectX that attempts to avoid any copyright infringement.
/* MainFrm.cpp ****************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt, Copyright (c) 2002
Date:		5/4/2002
Purpose:	The main frame for the Quadrino game.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DDUtil.h"
#include "DInput.h"

#include "mainfrm.h"

/* Global Variables **********************************************************/


#define BITDEPTH_32 32
#define BITDEPTH_24 24

/* Public *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
Purpose:	Updates the current frame of the game.
Parameters:	NONE
Return:		HRESULT returns the state of this function call.
HRESULT CMainFrame::OnUpdateFrame ()
			//C: Only continue if the window actually exists.
	if (!m_hWnd)
		return E_FAIL;
			//C: Check the users input in order to manipulate the pieces.
			//C: Only chrck if the input device is properly initialized, and this app has focus.
	if (g_pdidKeyboard && ::GetFocus())
			//C: Keyboard state buffer.
		HRESULT hr = GetDeviceData(dwCount);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			//C: Cycle through each of the command events until the buffer is empty.
			for (DWORD index = 0; index < dwCount; ++index)
			//C: Update the state of the key that was just pressed.
				DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA *data = &g_dodBuffer[index];
			//C: Get the latest timestamp for a key.
				m_dwTimeStamps[data->dwOfs] = data->dwTimeStamp;

				m_bKBState[data->dwOfs] = (BYTE)data->dwData;
			//C: The way that input is handled depends on the current mode of the game.
				if (!m_game.IsInit())
					if (CQuadrinoView::OPTIONS == m_view.GetState())
						hr = HandleOptionsScreenInput(*data);
			//C: The main screen is displayed.
						hr = HandleMainScreenInput(*data);
				else if (m_game.IsPaused())
			//C: The game is paused.
					hr = HandlePauseScreenInput(*data);
			//C: The user is currently playing the game.
					hr = HandleGameInput(*data);

			//C: Verify that input was processed successfully.
				if (FAILED(hr))
			//C: Process any of the commands that function while the user holds down the key.
			hr = HandleContinuousInput (GetTickCount());
			ATLTRACE("The data for the input device could not be retrieved.\n");
		//C: Refresh the display of the game.
	if (m_view.IsWindow())
		return m_view.UpdateFrame();

	return S_OK;

/* Public *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		5/5/2002
Purpose:	Handles the WM_CREATE message.
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnCreate(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
		//C: Load the users settings from a file.
	if (0)
#pragma message( REMIND( "PMW: Read the settings from a file." ) )
		//C: Set the default values.
		SetDefaultSettings ();

	InitializeQuadrinoModule ();
		//C: Create and initialize the view window that will display the game.
	m_hWndClient = m_view.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, 0);
		//C: Get the current working directory.

		//C: Get the directory where the current program is running.
	if (0 == ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, szDir, _MAX_PATH))
		::MessageBox(m_hWnd, _T("Could not identify application resources.  Quadrino will now exit."), _T("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
		return -1;

	TCHAR *szFileName = ::_tcsrchr(szDir, '\\');
	if (szFileName)
		*szFileName = NULL;
		//C: Initialize the Music Player.
	CComBSTR bstrMusic = T2W(szDir);
	bstrMusic += _T("\\Sounds\\Quadrino.mp3");

	m_MusicPlayer.SetNotifyWindow(m_hWnd, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, 0);

		//C: Initialize Sounds.

	TCHAR szSound[_MAX_PATH];
	::_tcscpy_s(szSound, szDir);
	::_tcscat_s(szSound, _T("\\Sounds\\rotate.wav"));
	m_SoundManager.CreateSound(&m_pSoundRotate, szSound, 0, 5);

	::_tcscpy_s(szSound, szDir);
	::_tcscat_s(szSound, _T("\\Sounds\\move.wav"));
	m_SoundManager.CreateSound(&m_pSoundMove, szSound, 0, 10);

	::_tcscpy_s(szSound, szDir);
	::_tcscat_s(szSound, _T("\\Sounds\\state.wav"));
	m_SoundManager.CreateSound(&m_pSoundState, szSound, 0, 4);
		//C: Set the sound levels.

	CMessageLoop* pLoop = _Module.GetMessageLoop();
	if (pLoop)
		//C: Add a this window as a message filter.
		//C: Verify that the message loop is a game loop.  
		CGameLoop *pGameLoop = dynamic_cast<CGameLoop*>(pLoop);
		if (!pGameLoop)
		//C: This window requires the loop to be a game loop for the 
			ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("The MessageLoop is not a CGameLoop.  This window cannot proceed.\n"));
			return -1;
		//C: Add this window as the UpdateFrame window.
		//C: Initialize the keyboard state.
	ZeroMemory(m_bKBState, sizeof(m_bKBState));
		//C: Initialize the Direct Input buffers.

/*		//C: Set the final display mode of the window.
	if (FAILED(m_view.SetFullScreenDisplay(800, 600, BITDEPTH_32)))
		//C: If 32 bits failed, then try 24.
		if (FAILED(m_view.SetFullScreenDisplay(800, 600, BITDEPTH_24)))
		//C: If 24 failed, then let the user know.
			::MessageBox(m_hWnd, "Quadrino could not find a compatible video mode to run the game.  This game will now exit.", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
			return -1;


	return 0;

/* Public *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		5/5/2002
Purpose:	Handles the WM_DESTROY message.
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDestroy(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled)
	bHandled = false;
		//C: Free sound objects.
	delete m_pSoundRotate;
	m_pSoundRotate = NULL;
	delete m_pSoundMove;
	m_pSoundMove = NULL;
	delete m_pSoundState;
	m_pSoundState = NULL;
		//C: Free the Direct Input buffers.
	return 0;

/* Public *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		5/5/2002
Purpose:	Handles the WM_ACTIVATE message.  THis function will insure that 
			this app properly aquires the keyboard when the app has the focus.
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnActivate(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
		//C: Pause or resume the game based on the activation mode.
	if (wParam == WA_INACTIVE)
		//C: Synchronize access to the keyboard for this window.

	return 0;

/* Public *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		5/4/2002
Purpose:	Command handler that will toggle the application in between windowed
			and full screen mode.
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnToggleFullScreen(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
			//C: Properly set the TOP MOST style for this window when in full screen mode.
	LONG lStyleEx = GetWindowLong(GWL_EXSTYLE);
	if (!m_view.IsWindowed())
		SetWindowLong(GWL_EXSTYLE, lStyleEx & ~WS_EX_TOPMOST);
		SetWindowLong(GWL_EXSTYLE, lStyleEx | WS_EX_TOPMOST);
		if (FAILED(m_view.SetFullScreenDisplay(800, 600, BITDEPTH_32)))
		//C: If 32 bits failed, then try 24.
			if (FAILED(m_view.SetFullScreenDisplay(800, 600, BITDEPTH_24)))
		//C: If 24 failed, then let the user know.
				::MessageBox(m_hWnd, _T("Quadrino could not find a compatible video mode to run the game.  This game will now exit."), _T("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);


	return 0;

/* Public *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		10/21/2002
Purpose:	Handles the case when a music Player feedback event occurs.
Return:		0
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnGraphNotify(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
	return 0;

/* Private ********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		5/4/2002
Purpose:	Retireves the data from the keyboard to process as input to the game.
Parameters:	dwCount[in/out]: The number of buffer items to retrieve, and the 
				number of items that were retrieved.
Return:		HRESULT indiating the status of the function.
HRESULT CMainFrame::GetDeviceData (DWORD &dwCount)
    HRESULT hr;

    hr = g_pdidKeyboard->GetDeviceData(sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), g_dodBuffer, &dwCount, 0);
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
			//C: Either an error or a DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW occurred.  Continuous
			//   contact with the device has been lost, there fore it is possible
			//   that some events were lost.  
			//C: First verify that we have contact with the input device.
        if(hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST)
			//C: This app no longer has control of the keyboard, The keyboard
			//   will need to be re-acquired before we can continue.
			hr = g_pdidKeyboard->Acquire();
			if (FAILED(hr))
				ATLTRACE("Could not aquire the keyboard focus.");
				return hr;
			//C: The state of all of the buttons will now need to be synchronized.
			hr = g_pdidKeyboard->GetDeviceState(sizeof(m_bKBState), &m_bKBState);
			if (FAILED(hr)) 
				ATLTRACE("Could not synchronize the state of the keyboard.");
				return hr;
			//C: The state for the keyboard will need to be retrieved again.
			return GetDeviceData(dwCount);

	return hr;

/* Private ********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
Purpose:	Manages the input for all of the main start screen.
Parameters:	dData[in]: A structure that indicates an event for one of the
				input devices.
Return:		HRESULT indicates the status of this function.
HRESULT CMainFrame::HandleMainScreenInput (DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA &dData)
			//C: Only process the keystroke if the state of the key is down.
	if (!dData.dwData)
		return S_OK;
			//C: Switch on the input data button that is passed in.
	bool isCommand = false;
	if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[GAME_START])
			//C: Start the game.
			//C: This will refresh the controls to prevent the rotate button from sticking.

		isCommand = true;
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[GAME_OPTIONS])
			//C: Set the view into options mode.
			//C: Make sure the music is not playing.

		isCommand = true;
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[GAME_EXIT])
			//C: Exit the program.
		SendMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
		isCommand = true;

			//C: Play a sound if a valid command was set.
	if (isCommand && m_pSoundState)

	return S_OK;

/* Private ********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
Purpose:	Manages the input for all of the options screen.
Parameters:	dData[in]: A structure that indicates an event for one of the
				input devices.
Return:		HRESULT indicates the status of this function.
HRESULT CMainFrame::HandleOptionsScreenInput (DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA &dData)
			//C: Only process the keystroke if the state of the key is down.
	if (!dData.dwData)
		return S_OK;
			//C: Switch on the input data button that is passed in.
	if (m_pSoundState)

	return S_OK;

/* Private ********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
Purpose:	Manages the input for the pause screen.
Parameters:	dData[in]: A structure that indicates an event for one of the
				input devices.
Return:		HRESULT indicates the status of this function.
HRESULT CMainFrame::HandlePauseScreenInput (DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA &dData)
			//C: Only process the keystroke if the state of the key is down.
	if (!dData.dwData)
		return S_OK;
			//C: Switch on the input data button that is passed in.
	bool isCommand = false;
	if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[GAME_CONTINUE])
			//C: Resume the game.
		isCommand = true;
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[GAME_QUIT])
			//C: Quit the game.
		isCommand = true;
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[GAME_EXIT])
			//C: Exit the program.
		SendMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
		isCommand = true;
			//C: Play a sound if a valid command was set.
	if (isCommand && m_pSoundState)

	return S_OK;

/* Private ********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
Purpose:	Manages the input for the game.
Parameters:	dData[in]: A structure that indicates an event for one of the
				input devices.
Return:		HRESULT indicates the status of this function.
			//C: Only process the keystroke if the state of the key is down.
	if (!dData.dwData)
		return S_OK;
			//C: Switch on the input data button that is passed in.
	if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[ROTATE_PIECE_CCW])
		int result = m_game.Rotate(false);
		if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundRotate)
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[ROTATE_PIECE_CW])
		int result = m_game.Rotate(true);
		if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundRotate)
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_RIGHT])
		int result = m_game.Move(1, MOVE_RIGHT);
		if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundMove)
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_LEFT])
		int result = m_game.Move(1, MOVE_LEFT);
		if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundMove)
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_DOWN])
		int result = m_game.Move(1, MOVE_DOWN);
		if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundMove)
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_DROP])
		int result = m_game.Move(1, MOVE_DROP);
#pragma message( REMIND( "PMW: Find a sound for the drop event." ) )
/*		if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundDrop)
*/	}
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[SWAP_PIECE])
			//C: If the current game piece can be swapped, activate the
			//   swap animation.
	else if (dData.dwOfs == m_bCommands[GAME_PAUSE])
			//C: Pause the game.
			//C: Play a sound if a valid command was set.
		if (m_pSoundState)

	return S_OK;

/* Private ********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
Purpose:	Manages the input for commands that function when a key is 
			continuously held down.
Parameters:	dwTimeStamp[in]: The time stamp for which the input test is to
				be performed.
Return:		HRESULT indicates the status of this function.
HRESULT CMainFrame::HandleContinuousInput (DWORD dwTimeStamp)
			//C: There is currently only commands in the game mode that respond
			//   to continuous input.
	if (!m_game.IsInit() || m_game.IsPaused())
		return S_OK;
			//C: Cycle through all of the input items, and generate events if the
			//   required time has elaspsed.
	for (int index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
		DWORD dwCommand = m_cc[index].dwCommand;
		if (m_bKBState[dwCommand] & 0x80)
			//C: Calculate the length of time that the current command key has
			//   been held down.
			DWORD dwTime = dwTimeStamp - m_dwTimeStamps[dwCommand];
			//C: Check if the current key is in its initial state.
			if (true == m_cc[index].isInitial)
			//C: This is the first event for the current key press, check if the 
			//   time has exceeded, the initial event time.
				if (dwTime > INITIAL_EVENT_TIME)
					m_cc[index].isInitial = false;
					m_cc[index].isFire = true;
			//C: Determine how many EVENT periods the current key has been held 
			//   down for.
				DWORD count = ((dwTime - INITIAL_EVENT_TIME) / m_cc[index].dwEventTime) + 1;
			//C: If the count is greater than the number of events that have been fired,
			//   then another event must be fired.
				if (count > m_cc[index].dwEventCount)
					m_cc[index].isFire = true;
			//C: The key is up.  Set the command to its initial state.
			m_cc[index].isInitial = true;
			m_cc[index].dwEventCount = 0;
			//C: Fire the event.
		if (true == m_cc[index].isFire)
			m_cc[index].isFire = false;

			int result;
			switch (index)
			case 0:
				result = m_game.Move(1, MOVE_LEFT);
				if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundMove)
			case 1:
				result = m_game.Move(1, MOVE_RIGHT);
				if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundMove)
			case 2:
				result = m_game.Move(1, MOVE_DOWN);
				if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundMove)
			case 3:
				result = m_game.Rotate(false);
				if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundRotate)
			case 4:
				result = m_game.Rotate(true);
				if (SUCCESS == result && m_pSoundRotate)
			//C: Done.
	return S_OK;

/* Private ********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		5/4/2002
Purpose:	Set all of the user options to the default settings.	
Parameters:	NONE
Return:		-
void CMainFrame::SetDefaultSettings ()
			//C: The default game display mode is windowed.
	m_isWindowed = true;
			//C: Set the keyboard commands.
	m_bCommands[GAME_CONTINUE]		= DIK_C;
	m_bCommands[GAME_EXIT]			= DIK_X;
	m_bCommands[GAME_OPTIONS]		= DIK_O;
	m_bCommands[GAME_PAUSE]			= DIK_P;
	m_bCommands[GAME_QUIT]			= DIK_Q;
	m_bCommands[GAME_START]			= DIK_S;
	m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_DROP]	= DIK_UP;
	m_bCommands[ROTATE_PIECE_CCW]	= DIK_A;
	m_bCommands[ROTATE_PIECE_CW]	= DIK_S;
	m_bCommands[SWAP_PIECE]			= DIK_SPACE;

	m_musicLevel	= 100;
	m_soundLevel	= 75;

			//C: Update the CC structures for continuous input processing.

/* Public *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		5/5/2002
Purpose:	Updates the continuous input items structure.  This is neccesary 
			in order to process the commands that generate events when the 
			keys are held down.
Parameters:	NONE
Return:		-
void CMainFrame::UpdateCC()
	m_cc[0].dwCommand		= m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_LEFT];
	m_cc[0].dwTimeStamp		= 0;
	m_cc[0].dwEventCount	= 0;
	m_cc[0].dwEventTime		= CONTINUOUS_MOVE_TIME;
	m_cc[0].isInitial		= true;
	m_cc[0].isFire			= false;

	m_cc[1].dwCommand		= m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_RIGHT];
	m_cc[1].dwTimeStamp		= 0;
	m_cc[1].dwEventCount	= 0;
	m_cc[1].dwEventTime		= CONTINUOUS_MOVE_TIME;
	m_cc[1].isInitial		= true;
	m_cc[1].isFire			= false;

	m_cc[2].dwCommand		= m_bCommands[MOVE_PIECE_DOWN];
	m_cc[2].dwTimeStamp		= 0;
	m_cc[2].dwEventCount	= 0;
	m_cc[2].dwEventTime		= CONTINUOUS_MOVE_TIME;
	m_cc[2].isInitial		= true;
	m_cc[2].isFire			= false;

	m_cc[3].dwCommand		= m_bCommands[ROTATE_PIECE_CCW];
	m_cc[3].dwTimeStamp		= 0;
	m_cc[3].dwEventCount	= 0;
	m_cc[3].dwEventTime		= CONTINUOUS_ROTATE_TIME;
	m_cc[3].isInitial		= true;
	m_cc[3].isFire			= false;

	m_cc[4].dwCommand		= m_bCommands[ROTATE_PIECE_CW];
	m_cc[4].dwTimeStamp		= 0;
	m_cc[4].dwEventCount	= 0;
	m_cc[4].dwEventTime		= CONTINUOUS_ROTATE_TIME;
	m_cc[4].isInitial		= true;
	m_cc[4].isFire			= false;

/* Global Functions **********************************************************/
/* Global *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
BOOL CreateDInput( HWND hWnd )
    HINSTANCE hInst = (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLongPtr( hWnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE );
    HRESULT   hr;

			//C: Register with the DirectInput subsystem.
    if (FAILED(hr = DirectInput8Create( hInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (LPVOID*)&g_pDI, NULL)))
        return hr;

	g_pDI->Initialize(hInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION);
			//C: Obtain an interface to the keybord device
    if (FAILED(hr = g_pDI->CreateDevice( GUID_SysKeyboard, &g_pdidKeyboard, NULL)))
        return hr;

#pragma message( REMIND( "PMW: Possibly add support for other input devices." ) )
			//C: Set the data format to keyboard.
    if (FAILED(hr = g_pdidKeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard)))
        return hr;
			//C: Set the cooperative level for the keyboard.  For now 
			//   DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND mode will be chosen
			//   because it will be the easiest to debug.
    if (FAILED(hr = g_pdidKeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND)))
        return hr;
			//C: Set the buffer size for the input device[s].
    DIPROPDWORD dipdw = 

    if (FAILED(hr = g_pdidKeyboard->SetProperty( DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph)))
        return hr;

    return S_OK;

/* Global *********************************************************************
Author:		Paul Watt
Date:		4/16/2002
Purpose:	Destroys all of the resources that were aquired for processing this
Parameters:	NONE	
Return:		-
VOID DestroyDInput()
			//C: Destroy the keyboard object.
    if (g_pdidKeyboard)
			//C: Unacquire the device (just in case) before exitting.

        g_pdidKeyboard = NULL;

			//C: Destroy the DInput object
    if (g_pDI)
        g_pDI = NULL;

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Written By
United States United States
I am a software architect and I have been developing software for nearly two decades. Over the years I have learned to value maintainable solutions first. This has allowed me to adapt my projects to meet the challenges that inevitably appear during development. I use the most beneficial short-term achievements to drive the software I develop towards a long-term vision.

C++ is my strongest language. However, I have also used x86 ASM, ARM ASM, C, C#, JAVA, Python, and JavaScript to solve programming problems. I have worked in a variety of industries throughout my career, which include:
• Manufacturing
• Consumer Products
• Virtualization
• Computer Infrastructure Management
• DoD Contracting

My experience spans these hardware types and operating systems:
• Desktop
o Windows (Full-stack: GUI, Application, Service, Kernel Driver)
o Linux (Application, Daemon)
• Mobile Devices
o Windows CE / Windows Phone
o Linux
• Embedded Devices
o VxWorks (RTOS)
o Greenhills Linux
o Embedded Windows XP

I am a Mentor and frequent contributor to with tutorial articles that teach others about the inner workings of the Windows APIs.

I am the creator of an open source project on GitHub called Alchemy[^], which is an open-source compile-time data serialization library.

I maintain my own repository and blog at[^], because code maintenance does not have to be a living hell.

Comments and Discussions