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Resolving Symbolic References in a CodeDOM (Part 7)

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2 Dec 2012CDDL12 min read 19.4K   509   14  
Resolving symbolic references in a CodeDOM.
// The Nova Project by Ken Beckett.
// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Inevitable Software, all rights reserved.

// This file contains test code for the Nova.CodeDOM library - it's not designed to be
// executed, only parsed and resolved.

#pragma warning disable  // disable warnings for this file
#undef JUST_TESTING      // undefine symbol
#define UNDOCUMENTED     // define symbol

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;

using Nova.CodeDOM;

using Win = System.Windows;              // namespace alias
using App = System.Windows.Application;  // type alias
using Attribute = System.Attribute;

[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersion("0.9")]  // global attribute

namespace Test.Full
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    /// <summary>
    /// This is a custom attribute.
    /// </summary>
    class CustomAttribute : Attribute
        public string Message { get { return null; } set { } }
        public int Value { get { return 0; } set { } }

    // This is a top-level enum declaration
    public enum TestEnum : byte
#if true
        One = 1,  // EOL comment
#if true
        // Regular comment
        Two,  // EOL comment
        Four = 4

    /// <summary>
    /// This is a class.
    /// </summary>
    [Custom(Message = "test", Value = 3)]  // class attribute
#if true
    public class TestClass
    class TestClass
        : ArrayList, IDisposable
        // ENUMS

        // This is a nested enum declaration
        enum E1 { One = 1, Two = 2 }

        enum SingleEnum { LonelyValue }


        public const int MaxItems = 100;
        [Obsolete("don't use")]  // field attribute
        private string _test;
        private static TestClass _instance;
        private double[,] _2darray;
        private int _a, _b;
        private int _c = 0, _d;
        private const int E = MaxItems;
        private TestEnum _testEnum = TestEnum.Four;


        // Static constructor
        static TestClass()
            _instance = new TestClass();
            _instance.Add(null);  // base method call

        /// <summary>
        /// Doc comment with missing language element.
        /// </summary>
        //private int field;

        /// <summary>Default constructor</summary>
        /// test
        public TestClass()
            : base(/*infix*/)
        { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor w/parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="test">Test parameter.</param>
        public TestClass(string test)
            : this()
        { }

        public TestClass(int test)  // EOL comment on ConstructorDecl
            // Comment on ConstructorInitializer
            : this("test")  // EOL comment on ConstructorInitializer
        { }

        // Destructor
        { }

        public void Dispose()
        { }

        // PROPERTIES

        /// <summary>
        /// Test property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>This is a test value.</value>
        [Custom]  // property attribute
        public string Test
            get { return /*inline*/ _test; }  // getter
            protected set { _test = value; /* EOL comment */ }  // setter

        // INDEXERS

        /// <summary>
        /// This is an indexer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p1">First parameter <c>p1</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="p2">Second parameter <paramref name="p2"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>Double result.</returns>
        [Custom]  // indexer attribute
        public double this[int p1, int p2]
            get { return _2darray[p1, p2]; }
            private set { _2darray[p1, p2] = value; }

        // DELEGATES

        delegate void VoidNoParms();
        public delegate void VoidString(string msg);
        public delegate void VoidTwoParms(double p1, double p2);
        public delegate string StringTwoParms(ref string p1, out double p2);
        private delegate int GenericIntParamsT<T>(params T[] p1) where T : struct;

        private VoidNoParms _del1 = new VoidNoParms(Console.WriteLine);
        private VoidTwoParms _del2 = _instance.MethodVoid2;
        private StringTwoParms _del3 = _instance.MethodString;
        private GenericIntParamsT<int> _del4 = _instance.MethodInt;
        private VoidNoParms _adel1 = delegate { int i = 2; };
        private GenericIntParamsT<int> _adel2 = delegate(int[] ai)  // EOL comment
                                                        return ai.Length;

        public static VoidString WriteLine = new VoidString(Console.WriteLine);

        private static void MethodWithDelegateParameter(string s, VoidNoParms del)
        private static void MethodWithDelegateParameter(string s, VoidTwoParms del)
            del(1.0, 2.0);
        private static string MethodWithDelegateParameter3(string s, GenericIntParamsT<int> del)
            return (s + del(1, 2));
        private static string MethodWithDelegateParameter4(string s, Func<IEnumerable<double>, string> del)
            return null;
        public void TestDelegates()
            MethodWithDelegateParameter("1a", delegate() { Console.WriteLine(); });
            MethodWithDelegateParameter("1b", Console.WriteLine);
            MethodWithDelegateParameter("1c", Generic<int>);

            MethodWithDelegateParameter("2a", delegate(double a, double b) { a = b; });

            MethodWithDelegateParameter3("3a", delegate { return 1; });
            MethodWithDelegateParameter3("3b", delegate(int[] ai) { return ai.Length; });

            MethodWithDelegateParameter4("4a", string.Concat<double>);

            Action<double, double> dela = delegate(double s1, double s2) { string.Concat(s1, s2); };
            MethodWithDelegateParameter("1a", new VoidTwoParms(dela));

            Func<int[], int> func1b = MethodInt;
        public void Generic<T>()
        { }

        // EVENTS

        event VoidNoParms _event1 = null, _event2 = MethodVoid1;  // field-like events

        // This is an event
        [Custom]  // event attribute
        event VoidNoParms Event2
            add { _event1 += value; }  // adder
            remove { _event1 -= value; }  // remover


        public static int operator +(TestClass p) { return 0; }  // unary
        public static int operator +(TestClass left, int right) { return 0; }  // binary
        public static implicit operator string(TestClass p) { return null; }  // implicit conversion
        public static explicit operator double(TestClass p) { return 0; }  // explicit conversion

        public static void OperatorOverloading()
            DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan diff = DateTime.Now - dt1;
            dt1 += diff;
            TestClass t = new TestClass();
            int i = t + 5;
            string s = t + " " + t;
            double d = (double)t;

        // Main Testing Method
            Conditional("TRACE")]  // method attributes
        [Obsolete("Use new method", true)]
        void MethodTest()
            // ----- TYPES -----
            // (using Variables and Literals to test)

            object uo;        // uninitialized
            object o = null;  // null Literal
            bool b1 = true;   // true Literal
            bool b2 = false;  // false Literal
            byte b = 255;
            sbyte sb = -128;
            short s = -32768;
            ushort us = 65535;
            int i = -2147483648;
            uint ui = 4294967295;
            long l = -9223372036854775808l;
            ulong ul = 18446744073709551615L;
            float f1 = 3.4e38f;
            float f2 = -1.5e-45F;
            double d1 = 1.7e308d;
            double d2 = -5.0e-324D;
            double NegativeInfinity = -1.0 / 0.0;
            double PositiveInfinity = 1.0 / 0.0;
            double NaN = 0.0 / 0.0;
            decimal m = 1000000m;
            char c1 = 'a';
            char c2 = '\\';
            string s1 = null;
            string s2 = "\\";
            string s3 = "test";

            // enums
            E1 e1 = (E1)0;
            E1 e2 = E1.Two;
            TestEnum e3 = TestEnum.One | TestEnum.Two | _testEnum;

            // Arrays (simple)
            int[] ia = { 1, 2, 3, i + 2 };
            char[] cha = { ' ', '\'', '"', '\n', '\xffff', (char)(c1 + 2) };
            string[] sa = { "one", "two", s3 + "val" };
            int[] ia2 = new int[2] { 1, 2 };

            // Multi-dimensional Arrays
            double[,] dax2 = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
            double[,] dax2b = new double[2, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };

            // Jagged Arrays
            int[][] ijax2 = new int[2][] { new int[] { 1 }, new int[2] { 21, 22 } };
            Test.Full.TestClass[][] ijau = new Test.Full.TestClass[1][];
            int[][,] ijax3 = new int[][,] { new int[,] { { 1 }, { 2 } } };

            // Generic Types
            System.Collections.Generic.List<int> li = new List<int>();
            List<List<int>> lli = new List<List<int>>();

            // Nullable Types
            int? ni = (int?)i;
            System.DateTime? ndt = new System.DateTime?();
            int? ni2 = null;
            Test.Full.TestStruct? ns = null;

            // const
            const int ci = -1;
            const long cl = E + ci;
            const uint cui = 1;
            long csum = cui + ci;
            const string cs1 = " This string has a \n\"linefeed\" in it   ";
            const string cs2 = @"LF esc: \n, double quote: """;
            const string cs3 = "Escapes: \\\'\"\0\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x0a\x7f\u2425\U0010FFFF";
            const string cs4 = cs2 + cs3;
            string test = cs4 + " " + cl;

            // Use of namespace and type aliases
            App app = new App();

            // Hex literals
            b = 0xff;
            sb = 0x7f;
            s = 0x7FFF;
            us = 0xFFFF;
            i = 0x7fffffff;
            ui = 0xffffffff;
            l = 0x7fffffffffffffff;
            ul = 0xffffffffffffffff;
            c1 = (char)0x0041;

            // ----- OPERATORS -----

            // UNARY OPERATORS

            b1 = !b2;     // Not
            i = ~i;       // Complement
            i = +i;       // Positive
            i = -i;       // Negative
            ++i;          // Increment
            --i;          // Decrement
            i++;          // PostIncrement
            i--;          // PostDecrement
            b = (byte)i;  // Cast

            // BINARY OPERATORS

            i = 1;            // Assignment
            i = i + 1;        // Add
            i = i - 1;        // Subtract
            i = i * 1;        // Multiply
            i = i / 1;        // Divide
            i = i % 1;        // Mod
            i = i & 1;        // BitwiseAnd
            i = i | 1;        // BitwiseOr
            i = i ^ 1;        // BitwiseXor
            b1 = (b1 && b2);  // And
            b1 = (b1 || b2);  // Or
            b1 = (i == 1);    // Equal
            b1 = (i != 1);    // NotEqual
            b1 = (i < 1);     // LessThan
            b1 = (i > 1);     // GreaterThan
            b1 = (i <= 1);    // LessThanEqual
            b1 = (i >= 1);    // GreaterThanEqual
            i = (i << 1);     // LeftShift
            i = (i >> 1);     // RightShift
            i += 1;           // AddAssign
            i -= 1;           // SubtractAssign
            i *= 1;           // MultiplyAssign
            i /= 1;           // DivideAssign
            i %= 1;           // ModAssign
            i &= 1;           // BitwiseAndAssign
            i |= 1;           // BitwiseOrAssign
            i ^= 1;           // BitwiseXorAssign
            i <<= 1;          // LeftShiftAssign
            i >>= 1;          // RightShiftAssign
            s1 = (s2 ?? "");  // IfNullThen

            // OTHER OPERATORS

            MethodVoid1();                                     // Call (static)
            _instance.MethodVoid2(1, 2);                       // Call (instance)
            ia[0] = 0;                                         // Index
            o = (b1 ? new Dictionary<int, string>() : null);   // Conditional
            s1 = ((object)o).ToString();                       // Dot
            s1 = (o as string);                                // As
            b1 = (o is int);                                   // Is
            Type t = typeof(Dictionary<,>);                    // TypeOf
            i = sizeof(int);                                   // SizeOf
            i = checked(++i);                                  // Checked
            i = unchecked(++i);                                // Unchecked
            i = new int();                                     // New simple type
            o = new Test.Full.TestClass("test");               // New class
            o = new TestStruct();                              // New struct
            PlatformID p = global::System.PlatformID.Win32NT;  // Lookup

            // This can be used to test loading of private types from referenced assemblies
            //System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper h;

            // ----- EXPRESSIONS -----
            // (see above for Variables & Literals, including const, null, true, false)

            // Compound Variable Declarations
            int mi1, mi2 = 2,  // Number 2
                mi3;  // Third one

            // Parenthesis Usage
            b1 = ((b1 && b2) || (i > 0));  // Nested parens
            i = i - (1 + 2);               // Necessary parens
            i = -(i + 1);                  // Unary operator w/necessary parens
            i = ((i + 1) + 2) + 3;         // Unnecessary parens: ((i + 1) + 2) + 3
            i = (i + 1) + (2 + 3);         // Necessary parens: (i + 1) + (2 + 3)
            i = i + (1 + (2 + 3));         // Necessary parens: i + (1 + (2 + 3))

            // Stand-alone code block
            {  // Infix EOL comment
                // This & Base usage
                o = this;                // this
                this.MethodVoid2(1, 2);  // this scope
                d1 = this[0, 0];         // this indexer
                base.GetType();          // base scope
                o = base[0];             // base indexer

            // Multiple statements on the same line
            s3 = s1; s1 = s2; s2 = s3;  // Swap s1 and s2

            // ----- STATEMENTS -----

            // IF

            // empty statement
            if (i == 1)
                ;  // empty

            // single statement
            if (i == 1)
                i = 2;

            // single statement, same line
            if (i == 2) i = 1;  // single line 'if'

            // block
            if (i == 1) {  // K&R style
                i = 2;
                b1 = true;

            // IF / ELSE

            // empty statement
            if (i == 1)

            // single statement
            if (i == 1)
                i = 2;
                i = 1;

            // block
            if (i == 1)
                i = 2;
                b1 = true;
                i = 1;
                b1 = true;

            // IF / ELSE CHAINING

            // WITHOUT else-if chaining
            if (i == 1)
            // else comment
                // if comment
                if (i == 2)
                    i = 1;
                    b1 = true;
                else  // else EOL comment
                    if (i == 3)  // if EOL comment
                        i = 2;
                        i = 0;

            // WITH else-if chaining
            if (i == 1)
            // else-if comment
            else if (i == 2)
                i = 1;
                b1 = true;
            else if (i == 3)  // else-if EOL comment
                i = 2;
                i = 0;

            // SWITCH / CASE / DEFAULT

            // empty switch
            switch (i)

            // single case
            switch (i)
                case 1:
                    b1 = true;

            // multiple case, default
            switch (i)
                case 1:  // empty case fall-through
                case 2:
                    // Comment inside brace-less block
                    b1 = true;
                // This case has braces for scope
                case 3:
                // Comment outside block after header
                    int a = i;
                    if (a == 1)
                    b2 = true;
                // This is the default case
                    b1 = b2 = false;

            // GOTO

        Label1:  // first label
        Label2:  // another label
            switch (i)
                case 1:
                    goto Label1;  // goto label
                case 2:
                    goto case (int)(1L * 2);  // goto case
                case 3:
                    goto default;  // goto default

            // WHILE

            // null body
            while (i < 100);

            // empty statement
            while (i < 100)

            // single statement
            while (i < 100)

            // block
            while (i < 100)

            // do infinite loop
            while (true)
                if (i > 100) break;

            // DO / WHILE

            // empty statement
            while (i < 100);

            // single statement
            while (i < 100);

            // block
                b1 = true;
            while (i < 100);

            // FOR

            // null body
            for (i = 0; i < 100; /*infix*/);

            // empty statement
            for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)

            // single statement
            for (int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; i1 < 100; ++i1, --i2)
                i += i1;

            // block
            for (i = 0, l = 0; i < 100; ++i, --l)
                l += i;
                b1 = true;

            // do infinite loop
            for ( ; ; )

            // FOREACH

            // empty statement
            foreach (int v in ia)

            // single statement
            foreach (int v in ia)
                i += v;

            // block
            foreach (int v in ia)
                i += v;
                b1 = true;

            // ----- EXCEPTIONS -----

            try  // try
            catch (OverflowException)  // catch w/o variable
                throw;  // re-throw
            catch (StackOverflowException ex)  // catch w/variable
                throw ex;  // new throw
            catch  // catch all exceptions
            { }
            finally  // finally
                b2 = true;

            using (_instance)  // expression
            using (Test.Full.TestClass obj = new TestClass())  // local variable
            using (TestClass obj1 = new TestClass(), obj2 = new TestClass())  // multiple variables
            using (TestClass obj1 = new TestClass())  // multiple nested usings
            using (TestClass obj2 = new TestClass())  // (should display at the same indent level,
            using (TestClass obj3 = new TestClass())  //  and only have braces on the inner-most block)

            // ----- LOCK -----

            // empty statement
            lock (o)

            // single statement
            lock (o)

            // block
            lock (o)
                b1 = true;

            // ----- METHODS -----

            i = MethodInt(1);
            if (MethodString(/* inline, */ ref s3, out d1) == null)
                i = MethodGeneric<int, object>(o);
            ia = MethodGeneric2(i);
            MethodUIntULong(1u + 1, 1ul - 1);
            MethodUIntULong(ui + 1, ul - 1);

            decimal.Round(b1 ? ci : 100m);
            string.Format("{0} {1}", 1, int.MaxValue);
            string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", 1, int.MaxValue, 2d, 3f);

            s1 = _del3(ref s2, out d1);
            i = _del4(1);
            _del1 += MethodVoid1;

            // ----- PROPERTIES -----

            s1 = Test;
            Test = s1;

            // ----- INDEXERS -----

            d1 = _instance[0, 0];
            _instance[0, 0] = d1;

            // ----- EVENTS -----

            Event2 += MethodVoid1;

            // ----- COMMENTS -----

            // This is an independent comment that is split...
            // across 3 lines.

            // This comment is associated with the statement below
            // This is a separate comment associated with the statement below, and
            // it spans two lines.
            i = 1;  // This EOL comment is associated with the statement on the left

            b1 = ((b1 && b2) /* embedded comment */ || !(i > 0));  // EOL comment

            if ((s != null)  // EOL on !=
                && (this.Capacity > 0)  // EOL on '&&' #1
                && System.Console.CursorVisible  // EOL on '&&' #2
                // Postfix comment
                b1 = ((b1  // EOL on b1
                    && ((long)System.Console.BufferWidth  // EOL on cast
                        > 0)  // EOL on '>'
                        // Postfix comment on '>'
                    )  // EOL on '&&'
                    ||  // EOL on ||
                    !(i < 0  // EOL on '0'
                        )  // EOL on '!'
                object[] objs = new object[]
                                        this.Capacity,              // 1st
                                        (long)Console.BufferWidth,  // 2nd
                                        (b1 && b2) || (i == 0),     // 3rd
                                        s                           // 4th
                int i1 = 1,  // 1
                    i2 = 2,  // 2
                    i3 = (int)Console.BufferWidth;  // 3

            // There is a triple blank line after this comment...

            /* Block comment Line 1
             *    Line 2 */
            /* Block comment Line 1
             *    Line 2
             *    Line 3

            // TODO: This is a 'to-do' comment

            // ----- COMPILER DIRECTIVES -----

            #region /* COMPILER DIRECTIVES */

            // See top of file for #define/#undef examples, since they can only legally appear there

#if (TEST1 && TEST2 && TEST3) || !TEST4 || ((TEST5 == true) && (TEST6 != false))  // comment

#if TEST1  // conditional compilation
            // This 'code' will not be compiled:
            It's not actually code, but that doesn't matter.
#elif TEST2  // elif
            This text won't be compiled.
#else  // else

#warning Warning message!
//#error Error message!

            #line 999 "C:\path\test.cs"  // comment
            #line hidden  // comment
            #line default  // comment

#endif  // endif


            string[] cds =
                {  // EOL comment
                    // Regular comment
#if false
                    // Regular comment
                    "two"  // EOL comment
#if false

#pragma warning disable  // comment
#pragma warning restore  // comment
#pragma warning disable 78, 219, 1691  // comment
#pragma warning restore 78, 219, 1691  // comment
#pragma warning disable

#pragma checksum "test.cs" "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" "01234567"  // comment

            #endregion /* COMPILER DIRECTIVES */

        // ----- OTHER METHODS -----

        static void MethodVoid1(/*infix*/)  // No parameters, empty body, static
        { }

        new void MethodVoid2(double p1, double p2)  // Two parameters
            return;  // Return with no value

        void MethodUIntULong(uint p1, ulong p2)
        { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Test method with <b>one</b> parameter.
        /// The <paramref name="pa"/> parameter is an <i>optional</i> list of <c>int</c>.
        /// Use standard XML escapes to embed chars such as: &lt; &amp; &gt;
        /// <para>2nd paragraph</para>
        /// <see cref="string.IndexOf"/>
        /// <seealso cref="MethodString(ref string, out double)"/>
        /// Generics can be referenced like <see cref="List{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pa"></param>
        /// <returns>The result.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown when...</exception>
        /// <permission cref="System.Security.PermissionSet">Everyone can access this method.</permission>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is the remarks section.
        /// <see cref="System.Threading.Monitor.Enter(object, ref bool)"/>
        /// Here is a list:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///     <listheader>
        ///         <term>Header Term</term>
        ///         <description>Header Description</description>
        ///     </listheader>
        ///     <item>
        ///         <term>Term 1</term>
        ///         <description>Description 1.</description>
        ///     </item>
        ///     <item>
        ///         <term>Term 2</term>
        ///         <description>Description 2.</description>
        ///     </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>This example shows how to call the <see cref="MethodInt"/> method.
        /// <code>
        /// int result = MethodInt(10);
        /// List{int} list = new List&lt;int&gt;();
        /// bool b = (result &amp; 0x80) &lt;= 3;
        /// object o = list[0];
        /// int i = MethodGeneric{int, object}(o);
        /// string s = "&lt;&amp;&gt;";
        /// if (b)
        /// {
        ///     if (result &gt; 0)
        ///         Console.WriteLine("");
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        int MethodInt(/*inline*/ params int[] pa)  // One parameter
            return (pa[0] * -1);  // Return a value

        string MethodString(ref string p1,
            out double p2)  // Two parameters
            p2 = 0;
            return p1;

        /// <summary>
        /// Generic method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type parameter T.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="U">Type parameter U.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="u">Parameter u.</param>
        /// <returns>Result T.</returns>
        T MethodGeneric<T, U>(U u)  // EOL comment on GenericMethodDecl
            where T : U  // EOL comment on 1st constraint
            where U : class  // EOL comment on 2nd constraint
            return ((u == null) ? default(T) : (T)u);

        new T[] MethodGeneric2<T>(T obj)
            return new T[1];

        public IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator()  // Iterator
            yield return 1;
            yield return 2;
            yield break;

        [DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
        static extern bool RemoveDirectory(string name);  // extern - no body

        void AMethod([In, Out] ref double x)  // parameter attributes
        { }

        // This is a nested, generic interface
        interface InnerInterface<T>
            void Method();
            string Property { get; set; }
            T this[T i] { get; }
            event VoidNoParms Event;

        /// <summary>
        /// This is a nested, generic class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type parameter T.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="U">Type parameter U.</typeparam>
        class InnerClass<T, U>  // EOL comment on ClassDecl
            // Comment on base-type list
            : InnerInterface<T>  // EOL comment on base type/interface
            // Comment on constraints
            where T : struct where U : TestClass, new()  // EOL comment on constraints
            protected T t;
            public U u;
            public InnerInterface<T> p;
            private static readonly InnerClass<int, TestClass> _instance;
            private Inner2<long> _inner2;

            // Static constructor
            static InnerClass()
                _instance = new InnerClass<int, TestClass>();
                Type t1 = ((InnerInterface<T>)_instance).GetType();
                Type t2 = ((IList)new List<T>()).GetType();
                _instance._inner2 = new InnerClass<int, TestClass>.Inner2<long>();
                string s = _instance._inner2.Inner2Generic(1, TestClass._instance, 2L, TestClass._instance);

            // Explicit interface implementations
            void InnerInterface<T>.Method() { }
            string InnerInterface<T>.Property { get { return ""; } set { } }
            T InnerInterface<T>.this[T i] { get { return default(T); } }
            event VoidNoParms InnerInterface<T>.Event { add { } remove { } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Nested, generic type, with generic method referencing parent type parameters.
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="V">Type parameter V.</typeparam>
            private class Inner2<V> where V : IComparable
                /// <summary>
                /// Inner2Generic test method.
                /// This method has generic parameter <typeparamref name="W"/>.
                /// </summary>
                /// <typeparam name="W">Type parameter W.</typeparam>
                /// <param name="t">Parameter t.</param>
                /// <param name="u">Parameter u.</param>
                /// <param name="v">Parameter v.</param>
                /// <param name="w">Parameter w.</param>
                /// <returns>String result.</returns>
                public string Inner2Generic<W>(T t, U u, V v, W w) where W : U
                    return (t.ToString() + u + v + w);

        /// <summary>
        /// This is a nested struct, generic on <typeparamref name="T"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type parameter.</typeparam>
        public struct InnerStruct<T>

        class InnerDerived : InnerClass<DateTime, TestClass>
            void Method()
                int v = t.Hour;

        class TestCollection<TItem> : List<TItem>
        void CollectionMethod(List<TestClass> list)
        { }
        void TestGenericCollection()
            TestCollection<TestClass> collection = new TestCollection<TestClass>();

        public class TestBase<T>
            private T t = default(T);
            public T Property { get { return t; } }
        public class InnerTest : TestBase<TestClass>
            public void Test()
                string s1 = Property.Test;

    // This is a top-level interface
    public interface ITestInterface : IComparable

    /// <summary>
    /// This is a top-level struct
    /// </summary>
    public struct TestStruct

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
I've been writing software since the late 70's, currently focusing mainly on C#.NET. I also like to travel around the world, and I own a Chocolate Factory (sadly, none of my employees are oompa loompas).

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