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Create a Universal Document Template which supports Dynamic Frame Window Layout

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Introduce a programming technology to design a very complex, rich document type.
// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
// Used by TangramAppServer.rc
#define IDP_IMAGE_IS_REQUIRED           1
#define IDP_TEXT_IS_REQUIRED            2
#define IDP_CANNT_CREATE_IMAGE          3
#define IDP_CANT_PASTE_BITMAP           5
#define IDR_AXDOCCTYPE_CNTR_IP          6
#define IDS_WRONG_IMAGE_SIZE            7
#define IDS_MENU_BAR_TITLE              8
#define IDS_NO_MENUBAR                  9
#define IDP_INTERLAL_ERROR              10
#define IDP_UNASSIGNED                  11
#define IDP_CANT_COPY_BITMAP            12
#define IDS_HIDE_BAR                    13
#define IDS_EXPAND_BAR                  14
#define IDS_CONTRACT_BAR                15
#define IDP_LOAD_ERROR                  16
#define IDP_CANT_INSERT_BITMAP          17
#define IDP_INVALID_BITMAP              18
#define IDS_INVALID_FILEDATA            19
#define IDS_FILE_ERORR                  20
#define IDS_PROJNAME                    80
#define IDC_NODROP                      90
#define IDB_TANGRAMTOOLBAR              91
//#define IDD_ABOUTBOX                    92
#define IDP_OLE_INIT_FAILED             93
#define IDD_FORMVIEW                    94
#define IDR_TANGRAM                     95
#define IDB_CUTEBAR                     96
//#define IDR_APPLICATION                 97
#define IDB_DOCUMENT                    98
#define IDS_TITLEBarPropPage            99
#define IDR_DOCUMENT                    100
#define IDC_POINTER                     101
#define IDR_ACTIVEFRAME                 102
#define IDS_HELPFILEBarPropPage         103
#define IDR_DOCUMENTS                   104
#define IDC_POINTER_COPY                105
#define IDB_BOARD                       106
#define IDS_DOCSTRINGBarPropPage        107
#define IDR_TangramWindow               108
#define IDR_BARPROPPAGE                 109
#define IDR_TANGRAMTOOLBAR              110
#define IDD_BARPROPPAGE                 111
#define IDD_NEWITEM_DLG                 112
#define IDD_IMAGE_EDITOR                113
#define IDD_COMBOPROP_DLG               114
#define IDD_EDITPROP_DLG                115
#define IDD_ITEMPROP_DLG                116
#define IDD_LABELPROP_DLG               117
#define IDS_PROPSHT_CAPTION             118
#define IDD_PROPPAGESplitter            119
#define IDD_PROPPAGETabWnd              120
#define IDD_PROPPAGECOMWnd              121
#define IDD_PROPPAGEDocObj              122
#define IDD_PROPPAGEToolBar             123
#define IDB_SPLASH                      124
#define IDB_DOCUMENTCTRLEX              125
#define IDR_DOCUMENTCTRLEX              126
#define IDR_POPUP_CHILD_FRAME           127
#define IDR_MAINFRAME                   128
#define IDD_NEWDOCTYPE                  128
#define IDR_AXDOCCTYPE                  129
#define IDD_INSERTOBJ                   130
#define IDD_SubDocDIALOG                136
#define IDC_RECT                        140
#define IDC_ELLIPSE                     141
#define IDC_FILL                        142
#define IDC_LINE                        143
#define IDC_PEN                         144
#define IDC_COLOR                       145
#define IDC_MOVE                        146
#define IDB_BACK_BLUE                   157
#define IDB_BACK_STONE                  158
#define IDB_BACK_GREYMARBLE             160
#define IDB_BACK_GREENMARBLE            161
#define IDB_BACK_PINKMARBLE             162
#define IDR_HTML                        201
#define IDC_TREE1                       202
#define IDB_MENUBAR                     204
#define IDC_DELETE                      208
#define IDB_TOOLBAR                     209
#define IDR_PALETTE                     210
#define IDC_SPIN1                       211
//#define IDC_EDIT1                       212
#define IDC_STATIC_BSIZE                213
#define IDR_MENU_POPUP                  215
#define IDC_SPIN2                       216
#define IDR_TGRAMSUBDOCTYPE             216
#define IDR_TGRAMAPPDOCTYPE             216
#define IDB_BMP_BUTTON                  217
#define IDC_NEW                         218
#define IDB_BMP_SEP                     219
#define IDC_STATIC_ISIZE                220
#define IDB_BMP_DROPD                   221
#define IDC_SPIN3                       222
#define IDB_BMP_COMBO                   223
#define IDC_RADIO_UNPRESSED             224
#define IDC_SPIN4                       225
#define IDB_BMP_EDIT                    226
#define IDC_RADIO_DCK_RIGHT             227
#define IDB_BMP_LABEL                   228
#define IDC_RADIO_BAR_STYLE_FLAT        229
#define IDC_RADIO_DCK_TOP               230
#define IDC_RADIO_BAR_STYLE_3D          231
#define IDB_BMP_MENUITEM                232
#define IDC_RADIO_DCK_BOTTOM            233
#define IDC_STATIC_NAME                 235
#define IDC_STATIC_ID                   236
#define IDC_EDIT_NAME                   237
#define IDC_CHECK_VISIBLE               238
#define IDC_EDIT_IWIDTH                 239
#define IDC_RADIO_DCK_LEFT              240
#define IDC_RADIO_DCK_ANY               241
#define IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT                 242
#define IDC_RADIO_DCKS_FLOAT            243
#define IDC_EDIT_PICTURE                244
#define IDC_CHECK_EDIT_RO               246
#define IDC_EDIT_TOOLTIP                247
#define IDC_EDIT_ED_TEXT                248
#define IDC_STATIC_TOOLTIP              249
#define IDC_STATIC_ED_TXT               250
#define IDC_STATIC_ACCEL                251
#define IDC_EDIT_ED_PSWD                253
#define IDC_STATIC_WIDTH_ED             255
#define IDC_EDIT_ID                     256
#define IDC_BTN_PICTURE                 257
#define IDC_STATIC_BHEIGHT              258
#define IDC_STATIC_ED_PSWD              259
#define IDC_BTN_PICTUREHOT              260
#define IDC_EDIT_COMBO_TEXT             261
#define IDC_STATIC_COMBO_TXT            262
#define IDC_BTN_PICTUREDSBL             263
#define IDC_CHECK_BTN_GROUP             264
#define IDC_STATIC_WIDTH_ED3            266
#define IDC_EDIT_BHEIGHT                267
#define IDC_STATIC_BWIDTH               268
#define IDC_STATIC_WIDTH_ED4            269
#define IDC_EDIT_BWIDTH                 270
#define IDC_STATIC_IHEIGHT              271
#define IDC_EDIT_IHEIGHT                272
#define IDC_STATIC_IWIDTH               273
#define IDC_EDIT_WIDTH                  274
#define IDC_RADIO_DCK_LOCKED            275
#define IDC_RADIO_DCKS_LEFT             276
#define IDC_RADIO_GRIPSINGLE            277
#define IDC_RADIO_GRIPNONE              278
#define IDC_STATIC_DSTATE               279
#define IDC_RADIO_DCKS_RIGHT            280
#define IDC_RADIO_DCKS_TOP              281
#define IDC_RADIO_DCKS_BOTTOM           282
#define IDC_CHECK_COMBO_RO              283
#define IDC_COMBO_BSTYLE                284
#define IDC_CHECK_ENABLED               285
#define IDC_RADIO_BSTYLE_DEF            286
#define IDC_RADIO_BSTYLE_TEXT           288
#define IDC_HOTKEY_ACCEL                289
#define IDC_RADIO_BSTYLE_IMAGE          290
#define IDC_RADIO_BSTYLE_IMGTEXT        291
#define IDC_IMAGE_PREVIEW               293
#define IDC_STATIC_GRIP                 294
#define IDC_STATIC_GRIP2                295
#define IDC_STATIC_ITEMSTYLE            296
#define IDC_STATIC_DOCK                 297
#define IDC_IMAGE_PREVIEWHOT            298
#define IDC_CHECK_COMBO_SORT            299
#define IDC_IMAGE_PREVIEWDSBL           300
#define IDC_BUTTON_HFILE                301
#define IDC_CHECK_BAR_USEILIST          303
#define IDC_BUTTON_SAVE                 304
#define IDC_BUTTON_LOAD                 305
#define IDD_BARPROP_DLG                 321
#define IDC_BTN_HKEY_SET                401
#define IDC_COMBO_TYPE                  402
#define IDC_EDIT_CAPTION                404
#define IDC_COMBO_BAR_CURSORS           408
#define IDC_COMBO_ALIGN                 409
#define IDC_STATIC_ALIGN                410
#define IDM_INS_BTN                     501
#define IDM_INS_BTNTGL                  502
#define IDM_INS_BTNDD                   503
#define IDM_INS_BTNDDTGL                504
#define IDM_INS_BTNCB                   505
#define IDM_INS_BTNED                   506
#define IDM_INS_BTNLB                   507
#define IDM_INS_BTNSP                   508
#define IDM_INS_BTNMN                   509
#define IDC_LIST_COMBO_LIST             600
#define IDC_BUTTON_COMBO_ADD            602
#define IDC_BUTTON_COMBO_DEL            603
#define IDC_BUTTON_COMBO_INS            607
#define IDC_CHECK_EDIT_BORDER           608
#define IDI_ICON                        618
#define IDI_LICON                       619
#define IDC_RADIO_COMBO_STYLE_STD       726
#define IDC_RADIO_PRESSED               728
#define IDB_BMP_TOGGLEBUTTON            733
#define IDB_BMP_COMBO1                  734
#define IDC_EDIT_TOP                    744
#define IDC_EDIT_LEFT                   745
#define IDC_STATIC_WIDTH_ED2            763
#define IDC_ROW                         1000
#define IDC_COL                         1001
#define IDC_LISTBOX                     1001
#define IDC_ReplaceView                 1002
#define IDC_TYPECLSID                   1002
#define IDC_ADD                         1003
#define IDC_EDITCLSID                   1004
#define IDC_CREATEBOARD                 1006
#define IDC_ADDTAB                      1007
#define IDC_DeleteActiveTab             1008
#define IDC_DeleteSplitter              1009
#define IDC_DeleteTabWnd                1010
#define IDC_DRAW_AREA                   1013
#define IDC_COLORS                      1016
#define IDC_InsertSplitter              1018
#define IDC_InsertTabWnd                1019
#define IDC_PREVIEW_AREA                1019
#define IDC_InsertTab                   1020
#define IDC_DeleteSplitterWnd           1021
#define IDC_DeleteActiveTabWnd          1022
#define IDC_DeleteActiveTabPage         1023
#define IDC_CreateOleWnd                1024
#define IDC_strTitle                    1025
#define IDC_ImageIndex                  1026
#define IDC_CHECKDocking                1027
#define IDC_ToolBarTREE                 1028
#define IDC_PRJITEM                     1029
#define IDC_PRJCLASS                    1030
#define IDC_DOCTITLE                    1030
#define IDC_OBJLIST                     1031
#define IDC_OBJTREE                     1032
#define IDC_PALETTE                     1033
#define IDC_OBJNAME                     1033
#define IDC_SubDocName                  1034
#define IDC_DOCPROPERTY                 1036
#define IDC_TABPROPERTY                 1037
#define ID_CANCEL_EDIT_CNTR             32768
#define IDM_INSERTITEM                  32769
#define IDM_DELETE                      32770
#define IDM_NEW                         32771
#define IDM_CreateToolBar               32772
#define ID_Test                         32773
#define ID_TOOL_FILL                    32774
#define IDM_NEW_SUBDOC                  32774
#define ID_VBA_PROPERTIES               32775
#define ID_TOOL_PEN                     32775
#define IDM_NEW_EX_1                    32775
#define ID_TOOL_PICK                    32776
#define ID_TOOL_LINE                    32777
#define ID_VBA_IDE                      32778
#define ID_TOOL_RECT                    32778
#define ID_VBA_VIEW_CODE                32779
#define ID_TOOL_ELLIPSE                 32779
#define ID_TOOL_COPY                    32780
#define ID_TOOL_PASTE                   32781
#define ID_TOOL_CLEAR                   32782
#define ID_TOOL_OPEN                    32783
#define ID_VBA_MODE                     32790

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        137
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32776
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1038
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           130

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Web Developer
China China
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