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Multiple Language Syntax Highlighting, Part 1: JScript

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12 Mar 200312 min read 284K   6.1K   170  
Makes automaticaly highlighting source code in web page a reality (for C,C++,JScript, VBScript, XML)
/// <summary>HTML Syntax highlighting methods in JavaScript.</summary>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>

/// <summary>Handles exceptions</summary>
/// <param name="exception">a catched exception</param>
/// <code>
///	try
///	{	
///		// returns false if failed
///		if (!doSomething())
///			throw "Could not do anything";
///	}
///	catch (exception)
///	{	
///		handleException(exception);
///	}
/// </code>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function handleException( exception )
	if (typeof(exception) == "string")
		alert("Error: "+ exception);
	else if (exception.description == null )
		alert("Error: "+ exception.message );
		alert("Error: "+ exception.description );
//	Response.Write("<b>Error in script: " + exception + "</b></br>");

/// <summary>Loads an xml file</summary>
/// <param name="sFileName">XML file name</param>
/// <returns>a DOMDocument object ( i.e. a ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") ) </returns>
/// <exception>If file not loaded successfully</exception>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function loadXML( sFileName)
	var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");

		// try loading xml file, throw exception if failed
		if (!xmlDoc.load( sFileName ))
			throw "Could not load xml file " + sFileName;
	catch (exception)
	return xmlDoc;

/// <summary>adds a CDATA child elem</summary>
/// <param name="node">node to append child</param>
/// <param name="nodeName">new child node name</param>
/// <param name="cdata">CDATA value</param>
/// <exception>If could not create child node</exception>
/// <exception>If could not create CDATA node</exception>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function addChildCDATAElem( node, nodeName, cdata )
	var newNode = node.ownerDocument.createElement( nodeName);
	if (newNode == null)
		throw "Could not append node to " + node.nodeName;		
	node.appendChild( newNode );
	var newCDATANode = node.ownerDocument.createCDATASection( cdata );
	if (newCDATANode == null)
		throw "Could not append CDATA node to " + newNode.nodeName;
	newNode.appendChild( newCDATANode );

/// <summary>adds a text child elem</summary>
/// <param name="node">node to append child</param>
/// <param name="nodeName">new child node name</param>
/// <param name="text">text value</param>
/// <exception>If could not create child node</exception>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function addChildElem( node, nodeName, text )
	var newNode = node.ownerDocument.createElement( nodeName);
	if (newNode == null)
		throw "Could not append node to " + node.nodeName;		
	newNode.text = text;
	node.appendChild( newNode );

/// <summary>Adds \ to regular expression character</summary>
/// <param name="char0">character to transform</param>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function stringToRegExp( char0 )
	var regExp = /(\-|\+|\*|\?|\(|\)|\[|\]|\\|\$|\^|\!)/g; 

	return char0.replace(regExp, "\\$1");

/// <summary>Builds keywords family regular expressions</summary>
/// <param name="languageNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> language node</para>
/// <remarks>This method create regular expression that match a whole keyword family and 
///	add it as a parameter "regexp" to the keywordlist node.</remarks>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function buildKeywordRegExp( languageNode )
	var keywordListList,keywordListNode;
	var sRegExp,preNode, postNode;
	var kwList, kwNode,rootNode;
	rootNode = languageNode.selectSingleNode("/*");

	// iterating keywords	
	keywordListList = rootNode.selectNodes("keywordlists/keywordlist");
	for ( keywordListNode = keywordListList.nextNode(); keywordListNode != null; keywordListNode= keywordListList.nextNode() )
		// adding pre...
		preNode = keywordListNode.attributes.getNamedItem("pre");
		if (preNode != null)
		// build regular expression...
		kwList = keywordListNode.selectNodes("kw");
		// iterate kw elements
		for (kwNode = kwList.nextNode() ; kwNode != null; kwNode = kwList.nextNode() )
			sRegExp=sRegExp +  stringToRegExp( kwNode.nodeTypedValue ) + "|"; 
		// close string
		if (sRegExp.length > 1)

		// adding pre...
		postNode = keywordListNode.attributes.getNamedItem("post");
		if (postNode != null)
		// add to keywordListNode
		keywordListNode.setAttribute( "regexp", sRegExp );


/// <summary>Builds regular expression out of contextNode</summary>
/// <param name="languageNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> language node</para>
/// <param name="contextNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> context node</para>
/// <remarks>This method create regular expression that match all the context rules
/// add it as a parameter "regexp" to the context node.</remarks>
/// <exception>If keyword family not corresponding to keyword attribute.</exception>
/// <exception>Regular expression rule missing regexp argument</exception>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function buildRuleRegExp( languageNode, contextNode )
	var sRegExp, ruleNode, regExpExprNode, rootNode;
	var keywordListNode, keywordListNameNode, keywordListRegExpNode,xp;
	rootNode = languageNode.selectSingleNode("/*");

	var ruleList=contextNode.childNodes;
	// building regular expression	
	for (ruleNode=ruleList.nextNode(); ruleNode != null; ruleNode=ruleList.nextNode() )
		if (ruleNode.nodeName == "#comment")
		// apply rule...
		if (ruleNode.nodeName == "detect2chars")
			var char0=ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("char").nodeTypedValue;
			var char1=ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("char1").nodeTypedValue;
			sRegExp= sRegExp + stringToRegExp( char0 + char1 ) + "|";
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "detectchar")
			var char0=ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("char").nodeTypedValue;
			sRegExp=sRegExp + stringToRegExp( char0 ) + "|";
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "linecontinue")
			sRegExp=sRegExp + "\n|"
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "regexp" )
			regExpExprNode = ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("expression");
			if ( regExpExprNode == null )
				throw "Regular expression rule missing expression attribute";
			sRegExp=sRegExp + regExpExprNode.nodeTypedValue + "|";
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "keyword")
			// finding keywordlist
			keywordListNameNode = ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("family");
			if (keywordListNameNode == null)
				throw "Keyword rule missing family";
					+ keywordListNameNode.nodeTypedValue 
					+ "\"]";
			keywordListNode = rootNode.selectSingleNode(xp);
			if (keywordListNode == null)
				throw "Could not find keywordlist (xp: "+ xp + ")";
			keywordListRegExpNode = keywordListNode.attributes.getNamedItem("regexp");
			if (keywordListRegExpNode == null)
				throw "Could not find keywordlist regular expression";
			// adding regexp

	if (sRegExp.length > 1)
	return sRegExp;	

/// <summary>Precompiles regular expressions, search strings and prepares rules attribute</summary>
/// <param name="xmlDoc"><seealso DOMDocument/> highlight syntax document</param>
/// <param name="languageNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> context node</para>
/// <exception>If rule id not corresponding to a rule family</exception>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function buildRules( languageNode )
	var contextList, contextNode, sRegExp, rootNode;	
	var rulePropList, rulePropNode, rulePropNodeAttributes, ruleList, ruleNode;

	rootNode = languageNode.selectSingleNode("/*");
	// first building keyword regexp
	buildKeywordRegExp( languageNode );	
	contextList = languageNode.selectNodes("contexts/context");
	// create regular expressions for context
	for (contextNode = contextList.nextNode(); contextNode != null; contextNode = contextList.nextNode())
		sRegExp = buildRuleRegExp( languageNode, contextNode );
		// add attribute
		contextNode.setAttribute( "regexp", sRegExp );	

/// <summary>Prepares syntax xml file</summary>
/// <param name="sXMLSyntax">xml Syntax file name</param>
/// <returns><seealso cref"DOMDocument"> language description </returns>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function loadAndBuildSyntax( sXMLSyntax )
	var xmlDoc, xmlModDoc, languageNode, languageNodeList;
	var needBuildNode, bNeedBuild;
	// get highlight file	
	xmlDoc = loadXML( sXMLSyntax );

	// check if build needed...
	bNeedBuild = true;
	needBuildNode = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("/highlight").attributes.getNamedItem("needs-build");
	if (needBuildNode == null  || needBuildNode.nodeTypedValue=="yes")
		// iterate languages and prebuild
		languageNodeList = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("/highlight/languages/language");
		for(languageNode = languageNodeList.nextNode(); languageNode != null; languageNode = languageNodeList.nextNode())
			// build regular expressions
			buildRules( languageNode );	

		// updating...
	// save file if asked
	saveBuildNode = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("/highlight").attributes.getNamedItem("save-build");
	if (saveBuildNode != null && saveBuildNode.nodeTypedValue == "yes") sXMLSyntax );
	// closing file
	return xmlDoc;

/// <summary>Finds the rule that trigerred the match</summary>
/// <param name="languageNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> language node</para>
/// <param name="contextNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> context node</para>
/// <param name="sMatch"><see also cref="String/> that matched the context regular expression</param>
/// <remarks>If the <seealso RegExp/> finds a rule occurence, this method is used to find which rule has been trigerred.</remarks>
/// <exception>Triggers if sMatch does not match any rule of contextNode</exception>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function findRule( languageNode, contextNode, sMatch )
	var regExpNode, regExp, sRegExp, arr, familyNode,xp;
	var ruleNode, regExpExprNode,rootNode;
	var ruleList=contextNode.childNodes;

	// building regular expression	
	for (ruleNode=ruleList.nextNode(); ruleNode != null ; ruleNode = ruleList.nextNode() )
		if (ruleNode.nodeName == "#comment")
		if (ruleNode.nodeName == "detect2chars")
			var char0=ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("char").nodeTypedValue;
			var char1=ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("char1").nodeTypedValue;
			if ( sMatch == char0 + char1)			
				return ruleNode;
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "detectchar")
			var char0=ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("char").nodeTypedValue;
			if (char0 == sMatch)
				return ruleNode;
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "linecontinue")
			if ( "\n" == sMatch)
				return ruleNode;
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "regexp")
			if ( regExpExprNode == null )
				throw "Regular expression rule missing expression attribute";
			regExp = new RegExp( regExpExprNode.nodeTypedValue, "m" );
			arr = regExp.exec(sMatch);
			if ( arr != null )
				return ruleNode;
		else if (ruleNode.nodeName == "keyword")
			familyNode = ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("family");
			if ( familyNode == null)
				throw "Could not find family attribute for keyword";
					+ familyNode.nodeTypedValue 
					+ "\"]/@regexp";
			regExpNode = rootNode.selectSingleNode( xp );
			if ( regExpNode == null)
				throw "Could not find regular expression for keyword family "+ ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("attribute").nodeTypedValue + "(xp: "+xp+")";

			// estimate regular expression	
			sRegExp="(" + regExpNode.nodeTypedValue + ")";
			regExp = new RegExp( sRegExp, "m" );
			if ( arr != null )
				return ruleNode;
	return null;

/// <summary>Applies the context rules succesively to sString</summary>
/// <param name="languageNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> language node</para>
/// <param name="contextNode"><see also cref="XMLDOMNode"/> context node</para>
/// <param name"sString">String to parse and convert</param>
/// <param name="parsedCodeNode"><seealso cref="XMLDOMNode">mother node for dumping parsed code</param>
/// <remarks>This methods uses the pre-computed regular expressions of context rules, rule matching, etc...
/// the result is outputted in the xmlResult document, starting at parsedCodeNode node.
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function applyRules( languageNode, contextNode, sString, parsedCodeNode)
	var regExp, arr,sRegExp;
	var ruleNode,newNode, newCDATANode;

	// building regExp 
	var regExp = new RegExp( sRegExp, "m" );
	while (sString.length > 0)
		// apply
		arr = regExp.exec( sString );
		if (arr == null)
			addChildCDATAElem( parsedCodeNode,
							sString );
			// finished parsing
			return null;
			// adding text
							sString.substring(0, arr.index ) );
			// find rule...
			ruleNode = findRule( languageNode, contextNode, arr[0] );
			if (ruleNode == null)
				throw "Didn't matching rule, regular expression false ? ( context: " + contextNode.attributes.getNamedItem("id").nodeTypedValue;
			// check if rule nees to be added to result...
			if (attributeNode != null && attributeNode.nodeTypedValue!="hidden" )
								ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("attribute").nodeTypedValue ,
			// update context if necessary
			if ( contextNode.attributes.getNamedItem("id").nodeTypedValue != ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("context").nodeTypedValue )
				// return new context 
				var xpContext = "contexts/context[@id=\"" 
								+ ruleNode.attributes.getNamedItem("context").nodeTypedValue
								+ "\"]";
				contextNode = languageNode.selectSingleNode( xpContext);
				if (contextNode == null)
					throw "Didn't matching context, error in xml specification ?";
				// build new regular expression
				regExp = new RegExp( sRegExp, "m" );
			sString = sString.substring(arr.index+arr[0].length, sString.length);			
	regExp = null;

/// <summary>Create and populate an xml document with the corresponging language</summary>
/// <param name="xmlDoc"><seealso DOMDocument/> highlight syntax document</param>
/// <param name="sLang">language string description. For C++, use cpp.</param> 
/// <param name="sRootTag">Root tag (under parsed code) for the generated xml tree.</param> 
/// <param name="sCode">Code to parse</param>
/// <returns><seealso cref="DOMDocument"> document containing parsed node.</returns>
/// <remarks>This method builds an XML tree containing context node. Use an xsl file to render it.</remarks>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function buildHighlightTree( xmlDoc, sLang, sRootTag, sCode )
	var languageAttribute,languageNode,xp;
	var resultMainNode, parsedCodeNode;
	var sHighlightedCode, sDefault;

		// getting language
		xp="/highlight/languages/language[@id=\"" + sLang + "\"]";
		languageNode=xmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode( xp );
		if (languageNode == null)
			throw "Could not find " + sLang + "language (xpath: " + xp + ")";
		// getting context
		contextsNode=languageNode.selectSingleNode( "contexts" );
		if (contextsNode == null)
			throw "Could not find contexts node for " + sLang + "language";

		// getting default context	
		xp="context[@id=\"" +  sDefault + "\"]";
		contextNode=contextsNode.selectSingleNode( xp );
		if (contextNode == null)
			throw "Could not find default context for " + sLang + "language (xpath: " + xp + ")";
		// create result xml
		xmlResult = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");

		// creating main node
		resultMainNode=xmlResult.createElement( "parsedcode" );
		if (resultMainNode == null)
			throw "Could not create main node parsedcode";
		// creating language node
		parsedCodeNode=xmlResult.createElement( sRootTag );
		if (parsedCodeNode == null)
			throw "Could not create node " + sRootTag;

		// parse and populate xmlResult
		applyRules( languageNode, contextNode, sCode, parsedCodeNode);

		return xmlResult;
		handleException (exception);
		xslDoc = null;
		return null;

/// <summary>Apply syntax matching to sCode with the corresponding language sLang</summay>
/// <param name="sLang">language string description. For C++, use cpp.</param> 
/// <param name="sRootTag">Root tag (under parsed code) for the generated xml tree.</param> 
/// <param name="sCode">Code to parse</param>
/// <returns>the highlighted code.</returns>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function highlightCode( sLang, sRootTag, sCode)
	var xmlDoc, xmlResult, xslDocName, xslDoc, sResult;
	var sXMLLang, sXSLFile, sResult;

		// computing file names
		sXMLLang = "highlight.xml";
		sXSLStyle = "highlight.xsl";

		xmlDoc = loadAndBuildSyntax( sXMLLang );

		// re-build highlight tree	
		xmlResult = buildHighlightTree( xmlDoc, sLang, sRootTag, sCode );

		// load xsl..
		xslDoc = loadXML( sXSLStyle );
		// render xml
		sResult=xmlResult.transformNode( xslDoc );	
		return sResult;
		handleException (exception);
		xslDoc = null;
		return null;

/// <summary>Processes HTML and highlight code in <pre>...</pre> and in <code>...</code></summary>
/// <param name="sValue">HTML code</param>
/// <returns>HTML with colored code</returns>
/// <remarks>Author: Jonathan de Halleux,, 2003</remarks>
function processAndHighlightArticle( sValue )
	var sTag, sRegExp, regExp, sHighlightedCode;

	// retreive code to render

	var regExp=/<pre>(.|\n)*?<\/pre>/gim;

	// render xml
	var sValue =  sValue.replace( regExp,  
		function( $0 ) 
			// strip out tags
			return highlightCode("cpp", "cpp",$0.substring( 5, $0.length-6 ));

	// inline code

	// render xml
	var sHighlightedCode =  sValue.replace( regExp,  
		function( $0 ) 
			// strip out tags
			return highlightCode("cpp", "icpp", $0.substring( 6, $0.length-7 ));
	return sHighlightedCode;

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Written By
United States United States
Jonathan de Halleux is Civil Engineer in Applied Mathematics. He finished his PhD in 2004 in the rainy country of Belgium. After 2 years in the Common Language Runtime (i.e. .net), he is now working at Microsoft Research on Pex (

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