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TraceTool 12.7: The Swiss-Army Knife of Trace

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20 Nov 2016CPL19 min read 1.9M   39K   1K  
A C#, C++, Delphi, ActiveX , Javascript , NodeJs and Java trace framework and a trace viewer: Tail, OutputDebugString, event log, and with Log4J, Log4Net, and Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) support. This also comes with full support for Pocket PC, Silverlight, and Android.
// tracetool.cpp
// Author : Thierry Parent
// Version : 12.4
// HomePage :
// Download :
// See License.txt for license information

//#include "stdafx.h"   // remove precompiled header
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#include <process.h>
#include <Kfuncs.h>

#include "tracetool.h"

//#include "vld.h"

// static TTrace initialization

struct sockaddr_in TTrace::m_serverSockAddr ;              // Socket adress
CRITICAL_SECTION   TTrace::criticalSection ;
TraceOptions *     TTrace::m_options = new TraceOptions();
WinTrace *         TTrace::m_winTrace = new WinTrace() ;
WinWatch *         TTrace::m_winWatch = new WinWatch() ;
InternalWinTrace * TTrace::DefaultWinTrace = new InternalWinTrace() ;
deque <InternalWinTrace *> * TTrace::FormTraceList = new deque <InternalWinTrace *> ;
deque <CommandList *> * TTrace::setMessageList = new deque <CommandList *> ;
deque <CommandList *> * TTrace::getMessageList ;  // handled by thread 
bool               TTrace::isStopping ;

WORD               TTrace::m_DeviceId1 = 0;
WORD               TTrace::m_DeviceId2 = 0;
WORD               TTrace::m_DeviceId3 = 0;
bool               TTrace::m_IsSocketInitialized = false ;
SOCKET             TTrace::m_socketHandle = -1;
DWORD              TTrace::m_ClockSequenceBase = TTrace::Init();  // Initialize the Tracetool system

// thread vars 
HANDLE TTrace::CloseEvent ;
HANDLE TTrace::MessageReady ;
HANDLE TTrace::ClosedEvent ;
HANDLE TTrace::HandlesToWaitFor[2] ;
HANDLE TTrace::hThread ; 


/// <summary>
// Initialize the Tracetool system
/// </summary>
/// <returns>random number used by createTraceId</returns>

DWORD TTrace::Init (void)
   InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalSection);   // TTrace::criticalSection
   // The spatially unique node identifier. Because we are not sure there is a network card ,
   // we generate random number instead of unique network card id.
   m_DeviceId1 = LOWORD(GetTickCount()*rand());
   m_DeviceId2 = LOWORD(rand());
   m_DeviceId3 = LOWORD(rand());

   // add the main internalWintrace to list (owner)
   FormTraceList->push_back(DefaultWinTrace) ;

   CloseEvent = CreateEvent( 
      NULL,   // default security attributes
      TRUE,   // auto-reset event object
      FALSE,  // initial state is nonsignaled
      NULL);  // unnamed object
   MessageReady = CreateEvent( 
      NULL,   // default security attributes
      TRUE,   // auto-reset event object
      FALSE,  // initial state is nonsignaled
      NULL);  // unnamed object
   ClosedEvent = CreateEvent( 
      NULL,   // default security attributes
      TRUE,   // auto-reset event object
      FALSE,  // initial state is nonsignaled
      NULL);  // unnamed object

   HandlesToWaitFor[0] = CloseEvent ;
   HandlesToWaitFor[1] = MessageReady ;

   // Create the sender thread.
   isStopping = false ;
   hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( 
     NULL,                //   void *security,                        // Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether the returned handle can be inherited by child processes. If NULL, the handle cannot be inherited. Must be NULL for Windows 95 applications.
     0,                   //   unsigned stack_size,                   // Stack size for a new thread or 0.
     &MsgThread,          //   unsigned ( *start_address )( void * ), // Start address of a routine that begins execution of a new thread. For _beginthread, the calling convention is either __cdecl or __clrcall; for _beginthreadex, it is either __stdcall or __clrcall.
     NULL,                //   void *arglist,                         // Argument list to be passed to a new thread or NULL.
     0,                   //   unsigned initflag,                     // Initial state of a new thread (0 for running or CREATE_SUSPENDED for suspended); use ResumeThread to execute the thread.
     NULL );         //   unsigned *thrdaddr                     // Points to a 32-bit variable that receives the thread identifier. Might be NULL, in which case it is not used.

   // sequence number
   m_ClockSequenceBase = rand();
   return m_ClockSequenceBase ;


/// <summary>
// Stop the Tracetool system. Called by global destructor
/// </summary>
void TTrace::Stop (void)
   // check if the Stop method was not already called.
   if (CloseEvent == NULL)
      return ;

   isStopping = true ;
   SetEvent(CloseEvent) ;
   DWORD waitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(ClosedEvent, 1000) ; // wait 1s max for the closed event
   CloseHandle (CloseEvent) ;
   CloseHandle (ClosedEvent) ;
   CloseHandle (MessageReady) ;
   CloseEvent   = NULL ;
   ClosedEvent  = NULL ;
   MessageReady = NULL ;

   // Destroy the thread object.
   CloseHandle( hThread );

   // close socket
   CloseSocket() ;

   if (m_options != NULL)
      delete m_options ;
   m_options = NULL ;

   if (m_winTrace != NULL)
      delete m_winTrace ;
   m_winTrace = NULL ;

   if (m_winWatch != NULL)
      delete m_winWatch ;
   m_winWatch = NULL ;

   // delete FormTraceList content and array (included the main internalWintrace)
   deque <InternalWinTrace *>::const_iterator WBegin;
   deque <InternalWinTrace *>::const_iterator WEnd;

   WEnd  = FormTraceList->end () ;
   for (WBegin = FormTraceList->begin (); WBegin < WEnd ; WBegin++)
      InternalWinTrace * wintrace = * WBegin ;
      delete wintrace ;
   delete FormTraceList ;
   FormTraceList = NULL ;

   // delete critical section
   DeleteCriticalSection(&criticalSection);  // TTrace::criticalSection

   // delete remaining traces in setMessageList
   deque <CommandList *>::const_iterator CommandBegin;
   deque <CommandList *>::const_iterator CommandEnd;

   // delete the send message list
   CommandEnd  = setMessageList->end () ;
   for (CommandBegin = setMessageList->begin (); CommandBegin < CommandEnd ; CommandBegin++)
      CommandList * Commands = * CommandBegin ;
      Commands->clear() ;
      delete Commands ;   // the only place where the command is deleted
   }  // next messageList
   setMessageList->clear() ;
   delete setMessageList ;
   setMessageList = NULL ;

   // the getMessageList is handled by the thread

/// <summary>
// Flush messages to viewer
/// </summary>

void TTrace::Flush()
   Flush(5000) ;

/// <summary>
// Flush messages to viewer
/// </summary>

void TTrace::Flush(int FlushTimeOut)
   if (m_winTrace == NULL) 
      return ;

   // create the event
   HANDLE flushEvent ;
   flushEvent = CreateEvent( 
      NULL,   // default security attributes
      TRUE,   // auto-reset event object
      FALSE,  // initial state is nonsignaled
      NULL);  // unnamed object

   // create the flush event message
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_FLUSH, int(flushEvent));
   TTrace::SendToClient (Commands);

   // wait for the sender read events. (max 5 sec)
   WaitForSingleObject(flushEvent, FlushTimeOut) ;

   // release event
   CloseHandle (flushEvent) ;

/// <summary>
// Close viewer connection.<p>
// Replace TTrace destructor
/// </summary>

void TTrace::CloseSocket()
   if (m_IsSocketInitialized == true)
      // close connection
      shutdown(m_socketHandle,2);   // SD_BOTH

      m_IsSocketInitialized = false ;
/// <summary>
// Helper function : convert a C string to widestring .<p>
// The caller is responsive to destroy the new string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MbsStr">The string to convert</param>
/// <returns>pointer to the new wide string</returns>

wchar_t * TTrace::MbsToWide (const char * MbsStr)
   if (MbsStr == NULL)
      return NULL ;
   size_t lenStr = strlen(MbsStr) + 1 ;

   wchar_t * result = (wchar_t *) malloc (lenStr * sizeof(wchar_t)) ;
   mbstate_t psbuf;

   #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
   size_t i ;
   mbsrtowcs_s(&i, result, lenStr, &MbsStr, lenStr,&psbuf );
   mbsrtowcs (result , &MbsStr, lenStr,&psbuf );
   return result ;


/// <summary>
// Helper function : convert a widestring to a C string.<p>
// The caller is responsive to destroy the new string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WideStr">The wide string to convert</param>
/// <returns>pointer to the new string</returns>

char * TTrace::WideToMbs (const wchar_t * WideStr)
   if (WideStr == NULL)
      return NULL ;
   size_t lenStr = wcslen(WideStr) + 1 ;

   char * result = (char *) malloc (lenStr) ;
   #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
   size_t i ;
   wcstombs_s(&i, result, lenStr, WideStr, lenStr );
   wcstombs(result , WideStr, lenStr );
   return result ;


/// <summary>
// Create an unique ID.<p>
// For windows CE compatibility reason, we cannot ask microsoft API to return an unique ID.<p>
// Since this function uses random generator instead of computer id it cannot be
// garanted that generated GUID is unique in the world.<p>
// The caller is responsive to destroy the new string
/// </summary>
/// <returns>pointer to a new trace id</returns>
char * TTrace::CreateTraceID()
   unsigned long  Data1;
   unsigned short Data2;
   unsigned short Data3;
   WORD Sequence ;
   char * bufferId ;

   SYSTEMTIME systemTime;
   FILETIME fileTime;


   BOOL bResult = SystemTimeToFileTime(&systemTime, &fileTime);
   if (!bResult)
      return NULL;

   //0-3    The low field of the timestamp.
   Data1 = fileTime.dwLowDateTime;

   //4-5    The middle field of the timestamp.
   Data2 = LOWORD(fileTime.dwHighDateTime);

   //6-7    The high field of the timestamp multiplexed
   //       with the version number.
   //       Version number is 0x0002
   Data3 = (HIWORD(fileTime.dwHighDateTime) & 0xFFF0) | 0x0002;

   //8-9    Here we store sequence number

   Sequence = LOWORD(m_ClockSequenceBase);

   //10-15  The spatially unique node identifier.
   //       Because there is no network card we generate random number
   //       instead of unique network card id.

   bufferId = (char*)malloc(32+1);

   #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
   sprintf_s (bufferId, 33,"%08x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x", Data1, Data2, Data3, Sequence,m_DeviceId1,m_DeviceId2,m_DeviceId3) ;
   sprintf (bufferId, "%08x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x", Data1, Data2, Data3, Sequence,m_DeviceId1,m_DeviceId2,m_DeviceId3) ;
   return bufferId;


HWND StartDebugWin ()

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE

   // first check if already running
   HWND hWndDBG;
   hWndDBG = FindWindow(TEXT("TFormReceiver"), TEXT("FormReceiver"));
   if (hWndDBG!=NULL)
      return hWndDBG ;

   // get the path in the registry
   HKEY hKey;
   DWORD dwBufferSize = MAX_PATH;

   ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
   si.cb = sizeof(si);
   si.wShowWindow = SW_NORMAL ;
   ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) );

#ifdef UNICODE
   WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; 
   char Buffer[MAX_PATH]; 
#endif // !UNICODE

   RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\TraceTool"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
   RegQueryValueEx(  hKey, TEXT("FilePath"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) Buffer, &dwBufferSize);
   // run the tracetool process
   if (CreateProcess(Buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) == false) 
      return NULL ;

   // wait for the proces
   WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, 3 * 1000); // wait for 3 seconds to get idle

   // check if the window is created now
   hWndDBG = FindWindow(TEXT("TFormReceiver"), TEXT("FormReceiver"));
   if (hWndDBG!=NULL)
      return hWndDBG ;

   // stil not found ? Run traceTool first to register it
   return NULL ;

/// <summary>
/// Send the trace to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Commands">The list of command to send</param>
/// <param name="winWatch">window watch</param>
void TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient(CommandList * Commands, const char * winWatchId)
   // add threading info
   if (TTrace::Options()->SendThreadId)
      Commands->AddFront(CST_THREAD_ID, GetCurrentThreadId() );

   char buffer [MAX_PATH] ;

   // message time

   // Add time
   if (TTrace::Options()->SendDate)
      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      sprintf_s(buffer,MAX_PATH, "%04d%2d%2d %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d",
         Time.wYear, Time.wMonth , Time.wDay,
         Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
      sprintf(buffer, "%04d%2d%2d %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d",
         Time.wYear, Time.wMonth , Time.wDay,
         Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
   } else {

      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      sprintf_s(buffer,MAX_PATH, "%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d", Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
      sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d", Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
   Commands->AddFront(CST_MESSAGE_TIME, buffer);

    // Add process name
   if (TTrace::Options()->SendProcessName)
      Commands->AddFront(CST_PROCESS_NAME, TTrace::Options()->CheckProcessName());

   Commands->AddFront(CST_WINWATCH_ID, winWatchId);   // assume that winWatchId is not null
   SendToClient(Commands) ;


/// <summary>
/// send the trace to the viewer
/// </summary>/// <param name="Commands">The list of command to send</param>
/// <param name="winTrace">window trace</param>
void TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient(CommandList * Commands, const char * winTraceId)
   SendToWinTraceClient (Commands , winTraceId, NULL , NULL) ;


/// <summary>
/// send the trace to the viewer
/// </summary>/// <param name="Commands">The list of command to send</param>
/// <param name="winTrace">window trace</param>
void TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient(CommandList * Commands, const char * winTraceId, const char * dateTime, const char * threadName)
   // add threading info
   if (TTrace::Options()->SendThreadId)
      if (threadName == NULL || threadName[0] == NULL)
         Commands->AddFront(CST_THREAD_ID, GetCurrentThreadId() );
         Commands->AddFront(CST_THREAD_NAME, threadName );

   if (dateTime == NULL || dateTime[0] == NULL )
      SYSTEMTIME Time;
      char buffer [MAX_PATH] ;

      // message time

      // Add time
      if (TTrace::Options()->SendDate)
         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s(buffer,MAX_PATH, "%04d%2d%2d %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d",
            Time.wYear, Time.wMonth , Time.wDay,
            Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
         sprintf(buffer, "%04d%2d%2d %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d",
            Time.wYear, Time.wMonth , Time.wDay,
            Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
      } else {

         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s(buffer,MAX_PATH, "%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d", Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
         sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d", Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond, Time.wMilliseconds);
      Commands->AddFront(CST_MESSAGE_TIME, buffer);
   } else {
      Commands->AddFront(CST_MESSAGE_TIME, dateTime);

   // Add process name
   if (TTrace::Options()->SendProcessName)
      Commands->AddFront(CST_PROCESS_NAME, TTrace::Options()->CheckProcessName());

   // CST_USE_TREE MUST be inserted at the first position
   if (winTraceId != NULL && winTraceId != "")
      Commands->AddFront (CST_USE_TREE ,winTraceId);
   SendToClient(Commands) ;


/// <summary>
/// Html encoding : convert special chars to ampersand #nnn;
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">string to encode</param>
/// <returns>encoded string</returns>
string TTrace::HtmlEncode (string source)
   string target = "" ;
   if (source == "")
      return target;

   size_t length = source.length();
   size_t startIndex = 0;
   size_t currentIndex = 0;
   const char * s = source.c_str() ;
   while (currentIndex < length)

      unsigned char ch = s[currentIndex];
      switch (ch)
      case '<':
         if (startIndex < currentIndex)
            target.append(s, startIndex, currentIndex - startIndex);
         startIndex = currentIndex + 1;

      case '>':
         if (startIndex < currentIndex)
            target.append(s, startIndex, currentIndex - startIndex);
         startIndex = currentIndex + 1;

      case '"':
         if (startIndex < currentIndex)
            target.append(s, startIndex, currentIndex - startIndex);
         startIndex = currentIndex + 1;

      case '&':
         if (startIndex < currentIndex)
            target.append(s, startIndex, currentIndex - startIndex);
         startIndex = currentIndex + 1;

      default : 
         if ((ch < 32) || ((ch >= 160) && (ch < 256)))  // 0 to 31 and 160 to 256
            if (startIndex < currentIndex)
               target.append(s, startIndex, currentIndex - startIndex);

            char * line =(char*)malloc(20);
            #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
            sprintf_s(line, 20,"&#%u;", unsigned int(ch));
            sprintf(line, "&#%d;", int(ch));

            free (line);
            startIndex = currentIndex + 1;
         } // else no encoding
      } // switch
      currentIndex++ ;
   target.append(s, startIndex, length - startIndex);
   return target; 


InternalWinTrace * TTrace::getInternalTraceForm (const char * TraceWinID , bool doCreate )  
   string id = TraceWinID ;
   if (strlen(TraceWinID) == 0 || strcmp(TraceWinID,"_") == 0) 
      return DefaultWinTrace ;

   deque <InternalWinTrace *>::const_iterator WBegin;
   deque <InternalWinTrace *>::const_iterator WEnd;

   WEnd  = FormTraceList->end () ;
   for (WBegin = FormTraceList->begin (); WBegin < WEnd ; WBegin++)
      InternalWinTrace * wintrace = * WBegin ;
      if (wintrace->ID == TraceWinID) 
         return wintrace ;

   // if the trace window don't exist, create it if needed
   if (doCreate) 
      InternalWinTrace * wintrace = new InternalWinTrace() ;
      wintrace->LogFileName = "" ;
      wintrace->LogFileType = 3 ;   // no log
      wintrace->IsMultiColTree = false ;
      wintrace->ID = TraceWinID ;
      return wintrace ;
   } else
      return NULL ;



// Split a string on a given character into a vector of strings
// The vector is passed by reference and cleared each time
// The number of strings split out is returned
size_t split(vector<string>& v, const string& str, char c)
   string::const_iterator s = str.begin();
   while (true) {
      string::const_iterator begin = s;

      while (*s != c && s != str.end()) { ++s; }

      v.push_back(string(begin, s));

      if (s == str.end()) {

      if (++s == str.end()) {
   return v.size();


// Split a NULL-terminated character array on a given character into
// a vector of strings
// The vector is passed by reference and cleared each time
// The number of strings split out is returned
size_t split(vector<string>& v, const char* s, char c)
   while (true) {
      const char* begin = s;

      while (*s != c && *s) { ++s; }

      v.push_back(string(begin, s));

      if (!*s) {

      if (!*++s) {
   return v.size();


/// <summary>
/// send the trace to the viewer
/// </summary>/// <param name="Commands">The list of command to send</param>
void TTrace::SendToClient(CommandList * Commands)
   EnterCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TTrace::criticalSection
   setMessageList->push_back (Commands) ; 
   LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TTrace::criticalSection
   SetEvent(MessageReady) ;


/// Thread processing
unsigned __stdcall TTrace::MsgThread( void* pArguments )
   getMessageList = new deque <CommandList *> ;
   while (isStopping == false) 
      DWORD  dwEvent; 

      // wait for a message or the CloseEvent. The Update will wait max 60 sec
      dwEvent = WaitForMultipleObjects( 
         2,                    // number of objects in array
         HandlesToWaitFor,     // array of objects
         FALSE,                // wait for any object
         60000);               // 60 second wait

      switch (dwEvent) 
      case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: // CloseEvent signaled
         // time to exit
         isStopping = true ;
         ResetEvent(CloseEvent) ;
         SetEvent  (ClosedEvent) ;  // tell the main thread that the thread can be free

      case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // MessageReady signaled : New message was received.
         EnterCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TTrace::criticalSection

         // swap the 2 list to release the lock as fast as possible
         deque <CommandList *> * tempList ;
         tempList = getMessageList ;          // getMessageList is the empty list
         getMessageList = setMessageList ;    // setMessageList is the list of messages to send
         setMessageList = tempList ;
         LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TTrace::criticalSection

         // let other thread setting the ready flag
         ResetEvent(MessageReady) ;

         LoopMessages() ;  // will call also ParseForInternal() for each messages

      case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
         // time out, perform some jobs...
         break ;

      default:  // This case should never occur.
   } // main loop

   // delete the message list
   delete getMessageList ;
   getMessageList = NULL ;

   _endthreadex( 0 );

   return 0;
} // MsgThread


// loop over the getMessageList
void TTrace::LoopMessages(void) 
   deque <CommandList *>::const_iterator WBegin;
   deque <CommandList *>::const_iterator WEnd;
   char *line = NULL;
   size_t j ; // int j;

   WEnd  = getMessageList->end () ;
   for (WBegin = getMessageList->begin (); WBegin < WEnd ; WBegin++)
      // detect memory leak
      if (line != NULL)
      line = NULL ;

      CommandList * Commands = * WBegin ;
      if (isStopping) {
         Commands->clear() ;
         delete Commands ;   // the only place where the command is deleted
         continue ;

      // Save the last error. TraceTool must be neutral about the error
      DWORD err = GetLastError() ;

      int parse = ParseForInternal(Commands) ;

      // compute line size and create buffer to send

      CommandList::const_iterator c1_elem ;
      CommandList::const_iterator c1_end ;

      c1_end  = Commands->end () ;
      for (c1_elem = Commands->begin (); c1_elem < c1_end ; c1_elem++)
         j += (* c1_elem).length() +1 ;


      // create a single buffer line for all commands
      for (c1_elem = Commands->begin (); c1_elem < c1_end ; c1_elem++)
         string str = (* c1_elem) ;
         size_t strLen = str.length()+1 ;
         j += strLen ;
      Commands->clear() ;
      delete Commands ;   // the only place where the command is deleted

      if (m_options->sendMode == None)
         continue ;
      if (parse == 1)  // ParseForInternal indicate that the message don't have to be send (flush event)
         continue ;

      if (m_options->sendMode == Socket)
         int err;
         WSADATA wsaData;

         if (m_IsSocketInitialized == false)
            err = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsaData );
            if ( err != 0 )

            // Try to convert the string as an IP address (e.g., "")
            m_serverSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(m_options->socketHost);  // host to network port

            // If not in IP format, get the address via DSN...
            if (m_serverSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE)
               hostent* lphost;

               // request the host address
               lphost = gethostbyname(m_options->socketHost); // lphost is allocated by Windows Sockets

               if (lphost != NULL) {
                  m_serverSockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = ((LPIN_ADDR)lphost->h_addr_list[0])->s_addr;
                  //swprintf (Host_adr, L"%s (%d.%d.%d.%d)", Host,
                  //    serverSockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1,
                  //    serverSockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2,
                  //    serverSockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3,
                  //    serverSockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4) ;

               } else {         // else name was invalid (or couldn't be resolved)
            }  // INADDR_NONE

            m_serverSockAddr.sin_port = htons(m_options->socketPort);             // port to network port
            m_serverSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;                                // AF_*** : INET=internet

            // Socket creation
            if ( (m_socketHandle = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0)
               //MessageBox(NULL,_T("Couldn't create socket"),_T("Socket Error"),MB_OK);

            // Open connection
            if(connect(m_socketHandle,(struct sockaddr *)&m_serverSockAddr,	sizeof(m_serverSockAddr))<0)	{
               //MessageBox(NULL,_T("Couldn't connect"),_T("Socket Error"),MB_OK);
            m_IsSocketInitialized = true ;
         } // m_IsSocketInitialized == false

         // send the line lenght
         char FAR buffer [100] ;

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function


         // send the buffer
         size_t i = send(m_socketHandle,line,(int)j,0);

      } else if (m_options->sendMode == WinMsg) {

         HWND hWndDBG;
         hWndDBG = StartDebugWin() ; // FindWindow(TEXT("TFormReceiver"), TEXT("FormReceiver"));

         if (hWndDBG!=NULL) {

            CDS.cbData = DWORD(j+1);
            CDS.dwData = WMD_TRACETOOL; // identification code 'traceTool'
            CDS.lpData = line; // no need to add #0, because String are null terminated
            SendMessage(hWndDBG, WM_COPYDATA, 0, (LPARAM)(&CDS));  //WParam(Application.Handle)
      } else {  // none : not possibe
      line = NULL ; // for memory leak
      SetLastError (err) ;  // preserve last error

   }  // next messageList
   // detect memory leak
   if (line != NULL)
   getMessageList->clear() ;


/// <summary>
/// check if the message contains information for the client
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Commands">The list of command to parse</param>
int TTrace::ParseForInternal(CommandList * Commands)
   CommandList::const_iterator c1_elem ;
   CommandList::const_iterator c1_end ;

   string LeftMsg     ;       // Left col
   string RightMsg    ;       // right col
   string TraceID     ;       // the reference of the node : it's a guid
   string ThreadID    ;       // thread id of the sender
   string ProcessName ;       // optional : the name of the process that send traces
   int TreeIcon       ;       // -1 by default, converted to 24
   string ParentId    ;
   string MessageTime ;

   char temp[20];
   string commandParams ;
   int intParam ;
   bool firstCommand = true ;
   bool IsNewNode ;
   string xml ;
   string MemberXml ;
   InternalWinTrace * TraceForm = DefaultWinTrace ;

   LeftMsg     = "" ;       // Left col
   RightMsg    = "" ;       // right col
   TraceID     = "" ;       // the node reference
   ThreadID    = "" ;
   ProcessName = "" ;
   TreeIcon    = -1 ;
   ParentId    = "" ;
   MessageTime = "" ;
   MemberXml   = "" ;
   IsNewNode   = false ;      // check if message is a new node
   //TraceForm   = DefaultWinTrace ;  // traces are send to the master trace form by default

   c1_end  = Commands->end () ;
   for (c1_elem = Commands->begin (); c1_elem < c1_end ; c1_elem++)
      string str = (* c1_elem) ;

      string strCommand= str.substr(0,5) ;;
      int command = atoi (strCommand.c_str());

      // get param
      commandParams = "" ;
      size_t paramLength = str.length()-5 ;
      if (paramLength > 0)
         commandParams = str.substr(5,paramLength) ;

      // special case : the CST_FLUSH is handled by the sender thread and is not send to viewer
      if (command == CST_FLUSH) {
         intParam = atoi (commandParams.c_str()) ;
         return 1 ;

      // to be valid, CST_USE_TREE or CST_USE_MULTICOL_TREE or CST_WINWATCH_ID must be the first command
      if (firstCommand)
         if (command == CST_USE_TREE) {
            TraceForm = getInternalTraceForm (commandParams.c_str(),false) ;
         } else if (command == CST_WINWATCH_ID) {
            return 0 ;
         } ;

      // stop parsing if the winForm is not registered or the winForm don't need to be saved
      // 3, Local log is disabled
      // 4, Local log enabled. No size limit.
      // 5, Local log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
      if (TraceForm == NULL || TraceForm->LogFileType == 3) {
         return 0;

      switch (command)
      case CST_WATCH_NAME :         
         //   if (paramLength > 0)
         //      free(strParam);
         return 0 ;  // Bypass watches
      case CST_MESSAGE_TIME :       
         MessageTime = commandParams ;
         break ;
      case CST_PROCESS_NAME :       
         ProcessName = commandParams ;
         break ;
      case CST_THREAD_ID :      
         intParam = atoi (commandParams.c_str()) ;
         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)   // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s(temp, 20, "0x%X", intParam);      
         sprintf(temp, "%X", intParam);      
         ThreadID = temp ;
         break ;
      case CST_THREAD_NAME :        
         ThreadID = commandParams ;
         break ;
      case CST_ICO_INDEX :          
         intParam = atoi (commandParams.c_str()) ;
         TreeIcon = intParam ;
         break ;
      case CST_NEW_NODE :           
         // param1 : Parent Node
         ParentId = commandParams ;
         IsNewNode = true ;
         break ;                               
      case CST_TRACE_ID :           
         TraceID = commandParams ;
         break ;
      case CST_LEFT_MSG :           
         LeftMsg = commandParams ;  // param : msg
         break ;
      case CST_RIGHT_MSG :          
         RightMsg = commandParams ;    // param : msg
         break ;
      case CST_CREATE_MEMBER :      
         MemberXml.append("<Member>").append (HtmlEncode(commandParams)) ;
         break ;
      case CST_MEMBER_COL2 :        
         if (paramLength > 0) 
            MemberXml.append("<ColB>").append ( HtmlEncode(commandParams)).append ("</ColB>") ;
         break ;                               
      case CST_MEMBER_COL3 :        
         if (paramLength > 0) 
            MemberXml.append("<ColC>").append ( HtmlEncode(commandParams)).append ( "</ColC>") ;
         break ;                               
         intParam = atoi (commandParams.c_str()) ;
        if (intParam != CST_VIEWER_NONE)
            MemberXml.append("<ViewerKind>").append (commandParams).append ( "</ViewerKind>") ;
         break ;                               
      case CST_ADD_MEMBER :         
         MemberXml.append("</Member>") ;
         break ;
      }  // switch
      firstCommand = false ;
   } // next line to interpret

      // if new node then save to log file
   if (IsNewNode == false) 
      return 0 ;

   xml = "<Node" ;

   if (ProcessName != "") {
      xml.append(" Process=\"") ;
      xml.append(HtmlEncode(ProcessName)) ;
   if (MessageTime != ""){
      xml.append(" Time=\"") ;
      xml.append(HtmlEncode(MessageTime)) ;
   if (ParentId != ""){   // add parent relation if not root
      xml.append(" Parent=\"") ;
      xml.append(HtmlEncode(ParentId)) ;
   if (TraceID != ""){
      xml.append(" Id=\"") ;
      xml.append(HtmlEncode(TraceID)) ;
   if (ThreadID != ""){
      xml.append(" ThId=\"") ;
      xml.append(HtmlEncode(ThreadID)) ;
   // don't save default
   if (TreeIcon != -1 && TreeIcon != 24) {
      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)   // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      sprintf_s(temp, 20, "%d", TreeIcon);      
      sprintf(temp, "%d", TreeIcon);      

      xml.append(" Icon=\"").append(temp).append("\"");
   xml.append(">");   // <Node ...>

   if (TraceForm->IsMultiColTree)
      //<ColValue Order="2">C3</ColValue>
      vector<string> Columns;
      split(Columns, LeftMsg, '\t');

      int c = 0 ;
      vector <string>::iterator Column;
      for ( Column = Columns.begin( ) ; Column != Columns.end( ) ; Column++ )
         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)   // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s(temp, 20, "%d", c);      
         sprintf(temp, "%d", c);      
         xml.append("<ColValue Order=\"").append(temp).append("\">") ;
         xml.append(HtmlEncode(*Column)) ;
         c++ ;
   } else {
      // save the tree col1
      // save the tree col 2
      if (RightMsg != "") {
         xml.append("<Col2>") ;
         xml.append(HtmlEncode(RightMsg)) ;

   // append member to xml


   if (TraceForm->LogFileName == "")
      TraceForm->LogFileName = "TraceLog.xml";

   //string FileToWrite = "";

   size_t posExtension = TraceForm->LogFileName.find_last_of (".") ;  
   TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName = TraceForm->LogFileName.substr(0,posExtension) ; // file without extension
   string ExtensionWithDot = TraceForm->LogFileName.substr(posExtension, TraceForm->LogFileName.length()-TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName.length()) ;// include the dot
   if (TraceForm->LogFileType == 3) {            // 3, Local log disabled.
      // should not happens. Detected before parsing
      return 0 ;
   } else if (TraceForm->LogFileType == 4) {     // 4, Local log enabled. No size limit.
      if (TraceForm->CurrentFileNumber != 0)
         // Append CurrentFileNumber Before extension            
         TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName.append("_") ;
         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s(temp,20, "%d",TraceForm->CurrentFileNumber);
         sprintf(temp, "%d",TraceForm->CurrentFileNumber);

         TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName.append(ExtensionWithDot) ;
      } else
         TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName = TraceForm->LogFileName;

   } else {                                     // 5, Local log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
      // append YYYYMMDD
      SYSTEMTIME Time;

      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      sprintf_s(temp,20, "%04d%02d%02d",Time.wYear, Time.wMonth , Time.wDay);
      sprintf(temp, "%04d%02d%02d",Time.wYear, Time.wMonth , Time.wDay);
      TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName.append(temp) ;
      // add CurrentFileNumber if <> 0
      if (TraceForm->CurrentFileNumber != 0) {
         TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName.append("_") ;

         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s(temp,20, "%d",TraceForm->CurrentFileNumber);
         sprintf(temp, "%d",TraceForm->CurrentFileNumber);

      // append file extension (XML)

   ofstream f ;

   // check if exist
   ifstream iFileToCheck;>LastLocalLogFileName.c_str());
   bool isOpen = iFileToCheck.is_open() ;
   iFileToCheck.close() ;

   if (isOpen == false)
      // f = new FileStream(TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName, FileMode.Create) ;>LastLocalLogFileName.c_str(),ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc );

      // include header in file
      if (TraceForm->IsMultiColTree) {
         string strbBuilder ;

         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)   // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s(temp, 20, "%d", TraceForm->MainCol);      
         sprintf(temp, "%d", TraceForm->MainCol);      

         strbBuilder.append("<MainColumn>").append(temp).append("</MainColumn>") ;

         vector<string> Columns;
         split(Columns, TraceForm->TitleList, '\t');

         int c = 0 ;
         vector <string>::iterator Column;
         for ( Column = Columns.begin( ) ; Column != Columns.end( ) ; Column++ )
            #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)   // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
            sprintf_s(temp, 20, "%d", c);      
            sprintf(temp, "%d", c);      
            xml.append("<ColTitle Order=\"").append(temp).append("\">") ;
            xml.append(HtmlEncode(*Column)) ;
            c++ ;
      xml.insert(0,"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?><Data>"); // ISO-8859-1 , ASCII , ISO-8859-15 , windows-1252
   } else {  // append only the node>LastLocalLogFileName.c_str(),ios_base::in | ios_base::out );
      f.seekp(-7, ios::end); // override the </data> tag
   f << xml ;
   // limit file size
   if (TraceForm->MaxLines != -1)
      if (TraceForm->LinesWritten >= TraceForm->MaxLines)
         TraceForm->LinesWritten = 0;  // reset counter
   return 0 ;


/// <summary>
/// Clear all traces (main window)
/// </summary>

void TTrace::ClearAll ()
   m_winTrace->ClearAll () ;


/// <summary>
///  Show or hide the trace program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="IsVisible">When false, the viewer is minimized in systray</param>

void TTrace::Show (bool IsVisible)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   if (IsVisible == true)
      Commands->Add (CST_SHOW , 1);
      Commands->Add (CST_SHOW , 0);

   TTrace::SendToClient (Commands);


/// Set the global search criteria. You must call TTrace.Wintrace.FindNext to position to the next or previous matching node
/// <param name="Text">Text to search</param>
/// <param name="Sensitive">Search is case sensitive</param>
/// <param name="WholeWord">match only whole word</param>
/// <param name="Highlight">Highlight results</param>
/// <param name="SearchInAllPages">call to FindNext will search also in other traces windows if true</param>
void TTrace::Find (const char *Text ,const bool Sensitive, const bool WholeWord , const bool Highlight, const bool SearchInAllPages) 
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   int flags = 0 ;
   // Sensitive<<3+WholeWord<<2+highlight<<1+SearchInAllPages
   if (Sensitive)
      flags += 8;
   if (WholeWord)
      flags += 4;
   if (Highlight)
      flags += 2;
   if (SearchInAllPages)
      flags += 1;

   Commands->Add (CST_FIND_TEXT , flags, Text);
   TTrace::SendToClient (Commands);


/// Set the global search criteria. You must call TTrace.Wintrace.FindNext to position to the next or previous matching node
/// <param name="Text">Text to search</param>
/// <param name="Sensitive">Search is case sensitive</param>
/// <param name="WholeWord">match only whole word</param>
/// <param name="Highlight">Highlight results</param>
/// <param name="SearchInAllPages">call to FindNext will search also in other traces windows if true</param>
void TTrace::Find (const wchar_t *Text ,const bool Sensitive, const bool WholeWord , const bool Highlight, const bool SearchInAllPages) 
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   int flags = 0 ;
   // Sensitive<<3+WholeWord<<2+highlight<<1+SearchInAllPages
   if (Sensitive)
      flags += 8;
   if (WholeWord)
      flags += 4;
   if (Highlight)
      flags += 2;
   if (SearchInAllPages)
      flags += 1;

   char * temp = TTrace::WideToMbs(Text) ;
   Commands->Add (CST_FIND_TEXT , flags, temp);
   free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToClient (Commands);


/// <summary>
///  Shutdown viewer
/// </summary>

void TTrace::CloseViewer ()
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_CLOSE_VIEWER);
   TTrace::SendToClient (Commands);

// TraceNodeBase

/// <summary>
/// Construct a new trace node, derived from a parent node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg" >Optional left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Optional right message</param>
/// <returns>a new ItraceNodeEx</returns>

TraceNodeEx * TraceNodeBase::CreateChildEx(const char *leftMsg /* = NULL */, const char *rightMsg /* = NULL */)
   TraceNodeEx *Node;
   Node = new TraceNodeEx(this);   // Node->id is generated (GUID)

   if (leftMsg != NULL && leftMsg[0]!=0)
      Node->leftMsg = leftMsg ;
   if (rightMsg != NULL && rightMsg[0]!=0)
      Node->rightMsg = rightMsg ;
   return Node ;

/// <summary>
/// Construct a new trace node, derived from a parent node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg" >Optional left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Optional right message</param>
/// <returns>a new ItraceNodeEx</returns>

TraceNodeEx * TraceNodeBase::CreateChildEx (const wchar_t *leftMsg /* = NULL */, const wchar_t *rightMsg /* = NULL */)
   TraceNodeEx *Node;
   Node = new TraceNodeEx(this);   // Node->id is generated (GUID)

   if (leftMsg != NULL && leftMsg[0]!=0)
      char * temp = TTrace::WideToMbs(leftMsg) ;
      Node->leftMsg = temp ; // copy
      free (temp);

   if (rightMsg != NULL && rightMsg[0]!=0)
      char * temp = TTrace::WideToMbs(rightMsg) ;
      Node->rightMsg = temp ; // copy
      free (temp);

   return Node ;

// InternalWinTrace

/// <summary>
/// InternalWinTrace constructor.<p/>
/// </summary>

   ID = "";
   IsMultiColTree = false;
   MainCol = 0;
   TitleList = "";
   LogFileName = "";
   LastLocalLogFileName = "";
   LogFileType = 3;
   MaxLines = -1;         // Max number of lines before starting a new file       
   CurrentFileNumber = 0; // Current file number, when MaxLines is set       
   LinesWritten = 0;      // Number of lines written , when MaxLines is set 

// TMemberNode

/// <summary>
/// Create a Member node (or a sub member)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strCol1">optional column 1</param>
/// <param name="strCol2">optional column 2</param>
/// <param name="strCol3">optional column 3</param>

TMemberNode::TMemberNode(const char * strCol1 /* = NULL */, const char * strCol2 /* = NULL */, const char * strCol3 /* = NULL */)
   if (strCol1 != NULL)
      col1 = strCol1;

   if (strCol2 != NULL)
      col2 = strCol2;

   if (strCol3 != NULL)
      col3 = strCol3;

   // create sub members only if needed
   m_Members = NULL ; // new deque <TMemberNode *> ;
   m_FontDetails = NULL ;


/// <summary>
/// Create a Member node (or a sub member)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strCol1">optional column 1</param>
/// <param name="strCol2">optional column 2</param>
/// <param name="strCol3">optional column 3</param>

TMemberNode::TMemberNode(const wchar_t * strCol1 , const wchar_t * strCol2 /* = NULL */, const wchar_t * strCol3 /* = NULL */)
   if (strCol1 != NULL)
      char * col = TTrace::WideToMbs(strCol1) ;
      col1 = col ; // copy
      free (col) ;

   if (strCol2 != NULL)
      char * col = TTrace::WideToMbs(strCol2) ;
      col2 = col ; // copy
      free (col) ;

   if (strCol3 != NULL)
      char * col = TTrace::WideToMbs(strCol3) ;
      col3 = col ; // copy
      free (col) ;

   // create sub members only if needed
   m_Members = NULL ; // new deque <TMemberNode *> ;
   m_FontDetails = NULL ;


/// <summary>
// When a TraceNode is send, the "Members" field is converted to commands.<p>
// The convertion automatically delete all sub members and the "Members" field.<p>
// Destructor is then needed only if you don't send the node.
/// </summary>

   if (m_Members != NULL)
      deque <TMemberNode *>::const_iterator MemberBegin;
      deque <TMemberNode *>::const_iterator MemberEnd;

      MemberEnd  = m_Members->end () ;
      for (MemberBegin = m_Members->begin (); MemberBegin < MemberEnd ; MemberBegin++)
         TMemberNode * member = * MemberBegin ;
         delete member ;
      delete m_Members ;
      m_Members = NULL ;

   if (m_FontDetails != NULL)
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontDetailBegin;
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontDetailEnd;

      FontDetailEnd  = m_FontDetails->end () ;
      for (FontDetailBegin = m_FontDetails->begin (); FontDetailBegin < FontDetailEnd ; FontDetailBegin++)
         FontDetail * fontDetail = * FontDetailBegin ;
         delete fontDetail ;
      delete m_FontDetails ;
      m_FontDetails = NULL ;


/// <summary>
// Sub members
/// </summary>
/// <returns>array of TMember</returns>

deque <TMemberNode *> * TMemberNode::Members()
   if (m_Members == NULL)
      m_Members = new deque <TMemberNode *> ;
   return m_Members ;


/// <summary>
/// Recursively add members to the node commandList
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commands">Where to store members </param>

void TMemberNode::AddToStringList (CommandList * commands)
   if (m_Members == NULL)
      return ;

   // the root node node itself is not send
   deque <TMemberNode *>::const_iterator MemberBegin;
   deque <TMemberNode *>::const_iterator MemberEnd;

   MemberEnd  = m_Members->end () ;
   for (MemberBegin = m_Members->begin (); MemberBegin < MemberEnd ; MemberBegin++)
      TMemberNode * member = * MemberBegin ;
      delete member ;  // delete sub members
   delete m_Members ;  // delete member array
   m_Members = NULL ;


/// internal recursive
void TMemberNode::_AddToStringList (CommandList * commands)

   commands->Add (CST_CREATE_MEMBER, col1.c_str()) ;     // first column can be NULL
   if (! col2.empty())
      commands->Add (CST_MEMBER_COL2, col2.c_str()) ;
   if (! col3.empty())
      commands->Add (CST_MEMBER_COL3, col3.c_str()) ;

   // add viewer kind
   if (ViewerKind != 0)
      commands->Add(CST_MEMBER_VIEWER_KIND, ViewerKind);

   if (m_FontDetails != NULL)
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontBegin;
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontEnd;
      FontEnd  = m_FontDetails->end () ;
      for (FontBegin = m_FontDetails->begin (); FontBegin < FontEnd ; FontBegin++)
         FontDetail * font = * FontBegin ;

         char * message ;
         int bold   = (font->Bold  ) ? 1 : 0 ;
         int italic = (font->Italic) ? 1 : 0;
         size_t MsgLen ;

         if (font->FontName.empty())
            message = (char*)malloc(32+1) ;
            #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
            sprintf_s(message, 33,"%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d", CST_MEMBER_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size);
            sprintf(message, "%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d", CST_MEMBER_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size);
         } else {
            MsgLen = font->FontName.length()+32+1 ;
            message = (char*)malloc(MsgLen) ;
            const char * fontName = font->FontName.c_str() ;
            #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
            sprintf_s(message, MsgLen,"%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d%s", CST_MEMBER_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size,fontName);
            sprintf(message, "%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d%s", CST_MEMBER_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size,fontName);
         commands->push_back (message) ;
         free (message) ;
         delete font ;
      delete m_FontDetails ;
      m_FontDetails = NULL ;

   if (m_Members != NULL)
      deque <TMemberNode *>::const_iterator MemberBegin;
      deque <TMemberNode *>::const_iterator MemberEnd;

      MemberEnd  = m_Members->end () ;
      for (MemberBegin = m_Members->begin (); MemberBegin < MemberEnd ; MemberBegin++)
         TMemberNode * member = * MemberBegin ;
         delete member ;
      delete m_Members ;
      m_Members = NULL ;
   commands->Add (CST_ADD_MEMBER) ;     // close the member group


/// <summary>
/// Add a sub member. NOTE : the member in argument will be destroyed when the container node is destroyed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="member">an already constructed sub member</param>
/// <returns>the TMember node to add</returns>
TMemberNode * TMemberNode::Add (TMemberNode * member)
   return member;


/// <summary>
/// create and add a sub member
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strCol1">Column 1 of the new sub member</param>
/// <param name="strCol2">Optional column 2 of the new sub member</param>
/// <param name="strCol3">Optional column 3 of the new sub member</param>
/// <returns>the TMember node to add</returns>
TMemberNode * TMemberNode::Add (const char * strCol1 , const char * strCol2 /* = NULL */, const char * strCol3 /* = NULL */)
   TMemberNode * member;
   member = new TMemberNode (strCol1, strCol2, strCol3);
   return member;


/// <summary>
/// create and add a sub member
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strCol1">Column 1 of the new sub member</param>
/// <param name="strCol1">Optional column 2 of the new sub member</param>
/// <param name="strCol1">Optional column 3 of the new sub member</param>
/// <returns>the TMember node to add</returns>
TMemberNode * TMemberNode::Add (const wchar_t * strCol1 , const wchar_t * strCol2 /* = NULL */, const wchar_t * strCol3 /* = NULL */)
   TMemberNode * member;
   member = new TMemberNode (strCol1, strCol2, strCol3);
   return member;


/// <summary>
/// Set member font
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ColId">Column number (-1,0,1,2)</param>
/// <param name="Bold">Change font to bold</param>
/// <param name="Italic">Change font to Italic</param>
/// <param name="Color">Change Color. Use -1 to keep default color</param>
/// <param name="Size">Change font size, use zero to keep normal size</param>
/// <param name="FontName">Change font name</param>
/// <returns>The TMemberNode </returns>
TMemberNode * TMemberNode::SetFontDetail(const int ColId,  const bool Bold ,  const bool Italic /*= false*/ ,  const int Color /*= -1*/ , const int Size /*= 0*/ ,  const char * FontName /*= NULL*/)
   if (m_FontDetails == NULL)
      m_FontDetails = new deque <FontDetail *> ;
   FontDetail * font = new FontDetail() ;

   font->ColId    = ColId ;
   font->Bold     = Bold ;
   font->Italic   = Italic ;
   font->Color    = Color ;
   font->Size     = Size ;
   if (FontName != NULL)
      font->FontName = FontName ;
   return this ;

// TraceOptions

/// <summary>
/// TraceTool Options constructor
/// </summary>

TraceOptions::TraceOptions (void)
   SendProcessName = false ;
   SendDate = false ;
   SendThreadId = true ;
   m_processFileName = NULL ;
   socketHost = NULL ;
   socketPort = 8090 ;
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
   // for pocket pc : default is socket and host on
   sendMode = Socket ;
   // For windows desktop : default is windows messages. In case of you switch to socket, the default host is localhost
   sendMode = WinMsg ;


/// <summary>
/// TraceTool Options destructor
/// </summary>

   if (socketHost != NULL)
      free (socketHost) ;
   if (m_processFileName != NULL)
      free (m_processFileName) ;


/// <summary>
/// Set the socket host
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Host">socket host</param>

void TraceOptions::SetSocketHost (const char * Host)
   if (socketHost != NULL)
      free (socketHost) ;
   socketHost = NULL ;
   if (Host == NULL)
      return ;
   size_t lenhost = strlen(Host) + 1 ;
   socketHost = (char *) malloc (lenhost) ;
   #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
   strcpy_s (socketHost, lenhost, Host) ;
   strcpy (socketHost, Host) ;


/// <summary>
/// Set the socket host
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Host">socket host</param>

void TraceOptions::SetSocketHost (const wchar_t * Host)
   if (socketHost != NULL)
      free (socketHost) ;
   socketHost = TTrace::WideToMbs(Host) ;


/// <summary>
/// Helper function : get the process name from the module
/// </summary>
/// <returns>the process name without path</returns>

const char * TraceOptions::CheckProcessName (void)
   if (m_processFileName == NULL)
      WCHAR wFileName [MAX_PATH+1] ;
      size_t nbChar ;

      // use wide GetModuleFileNameW in place of GetModuleFileNameA for winCE compatibility
      wFileName[GetModuleFileNameW (0 /* hInstance */ ,wFileName,MAX_PATH)] = 0;

      // Convert widestring (wcs) to multibyte string (mbs)
      char *pmbFilename = (char *)malloc( MAX_PATH+1 );
      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      //size_t i ;
      //nbChar =
      wcstombs_s(&nbChar, pmbFilename, MAX_PATH+1, wFileName, MAX_PATH );
      nbChar = wcstombs( pmbFilename, wFileName, MAX_PATH );

      // bypass any path before the module name
      const char * ptr ;
      ptr = pmbFilename + nbChar -1;
      while (ptr > pmbFilename)
         if ((*ptr == '/') ||
            (*ptr == '\\') ||
            (*ptr == ':'))
            ptr ++ ;
            break ;
         } else {
            ptr-- ;

      if ((*ptr == '/') ||
         (*ptr == '\\') ||
         (*ptr == ':'))
         ptr ++ ;

      size_t fileLength = strlen(ptr) + 1 ;
      m_processFileName = (char *) malloc (fileLength) ;
      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)   // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      strcpy_s (m_processFileName, fileLength, ptr) ;
      strcpy (m_processFileName, ptr) ;
      free (pmbFilename) ;
   return m_processFileName ;

// WinWatch

/// <summary>
/// WinWatch constructor
/// </summary>
   id = "" ; 	                                                      // Wintrace id (empty for the main window)
   enabled = true ;                                                  // enable or disable watches


/// <summary>
/// WinWatch constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WinWatchID">Winwatch id</param>
/// <param name="WinWatchText">caption for the winwatch </param>

WinWatch::WinWatch (const char * WinWatchID , const char * WinWatchText)
   id = "" ; 	                                                      // Wintrace id (empty for the main window)
   enabled = true ;                                                   // enable or disable watches

   if (WinWatchID == NULL || WinWatchID == "") {
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
      free (c);
   } else
      id = WinWatchID ;

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;

   if (WinWatchText == NULL || WinWatchText == "")
      Commands->Add(CST_WINWATCH_NAME, id.c_str()) ; // id.c_str()
      Commands->Add(CST_WINWATCH_NAME, WinWatchText) ;

   TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// WinWatch constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WinWatchID">Winwatch id</param>
/// <param name="WinWatchText">caption for the winwatch </param>

WinWatch::WinWatch (const wchar_t * WinWatchID , const wchar_t * WinWatchText)
   id = "" ; 	                                                      // Wintrace id (empty for the main window)
   enabled = true ;                                                   // enable or disable watches

   char * strWinWatchID   = TTrace::WideToMbs(WinWatchID) ;
   char * strWinWatchText = TTrace::WideToMbs(WinWatchText) ;

   if (strWinWatchID == NULL || strWinWatchID == "") {
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
   } else {
      id = strWinWatchID ;  // copy
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;

   if (strWinWatchText == NULL || strWinWatchText == "")
      Commands->Add(CST_WINWATCH_NAME, id.c_str()) ;
      Commands->Add(CST_WINWATCH_NAME, strWinWatchText) ;

   if (strWinWatchID != NULL)
      free (strWinWatchID) ;

   if (strWinWatchText != NULL)
      free (strWinWatchText) ;

   TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Display the window
/// </summary>
void WinWatch::DisplayWin (void)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_DISPLAY_TREE) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// clear all watches
/// </summary>
void WinWatch::ClearAll (void)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Close the winWatch
/// </summary>
void WinWatch::Close (void)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Add or change a watch
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WatchName">watch name</param>
/// <param name="WatchValue">watch value</param>
void WinWatch::Send (const char * WatchName , const char * WatchValue)
   if (! enabled)
      return ;

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_WATCH_NAME, WatchName) ;

   // create the member and set col1
   // col2 is the value
   Commands->Add (CST_MEMBER_COL2, WatchValue);
   // close the member group

   TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Add or change a watch
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WatchName">watch name</param>
/// <param name="WatchValue">watch value</param>
void WinWatch::Send (const wchar_t * WatchName , const wchar_t * WatchValue)
   if (! enabled)
      return ;

   char * strWatchName  = TTrace::WideToMbs(WatchName) ;
   char * strWatchValue = TTrace::WideToMbs(WatchValue) ;

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_WATCH_NAME, strWatchName) ;

   // create the member and set col1
   // col2 is the value
   Commands->Add (CST_MEMBER_COL2, strWatchValue);
   // close the member group

   if (strWatchName != NULL)
      free (strWatchName) ;

   if (strWatchValue != NULL)
      free (strWatchValue) ;

   TTrace::SendToWinWatchClient (Commands,id.c_str());

// WinTrace

/// <summary>
/// WinTrace constructor.<p/>
/// You can map a WinTrace to an existing window.<p/>
/// Nothing Is send to the viewer
/// </summary>

   CreateNodes() ;


/// <summary>
/// WinTrace constructor. The Window Trace is create on the viewer (if not already done)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WinTraceID">Required window trace Id. If empty, a guid will be generated</param>
/// <param name="WinTraceTitle">The Window Title on the viewer.If empty, a default name will be used</param>

WinTrace::WinTrace(const char * WinTraceID , const char * WinTraceTitle)
   if (WinTraceID == NULL || WinTraceID == "") {
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
      free (c);
   } else
      id = WinTraceID ;

   CreateNodes() ;

   if (WinTraceID != NULL && WinTraceID == "_")
      return ;  // don't create new window on the viewer

   // create the trace window
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;

   if (WinTraceTitle == NULL || WinTraceTitle == "")
      Commands->Add (CST_TREE_NAME, id.c_str());
      Commands->Add (CST_TREE_NAME, WinTraceTitle);

   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// WinTrace constructor. The Window Trace is create on the viewer (if not already done)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WinTraceID">Required window trace Id. If empty, a guid will be generated</param>
/// <param name="WinTraceTitle">The Window Title on the viewer.If empty, a default name will be used</param>

WinTrace::WinTrace(const wchar_t * WinTraceID , const wchar_t * WinTraceTitle)

   char * strWinTraceID    = TTrace::WideToMbs(WinTraceID) ;
   char * strWinTraceTitle = TTrace::WideToMbs(WinTraceTitle) ;

   if (strWinTraceID == NULL || strWinTraceID == "") {
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
      free (c);
   } else
      id = strWinTraceID ; // copy

   CreateNodes() ;

   if (strWinTraceID != NULL && strWinTraceID == "_")
      // don't create new window on the viewer
   } else {
      // create the trace window
      CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;

      if (strWinTraceTitle == NULL || strWinTraceTitle == "")
         Commands->Add (CST_TREE_NAME, id.c_str());
         Commands->Add (CST_TREE_NAME, strWinTraceTitle);
      TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

   if (strWinTraceID != NULL)
      free (strWinTraceID) ;

   if (strWinTraceTitle != NULL)
      free (strWinTraceTitle) ;

/// private initialize (called by the 2 constructors)
void WinTrace::CreateNodes()
   iconIndex = CST_ICO_DEFAULT;    // TWinTrace don't have icon (for now)
   enabled = true;
   winTraceId = id ;    // winTraceId need to be the same as 'id' if we want to call sendXxx() directly on WinTrace object

   contextList = new deque <NodeContext *> ;
   //winTraceContext = NULL ;

   InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection

   debug   = new TraceNode(NULL, false);     // no parent node, don't create a GUID
   error   = new TraceNode(NULL, false);
   warning = new TraceNode(NULL, false);

   debug->iconIndex   = CST_ICO_INFO;        // store the iconIndex. don't add CST_ICO_INDEX command
   error->iconIndex   = CST_ICO_ERROR;
   warning->iconIndex = CST_ICO_WARNING;

   debug->winTraceId   = id ;                // link the 3 node to the window
   error->winTraceId   = id ;
   warning->winTraceId = id ;

   debug->winTraceContext = contextList;
   error->winTraceContext = contextList;
   warning->winTraceContext = contextList;

   debug->enabled = true;
   error->enabled = true;
   warning->enabled = true;


/// <summary>
/// Destructor
/// </summary>
   delete debug;
   delete error;
   delete warning;

   DeleteCriticalSection(&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection
   delete contextList ;
   contextList = NULL ;


/// <summary>
/// Save the window tree traces to a text file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to save</param>
void WinTrace::SaveToTextfile (const char * FileName)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Save the window tree traces to a text file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to save</param>
void WinTrace::SaveToTextfile (const wchar_t * FileName)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp = TTrace::WideToMbs(FileName) ;
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;

   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Save the window tree traces to an XML file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to save</param>
void WinTrace::SaveToXml (const char * FileName)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_SAVETOXML , FileName);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Save the window tree traces to an XML file and specifying a styleSheet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to save</param>
/// <param name="styleSheet">optional StyleSheet file name added in xml</param>
void WinTrace::SaveToXml (const char * FileName,const char * styleSheet)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_SAVETOXML , FileName, styleSheet) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Save the window tree traces to an XML file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to save</param>
void WinTrace::SaveToXml (const wchar_t * FileName)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(FileName) ;
   Commands->Add (CST_SAVETOXML , temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Save the window tree traces to an XML file and XML file specifying a styleSheet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to save</param>
/// <param name="styleSheet">optional StyleSheet file name added in xml</param>
void WinTrace::SaveToXml (const wchar_t * FileName,const wchar_t * styleSheet)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp1   = TTrace::WideToMbs(FileName) ;
   char * temp2   = TTrace::WideToMbs(styleSheet) ;

   Commands->Add (CST_SAVETOXML , temp1, temp2);
   if (temp1 != NULL)
      free (temp1) ;
   if (temp2 != NULL)
      free (temp2) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Load an XML file to the window tree traces
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to open</param>
void WinTrace::LoadXml (const char * FileName)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_LOADXML , FileName);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Load an XML file to the window tree traces
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to open</param>
void WinTrace::LoadXml (const wchar_t * FileName)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(FileName) ;
   Commands->Add (CST_LOADXML , temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Show the window tree
/// </summary>
void WinTrace::DisplayWin ()
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_DISPLAY_TREE);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Change the tree to display user defined multiple columns.<p/>
/// Must be called before setting column titles
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MainColIndex">The Main column index (default is 0)</param>
void WinTrace::SetMultiColumn(const int MainColIndex)
   InternalWinTrace * TraceForm = TTrace::getInternalTraceForm(id.c_str(), true);
   TraceForm->IsMultiColTree = true;
   TraceForm->MainCol = MainColIndex;

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_TREE_MULTI_COLUMN, MainColIndex);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Set the log file.(Path is relative to the viewer)
/// To enabled log on local AND on the viewer call this funtion twice.
/// To don't use the viewer, set the TTrace.options.SendMode to None
/// <code>
/// The Mode can be one of the folowing :
/// 0, Viewer Log is disabled.
/// 1, Viewer log enabled. 
/// 2, Viewer log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
/// 3, Local log is disabled
/// 4, Local log enabled. 
/// 5, Local log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
/// </code>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to open</param>
/// <param name="Mode">Local and viewer site log mode.</param>
/// <param name="MaxLines">Number of lines before starting a new file (default : -1 = unlimited).</param>
void WinTrace::SetLogFile (const char * FileName, const int Mode, const int MaxLines)
   // 3, Local log is disabled
   // 4, Local log enabled.
   // 5, Local log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
   if (Mode >= 3) {
      InternalWinTrace * TraceForm = TTrace::getInternalTraceForm(id.c_str(), true);
      TraceForm->LogFileName = FileName;
      TraceForm->LogFileType = Mode;
      TraceForm->MaxLines = MaxLines;
      // don't send anything to the viewer.
   } else {
      CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
      Commands->Add (CST_LOGFILE, Mode , MaxLines, FileName);
      TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
///   Return the last local log file. (when mode 4 or 5 is used). Note : Call TTrace::Flush() to ensure traces are saved
/// </summary>

string WinTrace::GetLocalLogFile()
   InternalWinTrace * TraceForm = TTrace::getInternalTraceForm(id.c_str(), true);
   if (TraceForm == NULL)
      return "";
   return TraceForm->LastLocalLogFileName;


/// <summary>
/// Set the log file.(Path is relative to the viewer)
/// To enabled log on local AND on the viewer call this funtion twice.
/// To don't use the viewer, set the TTrace.options.SendMode to None
/// <code>
/// The Mode can be one of the folowing :
/// 0, Viewer Log is disabled.
/// 1, Viewer log enabled. 
/// 2, Viewer log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
/// 3, Local log is disabled
/// 4, Local log enabled. 
/// 5, Local log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
/// </code>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">file to open</param>
/// <param name="Mode">Local and viewer site log mode.
/// <param name="MaxLines">Number of lines before starting a new file (default : -1 = unlimited).</param>
/// </param>
void WinTrace::SetLogFile (const wchar_t * FileName, const int Mode, const int MaxLines)
   // 3, Local log is disabled
   // 4, Local log enabled. No size limit.
   // 5, Local log enabled. A new file is create each day (CCYYMMDD is appended to the filename)
   if (Mode >= 3) {
      InternalWinTrace * TraceForm = TTrace::getInternalTraceForm(id.c_str(), true);

      char * temp = TTrace::WideToMbs(FileName) ;
      TraceForm->LogFileName = temp ; // copy
      free (temp) ;

      TraceForm->LogFileType = Mode;
      TraceForm->MaxLines = MaxLines;
      // don't send anything to the viewer.
   } else {
      CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
      char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(FileName) ;
      Commands->Add (CST_LOGFILE, Mode , MaxLines, temp);
      if (temp != NULL)
         free (temp) ;
      TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// set columns title
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Titles">Tab separated columns titles</param>
void WinTrace::SetColumnsTitle (const char * Titles)
   InternalWinTrace * TraceForm = TTrace::getInternalTraceForm(id.c_str(), true);
   TraceForm->IsMultiColTree = true;
   TraceForm->TitleList = Titles ;

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_TREE_COLUMNTITLE , Titles);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// set columns title
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Titles">Tab separated columns titles</param>
void WinTrace::SetColumnsTitle (const wchar_t * Titles)
   InternalWinTrace * TraceForm = TTrace::getInternalTraceForm(id.c_str(), true);
   TraceForm->IsMultiColTree = true;

   char * temp = TTrace::WideToMbs(Titles) ;
   TraceForm->TitleList = temp ; // copy

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_TREE_COLUMNTITLE , temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// set columns widths
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Widths">Tab separated columns width.
///    The format for each column is width[:Min[:Max]]
///    where Min and Max are optional minimum and maximum column width for resizing purpose.
///    Example : 100:20:80 tab 200:50 tab 100
/// </param>
void WinTrace::SetColumnsWidth (const char * Widths)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_TREE_COLUMNWIDTH , Widths);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// set columns widths
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Widths">Tab separated columns width.
///    The format for each column is width[:Min[:Max]]
///    where Min and Max are optional minimum and maximum column width for resizing purpose.
///    Example : 100:20:80 tab 200:50 tab 100
/// </param>
void WinTrace::SetColumnsWidth (const wchar_t * Widths)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(Widths) ;
   Commands->Add (CST_TREE_COLUMNWIDTH , temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Clear all trace for the window tree
/// </summary>
void WinTrace::ClearAll ()
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_CLEAR_ALL);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Close the WinTrace
/// </summary>
void WinTrace::Close ()
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_CLOSE_WIN);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Set the focus to the first trace node
/// </summary>
void WinTrace::GotoFirstNode() 
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_GOTO_FIRST_NODE);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Set the focus to the last trace node
/// </summary>
void WinTrace::GotoLastNode() 
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_GOTO_LAST_NODE);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Set the focus to the next matching node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SearForward">If true search down, else search up  </param>
void WinTrace::FindNext(const bool SearForward) 
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   if (SearForward) 
      Commands->Add (CST_FIND_NEXT, 1);
      Commands->Add (CST_FIND_NEXT, 0);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Set the focus to a bookmarked node identified by his position. Bookmarks are cheched by the user or with the node.SetBookmark() function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Pos">Indice of the bookmark </param>
void WinTrace::GotoBookmark(int Pos)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_GOTO_BOOKMARK,Pos);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Clear all bookmarks
/// </summary>
void WinTrace::ClearBookmark()
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_CLEAR_BOOKMARK);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Clear all filters
/// </summary>
void WinTrace::ClearFilter() 
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_CLEAR_FILTER);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Add a filter to node. Multiple calls to this function can be done. Call ApplyFilter() to apply filtering
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Column">Column to apply filter.<p/>
///   In multicolumn mode the first column start at 0 <p/>
///   In normal mode : <p/>
///   col icone   = 999    <p/>
///   col time    = 1      <p/>
///   col thread  = 2      <p/>
///   col traces  = 3      <p/>
///   col Comment = 4      <p/>
///   col members = 998
/// </param>
/// <param name="Compare">There is 5 kinds of filters : <p/>
///    Equal           = 0  <p/>
///    Not equal       = 1  <p/>
///    contains       = 2  <p/>
///    Don't contains  = 3  <p/>
///    (Ignore this filter) = 4 or -1
/// <param name="Text">The text to search (insensitive) </param>
void WinTrace::AddFilter(int Column , int Compare , const char * Text) 
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_ADD_FILTER , Column, Compare , Text);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Add a filter to node. Multiple calls to this function can be done. Call ApplyFilter() to apply filtering
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Column">Column to apply filter.<p/>
///   In multicolumn mode the first column start at 0 <p/>
///   In normal mode : <p/>
///   col icone   = 999    <p/>
///   col time    = 1      <p/>
///   col thread  = 2      <p/>
///   col traces  = 3      <p/>
///   col Comment = 4      <p/>
///   col members = 998
/// </param>
/// <param name="Compare">There is 5 kinds of filters : <p/>
///    Equal           = 0  <p/>
///    Not equal       = 1  <p/>
///    contains       = 2  <p/>
///    Don't contains  = 3  <p/>
///    (Ignore this filter) = 4 or -1
/// <param name="Text">The text to search (insensitive) </param>
void WinTrace::AddFilter(int Column , int Compare , const wchar_t * Text) 
   char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(Text) ;
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_ADD_FILTER , Column, Compare , temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


      /// <summary>
      /// Apply filters after calls to AddFilter().
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="ConditionAnd">If true, use an 'AND' condition for each filters, else use a "OR" </param>
      /// <param name="ShowMatch">If true, show node that match filter and hide others. If false hide matching node and show others</param>
      /// <param name="IncludeChildren">If true, search in subnodes</param>
void WinTrace::ApplyFilter(const bool ConditionAnd, const bool ShowMatch,const bool IncludeChildren) 
   int flags = 0;
   // ConditionAnd<<2+ShowMatch<<1+IncludeChildren
   if (ConditionAnd)
      flags += 4;
   if (ShowMatch)
      flags += 2;
   if (IncludeChildren)
      flags += 1;

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_APPLY_FILTER, flags);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE

/// <summary>
/// Plugin API : Create a resource.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ResId">The resource Id (must be >= 100)</param>
/// <param name="ResType">Resource type. See TraceConst
/// <code>
/// CST_RES_BUT_RIGHT    : Button on right
/// CST_RES_BUT_LEFT     : Button on left
/// CST_RES_LABEL_RIGHT  : Label on right
/// CST_RES_LABELH_RIGHT : Label on right HyperLink
/// CST_RES_LABEL_LEFT   : Label on left
/// CST_RES_LABELH_LEFT  : Label on left hyperlink
/// CST_RES_MENU_ACTION  : Item menu in the Actions Menu
/// CST_RES_MENU_WINDOW  : Item menu in the Windows Menu.
///                        Call CreateResource on the main win trace to create this menu item
/// </code>
/// <param name="ResWidth">Width of the resource. Applicable only to button and labels</param>
/// <param name="ResText">Resource text</param>

void WinTrace::CreateResource (const int ResId , const int ResType , const int ResWidth , const char * ResText /* = NULL */)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_CREATE_RESOURCE, ResId , ResType, ResWidth , ResText);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Plugin API : Create a resource.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ResId">The resource Id (must be >= 100)</param>
/// <param name="ResType">Resource type. See TraceConst
/// <code>
/// CST_RES_BUT_RIGHT    : Button on right
/// CST_RES_BUT_LEFT     : Button on left
/// CST_RES_LABEL_RIGHT  : Label on right
/// CST_RES_LABELH_RIGHT : Label on right HyperLink
/// CST_RES_LABEL_LEFT   : Label on left
/// CST_RES_LABELH_LEFT  : Label on left hyperlink
/// CST_RES_MENU_ACTION  : Item menu in the Actions Menu
/// CST_RES_MENU_WINDOW  : Item menu in the Windows Menu.
///                        Call CreateResource on the main win trace to create this menu item
/// </code>
/// <param name="ResWidth">Width of the resource. Applicable only to button and labels</param>
/// <param name="ResText">Resource text</param>
void WinTrace::CreateResource (const int ResId , const int ResType , const int ResWidth , const wchar_t * ResText /* = NULL */)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(ResText) ;
   Commands->Add (CST_CREATE_RESOURCE, ResId , ResType, ResWidth , temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Plugin API : Disable tracetool or user created resources
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ResId">The resource Id
/// ResId: resource id to disable. Tracetool resources :
/// <code>
/// CST_ACTION_CUT            : Cut. Same as copy then delete
/// CST_ACTION_COPY           : Copy
/// CST_ACTION_DELETE         : Delete selected
/// CST_ACTION_SELECT_ALL     : Select all
/// CST_ACTION_RESIZE_COLS    : Resize columns
/// CST_ACTION_VIEW_INFO      : View trace info
/// CST_ACTION_VIEW_PROP      : View properties
/// CST_ACTION_PAUSE          : Pause
/// CST_ACTION_SAVE           : SaveToFile
/// CST_ACTION_CLEAR_ALL      : Clear all
/// CST_ACTION_CLOSE_WIN      : Close win
/// CST_ACTION_LABEL_INFO     : TracesInfo label
/// CST_ACTION_LABEL_LOGFILE  : LabelLogFile label
/// CST_ACTION_VIEW_MAIN      : View Main trace
/// CST_ACTION_OPEN_XML       : XML trace -> Tracetool XML traces
/// CST_ACTION_EVENTLOG       : Event log
/// CST_ACTION_TAIL           : Tail
/// </code>
/// </param>

void WinTrace::DisableResource (const int ResId)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_DISABLE_RESOURCE ,ResId);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Plugin API : Set the resource text (tracetool or user created resources), specified by his Id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ResId">The resource Id </param>
/// <param name="ResText">Resource text</param>

void WinTrace::SetTextResource (const int ResId, const char * ResText)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_SET_TEXT_RESOURCE ,ResId, ResText);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Plugin API : Set the resource text (tracetool or user created resources), specified by his Id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ResId">The resource Id </param>
/// <param name="ResText">Resource text</param>

void WinTrace::SetTextResource (const int ResId, const wchar_t * ResText)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(ResText) ;
   Commands->Add (CST_SET_TEXT_RESOURCE ,ResId, temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Plugin API : Attach a winTrace to a plugin. Many winTrace can be attached to a plugin.<p/>
/// Note that a plugin don't need to be attached to a WinTrace.<p/>
/// The plugin is identified by his internal name (not dll name).<p/>
/// When linked, the plugin can receive event (see ITracePLugin).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PluginName">name of the plugin</param>
/// <param name="flags">combinaison of CST_PLUG_ONACTION , CST_PLUG_ONBEFOREDELETE , CST_PLUG_ONTIMER</param>

void WinTrace::LinkToPlugin (const char * PluginName, const int flags)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add (CST_LINKTOPLUGIN ,flags, PluginName);
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


/// <summary>
/// Plugin API : Attach a winTrace to a plugin. Many winTrace can be attached to a plugin.<p/>
/// Note that a plugin don't need to be attached to a WinTrace.<p/>
/// The plugin is identified by his internal name (not dll name).<p/>
/// When linked, the plugin can receive event (see ITracePLugin).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PluginName">name of the plugin</param>
/// <param name="flags">combinaison of CST_PLUG_ONACTION , CST_PLUG_ONBEFOREDELETE , CST_PLUG_ONTIMER</param>

void WinTrace::LinkToPlugin (const wchar_t * PluginName, int flags)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   char * temp   = TTrace::WideToMbs(PluginName) ;
   Commands->Add (CST_LINKTOPLUGIN ,flags, temp);
   if (temp != NULL)
      free (temp) ;
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,id.c_str());


// TraceToSend

/// Protected : Prepare the commandList. Common to all SendXXX function
CommandList * TraceToSend::prepareNewNode(const char * leftMsg, const char * newId)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_NEW_NODE, GetLastContextId().c_str());            // param : parent Node id
   Commands->Add(CST_TRACE_ID, newId);          // param : guid
   Commands->Add(CST_LEFT_MSG, leftMsg);        // param : left string
   if (iconIndex != -1)
      Commands->Add(CST_ICO_INDEX, iconIndex);
   return Commands;


/// Protected : Prepare the commandList. Common to all SendXXX function
CommandList * TraceToSend::prepareNewNode(const wchar_t *leftMsg, const char * newId)
   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_NEW_NODE, GetLastContextId().c_str());            // param : parent Node id
   Commands->Add(CST_TRACE_ID, newId);          // param : guid

   char * strLeftMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (leftMsg) ;
   Commands->Add(CST_LEFT_MSG, strLeftMsg);              // param : left string
   free (strLeftMsg) ;

   if (iconIndex != -1)
      Commands->Add(CST_ICO_INDEX, iconIndex);
   return Commands;

// Protected : return the last context
NodeContext * TraceToSend::GetLastContext()
   deque <NodeContext *> * cList ;
   if (winTraceContext != NULL)
      cList = winTraceContext;
   else if (contextList != NULL)
      cList = contextList;
      return NULL ;

   // if empty, no need to enter critical section
   if (cList->empty())
      return NULL ;

   deque<NodeContext *>::const_iterator stack_end ;
   deque<NodeContext *>::const_iterator stack_ptr ;

   DWORD thid = GetCurrentThreadId();

   // enter the node context critical section
   EnterCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;          // TraceToSend::criticalSection

   // loop context for the current thread
   stack_end = cList->end() ;

   for (stack_ptr = cList->begin() ; stack_ptr < stack_end ; stack_ptr++)
      NodeContext * context = * stack_ptr ;
      if (context->threadId == thid)
         LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;    // TraceToSend::criticalSection
         return context ;
   LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;          // TraceToSend::criticalSection
   return NULL ;



// Protected : Retun the last context id for the current thread
string TraceToSend::GetLastContextId()
   NodeContext * aContext = GetLastContext();
   if (aContext == NULL)
      return id;
      return aContext->nodeId;
} ;


// Protected : create a context based on the node id and the current thread

void TraceToSend::PushContextId (const char * contextId)
   NodeContext * context = new NodeContext() ;
   context->nodeId = contextId ; // string copy (nodeId is a string not a char *)
   context->threadId = GetCurrentThreadId() ;

   deque <NodeContext *> * cList ;
   if (winTraceContext != NULL)
      cList = winTraceContext;   // TraceToSend::winTraceContext
   else if (contextList != NULL)
      cList = contextList;       // TraceToSend::contextList
      contextList = new deque <NodeContext *> ;
      cList = contextList;

   // enter the node context critical section
   EnterCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection
   cList->push_front (context) ;
   LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection


// Protected : create a context based on the node id and the current thread

void TraceToSend::PushContext (NodeContext * context)
   deque <NodeContext *> * cList ;
   if (winTraceContext != NULL)
      cList = winTraceContext;      // TraceToSend::winTraceContext
   else if (contextList != NULL)
      cList = contextList;          // TraceToSend::contextList
      contextList = new deque <NodeContext *> ;
      cList = contextList;

   // enter the node context critical section
   EnterCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection
   cList->push_front (context) ;
   LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection


// protected : delete the last context for the current thread

void TraceToSend::deleteLastContext (void)
   deque <NodeContext *> * cList ;
   if (winTraceContext != NULL)
      cList = winTraceContext;      // TraceToSend::winTraceContext
   else if (contextList != NULL)
      cList = contextList;          // TraceToSend::contextList
      return ;

   // if empty, no need to enter critical section
   if (cList->empty())  // should not happens
      return ;

   deque <NodeContext *>::iterator stack_end ;
   deque <NodeContext *>::iterator stack_ptr ;
   NodeContext * context ;
   context = NULL ;
   DWORD thid = GetCurrentThreadId();

   // enter the node context critical section
   EnterCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection

   // loop context for the current thread
   stack_end = cList->end() ;
   for (stack_ptr = cList->begin() ; stack_ptr < stack_end ; stack_ptr++)
      NodeContext * context = * stack_ptr ;
      if (context->threadId == thid)
         delete context ;
         cList->erase (stack_ptr) ;
         LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;    // TraceToSend::criticalSection
         return ;
   LeaveCriticalSection (&criticalSection) ;          // TraceToSend::criticalSection
   return ;


/// <summary>
/// Same as Indent, but display an 'enter' icon on the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">left message </param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">right message </param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">Background Color </param>

void TraceToSend::EnterMethod (const char *leftMsg , const char *rightMsg , int BackGroundColor)
   string msg = "Enter " ;
   msg = msg + leftMsg ;
   Indent(msg.c_str(), rightMsg, BackGroundColor, true);


/// <summary>
/// Same as Indent, but display an 'enter' icon on the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">left message </param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">right message </param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">Background Color </param>

void TraceToSend::EnterMethod (const wchar_t *leftMsg , const wchar_t *rightMsg , int BackGroundColor)

   char * strLeftMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (leftMsg) ;
   char * strRightMsg = TTrace::WideToMbs (rightMsg) ;

   string msg = "Enter " ;
   msg = msg + strLeftMsg ;
   Indent(msg.c_str(), strRightMsg, BackGroundColor, true);

   free (strLeftMsg) ;
   free (strRightMsg) ;


/// <summary>
/// Same as UnIndent, but display an 'exit' icon on the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">left message </param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">right message </param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">Background Color </param>

void TraceToSend::ExitMethod  (const char *leftMsg, const char *rightMsg , int BackGroundColor)
   string msg = "Exit " ;
   msg = msg + leftMsg ;
   UnIndent(msg.c_str(), rightMsg, BackGroundColor, true);


/// <summary>
/// Same as UnIndent, but display an 'exit' icon on the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">left message </param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">right message </param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">Background Color </param>

void TraceToSend::ExitMethod  (const wchar_t *leftMsg, const wchar_t *rightMsg , int BackGroundColor)
   char * strLeftMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (leftMsg) ;
   char * strRightMsg = TTrace::WideToMbs (rightMsg) ;

   string msg = "Exit " ;
   msg = msg + strLeftMsg ;
   UnIndent(msg.c_str(), strRightMsg, BackGroundColor, true);

   free (strLeftMsg) ;
   free (strRightMsg) ;

/// <summary>
/// Send a message. further trace to the same node are indented under this one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">Left message to send</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Right message to send</param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">BackGround Color</param>
/// <param name="IsEnter">if true , a special "enter" icon is added on the node</param>
void TraceToSend::Indent(const char *leftMsg, const char *rightMsg, int BackGroundColor, bool IsEnter)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   NodeContext * newContext = new NodeContext() ;
   newContext->threadId = GetCurrentThreadId() ;

   char *c;
   c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
   newContext->nodeId=c; //copy
   free (c);

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;

   string last = GetLastContextId() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_NEW_NODE, last.c_str());              // param : parent Node id
   Commands->Add(CST_TRACE_ID, newContext->nodeId.c_str());   // param : Node Id
   Commands->Add(CST_LEFT_MSG, leftMsg);              // param : left string

   if (rightMsg != NULL && rightMsg != "")
      Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG, rightMsg);        // param : right string

   if (BackGroundColor != -1)
      Commands->Add(CST_BACKGROUND_COLOR, BackGroundColor, "-1");      // param : color, colId

   if (IsEnter)
      TMemberNode * member = new TMemberNode();                     // create root member
      member->Add("")->ViewerKind = CST_VIEWER_ENTER;    // then add an empty member with special viewer
      member->AddToStringList(Commands);                        // convert all groups and nested items/group to strings
      delete member ;

   Commands->Add(CST_ICO_INDEX, iconIndex);          // param : icon index
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,winTraceId.c_str());
   PushContext(newContext) ;

/// <summary>
/// Send a message. further trace to the same node are indented under this one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wLeftMsg">Left message to send</param>
/// <param name="wRightMsg">Right message to send</param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">BackGround Color</param>
/// <param name="IsEnter">if true , a special "enter" icon is added on the node</param>
void TraceToSend::Indent(const wchar_t *wLeftMsg, const wchar_t *wRightMsg, int BackGroundColor, bool IsEnter)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   NodeContext * newContext = new NodeContext() ;
   newContext->threadId = GetCurrentThreadId() ;

   char *c;
   c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
   newContext->nodeId=c; //copy
   free (c);

   CommandList * Commands = new CommandList() ;

   string last = GetLastContextId() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_NEW_NODE, last.c_str());              // param : parent Node id
   Commands->Add(CST_TRACE_ID, newContext->nodeId.c_str());   // param : Node Id

   char * LeftMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (wLeftMsg) ;
   Commands->Add(CST_LEFT_MSG, LeftMsg);              // param : left string
   free (LeftMsg) ;

   char * RightMsg = TTrace::WideToMbs (wRightMsg) ;
   if (RightMsg != NULL && RightMsg != "")
      Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG, RightMsg);        // param : right string
   if (RightMsg != NULL)
      free (RightMsg) ;

   if (BackGroundColor != -1)
      Commands->Add(CST_BACKGROUND_COLOR, BackGroundColor, "-1");      // param : color, colId

   if (IsEnter)
      TMemberNode * member = new TMemberNode();                     // create root member
      member->Add("")->ViewerKind = CST_VIEWER_ENTER;    // then add an empty member with special viewer
      member->AddToStringList(Commands);                        // convert all groups and nested items/group to strings
      delete member ;

   Commands->Add(CST_ICO_INDEX, iconIndex);          // param : icon index

   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient (Commands,winTraceId.c_str());
   PushContext(newContext) ;

/// <summary>
/// send a node then change the indentation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg" >Left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Optional right message</param>

void TraceToSend::Indent (const char *leftMsg, const char *rightMsg)
   Indent (leftMsg, rightMsg, -1,false) ;


/// <summary>
/// send a node then change the indentation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg" >Left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Optional right message</param>

void TraceToSend::Indent (const wchar_t *leftMsg, const wchar_t *rightMsg)
   Indent (leftMsg, rightMsg, -1,false) ;

/// <summary>
/// Delete indentation to the node added by indent()
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">Message to send to close indentation (optional)</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Message to send to close indentation (optional)</param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">RGB background color (optional)(see Color.ToArgb function)</param>
/// <param name="isExit">if true, viewer type 'exit' is used</param>
void TraceToSend::UnIndent(const char *leftMsg, const char *rightMsg, int BackGroundColor, bool isExit)
   if (enabled == false)


   if (leftMsg != NULL || rightMsg != NULL)
      char *c;
      c = TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      CommandList * Commands = prepareNewNode(leftMsg, c);
      free (c);

      if (rightMsg != NULL)
         Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG, rightMsg);    // param : right string

      if (BackGroundColor != -1)
         Commands->Add(CST_BACKGROUND_COLOR, BackGroundColor, "-1");      // param : color, colId

      if (isExit)
         TMemberNode * member = new TMemberNode();                     // create root member
         member->Add("")->ViewerKind = CST_VIEWER_EXIT;     // then add an empty member with special viewer
         member->AddToStringList(Commands);                        // convert all groups and nested items/group to strings
         delete member ;
      TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient(Commands, winTraceId.c_str());
/// <summary>
/// Delete indentation to the node added by indent()
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">Message to send to close indentation (optional)</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Message to send to close indentation (optional)</param>
/// <param name="BackGroundColor">RGB background color (optional)(see Color.ToArgb function)</param>
/// <param name="isExit">if true, viewer type 'exit' is used</param>
void TraceToSend::UnIndent(const wchar_t *leftMsg, const wchar_t *rightMsg, int BackGroundColor, bool isExit)
   if (enabled == false)


   if (leftMsg != NULL || rightMsg != NULL)
      // create a node with same properties as "self" with new ID
      TraceNode * node = new TraceNode(this);   // copy constructor

      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;   // then give new ID
      node->id=c; //copy
      free (c);

      CommandList * Commands = prepareNewNode(leftMsg, node->id.c_str());

      if (rightMsg != NULL)
         char * strRightMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (rightMsg) ;
         Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG, strRightMsg);    // param : right string
         free (strRightMsg) ;

      if (BackGroundColor != -1)
         Commands->Add(CST_BACKGROUND_COLOR, BackGroundColor, "-1");      // param : color, colId

      if (isExit)
         TMemberNode * member = new TMemberNode();                     // create root member
         member->Add("")->ViewerKind = CST_VIEWER_EXIT;     // then add an empty member with special viewer
         member->AddToStringList(Commands);                        // convert all groups and nested items/group to strings
         delete member ;
      TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient(Commands, winTraceId.c_str());
/// <summary>
/// Decrement indentation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg" >Optional left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Optional right message</param>

void TraceToSend::UnIndent (const char *leftMsg, const char *rightMsg)
   UnIndent(leftMsg, rightMsg, -1, false);


/// <summary>
/// Decrement indentation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg" >Optional left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Optional right message</param>

void TraceToSend::UnIndent (const wchar_t *leftMsg, const wchar_t *rightMsg)
   UnIndent(leftMsg, rightMsg, -1, false);


/// <summary>
/// Decrement indentation. Nothing is send
/// </summary>
void TraceToSend::UnIndent (void) 
   if (enabled == false)



/// <summary>
/// Create and send a trace node to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">the left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">the optional right message</param>

void TraceToSend::Send(const char *leftMsg, const char *rightMsg /* = NULL */)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   char * newId = TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
   CommandList * Commands = prepareNewNode(leftMsg, newId);
   free( newId );

   if (rightMsg != NULL)
      Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG,rightMsg);    // param : right string
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient(Commands, winTraceId.c_str());

/// <summary>
/// Create and send a trace node to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wLeftMsg">the left message</param>
/// <param name="wRightMsg">Optional right message</param>

void TraceToSend::Send(const wchar_t *wLeftMsg, const wchar_t *wRightMsg /* = NULL */)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   char * strLeftMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (wLeftMsg) ;
   char * strRightMsg = TTrace::WideToMbs (wRightMsg) ;

   char * newId = TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
   CommandList * Commands = prepareNewNode(strLeftMsg, newId);
   free( newId) ;
   free (strLeftMsg) ;

   if (strRightMsg != NULL)
      Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG,strRightMsg);    // param : right string
   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient(Commands, winTraceId.c_str());

   if (strRightMsg != NULL)
       free (strRightMsg) ;


/// <summary>
/// send an xml string to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">Left message</param>
/// <param name="xml">the xml to display</param>
void TraceToSend::SendXml (const char *leftMsg,const char * xml)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   TraceNodeEx * Node;
   Node = new TraceNodeEx (this, true);
   Node->leftMsg = leftMsg ;
   Node->AddXml (xml) ;
   Node->Send() ;
   delete Node ;


/// <summary>
/// send an xml string to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">Left message</param>
/// <param name="xml">the xml to display</param>
void TraceToSend::SendXml (const wchar_t *leftMsg,const wchar_t * xml)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   char * strLeftMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (leftMsg) ;
   char * strXml      = TTrace::WideToMbs (xml) ;

   TraceNodeEx * Node;
   Node = new TraceNodeEx (this, true);
   Node->leftMsg = strLeftMsg ;
   Node->AddXml (strXml) ;
   Node->Send() ;
   delete Node ;

   free (strLeftMsg) ;
   free (strXml) ;

/// <summary>
/// send a dump to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMsg">Left message</param>
/// <param name="rightMsg">Optional right message</param>
/// <param name="title">The title that appears on top of the dump</param>
/// <param name="memory">The memory to dump</param>
/// <param name="byteCount"></param>

void TraceToSend::SendDump (const char *leftMsg, const char *rightMsg, const char * title, const char * memory, const unsigned byteCount)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   TraceNodeEx * Node;
   Node = new TraceNodeEx (this, true);
   Node->leftMsg = leftMsg ;
   if (rightMsg != NULL)
      Node->rightMsg = rightMsg ;
   Node->AddDump (title, memory, 0 , byteCount) ;
   Node->Send() ;
   delete Node ;

/// <summary>
/// send a dump to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wLeftMsg">Left message</param>
/// <param name="wRightMsg">Optional right message</param>
/// <param name="title">The title that appears on top of the dump</param>
/// <param name="memory">The memory to dump</param>
/// <param name="byteCount"></param>

void TraceToSend::SendDump (const wchar_t *wLeftMsg, const wchar_t *wRightMsg, const wchar_t * title, const char * memory, const unsigned byteCount)
   if (enabled == false)
      return ;

   char * strLeftMsg  = TTrace::WideToMbs (wLeftMsg) ;
   char * strRightMsg = TTrace::WideToMbs (wRightMsg) ;

   TraceNodeEx * Node;
   Node = new TraceNodeEx (this, true);
   Node->leftMsg = strLeftMsg ;

   if (strRightMsg != NULL)
      Node->rightMsg = strRightMsg ;
   Node->AddDump (title, memory, 0 , byteCount) ;
   Node->Send() ;

   free (strLeftMsg) ;
   if (strRightMsg != NULL)
     free (strRightMsg) ;

  delete Node ;

// TraceNodeEx

/// <summary>
/// Construct a new trace node, derived from a parent node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentNode">Optional Parent node. if null : the root tree become the parent node, enabled is true and the default icon is used</param>
/// <param name="generateUniqueId">Optional. If true, the id is generated automatically, else set the empty string </param>
TraceNodeEx::TraceNodeEx(TraceToSend * parentNode , bool generateUniqueId )
   m_Members = NULL ;              // create members only when needed
   m_FontDetails = NULL ;
   traceNode = NULL ;              // represent the node on the viewer

   if (generateUniqueId) {
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
      free (c);

   if (parentNode == NULL)
      iconIndex = CST_ICO_DEFAULT;
      enabled = true;
      winTraceId = "";
      parentNodeId = "";
      iconIndex    = parentNode->iconIndex;
      enabled      = parentNode->enabled;
      winTraceId   = parentNode->winTraceId;
      parentNodeId = parentNode->GetLastContextId();

/// <summary>
/// Construct a new trace node, derived from a parent node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentNode">Optional Parent node. if null : the root tree become the parent node, enabled is true and the default icon is used</param>
/// <param name="generateUniqueId">Optional. If true, the id is generated automatically, else set the empty string </param>
TraceNodeEx::TraceNodeEx(TraceNodeEx * parentNode , bool generateUniqueId )
   m_Members = NULL ;              // create members only when needed
   m_FontDetails = NULL ;
   traceNode = NULL ;              // represent the node on the viewer

   if (generateUniqueId) {
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
      free (c);

   iconIndex    = parentNode->iconIndex;
   enabled      = parentNode->enabled;
   winTraceId   = parentNode->winTraceId;
   parentNodeId = parentNode->id;


/// <summary>
/// Construct a new trace node, derived from a parent node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentNode">Parent node. </param>
/// <param name="generateUniqueId">Optional. If true, the id is generated automatically, else set the empty string </param>
TraceNodeEx::TraceNodeEx(TraceNodeBase * parentNode, const bool generateUniqueId)
   m_Members = NULL ;              // create members only when needed
   m_FontDetails = NULL ;
   traceNode = NULL ;              // represent the node on the viewer

   if (generateUniqueId) {
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
      free (c);

   iconIndex    = parentNode->iconIndex;
   enabled      = parentNode->enabled;
   winTraceId   = parentNode->winTraceId;
   parentNodeId = parentNode->id;

/// <summary>
/// Normally destructors are not needed : TTrace::Send clear the node content.<p/>
/// It's usefull only if you create a node without sending it.
/// </summary>

   if (m_Members != NULL)      // happens only if the nodeEx is not send
      delete m_Members ;
   if (traceNode != NULL)
      delete traceNode;        // can be null only if the nodeEx is not send

   if (m_FontDetails != NULL)  // happens only if the nodeEx is not send
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontDetailBegin;
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontDetailEnd;

      FontDetailEnd  = m_FontDetails->end () ;
      for (FontDetailBegin = m_FontDetails->begin (); FontDetailBegin < FontDetailEnd ; FontDetailBegin++)
         FontDetail * fontDetail = * FontDetailBegin ;
         delete fontDetail ;
      delete m_FontDetails ;
      m_FontDetails = NULL ;


/// <summary>
/// return the protected "members" (and create it if needed)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The memberNode</returns>

TMemberNode * TraceNodeEx::Members()
   if (m_Members == NULL)
      m_Members = new TMemberNode() ;
   return m_Members ;

/// <summary>
/// add an xml string to the node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xml">the xml to display</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNodeEx * TraceNodeEx::AddXml(const char * xml)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   Members () ;  // ensure root member is create
   TMemberNode * xmlGroup ;
   xmlGroup = m_Members->Add (xml) ;
   xmlGroup->ViewerKind = CST_VIEWER_XML ;
   return this ;

/// <summary>
/// Add a dump to the "member"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Title">The title that appears on top of the dump</param>
/// <param name="memory">The memory to dump</param>
/// <param name="index">offset of first byte to dump</param>
/// <param name="byteCount"></param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNodeEx * TraceNodeEx::AddDump(const wchar_t * Title , const char * memory , const unsigned index , const unsigned byteCount)
   char * temp = TTrace::WideToMbs(Title) ;
   AddDump(temp , memory , index , byteCount) ;
   free (temp) ;
   return this ;

/// <summary>
/// Add a dump to the "member"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Title">The title that appears on top of the dump</param>
/// <param name="memory">The memory to dump</param>
/// <param name="index">offset of first byte to dump</param>
/// <param name="byteCount"></param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNodeEx * TraceNodeEx::AddDump(const char * Title , const char * memory , const unsigned index , const unsigned byteCount)
   unsigned c,d, byteDumped, beginLine ;
   char hexa_representation [50] ;
   //char Str_representation [20] ;
   char adress [10] ;
   unsigned char * PtrBuf ;
   char * ptrHex ; //, * ptrString  ;
   unsigned int OneChar ;
   TMemberNode * DumpGroup ;

   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   Members () ;  // ensure root member is create

   DumpGroup = new TMemberNode (Title) ;
   DumpGroup->SetFontDetail(0, true);
   DumpGroup->ViewerKind = CST_VIEWER_DUMP ;
   m_Members->Add (DumpGroup) ;

   PtrBuf = (unsigned char *) memory ;
   c = 0 ;
   byteDumped = 0 ;
   while (byteDumped < byteCount)
      d = 0 ;
      beginLine = c ;
      ptrHex = hexa_representation ;
      //ptrString = Str_representation ;
      while ((byteDumped < byteCount) && (d < 16))
         OneChar = *PtrBuf ;
         #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         sprintf_s (ptrHex, 4, "%02X ", OneChar) ;
         sprintf (ptrHex, "%02X ", OneChar) ;
         ptrHex += 3 ;

         // since 12.4 : string representation is no more send to viewer. The viewer will calculate hitself the string
         //if (isprint(OneChar) == 0)
         //   OneChar = '.' ;

         //#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
         //sprintf_s (ptrString, 2 ,"%c",OneChar) ;
         //sprintf (ptrString,"%c",OneChar) ;
         //ptrString++ ;

         d++ ;
         c++ ;
         PtrBuf++ ;
      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      sprintf_s (adress,8,"%06X",beginLine) ;
      sprintf (adress,"%06X",beginLine) ;
      DumpGroup->Add (adress , hexa_representation ) ; // , Str_representation) ;
   // reuse the hexa_representation to printf the number of byte dumped
   #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
   sprintf_s (hexa_representation,50,"%d byte(s) dumped", byteDumped) ;
   sprintf (hexa_representation,"%d byte(s) dumped", byteDumped) ;
   DumpGroup->col2 = hexa_representation ;
   return this ;


/// <summary>
/// Change font detail for an item in the trace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ColId">Column index : all columns=-1, Icon=0, Time=1, thread=2, left msg=3, right msg =4 or user defined column</param>
/// <param name="Bold">Change font to bold</param>
/// <param name="Italic">Change font to Italic</param>
/// <param name="Color">Change Color. Use -1 to keep default color</param>
/// <param name="Size">Change font size, use zero to keep normal size</param>
/// <param name="FontName">Change font name</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNodeEx * TraceNodeEx::AddFontDetail(const int ColId,  const bool Bold ,  const bool Italic /*= false*/ ,  const int Color /*= -1*/ , const int Size /*= 0*/ ,  const char * FontName /*= NULL*/)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (m_FontDetails == NULL)
      m_FontDetails = new deque <FontDetail *> ;
   FontDetail * font = new FontDetail() ;

   font->ColId    = ColId ;
   font->Bold     = Bold ;
   font->Italic   = Italic ;
   font->Color    = Color ;
   font->Size     = Size ;
   if (FontName != NULL)
      font->FontName = FontName ;
   return this ;


/// <summary>
/// Change Background color
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Color">Change Color. Use -1 to keep default color</param>
/// <param name="ColId">Column index : all columns=-1, Icon=0, Time=1, thread=2, left msg=3, right msg =4 or user defined column</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>
TraceNodeEx * TraceNodeEx::AddBackgroundColor(const int Color, const int ColId)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;
   FontDetail * font = new FontDetail() ;
   font->ColId    = ColId ;
   font->Color    = Color ;
   font->FontName = "BackgroundColor" ;  // special name.

   return this ;


/// <summary>
/// Send the node to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <Returns>
/// The traceNode. Deleted at the same time as the TraceNodeEx.<p/>
/// This traceNode can also be accessed from the TraceNodeEx::traceNode property
/// </Returns>
TraceNode * TraceNodeEx::Send(void)
   if (enabled == false)
      return NULL;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;

   Commands->Add(CST_NEW_NODE  , parentNodeId.c_str()) ; // param : parent Node id
   Commands->Add(CST_TRACE_ID, id.c_str());               // param : guid
   if (leftMsg.length() != 0)
      Commands->Add(CST_LEFT_MSG, leftMsg.c_str());       // param : left string
      leftMsg = "" ;    // reset after send
   if (rightMsg.length() != 0)
      Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG, rightMsg.c_str());     // param : right string
      rightMsg = "" ;   // reset after send
   Commands->Add(CST_ICO_INDEX, iconIndex);       // param : the icon index

   if (m_FontDetails != NULL)
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontBegin;
      deque <FontDetail *>::const_iterator FontEnd;
      FontEnd  = m_FontDetails->end () ;
      for (FontBegin = m_FontDetails->begin (); FontBegin < FontEnd ; FontBegin++)
         FontDetail * font = * FontBegin ;

         char * message ;
         int bold   = (font->Bold  ) ? 1 : 0 ;
         int italic = (font->Italic) ? 1 : 0;
         size_t MsgLen ;

         if (font->"BackgroundColor") == 0) {
            //special color : background color
            message = (char*)malloc(27+1) ;
            #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
            sprintf_s(message, 28,"%5d%11d%11d", CST_BACKGROUND_COLOR,font->Color,font->ColId); // param : color, colId
            sprintf(message, "%5d%11d%11d", CST_BACKGROUND_COLOR,font->Color,font->ColId); // param : color, colId

         } else if (font->FontName.empty()) {
            message = (char*)malloc(32+1) ;
            #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
            sprintf_s(message, 33,"%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d", CST_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size);
            sprintf(message, "%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d", CST_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size);
         } else {
            MsgLen = font->FontName.length()+32+1 ;
            message = (char*)malloc(MsgLen) ;
            const char * fontName = font->FontName.c_str() ;
            #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
            sprintf_s(message, MsgLen,"%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d%s", CST_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size,fontName);
            sprintf(message, "%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d%s", CST_FONT_DETAIL,font->ColId,bold,italic,font->Color,font->Size,fontName);
         Commands->push_back (message) ;
         free (message) ;
         delete font ;
      delete m_FontDetails ;
      m_FontDetails = NULL ;

   // convert Members to commands
   if (m_Members != NULL)
      m_Members->AddToStringList (Commands) ;
      delete m_Members ;
      m_Members = NULL ;

   TTrace::SendToWinTraceClient(Commands,winTraceId.c_str(), time.c_str(),threadName.c_str());

   // create the TraceNode property and return it.
   traceNode = new TraceNode(this);   // owned by the TraceNodeEx.
   return traceNode ;

// TraceNode

/// <summary>
/// construct a new trace node, derived from a parent node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentNode">Parent node (Optional) </param>
/// <param name="generateUniqueId">generate an unique Id if true (Optional, default is true)</param>

TraceNode::TraceNode(const TraceNode * parentNode  , const bool generateUniqueId /*  = true */ )
   contextList = NULL ;
   winTraceContext = NULL ;

   if (generateUniqueId)
      char *c;
      c=TTrace::CreateTraceID() ;
      id=c; //copy
      free (c);

   if (parentNode == NULL)
      iconIndex    = CST_ICO_DEFAULT;
      enabled      = true;
      winTraceId   = "" ;
      tag          = 0 ;
  } else {
      iconIndex    = parentNode->iconIndex ;
      enabled      = parentNode->enabled ;
      winTraceId   = parentNode->winTraceId ;
      tag          = parentNode->tag ;

   InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection

/// <summary>
/// Copy constructor from a TraceToSend object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">source to convert </param>

TraceNode::TraceNode(const TraceToSend * source )
   contextList     = NULL ;
   winTraceContext = NULL ;

   iconIndex  = source->iconIndex;
   enabled    = source->enabled;
   winTraceId = source->winTraceId;
   tag        = source->tag ;
   id         = source->id;

   InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection


/// <summary>
/// Copy constructor from a TraceNodeEx object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">source to convert </param>
TraceNode::TraceNode(const TraceNodeEx * source )
   contextList     = NULL ;
   winTraceContext = NULL ;

   iconIndex  = source->iconIndex;
   enabled    = source->enabled;
   winTraceId = source->winTraceId;
   tag        = source->tag ;
   id         = source->id;

   InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalSection) ;   // TraceToSend::criticalSection


/// <summary>
/// destructor
/// </summary>

   DeleteCriticalSection(&criticalSection) ;    // TraceToSend::criticalSection
   if (contextList != NULL)
      delete contextList ;
   contextList = NULL ;


/// <summary>
/// Delete the node
/// </summary>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::Delete()
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_CLEAR_NODE, id.c_str());
   return this ;

/// <summary>
/// Delete children node
/// </summary>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::DeleteChildren ()

   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_CLEAR_SUBNODES, id.c_str());
   return this ;

/// <summary>
/// Show the node in the tree (not means selected, just visible in the tree)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::Show ()
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_FOCUS_NODE, id.c_str());
   return this ;

/// <summary>
/// Select the node in the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::SetSelected ()
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_SELECT_NODE, id.c_str());
   return this ;

/// <summary>
/// Append right and left texts to an existing node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="LeftMsg">Left message to append.Set To NULL to don't append left part</param>
/// <param name="RightMsg">Optional right message to append.Set To NULL to don't append right part</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::Append (const char * LeftMsg, const char * RightMsg /* = NULL */)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_USE_NODE, id.c_str());                           // param : guid
   if (LeftMsg != NULL)
      Commands->Add(CST_APPEND_LEFT_MSG, LeftMsg);                 // param : left string

   if (RightMsg != NULL)
      Commands->Add(CST_APPEND_RIGHT_MSG, RightMsg);               // param : right string
   return this ;


/// <summary>
/// Append right and left texts to an existing node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="LeftMsg">Left message to append.Set To NULL to don't append left part</param>
/// <param name="RightMsg">Optional right message to append.Set To NULL to don't append right part</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::Append (const wchar_t * LeftMsg, const wchar_t * RightMsg /* = NULL */)
   char * left  = TTrace::WideToMbs (LeftMsg) ;
   char * right = TTrace::WideToMbs (RightMsg) ;

   Append (left,right) ;

   if (left != NULL)
      free (left) ;
   if (right != NULL)
      free (right) ;
   return this ;


/// <summary>
/// Resend the left and right trace message to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="LeftMsg">Left message to replace.Set To NULL to don't resend left part</param>
/// <param name="RightMsg">Optional right message to replace.Set To NULL to don't resend right part</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::Resend (const wchar_t *LeftMsg, const wchar_t *RightMsg /* = NULL */)
   char * left  = TTrace::WideToMbs (LeftMsg) ;
   char * right = TTrace::WideToMbs (RightMsg) ;

   Resend (left,right) ;

   if (left != NULL)
      free (left) ;
   if (right != NULL)
      free (right) ;
   return this ;


/// <summary>
/// Resend the left and right trace message to the viewer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="LeftMsg">Left message to replace.Set To NULL to don't resend left part</param>
/// <param name="RightMsg">Optional right message to replace.Set To NULL to don't resend right part</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::Resend (const char *LeftMsg, const char *RightMsg /* = NULL */)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_USE_NODE, id.c_str());   // param : guid

   if (LeftMsg != NULL)
      Commands->Add(CST_LEFT_MSG, LeftMsg);
   if (RightMsg != NULL)
      Commands->Add(CST_RIGHT_MSG, RightMsg);

   return this ;


/// <summary>
/// Resend the icon
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">index of the icon. see CST_ICO_WARNING const</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::ResendIconIndex(const int index)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this;

   CommandList * Commands ;                // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_USE_NODE, id.c_str());   // param : guid
   Commands->Add(CST_ICO_INDEX,index);        // param : icon index
   return this ;
/// <summary>
/// Change Background Color (specific column) of a node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">new background color of the node</param>
/// <param name="colId">Column index : All columns=-1, Icon=0, Time=1, thread=2, left msg=3, right msg =4 or user defined column</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>

TraceNode * TraceNode::SetBackgroundColor(const int color, const int colId)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   char * StrColId ;
   StrColId = (char*)malloc(12) ;  // 11 + 1
   #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
   sprintf_s(StrColId,12, "%11d", colId);                       //  11 + 1
   sprintf(StrColId, "%11d", colId);                            //  11 + 1

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->AddFront(CST_USE_NODE, id.c_str());                // param : guid
   Commands->Add(CST_BACKGROUND_COLOR, color, StrColId);        // param : color, colId
   free (StrColId) ;

   return this;

/// <summary>
/// Change font detail for an item in the trace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="colId">Column index : All columns=-1, Icon=0, Time=1, thread=2, left msg=3, right msg =4 or user defined column</param>
/// <param name="bold">Change font to bold</param>
/// <param name="italic">Change font to Italic</param>
/// <param name="color">Change Color. To reduce the number assembly reference, the Color structure is not used. Use YourColor.ToArgb() instead. Use -1 to keep default color</param>
/// <param name="size">Change font size, use zero to keep normal size</param>
/// <param name="fontName">Change font name</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::SetFontDetail(const int colId, const bool bold, const bool italic, const int color, const int size, const wchar_t * fontName)
   char * strFontName = TTrace::WideToMbs(fontName) ;
   TraceNode * ret = SetFontDetail(colId,bold, italic,color,size,strFontName) ;
   if (strFontName != NULL)
      free (strFontName) ;
   return ret ;


/// <summary>
/// Change font detail for an item in the trace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="colId">Column index : All columns=-1, Icon=0, Time=1, thread=2, left msg=3, right msg =4 or user defined column</param>
/// <param name="bold">Change font to bold</param>
/// <param name="italic">Change font to Italic</param>
/// <param name="color">Change Color. To reduce the number assembly reference, the Color structure is not used. Use YourColor.ToArgb() instead. Use -1 to keep default color</param>
/// <param name="size">Change font size, use zero to keep normal size</param>
/// <param name="fontName">Change font name</param>
/// <returns>itself</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::SetFontDetail(const int colId, const bool bold, const bool italic, const int color, const int size, const char * fontName)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;

   Commands->AddFront(CST_USE_NODE, id.c_str());                // param : guid

   char * message ;
   int int_bold   = (bold  ) ? 1 : 0 ;
   int int_italic = (italic) ? 1 : 0;
   size_t MsgLen ;

   if (fontName == NULL)
      message = (char*)malloc(32+1) ;
      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      sprintf_s(message, 33,"%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d", CST_FONT_DETAIL,colId,int_bold,int_italic,color,size);
      sprintf(message, "%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d", CST_FONT_DETAIL,colId,int_bold,int_italic,color,size);

   } else {

      MsgLen = strlen(fontName)+32+1 ;
      message = (char*)malloc(MsgLen) ;
      #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (! UNDER_CE)  // visual studio 2005 : deprecated function
      sprintf_s(message, MsgLen,"%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d%s", CST_FONT_DETAIL,colId,int_bold,int_italic,color,size,fontName);
      sprintf(message, "%5d%3d%1d%1d%11d%11d%s", CST_FONT_DETAIL,colId,int_bold,int_italic,color,size,fontName);

   Commands->push_back (message) ;
   free (message) ;

   return this;



/// <summary>
/// Set or reset the bookmark for the node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Bookmarked">true/false</param>
/// <returns>The trace node</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::SetBookmark(const bool Bookmarked)
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;

   Commands->AddFront(CST_USE_NODE, id.c_str());                // param : guid
   if (Bookmarked)
      Commands->Add(CST_SET_BOOKMARK, 1);
      Commands->Add(CST_SET_BOOKMARK, 0);

   return this;


/// <summary>
/// set a node visible or invisible
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Visible">true/false</param>
/// <returns>The trace node</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::SetVisible(const bool Visible) 
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;

   Commands->AddFront(CST_USE_NODE, id.c_str());                // param : guid
   if (Visible)
      Commands->Add(CST_VISIBLE_NODE, 1) ;                 // param : visible flag
      Commands->Add(CST_VISIBLE_NODE, 0) ;
   return this;


/// <summary>
/// Set focus to next sibling
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The trace node</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::GotoNextSibling() 
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_GOTO_NEXTSIBLING, id.c_str());                // param : guid
   return this;


/// <summary>
/// Set focus to previous sibling
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The trace node</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::GotoPrevSibling() 
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_GOTO_PREVSIBLING, id.c_str());                // param : guid
   return this;


/// <summary>
/// Set focus to first child
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The trace node</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::GotoFirstChild() 
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_GOTO_FIRST_CHILD, id.c_str());                // param : guid

   return this;


      /// <summary>
      /// Set focus to last child
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>The trace node</returns>
TraceNode * TraceNode::GotoLastChild() 
   if (enabled == false)
      return this;

   if (id == "")
      return this ;

   CommandList * Commands ;                                     // Commands to send
   Commands = new CommandList() ;
   Commands->Add(CST_GOTO_LAST_CHILD, id.c_str());                // param : guid
   return this;


// Close TTrace properly on exit. No memory leak are reported
class _TraceTool_Cleaner
   ~_TraceTool_Cleaner(void) {TTrace::Stop() ;} ;
}  _traceTool_Cleaner ;


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Written By
Belgium Belgium
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions