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A Professional HTML Renderer You Will Use

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29 Jan 2009BSD4 min read 736.3K   23.3K   531  
100% managed code that draws HTML on any device
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace System.Drawing.Html

    /// <summary>
    /// Helps on CSS Layout
    /// </summary>
    internal static class CssLayoutEngine
        #region Fields

        private static CssBoxWord _lastTreatedWord = null;


        #region Inline Boxes

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates line boxes for the specified blockbox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="blockBox"></param>
        public static void CreateLineBoxes(Graphics g, CssBox blockBox)


            float maxRight = blockBox.ActualRight - blockBox.ActualPaddingRight - blockBox.ActualBorderRightWidth;

            //Get the start x and y of the blockBox
            float startx = blockBox.Location.X + blockBox.ActualPaddingLeft - 0 + blockBox.ActualBorderLeftWidth; //TODO: Check for floats
            float starty = blockBox.Location.Y + blockBox.ActualPaddingTop - 0 + blockBox.ActualBorderTopWidth;
            float curx = startx + blockBox.ActualTextIndent;
            float cury = starty;

            //Reminds the maximum bottom reached
            float maxBottom = starty;

            //Extra amount of spacing that should be applied to lines when breaking them.
            float lineSpacing = 0f;

            //First line box
            CssLineBox line = new CssLineBox(blockBox);

            //Flow words and boxes
            FlowBox(g, blockBox, blockBox, maxRight, lineSpacing, startx,ref line, ref curx, ref cury, ref maxBottom);

            //Gets the rectangles foreach linebox
            foreach (CssLineBox linebox in blockBox.LineBoxes)
                BubbleRectangles(blockBox, linebox);
                ApplyAlignment(g, linebox);
                if (blockBox.Direction == CssConstants.Rtl) ApplyRightToLeft(linebox);


            blockBox.ActualBottom = maxBottom + blockBox.ActualPaddingBottom + blockBox.ActualBorderBottomWidth;

        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively flows the content of the box using the inline model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Device Info</param>
        /// <param name="blockbox">Blockbox that contains the text flow</param>
        /// <param name="box">Current box to flow its content</param>
        /// <param name="maxright">Maximum reached right</param>
        /// <param name="linespacing">Space to use between rows of text</param>
        /// <param name="startx">x starting coordinate for when breaking lines of text</param>
        /// <param name="line">Current linebox being used</param>
        /// <param name="curx">Current x coordinate that will be the left of the next word</param>
        /// <param name="cury">Current y coordinate that will be the top of the next word</param>
        /// <param name="maxbottom">Maximum bottom reached so far</param>
        private static void FlowBox(Graphics g, CssBox blockbox, CssBox box, float maxright, float linespacing, float startx,ref CssLineBox line, ref float curx, ref float cury, ref float maxbottom)
            box.FirstHostingLineBox = line;

            foreach (CssBox b in box.Boxes)

                float leftspacing = b.ActualMarginLeft + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth + b.ActualPaddingLeft;
                float rightspacing = b.ActualMarginRight + b.ActualBorderRightWidth + b.ActualPaddingRight;
                float topspacing = b.ActualBorderTopWidth + b.ActualPaddingTop;
                float bottomspacing = b.ActualBorderBottomWidth + b.ActualPaddingTop;


                curx += leftspacing;

                if (b.Words.Count > 0)
                    #region Flow words

                    foreach (CssBoxWord word in b.Words)
                        //curx += word.SpacesBeforeWidth;

                        if ((b.WhiteSpace != CssConstants.Nowrap && curx + word.Width + rightspacing > maxright) ||
                            #region Break line

                            curx = startx;
                            cury = maxbottom + linespacing;

                            line = new CssLineBox(blockbox);

                            if (word.IsImage || word.Equals(b.FirstWord))
                                curx += leftspacing;



                        word.Left = curx;// -word.LastMeasureOffset.X + 1;
                        word.Top = cury;// - word.LastMeasureOffset.Y;

                        curx = word.Right;// +word.SpacesAfterWidth;
                        maxbottom = Math.Max(maxbottom, word.Bottom );//+ (word.IsImage ? topspacing + bottomspacing : 0));

                        _lastTreatedWord = word;

                    FlowBox(g, blockbox, b, maxright, linespacing, startx,ref line, ref curx, ref cury, ref maxbottom);

                curx += rightspacing;

            box.LastHostingLineBox = line;

        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively creates the rectangles of the blockBox, by bubbling from deep to outside of the boxes 
        /// in the rectangle structure
        /// </summary>
        private static void BubbleRectangles(CssBox box, CssLineBox line)
            if (box.Words.Count > 0)
                float x = float.MaxValue, y = float.MaxValue, r = float.MinValue, b = float.MinValue;
                List<CssBoxWord> words = line.WordsOf(box);

                if (words.Count > 0)
                    foreach (CssBoxWord word in words)
                        x = Math.Min(x, word.Left);// - word.SpacesBeforeWidth);
                        r = Math.Max(r, word.Right);// + word.SpacesAfterWidth);
                        y = Math.Min(y, word.Top);
                        b = Math.Max(b, word.Bottom);
                    line.UpdateRectangle(box, x, y, r, b); 
                foreach (CssBox b in box.Boxes)
                    BubbleRectangles(b, line);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the white space width of the specified box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float WhiteSpace(Graphics g, CssBox b)
            string space = " .";
            float w = 0f;
            float onError = 5f;
            StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
            sf.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(new CharacterRange[] { new CharacterRange(0, 1) });
            Region[] regs = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(space, b.ActualFont, new RectangleF(0, 0, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue), sf);

            if (regs == null || regs.Length == 0) return onError;

            w = regs[0].GetBounds(g).Width;

            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(b.WordSpacing) || b.WordSpacing == CssConstants.Normal))
                w += CssValue.ParseLength(b.WordSpacing, 0, b);
            return w;

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies vertical and horizontal alignment to words in lineboxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyAlignment(Graphics g, CssLineBox lineBox)

            #region Horizontal alignment

            switch (lineBox.OwnerBox.TextAlign)
                case CssConstants.Right:
                    ApplyRightAlignment(g, lineBox);
                case CssConstants.Center:
                    ApplyCenterAlignment(g, lineBox);
                case CssConstants.Justify:
                    ApplyJustifyAlignment(g, lineBox);
                    ApplyLeftAlignment(g, lineBox);


            ApplyVerticalAlignment(g, lineBox);

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies right to left direction to words
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        private static void ApplyRightToLeft(CssLineBox line)
            float left = line.OwnerBox.ClientLeft;
            float right = line.OwnerBox.ClientRight;

            foreach (CssBoxWord word in line.Words)
                float diff = word.Left - left;
                float wright = right - diff;
                word.Left = wright - word.Width;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the ascent of the font
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Font metrics from
        /// </remarks>
        public static float GetAscent(Font f)
            float mainAscent = f.Size * f.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(f.Style) / f.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(f.Style);
            return mainAscent;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the descent of the font
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Font metrics from
        /// </remarks>
        public static float GetDescent(Font f)
            float mainDescent = f.Size * f.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(f.Style) / f.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(f.Style);
            return mainDescent;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the line spacing of the font
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Font metrics from
        /// </remarks>
        public static float GetLineSpacing(Font f)
            float s = f.Size * f.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(f.Style) / f.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(f.Style);
            return s;

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies vertical alignment to the linebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyVerticalAlignment(Graphics g, CssLineBox lineBox)

            bool isTableCell = lineBox.OwnerBox.Display == CssConstants.TableCell;
            float baseline = lineBox.GetMaxWordBottom() - GetDescent(lineBox.OwnerBox.ActualFont) - 2;
            List<CssBox> boxes = new List<CssBox>(lineBox.Rectangles.Keys);

            foreach (CssBox b in boxes)
                float ascent = GetAscent(b.ActualFont);
                float descent = GetDescent(b.ActualFont);

                //Important notes on
                switch (b.VerticalAlign)
                    case CssConstants.Sub:
                        lineBox.SetBaseLine(g, b, baseline + lineBox.Rectangles[b].Height * .2f);
                    case CssConstants.Super:
                        lineBox.SetBaseLine(g, b, baseline - lineBox.Rectangles[b].Height * .2f);
                    case CssConstants.TextTop:

                    case CssConstants.TextBottom:

                    case CssConstants.Top:
                    case CssConstants.Bottom:

                    case CssConstants.Middle:

                        //case: baseline
                        lineBox.SetBaseLine(g, b, baseline);

                ////Graphic cues
                //g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Aqua, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, ascent);
                //g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, r.Left, r.Top + ascent, r.Width, descent);
                //g.DrawLine(Pens.Fuchsia, r.Left, baseline, r.Right, baseline);



        /// <summary>
        /// Applies special vertical alignment for table-cells
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="cell"></param>
        public static void ApplyCellVerticalAlignment(Graphics g, CssBox cell)
            if (cell.VerticalAlign == CssConstants.Top || cell.VerticalAlign == CssConstants.Baseline) return;

            float celltop = cell.ClientTop;
            float cellbot = cell.ClientBottom;
            float bottom = cell.GetMaximumBottom(cell, 0f);
            float dist = 0f;

            if (cell.VerticalAlign == CssConstants.Bottom)
                dist = cellbot - bottom;
            else if (cell.VerticalAlign == CssConstants.Middle)
                dist = (cellbot - bottom) / 2;

            foreach (CssBox b in cell.Boxes)

            //float top = cell.ClientTop;
            //float bottom = cell.ClientBottom;
            //bool middle = cell.VerticalAlign == CssConstants.Middle;

            //foreach (LineBox line in cell.LineBoxes)
            //    for (int i = 0; i < line.RelatedBoxes.Count; i++)
            //    {

            //        float diff = bottom - line.RelatedBoxes[i].Rectangles[line].Bottom;
            //        if (middle) diff /= 2f;
            //        RectangleF r = line.RelatedBoxes[i].Rectangles[line];
            //        line.RelatedBoxes[i].Rectangles[line] = new RectangleF(r.X, r.Y + diff, r.Width, r.Height);

            //    }

            //    foreach (BoxWord word in line.Words)
            //    {
            //        float gap = word.Top - top;
            //        word.Top = bottom - gap - word.Height;
            //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies centered alignment to the text on the linebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyJustifyAlignment(Graphics g, CssLineBox lineBox)
            if (lineBox.Equals(lineBox.OwnerBox.LineBoxes[lineBox.OwnerBox.LineBoxes.Count - 1])) return;

            float indent = lineBox.Equals(lineBox.OwnerBox.LineBoxes[0]) ? lineBox.OwnerBox.ActualTextIndent : 0f;
            float textSum = 0f;
            float words = 0f;
            float availWidth = lineBox.OwnerBox.ClientRectangle.Width - indent;

            #region Gather text sum
            foreach (CssBoxWord w in lineBox.Words)
                textSum += w.Width;
                words += 1f;

            if (words <= 0f) return; //Avoid Zero division
            float spacing = (availWidth - textSum) / words; //Spacing that will be used
            float curx = lineBox.OwnerBox.ClientLeft + indent;

            foreach (CssBoxWord word in lineBox.Words)
                word.Left = curx;
                curx = word.Right + spacing;

                if (word == lineBox.Words[lineBox.Words.Count - 1])
                    word.Left = lineBox.OwnerBox.ClientRight - word.Width;

                //TODO: Background rectangles are being deactivated when justifying text.


        /// <summary>
        /// Applies centered alignment to the text on the linebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyCenterAlignment(Graphics g, CssLineBox line)
            if (line.Words.Count == 0) return;

            CssBoxWord lastWord = line.Words[line.Words.Count - 1];
            float right = line.OwnerBox.ActualRight - line.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingRight - line.OwnerBox.ActualBorderRightWidth;
            float diff = right - lastWord.Right - lastWord.LastMeasureOffset.X - lastWord.OwnerBox.ActualBorderRightWidth - lastWord.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingRight;
            diff /= 2;

            if (diff <= 0) return;

            foreach (CssBoxWord word in line.Words)
                word.Left += diff;

            foreach (CssBox b in line.Rectangles.Keys)
                RectangleF r = b.Rectangles[line];
                b.Rectangles[line] = new RectangleF(r.X + diff, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies right alignment to the text on the linebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyRightAlignment(Graphics g, CssLineBox line)
            if (line.Words.Count == 0) return;

            CssBoxWord lastWord = line.Words[line.Words.Count - 1];
            float right = line.OwnerBox.ActualRight - line.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingRight - line.OwnerBox.ActualBorderRightWidth;
            float diff = right - lastWord.Right - lastWord.LastMeasureOffset.X - lastWord.OwnerBox.ActualBorderRightWidth - lastWord.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingRight;

            if (diff <= 0) return;

            //if (line.OwnerBox.Direction == CssConstants.Rtl)


            foreach (CssBoxWord word in line.Words)
                word.Left += diff;

            foreach (CssBox b in line.Rectangles.Keys)
                RectangleF r = b.Rectangles[line];
                b.Rectangles[line] = new RectangleF(r.X + diff, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);

        /// <summary>
        /// Simplest alignment, just arrange words.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyLeftAlignment(Graphics g, CssLineBox line)
            //No alignment needed.

            //foreach (LineBoxRectangle r in line.Rectangles)
            //    float curx = r.Left + (r.Index == 0 ? r.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingLeft + r.OwnerBox.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2 : 0);

            //    if (r.SpaceBefore) curx += r.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing;

            //    foreach (BoxWord word in r.Words)
            //    {
            //        word.Left = curx;
            //        word.Top = r.Top;// +r.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingTop + r.OwnerBox.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2;

            //        curx = word.Right + r.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing;
            //    }


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Written By
Product Manager
United States United States
- I've been programming Windows and Web apps since 1997.
- My greatest concern nowadays is product, user interface, and usability.
- TypeScript / React expert


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