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GOF's Adapters and Some Magic

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21 Apr 2009CPOL14 min read 25K   85   32  
How to create automated Adapters and extend/modify the original functionality with default member’s implementation for interfaces, Eiffel-like Separates, Code Injection, and Design by Contract.
using System;
using System.Xml ;
using System.Xml.Xsl ;
using System.Xml.XPath ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Reflection.Emit ;
using Compiling ;
using Compiling.DataStructures ;
using Compiling.StringTreatment ;
using System.Resources ;
using System.IO ;

namespace Scaredfingers.Assertions
	using Assertions.Exceptions ;
	using Assertions.Runtime ;
	using Documentation ;

	public interface IAssertion
		string BoolExpression
			get ;
		string Label
			get ;
			set ;
		Type AssertionViolation
			get ;
			set ;

	public abstract class Assertion : IAssertion
		IDictionary scope ;
		Type violation ;
		string label ;
		MemberInfo target ;

		XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument() ;

		public static string CompilingOKMessage = "OK" ;
		protected string boolExpression ;

		public Assertion(string boolExpression, string label, IDictionary scope)
			this.boolExpression = boolExpression == null ? "" : boolExpression ;
			this.label = label == null ? "" : label ;
			AssertionScope = scope ;
		public Assertion() : this("","",new Hashtable())
		public Assertion(string boolExpression) : this(boolExpression, "", new Hashtable())
		public Assertion(string boolExpression, string label) : this(boolExpression, label, new Hashtable())
		public Assertion(string boolExpression, IDictionary scope) : this(boolExpression, "", scope)

		public abstract bool Check() ;
		public abstract bool EmitAssertion(ILGenerator generator) ;
		public abstract bool EmitInicializations(ILGenerator generator) ;
		public abstract string CompilingMessage
			get ;

		public virtual string BoolExpression
				return boolExpression ;
		internal bool IsBlank
				return BoolExpression == null || BoolExpression == "" ;
		public string Label 
				if (label == null)
					return "" ;
				return label ;
				if (value == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
				label = value ;
		public virtual Type AssertionViolation
				return violation ;
				if (value == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
				if (!value.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception)) ||
					value.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) == null)
					throw new ArgumentException() ;
				violation = value ;
		public IDictionary AssertionScope
				return scope ;
				if (value == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
				scope = value ;
		public virtual MemberInfo Target
				return target ;
				if (value == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
				target = value ;

        Type typ_ForcedTargetType;
        public virtual Type ForcedTargetsType
                return typ_ForcedTargetType;
                typ_ForcedTargetType = value;

        MemberInfo inf_ForcedTarget;
        public virtual MemberInfo ForcedTarget
                return inf_ForcedTarget;
                inf_ForcedTarget = value;

        FieldInfo inf_ForcedReference;
        public virtual FieldInfo ForcedReference
                return inf_ForcedReference;
                inf_ForcedReference = value;

		public override string ToString()
			return BoolExpression ;

		public virtual XmlNode XmlView
				return document.CreateElement("assertion") ;
	public abstract class AssertionGroup : Assertion, IEnumerable
		#region Protected fields
		protected ArrayList assertionList ;
		protected string compilingMessage ;
		protected bool childrenThrowOnFail = true ;
		protected bool localThrowOnFail = true ;
		#region Constructors
		public AssertionGroup(Assertion[] list)
			if (list == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
			assertionList = new ArrayList() ;
			foreach(Assertion assertion in list)
				this.Add(assertion) ;
				assertion.AssertionScope = AssertionScope ;
		public AssertionGroup() : this(new Assertion[0])
		public void Add(Assertion assertion)
			if (assertion == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
			assertionList.Add(assertion) ;
		public int Length
				return assertionList.Count ;
		public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
			return assertionList.GetEnumerator() ;
		public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(int index, int count)
			return assertionList.GetEnumerator(index, count) ;

		internal bool LocalThrowOnFail
				return localThrowOnFail ;
				localThrowOnFail = value ;
				if (! value)
					ChildrenThrowOnFail = false ;
		internal bool ChildrenThrowOnFail
				return childrenThrowOnFail ;
				childrenThrowOnFail = value ;
				foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
					if (assertion is AssertionGroup)
						((AssertionGroup)assertion).LocalThrowOnFail = value ;
		public override bool Check()
			bool result = true ;
			compilingMessage = "" ;
			foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
				if (!assertion.Check())
					compilingMessage += "Assertion Parse Error in \"" + assertion.BoolExpression + "\"\r\n " 
						+ "from: " + Target.MemberType + ":" + Target.Name + "\r\n" 
						+ assertion.CompilingMessage + "\r\n" ;
					result = false ;
			if (compilingMessage == "")
				compilingMessage = "OK" ;
			return result ;
		public override bool EmitInicializations(ILGenerator generator)
			foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
				if (!assertion.EmitInicializations(generator))
					return false ;
			return true ;
		public override string CompilingMessage
				return compilingMessage ;

		public override Type AssertionViolation
				base.AssertionViolation = value ;
				foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
					if (assertion is AssertionGroup)
						assertion.AssertionViolation = value ;
				return base.AssertionViolation ;
		public virtual Assertion[] ToArray()
			return assertionList.ToArray(typeof(Assertion)) as Assertion[] ;
		public override MemberInfo Target
				base.Target = value ;
				foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
					assertion.Target = value ;
				return base.Target ;

        #region Forced Members
        public override FieldInfo ForcedReference
                return base.ForcedReference;
                base.ForcedReference = value;
                foreach (Assertion child in assertionList)
                    child.ForcedReference = value;

        public override MemberInfo ForcedTarget
                return base.ForcedTarget;
                base.ForcedTarget = value;
                foreach (Assertion child in assertionList)
                    child.ForcedTarget = value;

        public override Type ForcedTargetsType
                return base.ForcedTargetsType;
                base.ForcedTargetsType = value;
                foreach (Assertion child in assertionList)
                    child.ForcedTargetsType = value;
	public class AssertionANDGroup : AssertionGroup
		#region Constructors
		public AssertionANDGroup(Assertion[] list) : base(list)
		public AssertionANDGroup() : base(new Assertion[0])
		public override string BoolExpression
				if (assertionList.Count == 0)
					return "" ;
				if (assertionList.Count == 1)
					return ((Assertion)assertionList[0]).BoolExpression ;
				string result = "(" ;
				foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
					if (!assertion.IsBlank)
						result += assertion.BoolExpression + ") && (" ;
				return result != "(" ? result.Substring(0, result.Length - 5) : "" ;
		public override bool EmitAssertion(ILGenerator generator)
			if (IsBlank)
				return true ;
			bool isTheFirst = true ;
			foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
				if (assertion.IsBlank) continue ;
				Label fullFill = generator.DefineLabel() ;
				if (assertion is AssertionGroup)
					if (!assertion.EmitAssertion(generator))
						compilingMessage = assertion.CompilingMessage ;
						return false ;
					if (!isTheFirst && !((AssertionGroup)assertion).LocalThrowOnFail)
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.And) ;
					if (!this.localThrowOnFail)
						if (!assertion.EmitAssertion(generator))
							compilingMessage = assertion.CompilingMessage ;
							return false ;
						if (!isTheFirst)
							generator.Emit(OpCodes.And) ;
						generator.BeginExceptionBlock() ;
						if (!assertion.EmitAssertion(generator))
							compilingMessage = assertion.CompilingMessage ;
							return false ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, fullFill) ;
						if (assertion.AssertionViolation != null)
							generator.ThrowException(assertion.AssertionViolation) ;
							generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, assertion.Label) ;
							generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, AssertionViolation.GetConstructor(
								new Type[] {typeof(string)})) ;
							generator.Emit(OpCodes.Throw) ;
						generator.MarkLabel(fullFill) ;
						generator.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(AssertionException)) ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Throw) ;
						generator.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(Exception)) ;
						LocalBuilder exc = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(Exception)) ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, exc) ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, assertion.Label) ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, exc) ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, AssertionViolation.GetConstructor(
							new Type[] {typeof(string), typeof(Exception)})) ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Throw) ;
						generator.EndExceptionBlock() ;

				isTheFirst = false ;
			compilingMessage = CompilingOKMessage ;
			return true ;
	public class AssertionORGroup : AssertionGroup
		#region Constructors
		public AssertionORGroup(Assertion[] list) : base(list)
		public AssertionORGroup() : base(new Assertion[0])
		public override string BoolExpression
				if (assertionList.Count == 0)
					return "" ;
				if (assertionList.Count == 1)
					return ((Assertion)assertionList[0]).BoolExpression ;
				string result = "(" ;
				foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
					if (!assertion.IsBlank)
						result += assertion.BoolExpression + ") || (" ;
				return result != "(" ? result.Substring(0, result.Length - 5) : "" ;
		public override bool EmitAssertion(ILGenerator generator)
			if (IsBlank)
				return true ;
			ChildrenThrowOnFail = false ;
			bool isTheFirst = true ;
			Label fullFill = generator.DefineLabel()  ;
			generator.BeginExceptionBlock() ;
			foreach(Assertion assertion in assertionList)
				if (assertion.IsBlank)
					continue ;
				if (!assertion.EmitAssertion(generator))
					compilingMessage = assertion.CompilingMessage ;
					return false ;
				if (! isTheFirst)
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Or) ;
				isTheFirst = false ;
			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, fullFill) ;
			generator.ThrowException(typeof(PreconditionException)) ;
			generator.MarkLabel(fullFill) ;
			generator.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(AssertionException)) ;
			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Throw) ;
			generator.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(Exception)) ;
			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, typeof(PreconditionException).GetConstructor(new Type[] 
				{typeof(Exception)})) ;
			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Throw) ;
			generator.EndExceptionBlock() ;
			compilingMessage = CompilingOKMessage ;
			return true ;
	public abstract class AssertionManager

		public static bool EnablePreconditions = true ;
		public static bool EnablePostconditions = true ;
		public static bool EnableInvariants = true ;
		internal static FieldInfo ckPre = typeof(AssertionManager).GetField("EnablePreconditions"),
			ckPos = typeof(AssertionManager).GetField("EnablePostconditions"),
			ckInv = typeof(AssertionManager).GetField("EnableInvariants") ;

		#region Scope creation methods (public)
		public IDictionary GetParamScope(MemberInfo target) 
			return GetParamScope(target, new Hashtable()) ;
		virtual protected IDictionary GetParamScope(MemberInfo target, IDictionary result)
			ParameterInfo[] paramList = (target is MethodBase)? ((MethodBase)target).GetParameters() :
				(target is PropertyInfo)? ((PropertyInfo)target).GetIndexParameters() : new ParameterInfo[0] ;
			foreach(ParameterInfo param in paramList)
				result[param.Name] = param ;
			return result ;
		public IDictionary GetInvScope(Type type)
			return GetInvScope(type, new Hashtable()) ;
		virtual protected IDictionary GetInvScope(Type type, IDictionary result)
			result["this"] = result["@@this@@"] = type ;
			if (type.IsInterface)
				foreach(Type interfaceImpl in type.GetInterfaces())
					GetInvScope(interfaceImpl, result) ;
			foreach(MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers())
				result[CreateMemberEntry(member)] = member ;
			return result ;
		public IDictionary GetPreScope(MemberInfo target)
			return GetPreScope(target, new Hashtable()) ;
		virtual protected IDictionary GetPreScope(MemberInfo target, IDictionary result)
			result = GetParamScope(target, result) ;
			result = GetStaticScope(target.ReflectedType, result) ;
			if (target is MethodInfo && ((MethodInfo)target).IsStatic)
				return result ;
			if (target is MethodInfo || target is PropertyInfo)
				return GetInvScope(target.ReflectedType, result) ;
			return result ;
		public IDictionary GetPosScope(MemberInfo target)
			return GetPosScope(target, new Hashtable()) ;
		virtual protected IDictionary GetPosScope(MemberInfo target, IDictionary result)
			result = GetPreScope(target, result) ;
			IDictionary fullTable = new Hashtable(result) ;

			result = fullTable ;
			result["result"] = new object []{
				target is MethodInfo? ((MethodInfo)target).ReturnType : typeof(void), 0} ;
			return result ;
		public IDictionary GetStaticScope(Type target) 
			return GetStaticScope(target, new Hashtable()) ;
		virtual protected IDictionary GetStaticScope(Type target, IDictionary result) 
			foreach(MemberInfo member in target.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
				result[CreateMemberEntry(member)] = member ;
			return result ;


		#region Inheritance resolve methods (public and protected)
		protected MemberInfo[] GetBaseDefinition(MemberInfo target, MemberBasesPolicy policy)
			return policy.GetBases(target) ;
		public virtual Type[] GetBases(Type target)
			return (Type[])GetBaseDefinition(target, new TypeBasesPolicy()) ;
		public virtual PropertyInfo[] GetBaseProperty(PropertyInfo target)
			return (PropertyInfo[])GetBaseDefinition(target, new PropertyBasesPolicy()) ;
		public virtual MethodInfo[] GetBaseMethods(MethodInfo target)
			return (MethodInfo[])GetBaseDefinition(target, new MethodBasesPolicy()) ;

		#region Local and recursive attributes extraction (private region)
		private class InheritanceNode
			public InheritanceNode(MemberInfo target, bool isFirst)
				Target = target ;
				IsFirst = isFirst ;
			public MemberInfo Target ;
			public bool IsFirst ;
		private AssertionANDGroup GetLocalAssertionAttributes(MemberInfo target, Type attributeType)
			return CreateAssertions((AssertionAttribute[])target.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, false), target) ;
		private AssertionANDGroup[] GetFullAssertionAttributes(MemberInfo target, Type attributeType, 
			MemberBasesPolicy policy)
			Queue queue = new Queue() ;
			queue.Enqueue(new InheritanceNode(target, true)) ;
			ArrayList result = new ArrayList() ;
			AssertionANDGroup bornGroup = null ;
			bool firstNotFound = false ;
			while(queue.Count > 0)
				InheritanceNode current = (InheritanceNode)queue.Dequeue() ;
				MemberInfo[] bases = GetBaseDefinition(current.Target, policy) ;
				InheritanceNode[] newNodes = new InheritanceNode[bases.Length] ;
				for(int i = 0; i < bases.Length; i++) 
					newNodes[i] = new InheritanceNode(bases[i], false) ;
				if (current.IsFirst)
					if (bornGroup != null)
						result.Add(bornGroup) ;
					bornGroup = new AssertionANDGroup() ;
					if (bases.Length == 0)
						firstNotFound = true ;
						newNodes[0].IsFirst = true ;
						firstNotFound = false ;
				bornGroup.Add(GetLocalAssertionAttributes(current.Target, attributeType)) ;
				if (firstNotFound && bases.Length > 0)
					newNodes[0].IsFirst = true ;
					firstNotFound = false ;
				foreach(InheritanceNode node in newNodes)
					queue.Enqueue(node) ;
			if (bornGroup != null)
			result.Add(bornGroup) ;
			return result.ToArray(typeof(AssertionANDGroup)) as AssertionANDGroup[] ;

		#region Extraction methods (public region)
		public AssertionORGroup GetPreconditions(PropertyInfo property)
			AssertionORGroup group = new AssertionORGroup(GetFullAssertionAttributes(property, 
				typeof(RequireAttribute), new PropertyBasesPolicy())) ;
			group.AssertionViolation = typeof(PreconditionException) ;
			group.Target = property ;
			return group ;
		public AssertionORGroup GetPreconditions(MethodInfo method)
			AssertionORGroup group = new AssertionORGroup(GetFullAssertionAttributes(method, 
				typeof(RequireAttribute), new MethodBasesPolicy())) ;
			group.AssertionViolation = typeof(PreconditionException) ;
			group.Target = method ;
			return group ;
		public AssertionORGroup GetPreconditions(ConstructorInfo ctor)
			AssertionORGroup group = new AssertionORGroup(GetFullAssertionAttributes(ctor,
				typeof(RequireAttribute), new ConstructorPolicy())) ;
			group.AssertionViolation = typeof(PreconditionException) ;
			group.Target = ctor;
			return group ;
		public AssertionANDGroup GetPostconditions(PropertyInfo property)
			AssertionANDGroup group = new AssertionANDGroup(GetFullAssertionAttributes(property, 
				typeof(EnsureAttribute), new PropertyBasesPolicy())) ;
			group.LocalThrowOnFail = true ;
			group.AssertionViolation = typeof(PostconditionException) ;
			group.Target = property ;
			return group ;
		public AssertionANDGroup GetPostconditions(MethodInfo method)
			AssertionANDGroup group = new AssertionANDGroup(GetFullAssertionAttributes(method, 
				typeof(EnsureAttribute), new MethodBasesPolicy())) ;
			group.LocalThrowOnFail = true ;
			group.AssertionViolation = typeof(PostconditionException) ;
			group.Target = method ;
			return group ;
		public AssertionANDGroup GetPostconditions(ConstructorInfo ctor)
			AssertionANDGroup group = new AssertionANDGroup(GetFullAssertionAttributes(ctor,
				typeof(EnsureAttribute), new ConstructorPolicy())) ;
			group.LocalThrowOnFail = true ;
			group.AssertionViolation = typeof(PostconditionException) ;
			group.Target = ctor;
			return group ;
		public AssertionANDGroup GetInvariants(Type type)
			AssertionANDGroup group = new AssertionANDGroup(GetFullAssertionAttributes(type, 
				typeof(InvariantAttribute), new TypeBasesPolicy())) ;
			group.LocalThrowOnFail = true ;
			group.AssertionViolation = typeof(InvariantException) ;
			group.Target = type ;
			return group ;

		#region Overrideable method (protected)
		protected abstract Assertion CreatePrecondition(RequireAttribute attribute, MemberInfo target) ;
		protected abstract Assertion CreatePostcondition(EnsureAttribute attribute, MemberInfo target) ;
		protected abstract Assertion CreateInvariant(InvariantAttribute attribute, Type target) ;
		protected AssertionANDGroup CreatePreconditions(RequireAttribute[] attributes, MemberInfo target)
			AssertionANDGroup andGroup = new AssertionANDGroup() ;
			foreach(RequireAttribute attribute in attributes)
				andGroup.Add(CreatePrecondition(attribute, target)) ;
			return andGroup ;
		protected AssertionANDGroup CreatePostconditions(EnsureAttribute[] attributes, MemberInfo target)
			AssertionANDGroup andGroup = new AssertionANDGroup() ;
			foreach(EnsureAttribute attribute in attributes)
				andGroup.Add(CreatePostcondition(attribute, target)) ;
			return andGroup ;
		protected AssertionANDGroup CreateInvariants(InvariantAttribute[] attributes, Type target)
			AssertionANDGroup andGroup = new AssertionANDGroup() ;
			foreach(InvariantAttribute attribute in attributes)
				andGroup.Add(CreateInvariant(attribute, target)) ;
			return andGroup ;

		protected virtual AssertionANDGroup CreateAssertions(AssertionAttribute[] attributes, MemberInfo target)
			AssertionANDGroup result = null ;
			if (attributes.Length == 0)
				result = new AssertionANDGroup() ;
			else if (attributes[0] is RequireAttribute)
				result = CreatePreconditions((RequireAttribute[])attributes, target) ;
			else if (attributes[0] is EnsureAttribute)
				result = CreatePostconditions((EnsureAttribute[])attributes, target) ;
			else if (attributes[0] is InvariantAttribute)
				result = CreateInvariants((InvariantAttribute[])attributes, (Type)target) ;
			else throw new Exception("Unknow attribute type") ;
			result.Target = target ;
			return result ;

		#region Assertion explicit checking methods 
		public virtual bool CheckPreconditions(MethodInfo target)
			return GetPreconditions(target).Check() ;
		public virtual bool CheckPreconditions(PropertyInfo target)
			return GetPreconditions(target).Check() ;
		public virtual bool CheckPreconditions(ConstructorInfo target)
			return GetPreconditions(target).Check() ;
		public virtual bool CheckPostconditions(MethodInfo target)
			return GetPostconditions(target).Check() ;
		public virtual bool CheckPostconditions(PropertyInfo target)
			return GetPostconditions(target).Check() ;
		public virtual bool CheckPostconditions(ConstructorInfo target)
			return GetPostconditions(target).Check() ;
		public virtual bool CheckInvariants(Type target)
			Assertion invariants = GetInvariants(target) ;
			bool result = invariants.Check() ;
			return result ;

		#region Messages and strings formating tools
		virtual public string GetMemberString(object reference, MemberInfo member, object[] param)
			if (member is MethodBase)
				return GetMethodString(reference, member.Name, param) ;
			if (member is PropertyInfo)
				return GetMethodString(reference, member.Name, param) ;
			return "" ;
		public string GetMethodString(object reference, string methodName, 
			object[] param) 
			string result = methodName + "(" ;
			foreach(object t in param)
				result += "," + (t == null? "null" : t.ToString()) ;
			result += ")" ;
			int index = result.IndexOf(",") ;
			if (index > -1)
				result = result.Remove(index,1) ;
			return string.Format("object: {0}, method: {1}", reference, result) ;
		public string GetPropertyString(object reference, string propertyName, 
			object[] param) 
			string result = propertyName ;
			if (param.Length == 0)
				result += "[" ;
				foreach(object t in param)
					result += "," + (t == null? "null" : t.ToString()) ;
				result += "]" ;
				int index = result.IndexOf(",") ;
				if (index > -1)
					result = result.Remove(index,1) ;
			return string.Format("object: {0}, property: {1}", reference, result) ;
		public static Type[] GetTypes(object[] array)
			Type[] result = new Type[array.Length] ;
			for(int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
				result[i] = (array[i] == null) ? typeof(void) : array[i].GetType() ;
			return result ;

		static string CreateMemberEntry(MemberInfo member)
			string result = member.ToString() ;
			return result.Substring(result.IndexOf(" ") + 1) ;

    public static class EmitHelper
        public static void LdArg(ILGenerator _this, ParameterInfo param)
			int paramIndex = 0 ;
			if (
                    // Parameter 0 is this on instance methods, but it is the first parameter for static methods.
						(param.Member is MethodBase) && (! ((MethodBase)param.Member).IsStatic)
					) || 
						(param.Member is PropertyInfo) && (! ((PropertyInfo)param.Member).GetGetMethod().IsStatic)
				paramIndex = 1 ;
			unchecked{paramIndex += param.Position ;} // Just in case it's a very large parameter list
            // There is an opcode foreach parameters in [0,3]
			if (paramIndex < 4)
				OpCode ldarg_i = new OpCode() ;
					case 0:
						ldarg_i = OpCodes.Ldarg_0 ;
						break ;
					case 1:
						ldarg_i = OpCodes.Ldarg_1 ;
						break ;
					case 2:
						ldarg_i = OpCodes.Ldarg_2 ;
						break ;
					case 3:
						ldarg_i = OpCodes.Ldarg_3 ;
						break ;
				return ;
            // Parameter with positions in [0, 255] can be manipulated with short form
            if (paramIndex < 256)
                _this.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, paramIndex);
                _this.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, paramIndex);

	#region Inheritance resolvers policies
	public abstract class MemberBasesPolicy
		public abstract MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo target) ;
	public class TypeBasesPolicy : MemberBasesPolicy
		public override MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo targetType)
			if (targetType == null || !(targetType is Type))
				throw new ArgumentException() ;
			Type type = (Type)targetType ;
			Type[] interfaces = type.GetInterfaces() ;
			Type[] result ;
			int currentIndex = 0, offset = 0 ;
			if (type != typeof(object) && ! type.IsInterface)
				result = new Type[interfaces.Length + 1] ;
				result[currentIndex] = type.BaseType ;
				currentIndex ++ ;
				offset = 1 ;
				result = new Type[interfaces.Length] ;
			for(;currentIndex < result.Length; currentIndex++)
				result[currentIndex] = interfaces[currentIndex - offset] ;
			return result ;
	public class MethodBasesPolicy : MemberBasesPolicy
		public override MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo targetMethod)
			if (targetMethod == null || !(targetMethod is MethodInfo))
				throw new ArgumentException() ;
			MethodInfo target = (MethodInfo)targetMethod ;
			ParameterInfo[] parameters = target.GetParameters() ;
			Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[parameters.Length] ;
			for(int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
				parameterTypes[i] = parameters[i].ParameterType ;
			ArrayList result = new ArrayList() ;
			Type baseType = target.ReflectedType.BaseType ;
			if (baseType != null && (target.Attributes & MethodAttributes.NewSlot) != MethodAttributes.NewSlot)
				MethodInfo method = baseType.GetMethod(target.Name, parameterTypes) ;
				if (method != null)
					result.Add(method) ;
			foreach(Type intf in target.ReflectedType.GetInterfaces())
				if (target.ReflectedType.GetMethod(intf.FullName + "." + target.Name, BindingFlags.NonPublic |
					BindingFlags.Instance, null, parameterTypes, null) != null)
					break ;
				MethodInfo method = intf.GetMethod(target.Name, parameterTypes) ;
				if (method != null)
					result.Add(method) ;
			return result.ToArray(typeof(MethodInfo)) as MethodInfo[] ;
	public class PropertyBasesPolicy : MemberBasesPolicy
		public override MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo targetProperty) 
			if (targetProperty == null || !(targetProperty is PropertyInfo))
				throw new ArgumentException() ;
			PropertyInfo target = (PropertyInfo)targetProperty ;
			ParameterInfo[] parameters = target.GetIndexParameters() ;
			Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[parameters.Length] ;
			for(int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
				parameterTypes[i] = parameters[i].ParameterType ;
			ArrayList result = new ArrayList() ;
			Type baseType = target.ReflectedType.BaseType ;
			if (baseType != null)
				PropertyInfo property = baseType.GetProperty(target.Name, parameterTypes) ;
				if (property != null && 
					//Get isnt newSlot. Property is override.
					((target.GetGetMethod() == null || (target.GetGetMethod().Attributes & MethodAttributes.NewSlot) 
					!= MethodAttributes.NewSlot) ||
					// Set isnt newSlot. Property is override.
					(target.GetSetMethod() == null || (target.GetSetMethod().Attributes & MethodAttributes.NewSlot) 
					!= MethodAttributes.NewSlot)))
					result.Add(property) ;
			foreach(Type intf in target.ReflectedType.GetInterfaces())
				if (target.ReflectedType.GetProperty(intf.FullName + "." + target.Name, BindingFlags.NonPublic |
					BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, parameterTypes, null) != null)
					break ;
				PropertyInfo property = intf.GetProperty(target.Name, parameterTypes) ;
				if (property != null)
					result.Add(property) ;
			return result.ToArray(typeof(PropertyInfo)) as PropertyInfo[] ;
	public class ConstructorPolicy : MemberBasesPolicy
		public override MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo target)
			if (target == null || !(target is ConstructorInfo))
				throw new ArgumentException() ;
			return new MemberInfo[0] ;
	public class NotInheritableTypeBasesPolicy : MemberBasesPolicy
		public override MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo target)
			if (target == null || !(target is Type))
				throw new ArgumentException() ;
			return ((Type)target).GetInterfaces() ;
	public class NotInheritableMethodBasesPolicy : MemberBasesPolicy
		public override MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo target)
			if (target == null || !(target is MethodInfo))
				throw new ArgumentException() ;
			return null ;
	public class NotInheritablePropertyBasesPolicy : MemberBasesPolicy
		public override MemberInfo[] GetBases(MemberInfo target)
			if (target == null || !(target is PropertyInfo))
				throw new ArgumentException() ;
			return null ;

	#region Attributes
	public abstract class AssertionAttribute : System.Attribute, IAssertion
		protected string code ;
		protected Type violation = null ;
		protected string label = null ;
		protected bool inheritable = true ;
		public AssertionAttribute(string boolExpression) 
			this.code = boolExpression ;
		public string BoolExpression
				return code ;
				code = value ;
		public Type AssertionViolation
				return violation ;
				if (value == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
				if (!value.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception)) ||
					value.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) == null)
					throw new ArgumentException() ;
				violation = value ;
		public string Label
				if (label == null)
					return "" ;
				return label ;
				label = value ;
		public bool Inheritable
				return inheritable ;
				inheritable = value ;

	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Constructor | 
		 AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
	public class RequireAttribute : AssertionAttribute
		public RequireAttribute(string code) : base(code)

	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Constructor | 
		 AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
	public class EnsureAttribute : AssertionAttribute
		public EnsureAttribute(string code) : base(code)

	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | 
		 AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
	public class InvariantAttribute : AssertionAttribute
		public InvariantAttribute(string code) : base(code)

	namespace Exceptions
		public class CompilingErrorException : Exception
			public CompilingErrorException() : base() {}
			public CompilingErrorException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public CompilingErrorException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
		public class AALCompilingErrorException : Exception
			public AALCompilingErrorException() : base() {}
			public AALCompilingErrorException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public AALCompilingErrorException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
		public class IllegalOperationException : Exception
			public IllegalOperationException() : base() {}
			public IllegalOperationException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public IllegalOperationException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
		public class UnCheckedAssertionException : Exception
			public UnCheckedAssertionException() : base() {}
			public UnCheckedAssertionException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public UnCheckedAssertionException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
		public class MatchingMethodException : Exception
			public MatchingMethodException() : base() {}
			public MatchingMethodException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public MatchingMethodException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
		public class MatchingPropertyException : Exception
			public MatchingPropertyException() : base() {}
			public MatchingPropertyException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public MatchingPropertyException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
		public class AssertionException : Exception
			protected string message ;
			public AssertionException() : base() {}
			public AssertionException(string mesg) :base(mesg) {}
			public AssertionException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) 
			public AssertionException(Exception innerException) : base("", innerException)
			public override string Message
					return (AssertionMessage != null ? (AssertionMessage + "\n") : "") + base.Message ;
			public string AssertionMessage
					return message ;
					message = value ;
		public class PreconditionException : AssertionException
			public PreconditionException() : base() {}
			public PreconditionException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public PreconditionException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
			public PreconditionException(Exception inner) : base(inner)
		public class PostconditionException : AssertionException
			public PostconditionException() : base() {}
			public PostconditionException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public PostconditionException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
			public PostconditionException(Exception inner) : base(inner)
		public class InvariantException : AssertionException
			public InvariantException() : base() {}
			public InvariantException(string mesg) : base(mesg) {}
			public InvariantException(string mesg, Exception innerException) : 
				base(mesg, innerException) {}
			public InvariantException(Exception inner) : base(inner)
	#region Generation
	public partial class ChacalAssertionManager : AssertionManager
		protected override Assertion CreatePrecondition(RequireAttribute attribute, MemberInfo target)
			return new ChacalAssertion(attribute.BoolExpression, attribute.Label, GetPreScope(target), target) ;
		protected override Assertion CreatePostcondition(EnsureAttribute attribute, MemberInfo target)
			ChacalAssertion postcond = new ChacalAssertion(attribute.BoolExpression, attribute.Label, 
				GetPosScope(target), target) ;
			postcond.IsPostcondition = true ;
			return postcond ;
		protected override Assertion CreateInvariant(InvariantAttribute attribute, Type target)
			return new ChacalAssertion(attribute.BoolExpression, attribute.Label, GetInvScope(target), target) ;

		static ChacalAssertionManager() 
            string ALXml = null;
                ResourceManager resources = new ResourceManager("Assertions.Data", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
                if ((ALXml = resources.GetString("Grammar")) == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
                ALXml = ALXML;
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument() ;
			doc.LoadXml(ALXml) ;
			GrammarFactory gf = new GrammarFactory(doc.FirstChild, 
				typeof(Assertions.AALExpression)) ;
			ChacalTokenizer = gf.DefaultTokenizer ;
			ChacalGrammar = gf.CreatedGrammar ;
		public static ITokenizer ChacalTokenizer ;
		public static Grammar ChacalGrammar ;

	public class ChacalAssertion : Assertion
		DerivationTree tree ;
		string compilingMessage ;
		ArrayList inicializationList, varList ;
		GeneratorNode root ;
		internal bool IsPostcondition = false ;
		internal ChacalAssertion(string boolExpression, string label, IDictionary scope, MemberInfo target) : 
			base(boolExpression, label, scope)
			if (boolExpression == "")
				return ;
			IToken[] tokens = ChacalAssertionManager.ChacalTokenizer.Tokenize(boolExpression) ;
			if (! ChacalAssertionManager.ChacalGrammar.Parse(out tree, tokens))
				compilingMessage = "Syntax error" ;
				compilingMessage = CompilingOKMessage ;
			base.Target = target ;

		public override bool EmitAssertion(ILGenerator generator)
				root.Emit(generator, varList) ;
				return true ;
				return false ;
		public override bool EmitInicializations(ILGenerator generator)
				foreach(GeneratorNode node in inicializationList)
					node.Emit(generator, varList) ;
				return true ;
				return false ;
		public override bool Check()
			if (BoolExpression == "")
				return true ;
			if (compilingMessage != CompilingOKMessage)
				return false ;
				Hashtable identifierTable = new Hashtable(AssertionScope) ;
				identifierTable["@@root@@"] = new Stack() ;
				identifierTable["@@member@@"] = Target ;
				identifierTable["@@this.GetType()@@"] = Target is Type ? Target : Target is MethodBase ? 
					((MethodBase)Target).ReflectedType : Target is PropertyInfo ? 
					((PropertyInfo)Target).ReflectedType : null;
                identifierTable["@@forced.this@@"] = ForcedReference;
                identifierTable["@@forced.this.GetType()@@"] = ForcedTargetsType;

				identifierTable["@@locals@@"] = 1 ;
				identifierTable["@@Pre.List@@"] = new ArrayList() ;

				tree.Reduce(identifierTable) ;

				root = (GeneratorNode)identifierTable["@@root@@"] ;
				inicializationList = (ArrayList)identifierTable["@@Pre.List@@"] ;
			catch (AALCompilingErrorException error)
				compilingMessage = error.Message ;
				return false ;
			if (!IsPostcondition && inicializationList.Count != 0)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("'Pre' property can only be used on postconditions") ;
			varList = new ArrayList(new object[] {0}) ;
			return true ;
		public override string CompilingMessage
				return compilingMessage ;

	internal class AALExpression

		internal static Hashtable DefinedTypes ;
		static public void Start(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			parameters["@@root@@"] = stack.Pop() ;
		static public void Simple(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
//					Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new ALExpression0() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Implies(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new ImpliesNode() ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void DoubleImplies(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			int locals = (int)parameters["@@locals@@"] ;
			parameters["@@locals@@"] = locals + 2 ;
			GeneratorNode node = new DoubleImpliesNode(locals) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void SimpleBoolTerm(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
//					Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new boolExpression0() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BoolOr(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new BoolOrNode() ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void SimpleBoolFactor(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
//					Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new boolTerm0() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BoolAnd(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new BoolAndNode() ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BoolFactor(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolFactor] --> [factor]
			// if expression.type != Bool Error
			NonTerminalSymbol factor = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			if (factor["type"] != typeof(bool))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch!!!") ;
//					Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new boolFactor0() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BoolNot(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new BoolNotNode() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BoolContained(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
//					Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new boolFactor8() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void InstanceOf(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolFactor] --> [factor] is [type]
			NonTerminalSymbol factor = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			CheckType(factor) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			string typeName = ((NonTerminalSymbol)right[2])["name"] as string ;
			System.Type type = ResolveType(typeName) ;
			if (type == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unresolved type: " + typeName) ;
			if (((System.Type)factor["type"]).IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.ValueType)))
				stack.Pop() ;
				if (type.IsAssignableFrom(((System.Type)factor["type"])))
					stack.Push(new TrueNode()) ;
					stack.Push(new FalseNode()) ;
				return ;
			GeneratorNode node = new IsNode(type) ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void TypedExpression(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [typedExpression] --> [expression]
			NonTerminalSymbol expr = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			if (expr["type"] == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Undefined identifier " + expr["undefined"]) ;
			left["type"] = expr["type"] ;
		static public void LessThan(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolean] --> [expression1] < [expression2]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression1 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				expression2 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			CheckType(expression1) ;
			CheckType(expression2) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression1["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)expression2["type"] ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new LessThanNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_LessThan", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_LessThan", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '<' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload1.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null && overload2.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '<' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void LessEqual(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolean] --> [expression] < = [expression]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression1 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				expression2 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[3] ;
			CheckType(expression1) ;
			CheckType(expression2) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression1["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)expression2["type"] ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new LessOrEqualNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_LessThanOrEqual", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_LessThanOrEqual", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '<=' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload1.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null && overload2.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '<=' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void GreaterThan(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolean] --> [expression] > [expression]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression1 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				expression2 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			CheckType(expression1) ;
			CheckType(expression2) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression1["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)expression2["type"] ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new GreaterThanNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_GreaterThan", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_GreaterThan", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '>' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload1.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null && overload2.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '>' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void GreaterEqual(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolean] --> [expression] > = [expression]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression1 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				expression2 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[3] ;
			CheckType(expression1) ;
			CheckType(expression2) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression1["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)expression2["type"] ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new GreaterOrEqualNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_GreaterThanOrEqual", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_GreaterThanOrEqual", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '>=' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload1.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null && overload2.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '>=' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Equal(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolean] --> [expression1] = = [expression2]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression1 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				expression2 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[3] ;
			CheckType(expression1) ;
			CheckType(expression2) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression1["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)expression2["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_Equality", new Type[] {exp1T, exp2T}),
				overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_Equality", new Type[] {exp1T, exp2T}) ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
					string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '==' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			if (overload1 != null && overload1.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
				node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload1) ;
			else if (overload2 != null && overload2.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
				node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload2) ;
//				if (expression1.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ValueType)) && 
//				expression2.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ValueType)))
				node = new EqualNode() ;
//			else
//				node = new EqualsMethodNode() ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void NotEqual(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [boolean] --> [expression1] ! = [expression2]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression1 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				expression2 = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[3] ;
			CheckType(expression1) ;
			CheckType(expression2) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;				
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression1["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)expression2["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_Inequality", new Type[] {exp1T, exp2T}),
				overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_Inequality", new Type[] {exp1T, exp2T}) ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
					string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '!=' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			if (overload1 != null && overload1.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
				node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload1) ;
			else if (overload2 != null && overload2.ReturnType == typeof(bool))
				node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload2) ;
//				if (expression1.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ValueType)) && 
//				expression2.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ValueType)))
//				if (overload1 == overload2)
				node = new NotEqualNode() ;
//			else
//				node = new NotEqualsMethodNode() ;
//				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
//					string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '!=' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Term(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [expression] --> [term]
			// expression.type = term.type
			NonTerminalSymbol term = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			if (term["type"] != null)
				left["type"] = term["type"] ;
//						ExpressionNode node = new expression0() ;
//						node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//						stack.Push(node) ;
				left["type"] = null ;
				left["undefined"] = term["undefined"] ;
				left["full"] = term["full"] ;
				term["full"] = null ;
				Type type = ResolveType((string)left["full"]) ;
				if (type != null)
					left["type"] = type ;
					left["undefined"] = null ;
					left["full"] = null ;
					stack.Push(new StaticNode(type)) ;
		static public void Plus(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [expression] --> [expression] + [term]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0],
				term = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)term["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload = null ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new PlusNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_Addition", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_Addition", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '+' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '+' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			left["type"] = overload == null ? typeof(int) : overload.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Minus(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [expression] --> [expression] - [term]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0],
				term = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)term["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload = null ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new MinusNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_Subtraction", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_Subtraction", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '-' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '-' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			left["type"] = overload == null ? typeof(int) : overload.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BitwiseOr(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [expression] --> [expression] | [term]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0],
				term = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)expression["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)term["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload = null ;
			if (exp1T != typeof(int) ||  exp2T != typeof(int))
				node = new I4OrNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_BitwiseOr", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_BitwiseOr", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '|' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '|' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			left["type"] = overload == null ? typeof(int) : overload.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Factor(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [term] --> [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol factor = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0] ;
			if (factor["type"] != null)
				left["type"] = factor["type"] ;
//						Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//						GeneratorNode node = new term0() ;
//						node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
//						stack.Push(node) ;
				left["undefined"] = factor["undefined"] ;
				left["full"] = factor["full"] ;
				factor["full"] = null ;
				left["type"] = null ;
		static public void Mult(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> [term] * [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol term = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				factor = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)term["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)factor["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload = null ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new MultNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_Multiply", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_Multiply", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '*' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '*' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			left["type"] = overload == null ? typeof(int) : overload.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Div(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> [term] / [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol term = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				factor = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)term["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)factor["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload = null ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new DivNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_Division", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_Division", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '/' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '/' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			left["type"] = overload == null ? typeof(int) : overload.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Mod(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> [term] % [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol term = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				factor = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)term["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)factor["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload = null ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new ModNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_Modulus", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_Modulus", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '%' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '%' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			left["type"] = overload == null ? typeof(int) : overload.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BitwiseAnd(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> [term] & [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol term = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0],
				factor = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			System.Type exp1T = (System.Type)term["type"],
				exp2T = (System.Type)factor["type"] ;
			MethodInfo overload = null ;
			if (exp1T == typeof(int) &&  exp2T == typeof(int))
				node = new I4AndNode() ;
				MethodInfo overload1 = exp1T.GetMethod("op_BitwiseAnd", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}),
					overload2 = exp2T.GetMethod("op_BitwiseAnd", new Type[] {exp1T,exp2T}) ;
				if (overload1 != null && overload2 != null)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Ambiguous call: operator '&' reciving [{0},{1}]", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
				if (overload1 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload1) ;
				else if (overload2 != null)
					node = new BinaryOperatorNode(overload = overload2) ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
						string.Format("Type missmach: Cannot find an overload for '&' reciving [{0},{1}] or found one with non bool return type", exp1T, exp2T)) ;
			left["type"] = overload == null ? typeof(int) : overload.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Identifier(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// factor ::= identifier

			// Initializing
			TerminalSymbol identifier = (TerminalSymbol) right[0] ;
			object idInfo = parameters[identifier.Value] ;

			// Naming a Type. Constructing type name
			if (idInfo == null)
				left["type"] = null ;
				left["full"] = identifier.Value ;
				left["undefined"] = identifier.Value ;
				return ;

			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new factor0(identifier.Value) ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;

			GeneratorNode node ;
			if (idInfo is object[])
				object[] data = (object[]) idInfo ;
				left["type"] = data[0] as Type ;
				int offset = (int)data[1] ;
				node = new LocalIdNode(offset, idInfo as Type) ;
			else if (idInfo is ParameterInfo)
				left["type"] = ((ParameterInfo)idInfo).ParameterType ;
				node = new ParameterNode(idInfo as ParameterInfo) ;
			else if (idInfo is PropertyInfo)
				PropertyInfo property = (PropertyInfo)idInfo ;
				left["type"] = property.PropertyType ;

                Type forced = (Type)parameters["@@forced.this.GetType()@@"];
                property = forced.GetProperty(property.Name);

                FieldInfo forcedTarget = (FieldInfo)parameters["@@forced.this@@"];

				node = new PropertyGetNode(property) ;
				node[0] = new TargetFieldLoadNode(forcedTarget) ;
			else if (idInfo is FieldInfo)
				FieldInfo field = ((FieldInfo)idInfo) ;
				left["type"] = field.FieldType ;
				node = new FieldLoadNode(field) ;
				if (field.IsStatic)
					node[0] = new StaticNode(field.ReflectedType) ;
					node[0] = new TargetNode(field.ReflectedType) ;
			else throw new Exception("Unreported error: 0001") ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void ThisRef(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// <factor> ::= this
			left["type"] = (Type)parameters["@@this.GetType()@@"] ;
			MemberInfo target = (MemberInfo)parameters["@@member@@"] ;
			if (target is MethodInfo && ((MethodInfo)target).IsStatic)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("'this' can't be used on a static context") ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			stack.Push(new TargetNode((Type)parameters["@@this.GetType()@@"])) ;
		static public void PreExpression(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> [factor].Pre
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			Type type =  (Type)(left["type"] = ((NonTerminalSymbol)right[0])["type"]) ;
			int offset = (int)parameters["@@locals@@"] ;
			parameters["@@locals@@"] = ((int)parameters["@@locals@@"]) + 1 ;
			GeneratorNode node = new InitPreNode(offset, type) ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			((ArrayList)parameters["@@Pre.List@@"]).Add(node) ;
			stack.Push(new LocalIdNode(offset, type)) ;
		static public void Const(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			left["type"] = typeof(int) ;
			int cst = Int32.Parse(((TerminalSymbol)right[0]).Value) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			stack.Push(new I4ConstNode(cst)) ;
		static public void Contained(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> ( [expression] )
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[1] ;
			left["type"] = expression["type"] ;
			if (left["type"] == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unknown identifier: " + expression["undefined"]) ;
//					Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new factor2() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void BitwiseNot(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> ~ [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[1] ;
			if (expression["type"] != typeof(int))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch!!!") ;
			left["type"] = typeof(int) ;				
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new I4NotNode() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Negative(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> - [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[1] ;
			if (expression["type"] != typeof(int))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch!!!") ;
			left["type"] = typeof(int) ;				
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new I4NegativeNode() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Positive(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> - [factor]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[1] ;
			if (expression["type"] != typeof(int))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch!!!") ;
			left["type"] = typeof(int) ;				
		static public void FactorIsBool(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			left["type"] = typeof(bool) ;
		static public void Cast(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> ( [type] ) [expression]
			NonTerminalSymbol typeS = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[1],
				expression = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[3] ;
			System.Type type = ResolveType((string)typeS["name"]) ;
			if (type == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unresolved type: " + typeS["name"]) ;
			if (!((System.Type)expression["type"]).IsAssignableFrom(type))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("�nvalid cast: " +
					expression["type"] + " as " + type);
			left["type"] = type ;				
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new CastNode(type) ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;

		static public void ForallCuantified(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			left["type"] = typeof(bool) ;				
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new factor6() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void ExistsCuantified(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			left["type"] = typeof(bool) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					ExpressionNode node = new factor6() ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void IndexedExpression(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> [expression] [ [param] ]
			NonTerminalSymbol expression = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0] ;
			NonTerminalSymbol param = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[2] ;
			System.Type arrType = ((System.Type)expression["type"]);
			if (arrType == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unknown Identifier: " + expression["undefined"]) ;
			System.Type[] types = (System.Type[])((ArrayList)param["types"]).
				ToArray(typeof(System.Type)) ;
			GeneratorNode node ;
			PropertyInfo item ;
			if ((item = arrType.GetProperty("Item",types)) != null)
				node = new IndexedExpNode(item.GetGetMethod()) ;
				if (! arrType.IsArray)
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Undefined indexer used") ;
				foreach(System.Type t in types)
					if (t != typeof(int))
						throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch: array index must be int expression") ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			node = new IndexedExpNode(arrType.GetMethod("Get")) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void EmptyCreation(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> new [type] ( [param] )
			NonTerminalSymbol typeS = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[1], 
				param = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[3] ;
			System.Type type = ResolveType((string)typeS["name"]) ;
			if (type == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unresolved type: " + typeS["name"]) ;
			ConstructorInfo ctor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) ;
			if (ctor == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Not suitable constructor found to " + type) ;
			left["type"] = type ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new ConstructionNode(ctor) ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void ParamCreation(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [factor] --> new [type] ( [param] )
			NonTerminalSymbol typeS = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[1], 
				param = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[3] ;
			System.Type type = ResolveType((string)typeS["name"]) ;
			if (type == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unresolved type: " + typeS["name"]) ;
			System.Type[] ptypes = (System.Type[])((ArrayList)param["types"]).
				ToArray(typeof(System.Type)) ;
			ConstructorInfo ctor = type.GetConstructor(ptypes) ;
			if (ctor == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Not suitable constructor found to " + type) ;
			left["type"] = type ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new ConstructionNode(ctor) ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void NullFactor(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			left["type"] = typeof(object) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new NullNode() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Int32Type(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [type] --> int
			left["name"] = "System.Int32" ;
		static public void StringType(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [type] --> string
			left["name"] = "System.String" ;
		static public void ObjectType(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [type] --> object
			left["name"] = "System.Object" ;
		static public void BooleanType(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [type] --> object
			left["name"] = "System.Boolean" ;
		static public void Type(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			TerminalSymbol identifier = (TerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			left["name"] = identifier.Value ;
		static public void TypeDotted(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			NonTerminalSymbol typeS = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			TerminalSymbol identifier = (TerminalSymbol)right[2] ;
			left["name"] = typeS["name"] + "." + identifier.Value ;
		static public void Property(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// <call> ::= <expression> . identifier

			// Initializing...
			NonTerminalSymbol expr = (NonTerminalSymbol) right[0] ;
			TerminalSymbol id = (TerminalSymbol) right[2] ;
			Type type = (Type)expr["type"] ;
			// Searching for static or intance public fields and properties named like id
			if (type != null)
				GeneratorNode node = null ;
				MemberInfo[] member = type.GetMember(id.Value) ;
				if (member.Length == 0) // property or field.
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Undefined field or property: " + id.Value) ;
				if (member[0] is PropertyInfo)
					type = ((PropertyInfo)member[0]).PropertyType ;
					node = new PropertyGetNode(member[0] as PropertyInfo) ;
				else if (member[0] is FieldInfo)
					type = ((FieldInfo)member[0]).FieldType ;
					node = new FieldLoadNode(member[0] as FieldInfo) ;
				left ["type"] = type ;
				Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
				node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
				stack.Push(node) ;
			else // unknown identifier or type for static invoke.
				left["full"] += expr["full"] + "." + id.Value ;
				left["type"] = null ;
				left["undefined"] = expr["undefined"] ;
		static public void CualifiedCall(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// <call> ::= <expression> . <method>

			// Initializing ...
			NonTerminalSymbol expr = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0],
				methodS = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[2] ;
			System.Type type = (Type)expr["type"] ;
			// Searching for static or instance methods.
			MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod((string)methodS["name"],
				((ArrayList)methodS["types"]).ToArray(typeof(System.Type))as System.Type[]) ;
				if (method == null) 
					string parametersStr = "" ;
					foreach(Type t in ((ArrayList)methodS["types"]))
						parametersStr += ", " + t ;
					parametersStr = parametersStr.Length > 0 ? parametersStr.Substring(2) : "" ;
					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(string.Format("Undefined method: {0}({1}) in {2}",
						((string)methodS["name"]),parametersStr,type)) ;
			if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch: " + (string)methodS["name"] + " is Void") ;
			left["type"] = method.ReturnType ;
			// Evaluation tree construction
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new MethodCallNode(method) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void SelfCall(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			NonTerminalSymbol methodS = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			MethodInfo method = ((Type)parameters["@@forced.this.GetType()@@"]).
				as System.Type[]) ;
            FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)parameters["@@forced.this@@"] ;
			if (method == null) 
				string parametersStr = "" ;
				foreach(Type t in ((ArrayList)methodS["types"]))
					parametersStr += ", " + t ;
				parametersStr = parametersStr.Length > 0 ? parametersStr.Substring(2) : "" ;
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(
					string.Format("Undefined method: {0}({1}) in {2}",methodS["name"],parametersStr,parameters["@@this@@"])) ;
			if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch: " + (string)methodS["name"] + " is Void") ;
			left["type"] = method.ReturnType ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new MethodCallNode(method) ;
            node[0] = new TargetFieldLoadNode(field);
			//node[0] = new TargetNode(method.ReflectedType) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void NoParamMethod(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			TerminalSymbol id = (TerminalSymbol) right[0] ;
			left["name"] = id.Value ;
			left["types"] = new ArrayList() ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new NoParamNode() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void ParamMethod(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			TerminalSymbol id = (TerminalSymbol) right[0] ;
			NonTerminalSymbol param = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[2] ;
			left["name"] = id.Value ;
			left["types"] = param["types"] ;
//					Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
//					GeneratorNode node = new ParamNode(id.Value) ;
//					node[0] = (ExpressionNode)stack.Pop() ;
//					stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void FirstParam(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			NonTerminalSymbol expr = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			if (expr["type"] == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unknown identifier: " + expr["undefined"]) ;
			left["types"] = new ArrayList() ;
			((ArrayList)left["types"]).Add(expr["type"]) ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new FirstParamNode(expr["type"] as Type) ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Parameter(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			NonTerminalSymbol param = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0],
				expr = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[2] ;
			if (expr["type"] == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unknown identifier: " + expr["undefined"]) ;
			((ArrayList)param["types"]).Add(expr["type"]) ;
			left["types"] = param["types"] ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new ParamNode(expr["type"] as Type) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Forall(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [forallExp] --> forall ( [varDecl] : [ALExpression] )
			NonTerminalSymbol varDecl = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[2] ;
			parameters[varDecl["@@undefine@@"]] = null ;
			string var = (string)varDecl["@@undefine@@"] ;
			varDecl["@@undefine@@"] = null ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			int locals = (int)parameters["@@locals@@"] ;
			parameters["@@locals@@"] = locals + 1 ;
			GeneratorNode node = new ForallNode(locals,(int)varDecl["local"], varDecl["type"] as Type) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Exists(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			// [existExp] --> exist ( [varDecl] : [ALExpression] )
			NonTerminalSymbol varDecl = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[2] ;
			parameters[varDecl["@@undefine@@"]] = null ;
			string var = (string)varDecl["@@undefine@@"] ;
			varDecl["@@undefine@@"] = null ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			int locals = (int)parameters["@@locals@@"] ;
			parameters["@@locals@@"] = locals + 1 ;
			GeneratorNode node = new ExistsNode(locals,(int)varDecl["local"], varDecl["type"] as Type) ;
			node[1] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public void Declaration(NonTerminalSymbol left, Symbol[] right, IDictionary parameters)
			System.Type eT = typeof(IEnumerable) ;
			NonTerminalSymbol expr = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[3],
				typeS = (NonTerminalSymbol)right[0] ;
			if (expr["type"] == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unknown identifier: " + expr["undefined"]) ;
			TerminalSymbol id = (TerminalSymbol)right[1] ;
			System.Type idtype = ResolveType((string)typeS["name"]) ;
			if (idtype == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Unresolved type: " + 
					(string)typeS["name"]) ;
			if (!eT.IsAssignableFrom((Type)expr["type"]))
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Type missmatch: expression in variable declaration must be IEnumerable") ;
			if (parameters[id.Value] != null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Duplicated identifier: " + id.Value) ;
			left["@@undefine@@"] = id.Value ;
			int locals = (int)parameters["@@locals@@"] ;
			parameters[id.Value] = new object[] {idtype, locals} ;
			left["type"] = idtype ;
			left["local"] = locals ;
			parameters["@@locals@@"] =  locals + 1 ;
			Stack stack = (Stack)parameters["@@root@@"] ;
			GeneratorNode node = new VarDeclNode(locals, idtype) ;
			node[0] = (GeneratorNode)stack.Pop() ;
			stack.Push(node) ;
		static public Type ResolveType(string typeName)
//			if (DefinedTypes.Contains(typeName))
//				return (Type)DefinedTypes[typeName] ;
			foreach(Assembly asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
				Type result = asm.GetType(typeName) ;
				if (result != null)
					return result ;
			return null ;
		static public void CheckType(Symbol symbol)
			NonTerminalSymbol nt = (NonTerminalSymbol)symbol ;
			if (nt["type"] == null)
				throw new AALCompilingErrorException("Undefined identifier: " + nt["undefined"]) ;
	namespace Runtime
		internal abstract class GeneratorNode : IEnumerable
			GeneratorNode[] children ;
			Type returnType ;
			public GeneratorNode(int length, Type returnType)
				this.returnType = returnType ;
				children = new GeneratorNode[length] ;
			public GeneratorNode(int length, Type returnType, Stack children) : this(length, returnType)
				for(int index = Length - 1; index >= 0; index --)
					this[index] = (GeneratorNode)children.Pop() ;
			public GeneratorNode this[int index]
					children[index] = value ;
					return children[index] ;
			public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
				return children.GetEnumerator() ;
			public abstract void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals) ;
			public int Length
					return children.Length ;
			public Type ExpType
					return returnType ;
					returnType = value ;
		internal class ImpliesNode : GeneratorNode
			public ImpliesNode() : base(2, typeof(bool))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Not) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Rem) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Or) ;
		internal class DoubleImpliesNode : GeneratorNode
			int locals ;
			public DoubleImpliesNode(int locals) : base(2, typeof(bool))
				this.locals = locals ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				LocalBuilder pr1 = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool)),
					pr2 = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool)) ;
				locals.Add(pr1) ;
				locals.Add(pr2) ;
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, pr1) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, pr2) ;

				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, pr1) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Not) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Rem) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, pr2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Or) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, pr2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Not) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Rem) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, pr1) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Or) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.And) ;
		internal abstract class OrNode : GeneratorNode
			public OrNode(Type returnType) : base(2,returnType) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Or) ;
		internal class BoolOrNode : OrNode
			public BoolOrNode() : base(typeof(bool))
		internal class I4OrNode : OrNode
			public I4OrNode() : base(typeof(int))
		internal abstract class AndNode : GeneratorNode
			public AndNode(Type returnType) : base(2,returnType) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.And) ;
		internal class BoolAndNode : AndNode
			public BoolAndNode() : base(typeof(bool))
		internal class I4AndNode : AndNode
			public I4AndNode() : base(typeof(int))
		internal abstract class NotNode : GeneratorNode
			public NotNode(Type returnType) : base(1,returnType) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Not) ;
		internal class BoolNotNode : NotNode
			public BoolNotNode() : base(typeof(bool))
			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				base.Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Rem) ;
		internal class I4NotNode : NotNode
			public I4NotNode() : base(typeof(int))
		internal class BinaryOperatorNode : GeneratorNode
			MethodInfo binOperator ;
			public BinaryOperatorNode(MethodInfo binOperator) : base(2, binOperator.ReturnType) 
				this.binOperator = binOperator ;			

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (binOperator.IsStatic)
//					typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(binOperator.ReflectedType))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, binOperator) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, binOperator) ;
		internal class UnaryOperatorNode : GeneratorNode
			MethodInfo unaryOperator ;
			public UnaryOperatorNode(MethodInfo unaryOperator) : base(1, unaryOperator.ReturnType) 
				this.unaryOperator = unaryOperator ;			

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(unaryOperator.ReflectedType))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, unaryOperator) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, unaryOperator) ;
		internal class LessThanNode : GeneratorNode
			public LessThanNode() : base(2, typeof(bool)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				Label trueLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					falseLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					endLabel = generator.DefineLabel() ;					

				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Blt, trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, falseLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(falseLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(endLabel) ;
		internal class LessOrEqualNode : GeneratorNode
			public LessOrEqualNode() : base(2, typeof(bool)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				Label trueLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					falseLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					endLabel = generator.DefineLabel() ;					

				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ble, trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, falseLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(falseLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(endLabel) ;
		internal class GreaterThanNode : GeneratorNode
			public GreaterThanNode() : base(2, typeof(bool)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				Label trueLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					falseLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					endLabel = generator.DefineLabel() ;					

				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Bgt, trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, falseLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(falseLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(endLabel) ;

		internal class GreaterOrEqualNode : GeneratorNode
			public GreaterOrEqualNode() : base(2, typeof(bool)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				Label trueLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					falseLabel = generator.DefineLabel(),
					endLabel = generator.DefineLabel() ;					

				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Bge, trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, falseLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(trueLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endLabel) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(falseLabel) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;
				generator.MarkLabel(endLabel) ;

		internal class EqualNode : GeneratorNode
			public EqualNode() : base(2, typeof(bool)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq) ;
		internal class NotEqualNode : GeneratorNode
			public NotEqualNode() : base(2, typeof(bool)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Not) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Rem) ;
		internal class IsNode : GeneratorNode
			Type type ;
			public IsNode(Type type) : base(1, typeof(bool)) 
				this.type = type ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, type) ;
		internal class TrueNode : GeneratorNode
			public TrueNode() : base(0, typeof(bool))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;
		internal class FalseNode : GeneratorNode
			public FalseNode() : base(0, typeof(bool))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;
		internal class PlusNode : GeneratorNode
			public PlusNode() : base(2, typeof(int)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Add) ;
		internal class MinusNode : GeneratorNode
			public MinusNode() : base(2, typeof(int)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Sub) ;
		internal class MultNode : GeneratorNode
			public MultNode() : base(2, typeof(int)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Mul) ;
		internal class DivNode : GeneratorNode
			public DivNode() : base(2, typeof(int)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Div) ;
		internal class ModNode : GeneratorNode
			public ModNode() : base(2, typeof(int)) 

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Rem) ;
		internal class ParameterNode : GeneratorNode
			ParameterInfo param ;
			public ParameterNode(ParameterInfo param) : base(0, param.ParameterType) 
				this.param = param ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
//				int offset = 0 ;
//				if (!(param.Member is MethodBase && ((MethodBase)param.Member).IsStatic))
//					offset = 1 ;
                EmitHelper.LdArg(generator, param);
		internal class ThisNode : GeneratorNode
			public ThisNode(Type thisType) : base(0, thisType)

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
		internal class TargetNode : GeneratorNode
			public TargetNode(Type thisType) : base(0, thisType)

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
				if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(ExpType))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, ExpType) ;
				// ScaredFinger Modified on July 03, 2004
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, getTarget) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, ExpType) ;
		internal class LocalIdNode : GeneratorNode
			int offset ;
			public LocalIdNode(int offset, Type returnType) : base(0, returnType)
				this.offset = offset ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				if (offset == 0)
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, (LocalBuilder)locals[offset]) ;
		internal class InitPreNode : GeneratorNode
			int local ;
			public InitPreNode(int local, Type returnType) : base(1, returnType)
				this.local = local ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				LocalBuilder localId = generator.DeclareLocal(this.ExpType) ;
				locals.Add(localId) ;
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (typeof(System.ICloneable).IsAssignableFrom(localId.LocalType))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(System.ICloneable).GetMethod("Clone", new Type[0])) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, localId) ;
		internal class I4ConstNode : GeneratorNode
			int value ;
			public I4ConstNode(int value) : base(0, typeof(int))
				this.value = value ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, value) ;
		internal class I4NegativeNode : GeneratorNode
			public I4NegativeNode() : base(1, typeof(int))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Neg) ;
		internal class I4PositiveNode : GeneratorNode
			 public I4PositiveNode() : base(1, typeof(int))

			 public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				 this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
		internal class CastNode : GeneratorNode
			Type type ;
			public CastNode(Type type) : base(1,type)
				this.type = type ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(type))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type) ;
		internal class SingleIndexArrayNode : GeneratorNode
			public SingleIndexArrayNode(Type arrayType) : base(2, arrayType)

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(ExpType))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelema) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldobj) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref) ;
		internal class MultiIndexArrayNode : GeneratorNode
			public MultiIndexArrayNode(Type arrayType) : base(2, arrayType)

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, this[0].ExpType.GetMethod("Get")) ;
		internal class IndexedExpNode : GeneratorNode
			MethodInfo indexer ;
			public IndexedExpNode(MethodInfo indexer) : base(2, indexer.ReturnType)
				this.indexer = indexer ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, indexer) ;
		internal class ConstructionNode : GeneratorNode
			ConstructorInfo ctor ;
			public ConstructionNode(ConstructorInfo ctor)  : base(1, ctor.ReflectedType)
				this.ctor = ctor ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctor) ;
		internal class NullNode : GeneratorNode
			public NullNode() : base(0, typeof(object))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull) ;
		internal class PropertyGetNode : GeneratorNode
			PropertyInfo property ;

			public PropertyGetNode(PropertyInfo property) : base(1, property.PropertyType)
			{ = property ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(this[0].ExpType))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, this[0].ExpType) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, property.GetGetMethod()) ;
		internal class FieldLoadNode : GeneratorNode
			FieldInfo field ;
			public FieldLoadNode(FieldInfo field) : base(1, field.FieldType)
				this.field = field ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (field.IsStatic)
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, field) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field) ;
        internal class TargetFieldLoadNode : GeneratorNode
			FieldInfo field ;
            public TargetFieldLoadNode(FieldInfo field)
                : base(0, field.FieldType)
				this.field = field ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				if (field.FieldType.IsValueType)
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldflda, field) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field) ;
		internal class MethodCallNode : GeneratorNode
			MethodInfo method ;
			public MethodCallNode(MethodInfo method) : base(2, method.ReturnType)
				this.method = method ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				if (!method.IsStatic)
					this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(this[0].ExpType) ||	method.IsStatic)
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, method) ;
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, method) ;
		internal class FirstParamNode : GeneratorNode
			public FirstParamNode(Type parameter)  : base(1, parameter)

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (! ExpType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.ValueType)) &&
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, this[0].ExpType) ;
		internal class ParamNode : GeneratorNode
			public ParamNode(Type parameter) : base(2, parameter)

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				if (! ExpType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.ValueType)) &&
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, this[0].ExpType) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
		internal class NoParamNode : GeneratorNode
			public NoParamNode() : base(1, typeof(void))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
		internal class ForallNode : GeneratorNode
			int iterator ;
			int local ;
			Type type ;
			public ForallNode(int iterator, int local, Type type) : base(2, typeof(bool))
				this.iterator = iterator ;
				this.local = local ;
				this.type = type ;			

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				LocalBuilder iterator = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(IEnumerator)) ;
				locals.Add(iterator) ;
				Label StartIterator = generator.DefineLabel(),
					DefaultReturn = generator.DefineLabel(),
					ReturnFalse = generator.DefineLabel(),
					Return = generator.DefineLabel() ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(IEnumerable).GetMethod("GetEnumerator")) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, iterator) ;		//				stloc iterator ;
				generator.MarkLabel(StartIterator) ;		// StartIterator :
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc,iterator) ;	//					ldloc iterator ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt,					//			callvirt IEnumerable::MoveNext(void) ;
					typeof(IEnumerator).GetMethod("MoveNext")) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, DefaultReturn) ;//				brfalse DefaultReturn ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, iterator) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, //								callvirt IEnumerable::get_Current(void) ;
					typeof(IEnumerator).GetProperty("Current").GetGetMethod()) ;
				if (type != typeof(object))
					if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(type))
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type) ;
						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, (LocalBuilder)locals[local]) ;//	stloc local ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;//								[ALExpression] Code
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, ReturnFalse) ;//				brfalse ReturnFalse ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, StartIterator) ;//					br StartIterator ;
				generator.MarkLabel(ReturnFalse) ;//			ReturnFalse :
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;//							ld.I4.0 ; false
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, Return) ;//						br.s Return ;
				generator.MarkLabel(DefaultReturn) ;//			DefaultReturn :
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;//							ld.I4.1 ; true
				generator.MarkLabel(Return) ;				//			Return:
		internal class ExistsNode : GeneratorNode
			int iterator ;
			int local ;
			Type type ;
			public ExistsNode(int iterator, int local, Type type) : base(2, typeof(bool))
				this.iterator = iterator ;
				this.local = local ;
				this.type = type ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				LocalBuilder iterator = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(IEnumerator)) ;
				locals.Add(iterator) ;
				Label StartIterator = generator.DefineLabel(),
					DefaultReturn = generator.DefineLabel(),
					ReturnTrue = generator.DefineLabel(),
					Return = generator.DefineLabel() ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, typeof(IEnumerable)) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(IEnumerable).GetMethod("GetEnumerator")) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, iterator) ;		//				stloc iterator ;
				generator.MarkLabel(StartIterator) ;		// StartIterator :
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc,iterator) ;	//					ldloc iterator ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt,					//			callvirt IEnumerable::MoveNext(void) ;
					typeof(IEnumerator).GetMethod("MoveNext")) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, DefaultReturn) ;//				brfalse DefaultReturn ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, iterator) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, //								callvirt IEnumerable::get_Current(void) ;
					typeof(IEnumerator).GetProperty("Current").GetGetMethod()) ;
				if (typeof(System.ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(type))
					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, (LocalBuilder)locals[local]) ;//	stloc local ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;//								[ALExpression] Code
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, ReturnTrue) ;//					brtrue ReturnTrue ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, StartIterator) ;//					br StartIterator ;
				generator.MarkLabel(ReturnTrue) ;//				ReturnTrue :
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;//							ld.I4.0 ; false
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Br, Return) ;//						br.s Return ;
				generator.MarkLabel(DefaultReturn) ;//			DefaultReturn :
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;//							ld.I4.1 ; true
				generator.MarkLabel(Return) ; //				Return :
		internal class VarDeclNode : GeneratorNode
			int local ;
			Type type ;
			public VarDeclNode(int local, Type type) : base(1, typeof(void))
				this.local = local ;
				this.type = type ;

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				LocalBuilder localVar = generator.DeclareLocal(type) ;
				locals.Add(localVar) ;
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
		internal class StaticNode : GeneratorNode
			public StaticNode(Type type) : base(0, type)

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
		internal class EqualsMethodNode : GeneratorNode
			public EqualsMethodNode() : base(2, typeof(bool))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(object).GetMethod("Equals")) ;
		internal class NotEqualsMethodNode : GeneratorNode
			public NotEqualsMethodNode() : base(2, typeof(bool))

			public override void Emit(ILGenerator generator, ArrayList locals)
				this[0].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				this[1].Emit(generator, locals) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(object).GetMethod("Equals")) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Not) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2) ;
				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Rem) ;
	#region Proxy
//	public interface ITrustedType
//	{
//		object Target
//		{
//			get ;
//			set ;
//		}
//	}
//	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly)]
//	public class TrustedAttribute : Attribute
//	{
//		string Asserted ;
//		internal static ConstructorInfo TrustedAttributeCtor = 
//			typeof(TrustedAttribute).GetConstructor(new Type[] {typeof(string)}) ;
//		public TrustedAttribute(string AssertedName)
//		{
//			this.Asserted = AssertedName ;
//		}
//		public string AssertedName
//		{
//			get
//			{
//				return Asserted ;
//			}
//		}
//	}
//	public class TrustedTypesTable 
//	{
//		struct TrustedPair
//		{
//			public bool Completed ;
//			public TypeBuilder TrustedType ;
//		}
//		Hashtable trustedTypes = new Hashtable() ;
//		public TypeBuilder this[Type index]
//		{
//			get
//			{
//				TrustedPair pair = (TrustedPair)trustedTypes[index.FullName] ;
//				return pair.TrustedType ;
//			}
//			set
//			{
//				if (value == null)
//					throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
//				TrustedPair pair ;
//				pair.Completed = false ;
//				pair.TrustedType = value ;
//				trustedTypes[index.FullName] = pair ;
//			}
//		}
//		public bool Contains(Type index)
//		{
//			return trustedTypes.Contains(index.FullName) ;
//		}
//		public bool IsCompleted(Type index)
//		{
//			TrustedPair pair = (TrustedPair)trustedTypes[index.FullName] ;
//			return pair.Completed ;
//		}
//		public void SetCompleted(Type index)
//		{
//			TrustedPair pair = (TrustedPair)trustedTypes[index.FullName] ;
//			pair.Completed = true ;
//		}
//	}
//	public class ProxyBuilder 
//	{
//		public const string ProxyPrefix = "Trusted." ;
//		public static PropertyInfo TargetProperty = typeof(ITrustedType).GetProperty("Target") ;
//		public static MethodInfo GetTarget = TargetProperty.GetGetMethod() ;
//		public static MethodInfo SetTarget = TargetProperty.GetSetMethod() ;
//		public event PercentIndicator TypePercentIndicator ;
//		public event PercentIndicator MemberPercentIndicator ;
//		MethodBuilder entryPoint = null ;
//		MethodInfo prototypeEntryPoint = null ;
//		string proxyFileName = null ;
//		AssertionManager manager ;
//		TrustedTypesTable trustedTypes = new TrustedTypesTable() ;
//		Hashtable TrustedTypes, DefinedTypes ;
//		public AssertionManager Manager
//		{
//			get
//			{
//				return manager ;
//			}
//			set
//			{
//				manager = value ;
//			}
//		}
//		public ProxyBuilder() : this(new ChacalAssertionManager())
//		{
//		}
//		public ProxyBuilder(AssertionManager manager)
//		{
//			this.manager = manager ;
//		}
//		public static bool IsTrusted(Assembly assembly)
//		{
//			return  GetAssertedAssembly(assembly) != null ;
//		}
//		public void CreateProxy(Assembly assertedAssembly)
//		{
//			if (IsTrusted(assertedAssembly))
//				throw new ArgumentException("Can't create proxy on a Trusted assembly") ;
//			TrustedTypes = new Hashtable() ;
//			AALExpression.DefinedTypes = DefinedTypes = new Hashtable() ;
//			int total = assertedAssembly.GetTypes().Length ;
//			int current = 0 ;
//			string location = assertedAssembly.Location ;
//			location = location.Substring(0, location.LastIndexOf("\\")) ;
//			// Output file name
//			proxyFileName = CreateProxyFileName(assertedAssembly) ;
//			// Output assembly name
//			AssemblyName proxyAsmName = CreateProxyName(assertedAssembly.GetName()) ;
//			// Keeping an eye on original entry point
//			prototypeEntryPoint = assertedAssembly.EntryPoint ;
//			// Creating proxy assembly builder
//			AssemblyBuilder proxyAsm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(proxyAsmName, 
//				AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save, location) ;
//			CustomAttributeBuilder cattr = new CustomAttributeBuilder(TrustedAttribute.TrustedAttributeCtor, new object[] {assertedAssembly.GetName().Name}) ;
//			proxyAsm.SetCustomAttribute(cattr) ;
//			mod = proxyAsm.DefineDynamicModule(proxyFileName, true) ;
//			foreach(Type type in assertedAssembly.GetTypes())
//			{
//				DefinedTypes[type.FullName] = mod.DefineType(type.FullName, type.Attributes) ;
//				TrustedTypes[type.FullName] = null ;
//			}
//			foreach(Type type in assertedAssembly.GetTypes())
//			if (! (type.IsEnum || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Delegate)) ||
//				type.FullName.IndexOf("+") != -1))
//			{
//				if (TypePercentIndicator != null)
//					TypePercentIndicator(current++, total) ;
//				CreateType(type) ;
//			}
//			if (entryPoint != null) // If entry point found, lets put it were it must be !!
//				proxyAsm.SetEntryPoint(entryPoint) ;
//			proxyAsm.Save(proxyFileName) ;
//		}
//		ModuleBuilder mod ;
//		private Type CreateType(Type type)
//		{
//			FieldInfo reference = null ;
//			if (TrustedTypes[type.FullName] != null)
//				return (Type)TrustedTypes[type.FullName] ;
//			if (!TrustedTypes.Contains(type.FullName))
//				return type ;
//			TypeBuilder typBuilder = (TypeBuilder)(TrustedTypes[type.FullName] = DefinedTypes[type.FullName]) ;
//			if (!type.IsInterface) 
//			{
//				if (!TrustedTypes.Contains(type.BaseType.FullName))
//					typBuilder.SetParent(type.BaseType) ;
//				else if (TrustedTypes[type.BaseType.FullName] != null)
//					typBuilder.SetParent(TrustedTypes[type.BaseType.FullName] as Type) ;
//				else
//					typBuilder.SetParent(CreateType(type.BaseType)) ;
//				typBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(typeof(ITrustedType)) ;
//				reference = CreateTarget(typBuilder, type) ;
//			}
//			foreach(Type interfaceImpl in type.GetInterfaces())
//				if (!TrustedTypes.Contains(interfaceImpl.FullName))
//					typBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(interfaceImpl) ;
//				else if (TrustedTypes[interfaceImpl.FullName] != null)
//					typBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(TrustedTypes[interfaceImpl.FullName] as Type) ;
//				else
//					typBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(CreateType(interfaceImpl)) ;
//			int current = 0 ;
//			int total = type.GetMembers().Length ;
//			if (!type.IsInterface)
//			{
//				ConstructorInfo defaultCtor = null ;
//				Type super = TrustedTypes[type.BaseType.FullName] as Type ;
//				super = super == null ? type.BaseType : super ;
//				super = super.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) == null ? typeof(object) : super ;
//				if (type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) == null)
//					defaultCtor = CreateDefaultCtor(super.GetConstructor(new Type[0]), typBuilder) ;
//				else
//					defaultCtor = super.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) ;
//				CreateSpecialCtor(defaultCtor, type, typBuilder) ;
//				foreach(ConstructorInfo ctor in type.GetConstructors())
//				{
//					if (MemberPercentIndicator != null)
//						MemberPercentIndicator(current ++, total) ;
//					CreateConstructor(type, reference, typBuilder, ctor, defaultCtor) ;
//				}
//			}
//			foreach(PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance	| BindingFlags.Public |
//				BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly ))
//			{				
//				if (MemberPercentIndicator != null)
//					MemberPercentIndicator(current ++, total) ;
//				CreateInstanceProperty(type, reference, typBuilder, property) ;
//			}
//			foreach(MethodInfo instanceMethod in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | 
//				BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
//			{
//				if (MemberPercentIndicator != null)
//					MemberPercentIndicator(current ++, total) ;
//				if ((instanceMethod.Attributes & MethodAttributes.SpecialName) != MethodAttributes.SpecialName)
//					CreateInstanceMethod(type, reference, typBuilder, instanceMethod) ;
//			}
//			foreach(MethodInfo classMethod in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static |	BindingFlags.Public |
//				BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
//			{
//				if (MemberPercentIndicator != null)
//					MemberPercentIndicator(current ++, total) ;
//				MethodBuilder tmp = CreateClassMethod(type, typBuilder, classMethod) ;
//				if (classMethod == prototypeEntryPoint)
//					entryPoint = tmp ;
//			}
//			return (Type)(TrustedTypes[typBuilder.FullName] = typBuilder.CreateType()) ;
//		}
//		private ConstructorBuilder CreateDefaultCtor(ConstructorInfo super, TypeBuilder typBuilder)
//		{
//			MethodAttributes ctorAttr = MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | 
//			 MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig ;
//			ConstructorBuilder result = typBuilder.DefineConstructor(ctorAttr, CallingConventions.Standard, new Type[0]) ;
//			ILGenerator generator = result.GetILGenerator() ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, super) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			return result ;
//		}
//		private void CreateConstructor(Type type, FieldInfo reference, TypeBuilder typBuilder, ConstructorInfo ctor, ConstructorInfo defaultCtor) 
//		{
//			ConstructorBuilder ctrBuilder = typBuilder.DefineConstructor(ctor.Attributes, ctor.CallingConvention, 
//				GetParametersTypes(ctor.GetParameters())) ;
//			ILGenerator ilGenerator = ctrBuilder.GetILGenerator() ;
//			ilGenerator.DeclareLocal(typeof(object)) ;
//			Assertion precondition = manager.GetPreconditions(ctor),
//				postcondition = manager.GetPostconditions(ctor),
//				invariant = manager.GetInvariants(ctor.ReflectedType) ;
//			if (!precondition.Check())
//				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(precondition.Label + ":" + precondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//			if (!postcondition.Check())
//				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(postcondition.Label + ":" + postcondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//			if (!invariant.Check())
//				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(invariant.Label + ":" + invariant.CompilingMessage) ;
//			#region Code generation
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, defaultCtor) ;
//			EmitAssertion(precondition, AssertionManager.ckPre, ilGenerator) ;
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//			for(int paramIndex = 0 ; paramIndex < ctor.GetParameters().Length; paramIndex ++)
//			{
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, paramIndex + 1) ;
//				if (TrustedTypes.Contains(ctor.GetParameters()[paramIndex].ParameterType.FullName))
//				{
//					ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, GetTarget) ;
//					ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, ctor.GetParameters()[paramIndex].ParameterType) ;
//				}
//			}
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctor) ;
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, SetTarget) ;			
//			EmitAssertion(postcondition, AssertionManager.ckPos, ilGenerator) ;
//			EmitAssertion(invariant, AssertionManager.ckInv, ilGenerator) ;
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			#endregion
//		}
//		private ConstructorBuilder CreateSpecialCtor(ConstructorInfo emptyCtor, Type targetType, TypeBuilder typBuilder)
//		{
//			MethodAttributes ctorAttr = MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | 
//				MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig ;
//			ConstructorBuilder result = typBuilder.DefineConstructor(ctorAttr, CallingConventions.Standard, new Type[] {targetType}) ;
//			ILGenerator generator = result.GetILGenerator() ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, emptyCtor) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(ITrustedType).GetMethod("set_Target")) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			SetSpecialCtor(targetType, result) ;
//			return result ;
//		}
//		private ConstructorInfo GetSpecialCtor(Type targetType)
//		{
//			return (ConstructorInfo)specialCtor[targetType.FullName] ;
//		}
//		private void SetSpecialCtor(Type targetType, ConstructorInfo ctor)
//		{
//			specialCtor[targetType.FullName] = ctor ;
//		}
//		Hashtable specialCtor = new Hashtable() ;
//		private void CreateInstanceProperty(Type type, FieldInfo reference, TypeBuilder typBuilder, PropertyInfo property)
//		{
//			bool specialReturn = false ;
//			Type returnType = property.PropertyType ;
//			if (!TrustedTypes.Contains(returnType.FullName))
//			{
//			}
//			else
//			{
//				specialReturn = true ;
//				if (TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] != null)
//					returnType = (Type)TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] ;
//				else
//					returnType = (Type)(TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] = CreateType(returnType)) ;
//			}
//			PropertyBuilder proBuilder = typBuilder.DefineProperty(property.Name, property.Attributes, 
//				returnType, GetParametersTypes(property.GetIndexParameters())) ;
//			if (property.GetGetMethod() != null)
//				proBuilder.SetGetMethod(CreateInstancePropertyGet(type, returnType, specialReturn, reference, typBuilder, property)) ;
//			if (property.GetSetMethod() != null)
//				proBuilder.SetSetMethod(CreateInstancePropertySet(type, reference, typBuilder, property)) ;
//		}
//		private MethodBuilder CreateInstancePropertyGet(Type type, Type returnType, bool specialReturn, FieldInfo reference, TypeBuilder typBuilder, PropertyInfo property)
//		{
//			MethodInfo getPrototype = property.GetGetMethod() ;
//			MethodBuilder getMethod = typBuilder.DefineMethod(getPrototype.Name, getPrototype.Attributes,
//				getPrototype.CallingConvention, returnType, GetParametersTypes(getPrototype.GetParameters())) ;
//			if (!getPrototype.IsAbstract)
//			{
//				ILGenerator generator = getMethod.GetILGenerator() ;
//				LocalBuilder result = generator.DeclareLocal(getPrototype.ReturnType) ;
//				Assertion precondition = manager.GetPreconditions(getPrototype),
//					postcondition = manager.GetPostconditions(getPrototype),
//					invariants = manager.GetInvariants(property.ReflectedType),
//					propPrecondition = manager.GetPreconditions(property),
//					propPostcondition = manager.GetPostconditions(property) ;
//				if (!precondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(precondition.Label + ":" + precondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!postcondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(postcondition.Label + ":" + postcondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!invariants.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(invariants.Label + ":" + invariants.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!propPrecondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(propPrecondition.Label + ":" + propPrecondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!propPostcondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(propPostcondition.Label + ":" + propPostcondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				postcondition.EmitInicializations(generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(invariants, AssertionManager.ckInv, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(propPrecondition, AssertionManager.ckPre, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(precondition, AssertionManager.ckPre, generator) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, GetTarget) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, getPrototype) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, result) ;
//				EmitAssertion(propPostcondition, AssertionManager.ckPos, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(postcondition, AssertionManager.ckPos, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(invariants, AssertionManager.ckInv, generator) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, result) ;
//				if (specialReturn)
//				{
//					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, GetSpecialCtor(getPrototype.ReturnType)) ;
//				}
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			}
//			return getMethod ;
//		}
//		private MethodBuilder CreateInstancePropertySet(Type type, FieldInfo reference, TypeBuilder typBuilder, PropertyInfo property)
//		{
//			MethodInfo setPrototype = property.GetSetMethod() ;
//			MethodBuilder setMethod = typBuilder.DefineMethod(setPrototype.Name, setPrototype.Attributes,
//				setPrototype.CallingConvention, setPrototype.ReturnType, GetParametersTypes(setPrototype.GetParameters())) ;
//			if (!setPrototype.IsAbstract)
//			{
//				ILGenerator generator = setMethod.GetILGenerator() ;
//				generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(object)) ;
//				Assertion precondition = manager.GetPreconditions(setPrototype),
//					postcondition = manager.GetPostconditions(setPrototype),
//					invariants = manager.GetInvariants(property.ReflectedType),
//					propPrecondition = manager.GetPreconditions(property),
//					propPostcondition = manager.GetPostconditions(property) ;
//				if (!precondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(precondition.Label + ":" + precondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!postcondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(postcondition.Label + ":" + postcondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!invariants.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(invariants.Label + ":" + invariants.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!propPrecondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(propPrecondition.Label + ":" + propPrecondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!propPostcondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(propPostcondition.Label + ":" + propPostcondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				postcondition.EmitInicializations(generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(invariants, AssertionManager.ckInv, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(propPrecondition, AssertionManager.ckPre, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(precondition, AssertionManager.ckPre, generator) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//				if (property.ReflectedType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.ValueType)))
//					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, typBuilder) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt,GetTarget) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type) ;
//				foreach(ParameterInfo parameter in setPrototype.GetParameters())
//					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, parameter.Position + 1) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, setPrototype) ;
//				EmitAssertion(propPostcondition, AssertionManager.ckPos, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(postcondition, AssertionManager.ckPos, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(invariants, AssertionManager.ckInv, generator) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			}
//			return setMethod ;
//		}
//		private MethodBuilder CreateInstanceMethod(Type type, FieldInfo reference, TypeBuilder typBuilder, MethodInfo methodPrototype)
//		{
//			bool specialReturn = false ;
//			Type returnType = methodPrototype.ReturnType ;
//			if (returnType == typeof(void) || !TrustedTypes.Contains(returnType.FullName))
//			{
//			}
//			else
//			{
//				specialReturn = true ;
//				if (TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] != null)
//					returnType = (Type)TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] ;
//				else
//					returnType = (Type)(TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] = CreateType(returnType)) ;
//			}
//			MethodBuilder method = typBuilder.DefineMethod(methodPrototype.Name, methodPrototype.Attributes,
//				methodPrototype.CallingConvention, returnType, 
//				GetParametersTypes(methodPrototype.GetParameters())) ;
//			if (!methodPrototype.IsAbstract)
//			{
//				LocalBuilder result = null ;
//				ILGenerator generator = method.GetILGenerator() ;
//				if (methodPrototype.ReturnType != typeof(void))
//				{
//					result = generator.DeclareLocal(methodPrototype.ReturnType) ;
//				}
//				else
//					generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(object)) ;
//				Assertion precondition = manager.GetPreconditions(methodPrototype),
//					postcondition = manager.GetPostconditions(methodPrototype),
//					invariants = manager.GetInvariants(methodPrototype.ReflectedType) ;
//				if (!precondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(precondition.Label + ":" + precondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!postcondition.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(postcondition.Label + ":" + postcondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//				if (!invariants.Check())
//					throw new AALCompilingErrorException(invariants.Label + ":" + invariants.CompilingMessage) ;
//				postcondition.EmitInicializations(generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(invariants, AssertionManager.ckInv, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(precondition, AssertionManager.ckPre, generator) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt,GetTarget) ;
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type) ;
//				for(int paramIndex = 0 ; paramIndex < methodPrototype.GetParameters().Length; paramIndex ++)			
//				{
//					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, paramIndex + 1) ;
//					if (TrustedTypes.Contains(methodPrototype.GetParameters()[paramIndex].ParameterType.FullName))
//					{
//						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, GetTarget) ;
//						generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, methodPrototype.GetParameters()[paramIndex].ParameterType) ;
//					}
//				}
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, methodPrototype) ;
//				if (result != null)
//				{
//					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, result) ;
//				}
//				EmitAssertion(postcondition, AssertionManager.ckPos, generator) ;
//				EmitAssertion(invariants, AssertionManager.ckInv, generator) ;
//				if (result != null)
//				{
//					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, result) ;
//				}
//				if (specialReturn)
//				{
//					generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, GetSpecialCtor(methodPrototype.ReturnType)) ;
//				}
//				generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			}
//			return method ;
//		}
//		private MethodBuilder CreateClassMethod(Type type, TypeBuilder typBuilder, MethodInfo classMethodPrototype)
//		{
//			bool specialReturn = false ;
//			Type returnType = classMethodPrototype.ReturnType ;
//			if (returnType == typeof(void) || !TrustedTypes.Contains(returnType.FullName))
//			{
//			}
//			else
//			{
//				specialReturn = true ;
//				if (TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] != null)
//					returnType = (Type)TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] ;
//				else
//					returnType = (Type)(TrustedTypes[returnType.FullName] = CreateType(returnType)) ;
//			}
//			MethodBuilder method = typBuilder.DefineMethod(classMethodPrototype.Name, classMethodPrototype.Attributes,
//				classMethodPrototype.CallingConvention, returnType, 
//				GetParametersTypes(classMethodPrototype.GetParameters())) ;
//			ILGenerator ilGenerator = method.GetILGenerator() ;
//			LocalBuilder result = null ;
//			if (classMethodPrototype.ReturnType != typeof(void))
//			{
//				result = ilGenerator.DeclareLocal(classMethodPrototype.ReturnType) ;
//			}
//			else
//				ilGenerator.DeclareLocal(typeof(object)) ;
//			Assertion precondition = manager.GetPreconditions(classMethodPrototype),
//				postcondition = manager.GetPostconditions(classMethodPrototype) ;
//			if (!precondition.Check())
//				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(precondition.Label + ":" + precondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//			if (!postcondition.Check())
//				throw new AALCompilingErrorException(postcondition.Label + ":" + postcondition.CompilingMessage) ;
//			#region Generation
//			postcondition.EmitInicializations(ilGenerator) ;
//			EmitAssertion(precondition, AssertionManager.ckPre, ilGenerator) ;
//			for(int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < classMethodPrototype.GetParameters().Length; paramIndex ++)
//			{
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, paramIndex) ;
//				if (TrustedTypes.Contains(classMethodPrototype.GetParameters()[paramIndex].ParameterType.FullName))					
//				{
//					ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, GetTarget) ;
//					ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, classMethodPrototype.GetParameters()[paramIndex].ParameterType) ;
//				}
//			}
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, classMethodPrototype) ;
//			if (result != null)
//			{
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, result) ;
//			}
//				EmitAssertion(postcondition, AssertionManager.ckPos, ilGenerator) ;
//			if (result != null)
//			{
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, result) ;
//			}
//			if (specialReturn)
//			{
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, GetSpecialCtor(classMethodPrototype.ReturnType)) ;
//			}
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			#endregion
//			return method ;
//		}
//		private FieldBuilder CreateTarget(TypeBuilder typBuilder, Type targetType)
//		{
//			MethodAttributes attributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | 
//				MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.Final |
//				MethodAttributes.Virtual ;
//			FieldBuilder result = typBuilder.DefineField("target", typeof(object), FieldAttributes.Private) ;
//			PropertyBuilder property = typBuilder.DefineProperty("Target", PropertyAttributes.None, 
//				typeof(object), new Type[0]) ;
//			MethodBuilder getMethod = typBuilder.DefineMethod("get_Target", attributes, typeof(object), new Type[0]),
//				setMethod = typBuilder.DefineMethod("set_Target", attributes, typeof(void), new Type[]{typeof(object)}) ;
//			// Generating Get Method
//			ILGenerator generator = getMethod.GetILGenerator() ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, result) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			property.SetGetMethod(getMethod) ;
//			// Generating Set Method
//			generator = setMethod.GetILGenerator() ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, result) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret) ;
//			property.SetSetMethod(setMethod) ;
//			return result ;
//		}
//		private void CreateParamArray(ILGenerator ilGenerator, int length)
//		{
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)length) ;
//			ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(object)) ;
//			for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
//			{
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)i) ;
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (int)i + 1) ;
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref) ;
//			}
//		}
//		private void CreateParamArrayStatic(ILGenerator ilGenerator, int length)
//		{
//			for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
//			{
//				ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (int)i) ;
//			}
//		}
//		private Type[] GetParametersTypes(ParameterInfo[] param)
//		{
//			Type[] types = new Type[param.Length] ;
//			for(int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
//				types[i] = CreateType(param[i].ParameterType) ;
//			return types ;
//		}
//		private AssemblyName CreateProxyName(AssemblyName assertedAssemblyName)
//		{
//			AssemblyName result = new AssemblyName() ;
//			result.Name = ProxyPrefix + assertedAssemblyName.Name ;
////			result.CodeBase = assertedAssemblyName.CodeBase ;
//			result.CultureInfo = assertedAssemblyName.CultureInfo ;
////			result.Flags = assertedAssemblyName.Flags ;
//			result.Version = assertedAssemblyName.Version ;
//			return result ;	
//		}
//		private static string CreateProxyFileName(Assembly prototype)
//		{
//			return ProxyPrefix + prototype.GetName().Name + (prototype.EntryPoint == null? ".dll" : ".exe") ;
//		}
//		private static string GetAssertedAssembly(Assembly assembly)
//		{
//			TrustedAttribute[] attr = (TrustedAttribute[])assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TrustedAttribute), false) ;
//			if (attr.Length == 0)
//				return null ;
//			return attr[0].AssertedName ;
//		}
//		private static void EmitAssertion(Assertion assertion, FieldInfo goFlag, ILGenerator generator)
//		{
//			if (assertion.IsBlank)
//				return ;
//			Label end = generator.DefineLabel() ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, goFlag) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, end) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, goFlag) ;
//			assertion.EmitAssertion(generator) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, goFlag) ;
//			generator.MarkLabel(end) ;
//			generator.Emit(OpCodes.Nop) ;
//		}
//	}

	namespace Documentation
		using System.Threading ;

		internal struct Pair
			public string Name ;
			public object Value ;
			public Pair(string name, object value)
				Name = name ;
				Value = value ;
		public class AssemblyDocExtractor
			static string Comment = "Generated with Assertions(c) documentation tool, WebOO Group, University of Havana" ;

			Assembly target ;
			string outputPath ;
			bool delete ;
			Thread thread ;

			public AssemblyDocExtractor(Assembly target)
				Target = target ;
				thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.CreateNavigableDocumentation)) ;
			public AssemblyDocExtractor()
				thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.CreateNavigableDocumentation)) ;

			public Assembly Target
					return target ;
					if (value == null)
						throw new ArgumentNullException("value") ;
					target = value ;
			public string OutputPath
					return outputPath ;
					if (value == null)
						throw new ArgumentNullException("value") ;
					outputPath = value ;
			public bool Delete
					return delete ;
					delete = value ;

			#region Synchronous Methods
			public XmlDocument ExtractDocumentation()
				if (target == null)
					throw new NullReferenceException("Target uninitialized") ;
				XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument() ;
				XmlComment comment = document.CreateComment(Comment) ;
				Documenter.DefaultAssemblyDocumenter.TypeProgress += TypeProgress ;
				Documenter.DefaultTypeDocumenter.MemberProgress += MemberProgress ;
				document.AppendChild(Documenter.DefaultAssemblyDocumenter.GetDocumentation(document, target)) ;
				Documenter.DefaultAssemblyDocumenter.TypeProgress -= TypeProgress ;
				Documenter.DefaultTypeDocumenter.MemberProgress -= MemberProgress ;
				return document ;
			public void CreateNavigableDocumentation()
				#region Preconditions
				if (target == null)
					throw new NullReferenceException("Target uninitialized") ;
				if (outputPath == null)
					throw new NullReferenceException("OutputPath uninitialized") ;

				if (Directory.Exists(outputPath))
					if (delete)
						Directory.Delete(outputPath, true) ;
						throw new Exception("Cannot create documentation on an existing folder") ;
				DirectoryInfo folder = Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath) ;

				XmlDocument doc = ExtractDocumentation(), xml = new XmlDocument() ;
				ResourceManager resource = new ResourceManager("Assertions.Data", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) ;
				XslTransform typeXSLT = new XslTransform(), assemblyXSLT = new XslTransform() ;
				xml.LoadXml(resource.GetString("IndexXSLT")) ;
				assemblyXSLT.Load(xml.CreateNavigator()) ;

				xml = new XmlDocument() ;
				xml.LoadXml(resource.GetString("TypeXSLT")) ;
				typeXSLT.Load(xml.CreateNavigator()) ;

				Stream output = File.Create(outputPath + "\\" + "index.html") ;
				assemblyXSLT.Transform(doc.CreateNavigator(), null, output) ;
				output.Close() ;
				foreach(XmlNode node in doc["assembly"].ChildNodes)
					xml = new XmlDocument() ;
					string t = outputPath + "\\" + ((XmlAttribute)node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name")).Value + ".html" ;
					output = File.Create(t) ;
					xml.AppendChild(xml.ImportNode(node, true)) ;
					typeXSLT.Transform(xml.CreateNavigator(), null, output) ;
					output.Close() ;

				OnFinish() ;
			public void CreateNavigableDocumentation(string outputPath, bool delete)
				this.outputPath = outputPath ;
				this.delete = delete ;
				CreateNavigableDocumentation() ;

			#region Asynchronous Methods
			public void ASYNCCreateNavigableDocumentation()
				thread.Start() ;
			public void ASYNCCreateNavigableDocumentation(string outputPath, bool delete)
				this.outputPath = outputPath ;
				this.delete = delete ;
				thread.Start() ;
			public void Abort()
				thread.Abort() ;
				OnFinish() ;
			public void Suspend()
				thread.Suspend() ;
			public void Resume()
				thread.Resume() ;

			#region Events and Triggers
			public event PercentIndicator MemberProgress ;
			public event PercentIndicator TypeProgress ;
			public event EventHandler Finish ;

			void OnFinish()
				if (Finish != null)
					Finish(this, EventArgs.Empty) ;
		abstract public class Documenter
			#region Static Methods
			public static XmlDocument CreateAssemblyDocumentation(Assembly assembly)
				XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument() ;
				XmlComment comment = document.CreateComment("") ;
				document.AppendChild(DefaultAssemblyDocumenter.GetDocumentation(document, assembly)) ;
				return document ;
			public static void WriteHTMLDoc(Assembly assembly, Stream stream)
				XmlDocument doc = CreateAssemblyDocumentation(assembly),
					xml = new XmlDocument() ;
				ResourceManager resource = new ResourceManager("Assertions.Data", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) ;
				xml.LoadXml(resource.GetString("AssertionsXSLT")) ;
				XslTransform xsl = new XslTransform() ;
				xsl.Load(xml.CreateNavigator()) ;
				xsl.Transform(doc.CreateNavigator(), null, stream) ;
			public static void CreateNavigableDocumentaion(Assembly assembly, string folderPath, bool delete)
				if (Directory.Exists(folderPath))
					if (delete)
						Directory.Delete(folderPath, true) ;
						throw new Exception("Cannot create documentation on an existing folder") ;
				DirectoryInfo folder = Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath) ;

				XmlDocument doc = CreateAssemblyDocumentation(assembly), xml = new XmlDocument() ;
				ResourceManager resource = new ResourceManager("Assertions.Data", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) ;
				XslTransform typeXSLT = new XslTransform(), assemblyXSLT = new XslTransform() ;
				xml.LoadXml(resource.GetString("IndexXSLT")) ;
				assemblyXSLT.Load(xml.CreateNavigator()) ;

				xml = new XmlDocument() ;
				xml.LoadXml(resource.GetString("TypeXSLT")) ;
				typeXSLT.Load(xml.CreateNavigator()) ;

				Stream output = File.Create(folderPath + "\\" + "index.html") ;
				assemblyXSLT.Transform(doc.CreateNavigator(), null, output) ;
				output.Close() ;
				foreach(XmlNode node in doc["assembly"].ChildNodes)
					xml = new XmlDocument() ;
					string t = folderPath + "\\" + ((XmlAttribute)node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name")).Value + ".html" ;
					output = File.Create(t) ;
					xml.AppendChild(xml.ImportNode(node, true)) ;
					typeXSLT.Transform(xml.CreateNavigator(), null, output) ;
					output.Close() ;

			#region Implementation
			public static AssertionManager DefaultManager = new ChacalAssertionManager() ;

			protected IDictionary docSolver ;
			public Documenter()
				docSolver = new Hashtable() ;
			public Documenter GetChildDocumenter(string child)
				if (child == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException("child") ;
				return (Documenter)docSolver[child] ;
			public void SetChildDocumenter(string child, Documenter documenter)
				if (child == null | documenter == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException((child == null?"child":"") + 
						((child == null && documenter == null)?", ":"") + (documenter == null?"documenter":"")) ;
				docSolver[child] = documenter ;
			public XmlElement GetDocumentation(XmlDocument document, object local)
				XmlElement result = GetLocalNode(document, local) ;
				foreach(object child in Children(local))
					result.AppendChild(GetChildDocumenter(GetChildKey(child)).GetDocumentation(document, child)) ;
				return result ;
			public static XmlAttribute CreateAttribute(XmlDocument document, string name, string value)
				XmlAttribute result = document.CreateAttribute(name) ;
				result.Value = value ;
				return result ;
			public const BindingFlags FullBindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | 
				BindingFlags.Instance |	BindingFlags.Static ;
			public const BindingFlags NonPublic = BindingFlags.NonPublic | 
				BindingFlags.Instance |	BindingFlags.Static ;

			public static AssemblyDocumenter DefaultAssemblyDocumenter = new AssemblyDocumenter() ;
			public static StructuredTypeDocumenter DefaultTypeDocumenter = new StructuredTypeDocumenter() ;
			public static MethodDocumenter DefaultMethodDocumenter = new MethodDocumenter() ;
			public static CtorDocumenter DefaultCtorDocumenter = new CtorDocumenter() ;
			public static PropertyDocumenter DefaultPropertyDocumenter = new PropertyDocumenter() ;
			public static AssertionDocumenter DefaultInvariantDocumenter = new AssertionDocumenter("invariant") ;
			public static AssertionDocumenter DefaultPreconditionDocumenter = new AssertionDocumenter("precondition") ;
			public static AssertionDocumenter DefaultPostconditionDocumenter = new AssertionDocumenter("postcondition") ;
			public static AssertionDocumenter DefaultAndGroupDocumenter = new AssertionDocumenter("assertionANDGroup") ;
			public static AssertionDocumenter DefaultAssertionDocumenter = new AssertionDocumenter("assertion") ;
			public static PropertyAccessDocumenter DefaultSetDocumenter = new PropertyAccessDocumenter("set") ;
			public static PropertyAccessDocumenter DefaultGetDocumenter = new PropertyAccessDocumenter("get") ;
			public static ErrorDocumenter DefaultErrorDocumenter = new ErrorDocumenter() ;
			public static ParameterDocumenter DefaultParameterDocumenter = new ParameterDocumenter() ;
			public static EnumDocumenter DefaultEnumDocumenter = new EnumDocumenter() ;
			public static EnumValueDocumenter DefaultEnumValueDocumenter = new EnumValueDocumenter() ;
			public static DelegateDocumenter DefaultDelegateDocumenter = new DelegateDocumenter() ;
			static Documenter()
				DefaultAssemblyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("StructuredType", DefaultTypeDocumenter) ;
				DefaultAssemblyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Enum", DefaultEnumDocumenter) ;
				DefaultAssemblyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Delegate", DefaultDelegateDocumenter) ;

				DefaultTypeDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Method", DefaultMethodDocumenter) ;
				DefaultTypeDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Constructor", DefaultCtorDocumenter) ;
				DefaultTypeDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Property", DefaultPropertyDocumenter) ;
				DefaultTypeDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Invariant", DefaultInvariantDocumenter) ;
				DefaultTypeDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Error", DefaultErrorDocumenter) ;
				DefaultMethodDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Precondition", DefaultPreconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultMethodDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Postcondition", DefaultPostconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultMethodDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Error", DefaultErrorDocumenter) ;
				DefaultMethodDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Parameter", DefaultParameterDocumenter) ;
				DefaultCtorDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Precondition", DefaultPreconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultCtorDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Postcondition", DefaultPostconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultCtorDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Error", DefaultErrorDocumenter) ;
				DefaultCtorDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Parameter", DefaultParameterDocumenter) ;

				DefaultPropertyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Precondition", DefaultPreconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultPropertyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Postcondition", DefaultPostconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultPropertyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("set", DefaultSetDocumenter) ;
				DefaultPropertyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("get", DefaultGetDocumenter) ;
				DefaultPropertyDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Error", DefaultErrorDocumenter) ;

				DefaultInvariantDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("And", DefaultAndGroupDocumenter) ;

				DefaultPreconditionDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("And", DefaultAndGroupDocumenter) ;

				DefaultPostconditionDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("And", DefaultAndGroupDocumenter) ;

				DefaultAndGroupDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Single", DefaultAssertionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultAndGroupDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("And", DefaultAndGroupDocumenter) ;

				DefaultSetDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Precondition", DefaultPreconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultSetDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Postcondition", DefaultPostconditionDocumenter) ;

				DefaultGetDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Precondition", DefaultPreconditionDocumenter) ;
				DefaultGetDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Postcondition", DefaultPostconditionDocumenter) ;

				DefaultEnumDocumenter.SetChildDocumenter("Value", DefaultEnumValueDocumenter) ;


			public static PercentIndicator TypePercentIndicatorListener ;
			public static PercentIndicator MemberPercentIndicatorListener ;

			#region Abstract methods
			abstract public string GetChildKey(object child) ;
			abstract public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local) ;
			abstract public IEnumerable Children(object local) ;
		public class AssemblyDocumenter : Documenter
			public AssemblyDocumenter()
			public AssemblyDocumenter(PercentIndicator typeProgress)
				this.TypeProgress += typeProgress ;

			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				Type typeChild = child as Type ;
				if (typeChild != null)
					if (typeChild.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Delegate)))
						return "Delegate" ;
					if (typeChild.IsEnum)
						return "Enum" ;
					return "StructuredType" ;
				return null ;
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				Assembly assemblyNode = (Assembly)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("assembly") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "name", assemblyNode.FullName)) ;
				return result ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				Assembly assembly = (Assembly)local ;
				PercentEnumerable pe = new PercentEnumerable(assembly.GetTypes()) ;
				pe.PercentIndicatorListener += TypeProgress ;
				return pe ;

			public event PercentIndicator TypeProgress ;
		public class StructuredTypeDocumenter : Documenter
			public StructuredTypeDocumenter()
			public StructuredTypeDocumenter(PercentIndicator memberProgress)
				MemberProgress += memberProgress ;

			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				MemberInfo memberChild = child as MemberInfo ;
				if (memberChild != null)
					return memberChild.MemberType.ToString() ;
				AssertionANDGroup attr = child as AssertionANDGroup ;
				if (attr != null)
					return "Invariant" ;
				Exception exception = child as Exception ;
				if (exception != null)
					return "Error" ;
				return null ;
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				Type typeNode = (Type)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement(typeNode.IsClass ? "class" : 
					typeNode.IsInterface ? "interface" : "struct") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "name", typeNode.FullName)) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "attributes", 
					typeNode.Attributes.ToString())) ;
				return result ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				Type typeNode = (Type)local ;
				ArrayList children = new ArrayList() ;
					children.Add(DefaultManager.GetInvariants(typeNode)) ;
				catch(Exception exception)
					children.Add(exception) ;
				foreach(ConstructorInfo ctor in typeNode.GetConstructors())
					children.Add(ctor) ;
				foreach(MethodInfo method in typeNode.GetMethods(FullBindingFlags))
					if (!method.IsSpecialName)
						children.Add(method) ;
				foreach(PropertyInfo property in typeNode.GetProperties(FullBindingFlags) )
					children.Add(property) ;
				PercentEnumerable pe = new PercentEnumerable((object[])children.ToArray(typeof(object))) ;
				pe.PercentIndicatorListener += MemberProgress ;
				return pe ;

			public event PercentIndicator MemberProgress ;
		public class EnumDocumenter : Documenter
			public override string GetChildKey(object child)
				return "Value" ;
			public override IEnumerable Children(object local)
				Type enumType = (Type)local ;
				Array values = Enum.GetValues(enumType) ;
				object[] children = new object[values.Length] ;
				for(int index = 0; children.Length > index; index++)
					children[index] = new Pair(Enum.GetName(enumType, values.GetValue(index)), values.GetValue(index)) ;
				return children ;
			public override XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				Type enumType = (Type)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("enum") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "UnderlyingType", Enum.GetUnderlyingType(enumType).FullName)) ;
				return result ;
		public class EnumValueDocumenter : Documenter
			public override XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				Pair pair = (Pair)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("element") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "name", pair.Name)) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "value", pair.Value.ToString())) ;
				return result ;
			public override string GetChildKey(object child)
				return null ;
			public override IEnumerable Children(object local)
				return new object[0] ;
		public class DelegateDocumenter : Documenter
			public override string GetChildKey(object child)
				return "" ;
			public override XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				Type delegateType = (Type)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("delegate") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "name", delegateType.Name)) ;
				return result ;
			public override IEnumerable Children(object local)
				return new object[0] ;
		public abstract class MemberDocumenter : Documenter
			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				AssertionORGroup precondition = child as AssertionORGroup ;
				if (precondition != null)
					return "Precondition" ;
				AssertionANDGroup postcondition = child as AssertionANDGroup ;
				if (postcondition != null)
					return "Postcondition" ;
				Exception exception = child as Exception ;
				if (exception != null)
					return "Error" ;
				return null ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				MemberInfo memberNode = (MemberInfo)local ;
				ArrayList children = new ArrayList() ;
					if (local is MethodInfo)
						children.Add(DefaultManager.GetPreconditions(memberNode as MethodInfo)) ;
					else if (local is ConstructorInfo)
						children.Add(DefaultManager.GetPreconditions(memberNode as ConstructorInfo)) ;
					else if (local is PropertyInfo)
						children.Add(DefaultManager.GetPreconditions(memberNode as PropertyInfo)) ;
				catch(Exception exception)
					children.Add(exception) ;
					if (local is MethodInfo)
						children.Add(DefaultManager.GetPostconditions(memberNode as MethodInfo)) ;
					else if (local is ConstructorInfo)
						children.Add(DefaultManager.GetPostconditions(memberNode as ConstructorInfo)) ;
					else if (local is PropertyInfo)
						children.Add(DefaultManager.GetPostconditions(memberNode as PropertyInfo)) ;
				catch(Exception exception)
					children.Add(exception) ;
				return children ;
			public static string GetMethodString(MethodInfo method)
				return string.Format("{0} {1}({2})", method.ReturnType, method.Name, 
					GetParametersString(method.GetParameters())) ;
			public static string GetCtorString(ConstructorInfo ctor)
				return string.Format("{0}({1})", ctor.ReflectedType.Name, GetParametersString(ctor.GetParameters())) ;				
			public static string GetPropertyString(PropertyInfo prop)
				string param = GetParametersString(prop.GetIndexParameters()) ;
				return string.Format("{0} {1}{3}{2}{4}", prop.PropertyType, prop.Name, param,
					param != "" ? "[":"",
					param != "" ? "]":"") ;
			public static string GetParametersString(ParameterInfo[] parameters)
				string result = "" ;
				foreach(ParameterInfo parameter in parameters)
					result += string.Format("{0}{1} {2}, ", parameter.IsOut?"out ":"", parameter.ParameterType, parameter.Name) ;
				return (result.Substring(Math.Max(0, result.Length - 2)) == ", ")? result.Substring(0,result.Length - 2): result ;
		public class MethodDocumenter : MemberDocumenter
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				MethodInfo methodNode = (MethodInfo)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("method") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "signature", GetMethodString(methodNode))) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "name", methodNode.Name)) ;
				return result ;
			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				string result = base.GetChildKey(child) ;
				if (result == null)
					return "Parameter" ;
				return result ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				MethodBase method = local as MethodBase ;
				ArrayList result = new ArrayList(method.GetParameters()) ;
				foreach(object child in base.Children(local))
					result.Add(child) ;
				return result ;
		public class CtorDocumenter : MemberDocumenter
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				ConstructorInfo ctorNode = (ConstructorInfo)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("ctor") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "signature", 
					GetCtorString(ctorNode))) ;
				return result ;
			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				string result = base.GetChildKey(child) ;
				if (result == null)
					return "Parameter" ;
				return result ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				MethodBase method = local as MethodBase ;
				ArrayList result = new ArrayList(method.GetParameters()) ;
				foreach(object child in base.Children(local))
					result.Add(child) ;
				return result ;
		public class ParameterDocumenter : Documenter
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				ParameterInfo parameter = (ParameterInfo)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("parameter") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "name", parameter.Name)) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "type", parameter.ParameterType.Name)) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "IsOut", parameter.IsOut.ToString())) ;
				return result ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				return new object[0] ;
			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				return "" ;
		public class PropertyDocumenter : MemberDocumenter
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				PropertyInfo propertyNode = (PropertyInfo)local ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("property") ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "signature", 
					GetPropertyString(propertyNode))) ;
				return result ;
			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				MethodInfo access = child as MethodInfo ;
				if (access != null)
					return access.Name.Substring(0, access.Name.IndexOf("_")) ;
				return base.GetChildKey(child) ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				ArrayList children = (ArrayList)base.Children(local) ;
				PropertyInfo property = (PropertyInfo)local ;
				if (property.GetSetMethod() != null)
					children.Add(property.GetSetMethod()) ;
				if (property.GetGetMethod() != null)
					children.Add(property.GetGetMethod()) ;
				return children ;
		public class PropertyAccessDocumenter : MemberDocumenter
			string accessName ;
			public PropertyAccessDocumenter(string accessName)
				this.accessName = accessName ;
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local) 
				return document.CreateElement(accessName) ;

		public class AssertionDocumenter : Documenter
			string name ;
			public AssertionDocumenter(string name)
			{ = name ;
			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				AssertionANDGroup andGroup = child as AssertionANDGroup ;
				if (andGroup != null)
					return "And" ;
				AssertionORGroup orGroup = child as AssertionORGroup ;
				if (orGroup != null)
					return "Or" ;
				return "Single" ;
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				Assertion assertion = (Assertion)local ;
				if (!assertion.Check())
					XmlElement te = document.CreateElement("error") ;
					te.InnerText = assertion.Label + ":" + assertion.CompilingMessage ;
					return te ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement(name) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "code", assertion.BoolExpression)) ;
				result.AppendChild(GetXmlCode(document, assertion.BoolExpression)) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "label", assertion.Label)) ;
				result.Attributes.Append(Documenter.CreateAttribute(document, "exception", 
					assertion.AssertionViolation == null?"Defaul" : assertion.AssertionViolation.FullName)) ;
				return result ;				
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				AssertionGroup group = local as AssertionGroup ;
				if (group != null)
					return group ;
				return new object[0] ;

			public XmlElement GetXmlCode(XmlDocument document, string code)
				string[] names = {"key", "identifier", "const", "", "operator"} ;
				XmlElement result = document.CreateElement("code") ;
				foreach(IToken token in ChacalAssertionManager.ChacalTokenizer.Tokenize(code))
					XmlElement codeNode = document.CreateElement("codenode") ;
					codeNode.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "style", names[(token.Type % 10) / 2])) ;
					codeNode.Attributes.Append(CreateAttribute(document, "value", token.Value)) ;
					result.AppendChild(codeNode) ;
				return result ;
		public class ErrorDocumenter : Documenter
			string label ;
			public ErrorDocumenter() : this("error")
			public ErrorDocumenter(string label)
				this.label = label ;
			override public string GetChildKey(object child)
				return null ;
			override public XmlElement GetLocalNode(XmlDocument document, object local)
				XmlElement node = document.CreateElement(label) ;
				node.InnerText = (local is Exception) ? ((Exception)local).Message : local.ToString() ;
				return node ;
			override public IEnumerable Children(object local)
				return new object[0] ;

		public interface IPercentIndicatorListener
			event PercentIndicator PercentIndicatorListener ;

		public delegate void PercentIndicator(int current, int total) ;

		public class PercentEnumerator : IEnumerator, IPercentIndicatorListener
			object[] array ;
			int index = -1 ;
			IEnumerator enumerator ;
			public event PercentIndicator PercentIndicatorListener ;
			public PercentEnumerator(object[] array)
				this.array = array ;
				this.index = 0 ;
				this.enumerator = array.GetEnumerator() ;
			public object Current
					return enumerator.Current ;
			public bool MoveNext()
				bool result = enumerator.MoveNext() ;
				if (result)
					index ++ ;
					if (PercentIndicatorListener != null)
						PercentIndicatorListener(index,array.Length) ;
				return result ;
			public void Reset()
				enumerator.Reset() ;
				index = -1 ;
		public class PercentEnumerable : IEnumerable, IPercentIndicatorListener
			object[] array ;
			public PercentEnumerable(object[] array)
				this.array = array ;
			public event PercentIndicator PercentIndicatorListener ;
			public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
				PercentEnumerator pe = new PercentEnumerator(array) ;
				pe.PercentIndicatorListener += this.PercentIndicatorListener ;
				return pe ;

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Written By
Architect SunHotels
Spain Spain
I Received a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at the Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty, University of Havana, Cuba.

I mainly work in web applications using C# and some Javascript. Some very few times do some Java.

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