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Building ASP.NET applications using Knockout.js with a server side defined view model

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1 Nov 2012CPOL5 min read 35.4K   41  
Let's build a simple framework that allows to have the power of knockout.js with no JavaScript coding.

// Knockout JavaScript library v2.0.0
// (c) Steven Sanderson -
// License: MIT (

(function (window, undefined) {
    function c(a) { throw a; } var l = void 0, m = !0, o = null, p = !1, r = window.ko = {}; r.b = function (a, b) { for (var d = a.split("."), e = window, f = 0; f < d.length - 1; f++) e = e[d[f]]; e[d[d.length - 1]] = b }; r.l = function (a, b, d) { a[b] = d };
    r.a = new function () {
        function a(a, e) { if ("INPUT" != a.tagName || !a.type) return p; if ("click" != e.toLowerCase()) return p; var b = a.type.toLowerCase(); return "checkbox" == b || "radio" == b } var b = /^(\s|\u00A0)+|(\s|\u00A0)+$/g, d = {}, e = {}; d[/Firefox\/2/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "KeyboardEvent" : "UIEvents"] = ["keyup", "keydown", "keypress"]; d.MouseEvents = "click,dblclick,mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,mouseenter,mouseleave".split(","); for (var f in d) {
            var h = d[f]; if (h.length) for (var g = 0, i = h.length; g < i; g++) e[h[g]] =
        } var j = function () { for (var a = 3, e = document.createElement("div"), b = e.getElementsByTagName("i"); e.innerHTML = "<\!--[if gt IE " + ++a + "]><i></i><![endif]--\>", b[0]; ); return 4 < a ? a : l } (); return { Ba: ["authenticity_token", /^__RequestVerificationToken(_.*)?$/], n: function (a, e) { for (var b = 0, f = a.length; b < f; b++) e(a[b]) }, k: function (a, e) { if ("function" == typeof Array.prototype.indexOf) return, e); for (var b = 0, f = a.length; b < f; b++) if (a[b] === e) return b; return -1 }, Wa: function (a, e, b) {
            for (var f = 0, d =
a.length; f < d; f++) if (, a[f])) return a[f]; return o
        }, ca: function (a, e) { var b = r.a.k(a, e); 0 <= b && a.splice(b, 1) }, ya: function (a) { for (var a = a || [], e = [], b = 0, f = a.length; b < f; b++) 0 > r.a.k(e, a[b]) && e.push(a[b]); return e }, ba: function (a, e) { for (var a = a || [], b = [], f = 0, d = a.length; f < d; f++) b.push(e(a[f])); return b }, aa: function (a, e) { for (var a = a || [], b = [], f = 0, d = a.length; f < d; f++) e(a[f]) && b.push(a[f]); return b }, J: function (a, e) { for (var b = 0, f = e.length; b < f; b++) a.push(e[b]); return a }, extend: function (a, e) {
            for (var b in e) e.hasOwnProperty(b) &&
(a[b] = e[b]); return a
        }, U: function (a) { for (; a.firstChild; ) r.removeNode(a.firstChild) }, oa: function (a, e) { r.a.U(a); e && r.a.n(e, function (e) { a.appendChild(e) }) }, Ja: function (a, e) { var b = a.nodeType ? [a] : a; if (0 < b.length) { for (var f = b[0], d = f.parentNode, h = 0, g = e.length; h < g; h++) d.insertBefore(e[h], f); h = 0; for (g = b.length; h < g; h++) r.removeNode(b[h]) } }, La: function (a, e) { 0 <= navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") ? a.setAttribute("selected", e) : a.selected = e }, z: function (a) { return (a || "").replace(b, "") }, Db: function (a, e) {
            for (var b =
[], f = (a || "").split(e), d = 0, h = f.length; d < h; d++) { var g = r.a.z(f[d]); "" !== g && b.push(g) } return b
        }, Cb: function (a, e) { a = a || ""; return e.length > a.length ? p : a.substring(0, e.length) === e }, hb: function (a) { for (var e =, 1), b = "return (" + a + ")", f = 0; f < e.length; f++) e[f] && "object" == typeof e[f] && (b = "with(sc[" + f + "]) { " + b + " } "); return (new Function("sc", b))(e) }, fb: function (a, e) { if (e.compareDocumentPosition) return 16 == (e.compareDocumentPosition(a) & 16); for (; a != o; ) { if (a == e) return m; a = a.parentNode } return p },
            ga: function (a) { return r.a.fb(a, document) }, s: function (e, b, f) { if ("undefined" != typeof jQuery) { if (a(e, b)) var d = f, f = function (a, e) { var b = this.checked; if (e) this.checked = e.Ya !== m;, a); this.checked = b }; jQuery(e).bind(b, f) } else "function" == typeof e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener(b, f, p) : "undefined" != typeof e.attachEvent ? e.attachEvent("on" + b, function (a) {, a) }) : c(Error("Browser doesn't support addEventListener or attachEvent")) }, sa: function (b, f) {
                (!b || !b.nodeType) && c(Error("element must be a DOM node when calling triggerEvent"));
                if ("undefined" != typeof jQuery) { var d = []; a(b, f) && d.push({ Ya: b.checked }); jQuery(b).trigger(f, d) } else if ("function" == typeof document.createEvent) "function" == typeof b.dispatchEvent ? (d = document.createEvent(e[f] || "HTMLEvents"), d.initEvent(f, m, m, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, p, p, p, p, 0, b), b.dispatchEvent(d)) : c(Error("The supplied element doesn't support dispatchEvent")); else if ("undefined" != typeof b.fireEvent) {
                    if ("click" == f && "INPUT" == b.tagName && ("checkbox" == b.type.toLowerCase() || "radio" == b.type.toLowerCase())) b.checked =
b.checked !== m; b.fireEvent("on" + f)
                } else c(Error("Browser doesn't support triggering events"))
            }, d: function (a) { return r.V(a) ? a() : a }, eb: function (a, e) { return 0 <= r.a.k((a.className || "").split(/\s+/), e) }, Qa: function (a, e, b) { var f = r.a.eb(a, e); if (b && !f) a.className = (a.className || "") + " " + e; else if (f && !b) { for (var b = (a.className || "").split(/\s+/), f = "", d = 0; d < b.length; d++) b[d] != e && (f += b[d] + " "); a.className = r.a.z(f) } }, outerHTML: function (a) {
                if (j === l) { var e = a.outerHTML; if ("string" == typeof e) return e } e = window.document.createElement("div");
                e.appendChild(a.cloneNode(m)); return e.innerHTML
            }, Ma: function (a, e) { var b = r.a.d(e); if (b === o || b === l) b = ""; "innerText" in a ? a.innerText = b : a.textContent = b; if (9 <= j) a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML }, yb: function (a, e) { for (var a = r.a.d(a), e = r.a.d(e), b = [], f = a; f <= e; f++) b.push(f); return b }, X: function (a) { for (var e = [], b = 0, f = a.length; b < f; b++) e.push(a[b]); return e }, ob: 6 === j, pb: 7 === j, Ca: function (a, e) {
                for (var b = r.a.X(a.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")).concat(r.a.X(a.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA"))), f = "string" == typeof e ? function (a) {
                    return ===
                } : function (a) { return e.test( }, d = [], h = b.length - 1; 0 <= h; h--) f(b[h]) && d.push(b[h]); return d
            }, vb: function (a) { return "string" == typeof a && (a = r.a.z(a)) ? window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ? window.JSON.parse(a) : (new Function("return " + a))() : o }, qa: function (a) {
                ("undefined" == typeof JSON || "undefined" == typeof JSON.stringify) && c(Error("Cannot find JSON.stringify(). Some browsers (e.g., IE < 8) don't support it natively, but you can overcome this by adding a script reference to json2.js, downloadable from"));
                return JSON.stringify(r.a.d(a))
            }, wb: function (a, e, b) {
                var b = b || {}, f = b.params || {}, d = b.includeFields || this.Ba, h = a; if ("object" == typeof a && "FORM" == a.tagName) for (var h = a.action, g = d.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--) for (var j = r.a.Ca(a, d[g]), i = j.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) f[j[i].name] = j[i].value; var e = r.a.d(e), u = document.createElement("FORM"); = "none"; u.action = h; u.method = "post"; for (var y in e) a = document.createElement("INPUT"), = y, a.value =[y])), u.appendChild(a); for (y in f) a = document.createElement("INPUT"), = y, a.value = f[y], u.appendChild(a); document.body.appendChild(u); b.submitter ? b.submitter(u) : u.submit(); setTimeout(function () { u.parentNode.removeChild(u) }, 0)
    }; r.b("ko.utils", r.a);
    r.a.n([["arrayForEach", r.a.n], ["arrayFirst", r.a.Wa], ["arrayFilter", r.a.aa], ["arrayGetDistinctValues", r.a.ya], ["arrayIndexOf", r.a.k], ["arrayMap",], ["arrayPushAll", r.a.J], ["arrayRemoveItem",], ["extend", r.a.extend], ["fieldsIncludedWithJsonPost", r.a.Ba], ["getFormFields", r.a.Ca], ["postJson", r.a.wb], ["parseJson", r.a.vb], ["registerEventHandler", r.a.s], ["stringifyJson",], ["range", r.a.yb], ["toggleDomNodeCssClass", r.a.Qa], ["triggerEvent",], ["unwrapObservable", r.a.d]], function (a) {
        r.b("ko.utils." +
a[0], a[1])
    }); Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function (a) { var b = this, d =, a = d.shift(); return function () { return b.apply(a, d.concat( } });
    r.a.e = new function () { var a = 0, b = "__ko__" + (new Date).getTime(), d = {}; return { get: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.e.getAll(a, p); return d === l ? l : d[b] }, set: function (a, b, d) { d === l && r.a.e.getAll(a, p) === l || (r.a.e.getAll(a, m)[b] = d) }, getAll: function (e, f) { var h = e[b]; if (!(h && "null" !== h)) { if (!f) return; h = e[b] = "ko" + a++; d[h] = {} } return d[h] }, clear: function (a) { var f = a[b]; f && (delete d[f], a[b] = o) } } }; r.b("ko.utils.domData", r.a.e); r.b("ko.utils.domData.clear", r.a.e.clear);
    r.a.A = new function () {
        function a(a, b) { var h = r.a.e.get(a, d); h === l && b && (h = [], r.a.e.set(a, d, h)); return h } function b(e) { var b = a(e, p); if (b) for (var b = b.slice(0), d = 0; d < b.length; d++) b[d](e); r.a.e.clear(e); "function" == typeof jQuery && "function" == typeof jQuery.cleanData && jQuery.cleanData([e]) } var d = "__ko_domNodeDisposal__" + (new Date).getTime(); return { va: function (e, b) { "function" != typeof b && c(Error("Callback must be a function")); a(e, m).push(b) }, Ia: function (e, b) {
            var h = a(e, p); h && (, b), 0 == h.length && r.a.e.set(e,
d, l))
        }, F: function (a) { if (!(1 != a.nodeType && 9 != a.nodeType)) { b(a); var f = []; r.a.J(f, a.getElementsByTagName("*")); for (var a = 0, d = f.length; a < d; a++) b(f[a]) } }, removeNode: function (a) { r.F(a); a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } 
    }; r.F = r.a.A.F; r.removeNode = r.a.A.removeNode; r.b("ko.cleanNode", r.F); r.b("ko.removeNode", r.removeNode); r.b("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal", r.a.A); r.b("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback",; r.b("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.removeDisposeCallback", r.a.A.Ia); = function (a) {
        var b; if ("undefined" != typeof jQuery) { if ((b = jQuery.clean([a])) && b[0]) { for (a = b[0]; a.parentNode && 11 !== a.parentNode.nodeType; ) a = a.parentNode; a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } } else {
            var d = r.a.z(a).toLowerCase(); b = document.createElement("div"); d = d.match(/^<(thead|tbody|tfoot)/) && [1, "<table>", "</table>"] || !d.indexOf("<tr") && [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"] || (!d.indexOf("<td") || !d.indexOf("<th")) && [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"] || [0, "", ""]; a = "ignored<div>" +
d[1] + a + d[2] + "</div>"; for ("function" == typeof window.innerShiv ? b.appendChild(window.innerShiv(a)) : b.innerHTML = a; d[0]--; ) b = b.lastChild; b = r.a.X(b.lastChild.childNodes)
        } return b
    }; r.a.Z = function (a, b) { r.a.U(a); if (b !== o && b !== l) if ("string" != typeof b && (b = b.toString()), "undefined" != typeof jQuery) jQuery(a).html(b); else for (var d =, e = 0; e < d.length; e++) a.appendChild(d[e]) }; r.b("ko.utils.parseHtmlFragment",; r.b("ko.utils.setHtml", r.a.Z);
    r.r = function () {
        function a() { return (4294967296 * (1 + Math.random()) | 0).toString(16).substring(1) } function b(a, f) { if (a) if (8 == a.nodeType) { var d = r.r.Ga(a.nodeValue); d != o && f.push({ cb: a, tb: d }) } else if (1 == a.nodeType) for (var d = 0, g = a.childNodes, i = g.length; d < i; d++) b(g[d], f) } var d = {}; return { ka: function (b) { "function" != typeof b && c(Error("You can only pass a function to ko.memoization.memoize()")); var f = a() + a(); d[f] = b; return "<\!--[ko_memo:" + f + "]--\>" }, Ra: function (a, b) {
            var h = d[a]; h === l && c(Error("Couldn't find any memo with ID " +
a + ". Perhaps it's already been unmemoized.")); try { return h.apply(o, b || []), m } finally { delete d[a] } 
        }, Sa: function (a, f) { var d = []; b(a, d); for (var g = 0, i = d.length; g < i; g++) { var j = d[g].cb, k = [j]; f && r.a.J(k, f); r.r.Ra(d[g].tb, k); j.nodeValue = ""; j.parentNode && j.parentNode.removeChild(j) } }, Ga: function (a) { return (a = a.match(/^\[ko_memo\:(.*?)\]$/)) ? a[1] : o } 
    } (); r.b("ko.memoization", r.r); r.b("ko.memoization.memoize", r.r.ka); r.b("ko.memoization.unmemoize", r.r.Ra); r.b("ko.memoization.parseMemoText", r.r.Ga);
    r.b("ko.memoization.unmemoizeDomNodeAndDescendants", r.r.Sa); r.Aa = { throttle: function (a, b) { a.throttleEvaluation = b; var d = o; return r.i({ read: a, write: function (e) { clearTimeout(d); d = setTimeout(function () { a(e) }, b) } }) }, notify: function (a, b) { a.equalityComparer = "always" == b ? function () { return p } : r.w.fn.equalityComparer; return a } }; r.b("ko.extenders", r.Aa); r.Oa = function (a, b) { this.da = a; = b; r.l(this, "dispose", this.v) }; r.Oa.prototype.v = function () { this.nb = m; };
    r.R = function () { this.u = {}; r.a.extend(this, r.R.fn); r.l(this, "subscribe", this.ra); r.l(this, "extend", this.extend); r.l(this, "getSubscriptionsCount", this.kb) };
    r.R.fn = { ra: function (a, b, d) { var d = d || "change", a = b ? a.bind(b) : a, e = new r.Oa(a, function () {[d], e) } .bind(this)); this.u[d] || (this.u[d] = []); this.u[d].push(e); return e }, notifySubscribers: function (a, b) { b = b || "change"; this.u[b] && r.a.n(this.u[b].slice(0), function (b) { b && b.nb !== m && b.da(a) }) }, kb: function () { var a = 0, b; for (b in this.u) this.u.hasOwnProperty(b) && (a += this.u[b].length); return a }, extend: function (a) { var b = this; if (a) for (var d in a) { var e = r.Aa[d]; "function" == typeof e && (b = e(b, a[d])) } return b } };
    r.Ea = function (a) { return "function" == typeof a.ra && "function" == typeof a.notifySubscribers }; r.b("ko.subscribable", r.R); r.b("ko.isSubscribable", r.Ea); r.T = function () { var a = []; return { Xa: function (b) { a.push({ da: b, za: [] }) }, end: function () { a.pop() }, Ha: function (b) { r.Ea(b) || c("Only subscribable things can act as dependencies"); if (0 < a.length) { var d = a[a.length - 1]; 0 <= r.a.k(, b) || (, d.da(b)) } } } } (); var B = { undefined: m, "boolean": m, number: m, string: m };
    r.w = function (a) { function b() { if (0 < arguments.length) { if (!b.equalityComparer || !b.equalityComparer(d, arguments[0])) b.H(), d = arguments[0], b.G(); return this } r.T.Ha(b); return d } var d = a;; b.G = function () { b.notifySubscribers(d) }; b.H = function () { b.notifySubscribers(d, "beforeChange") }; r.a.extend(b, r.w.fn); r.l(b, "valueHasMutated", b.G); r.l(b, "valueWillMutate", b.H); return b }; r.w.fn = { B: r.w, equalityComparer: function (a, b) { return a === o || typeof a in B ? a === b : p } };
    r.V = function (a) { return a === o || a === l || a.B === l ? p : a.B === r.w ? m : r.V(a.B) }; r.P = function (a) { return "function" == typeof a && a.B === r.w ? m : "function" == typeof a && a.B === r.i && ? m : p }; r.b("ko.observable", r.w); r.b("ko.isObservable", r.V); r.b("ko.isWriteableObservable", r.P);
    r.Q = function (a) { 0 == arguments.length && (a = []); a !== o && a !== l && !("length" in a) && c(Error("The argument passed when initializing an observable array must be an array, or null, or undefined.")); var b = new r.w(a); r.a.extend(b, r.Q.fn); r.l(b, "remove", b.remove); r.l(b, "removeAll", b.zb); r.l(b, "destroy", b.fa); r.l(b, "destroyAll", b.ab); r.l(b, "indexOf", b.indexOf); r.l(b, "replace", b.replace); return b };
    r.Q.fn = { remove: function (a) { for (var b = this(), d = [], e = "function" == typeof a ? a : function (b) { return b === a }, f = 0; f < b.length; f++) { var h = b[f]; e(h) && (0 === d.length && this.H(), d.push(h), b.splice(f, 1), f--) } d.length && this.G(); return d }, zb: function (a) { if (a === l) { var b = this(), d = b.slice(0); this.H(); b.splice(0, b.length); this.G(); return d } return !a ? [] : this.remove(function (b) { return 0 <= r.a.k(a, b) }) }, fa: function (a) {
        var b = this(), d = "function" == typeof a ? a : function (b) { return b === a }; this.H(); for (var e = b.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) d(b[e]) &&
(b[e]._destroy = m); this.G()
    }, ab: function (a) { return a === l ? this.fa(function () { return m }) : !a ? [] : this.fa(function (b) { return 0 <= r.a.k(a, b) }) }, indexOf: function (a) { var b = this(); return r.a.k(b, a) }, replace: function (a, b) { var d = this.indexOf(a); 0 <= d && (this.H(), this()[d] = b, this.G()) } 
    }; r.a.n("pop,push,reverse,shift,sort,splice,unshift".split(","), function (a) { r.Q.fn[a] = function () { var b = this(); this.H(); b = b[a].apply(b, arguments); this.G(); return b } });
    r.a.n(["slice"], function (a) { r.Q.fn[a] = function () { var b = this(); return b[a].apply(b, arguments) } }); r.b("ko.observableArray", r.Q); function C(a, b) { a && "object" == typeof a ? b = a : (b = b || {}, = a ||; "function" != typeof && c("Pass a function that returns the value of the dependentObservable"); return b }
    r.i = function (a, b, d) {
        function e() { r.a.n(q, function (a) { a.v() }); q = [] } function f() { var a = g.throttleEvaluation; a && 0 <= a ? (clearTimeout(v), v = setTimeout(h, a)) : h() } function h() { if (j && "function" == typeof d.disposeWhen && d.disposeWhen()) g.v(); else { try { e(); r.T.Xa(function (a) { q.push(a.ra(f)) }); var a = || b); g.notifySubscribers(i, "beforeChange"); i = a } finally { r.T.end() } g.notifySubscribers(i); j = m } } function g() {
            if (0 < arguments.length) "function" === typeof d.write ? d.write.apply(d.owner || b, arguments) : c("Cannot write a value to a dependentObservable unless you specify a 'write' option. If you wish to read the current value, don't pass any parameters.");
            else return j || h(), r.T.Ha(g), i
        } var i, j = p, d = C(a, d), k = "object" == typeof d.disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved ? d.disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved : o, n = o; if (k) { n = function () { g.v() };, n); var t = d.disposeWhen; d.disposeWhen = function () { return ! || "function" == typeof t && t() } } var q = [], v = o; g.jb = function () { return q.length }; = "function" === typeof d.write; g.v = function () { k && r.a.A.Ia(k, n); e() };; r.a.extend(g, r.i.fn); d.deferEvaluation !== m && h(); r.l(g, "dispose", g.v); r.l(g, "getDependenciesCount", g.jb); return g
    r.i.fn = { B: r.i }; r.i.B = r.w; r.b("ko.dependentObservable", r.i); r.b("ko.computed", r.i);
    (function () {
        function a(e, f, h) { h = h || new d; e = f(e); if (!("object" == typeof e && e !== o && e !== l && !(e instanceof Date))) return e; var g = e instanceof Array ? [] : {};, g); b(e, function (b) { var d = f(e[b]); switch (typeof d) { case "boolean": case "number": case "string": case "function": g[b] = d; break; case "object": case "undefined": var k = h.get(d); g[b] = k !== l ? k : a(d, f, h) } }); return g } function b(a, b) { if (a instanceof Array) for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b(d); else for (d in a) b(d) } function d() {
            var a = [], b = []; = function (d, g) {
                var i =
r.a.k(a, d); 0 <= i ? b[i] = g : (a.push(d), b.push(g))
            }; this.get = function (d) { d = r.a.k(a, d); return 0 <= d ? b[d] : l } 
        } r.Pa = function (b) { 0 == arguments.length && c(Error("When calling ko.toJS, pass the object you want to convert.")); return a(b, function (a) { for (var b = 0; r.V(a) && 10 > b; b++) a = a(); return a }) }; r.toJSON = function (a) { a = r.Pa(a); return } 
    })(); r.b("ko.toJS", r.Pa); r.b("ko.toJSON", r.toJSON);
    r.h = { q: function (a) { return "OPTION" == a.tagName ? a.__ko__hasDomDataOptionValue__ === m ? r.a.e.get(a, : a.getAttribute("value") : "SELECT" == a.tagName ? 0 <= a.selectedIndex ? r.h.q(a.options[a.selectedIndex]) : l : a.value }, S: function (a, b) {
        if ("OPTION" == a.tagName) switch (typeof b) {
            case "string": r.a.e.set(a,, l); "__ko__hasDomDataOptionValue__" in a && delete a.__ko__hasDomDataOptionValue__; a.value = b; break; default: r.a.e.set(a,, b), a.__ko__hasDomDataOptionValue__ = m, a.value = "number" === typeof b ?
b : ""
        } else if ("SELECT" == a.tagName) for (var d = a.options.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--) { if (r.h.q(a.options[d]) == b) { a.selectedIndex = d; break } } else { if (b === o || b === l) b = ""; a.value = b } 
    }; r.b("ko.selectExtensions", r.h); r.b("ko.selectExtensions.readValue", r.h.q); r.b("ko.selectExtensions.writeValue", r.h.S);
    r.j = function () {
        function a(a, e) { for (var d = o; a != d; ) d = a, a = a.replace(b, function (a, b) { return e[b] }); return a } var b = /\@ko_token_(\d+)\@/g, d = /^[\_$a-z][\_$a-z0-9]*(\[.*?\])*(\.[\_$a-z][\_$a-z0-9]*(\[.*?\])*)*$/i, e = ["true", "false"]; return { D: [], Y: function (b) {
            var e = r.a.z(b); if (3 > e.length) return []; "{" === e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substring(1, e.length - 1)); for (var b = [], d = o, i, j = 0; j < e.length; j++) {
                var k = e.charAt(j); if (d === o) switch (k) { case '"': case "'": case "/": d = j, i = k } else if (k == i && "\\" !== e.charAt(j - 1)) {
                    k = e.substring(d, j +
1); b.push(k); var n = "@ko_token_" + (b.length - 1) + "@", e = e.substring(0, d) + n + e.substring(j + 1), j = j - (k.length - n.length), d = o
            } i = d = o; for (var t = 0, q = o, j = 0; j < e.length; j++) { k = e.charAt(j); if (d === o) switch (k) { case "{": d = j; q = k; i = "}"; break; case "(": d = j; q = k; i = ")"; break; case "[": d = j, q = k, i = "]" } k === q ? t++ : k === i && (t--, 0 === t && (k = e.substring(d, j + 1), b.push(k), n = "@ko_token_" + (b.length - 1) + "@", e = e.substring(0, d) + n + e.substring(j + 1), j -= k.length - n.length, d = o)) } i = []; e = e.split(","); d = 0; for (j = e.length; d < j; d++) t = e[d], q = t.indexOf(":"),
0 < q && q < t.length - 1 ? (k = t.substring(q + 1), i.push({ key: a(t.substring(0, q), b), value: a(k, b) })) : i.push({ unknown: a(t, b) }); return i
        }, ia: function (a) {
            for (var b = "string" === typeof a ? r.j.Y(a) : a, g = [], a = [], i, j = 0; i = b[j]; j++) if (0 < g.length && g.push(","), i.key) {
                var k; a: { k = i.key; var n = r.a.z(k); switch (n.length && n.charAt(0)) { case "'": case '"': break a; default: k = "'" + n + "'" } } i = i.value; g.push(k); g.push(":"); g.push(i); n = r.a.z(i); if (0 <= r.a.k(e, r.a.z(n).toLowerCase()) ? 0 : n.match(d) !== o) 0 < a.length && a.push(", "), a.push(k + " : function(__ko_value) { " +
i + " = __ko_value; }")
            } else i.unknown && g.push(i.unknown); b = g.join(""); 0 < a.length && (b = b + ", '_ko_property_writers' : { " + a.join("") + " } "); return b
        }, rb: function (a, b) { for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) if (r.a.z(a[e].key) == b) return m; return p } 
    } (); r.b("ko.jsonExpressionRewriting", r.j); r.b("ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators", r.j.D); r.b("ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.parseObjectLiteral", r.j.Y); r.b("ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.insertPropertyAccessorsIntoJson", r.j.ia);
    (function () {
        function a(a) { return 8 == a.nodeType && (f ? a.text : a.nodeValue).match(h) } function b(a) { return 8 == a.nodeType && (f ? a.text : a.nodeValue).match(g) } function d(e, d) { for (var f = e, g = 1, h = []; f = f.nextSibling; ) { if (b(f) && (g--, 0 === g)) return h; h.push(f); a(f) && g++ } d || c(Error("Cannot find closing comment tag to match: " + e.nodeValue)); return o } function e(a, b) { var e = d(a, b); return e ? 0 < e.length ? e[e.length - 1].nextSibling : a.nextSibling : o } var f = "<\!--test--\>" === document.createComment("test").text, h = f ? /^<\!--\s*ko\s+(.*\:.*)\s*--\>$/ :
/^\s*ko\s+(.*\:.*)\s*$/, g = f ? /^<\!--\s*\/ko\s*--\>$/ : /^\s*\/ko\s*$/, i = { ul: m, ol: m }; r.f = { C: {}, childNodes: function (b) { return a(b) ? d(b) : b.childNodes }, ha: function (b) { if (a(b)) for (var b = r.f.childNodes(b), e = 0, d = b.length; e < d; e++) r.removeNode(b[e]); else r.a.U(b) }, oa: function (b, e) { if (a(b)) { r.f.ha(b); for (var d = b.nextSibling, f = 0, g = e.length; f < g; f++) d.parentNode.insertBefore(e[f], d) } else r.a.oa(b, e) }, xb: function (b, e) { a(b) ? b.parentNode.insertBefore(e, b.nextSibling) : b.firstChild ? b.insertBefore(e, b.firstChild) : b.appendChild(e) },
    mb: function (b, e, d) { a(b) ? b.parentNode.insertBefore(e, d.nextSibling) : d.nextSibling ? b.insertBefore(e, d.nextSibling) : b.appendChild(e) }, nextSibling: function (d) { return a(d) ? e(d).nextSibling : d.nextSibling && b(d.nextSibling) ? l : d.nextSibling }, ta: function (b) { return (b = a(b)) ? b[1] : o }, ib: function (a) { if (r.f.ta(a)) { var b; b = r.f.childNodes(a); for (var e = [], d = 0, f = b.length; d < f; d++) r.a.A.F(b[d]), e.push(r.a.outerHTML(b[d])); b = String.prototype.concat.apply("", e); r.f.ha(a); (new r.m.I(a)).text(b) } }, Fa: function (d) {
        if (i[d.tagName.toLowerCase()]) {
            var f =
d.firstChild; if (f) { do if (1 === f.nodeType) { var g; g = f.firstChild; var h = o; if (g) { do if (h) h.push(g); else if (a(g)) { var q = e(g, m); q ? g = q : h = [g] } else b(g) && (h = [g]); while (g = g.nextSibling) } if (g = h) { h = f.nextSibling; for (q = 0; q < g.length; q++) h ? d.insertBefore(g[q], h) : d.appendChild(g[q]) } } while (f = f.nextSibling) } 
    })(); r.L = function () { };
    r.a.extend(r.L.prototype, { nodeHasBindings: function (a) { switch (a.nodeType) { case 1: return a.getAttribute("data-bind") != o; case 8: return r.f.ta(a) != o; default: return p } }, getBindings: function (a, b) { var d = this.getBindingsString(a, b); return d ? this.parseBindingsString(d, b) : o }, getBindingsString: function (a) { switch (a.nodeType) { case 1: return a.getAttribute("data-bind"); case 8: return r.f.ta(a); default: return o } }, parseBindingsString: function (a, b) {
        try {
            var d = b.$data, e = " { " + r.j.ia(a) + " } "; return r.a.hb(e, d === o ? window :
d, b)
        } catch (f) { c(Error("Unable to parse bindings.\nMessage: " + f + ";\nBindings value: " + a)) } 
    }); r.L.instance = new r.L; r.b("ko.bindingProvider", r.L);
    (function () {
        function a(a, d) { for (var h, g = d.childNodes[0]; h = g; ) g = r.f.nextSibling(h), b(a, h, p) } function b(b, f, h) { var g = m, i = 1 == f.nodeType; i && r.f.Fa(f); if (i && h || r.L.instance.nodeHasBindings(f)) g = d(f, o, b, h).Bb; i && g && a(b, f) } function d(a, b, d, g) {
            function i(a) { return function () { return n[a] } } function j() { return n } var k = 0; r.f.ib(a); var n, t; new r.i(function () {
                var q = d && d instanceof r.K ? d : new r.K(r.a.d(d)), v = q.$data; g && r.Na(a, q); if (n = ("function" == typeof b ? b() : b) || r.L.instance.getBindings(a, q)) {
                    if (0 === k) {
                        k = 1; for (var s in n) {
                            var w =
r.c[s]; w && 8 === a.nodeType && !r.f.C[s] && c(Error("The binding '" + s + "' cannot be used with virtual elements")); if (w && "function" == typeof w.init && (w = (0, w.init)(a, i(s), j, v, q)) && w.controlsDescendantBindings) t !== l && c(Error("Multiple bindings (" + t + " and " + s + ") are trying to control descendant bindings of the same element. You cannot use these bindings together on the same element.")), t = s
                        } k = 2
                    } if (2 === k) for (s in n) (w = r.c[s]) && "function" == typeof w.update && (0, w.update)(a, i(s), j, v, q)
            }, o, { disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: a });
            return { Bb: t === l}
        } r.c = {}; r.K = function (a, b) { this.$data = a; b ? (this.$parent = b.$data, this.$parents = (b.$parents || []).slice(0), this.$parents.unshift(this.$parent), this.$root = b.$root) : (this.$parents = [], this.$root = a) }; r.K.prototype.createChildContext = function (a) { return new r.K(a, this) }; r.Na = function (a, b) { if (2 == arguments.length) r.a.e.set(a, "__ko_bindingContext__", b); else return r.a.e.get(a, "__ko_bindingContext__") }; r.xa = function (a, b, h) { 1 === a.nodeType && r.f.Fa(a); return d(a, b, h, m) }; r.Ta = function (b, d) {
            1 === d.nodeType &&
a(b, d)
        }; r.wa = function (a, d) { d && 1 !== d.nodeType && 8 !== d.nodeType && c(Error("ko.applyBindings: first parameter should be your view model; second parameter should be a DOM node")); d = d || window.document.body; b(a, d, m) }; r.ea = function (a) { switch (a.nodeType) { case 1: case 8: var b = r.Na(a); if (b) return b; if (a.parentNode) return r.ea(a.parentNode) } }; r.$a = function (a) { return (a = r.ea(a)) ? a.$data : l }; r.b("ko.bindingHandlers", r.c); r.b("ko.applyBindings", r.wa); r.b("ko.applyBindingsToDescendants", r.Ta); r.b("ko.applyBindingsToNode",
r.xa); r.b("ko.contextFor", r.ea); r.b("ko.dataFor", r.$a)
    })(); r.a.n(["click"], function (a) { r.c[a] = { init: function (b, d, e, f) { return, b, function () { var b = {}; b[a] = d(); return b }, e, f) } } });
    r.c.event = { init: function (a, b, d, e) { var f = b() || {}, h; for (h in f) (function () { var f = h; "string" == typeof f && r.a.s(a, f, function (a) { var h, k = b()[f]; if (k) { var n = d(); try { var t = r.a.X(arguments); t.unshift(e); h = k.apply(e, t) } finally { if (h !== m) a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = p } if (n[f + "Bubble"] === p) a.cancelBubble = m, a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation() } }) })() } };
    r.c.submit = { init: function (a, b, d, e) { "function" != typeof b() && c(Error("The value for a submit binding must be a function")); r.a.s(a, "submit", function (d) { var h, g = b(); try { h =, a) } finally { if (h !== m) d.preventDefault ? d.preventDefault() : d.returnValue = p } }) } }; r.c.visible = { update: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b()), e = "none" !=; if (d && !e) = ""; else if (!d && e) = "none" } };
    r.c.enable = { update: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b()); if (d && a.disabled) a.removeAttribute("disabled"); else if (!d && !a.disabled) a.disabled = m } }; r.c.disable = { update: function (a, b) { r.c.enable.update(a, function () { return !r.a.d(b()) }) } }; function D(a, b, d) { d && b !== r.h.q(a) && r.h.S(a, b); b !== r.h.q(a) &&, "change") }
    r.c.value = { init: function (a, b, d) { var e = ["change"], f = d().valueUpdate; f && ("string" == typeof f && (f = [f]), r.a.J(e, f), e = r.a.ya(e)); r.a.n(e, function (e) { var f = p; r.a.Cb(e, "after") && (f = m, e = e.substring(5)); var i = f ? function (a) { setTimeout(a, 0) } : function (a) { a() }; r.a.s(a, e, function () { i(function () { var e = b(), f = r.h.q(a); r.P(e) ? e(f) : (e = d(), e._ko_property_writers && e._ko_property_writers.value && e._ko_property_writers.value(f)) }) }) }) }, update: function (a, b) {
        var d = r.a.d(b()), e = r.h.q(a), f = d != e; 0 === d && 0 !== e && "0" !== e && (f = m); f &&
(e = function () { r.h.S(a, d) }, e(), "SELECT" == a.tagName && setTimeout(e, 0)); "SELECT" == a.tagName && 0 < a.length && D(a, d, p)
    r.c.options = { update: function (a, b, d) {
        "SELECT" != a.tagName && c(Error("options binding applies only to SELECT elements")); var e = 0 == a.length, f =, function (a) { return a.tagName && "OPTION" == a.tagName && a.selected }), function (a) { return r.h.q(a) || a.innerText || a.textContent }), h = a.scrollTop; a.scrollTop = 0; for (var g = r.a.d(b()); 0 < a.length; ) r.F(a.options[0]), a.remove(0); if (g) {
            d = d(); "number" != typeof g.length && (g = [g]); if (d.optionsCaption) {
                var i = document.createElement("OPTION"); r.a.Z(i, d.optionsCaption);
                r.h.S(i, l); a.appendChild(i)
            } for (var b = 0, j = g.length; b < j; b++) { var i = document.createElement("OPTION"), k = "string" == typeof d.optionsValue ? g[b][d.optionsValue] : g[b], k = r.a.d(k); r.h.S(i, k); var n = d.optionsText, k = "function" == typeof n ? n(g[b]) : "string" == typeof n ? g[b][n] : k; if (k === o || k === l) k = ""; r.a.Ma(i, k); a.appendChild(i) } g = a.getElementsByTagName("OPTION"); b = i = 0; for (j = g.length; b < j; b++) 0 <= r.a.k(f, r.h.q(g[b])) && (r.a.La(g[b], m), i++); if (h) a.scrollTop = h; e && "value" in d && D(a, r.a.d(d.value), m)
    }; = "__ko.optionValueDomData__";
    r.c.selectedOptions = { Da: function (a) { for (var b = [], a = a.childNodes, d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) { var f = a[d]; "OPTION" == f.tagName && f.selected && b.push(r.h.q(f)) } return b }, init: function (a, b, d) { r.a.s(a, "change", function () { var a = b(); r.P(a) ? a(r.c.selectedOptions.Da(this)) : (a = d(), a._ko_property_writers && a._ko_property_writers.value && a._ko_property_writers.value(r.c.selectedOptions.Da(this))) }) }, update: function (a, b) {
        "SELECT" != a.tagName && c(Error("values binding applies only to SELECT elements")); var d = r.a.d(b()); if (d &&
"number" == typeof d.length) for (var e = a.childNodes, f = 0, h = e.length; f < h; f++) { var g = e[f]; "OPTION" == g.tagName && r.a.La(g, 0 <= r.a.k(d, r.h.q(g))) } 
    }; r.c.text = { update: function (a, b) { r.a.Ma(a, b()) } }; r.c.html = { init: function () { return { controlsDescendantBindings: m} }, update: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b()); r.a.Z(a, d) } }; r.c.css = { update: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b() || {}), e; for (e in d) if ("string" == typeof e) { var f = r.a.d(d[e]); r.a.Qa(a, e, f) } } }; = { update: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b() || {}), e; for (e in d) if ("string" == typeof e) { var f = r.a.d(d[e]);[e] = f || "" } } }; r.c.uniqueName = { init: function (a, b) { if (b()) = "ko_unique_" + ++r.c.uniqueName.Za, (r.a.ob || r.a.pb) && a.mergeAttributes(document.createElement("<input name='" + + "'/>"), p) } }; r.c.uniqueName.Za = 0;
    r.c.checked = { init: function (a, b, d) { r.a.s(a, "click", function () { var e; if ("checkbox" == a.type) e = a.checked; else if ("radio" == a.type && a.checked) e = a.value; else return; var f = b(); "checkbox" == a.type && r.a.d(f) instanceof Array ? (e = r.a.k(r.a.d(f), a.value), a.checked && 0 > e ? f.push(a.value) : !a.checked && 0 <= e && f.splice(e, 1)) : r.P(f) ? f() !== e && f(e) : (f = d(), f._ko_property_writers && f._ko_property_writers.checked && f._ko_property_writers.checked(e)) }); "radio" == a.type && ! && r.c.uniqueName.init(a, function () { return m }) }, update: function (a,
b) { var d = r.a.d(b()); if ("checkbox" == a.type) a.checked = d instanceof Array ? 0 <= r.a.k(d, a.value) : d; else if ("radio" == a.type) a.checked = a.value == d } 
    }; r.c.attr = { update: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b()) || {}, e; for (e in d) if ("string" == typeof e) { var f = r.a.d(d[e]); f === p || f === o || f === l ? a.removeAttribute(e) : a.setAttribute(e, f.toString()) } } };
    r.c.hasfocus = { init: function (a, b, d) { function e(a) { var e = b(); a != r.a.d(e) && (r.P(e) ? e(a) : (e = d(), e._ko_property_writers && e._ko_property_writers.hasfocus && e._ko_property_writers.hasfocus(a))) } r.a.s(a, "focus", function () { e(m) }); r.a.s(a, "focusin", function () { e(m) }); r.a.s(a, "blur", function () { e(p) }); r.a.s(a, "focusout", function () { e(p) }) }, update: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b()); d ? a.focus() : a.blur();, d ? "focusin" : "focusout") } };
    r.c["with"] = { o: function (a) { return function () { var b = a(); return { "if": b, data: b, templateEngine: r.p.M} } }, init: function (a, b) { return r.c.template.init(a, r.c["with"].o(b)) }, update: function (a, b, d, e, f) { return r.c.template.update(a, r.c["with"].o(b), d, e, f) } }; r.j.D["with"] = p; r.f.C["with"] = m; r.c["if"] = { o: function (a) { return function () { return { "if": a(), templateEngine: r.p.M} } }, init: function (a, b) { return r.c.template.init(a, r.c["if"].o(b)) }, update: function (a, b, d, e, f) { return r.c.template.update(a, r.c["if"].o(b), d, e, f) } };
    r.j.D["if"] = p; r.f.C["if"] = m; r.c.ifnot = { o: function (a) { return function () { return { ifnot: a(), templateEngine: r.p.M} } }, init: function (a, b) { return r.c.template.init(a, r.c.ifnot.o(b)) }, update: function (a, b, d, e, f) { return r.c.template.update(a, r.c.ifnot.o(b), d, e, f) } }; r.j.D.ifnot = p; r.f.C.ifnot = m;
    r.c.foreach = { o: function (a) { return function () { var b = r.a.d(a()); return !b || "number" == typeof b.length ? { foreach: b, templateEngine: r.p.M} : { foreach:, includeDestroyed: b.includeDestroyed, afterAdd: b.afterAdd, beforeRemove: b.beforeRemove, afterRender: b.afterRender, templateEngine: r.p.M} } }, init: function (a, b) { return r.c.template.init(a, r.c.foreach.o(b)) }, update: function (a, b, d, e, f) { return r.c.template.update(a, r.c.foreach.o(b), d, e, f) } }; r.j.D.foreach = p; r.f.C.foreach = m; r.b("ko.allowedVirtualElementBindings", r.f.C);
    r.t = function () { }; r.t.prototype.renderTemplateSource = function () { c("Override renderTemplateSource") }; r.t.prototype.createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock = function () { c("Override createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock") }; r.t.prototype.makeTemplateSource = function (a) { if ("string" == typeof a) { var b = document.getElementById(a); b || c(Error("Cannot find template with ID " + a)); return new r.m.g(b) } if (1 == a.nodeType || 8 == a.nodeType) return new r.m.I(a); c(Error("Unknown template type: " + a)) };
    r.t.prototype.renderTemplate = function (a, b, d) { return this.renderTemplateSource(this.makeTemplateSource(a), b, d) }; r.t.prototype.isTemplateRewritten = function (a) { return this.allowTemplateRewriting === p ? m : this.W && this.W[a] ? m : this.makeTemplateSource(a).data("isRewritten") }; r.t.prototype.rewriteTemplate = function (a, b) { var d = this.makeTemplateSource(a), e = b(d.text()); d.text(e);"isRewritten", m); if ("string" == typeof a) this.W = this.W || {}, this.W[a] = m }; r.b("ko.templateEngine", r.t);
    r.$ = function () {
        function a(a, b, d) { for (var a = r.j.Y(a), g = r.j.D, i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var j = a[i].key; if (g.hasOwnProperty(j)) { var k = g[j]; "function" === typeof k ? (j = k(a[i].value)) && c(Error(j)) : k || c(Error("This template engine does not support the '" + j + "' binding within its templates")) } } a = "ko.templateRewriting.applyMemoizedBindingsToNextSibling(function() {             return (function() { return { " + r.j.ia(a) + " } })()         })"; return d.createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock(a) + b } var b = /(<[a-z]+\d*(\s+(?!data-bind=)[a-z0-9\-]+(=(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'))?)*\s+)data-bind=(["'])([\s\S]*?)\5/gi,
d = /<\!--\s*ko\b\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*--\>/g; return { gb: function (a, b) { b.isTemplateRewritten(a) || b.rewriteTemplate(a, function (a) { return r.$.ub(a, b) }) }, ub: function (e, f) { return e.replace(b, function (b, e, d, j, k, n, t) { return a(t, e, f) }).replace(d, function (b, e) { return a(e, "<\!-- ko --\>", f) }) }, Ua: function (a) { return r.r.ka(function (b, d) { b.nextSibling && r.xa(b.nextSibling, a, d) }) } }
    } (); r.b("ko.templateRewriting", r.$); r.b("ko.templateRewriting.applyMemoizedBindingsToNextSibling", r.$.Ua); r.m = {}; r.m.g = function (a) { this.g = a };
    r.m.g.prototype.text = function () { if (0 == arguments.length) return "script" == this.g.tagName.toLowerCase() ? this.g.text : this.g.innerHTML; var a = arguments[0]; "script" == this.g.tagName.toLowerCase() ? this.g.text = a : r.a.Z(this.g, a) }; = function (a) { if (1 === arguments.length) return r.a.e.get(this.g, "templateSourceData_" + a); r.a.e.set(this.g, "templateSourceData_" + a, arguments[1]) }; r.m.I = function (a) { this.g = a }; r.m.I.prototype = new r.m.g;
    r.m.I.prototype.text = function () { if (0 == arguments.length) return r.a.e.get(this.g, "__ko_anon_template__"); r.a.e.set(this.g, "__ko_anon_template__", arguments[0]) }; r.b("ko.templateSources", r.m); r.b("ko.templateSources.domElement", r.m.g); r.b("ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate", r.m.I);
    (function () {
        function a(a, b, d) { for (var g = 0; node = a[g]; g++) node.parentNode === b && (1 === node.nodeType || 8 === node.nodeType) && d(node) } function b(a, b, h, g, i) {
            var i = i || {}, j = i.templateEngine || d; r.$.gb(h, j); h = j.renderTemplate(h, g, i); ("number" != typeof h.length || 0 < h.length && "number" != typeof h[0].nodeType) && c("Template engine must return an array of DOM nodes"); j = p; switch (b) {
                case "replaceChildren": r.f.oa(a, h); j = m; break; case "replaceNode": r.a.Ja(a, h); j = m; break; case "ignoreTargetNode": break; default: c(Error("Unknown renderMode: " +
            } j && (, g), i.afterRender && i.afterRender(h, g.$data)); return h
        } var d; = function (a) { a != l && !(a instanceof r.t) && c("templateEngine must inherit from ko.templateEngine"); d = a }; = function (b, d) { var h = r.a.J([], b), g = 0 < b.length ? b[0].parentNode : o; a(h, g, function (a) { r.wa(d, a) }); a(h, g, function (a) { r.r.Sa(a, [d]) }) }; = function (a, f, h, g, i) {
            h = h || {}; (h.templateEngine || d) == l && c("Set a template engine before calling renderTemplate"); i = i || "replaceChildren"; if (g) {
                var j = g.nodeType ? g : 0 < g.length ? g[0] : o; return new r.i(function () {
                    var d =
f && f instanceof r.K ? f : new r.K(r.a.d(f)), n = "function" == typeof a ? a(d.$data) : a, d = b(g, i, n, d, h); "replaceNode" == i && (g = d, j = g.nodeType ? g : 0 < g.length ? g[0] : o)
                }, o, { disposeWhen: function () { return !j || ! }, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: j && "replaceNode" == i ? j.parentNode : j })
            } return r.r.ka(function (b) {, f, h, b, "replaceNode") })
        }; r.Ab = function (a, d, h, g, i) {
            function j(a, b) { var d = k(a);, d); h.afterRender && h.afterRender(b, d.$data) } function k(a) { return i.createChildContext(r.a.d(a)) } return new r.i(function () {
                var i =
r.a.d(d) || []; "undefined" == typeof i.length && (i = [i]); i = r.a.aa(i, function (a) { return h.includeDestroyed || a === l || a === o || !r.a.d(a._destroy) }); r.a.Ka(g, i, function (d) { var f = "function" == typeof a ? a(d) : a; return b(o, "ignoreTargetNode", f, k(d), h) }, h, j)
            }, o, { disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: g })
        }; r.c.template = { init: function (a, b) { var d = r.a.d(b()); "string" != typeof d && ! && 1 == a.nodeType && ((new r.m.I(a)).text(a.innerHTML), r.a.U(a)); return { controlsDescendantBindings: m} }, update: function (a, b, d, g, i) {
            b = r.a.d(b()); g = m; "string" ==
typeof b ? d = b : (d =, "if" in b && (g = g && r.a.d(b["if"])), "ifnot" in b && (g = g && !r.a.d(b.ifnot))); var j = o; "object" === typeof b && "foreach" in b ? j = r.Ab(d || a, g && b.foreach || [], b, a, i) : g ? (i = "object" == typeof b && "data" in b ? i.createChildContext(r.a.d( : i, j = || a, i, b, a)) : r.f.ha(a); i = j; (b = r.a.e.get(a, "__ko__templateSubscriptionDomDataKey__")) && "function" == typeof b.v && b.v(); r.a.e.set(a, "__ko__templateSubscriptionDomDataKey__", i)
        }; r.j.D.template = function (a) {
            a = r.j.Y(a); return 1 == a.length && a[0].unknown ? o : r.j.rb(a,
"name") ? o : "This template engine does not support anonymous templates nested within its templates"
        }; r.f.C.template = m
    })(); r.b("ko.setTemplateEngine",; r.b("ko.renderTemplate",;
    r.a.N = function (a, b, d) {
        if (d === l) return r.a.N(a, b, 1) || r.a.N(a, b, 10) || r.a.N(a, b, Number.MAX_VALUE); for (var a = a || [], b = b || [], e = a, f = b, h = [], g = 0; g <= f.length; g++) h[g] = []; for (var g = 0, i = Math.min(e.length, d); g <= i; g++) h[0][g] = g; g = 1; for (i = Math.min(f.length, d); g <= i; g++) h[g][0] = g; for (var i = e.length, j, k = f.length, g = 1; g <= i; g++) { j = Math.max(1, g - d); for (var n = Math.min(k, g + d); j <= n; j++) h[j][g] = e[g - 1] === f[j - 1] ? h[j - 1][g - 1] : Math.min(h[j - 1][g] === l ? Number.MAX_VALUE : h[j - 1][g] + 1, h[j][g - 1] === l ? Number.MAX_VALUE : h[j][g - 1] + 1) } d = a.length;
        e = b.length; f = []; g = h[e][d]; if (g === l) h = o; else { for (; 0 < d || 0 < e; ) { i = h[e][d]; k = 0 < e ? h[e - 1][d] : g + 1; n = 0 < d ? h[e][d - 1] : g + 1; j = 0 < e && 0 < d ? h[e - 1][d - 1] : g + 1; if (k === l || k < i - 1) k = g + 1; if (n === l || n < i - 1) n = g + 1; j < i - 1 && (j = g + 1); k <= n && k < j ? (f.push({ status: "added", value: b[e - 1] }), e--) : (n < k && n < j ? f.push({ status: "deleted", value: a[d - 1] }) : (f.push({ status: "retained", value: a[d - 1] }), e--), d--) } h = f.reverse() } return h
    }; r.b("ko.utils.compareArrays", r.a.N);
    (function () {
        function a(a) { if (2 < a.length) { for (var b = a[0], f = a[a.length - 1], h = [b]; b !== f; ) { b = b.nextSibling; if (!b) return; h.push(b) } Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, [0, a.length].concat(h)) } } function b(b, e, f, h) { var g = [], b = r.i(function () { var b = e(f) || []; 0 < g.length && (a(g), r.a.Ja(g, b), h && h(f, b)); g.splice(0, g.length); r.a.J(g, b) }, o, { disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: b, disposeWhen: function () { return 0 == g.length || ![0]) } }); return { sb: g, i: b} } r.a.Ka = function (d, e, f, h, g) {
            for (var e = e || [], h = h || {}, i = r.a.e.get(d, "setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping_lastMappingResult") ===
l, j = r.a.e.get(d, "setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping_lastMappingResult") || [], k =, function (a) { return a.Va }), n = r.a.N(k, e), e = [], t = 0, q = [], k = [], v = o, s = 0, w = n.length; s < w; s++) switch (n[s].status) {
                case "retained": var x = j[t]; e.push(x); 0 < x.O.length && (v = x.O[x.O.length - 1]); t++; break; case "deleted": j[t].i.v(); a(j[t].O); r.a.n(j[t].O, function (a) { q.push({ element: a, index: s, value: n[s].value }); v = a }); t++; break; case "added": var x = n[s].value, z = b(d, f, x, g), u =; e.push({ Va: n[s].value, O: u, i: z.i }); for (var z = 0, y = u.length; z <
y; z++) { var A = u[z]; k.push({ element: A, index: s, value: n[s].value }); v == o ? r.f.xb(d, A) : r.f.mb(d, A, v); v = A } g && g(x, u)
            } r.a.n(q, function (a) { r.F(a.element) }); f = p; if (!i) { if (h.afterAdd) for (s = 0; s < k.length; s++) h.afterAdd(k[s].element, k[s].index, k[s].value); if (h.beforeRemove) { for (s = 0; s < q.length; s++) h.beforeRemove(q[s].element, q[s].index, q[s].value); f = m } } f || r.a.n(q, function (a) { r.removeNode(a.element) }); r.a.e.set(d, "setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping_lastMappingResult", e)
    r.b("ko.utils.setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping", r.a.Ka); r.p = function () { this.allowTemplateRewriting = p }; r.p.prototype = new r.t; r.p.prototype.renderTemplateSource = function (a) { a = a.text(); return }; r.p.M = new r.p;; r.b("ko.nativeTemplateEngine", r.p);
    (function () {
        r.ja = function () {
            var a = this.qb = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery || !jQuery.tmpl) return 0; try { if (0 <="__")) return 2 } catch (a) { } return 1 } (); this.renderTemplateSource = function (d, e, f) {
                f = f || {}; 2 > a && c(Error("Your version of jQuery.tmpl is too old. Please upgrade to jQuery.tmpl 1.0.0pre or later.")); var h ="precompiled"); h || (h = d.text() || "", h = jQuery.template(o, "{{ko_with $item.koBindingContext}}" + h + "{{/ko_with}}"),"precompiled", h));
                d = [e.$data]; e = jQuery.extend({ koBindingContext: e }, f.templateOptions); e = jQuery.tmpl(h, d, e); e.appendTo(document.createElement("div")); jQuery.fragments = {}; return e
            }; this.createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock = function (a) { return "{{ko_code ((function() { return " + a + " })()) }}" }; this.addTemplate = function (a, b) { document.write("<script type='text/html' id='" + a + "'>" + b + "<\/script>") }; if (0 < a) jQuery.tmpl.tag.ko_code = { open: "__.push($1 || '');" }, jQuery.tmpl.tag.ko_with = { open: "with($1) {", close: "} "}
        }; r.ja.prototype = new r.t;
        var a = new r.ja; 0 < a.qb &&; r.b("ko.jqueryTmplTemplateEngine", r.ja)

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Italy Italy
Paolo Costa is a software developer with long experience on any kind of .NET application. He lives in Italy and works in Switzerland for a credit card payment acquiring company.

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