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Windows Mobile Password Safe

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12 Jan 2009CPOL16 min read 159.7K   3.1K   139  
A password safe with a touch screen UI introducing Fluid Controls.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Fluid.Drawing.GdiPlus
    // Fill mode constants

    public enum FillMode
        Alternate,        // 0
        Winding           // 1

    // Quality mode constants

    public enum QualityMode
        Invalid = -1,
        Default = 0,
        Low = 1, // Best performance
        High = 2  // Best rendering quality

    // Alpha Compositing mode constants

    public enum CompositingMode
        SourceOver,    // 0
        SourceCopy     // 1

    // Alpha Compositing quality constants

    public enum CompositingQuality
        CompositingQualityInvalid = QualityMode.Invalid,
        CompositingQualityDefault = QualityMode.Default,
        CompositingQualityHighSpeed = QualityMode.Low,
        CompositingQualityHighQuality = QualityMode.High,

    // Unit constants

    public enum Unit
        UnitWorld,      // 0 -- World coordinate (non-physical unit)
        UnitDisplay,    // 1 -- Variable -- for PageTransform only
        UnitPixel,      // 2 -- Each unit is one device pixel.
        UnitPoint,      // 3 -- Each unit is a printer's point, or 1/72 inch.
        UnitInch,       // 4 -- Each unit is 1 inch.
        UnitDocument,   // 5 -- Each unit is 1/300 inch.
        UnitMillimeter  // 6 -- Each unit is 1 millimeter.

    // MetafileFrameUnit
    // The frameRect for creating a metafile can be specified in any of these
    // units.  There is an extra frame unit value (MetafileFrameUnitGdi) so
    // that units can be supplied in the same units that GDI expects for
    // frame rects -- these units are in .01 (1/100ths) millimeter units
    // as defined by GDI.

    public enum MetafileFrameUnit
        MetafileFrameUnitPixel = Unit.UnitPixel,
        MetafileFrameUnitPoint = Unit.UnitPoint,
        MetafileFrameUnitInch = Unit.UnitInch,
        MetafileFrameUnitDocument = Unit.UnitDocument,
        MetafileFrameUnitMillimeter = Unit.UnitMillimeter,
        MetafileFrameUnitGdi                        // GDI compatible .01 MM units

    // Coordinate space identifiers

    public enum CoordinateSpace
        CoordinateSpaceWorld,     // 0
        CoordinateSpacePage,      // 1
        CoordinateSpaceDevice     // 2

    // Various wrap modes for brushes

    public enum WrapMode
        WrapModeTile,        // 0
        WrapModeTileFlipX,   // 1
        WrapModeTileFlipY,   // 2
        WrapModeTileFlipXY,  // 3
        WrapModeClamp        // 4

    // Various hatch styles

    public enum HatchStyle
        HatchStyleHorizontal,                   // 0
        HatchStyleVertical,                     // 1
        HatchStyleForwardDiagonal,              // 2
        HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal,             // 3
        HatchStyleCross,                        // 4
        HatchStyleDiagonalCross,                // 5
        HatchStyle05Percent,                    // 6
        HatchStyle10Percent,                    // 7
        HatchStyle20Percent,                    // 8
        HatchStyle25Percent,                    // 9
        HatchStyle30Percent,                    // 10
        HatchStyle40Percent,                    // 11
        HatchStyle50Percent,                    // 12
        HatchStyle60Percent,                    // 13
        HatchStyle70Percent,                    // 14
        HatchStyle75Percent,                    // 15
        HatchStyle80Percent,                    // 16
        HatchStyle90Percent,                    // 17
        HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal,        // 18
        HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal,          // 19
        HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal,         // 20
        HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal,           // 21
        HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal,         // 22
        HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal,           // 23
        HatchStyleLightVertical,                // 24
        HatchStyleLightHorizontal,              // 25
        HatchStyleNarrowVertical,               // 26
        HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal,             // 27
        HatchStyleDarkVertical,                 // 28
        HatchStyleDarkHorizontal,               // 29
        HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal,       // 30
        HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal,         // 31
        HatchStyleDashedHorizontal,             // 32
        HatchStyleDashedVertical,               // 33
        HatchStyleSmallConfetti,                // 34
        HatchStyleLargeConfetti,                // 35
        HatchStyleZigZag,                       // 36
        HatchStyleWave,                         // 37
        HatchStyleDiagonalBrick,                // 38
        HatchStyleHorizontalBrick,              // 39
        HatchStyleWeave,                        // 40
        HatchStylePlaid,                        // 41
        HatchStyleDivot,                        // 42
        HatchStyleDottedGrid,                   // 43
        HatchStyleDottedDiamond,                // 44
        HatchStyleShingle,                      // 45
        HatchStyleTrellis,                      // 46
        HatchStyleSphere,                       // 47
        HatchStyleSmallGrid,                    // 48
        HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard,            // 49
        HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard,            // 50
        HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond,              // 51
        HatchStyleSolidDiamond,                 // 52

        HatchStyleLargeGrid = HatchStyleCross,  // 4

        HatchStyleMin = HatchStyleHorizontal,
        HatchStyleMax = HatchStyleTotal - 1,

    // Dash style constants

    public enum DashStyle
        DashStyleSolid,          // 0
        DashStyleDash,           // 1
        DashStyleDot,            // 2
        DashStyleDashDot,        // 3
        DashStyleDashDotDot,     // 4
        DashStyleCustom          // 5

    // Dash cap constants

    public enum DashCap
        DashCapFlat = 0,
        DashCapRound = 2,
        DashCapTriangle = 3

    // Line cap constants (only the lowest 8 bits are used).

    public enum LineCap
        LineCapFlat = 0,
        LineCapSquare = 1,
        LineCapRound = 2,
        LineCapTriangle = 3,

        LineCapNoAnchor = 0x10, // corresponds to flat cap
        LineCapSquareAnchor = 0x11, // corresponds to square cap
        LineCapRoundAnchor = 0x12, // corresponds to round cap
        LineCapDiamondAnchor = 0x13, // corresponds to triangle cap
        LineCapArrowAnchor = 0x14, // no correspondence

        LineCapCustom = 0xff, // custom cap

        LineCapAnchorMask = 0xf0  // mask to check for anchor or not.

    // Custom Line cap type constants

    public enum CustomLineCapType
        CustomLineCapTypeDefault = 0,
        CustomLineCapTypeAdjustableArrow = 1

    // Line join constants

    public enum LineJoin
        LineJoinMiter = 0,
        LineJoinBevel = 1,
        LineJoinRound = 2,
        LineJoinMiterClipped = 3

    // Path point types (only the lowest 8 bits are used.)
    //  The lowest 3 bits are interpreted as point type
    //  The higher 5 bits are reserved for flags.

    public enum PathPointType
        Start = 0,    // move
        Line = 1,    // line
        Bezier = 3,    // default Bezier (= cubic Bezier)
        PathTypeMask = 0x07, // type mask (lowest 3 bits).
        DashMode = 0x10, // currently in dash mode.
        PathMarker = 0x20, // a marker for the path.
        CloseSubpath = 0x80, // closed flag

        // Path types used for advanced path.

        Bezier3 = 3,         // cubic Bezier

    // WarpMode constants

    public enum WarpMode
        Perspective,    // 0
        Bilinear        // 1

    // LineGradient Mode

    public enum LinearGradientMode
        Horizontal,         // 0
        Vertical,           // 1
        ForwardDiagonal,    // 2
        BackwardDiagonal    // 3

    // Region Comine Modes

    public enum CombineMode
        Replace,     // 0
        Intersect,   // 1
        Union,       // 2
        Xor,         // 3
        Exclude,     // 4
        Complement   // 5 (Exclude From)

    // Image types

    public enum ImageType
        Unknown,   // 0
        Bitmap,    // 1
        Metafile   // 2

    // Interpolation modes

    public enum InterpolationMode
        Invalid = QualityMode.Invalid,
        Default = QualityMode.Default,
        LowQuality = QualityMode.Low,
        HighQuality = QualityMode.High,

    // Pen types

    public enum PenAlignment
        Center = 0,
        Inset = 1

    // Brush types

    public enum BrushType
        SolidColor = 0,
        HatchFill = 1,
        TextureFill = 2,
        PathGradient = 3,
        LinearGradient = 4

    // Pen's Fill types

    public enum PenType
        SolidColor = BrushType.SolidColor,
        HatchFill = BrushType.HatchFill,
        TextureFill = BrushType.TextureFill,
        PathGradient = BrushType.PathGradient,
        LinearGradient = BrushType.LinearGradient,
        Unknown = -1

    // Matrix Order

    public enum MatrixOrder
        Prepend = 0,
        Append = 1

#if false
    // Generic font families

    public enum GenericFontFamily


    // FontStyle: face types and common styles

    public enum FontStyle
        Regular = 0,
        Bold = 1,
        Italic = 2,
        BoldItalic = 3,
        Underline = 4,
        Strikeout = 8


    // Smoothing Mode

    public enum SmoothingMode
        Invalid = QualityMode.Invalid,
        Default = QualityMode.Default,
        HighSpeed = QualityMode.Low,
        HighQuality = QualityMode.High,

    // Pixel Format Mode

    public enum PixelOffsetMode
        None,    // No pixel offset
        Half     // Offset by -0.5, -0.5 for fast anti-alias perf

    // Text Rendering Hint

    public enum TextRenderingHint
        SystemDefault = 0,            // Glyph with system default rendering hint
        SingleBitPerPixelGridFit,     // Glyph bitmap with hinting
        SingleBitPerPixel,            // Glyph bitmap without hinting
        AntiAliasGridFit,             // Glyph anti-alias bitmap with hinting
        AntiAlias,                    // Glyph anti-alias bitmap without hinting
        ClearTypeGridFit              // Glyph CT bitmap with hinting

    // Metafile Types

    public enum MetafileType
        Invalid,            // Invalid metafile
        Wmf,                // Standard WMF
        WmfPlaceable,       // Placeable WMF
        Emf,                // EMF (not EMF+)
        EmfPlusOnly,        // EMF+ without dual, down-level records
        EmfPlusDual         // EMF+ with dual, down-level records

    // Specifies the type of EMF to record

    public enum EmfType
        EmfOnly = MetafileType.Emf,          // no EMF+, only EMF
        EmfPlusOnly = MetafileType.EmfPlusOnly,  // no EMF, only EMF+
        EmfPlusDual = MetafileType.EmfPlusDual   // both EMF+ and EMF

    // EMF+ Persistent object types

    public enum ObjectType
        Max = CustomLineCap,
        Min = Brush

    public enum StringFormatFlags : uint
        DirectionRightToLeft = 0x00000001,
        DirectionVertical = 0x00000002,
        NoFitBlackBox = 0x00000004,
        DisplayFormatControl = 0x00000020,
        NoFontFallback = 0x00000400,
        MeasureTrailingSpaces = 0x00000800,
        NoWrap = 0x00001000,
        LineLimit = 0x00002000,

        NoClip = 0x00004000,
        BypassGDI = 0x80000000

    // StringTrimming

    public enum StringTrimming
        None = 0,
        Character = 1,
        Word = 2,
        EllipsisCharacter = 3,
        EllipsisWord = 4,
        EllipsisPath = 5

    // National language digit substitution

    public enum StringDigitSubstitute
        User = 0,  // As NLS setting
        None = 1,
        National = 2,
        Traditional = 3

    // Hotkey prefix interpretation

    public enum HotkeyPrefix
        None = 0,
        Show = 1,
        Hide = 2

    // String alignment flags

    //public enum StringAlignment
    //    // Left edge for left-to-right text,
    //    // right for right-to-left text,
    //    // and top for vertical
    //    Near = 0,
    //    Center = 1,
    //    Far = 2

    // DriverStringOptions

    public enum DriverStringOptions
        CmapLookup = 1,
        Vertical = 2,
        RealizedAdvance = 4,
        LimitSubpixel = 8

    // Flush Intention flags

    public enum FlushIntention
        Flush = 0,        // Flush all batched rendering operations
        Sync = 1          // Flush all batched rendering operations
        // and wait for them to complete

    // Image encoder parameter related types

    public enum EncoderParameterValueType
        Byte = 1,    // 8-bit unsigned int
        ASCII = 2,    // 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII
        // code. NULL terminated.
        Short = 3,    // 16-bit unsigned int
        Long = 4,    // 32-bit unsigned int
        Rational = 5,    // Two Longs. The first Long is the
        // numerator, the second Long expresses the
        // denomintor.
        LongRange = 6,    // Two longs which specify a range of
        // integer values. The first Long specifies
        // the lower end and the second one
        // specifies the higher end. All values
        // are inclusive at both ends
        Undefined = 7,    // 8-bit byte that can take any value
        // depending on field definition
        RationalRange = 8,    // Two Rationals. The first Rational
        // specifies the lower end and the second
        // specifies the higher end. All values
        // are inclusive at both ends
        //#if (GDIPVER >= 0x0110)
        //    Pointer        = 9     // a pointer to a parameter defined data.
        //#endif //(GDIPVER >= 0x0110)

    // Image encoder value types

    public enum EncoderValue
        //#if (GDIPVER >= 0x0110)
        //    ColorTypeGray,
        //    ColorTypeRGB,

    public enum RotateFlipType
        RotateNoneFlipNone = 0,
        Rotate90FlipNone = 1,
        Rotate180FlipNone = 2,
        Rotate270FlipNone = 3,

        RotateNoneFlipX = 4,
        Rotate90FlipX = 5,
        Rotate180FlipX = 6,
        Rotate270FlipX = 7,

        RotateNoneFlipY = Rotate180FlipX,
        Rotate90FlipY = Rotate270FlipX,
        Rotate180FlipY = RotateNoneFlipX,
        Rotate270FlipY = Rotate90FlipX,

        RotateNoneFlipXY = Rotate180FlipNone,
        Rotate90FlipXY = Rotate270FlipNone,
        Rotate180FlipXY = RotateNoneFlipNone,
        Rotate270FlipXY = Rotate90FlipNone

    // Color Adjust Type

    public enum ColorAdjustType
        Any      // Reserved

    public enum GraphicsState: uint{}

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Germany Germany
Enterprise Application Developer 3.5
Windows Developer 3.5
.ASP.NET Developer 3.5
.NET 2.0 Windows Developer
.NET 2.0 Web Developer
.NET 2.0 Enterprise Application Developer

.NET 3.5 Windows Forms Applications
.NET 3.5 ASP.NET Applications
.NET 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development
.NET 3.5 WCF
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.NET 3.5 WF
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development
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.NET 2.0 Distributed Applications
SQL Server 2005
Sharepoint Services 3.0 Application Development
Windows Vista Client Configuration

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