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Include File Hierarchy Viewer

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29 Jul 2003CPOL8 min read 386.5K   4.5K   151  
A tool to view the include file hierarchy of your source code.
// Although great care has gone into developing this software,
// it is provided without any guarantee of reliability, accuracy
// of information, or correctness of operation.  I am not responsible
// for any damages that may occur as a result of using this software.
// Use this software entirely at your own risk.
// Copyright 2003, Chris Richardson
// Description: Directory search options page.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "incfinder.h"
#include "DirectorySearchPage.h"

#include "Settings.h"

#include "FileIterator.h"
#include "Parser.h"

#include "DSObjects.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CDirectoryFileIterator Implementation.

class CDirectoryFileIterator : public CFileIterator
   virtual ~CDirectoryFileIterator();

   void                 ParseOptions( const TCHAR * p_pszDirectories,
                                      const TCHAR * p_pszFileMasks,
                                      const TCHAR * p_pszIncludeDirs,
                                      BOOL          p_bRecurseSubDirectories );

   virtual void         Prepare( HANDLE p_hEvent,
                                 CParser * p_poParser );
   virtual bool         GetNextFile( CTCharString & p_rsFile );

   CStdStringArray      c_oSearchDirectories;
   CStdStringArray      c_oFileMasks;
   CDSParsedSettings    c_oSettings;
   BOOL                 c_bRecurseSubDirectories;
   int                  c_iCurrentDirectory;
   int                  c_iCurrentMask;
   bool                 c_bFoundLastFile;

   CStdStringArray      c_oFullDirectoryList;
   CFileFind            c_oFileFind;

   void                 GetDirectoryList( const TCHAR * p_pszDir, CStdStringArray & p_roDirs );

CDirectoryFileIterator::CDirectoryFileIterator() :
   c_bRecurseSubDirectories( FALSE ),
   c_iCurrentDirectory( -1 ),
   c_iCurrentMask( 0 ),
   c_bFoundLastFile( true )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectoryFileIterator::ParseOptions( const TCHAR * p_pszDirectories,
                                           const TCHAR * p_pszFileMasks,
                                           const TCHAR * p_pszIncludeDirs,
                                           BOOL          p_bRecurseSubDirectories )
   c_bRecurseSubDirectories = p_bRecurseSubDirectories;

   c_iCurrentDirectory = -1;
   c_iCurrentMask = 0;
   c_bFoundLastFile = false;


   // Parse the directories into a list.
   ParseSeparatedList( p_pszDirectories, _T(";"), c_oSearchDirectories );

   // Parse file masks into a list..
   ParseSeparatedList( p_pszFileMasks, _T(";"), c_oFileMasks );
   // Parse include dirs into a temporary list.
   CStdStringArray a_oTempIncludeDirs;
   ParseSeparatedList( p_pszIncludeDirs, _T(";"), a_oTempIncludeDirs );
   CStdStringArray & a_roIncludeDirs = c_oSettings.GetIncludes();
   // Expand include directory environment strings.
   for( int dir = 0; dir<a_oTempIncludeDirs.size(); ++dir )
      CTCharString a_sTemp = a_oTempIncludeDirs[dir];
      if( a_sTemp[0] == _T('%') )
         // Remove the '%'.
         a_sTemp.erase( a_sTemp.begin() );
         // Get the number of chars required to store the environment variable.
         DWORD a_dwChars = GetEnvironmentVariable( a_sTemp.c_str(), NULL, 0 );
         if( a_dwChars != 0 )
            // Lookup the environment variable.
            TCHAR * a_pszTemp = new TCHAR[a_dwChars + 1];
            memset( a_pszTemp, 0, sizeof( TCHAR ) * (a_dwChars + 1) );
            GetEnvironmentVariable( a_sTemp.c_str(), a_pszTemp, a_dwChars );
            // Parse the environment variable into an array of strings.
            CStdStringArray a_oExpandedDirectories;
            ParseSeparatedList( a_pszTemp, _T(";"), a_oExpandedDirectories );
            // Insert the directories of the environment variable into the include directory list.
            a_roIncludeDirs.insert( a_roIncludeDirs.end(), a_oExpandedDirectories.begin(), a_oExpandedDirectories.end() );

            delete [] a_pszTemp;
         // It's not an environment string, just insert it as a regular path.
         a_roIncludeDirs.push_back( a_sTemp );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectoryFileIterator::GetDirectoryList( const TCHAR * p_pszDir, CStdStringArray & p_roDirs )
   TCHAR a_szDirectory[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
   _tcscpy( a_szDirectory, p_pszDir );
   int a_iLen = _tcslen( a_szDirectory );
   if( a_szDirectory[a_iLen] != _T('\\') && a_szDirectory[a_iLen] != _T('/') )
      _tcscat( a_szDirectory, _T("\\") );
   // This doesn't quite get the job done.  It doesn't find directories with dashes or dots in their name.
   // How to fix without having to iterate all the files in each directory as well?
   //_tcscat( a_szDirectory, _T("*..") );
   _tcscat( a_szDirectory, _T("*.*") );
   // Find all the subdirectories of p_pszDir.
   CStdStringArray a_oDirectories;
   CFileFind a_oFileFind;
   BOOL a_bStop = FALSE;
   if( a_oFileFind.FindFile( a_szDirectory ) )
      while( 1 )
         unsigned long a_ulResult = WaitForSingleObject( c_hStopEvent, 0 );
         if( a_ulResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT )
            a_bStop = TRUE;
         BOOL a_bBreak = !a_oFileFind.FindNextFile();
         //TRACE( _T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR)a_oFileFind.GetFilePath() );
         if( a_oFileFind.IsDirectory() && !a_oFileFind.IsDots() )
            a_oDirectories.push_back( (LPCTSTR)a_oFileFind.GetFilePath() );

         if( a_bBreak )
   if( a_bStop )

   p_roDirs.insert( p_roDirs.end(), a_oDirectories.begin(), a_oDirectories.end() );

   for( int i = 0; i<a_oDirectories.size(); ++i )
      // Recursively find more subdirectories.
      GetDirectoryList( a_oDirectories[i].c_str(), p_roDirs );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectoryFileIterator::Prepare( HANDLE p_hEvent,
                                      CParser * p_poParser )
   CFileIterator::Prepare( p_hEvent, p_poParser );


   c_oFullDirectoryList.insert( c_oFullDirectoryList.end(), c_oSearchDirectories.begin(), c_oSearchDirectories.end() );

   if( c_bRecurseSubDirectories )
      for( int dir = 0; dir<c_oSearchDirectories.size(); ++dir )
         // Build a list of all the sub-directories.
         GetDirectoryList( c_oSearchDirectories[dir].c_str(), c_oFullDirectoryList );

         unsigned long a_ulResult = WaitForSingleObject( c_hStopEvent, 1 );
         if( a_ulResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CDirectoryFileIterator::GetNextFile( CTCharString & p_rsFile )
   bool a_bStartFind = false;
   if( c_iCurrentDirectory == -1 )
      a_bStartFind = TRUE;
      c_iCurrentDirectory = 0;
      c_bFoundLastFile = false;

   while( 1 )
      if( !a_bStartFind && !c_bFoundLastFile )
         BOOL a_bResult = c_oFileFind.FindNextFile();
         if( !a_bResult )
            if( c_iCurrentMask >= c_oFileMasks.size() )
               c_iCurrentMask = 0;
            a_bStartFind = TRUE;
            c_bFoundLastFile = true;
         p_rsFile = c_oFileFind.GetFilePath();
         c_poParser->SetSettings( c_oSettings );
         return true;

      if( c_iCurrentDirectory >= c_oFullDirectoryList.size() )
         return false;
      TCHAR a_szDirectory[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
      _tcscpy( a_szDirectory, c_oFullDirectoryList[c_iCurrentDirectory].c_str() );
      int a_iLen = _tcslen( a_szDirectory );
      if( a_szDirectory[a_iLen] != _T('\\') && a_szDirectory[a_iLen] != _T('/') )
         _tcscat( a_szDirectory, _T("\\") );
      CTCharString a_sMask = c_oFileMasks[c_iCurrentMask];
      // Build a file spec of the current directory plus the current file mask.
      TCHAR a_szFullSpec[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
      _stprintf( a_szFullSpec, _T("%s%s"), a_szDirectory, a_sMask.c_str() );
      if( c_oFileFind.FindFile( a_szFullSpec ) )
         a_bStartFind = false;
         c_bFoundLastFile = false;
         if( c_iCurrentMask == c_oFileMasks.size() )
            c_iCurrentMask = 0;

   return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// CDirectorySearchPage Implementation.

IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CDirectorySearchPage, CSearchPropertyPage)

CDirectorySearchPage::CDirectorySearchPage() : CSearchPropertyPage(CDirectorySearchPage::IDD)
		// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
   c_poIterator = new CDirectoryFileIterator;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
   if( c_poIterator )
      delete c_poIterator;
      c_poIterator = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectorySearchPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SUB_DIRECTORIES, c_oSubDirectories);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_INCLUDE_DIRS, c_oIncludeDirs);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BROWSE_DIRECTORY, c_oBrowseDirectory);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_FILE_MASK, c_oFileMask);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SEARCH_DIRECTORY, c_oSearchDirectory);

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDirectorySearchPage, CSearchPropertyPage)

// CDirectorySearchPage non-message handlers

CFileIterator * CDirectorySearchPage::PrepareToStart()
   CString a_sSearchPath;
   HandleComboBox( &c_oSearchDirectory, a_sSearchPath );

   CString a_sFileMask;
   HandleComboBox( &c_oFileMask, a_sFileMask );
   CString a_sIncludeDirs;
   c_oIncludeDirs.GetWindowText( a_sIncludeDirs );

   c_poIterator->ParseOptions( a_sSearchPath,
                               (c_oSubDirectories.GetCheck() == 1) );
   return c_poIterator;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectorySearchPage::SearchStopped()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// CDirectorySearchPage message handlers

BOOL CDirectorySearchPage::OnInitDialog() 
   CSettings & a_roSettings = CSettings::GetSettings();
   // Load the previous directories and masks from the settings.
   int i = 0;
   for( i = 0; i<a_roSettings.c_oDirectories.size(); ++i )
      c_oSearchDirectory.AddString( a_roSettings.c_oDirectories[i].c_str() );
   c_oSearchDirectory.SetCurSel( 0 );

   for( i = 0; i<a_roSettings.c_oFileMasks.size(); ++i )
      c_oFileMask.AddString( a_roSettings.c_oFileMasks[i].c_str() );
   c_oFileMask.SetCurSel( 0 );

   c_oIncludeDirs.SetWindowText( a_roSettings.c_sIncludeDirs.c_str() );

   c_oSubDirectories.SetCheck( a_roSettings.c_bRecurse != 0 );
	return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
	              // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectorySearchPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
	CSearchPropertyPage::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
	if( !IsWindow( c_oSearchDirectory ) )
      // Our controls haven't been subclassed yet.

   // Resize our controls.
   int a_iBigBorder = 0;
   CRect a_oRect;

   c_oSearchDirectory.GetWindowRect( &a_oRect );
   ScreenToClient( &a_oRect );
   a_iBigBorder =;

   c_oBrowseDirectory.GetWindowRect( &a_oRect );
   ScreenToClient( &a_oRect );
   c_oBrowseDirectory.MoveWindow( cx - a_oRect.Width() - a_iBigBorder,
                                  a_oRect.Height() );
   c_oBrowseDirectory.GetWindowRect( &a_oRect );
   ScreenToClient( &a_oRect );
   int a_iComboRightEdge = a_oRect.left;

   c_oSearchDirectory.GetWindowRect( &a_oRect );
   ScreenToClient( &a_oRect );
   c_oSearchDirectory.MoveWindow( a_oRect.left,
                                  a_iComboRightEdge - a_oRect.left,
                                  a_oRect.Height() );
   c_oFileMask.GetWindowRect( &a_oRect );
   ScreenToClient( &a_oRect );
   c_oFileMask.MoveWindow( a_oRect.left,
                           a_iComboRightEdge - a_oRect.left,
                           a_oRect.Height() );

   c_oIncludeDirs.GetWindowRect( &a_oRect );
   ScreenToClient( &a_oRect );
   c_oIncludeDirs.MoveWindow( a_oRect.left,
                              a_iComboRightEdge - a_oRect.left,
                              a_oRect.Height() );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectorySearchPage::OnDestroy() 
   // Save the directories and masks to the settings.
   CSettings & a_roSettings = CSettings::GetSettings();

   int i = 0;
   for( i = 0; i<c_oSearchDirectory.GetCount(); ++i )
      CString a_sTemp;
      c_oSearchDirectory.GetLBText( i, a_sTemp );
      a_roSettings.c_oDirectories.push_back( (LPCTSTR)a_sTemp );

   for( i = 0; i<c_oFileMask.GetCount(); ++i )
      CString a_sTemp;
      c_oFileMask.GetLBText( i, a_sTemp );
      a_roSettings.c_oFileMasks.push_back( (LPCTSTR)a_sTemp );
   CString a_sTemp;
   c_oIncludeDirs.GetWindowText( a_sTemp );
   a_roSettings.c_sIncludeDirs = a_sTemp;

   a_roSettings.c_bRecurse = c_oSubDirectories.GetCheck() != 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDirectorySearchPage::OnBrowseDirectory() 
   // Let the user browse for a folder.
	TCHAR a_szDisplayName[MAX_PATH] = {0};
	BROWSEINFO a_stBrowseInfo;
	memset( &a_stBrowseInfo, 0, sizeof( a_stBrowseInfo ) );
	a_stBrowseInfo.hwndOwner = NULL;
	a_stBrowseInfo.pszDisplayName = a_szDisplayName;
   a_stBrowseInfo.lpszTitle = a_sTitle;
	a_stBrowseInfo.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS;
	LPITEMIDLIST a_poItemIDList = SHBrowseForFolder( &a_stBrowseInfo );
	if( a_poItemIDList )
		IMalloc * a_poMalloc = NULL;
		SHGetMalloc( &a_poMalloc );
		TCHAR a_szPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
		SHGetPathFromIDList( a_poItemIDList, a_szPath );

      c_oSearchDirectory.SetWindowText( a_szPath );

      a_poMalloc->Free( a_poItemIDList );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

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Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
I like to program, I like to sail.

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