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SharpPrivacy - OpenPGP for C#

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7 Jun 200314 min read 354K   8.4K   227  
SharpPrivacy is an OpenPGP implementation in C#. It can be used to encrypt and sign data, created OpenPGP compatible keys, and a lot more. This article explains how to use the library in your own .NET application or webpage to encrypt, sign, decrypt or verify OpenPGP messages.
// *****************************************************************************
//  (c) Crownwood Consulting Limited 2002-2003
//  All rights reserved. The software and associated documentation 
//  supplied hereunder are the proprietary information of Crownwood Consulting 
//	Limited, Crownwood, Bracknell, Berkshire, England and are supplied subject 
//  to licence terms.
//  Magic Version
// *****************************************************************************

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Crownwood.Magic.Win32;
using Crownwood.Magic.Menus;
using Crownwood.Magic.Common;
using Crownwood.Magic.Collections;

namespace Crownwood.Magic.Controls
    public class TabControl : Panel
        // Enumeration of appearance styles
        public enum VisualAppearance
            MultiDocument = 0,
            MultiForm = 1,
            MultiBox = 2

        // Enumeration of modes that control display of the tabs area
        public enum HideTabsModes

        // Indexes into the menu images strip
        protected enum ImageStrip
            LeftEnabled = 0,
            LeftDisabled = 1,
            RightEnabled = 2,
            RightDisabled = 3,
            Close = 4,
            Error = 5

        // Enumeration of Indexes into positioning constants array
        protected enum PositionIndex
            BorderTop			= 0,
            BorderLeft			= 1,
            BorderBottom		= 2, 
            BorderRight			= 3,
            ImageGapTop			= 4,
            ImageGapLeft		= 5,
            ImageGapBottom		= 6,
            ImageGapRight		= 7,
            TextOffset			= 8,
            TextGapLeft			= 9,
            TabsBottomGap		= 10,
            ButtonOffset		= 11,

        // Helper class for handling multiline calculations
        protected class MultiRect
            protected Rectangle _rect;
            protected int _index;

            public MultiRect(Rectangle rect, int index)
                _rect = rect;
                _index = index;

            public int Index
                get { return _index; }
            public Rectangle Rect
                get { return _rect; }
                set { _rect = value; }
            public int X
                get { return _rect.X; }
                set { _rect.X = value; }

            public int Y
                get { return _rect.Y; }
                set { _rect.Y = value; }

            public int Width
                get { return _rect.Width; }
                set { _rect.Width = value; }

            public int Height
                get { return _rect.Height; }
                set { _rect.Height = value; }
        // Class constants for sizing/positioning each style
        protected static int[,] _position = { 
                                                {3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2},	// IDE
                                                {6, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0}	// Plain

        // Class constants
        protected static int _plainBorder = 3;
        protected static int _plainBorderDouble = 6;
        protected static int _tabsAreaStartInset = 5;
        protected static int _tabsAreaEndInset = 5;
        protected static float _alphaIDE = 1.5F;
        protected static int _buttonGap = 3;
        protected static int _buttonWidth = 14;
        protected static int _buttonHeight = 14;
        protected static int _imageButtonWidth = 12;
        protected static int _imageButtonHeight = 12;
        protected static int _multiBoxAdjust = 2;
        protected readonly Rectangle _nullPosition = new Rectangle(-999, -999, 0, 0);

        // Class state
        protected static ImageList _internalImages;

        // Instance fields - size/positioning
        protected int _textHeight;
        protected int _imageWidth;
        protected int _imageHeight;
        protected int _imageGapTopExtra;
        protected int _imageGapBottomExtra;
        protected Rectangle _pageRect;
        protected Rectangle _pageAreaRect;
        protected Rectangle _tabsAreaRect;

        // Instance fields - state
        protected int _ctrlTopOffset;			// How far from top edge embedded controls should offset
        protected int _ctrlLeftOffset;			// How far from left edge embedded controls should offset
        protected int _ctrlRightOffset;			// How far from right edgeembedded controls should offset
        protected int _ctrlBottomOffset;	    // How far from bottom edge embedded controls should offset
        protected int _styleIndex;				// Index into position array
        protected int _pageSelected;			// index of currently selected page (-1 is none)
        protected int _startPage;				// index of first page to draw, used when scrolling pages
        protected int _hotTrackPage;			// which page is currently displayed as being tracked
        protected int _topYPos;                 // Y position of first line in multiline mode
        protected int _bottomYPos;              // Y position of last line in multiline mode
        protected int _leaveTimeout;            // How long from leaving to timeout occuring
        protected bool _dragFromControl;        // Must drag away from whole control before drag events generated
        protected bool _mouseOver;              // Mouse currently over the control (or child pages)
        protected bool _multiline;              // should tabs that cannot fit on a line create new lines
        protected bool _multilineFullWidth;     // when in multiline mode, all lines are extended to end 
        protected bool _shrinkPagesToFit;		// pages are shrunk so they all fit in control width
        protected bool _changed;				// Flag for use when updating contents of collection
        protected bool _positionAtTop;			// display tabs at top or bottom of the control
        protected bool _showClose;				// should the close button be displayed
        protected bool _showArrows;				// should then scroll arrow be displayed
        protected bool _insetPlain;				// Show the inset border for controls
        protected bool _insetBorderPagesOnly;   // Remove the border entirely for Plain mode
        protected bool _selectedTextOnly;	    // Only draw text for selected tab
        protected bool _rightScroll;			// Should the right scroll button be enabled
        protected bool _leftScroll;				// Should the left scroll button be enabled
        protected bool _dimUnselected;			// should unselected pages be drawn slightly dimmed
        protected bool _boldSelected;			// should selected page use a bold font
        protected bool _hotTrack;				// should mouve moving over text hot track it
        protected bool _hoverSelect;			// select a page when he mouse hovers over it
        protected bool _recalculate;			// flag to indicate recalculation is needed before painting
        protected bool _leftMouseDown;			// Is the left mouse button down
        protected bool _leftMouseDownDrag;		// Has a drag operation begun
        protected bool _ignoreDownDrag;         // When pressed the left button cannot generate two drags
        protected bool _defaultColor;			// Is the background color the default one?
        protected bool _defaultFont;			// Is the Font the default one?
		protected bool _recordFocus;			// Record the control with focus when leaving a page
        protected bool _idePixelArea;           // Place a one pixel border at top/bottom of tabs area
        protected bool _idePixelBorder;         // Place a one pixel border around control
		protected bool _dragOverSelect;			// Should dragging over a tab cause selection?
        protected PopupMenu _contextMenu;       // Context menu to show on right mouse up
        protected Point _leftMouseDownPos;		// Initial mouse down position for left mouse button
		protected Point _mouseDragOver;			// Mouse position for drag over event
        protected Color _hotTextColor;			// color for use when drawing text as hot
        protected Color _textColor;				// color for use when text not hot
        protected Color _textInactiveColor;	    // color for use when text not hot and not the active tab
        protected Color _backIDE;				// background drawing color when in IDE appearance
        protected Color _buttonActiveColor;		// color for drawing buttons images when active
        protected Color _buttonInactiveColor;	// color for drawing buttons images when inactive
        protected Color _backLight;				// light variation of the back color
        protected Color _backLightLight;		// lightlight variation of the back color
        protected Color _backDark;				// dark variation of the back color
        protected Color _backDarkDark;			// darkdark variation of the back color
        protected VisualStyle _style;			// which style of use 
        protected HideTabsModes _hideTabsMode;  // Decide when to hide/show tabs area
        protected Timer _overTimer;             // Time when mouse has left control
		protected Timer _dragTimer;             // Time when mouse hovers in drag over
		protected VisualAppearance _appearance;	// which appearance style
        protected ImageList _imageList;			// collection of images for use is tabs
        protected ArrayList _tabRects;			// display rectangles for associated page
        protected TabPageCollection _tabPages;	// collection of pages

        // Instance fields - buttons
        protected InertButton _closeButton;
        protected InertButton _leftArrow;
        protected InertButton _rightArrow;

        public delegate void DoubleClickTabHandler(TabControl sender, TabPage page);

        // Exposed events
        public event EventHandler ClosePressed;
        public event EventHandler SelectionChanging;
        public event EventHandler SelectionChanged;
        public event EventHandler PageGotFocus;
        public event EventHandler PageLostFocus;
        public event CancelEventHandler PopupMenuDisplay;
        public event MouseEventHandler PageDragStart;
        public event MouseEventHandler PageDragMove;
        public event MouseEventHandler PageDragEnd;
        public event MouseEventHandler PageDragQuit;
        public event DoubleClickTabHandler DoubleClickTab;

        static TabControl()
            // Create a strip of images by loading an embedded bitmap resource
            _internalImages = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapStrip(Type.GetType("Crownwood.Magic.Controls.TabControl"),
                                                             new Size(_imageButtonWidth, _imageButtonHeight),
                                                             new Point(0,0));

        public TabControl()
            // Prevent flicker with double buffering and all painting inside WM_PAINT
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | 
				     ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
				     ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

            // Create collections
            _tabRects = new ArrayList();
            _tabPages = new TabPageCollection();

            // Hookup to collection events
            _tabPages.Clearing += new CollectionClear(OnClearingPages);
            _tabPages.Cleared += new CollectionClear(OnClearedPages);
            _tabPages.Inserting += new CollectionChange(OnInsertingPage);
            _tabPages.Inserted += new CollectionChange(OnInsertedPage);
            _tabPages.Removing += new CollectionChange(OnRemovingPage);
            _tabPages.Removed += new CollectionChange(OnRemovedPage);

            // Define the default state of the control
            _startPage = -1;						
            _pageSelected = -1;						
            _hotTrackPage = -1;					
            _imageList = null;						
            _insetPlain = true;
            _multiline = false;
            _multilineFullWidth = false;
            _dragFromControl = true;
            _mouseOver = false;
            _leftScroll = false;
            _defaultFont = true;
            _defaultColor = true;
            _rightScroll = false;
            _hoverSelect = false;
            _leftMouseDown = false;
            _ignoreDownDrag = true;
            _selectedTextOnly = false;
            _leftMouseDownDrag = false;
            _insetBorderPagesOnly = false;
			_dragOverSelect = true;
            _hideTabsMode = HideTabsModes.ShowAlways;
			_recordFocus = true;
            _styleIndex = 1;
            _leaveTimeout = 200;
            _ctrlTopOffset = 0;
            _ctrlLeftOffset = 0;
            _ctrlRightOffset = 0;
            _ctrlBottomOffset = 0;
            _style = VisualStyle.IDE;
            _buttonActiveColor = Color.FromArgb(128, this.ForeColor);
            _buttonInactiveColor = _buttonActiveColor;
            _textColor = TabControl.DefaultForeColor;	
            _textInactiveColor = Color.FromArgb(128, _textColor);
            _hotTextColor = SystemColors.ActiveCaption;

            // Create hover buttons
            _closeButton = new InertButton(_internalImages, (int)ImageStrip.Close);
            _leftArrow = new InertButton(_internalImages, (int)ImageStrip.LeftEnabled, (int)ImageStrip.LeftDisabled);
            _rightArrow = new InertButton(_internalImages, (int)ImageStrip.RightEnabled, (int)ImageStrip.RightDisabled);

            // We want our buttons to have very thin borders
            _closeButton.BorderWidth = _leftArrow.BorderWidth = _rightArrow.BorderWidth = 1;

            // Hookup to the button events
            _closeButton.Click += new EventHandler(OnCloseButton);
            _leftArrow.Click += new EventHandler(OnLeftArrow);
            _rightArrow.Click += new EventHandler(OnRightArrow);

            // Set their fixed sizes
            _leftArrow.Size = _rightArrow.Size = _closeButton.Size = new Size(_buttonWidth, _buttonHeight);

            // Add child controls
            Controls.AddRange(new Control[]{_closeButton, _leftArrow, _rightArrow});

            // Grab some contant values
            _imageWidth = 16;
            _imageHeight = 16;

            // Default to having a MultiForm usage
            // Need a timer so that when the mouse leaves, a fractionaly delay occurs before
            // noticing and hiding the tabs area when the appropriate style is set
            _overTimer = new Timer();
            _overTimer.Interval = _leaveTimeout;
            _overTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnMouseTick);

			// Need a timer so that when the mouse hovers in drag over mode the page then changes
			_dragTimer = new Timer();
			_dragTimer.Interval = 200;
			_dragTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnDragOverTick);

            // Need notification when the MenuFont is changed
            Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged += 
                new UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler(OnPreferenceChanged);

            // Define the default Font, BackColor and Button images


        protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
                // Remove notifications
                Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged -= 
                    new UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler(OnPreferenceChanged);

		public new Control.ControlCollection Controls 
			get { return base.Controls; }

        public virtual TabPageCollection TabPages
            get { return _tabPages; }

        public override Font Font
            get { return base.Font; }

				if (value != null)
					if (value != base.Font)
						_defaultFont = (value == SystemInformation.MenuFont);


						_recalculate = true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeFont()
            return !_defaultFont;

		public override bool AllowDrop
			get { return base.AllowDrop; }
			set { base.AllowDrop = value; }

		public void ResetAllowDrop()
			AllowDrop = true;
        public override Color ForeColor
            get { return _textColor; }
                if (_textColor != value)
                    _textColor = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeForeColor()
            return _textColor != TabControl.DefaultForeColor;

        public override Color BackColor
            get { return base.BackColor; }
                if (this.BackColor != value)
                    _defaultColor = (value == SystemColors.Control);

                    _recalculate = true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeBackColor()
            return this.BackColor != SystemColors.Control;

        public virtual Color ButtonActiveColor
            get { return _buttonActiveColor; }

                if (_buttonActiveColor != value)
                    _buttonActiveColor = value;

        private bool ShouldSerializeButtonActiveColor()
            return _buttonActiveColor != Color.FromArgb(128, this.ForeColor);

        public void ResetButtonActiveColor()
            ButtonActiveColor = Color.FromArgb(128, this.ForeColor);

        public virtual Color ButtonInactiveColor
            get { return _buttonInactiveColor; }

                if (_buttonInactiveColor != value)
                    _buttonInactiveColor = value;

        private bool ShouldSerializeButtonInactiveColor()
            return _buttonInactiveColor != Color.FromArgb(128, this.ForeColor);

        public void ResetButtonInactiveColor()
            ButtonInactiveColor = Color.FromArgb(128, this.ForeColor); 
        [DefaultValue(typeof(VisualAppearance), "MultiForm")]
        public virtual VisualAppearance Appearance
            get { return _appearance; }
                if (_appearance != value)


        public void ResetAppearance()
            Appearance = VisualAppearance.MultiForm;

        [DefaultValue(typeof(VisualStyle), "IDE")]
        public virtual VisualStyle Style
            get { return _style; }
                if (_style != value)
                    _style = value;

                    // Define the correct style indexer

        public void ResetStyle()
            Style = VisualStyle.IDE;
        public virtual PopupMenu ContextPopupMenu
            get { return _contextMenu; }
            set { _contextMenu = value; }
        protected bool ShouldSerializeContextPopupMenu()
            return _contextMenu != null;
        public void ResetContextPopupMenu()
            ContextPopupMenu = null;

		public virtual bool DragOverSelect
			get { return _dragOverSelect; }
			set { _dragOverSelect = value; }

		public void ResetDragOverSelect()
			DragOverSelect = true;

        public virtual bool HotTrack
            get { return _hotTrack; }
                if (_hotTrack != value)
                    _hotTrack = value;

                    if (!_hotTrack)
                        _hotTrackPage = -1;

                    _recalculate = true;

        public void ResetHotTrack()
            HotTrack = false;

        public virtual Color HotTextColor
            get { return _hotTextColor; }
                if (_hotTextColor != value)
                    _hotTextColor = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeHotTextColor()
            return _hotTextColor != SystemColors.ActiveCaption;
        public void ResetHotTextColor()
            HotTextColor = SystemColors.ActiveCaption;

        public virtual Color TextColor
            get { return _textColor; }
                if (_textColor != value)
                    _textColor = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeTextColor()
            return _textColor != TabControl.DefaultForeColor;

        public void ResetTextColor()
            TextColor = TabControl.DefaultForeColor;

        public virtual Color TextInactiveColor
            get { return _textInactiveColor; }
                if (_textInactiveColor != value)
                    _textInactiveColor = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeTextInactiveColor()
            return _textInactiveColor != Color.FromArgb(128, TabControl.DefaultForeColor);

        public void TextTextInactiveColor()
            TextInactiveColor = Color.FromArgb(128, TabControl.DefaultForeColor);

        public virtual Rectangle TabsAreaRect
            get { return _tabsAreaRect; }

		private bool ShouldSerializeTabsAreaRect()
			return false;

        public virtual ImageList ImageList
            get { return _imageList; }

                if (_imageList != value)
                    _imageList = value;

                    _recalculate = true;
        private bool ShouldSerializeImageList()
            return _imageList != null;
        public void ResetImageList()
            ImageList = null;

        public virtual bool PositionTop
            get { return _positionAtTop; }
                if (_positionAtTop != value)
                    _positionAtTop = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        protected bool ShouldSerializePositionTop()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    return _positionAtTop != false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    return _positionAtTop != true;

        public void ResetPositionTop()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    PositionTop = false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    PositionTop = true;

        public virtual bool ShowClose
            get { return _showClose; }
                if (_showClose != value)
                    _showClose = value;

                    _recalculate = true;
        protected bool ShouldSerializeShowClose()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    return _showClose != false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    return _showClose != true;

        public void ResetShowClose()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    ShowClose = false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    ShowClose = true;

        public virtual bool ShowArrows
            get { return _showArrows; }
                if (_showArrows != value)
                    _showArrows = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        protected bool ShouldSerializeShowArrows()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    return _showArrows != false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    return _showArrows != true;
        public void ResetShowArrows()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    ShowArrows = false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    ShowArrows = true;

        public virtual bool ShrinkPagesToFit
            get { return _shrinkPagesToFit; }
                if (_shrinkPagesToFit != value)
                    _shrinkPagesToFit = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        protected bool ShouldSerializeShrinkPagesToFit()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    return _shrinkPagesToFit != true;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    return _shrinkPagesToFit != false;
        public void ResetShrinkPagesToFit()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    ShrinkPagesToFit = true;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    ShrinkPagesToFit = false;

        public virtual bool BoldSelectedPage
            get { return _boldSelected; }
                if (_boldSelected != value)
                    _boldSelected = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        protected bool ShouldSerializeBoldSelectedPage()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    return _boldSelected != false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    return _boldSelected != true;
        public void ResetBoldSelectedPage()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    BoldSelectedPage = false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    BoldSelectedPage = true;

        public virtual bool MultilineFullWidth
            get { return _multilineFullWidth; }
                if (_multilineFullWidth != value)
                    _multilineFullWidth = value;
                    _recalculate = true;
        public void ResetMultilineFullWidth()
            MultilineFullWidth = false;

        public virtual bool Multiline
            get { return _multiline; }
                if (_multiline != value)
                    _multiline = value;

                    _recalculate = true;
        public void ResetMultiline()
            Multiline = false;

        public virtual int ControlLeftOffset
            get { return _ctrlLeftOffset; }
                if (_ctrlLeftOffset != value)
                    _ctrlLeftOffset = value;


        public void ResetControlLeftOffset()
            ControlLeftOffset = 0;

        public virtual int ControlTopOffset
            get { return _ctrlTopOffset; }
                if (_ctrlTopOffset != value)
                    _ctrlTopOffset = value;


        public void ResetControlTopOffset()
            ControlTopOffset = 0;

        public virtual int ControlRightOffset
            get { return _ctrlRightOffset; }
                if (_ctrlRightOffset != value)
                    _ctrlRightOffset = value;


        public void ResetControlRightOffset()
            ControlRightOffset = 0;

        public virtual int ControlBottomOffset
            get { return _ctrlBottomOffset; }
                if (_ctrlBottomOffset != value)
                    _ctrlBottomOffset = value;


        public void ResetControlBottomOffset()
            ControlBottomOffset = 0;

        public virtual bool InsetPlain
            get { return _insetPlain; }
                if (_insetPlain != value)
                    _insetPlain = value;


        public void ResetInsetPlain()
            InsetPlain = true;

        public virtual bool InsetBorderPagesOnly
            get { return _insetBorderPagesOnly; }
                if (_insetBorderPagesOnly != value)
                    _insetBorderPagesOnly = value;


        public void ResetInsetBorderPagesOnly()
            InsetBorderPagesOnly = true;

        public virtual bool IDEPixelBorder
            get { return _idePixelBorder; }
                if (_idePixelBorder != value)
                    _idePixelBorder = value;


        protected bool ShouldSerializeIDEPixelBorder()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    return _idePixelBorder != false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    return _idePixelBorder != true;

        public void ResetIDEPixelBorder()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                    IDEPixelBorder = false;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    IDEPixelBorder = true;

        public virtual bool IDEPixelArea
            get { return _idePixelArea; }
                if (_idePixelArea != value)
                    _idePixelArea = value;


        public void ResetIDEPixelArea()
            IDEPixelArea = true;

        public virtual bool SelectedTextOnly
            get { return _selectedTextOnly; }
                if (_selectedTextOnly != value)
                    _selectedTextOnly = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        public void ResetSelectedTextOnly()
            SelectedTextOnly = false;

        public int MouseLeaveTimeout
            get { return _leaveTimeout; }
                if (_leaveTimeout != value)
                    _leaveTimeout = value;
                    _overTimer.Interval = value;

        public void ResetMouseLeaveTimeout()
            _leaveTimeout = 200;

        public bool DragFromControl
            get { return _dragFromControl; }
            set { _dragFromControl = value ; }
        public void ResetDragFromControl()
            DragFromControl = true;
        [DefaultValue(typeof(HideTabsModes), "ShowAlways")]
        public virtual HideTabsModes HideTabsMode
            get { return _hideTabsMode; }
                if (_hideTabsMode != value)
                    _hideTabsMode = value;


        protected bool ShouldSerializeHideTabsMode()
            return HideTabsMode != HideTabsModes.ShowAlways;

        public void ResetHideTabsMode()
            HideTabsMode = HideTabsModes.ShowAlways;

        public virtual bool HoverSelect
            get { return _hoverSelect; }
                if (_hoverSelect != value)
                    _hoverSelect = value;

                    _recalculate = true;

        public void ResetHoverSelect()
            HoverSelect = false;

        public virtual bool RecordFocus
            get { return _recordFocus; }
                if (_recordFocus != value)
                    _recordFocus = value;

        public void ResetRecordFocus()
            RecordFocus = true;

        public virtual int SelectedIndex
            get { return _pageSelected; }

                if ((value >= 0) && (value < _tabPages.Count))
                    if (_pageSelected != value)
                        // Raise selection changing event

                        // Any page currently selected?
                        if (_pageSelected != -1)

                        _pageSelected = value;

                        if (_pageSelected != -1)

                            // If newly selected page is scrolled off the left hand side
                            if (_pageSelected < _startPage)
                                _startPage = _pageSelected;  // then bring it into view

                        // Change in selection causes tab pages sizes to change
                        if (_boldSelected)

                        // Raise selection change event


        public virtual TabPage SelectedTab
                // If nothing is selected we return null
                if (_pageSelected == -1)
                    return null;
                    return _tabPages[_pageSelected];

                // Cannot change selection to be none of the tabs
                if (value != null)
                    // Get the requested page from the collection
                    int index = _tabPages.IndexOf(value);

                    // If a valid known page then using existing property to perform switch
                    if (index != -1)
                        this.SelectedIndex = index;

		public TabPage TabPageFromPoint(Point mousePos)
			// Clicked on a tab page?
			for(int i=0; i<_tabPages.Count; i++)
				Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[i];

				// Does tab page rectangle contain mouse?
				if (rect.Contains(mousePos))
					// Is left scroll button showing?
					if (_leftArrow.Visible)
						// Ignore mouse down over then buttons area
						if (mousePos.X >= _leftArrow.Left)
							return null;
						// No, is the close button showing?
						if (_closeButton.Visible)
							// Ignore mouse down over then close button area
							if (mousePos.X >= _closeButton.Left)
								return null;

					return _tabPages[i];

			// No matching tab header found
			return null;

		public virtual void MakePageVisible(TabPage page)

        public virtual void MakePageVisible(int index)
            // Only relevant if we do not shrink all pages to fit and not in multiline
            if (!_shrinkPagesToFit && !_multiline)
                // Range check the request page
                if ((index >= 0) && (index < _tabPages.Count))
                    // Is requested page before those shown?
                    if (index < _startPage)
                        // Define it as the new start page
                        _startPage = index;

                        _recalculate = true;
                        // Find the last visible position
                        int xMax = GetMaximumDrawPos();

                        Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[index];

                        // Is the page drawn off over the maximum position?
                        if (rect.Right >= xMax)
                            // Need to find the new start page to bring this one into view
                            int newStart = index;

                            // Space left over for other tabs to be drawn inside
                            int spaceLeft = xMax - rect.Width - _tabsAreaRect.Left - _tabsAreaStartInset;

                                // Is there a previous tab to check?
                                if (newStart == 0)

                                Rectangle rectStart = (Rectangle)_tabRects[newStart - 1];
                                // Is there enough space to draw it?
                                if (rectStart.Width > spaceLeft)

                                // Move to new tab and reduce available space left
                                spaceLeft -= rectStart.Width;

                            } while(true);

                            // Define the new starting page
                            _startPage = newStart;

                            _recalculate = true;

        protected override bool ProcessMnemonic(char key)
            int total = _tabPages.Count;
            int index = this.SelectedIndex + 1;
            for(int count=0; count<total; count++, index++)
                // Range check the index
                if (index >= total)
                    index = 0;

                TabPage page = _tabPages[index];
                // Find position of first mnemonic character
                int position = page.Title.IndexOf('&');

                // Did we find a mnemonic indicator?
                if (IsMnemonic(key, page.Title))
                    // Select this page
                    this.SelectedTab = page;
                    return true;
            return false;

        protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)

        protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)


        public virtual void OnPopupMenuDisplay(CancelEventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (PopupMenuDisplay != null)
                PopupMenuDisplay(this, e);

        public virtual void OnSelectionChanging(EventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (SelectionChanging != null)
                SelectionChanging(this, e);

        public virtual void OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (SelectionChanged != null)
                SelectionChanged(this, e);

        public virtual void OnClosePressed(EventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (ClosePressed != null)
                ClosePressed(this, e);

        public virtual void OnPageGotFocus(EventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (PageGotFocus != null)
                PageGotFocus(this, e);
        public virtual void OnPageLostFocus(EventArgs e)
			// Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (PageLostFocus != null)
                PageLostFocus(this, e);

        public virtual void OnPageDragStart(MouseEventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (PageDragStart != null)
                PageDragStart(this, e);

        public virtual void OnPageDragMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (PageDragMove != null)
                PageDragMove(this, e);

        public virtual void OnPageDragEnd(MouseEventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (PageDragEnd != null)
                PageDragEnd(this, e);

        public virtual void OnPageDragQuit(MouseEventArgs e)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (PageDragQuit != null)
                PageDragQuit(this, e);
        public virtual void OnDoubleClickTab(TabPage page)
            // Has anyone registered for the event?
            if (DoubleClickTab != null)
                DoubleClickTab(this, page);

        protected virtual void OnCloseButton(object sender, EventArgs e)

        protected virtual void OnLeftArrow(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set starting page back one

            _recalculate = true;
        protected virtual void OnRightArrow(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set starting page forward one

            _recalculate = true;

        protected virtual void DefineFont(Font newFont)
            // Use base class for storage of value
            base.Font = newFont;
            // Update internal height value using Font
            _textHeight = newFont.Height;

            // Is the font height bigger than the image height?
            if (_imageHeight >= _textHeight)
                // No, do not need extra spacing around the image to fit in text
                _imageGapTopExtra = 0;
                _imageGapBottomExtra = 0;
                // Yes, need to make the image area bigger so that its height calculation
                // matchs that height of the text
                int extraHeight = _textHeight - _imageHeight;

                // Split the extra height between the top and bottom of image
                _imageGapTopExtra = extraHeight / 2;
                _imageGapBottomExtra = extraHeight - _imageGapTopExtra;

        protected virtual void DefineBackColor(Color newColor)
            base.BackColor = newColor;

            // Calculate the modified colors from this base
            _backLight = ControlPaint.Light(newColor);
            _backLightLight = ControlPaint.LightLight(newColor);
            _backDark = ControlPaint.Dark(newColor);
            _backDarkDark = ControlPaint.DarkDark(newColor);

            _backIDE = ColorHelper.TabBackgroundFromBaseColor(newColor);
        protected virtual void DefineButtonImages()
            ImageAttributes ia = new ImageAttributes();

            ColorMap activeMap = new ColorMap();
            ColorMap inactiveMap = new ColorMap();

            // Define the color transformations needed
            activeMap.OldColor = Color.Black;
            activeMap.NewColor = _buttonActiveColor;
            inactiveMap.OldColor = Color.White;
            inactiveMap.NewColor = _buttonInactiveColor;

            // Create remap attributes for use by button
            ia.SetRemapTable(new ColorMap[]{activeMap, inactiveMap}, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);

            // Pass attributes to the buttons
            _leftArrow.ImageAttributes = ia;
            _rightArrow.ImageAttributes = ia;
            _closeButton.ImageAttributes = ia;

        protected virtual void SetAppearance(VisualAppearance appearance)
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                    _shrinkPagesToFit = true;					// shrink tabs to fit width
                    _positionAtTop = false;						// draw tabs at bottom of control
                    _showClose = false;							// do not show the close button
                    _showArrows = false;						// do not show the scroll arrow buttons
                    _boldSelected = false;						// do not show selected pages in bold
                    _idePixelArea = true;                       // show a one pixel border at top or bottom
                    _idePixelBorder = false;                     // do not show a one pixel border round control
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    _shrinkPagesToFit = false;					// shrink tabs to fit width
                    _positionAtTop = true;						// draw tabs at bottom of control
                    _showClose = true;							// do not show the close button
                    _showArrows = true;						    // do not show the scroll arrow buttons
                    _boldSelected = true;						// do not show selected pages in bold
                    _idePixelArea = true;                       // show a one pixel border at top or bottom
                    _idePixelBorder = false;                     // do not show a one pixel border round control

            // These properties are the same whichever style is selected
            _hotTrack = false;							// do not hot track paes
            _dimUnselected = true;						// draw dimmed non selected pages

            // Define then starting page for drawing
            if (_tabPages.Count > 0)
                _startPage = 0;
                _startPage = -1;

            _appearance = appearance;

            // Define the correct style indexer

        protected virtual void SetStyleIndex()
                case VisualAppearance.MultiBox:
                    // Always pretend we are plain style
                    _styleIndex = 1;
                case VisualAppearance.MultiForm:
                case VisualAppearance.MultiDocument:
                    _styleIndex = (int)_style;

        protected virtual bool HideTabsCalculation()
            bool hideTabs = false;
                case HideTabsModes.ShowAlways:
                    hideTabs = false;
                case HideTabsModes.HideAlways:
                    hideTabs = true;
                case HideTabsModes.HideUsingLogic:
                    hideTabs = (_tabPages.Count <= 1);                            
                case HideTabsModes.HideWithoutMouse:
                    hideTabs = !_mouseOver;
            return hideTabs;
        protected virtual void Recalculate()
            // Reset the need for a recalculation
            _recalculate = false;

            // The height of a tab button is...
            int tabButtonHeight = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapTop] + 
                                  _imageGapTopExtra +
                                  _imageHeight + 
                                  _imageGapBottomExtra + 
                                  _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapBottom] +
                                  _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderBottom]; 

            // The height of the tabs area is...
            int tabsAreaHeight = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderTop] + 
                                 tabButtonHeight + _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TabsBottomGap];

			bool hideTabsArea = HideTabsCalculation();

            // Should the tabs area be hidden?
            if (hideTabsArea)
                // ... then do not show the tabs or button controls
                _pageAreaRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
                _tabsAreaRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
                if (_positionAtTop)
                    // Create rectangle that represents the entire tabs area
                    _pageAreaRect = new Rectangle(0, tabsAreaHeight, this.Width, this.Height - tabsAreaHeight);

                    // Create rectangle that represents the entire area for pages
                    _tabsAreaRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, tabsAreaHeight);
                    // Create rectangle that represents the entire tabs area
                    _tabsAreaRect = new Rectangle(0, this.Height - tabsAreaHeight, this.Width, tabsAreaHeight);

                    // Create rectangle that represents the entire area for pages
                    _pageAreaRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height - tabsAreaHeight);

            int xEndPos = 0;

            if (!hideTabsArea && _tabPages.Count > 0)
                // The minimum size of a button includes its left and right borders for width,
                // and then fixed height which is based on the size of the image and font
                Rectangle tabPosition;
                if (_positionAtTop)
                    tabPosition = new Rectangle(0,		
                                                _tabsAreaRect.Bottom - tabButtonHeight - 
                                                _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderTop],
                                                _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderLeft] + 
                                                _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderRight],
                    tabPosition = new Rectangle(0,		
                                                _tabsAreaRect.Top + 
                                                _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderTop],
                                                _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderLeft] + 
                                                _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderRight],

                // Find starting and ending positons for drawing tabs
                int xStartPos = _tabsAreaRect.Left + _tabsAreaStartInset;
                xEndPos = GetMaximumDrawPos();

                // Available width for tabs is size between start and end positions
                int xWidth = xEndPos - xStartPos;

                if (_multiline)
                    RecalculateMultilineTabs(xStartPos, xEndPos, tabPosition, tabButtonHeight);
                    RecalculateSinglelineTabs(xWidth, xStartPos, tabPosition);

            // Position of Controls defaults to the entire page area
            _pageRect = _pageAreaRect;

            // Adjust child controls positions depending on style
            if ((_style == VisualStyle.Plain) && (_appearance != VisualAppearance.MultiBox))
                _pageRect = _pageAreaRect;

                // Shrink by having a border on left,top and right borders
                _pageRect.X += _plainBorderDouble;
                _pageRect.Width -= (_plainBorderDouble * 2) - 1;

                if (!_positionAtTop)
                    _pageRect.Y += _plainBorderDouble;

                _pageRect.Height -= _plainBorderDouble - 1;
                // If hiding the tabs then need to adjust the controls positioning
                if (hideTabsArea)
                    _pageRect.Height -= _plainBorderDouble;

                    if (_positionAtTop)
                        _pageRect.Y += _plainBorderDouble;

            // Calcualte positioning of the child controls/forms
            int leftOffset = _ctrlLeftOffset;
            int rightOffset = _ctrlRightOffset;
            int topOffset = _ctrlTopOffset;
            int bottomOffset = _ctrlBottomOffset;

            if (_idePixelBorder && (_style == VisualStyle.IDE))
                leftOffset += 2;
                rightOffset += 2;

                if (_positionAtTop || hideTabsArea)
                    bottomOffset += 2;
                if (!_positionAtTop || hideTabsArea)
                    topOffset += 2;
            Point pageLoc = new Point(_pageRect.Left + leftOffset,
                                      _pageRect.Top + topOffset);

            Size pageSize = new Size(_pageRect.Width - leftOffset - rightOffset,
                                     _pageRect.Height - topOffset - bottomOffset);

            // If in Plain style and requested to only show top or bottom border
            if ((_style == VisualStyle.Plain) && _insetBorderPagesOnly)
                // Then need to increase width to occupy where borders would have been 
                pageLoc.X -= _plainBorderDouble;
                pageSize.Width += _plainBorderDouble * 2;

                if (hideTabsArea || _positionAtTop)
                    // Draw into the bottom border area
                    pageSize.Height += _plainBorderDouble;

                if (hideTabsArea || !_positionAtTop)
                    // Draw into the top border area
                    pageLoc.Y -= _plainBorderDouble;
                    pageSize.Height += _plainBorderDouble;

			// Position each page control correctly
			foreach(TabPage page in _tabPages)
				if (page.Control != null)
					page.Control.Size = pageSize;
					page.Control.Location = pageLoc;
					page.Size = pageSize;
					page.Location = pageLoc;
			// If we have any tabs at all
            if (_tabPages.Count > 0)
                Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[_tabPages.Count - 1];
				// Determine is the right scrolling button should be enabled
                _rightScroll = (rect.Right > xEndPos);
                // No pages means there can be no right scrolling
                _rightScroll = false;

            // Determine if left scrolling is possible
            _leftScroll = (_startPage > 0);

            // Handle then display and positioning of buttons

        protected virtual void RecalculateMultilineTabs(int xStartPos, int xEndPos, 
                                                        Rectangle tabPosition, int tabButtonHeight)
            using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
                // MultiBox style needs a pixel extra drawing room on right
                if (_appearance == VisualAppearance.MultiBox)
                // How many tabs on this line
                int lineCount = 0;
                // Remember which line is the first displayed
                _topYPos = tabPosition.Y;
                // Next tab starting position
                int xPos = xStartPos;
                int yPos = tabPosition.Y;
                // How many full lines were there
                int fullLines = 0;
                // Line increment value
                int lineIncrement = tabButtonHeight + 1;

                // Track which line has the selection on it                                
                int selectedLine = 0;

                // Vertical adjustment
                int yAdjust = 0;
                // Create array for holding lines of tabs
                ArrayList lineList = new ArrayList();
                // Add the initial line
                lineList.Add(new ArrayList());
                // Process each tag page in turn
                for(int i=0; i<_tabPages.Count; i++)
                    // Get the tab instance for this position
                    TabPage page = _tabPages[i];
                    // Find out the tabs total width
                    int tabWidth = GetTabPageSpace(g, page);
                    // If not the first on the line, then check if newline should be started
                    if (lineCount > 0)
                        // Does this tab extend pass end of the lines
                        if ((xPos + tabWidth) > xEndPos)
                            // Next tab position is down a line and back to the start
                            xPos = xStartPos;
                            yPos += lineIncrement;
                            // Remember which line is the last displayed
                            _bottomYPos = tabPosition.Y;

                            // Increase height of the tabs area
                            _tabsAreaRect.Height += lineIncrement;
                            // Decrease height of the control area
                            _pageAreaRect.Height -= lineIncrement;
                            // Moving areas depends on drawing at top or bottom
                            if (_positionAtTop)
                                _pageAreaRect.Y += lineIncrement;
                                yAdjust -= lineIncrement;
                                _tabsAreaRect.Y -= lineIncrement;
                            // Start a new line 
                            lineList.Add(new ArrayList());
                            // Make sure the entries are aligned to fill entire line

                    // Limit the width of a tab to the whole line
                    if (tabWidth > (xEndPos - xStartPos))
                        tabWidth = xEndPos - xStartPos;
                    // Construct rectangle for representing this tab
                    Rectangle tabRect = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, tabWidth, tabButtonHeight);
                    // Add this tab to the current line array
                    ArrayList thisLine = lineList[lineList.Count - 1] as ArrayList;
                    // Create entry to represent the sizing of the given page index
                    MultiRect tabEntry = new MultiRect(tabRect, i);
                    // Track which line has the selection on it
                    if (i == _pageSelected)
                        selectedLine = fullLines;
                    // Move position of next tab along
                    xPos += tabWidth + 1;
                    // Increment number of tabs on this line

                int line = 0;

                // Do we need all lines to extend full width
                if (_multilineFullWidth)
                // Make each full line stretch the whole line width
                foreach(ArrayList lineArray in lineList)
                    // Only right fill the full lines
                    if (line < fullLines)
                        // Number of items on this line
                        int numLines = lineArray.Count;
                        // Find ending position of last entry
                        MultiRect itemEntry = (MultiRect)lineArray[numLines - 1];

                        // Is there spare room between last entry and end of line?                            
                        if (itemEntry.Rect.Right < (xEndPos - 1))
                            // Work out how much extra to give each one
                            int extra = (int)((xEndPos - itemEntry.Rect.Right - 1) / numLines);
                            // Keep track of how much items need moving across
                            int totalMove = 0;
                            // Add into each entry
                            for(int i=0; i<numLines; i++)
                                // Get the entry class instance
                                MultiRect expandEntry = (MultiRect)lineArray[i];
                                // Move across requried amount
                                expandEntry.X += totalMove;
                                // Add extra width
                                expandEntry.Width += (int)extra;

                                // All items after this needing moving
                                totalMove += extra;
                            // Extend the last position, in case rounding errors means its short
                            itemEntry.Width += (xEndPos - itemEntry.Rect.Right - 1);

                if (_positionAtTop)
                    // If the selected line is not the bottom line
                    if (selectedLine != (lineList.Count - 1))
                        ArrayList lastLine = (ArrayList)(lineList[lineList.Count - 1]);
                        // Find y offset of last line
                        int lastOffset = ((MultiRect)lastLine[0]).Rect.Y;
                        // Move all lines below it up one
                        for(int lineIndex=selectedLine+1; lineIndex<lineList.Count; lineIndex++)
                            ArrayList al = (ArrayList)lineList[lineIndex];
                            for(int item=0; item<al.Count; item++)
                                MultiRect itemEntry = (MultiRect)al[item];
                                itemEntry.Y -= lineIncrement;
                        // Move selected line to the bottom
                        ArrayList sl = (ArrayList)lineList[selectedLine];
                        for(int item=0; item<sl.Count; item++)
                            MultiRect itemEntry = (MultiRect)sl[item];
                            itemEntry.Y = lastOffset;
                    // If the selected line is not the top line
                    if (selectedLine != 0)
                        ArrayList topLine = (ArrayList)(lineList[0]);
                        // Find y offset of top line
                        int topOffset = ((MultiRect)topLine[0]).Rect.Y;
                        // Move all lines above it down one
                        for(int lineIndex=0; lineIndex<selectedLine; lineIndex++)
                            ArrayList al = (ArrayList)lineList[lineIndex];
                            for(int item=0; item<al.Count; item++)
                                MultiRect itemEntry = (MultiRect)al[item];
                                itemEntry.Y += lineIncrement;
                        // Move selected line to the top
                        ArrayList sl = (ArrayList)lineList[selectedLine];
                        for(int item=0; item<sl.Count; item++)
                            MultiRect itemEntry = (MultiRect)sl[item];
                            itemEntry.Y = topOffset;

                // Now assignt each lines rectangle to the corresponding structure
                foreach(ArrayList al in lineList)
                    foreach(MultiRect multiEntry in al)
                        Rectangle newRect = multiEntry.Rect;
                        // Make the vertical adjustment
                        newRect.Y += yAdjust;
                        _tabRects[multiEntry.Index] = newRect;

        protected virtual void RecalculateSinglelineTabs(int xWidth, int xStartPos, Rectangle tabPosition)
            using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
                // Remember which lines are then first and last displayed
                _topYPos = tabPosition.Y;
                _bottomYPos = _topYPos;
                // Set the minimum size for each tab page
                for(int i=0; i<_tabPages.Count; i++)
                    // Is this page before those displayed?
                    if (i < _startPage)
                        _tabRects[i] = (object)_nullPosition;  // Yes, position off screen
                        _tabRects[i]= (object)tabPosition;	 // No, create minimum size

                // Subtract the minimum tab sizes already allocated
                xWidth -= _tabPages.Count * (tabPosition.Width + 1);

                // Is there any more space left to allocate
                if (xWidth > 0)
                    ArrayList listNew = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList listOld = new ArrayList();

                    // Add all pages to those that need space allocating
                    for(int i=_startPage; i<_tabPages.Count; i++)
                    // Each tab can have an allowance
                    int xAllowance;
                        // The list generated in the last iteration becomes 
                        // the to be processed in this iteration
                        listOld = listNew;
                        // List of pages that still need more space allocating
                        listNew = new ArrayList();

                        if (_shrinkPagesToFit)
                            // Each page is allowed a maximum allowance of space
                            // during this iteration. 
                            xAllowance = xWidth / _tabPages.Count;
                            // Allow each page as much space as it wants
                            xAllowance = 999;

                        // Assign space to each page that is requesting space
                        foreach(TabPage page in listOld)
                            int index = _tabPages.IndexOf(page);

                            Rectangle rectPos = (Rectangle)_tabRects[index];

                            // Find out how much extra space this page is requesting
                            int xSpace = GetTabPageSpace(g, page) - rectPos.Width;

                            // Does it want more space than its currently allowed to have?
                            if (xSpace > xAllowance)
                                // Restrict allowed space
                                xSpace = xAllowance;

                                // Add page to ensure it gets processed next time around

                            // Give space to tab
                            rectPos.Width += xSpace;

                            _tabRects[index] = (object)rectPos;

                            // Reduce extra left for remaining tabs
                            xWidth -= xSpace;
                    } while ((listNew.Count > 0) && (xAllowance > 0) && (xWidth > 0));

                // Assign the final positions to each tab now we known their sizes
                for(int i=_startPage; i<_tabPages.Count; i++)
                    Rectangle rectPos = (Rectangle)_tabRects[i];

                    // Define position of tab page
                    rectPos.X = xStartPos;

                    _tabRects[i] = (object)rectPos;

                    // Next button must be the width of this one across
                    xStartPos += rectPos.Width + 1;

        protected virtual void RecalculateButtons()
            int buttonTopGap = 0;
            if (_multiline)
                // The height of a tab row is
                int tabButtonHeight = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapTop] + 
                                      _imageGapTopExtra +
                                      _imageHeight + 
                                      _imageGapBottomExtra + 
                                      _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapBottom] +
                                      _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderBottom]; 
                // The height of the tabs area is...
                int tabsAreaHeight = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderTop] + 
                                      tabButtonHeight + _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TabsBottomGap];
                // Find offset to place button halfway down the tabs area rectangle
                buttonTopGap = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ButtonOffset]	+ 
                               (tabsAreaHeight - _buttonHeight) / 2;

                // Invert gap position when at bottom
                if (!_positionAtTop)
                    buttonTopGap = _tabsAreaRect.Height - buttonTopGap - _buttonHeight;
                // Find offset to place button halfway down the tabs area rectangle
                buttonTopGap = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ButtonOffset]	+ 
                                (_tabsAreaRect.Height - _buttonHeight) / 2;
            // Position to place next button
            int xStart = _tabsAreaRect.Right - _buttonWidth - _buttonGap;

            // Close button should be shown?
            if (_showClose)
                // Define the location
                _closeButton.Location = new Point(xStart, _tabsAreaRect.Top + buttonTopGap);

                if (xStart < 1)

                xStart -= _buttonWidth;

            // Arrows should be shown?
            if (_showArrows)
                // Position the right arrow first as its more the right hand side
                _rightArrow.Location = new Point(xStart, _tabsAreaRect.Top + buttonTopGap);

                if (xStart < 1)
                xStart -= _buttonWidth;

                _leftArrow.Location = new Point(xStart, _tabsAreaRect.Top + buttonTopGap);

                if (xStart < 1)
                xStart -= _buttonWidth;

                // Define then enabled state of buttons
                _leftArrow.Enabled = _leftScroll;
                _rightArrow.Enabled = _rightScroll;

            if ((_appearance == VisualAppearance.MultiBox) || (_style == VisualStyle.Plain))
                _closeButton.BackColor = _leftArrow.BackColor = _rightArrow.BackColor = this.BackColor;
                _closeButton.BackColor = _leftArrow.BackColor = _rightArrow.BackColor = _backIDE;

        protected virtual int GetMaximumDrawPos()
            int xEndPos = _tabsAreaRect.Right - _tabsAreaEndInset;

            // Showing the close button reduces available space
            if (_showClose)
                xEndPos -= _buttonWidth + _buttonGap;

            // If showing arrows then reduce space for both
            if (_showArrows)
                xEndPos -= _buttonWidth * 2;
            return xEndPos;

        protected virtual int GetTabPageSpace(Graphics g, TabPage page)
            // Find the fixed elements of required space
            int width = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderLeft] + 
                        _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderRight];

            // Any icon or image provided?
            if ((page.Icon != null) || (((_imageList != null) || (page.ImageList != null)) && (page.ImageIndex != -1)))
                width += _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapLeft] +
                         _imageWidth + 
                         _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapRight];

            // Any text provided?
            if ((page.Title != null) && (page.Title.Length > 0))
                if (!_selectedTextOnly || (_selectedTextOnly && (_pageSelected == _tabPages.IndexOf(page))))
                    Font drawFont = base.Font;

                    if (_boldSelected && page.Selected)
                        drawFont = new Font(drawFont, FontStyle.Bold);

                    // Find width of the requested text
                    SizeF dimension = g.MeasureString(page.Title, drawFont);			

                    // Convert to integral
                    width += _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TextGapLeft] +
                            (int)dimension.Width + 1; 

            return width;

        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            // Does the state need recalculating before paint can occur?
            if (_recalculate)

            using (SolidBrush pageAreaBrush = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor))
                // Fill backgrounds of the page and tabs areas
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(pageAreaBrush, _pageAreaRect);

                if ((_style == VisualStyle.Plain) || (_appearance == VisualAppearance.MultiBox))
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(pageAreaBrush, _tabsAreaRect);
                    using(SolidBrush tabsAreaBrush = new SolidBrush(_backIDE))
                        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(tabsAreaBrush, _tabsAreaRect);

            // MultiBox appearance does not have any borders
            if (_appearance != VisualAppearance.MultiBox)
                bool hiddenPages = HideTabsCalculation();

                // Draw the borders
                    case VisualStyle.Plain:
                        // Height for drawing the border is size of the page area extended 
                        // down to draw the bottom border inside the tabs area
                        int pageHeight = _pageAreaRect.Height + _plainBorderDouble;
                        int xDraw = _pageAreaRect.Top;

                        // Should the tabs area be hidden?
                        if (hiddenPages)
                            // Then need to readjust pageHeight
                            pageHeight -= _plainBorderDouble;
                            // If drawing at top then overdraw upwards and not down
                            if (_positionAtTop)
                                xDraw -= _plainBorderDouble;

                        if (_insetBorderPagesOnly)
                            if (!hiddenPages)
                                // Draw the outer border around the page area			
                                DrawHelper.DrawPlainRaisedBorderTopOrBottom(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(0, xDraw, this.Width, pageHeight),
                                                                            _backLightLight, base.BackColor, _backDark, _backDarkDark, _positionAtTop);
                            // Draw the outer border around the page area			
                            DrawHelper.DrawPlainRaisedBorder(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(_pageAreaRect.Left, xDraw, _pageAreaRect.Width, pageHeight),
                                                             _backLightLight, base.BackColor, _backDark, _backDarkDark);

                        // Do we have any tabs?
                        if ((_tabPages.Count > 0) && _insetPlain)
                            // Draw the inner border around the page area
                            Rectangle inner = new Rectangle(_pageAreaRect.Left + _plainBorder,
                                                            xDraw + _plainBorder,
                                                            _pageAreaRect.Width - _plainBorderDouble,
                                                            pageHeight - _plainBorderDouble);

                            if (_insetBorderPagesOnly)
                                if (!hiddenPages)
                                    DrawHelper.DrawPlainSunkenBorderTopOrBottom(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(0, inner.Top, this.Width, inner.Height),
                                                                                _backLightLight, base.BackColor, _backDark, _backDarkDark, _positionAtTop);
                                DrawHelper.DrawPlainSunkenBorder(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(inner.Left, inner.Top, inner.Width, inner.Height),
                                                                 _backLightLight, base.BackColor, _backDark, _backDarkDark);


                    case VisualStyle.IDE:
                        // Draw the top and bottom borders to the tabs area
                        using (Pen darkdark = new Pen(_backDarkDark),
                                   dark = new Pen(_backDark),
                                   lightlight = new Pen(_backLightLight),
                                   backColor = new Pen(base.BackColor))
                            int borderGap = _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderTop];

                            if (_positionAtTop)
                                // Fill the border between the tabs and the embedded controls
                                using(SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(base.BackColor))
                                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, 0, _tabsAreaRect.Bottom - borderGap, _tabsAreaRect.Width, borderGap);

                                int indent = 0;

                                // Is a single pixel border required around whole area?                            
                                if (_idePixelBorder)
                                    using(Pen llFore = new Pen(ControlPaint.LightLight(this.ForeColor)))
                                        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(dark, 0, 0, this.Width - 1, this.Height - 1);
                                    if (_idePixelArea)
                                        // Draw top border
                                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, _tabsAreaRect.Top, _tabsAreaRect.Width, _tabsAreaRect.Top);
                                // Draw bottom border
                                if (!hiddenPages)
                                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(lightlight, indent, 
                                                                    _tabsAreaRect.Bottom - borderGap, 
                                                                    _tabsAreaRect.Width - (indent * 2), 
                                                                    _tabsAreaRect.Bottom - borderGap);
                                // Fill the border between the tabs and the embedded controls
                                using(SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(base.BackColor))
                                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, 0, _tabsAreaRect.Top, _tabsAreaRect.Width, borderGap);

                                int indent = 0;

                                // Is a single pixel border required around whole area?                            
                                if (_idePixelBorder)
                                    using(Pen llFore = new Pen(ControlPaint.LightLight(this.ForeColor)))
                                        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(dark, 0, 0, this.Width - 1, this.Height - 1);
                                    if (_idePixelArea)
                                        // Draw bottom border
                                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(backColor, 0, _tabsAreaRect.Bottom - 1, _tabsAreaRect.Width, _tabsAreaRect.Bottom - 1);
                                // Draw top border
                                if (!hiddenPages)
                                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(darkdark, indent, 
                                                                _tabsAreaRect.Top + 2, 
                                                                _tabsAreaRect.Width - (indent * 2), 
                                                                _tabsAreaRect.Top + 2);

            // Clip the drawing to prevent drawing in unwanted areas

            // Paint each tab page
            foreach(TabPage page in _tabPages)
                DrawTab(page, e.Graphics, false);

        protected virtual Rectangle ClippingRectangle()
            // Calculate how much to reduce width by for clipping rectangle
            int xReduce = _tabsAreaRect.Width - GetMaximumDrawPos();

            // Create clipping rect
            return new Rectangle(_tabsAreaRect.Left, 
                                 _tabsAreaRect.Width - xReduce,

        protected virtual void ClipDrawingTabs(Graphics g)
            Rectangle clipRect = ClippingRectangle();

            // Restrict drawing to this clipping rectangle
            g.Clip = new Region(clipRect);

        protected virtual void DrawTab(TabPage page, Graphics g, bool highlightText)
            Rectangle rectTab = (Rectangle)_tabRects[_tabPages.IndexOf(page)];

            DrawTabBorder(ref rectTab, page, g);

            int xDraw = rectTab.Left + _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderLeft];
            int xMax = rectTab.Right - _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderRight];

            DrawTabImage(rectTab, page, g, xMax, ref xDraw);            
            DrawTabText(rectTab, page, g, highlightText, xMax, xDraw);

        protected virtual void DrawTabImage(Rectangle rectTab, 
                                            TabPage page, 
                                            Graphics g, 
                                            int xMax, 
                                            ref int xDraw)
            // Default to using the Icon from the page
            Icon drawIcon = page.Icon;
            Image drawImage = null;
            // If there is no valid Icon and the page is requested an image list index...
            if ((drawIcon == null) && (page.ImageIndex != -1))
                    // Default to using an image from the TabPage
                    ImageList imageList = page.ImageList;

                    // If page does not have an ImageList...
                    if (imageList == null)
                        imageList = _imageList;   // ...then use the TabControl one

                    // Do we have an ImageList to select from?
                    if (imageList != null)
                        // Grab the requested image
                        drawImage = imageList.Images[page.ImageIndex];
                    // User supplied ImageList/ImageIndex are invalid, use an error image instead
                    drawImage = _internalImages.Images[(int)ImageStrip.Error];

            // Draw any image required
            if ((drawImage != null) || (drawIcon != null))
                // Enough room to draw any of the image?
                if ((xDraw + _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapLeft]) <= xMax)
                    // Move past the left image gap
                    xDraw += _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapLeft];

                    // Find down position for drawing the image
                    int yDraw = rectTab.Top + 
                                _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapTop] + 

                    // If there is enough room for all of the image?
                    if ((xDraw + _imageWidth) <= xMax)
                        if (drawImage != null)
                            g.DrawImage(drawImage, new Rectangle(xDraw, yDraw, _imageWidth, _imageHeight));
                            g.DrawIcon(drawIcon, new Rectangle(xDraw, yDraw, _imageWidth, _imageHeight));

                        // Move past the image and the image gap to the right
                        xDraw += _imageWidth + _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapRight];
                        // Calculate how much room there is
                        int xSpace = xMax - xDraw;

                        // Any room at all?
                        if (xSpace > 0)
                            if (drawImage != null)
                                // Draw only part of the image
                                            new Point[]{new Point(xDraw, yDraw), 
                                                        new Point(xDraw + xSpace, yDraw), 
                                                        new Point(xDraw, yDraw + _imageHeight)},
                                            new Rectangle(0, 0, xSpace, 
                            // All space has been used up, nothing left for text
                            xDraw = xMax;

        protected virtual void DrawTabText(Rectangle rectTab, 
                                           TabPage page, 
                                           Graphics g, 
                                           bool highlightText,
                                           int xMax, 
                                           int xDraw)
            if (!_selectedTextOnly || (_selectedTextOnly && page.Selected))
                // Any space for drawing text?
                if (xDraw < xMax)
                    Color drawColor;
                    SolidBrush drawBrush;
                    Font drawFont = base.Font;

                    // Decide which base color to use
                    if (highlightText)
                        drawColor = _hotTextColor;
					    // Do we modify base color depending on selection?
					    if (_dimUnselected && !page.Selected)
						    // Reduce the intensity of the color
						    drawColor = _textInactiveColor;
						    drawColor = _textColor;

                    // Should selected items be drawn in bold?
                    if (_boldSelected && page.Selected)
                        drawFont = new Font(drawFont, FontStyle.Bold);

                    // Now the color is determined, create solid brush
                    drawBrush = new SolidBrush(drawColor);

                    // Ensure only a single line is draw from then left hand side of the
                    // rectangle and if to large for line to shows ellipsis for us
                    StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat();
                    drawFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
                    drawFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
                    drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    drawFormat.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;

                    // Find the vertical drawing limits for text
                    int yStart = rectTab.Top + _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapTop];

                    int yEnd = rectTab.Bottom - 
                            _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.ImageGapBottom] - 
                            _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderBottom];

                    // Use text offset to adjust position of text
                    yStart += _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TextOffset];

                    // Across the text left gap
                    xDraw += _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TextGapLeft];

                    // Need at least 1 pixel width before trying to draw
                    if (xDraw < xMax)
                        // Find drawing rectangle
                        Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(xDraw, yStart, xMax - xDraw, yEnd - yStart);

                        // Finally....draw the string!
                        g.DrawString(page.Title, drawFont, drawBrush, drawRect, drawFormat);
                    // Cleanup resources!

        protected virtual void DrawTabBorder(ref Rectangle rectTab, TabPage page, Graphics g)
            if (_appearance == VisualAppearance.MultiBox)
                // Adjust the drawing upwards two pixels to 'look pretty'
                rectTab.Y -= _multiBoxAdjust;

                // Draw the same regardless of style
                DrawMultiBoxBorder(page, g, rectTab);
                // Drawing the border is style specific
                    case VisualStyle.Plain:
                        DrawPlainTabBorder(page, g, rectTab);
                    case VisualStyle.IDE:
                        DrawIDETabBorder(page, g, rectTab);
        protected virtual void DrawMultiBoxBorder(TabPage page, Graphics g, Rectangle rectPage)
            if (page.Selected)
                using (SolidBrush lightlight = new SolidBrush(_backLightLight))
                    g.FillRectangle(lightlight, rectPage);

                using (Pen darkdark = new Pen(_backDarkDark))
                    g.DrawRectangle(darkdark, rectPage);
                using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor))
                    g.FillRectangle(backBrush, rectPage.X + 1, rectPage.Y, rectPage.Width - 1, rectPage.Height);
                // Find the index into TabPage collection for this page
                int index = _tabPages.IndexOf(page);

                // Decide if the separator should be drawn
                bool drawSeparator = (index == _tabPages.Count - 1) ||
                    (index < (_tabPages.Count - 1)) && 
                    (_tabPages[index+1].Selected != true);
                // MultiLine mode is slighty more complex
                if (_multiline && !drawSeparator)
                    // By default always draw separator
                    drawSeparator = true;
                    // If we are not the last item
                    if (index < (_tabPages.Count - 1))
                        // If the next item is selected
                        if (_tabPages[index+1].Selected == true)
                            Rectangle thisRect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[index];
                            Rectangle nextRect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[index+1];

                            // If we are on the same drawing line then do not draw separator
                            if (thisRect.Y == nextRect.Y)
                                drawSeparator = false;

                // Draw tab separator unless the next page after us is selected
                if (drawSeparator)
                    using(Pen lightlight = new Pen(_backLightLight),
                              dark = new Pen(_backDark))
                        g.DrawLine(dark, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Top + 2, rectPage.Right, 
                                   rectPage.Bottom - _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TabsBottomGap] - 1);
                        g.DrawLine(lightlight, rectPage.Right+1, rectPage.Top + 2, rectPage.Right+1, 
                                   rectPage.Bottom - _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TabsBottomGap] - 1);

        protected virtual void DrawPlainTabBorder(TabPage page, Graphics g, Rectangle rectPage)
            using(Pen light = new Pen(_backLightLight),
                      dark = new Pen(_backDark),
                      darkdark = new Pen(_backDarkDark))
                int yLeftOffset = 0;
                int yRightOffset = 0;

                using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(base.BackColor))
                    if (page.Selected)
                        // Calculate the rectangle that covers half the top border area
                        int yBorder;
                        if (_positionAtTop)
                            yBorder = rectPage.Top + (_position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderTop] / 2);
                            yBorder = rectPage.Top - (_position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.BorderTop] / 2);

                        // Construct rectangle that covers the outer part of the border
                        Rectangle rectBorder = new Rectangle(rectPage.Left, yBorder, rectPage.Width - 1, rectPage.Height);

                        // Blank out area 
                        g.FillRectangle(backBrush, rectBorder);

                        // Make the left and right border lines extend higher up
                        yLeftOffset = -2;
                        yRightOffset = -1;

                if (_positionAtTop)
                    // Draw the left border
                    g.DrawLine(light, rectPage.Left, rectPage.Bottom, rectPage.Left, rectPage.Top + 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(light, rectPage.Left + 1 , rectPage.Top + 1, rectPage.Left + 1, rectPage.Top + 2); 

                    // Draw the top border
                    g.DrawLine(light, rectPage.Left + 2, rectPage.Top + 1, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Top + 1); 

                    // Draw the right border
                    g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Bottom - yRightOffset, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Top + 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(dark, rectPage.Right - 1, rectPage.Bottom - yRightOffset, rectPage.Right - 1, rectPage.Top + 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(dark, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Top + 1, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Top + 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Top, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Top + 2);
                    // Draw the left border
                    g.DrawLine(light, rectPage.Left, rectPage.Top + yLeftOffset, rectPage.Left, rectPage.Bottom - 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(dark, rectPage.Left + 1 , rectPage.Bottom - 1, rectPage.Left + 1, rectPage.Bottom - 2); 

                    // Draw the bottom border
                    g.DrawLine(dark, rectPage.Left + 2, rectPage.Bottom - 1, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Bottom - 1); 
                    g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Left + 2, rectPage.Bottom, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Bottom); 

                    // Draw the right border
                    g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Top, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Bottom - 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(dark, rectPage.Right - 1, rectPage.Top + yRightOffset, rectPage.Right - 1, rectPage.Bottom - 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(dark, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Bottom - 1, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Bottom - 2); 
                    g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Right - 2, rectPage.Bottom, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Bottom - 2);

        protected virtual void DrawIDETabBorder(TabPage page, Graphics g, Rectangle rectPage)
            using(Pen lightlight = new Pen(_backLightLight),
                      backColor = new Pen(base.BackColor),
                      dark = new Pen(_backDark),
                      darkdark = new Pen(_backDarkDark))
                if (page.Selected)
                    // Draw background in selected color
                    using (SolidBrush pageAreaBrush = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor))
                        g.FillRectangle(pageAreaBrush, rectPage);

                    if (_positionAtTop)
                        // Overdraw the bottom border
                        g.DrawLine(backColor, rectPage.Left, rectPage.Bottom, rectPage.Right - 1, rectPage.Bottom);

                        // Draw the right border
                        g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Top, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Bottom); 
                        // Draw the left border
                        g.DrawLine(lightlight, rectPage.Left, rectPage.Top - 1 , rectPage.Left, rectPage.Bottom); 

                        // Draw the bottom border
                        g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Left + 1, rectPage.Bottom, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Bottom); 

                        // Draw the right border
                        g.DrawLine(darkdark, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Top - 1 , rectPage.Right, rectPage.Bottom); 

                        // Overdraw the top border
                        g.DrawLine(backColor, rectPage.Left + 1, rectPage.Top - 1, rectPage.Right - 1, rectPage.Top - 1);
                    // Draw background in unselected color
                    using(SolidBrush tabsAreaBrush = new SolidBrush(_backIDE))
                        g.FillRectangle(tabsAreaBrush, rectPage);

                    // Find the index into TabPage collection for this page
                    int index = _tabPages.IndexOf(page);

                    // Decide if the separator should be drawn
                    bool drawSeparator = (index == _tabPages.Count - 1) ||
                                         (index < (_tabPages.Count - 1)) && 
                                         (_tabPages[index+1].Selected != true);
                    // MultiLine mode is slighty more complex
                    if (_multiline && !drawSeparator)
                        // By default always draw separator
                        drawSeparator = true;
                        // If we are not the last item
                        if (index < (_tabPages.Count - 1))
                            // If the next item is selected
                            if (_tabPages[index+1].Selected == true)
                                Rectangle thisRect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[index];
                                Rectangle nextRect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[index+1];

                                // If we are on the same drawing line then do not draw separator
                                if (thisRect.Y == nextRect.Y)
                                    drawSeparator = false;

                    // Draw tab separator unless the next page after us is selected
                    if (drawSeparator)
                        // Reduce the intensity of the color
                        using(Pen linePen = new Pen(_textInactiveColor))
                            g.DrawLine(linePen, rectPage.Right, rectPage.Top + 2, rectPage.Right, 
                                rectPage.Bottom - _position[_styleIndex, (int)PositionIndex.TabsBottomGap] - 1);

        protected virtual void OnClearingPages()
            // Is a page currently selected?
            if (_pageSelected != -1)
                // Deselect the page

                // Remember that nothing is selected
                _pageSelected = -1;
                _startPage = -1;

            // Remove all the user controls 
            foreach(TabPage page in _tabPages)

            // Remove all rectangles associated with TabPage's

        protected virtual void OnClearedPages()
            // Must recalculate after the pages have been removed and
            // not before as that would calculate based on pages still
            // being present in the list
            // Raise selection changing event

            // Must notify a change in selection

        protected virtual void OnInsertingPage(int index, object value)
            // If a page currently selected?
            if (_pageSelected != -1)
                // Is the selected page going to be after this new one in the list
                if (_pageSelected >= index)
                    _pageSelected++;  // then need to update selection index to reflect this

        protected virtual void OnInsertedPage(int index, object value)
            bool selectPage = false;

            TabPage page = value as TabPage;

            // Hookup to receive TabPage property changes
            page.PropertyChanged += new TabPage.PropChangeHandler(OnPagePropertyChanged);

            // Add the appropriate Control/Form/TabPage to the control
            // Do we want to select this page?
            if ((_pageSelected == -1) || (page.Selected))
                // Raise selection changing event

                // Any page currently selected
                if (_pageSelected != -1)

                // This becomes the newly selected page
                _pageSelected = _tabPages.IndexOf(page);

                // If no page is currently defined as the start page
                if (_startPage == -1)
                    _startPage = 0;	 // then must be added then first page

                // Request the page be selected
                selectPage = true;

            // Add new rectangle to match new number of pages, this must be done before
            // the 'SelectPage' or 'OnSelectionChanged' to ensure the number of _tabRects 
            // entries matches the number of _tabPages entries.
            _tabRects.Add((object)new Rectangle());

            // Cause the new page to be the selected one
            if (selectPage)
                // Must recalculate to ensure the new _tabRects entry above it correctly
                // filled in before the new page is selected, as a change in page selection
                // may cause the _tabRects values ot be interrogated.


                // Raise selection change event


        protected virtual void OnRemovingPage(int index, object value)
            TabPage page = value as TabPage;

            page.PropertyChanged -= new TabPage.PropChangeHandler(OnPagePropertyChanged);

            // Remove the appropriate Control/Form/TabPage to the control

            // Notice a change in selected page
            _changed = false;

            // Is this the currently selected page
            if (_pageSelected == index)
                // Raise selection changing event

                _changed = true;

        protected virtual void OnRemovedPage(int index, object value)
            // Is first displayed page then one being removed?
            if (_startPage >= index)
                // Decrement to use start displaying previous page

                // Have we tried to select off the left hand side?
                if (_startPage == -1)
                    // Are there still some pages left?
                    if (_tabPages.Count > 0)
                        _startPage = 0;

            // Is the selected page equal to or after this new one in the list
            if (_pageSelected >= index)
                // Decrement index to reflect this change

                // Have we tried to select off the left hand side?
                if (_pageSelected == -1)
                    // Are there still some pages left?
                    if (_tabPages.Count > 0)
                        _pageSelected = 0;

                // Is the new selection valid?
                if (_pageSelected != -1)
                    SelectPage(_tabPages[_pageSelected]);  // Select it

            // Change in selection causes event generation
            if (_changed)
                // Reset changed flag
                _changed = false;

                // Raise selection change event

            // Remove a rectangle to match number of pages

        protected virtual void AddTabPage(TabPage page)
            // Has not been shown for the first time yet
            page.Shown = false;
            // Add user supplied control 
            if (page.Control != null)
                Form controlIsForm = page.Control as Form;


                // Adding a Form takes extra effort
                if (controlIsForm == null)
					// Monitor focus changes on the Control
                    page.Control.GotFocus += new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
                    page.Control.LostFocus += new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
                    page.Control.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
                    page.Control.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);

                    // Monitor activation changes on the TabPage
                    controlIsForm.Activated += new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
                    controlIsForm.Deactivate += new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
                    controlIsForm.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
                    controlIsForm.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);
                    // Have to ensure the Form is not a top level form
                    controlIsForm.TopLevel = false;

                    // We are the new parent of this form
                    controlIsForm.Parent = this;

					// To prevent user resizing the form manually and prevent
                    // the caption bar appearing, we use the 'None' border style.
                    controlIsForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;

				// Need to monitor when the Form/Panel is clicked
				if ((page.Control is Form) || (page.Control is Panel))
					page.Control.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageMouseDown);

				RecursiveMonitor(page.Control, true);

                // Monitor focus changes on the TabPage
                page.GotFocus += new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
                page.LostFocus += new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
                page.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
                page.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);

                // Must fill the entire hosting panel it is on
                page.Dock = DockStyle.None;

                // Need to monitor when the Panel is clicked
				page.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageMouseDown);

				RecursiveMonitor(page, true);

                // Add the TabPage itself instead

		protected virtual void RemoveTabPage(TabPage page)
			// Remove user supplied control 
			if (page.Control != null)

		protected virtual void RemoveTabPageControl(Control c)
			RecursiveMonitor(c, false);

            Form controlIsForm = c as Form;

			// Need to unhook hooked up event
			if ((c is Form) || (c is Panel))
				c.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(OnPageMouseDown);

            if (controlIsForm == null)
                // Unhook event monitoring
                c.GotFocus -= new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
                c.LostFocus -= new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
                c.MouseEnter -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
                c.MouseLeave -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);
				// Use helper method to circumvent form Close bug
				ControlHelper.Remove(this.Controls, c);
                // Unhook activation monitoring
                controlIsForm.Activated -= new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
                controlIsForm.Deactivate -= new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
                controlIsForm.MouseEnter -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
                controlIsForm.MouseLeave -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);

				// Remove Form but prevent the Form close bug
				ControlHelper.RemoveForm(this, controlIsForm);

		protected virtual void RemoveTabPagePanel(TabPage page)
			RecursiveMonitor(page, false);

			// Need to unhook hooked up event
			page.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(OnPageMouseDown);

			// Unhook event monitoring
			page.GotFocus -= new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
			page.LostFocus -= new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
			page.MouseEnter -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
			page.MouseLeave -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);

			// Use helper method to circumvent form Close bug
			ControlHelper.Remove(this.Controls, page);

		protected virtual void OnPageMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
			Control c = sender as Control;

			// If the mouse has been clicked and it does not have 
			// focus then it should receive the focus immediately.
			if (!c.ContainsFocus)

		protected virtual void RecursiveMonitor(Control top, bool monitor)
			foreach(Control c in top.Controls)
				if (monitor)
					// Monitor focus changes on the Control
					c.GotFocus += new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
					c.LostFocus += new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
                    c.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
                    c.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);
					// Unmonitor focus changes on the Control
					c.GotFocus -= new EventHandler(OnPageEnter);
					c.LostFocus -= new EventHandler(OnPageLeave);
                    c.MouseEnter -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseEnter);
                    c.MouseLeave -= new EventHandler(OnPageMouseLeave);
				RecursiveMonitor(c, monitor);

        protected virtual void OnPageEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)

        protected virtual void OnPageLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
        protected virtual void OnPageMouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
				_mouseOver = true;
				if (_hideTabsMode == HideTabsModes.HideWithoutMouse)
        protected virtual void OnPageMouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)

        protected virtual void OnMouseTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
				_mouseOver = false;
				if (_hideTabsMode == HideTabsModes.HideWithoutMouse)

		protected virtual void OnDragOverTick(object sender, EventArgs e)

				// Allow to select pages on drag over?
				if (_dragOverSelect)
					// Find any tab header the mouse is over
					TabPage mouseTab = TabPageFromPoint(_mouseDragOver);

					// Was a tab found?
					if (mouseTab != null)
						// Switch to this tab
						if (!mouseTab.Selected)
							mouseTab.Selected = true;
        protected virtual void OnPagePropertyChanged(TabPage page, TabPage.Property prop, object oldValue)
                case TabPage.Property.Control:
                    Control pageControl = oldValue as Control;

                    // Remove the page or the page control as appropriate
                    if (pageControl != null)

                    // Add the appropriate Control/Form/TabPage to the control

                    // Is a page currently selected?
                    if (_pageSelected != -1)
                        // Is the change in Control for this page?
                        if (page == _tabPages[_pageSelected])
                            SelectPage(page);   // make Control visible

                case TabPage.Property.Title:
                case TabPage.Property.ImageIndex:
                case TabPage.Property.ImageList:
                case TabPage.Property.Icon:
                    _recalculate = true;
                case TabPage.Property.Selected:
                    // Becoming selected?
                    if (page.Selected)
                        // Move selection to the new page and update page properties

		protected virtual Control FindFocus(Control root)
			// Does the root control has focus?
			if (root.Focused)
				return root;

			// Check for focus at each child control
			foreach(Control c in root.Controls)
				Control child = FindFocus(c);

				if (child != null)
					return child;

			return null;

        protected virtual void DeselectPage(TabPage page)
            page.Selected = false;

            // Hide any associated control
            if (page.Control != null)
				// Should we remember which control had focus when leaving?
				if (_recordFocus)
					// Record current focus location on Control
					if (page.Control.ContainsFocus)
						page.StartFocus = FindFocus(page.Control);
						page.StartFocus = null;

				// Should we remember which control had focus when leaving?
				if (_recordFocus)
					// Record current focus location on Control
					if (page.ContainsFocus)
						page.StartFocus = FindFocus(page);
						page.StartFocus = null;


        protected virtual void SelectPage(TabPage page)
            page.Selected = true;

            // Bring the control for this page to the front
            if (page.Control != null)
                HandleShowingTabPage(page, page.Control);
                HandleShowingTabPage(page, page);

        protected virtual void HandleShowingTabPage(TabPage page, Control c)
            // First time this page has been displayed?
            if (!page.Shown)
                // Special testing needed for Forms
                Form f = c as Form;
                // AutoScaling can cause the Control/Form to be
                if ((f != null) && (f.AutoScale))
                    // Workaround the problem where a form has a defined 'AutoScaleBaseSize' value. The 
                    // first time it is shown it calculates the size of each contained control and scales 
                    // as needed. But if the contained control is Dock=DockStyle.Fill it scales up/down so 
                    // its not actually filling the space! Get around by hiding and showing to force correct 
                    // calculation.
                // Only need extra logic first time around
                page.Shown = true;

            // Finally, show it!

            // Restore focus to last know control to have it
            if (page.StartFocus != null)
        protected virtual void MovePageSelection(TabPage page)
            int pageIndex = _tabPages.IndexOf(page);

            if (pageIndex != _pageSelected)
                // Raise selection changing event

                // Any page currently selected?
                if (_pageSelected != -1)

                _pageSelected = pageIndex;

				if (_pageSelected != -1)

                // Change in selection causes tab pages sizes to change
                if (_boldSelected || _selectedTextOnly || !_shrinkPagesToFit || _multiline)

				// Raise selection change event


        // Used by the TabControlDesigner
        internal bool WantDoubleClick(IntPtr hWnd, Point mousePos)
            return ControlWantDoubleClick(hWnd, mousePos, _leftArrow) ||
                   ControlWantDoubleClick(hWnd, mousePos, _rightArrow) ||
                   ControlWantDoubleClick(hWnd, mousePos, _closeButton);

        // Used by the TabControlDesigner
        internal void ExternalMouseTest(IntPtr hWnd, Point mousePos)
            if (!(ControlMouseTest(hWnd, mousePos, _leftArrow) ||
                  ControlMouseTest(hWnd, mousePos, _rightArrow) ||
                  ControlMouseTest(hWnd, mousePos, _closeButton)))

        protected virtual bool ControlWantDoubleClick(IntPtr hWnd, Point mousePos, Control check)
            // Cannot have double click if control not visible
            if (check.Visible)
                // Is double click for this control?
                if (check.Enabled && (hWnd == check.Handle))
                    if (check == _leftArrow)
                        OnLeftArrow(null, EventArgs.Empty);
                    if (check == _rightArrow)
                        OnRightArrow(null, EventArgs.Empty);
                    return true;
                    // Create rectangle for control position
                    Rectangle checkRect = new Rectangle(check.Location.X,

                    // Was double click over a disabled button?
                    if (checkRect.Contains(mousePos))
                        return true;

            return false;

        protected virtual bool ControlMouseTest(IntPtr hWnd, Point mousePos, Control check)
            // Is the mouse down for the left arrow window and is it valid to click?
            if ((hWnd == check.Handle) && check.Visible && check.Enabled)
                // Check if the mouse click is over the left arrow
                if (check.ClientRectangle.Contains(mousePos))
                    if (check == _leftArrow)
                        OnLeftArrow(null, EventArgs.Empty);
                    if (check == _rightArrow)
                        OnRightArrow(null, EventArgs.Empty);

                    return true;

            return false;

		protected override void OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e)
			Point pos = TabControl.MousePosition;

			int count = _tabRects.Count;

			for(int index=0; index<count; index++)
				// Get tab drawing rectangle
				Rectangle local = (Rectangle)_tabRects[index];
				// If drawing on the control
				if (local != _nullPosition)
					// Convert from Control to screen coordinates
					Rectangle screen = this.RectangleToScreen(local);

					if (screen.Contains(pos))
						// Generate appropriate event


        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_leftMouseDownDrag)
                // Generate event for interested parties
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                _leftMouseDownDrag = false;
                _ignoreDownDrag = true;

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                // Exit any page dragging attempt
                _leftMouseDown = false;
                // Is it the button that causes context menu to show?
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                    Point mousePos = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
                    // Is the mouse in the tab area
                    if (_tabsAreaRect.Contains(mousePos))
                        CancelEventArgs ce = new CancelEventArgs();
                        // Generate event giving handlers cancel to update/cancel menu
                        // Still want the popup?
                        if (!ce.Cancel)
                            // Is there any attached menu to show
                            if (_contextMenu != null)
                                _contextMenu.TrackPopup(this.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));


		protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
			// Any mouse press when dragging should quit it
			if (_leftMouseDownDrag)
				_leftMouseDownDrag = false;
				_ignoreDownDrag = true;
				// Only select a button or page when using left mouse button
				InternalMouseDown(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

        protected virtual void InternalMouseDown(Point mousePos)
			int process = 0;

            // Clicked on a tab page?
            for(int i=0; i<_tabPages.Count; i++)
                Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[i];

				if (rect.Contains(mousePos))
					// Are the scroll buttons being shown?
					if (_leftArrow.Visible)
						// Ignore mouse down over then buttons area
						if (mousePos.X >= _leftArrow.Left)
						// No, is the close button visible?
						if (_closeButton.Visible)
							// Ignore mouse down over then close button area
							if (mousePos.X >= _closeButton.Left)

					process = i;
					// Remember the last tab to the left of mouse
					if (rect.Right < mousePos.X)
						process = i;

			// Is there any page to select?
			if (process < _tabPages.Count)
				// Remember where the left mouse was initially pressed
				if (Control.MouseButtons == MouseButtons.Left)
					_leftMouseDown = true;
					_ignoreDownDrag = false;
					_leftMouseDownDrag = false;
					_leftMouseDownPos = mousePos;

				// Set focus into the selected page contents
				if (_tabPages[process].Control != null)

        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_leftMouseDown)
                if (!_leftMouseDownDrag)
                    Point thisPosition = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
                    bool startDrag = false;

                    if (_dragFromControl)
                        startDrag = !this.ClientRectangle.Contains(thisPosition);
                        // Create starting mouse down position
                        Rectangle dragRect = new Rectangle(_leftMouseDownPos, new Size(0,0));
                        // Expand by size of the double click area
                        // Drag when mouse moves outside the double click area
                        startDrag = !dragRect.Contains(thisPosition);

                    if (startDrag && !_ignoreDownDrag)
                        // Generate event for interested parties
                        // Enter dragging mode
                        _leftMouseDownDrag = true;	
                    // Generate event for interested parties
                if (_hotTrack || _hoverSelect)
                    int mousePage = -1;
                    bool pageChanged = false;

                    // Create a point representing current mouse position
                    Point mousePos = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

                    // Find the page this mouse point is inside
                    for(int pos=0; pos<_tabPages.Count; pos++)
                        Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)_tabRects[pos];

                        if (rect.Contains(mousePos))
                            mousePage = pos;

                    // Should moving over a tab cause selection changes?
                    if (_hoverSelect && !_multiline && (mousePage != -1))
                        // Has the selected page changed?
                        if (mousePage != _pageSelected)
                            // Move selection to new page

                            pageChanged = true;

                    if (_hotTrack && !pageChanged && (mousePage != _hotTrackPage))
                        Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

                        // Clip the drawing to prevent drawing in unwanted areas

                        // Remove highlight of old page
                        if (_hotTrackPage != -1)
                            DrawTab(_tabPages[_hotTrackPage], g, false);

                        _hotTrackPage = mousePage;

                        // Add highlight to new page
                        if (_hotTrackPage != -1)
                            DrawTab(_tabPages[_hotTrackPage], g, true);

                        // Must correctly release resource

        protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e)
				_mouseOver = true;

        protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
            if (_hotTrack)
                int newTrackPage = -1;

                if (newTrackPage != _hotTrackPage)
                    Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

                    // Clip the drawing to prevent drawing in unwanted areas

                    // Remove highlight of old page
                    if (_hotTrackPage != -1)
                        DrawTab(_tabPages[_hotTrackPage], g, false);

                    _hotTrackPage = newTrackPage;

                    // Must correctly release resource



		protected override void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs e)
			// Default to an impossible position
			_mouseDragOver = new Point(-1, -1);


		protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e)
			// Allow to select pages on drag over?
			if (_dragOverSelect)
				// Remember mouse position for when timer expires
				Point mouseDragOver = PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

				// If a new position has been found then restart timer
				if (mouseDragOver != _mouseDragOver)
					// Use the new position
					_mouseDragOver = mouseDragOver;

					// Stop if already running

					// Start running from beginning


		protected override void OnDragLeave(EventArgs e)
			// Stop if already running


		protected virtual void OnPreferenceChanged(object sender, UserPreferenceChangedEventArgs e)
			// Are we using the default menu or a user defined value?
			if (_defaultFont)


		protected override void OnSystemColorsChanged(EventArgs e)
			// If still using the Default color when we were created
			if (_defaultColor)



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Written By
Austria Austria
My name is Daniel and I am from Austria.
When I was in High School, all I wanted to do was programming. After finishing High School, I joined a company for which I wrote a project management utility in Visual Basic 6. It was then that I realised that programming all day long was nothing I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I quit the job and started to study computer and media security at polytechnical university in Hagenberg/Austria.

As of now, I'm still studying. I still like to program, as long as I can do something else too. Recently I switched my favorite programming language to c#. Together with a friend from university, we started a project where we implement OpenPGP (RFC2440) in c#.

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