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Service Based Membership Providers for ASP.NET

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4 May 2014CPOL29 min read 132.1K   8.2K   173  
Service based, multi-application ASP.NET custom membership, role and profile providers with a hierarchical role system.
/* Zepto v1.0-1-ga3cab6c - polyfill zepto detect event ajax form fx - */

  if (String.prototype.trim === undefined) // fix for iOS 3.2
    String.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') }

  // For iOS 3.x
  // from
  if (Array.prototype.reduce === undefined)
    Array.prototype.reduce = function(fun){
      if(this === void 0 || this === null) throw new TypeError()
      var t = Object(this), len = t.length >>> 0, k = 0, accumulator
      if(typeof fun != 'function') throw new TypeError()
      if(len == 0 && arguments.length == 1) throw new TypeError()

      if(arguments.length >= 2)
       accumulator = arguments[1]
          if(k in t){
            accumulator = t[k++]
          if(++k >= len) throw new TypeError()
        } while (true)

      while (k < len){
        if(k in t) accumulator =, accumulator, t[k], k, t)
      return accumulator


var Zepto = (function() {
  var undefined, key, $, classList, emptyArray = [], slice = emptyArray.slice, filter = emptyArray.filter,
    document = window.document,
    elementDisplay = {}, classCache = {},
    getComputedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle,
    cssNumber = { 'column-count': 1, 'columns': 1, 'font-weight': 1, 'line-height': 1,'opacity': 1, 'z-index': 1, 'zoom': 1 },
    fragmentRE = /^\s*<(\w+|!)[^>]*>/,
    tagExpanderRE = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
    rootNodeRE = /^(?:body|html)$/i,

    // special attributes that should be get/set via method calls
    methodAttributes = ['val', 'css', 'html', 'text', 'data', 'width', 'height', 'offset'],

    adjacencyOperators = [ 'after', 'prepend', 'before', 'append' ],
    table = document.createElement('table'),
    tableRow = document.createElement('tr'),
    containers = {
      'tr': document.createElement('tbody'),
      'tbody': table, 'thead': table, 'tfoot': table,
      'td': tableRow, 'th': tableRow,
      '*': document.createElement('div')
    readyRE = /complete|loaded|interactive/,
    classSelectorRE = /^\.([\w-]+)$/,
    idSelectorRE = /^#([\w-]*)$/,
    tagSelectorRE = /^[\w-]+$/,
    class2type = {},
    toString = class2type.toString,
    zepto = {},
    camelize, uniq,
    tempParent = document.createElement('div')

  zepto.matches = function(element, selector) {
    if (!element || element.nodeType !== 1) return false
    var matchesSelector = element.webkitMatchesSelector || element.mozMatchesSelector ||
                          element.oMatchesSelector || element.matchesSelector
    if (matchesSelector) return, selector)
    // fall back to performing a selector:
    var match, parent = element.parentNode, temp = !parent
    if (temp) (parent = tempParent).appendChild(element)
    match = ~zepto.qsa(parent, selector).indexOf(element)
    temp && tempParent.removeChild(element)
    return match

  function type(obj) {
    return obj == null ? String(obj) :
      class2type[] || "object"

  function isFunction(value) { return type(value) == "function" }
  function isWindow(obj)     { return obj != null && obj == obj.window }
  function isDocument(obj)   { return obj != null && obj.nodeType == obj.DOCUMENT_NODE }
  function isObject(obj)     { return type(obj) == "object" }
  function isPlainObject(obj) {
    return isObject(obj) && !isWindow(obj) && obj.__proto__ == Object.prototype
  function isArray(value) { return value instanceof Array }
  function likeArray(obj) { return typeof obj.length == 'number' }

  function compact(array) { return, function(item){ return item != null }) }
  function flatten(array) { return array.length > 0 ? $.fn.concat.apply([], array) : array }
  camelize = function(str){ return str.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function(match, chr){ return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '' }) }
  function dasherize(str) {
    return str.replace(/::/g, '/')
           .replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')
           .replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2')
           .replace(/_/g, '-')
  uniq = function(array){ return, function(item, idx){ return array.indexOf(item) == idx }) }

  function classRE(name) {
    return name in classCache ?
      classCache[name] : (classCache[name] = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + name + '(\\s|$)'))

  function maybeAddPx(name, value) {
    return (typeof value == "number" && !cssNumber[dasherize(name)]) ? value + "px" : value

  function defaultDisplay(nodeName) {
    var element, display
    if (!elementDisplay[nodeName]) {
      element = document.createElement(nodeName)
      display = getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue("display")
      display == "none" && (display = "block")
      elementDisplay[nodeName] = display
    return elementDisplay[nodeName]

  function children(element) {
    return 'children' in element ? :
      $.map(element.childNodes, function(node){ if (node.nodeType == 1) return node })

  // `$.zepto.fragment` takes a html string and an optional tag name
  // to generate DOM nodes nodes from the given html string.
  // The generated DOM nodes are returned as an array.
  // This function can be overriden in plugins for example to make
  // it compatible with browsers that don't support the DOM fully.
  zepto.fragment = function(html, name, properties) {
    if (html.replace) html = html.replace(tagExpanderRE, "<$1></$2>")
    if (name === undefined) name = fragmentRE.test(html) && RegExp.$1
    if (!(name in containers)) name = '*'

    var nodes, dom, container = containers[name]
    container.innerHTML = '' + html
    dom = $.each(, function(){
    if (isPlainObject(properties)) {
      nodes = $(dom)
      $.each(properties, function(key, value) {
        if (methodAttributes.indexOf(key) > -1) nodes[key](value)
        else nodes.attr(key, value)
    return dom

  // `$.zepto.Z` swaps out the prototype of the given `dom` array
  // of nodes with `$.fn` and thus supplying all the Zepto functions
  // to the array. Note that `__proto__` is not supported on Internet
  // Explorer. This method can be overriden in plugins.
  zepto.Z = function(dom, selector) {
    dom = dom || []
    dom.__proto__ = $.fn
    dom.selector = selector || ''
    return dom

  // `$.zepto.isZ` should return `true` if the given object is a Zepto
  // collection. This method can be overriden in plugins.
  zepto.isZ = function(object) {
    return object instanceof zepto.Z

  // `$.zepto.init` is Zepto's counterpart to jQuery's `$.fn.init` and
  // takes a CSS selector and an optional context (and handles various
  // special cases).
  // This method can be overriden in plugins.
  zepto.init = function(selector, context) {
    // If nothing given, return an empty Zepto collection
    if (!selector) return zepto.Z()
    // If a function is given, call it when the DOM is ready
    else if (isFunction(selector)) return $(document).ready(selector)
    // If a Zepto collection is given, juts return it
    else if (zepto.isZ(selector)) return selector
    else {
      var dom
      // normalize array if an array of nodes is given
      if (isArray(selector)) dom = compact(selector)
      // Wrap DOM nodes. If a plain object is given, duplicate it.
      else if (isObject(selector))
        dom = [isPlainObject(selector) ? $.extend({}, selector) : selector], selector = null
      // If it's a html fragment, create nodes from it
      else if (fragmentRE.test(selector))
        dom = zepto.fragment(selector.trim(), RegExp.$1, context), selector = null
      // If there's a context, create a collection on that context first, and select
      // nodes from there
      else if (context !== undefined) return $(context).find(selector)
      // And last but no least, if it's a CSS selector, use it to select nodes.
      else dom = zepto.qsa(document, selector)
      // create a new Zepto collection from the nodes found
      return zepto.Z(dom, selector)

  // `$` will be the base `Zepto` object. When calling this
  // function just call `$.zepto.init, which makes the implementation
  // details of selecting nodes and creating Zepto collections
  // patchable in plugins.
  $ = function(selector, context){
    return zepto.init(selector, context)

  function extend(target, source, deep) {
    for (key in source)
      if (deep && (isPlainObject(source[key]) || isArray(source[key]))) {
        if (isPlainObject(source[key]) && !isPlainObject(target[key]))
          target[key] = {}
        if (isArray(source[key]) && !isArray(target[key]))
          target[key] = []
        extend(target[key], source[key], deep)
      else if (source[key] !== undefined) target[key] = source[key]

  // Copy all but undefined properties from one or more
  // objects to the `target` object.
  $.extend = function(target){
    var deep, args =, 1)
    if (typeof target == 'boolean') {
      deep = target
      target = args.shift()
    args.forEach(function(arg){ extend(target, arg, deep) })
    return target

  // `$.zepto.qsa` is Zepto's CSS selector implementation which
  // uses `document.querySelectorAll` and optimizes for some special cases, like `#id`.
  // This method can be overriden in plugins.
  zepto.qsa = function(element, selector){
    var found
    return (isDocument(element) && idSelectorRE.test(selector)) ?
      ( (found = element.getElementById(RegExp.$1)) ? [found] : [] ) :
      (element.nodeType !== 1 && element.nodeType !== 9) ? [] :
        classSelectorRE.test(selector) ? element.getElementsByClassName(RegExp.$1) :
        tagSelectorRE.test(selector) ? element.getElementsByTagName(selector) :

  function filtered(nodes, selector) {
    return selector === undefined ? $(nodes) : $(nodes).filter(selector)

  $.contains = function(parent, node) {
    return parent !== node && parent.contains(node)

  function funcArg(context, arg, idx, payload) {
    return isFunction(arg) ?, idx, payload) : arg

  function setAttribute(node, name, value) {
    value == null ? node.removeAttribute(name) : node.setAttribute(name, value)

  // access className property while respecting SVGAnimatedString
  function className(node, value){
    var klass = node.className,
        svg   = klass && klass.baseVal !== undefined

    if (value === undefined) return svg ? klass.baseVal : klass
    svg ? (klass.baseVal = value) : (node.className = value)

  // "true"  => true
  // "false" => false
  // "null"  => null
  // "42"    => 42
  // "42.5"  => 42.5
  // JSON    => parse if valid
  // String  => self
  function deserializeValue(value) {
    var num
    try {
      return value ?
        value == "true" ||
        ( value == "false" ? false :
          value == "null" ? null :
          !isNaN(num = Number(value)) ? num :
          /^[\[\{]/.test(value) ? $.parseJSON(value) :
          value )
        : value
    } catch(e) {
      return value

  $.type = type
  $.isFunction = isFunction
  $.isWindow = isWindow
  $.isArray = isArray
  $.isPlainObject = isPlainObject

  $.isEmptyObject = function(obj) {
    var name
    for (name in obj) return false
    return true

  $.inArray = function(elem, array, i){
    return, elem, i)

  $.camelCase = camelize
  $.trim = function(str) { return str.trim() }

  // plugin compatibility
  $.uuid = 0
  $.support = { }
  $.expr = { }

  $.map = function(elements, callback){
    var value, values = [], i, key
    if (likeArray(elements))
      for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        value = callback(elements[i], i)
        if (value != null) values.push(value)
      for (key in elements) {
        value = callback(elements[key], key)
        if (value != null) values.push(value)
    return flatten(values)

  $.each = function(elements, callback){
    var i, key
    if (likeArray(elements)) {
      for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
        if ([i], i, elements[i]) === false) return elements
    } else {
      for (key in elements)
        if ([key], key, elements[key]) === false) return elements

    return elements

  $.grep = function(elements, callback){
    return, callback)

  if (window.JSON) $.parseJSON = JSON.parse

  // Populate the class2type map
  $.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(i, name) {
    class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase()

  // Define methods that will be available on all
  // Zepto collections
  $.fn = {
    // Because a collection acts like an array
    // copy over these useful array functions.
    forEach: emptyArray.forEach,
    reduce: emptyArray.reduce,
    push: emptyArray.push,
    sort: emptyArray.sort,
    indexOf: emptyArray.indexOf,
    concat: emptyArray.concat,

    // `map` and `slice` in the jQuery API work differently
    // from their array counterparts
    map: function(fn){
      return $($.map(this, function(el, i){ return, i, el) }))
    slice: function(){
      return $(slice.apply(this, arguments))

    ready: function(callback){
      if (readyRE.test(document.readyState)) callback($)
      else document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ callback($) }, false)
      return this
    get: function(idx){
      return idx === undefined ? : this[idx >= 0 ? idx : idx + this.length]
    toArray: function(){ return this.get() },
    size: function(){
      return this.length
    remove: function(){
      return this.each(function(){
        if (this.parentNode != null)
    each: function(callback){, function(el, idx){
        return, idx, el) !== false
      return this
    filter: function(selector){
      if (isFunction(selector)) return this.not(this.not(selector))
      return $(, function(element){
        return zepto.matches(element, selector)
    add: function(selector,context){
      return $(uniq(this.concat($(selector,context))))
    is: function(selector){
      return this.length > 0 && zepto.matches(this[0], selector)
    not: function(selector){
      var nodes=[]
      if (isFunction(selector) && !== undefined)
          if (!,idx)) nodes.push(this)
      else {
        var excludes = typeof selector == 'string' ? this.filter(selector) :
          (likeArray(selector) && isFunction(selector.item)) ? : $(selector)
          if (excludes.indexOf(el) < 0) nodes.push(el)
      return $(nodes)
    has: function(selector){
      return this.filter(function(){
        return isObject(selector) ?
          $.contains(this, selector) :
    eq: function(idx){
      return idx === -1 ? this.slice(idx) : this.slice(idx, + idx + 1)
    first: function(){
      var el = this[0]
      return el && !isObject(el) ? el : $(el)
    last: function(){
      var el = this[this.length - 1]
      return el && !isObject(el) ? el : $(el)
    find: function(selector){
      var result, $this = this
      if (typeof selector == 'object')
        result = $(selector).filter(function(){
          var node = this
          return$this, function(parent){
            return $.contains(parent, node)
      else if (this.length == 1) result = $(zepto.qsa(this[0], selector))
      else result ={ return zepto.qsa(this, selector) })
      return result
    closest: function(selector, context){
      var node = this[0], collection = false
      if (typeof selector == 'object') collection = $(selector)
      while (node && !(collection ? collection.indexOf(node) >= 0 : zepto.matches(node, selector)))
        node = node !== context && !isDocument(node) && node.parentNode
      return $(node)
    parents: function(selector){
      var ancestors = [], nodes = this
      while (nodes.length > 0)
        nodes = $.map(nodes, function(node){
          if ((node = node.parentNode) && !isDocument(node) && ancestors.indexOf(node) < 0) {
            return node
      return filtered(ancestors, selector)
    parent: function(selector){
      return filtered(uniq(this.pluck('parentNode')), selector)
    children: function(selector){
      return filtered({ return children(this) }), selector)
    contents: function() {
      return { return })
    siblings: function(selector){
      return filtered(, el){
        return, function(child){ return child!==el })
      }), selector)
    empty: function(){
      return this.each(function(){ this.innerHTML = '' })
    // `pluck` is borrowed from Prototype.js
    pluck: function(property){
      return $.map(this, function(el){ return el[property] })
    show: function(){
      return this.each(function(){ == "none" && ( = null)
        if (getComputedStyle(this, '').getPropertyValue("display") == "none")
 = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName)
    replaceWith: function(newContent){
      return this.before(newContent).remove()
    wrap: function(structure){
      var func = isFunction(structure)
      if (this[0] && !func)
        var dom   = $(structure).get(0),
            clone = dom.parentNode || this.length > 1

      return this.each(function(index){
          func ?, index) :
            clone ? dom.cloneNode(true) : dom
    wrapAll: function(structure){
      if (this[0]) {
        $(this[0]).before(structure = $(structure))
        var children
        // drill down to the inmost element
        while ((children = structure.children()).length) structure = children.first()
      return this
    wrapInner: function(structure){
      var func = isFunction(structure)
      return this.each(function(index){
        var self = $(this), contents = self.contents(),
            dom  = func ?, index) : structure
        contents.length ? contents.wrapAll(dom) : self.append(dom)
    unwrap: function(){
      return this
    clone: function(){
      return{ return this.cloneNode(true) })
    hide: function(){
      return this.css("display", "none")
    toggle: function(setting){
      return this.each(function(){
        var el = $(this)
        ;(setting === undefined ? el.css("display") == "none" : setting) ? : el.hide()
    prev: function(selector){ return $(this.pluck('previousElementSibling')).filter(selector || '*') },
    next: function(selector){ return $(this.pluck('nextElementSibling')).filter(selector || '*') },
    html: function(html){
      return html === undefined ?
        (this.length > 0 ? this[0].innerHTML : null) :
          var originHtml = this.innerHTML
          $(this).empty().append( funcArg(this, html, idx, originHtml) )
    text: function(text){
      return text === undefined ?
        (this.length > 0 ? this[0].textContent : null) :
        this.each(function(){ this.textContent = text })
    attr: function(name, value){
      var result
      return (typeof name == 'string' && value === undefined) ?
        (this.length == 0 || this[0].nodeType !== 1 ? undefined :
          (name == 'value' && this[0].nodeName == 'INPUT') ? this.val() :
          (!(result = this[0].getAttribute(name)) && name in this[0]) ? this[0][name] : result
        ) :
          if (this.nodeType !== 1) return
          if (isObject(name)) for (key in name) setAttribute(this, key, name[key])
          else setAttribute(this, name, funcArg(this, value, idx, this.getAttribute(name)))
    removeAttr: function(name){
      return this.each(function(){ this.nodeType === 1 && setAttribute(this, name) })
    prop: function(name, value){
      return (value === undefined) ?
        (this[0] && this[0][name]) :
          this[name] = funcArg(this, value, idx, this[name])
    data: function(name, value){
      var data = this.attr('data-' + dasherize(name), value)
      return data !== null ? deserializeValue(data) : undefined
    val: function(value){
      return (value === undefined) ?
        (this[0] && (this[0].multiple ?
           $(this[0]).find('option').filter(function(o){ return this.selected }).pluck('value') :
        ) :
          this.value = funcArg(this, value, idx, this.value)
    offset: function(coordinates){
      if (coordinates) return this.each(function(index){
        var $this = $(this),
            coords = funcArg(this, coordinates, index, $this.offset()),
            parentOffset = $this.offsetParent().offset(),
            props = {
              top:  -,
              left: coords.left - parentOffset.left

        if ($this.css('position') == 'static') props['position'] = 'relative'
      if (this.length==0) return null
      var obj = this[0].getBoundingClientRect()
      return {
        left: obj.left + window.pageXOffset,
        top: + window.pageYOffset,
        width: Math.round(obj.width),
        height: Math.round(obj.height)
    css: function(property, value){
      if (arguments.length < 2 && typeof property == 'string')
        return this[0] && (this[0].style[camelize(property)] || getComputedStyle(this[0], '').getPropertyValue(property))

      var css = ''
      if (type(property) == 'string') {
        if (!value && value !== 0)
          this.each(function(){ })
          css = dasherize(property) + ":" + maybeAddPx(property, value)
      } else {
        for (key in property)
          if (!property[key] && property[key] !== 0)
            this.each(function(){ })
            css += dasherize(key) + ':' + maybeAddPx(key, property[key]) + ';'

      return this.each(function(){ += ';' + css })
    index: function(element){
      return element ? this.indexOf($(element)[0]) : this.parent().children().indexOf(this[0])
    hasClass: function(name){
      return, function(el){
        return this.test(className(el))
      }, classRE(name))
    addClass: function(name){
      return this.each(function(idx){
        classList = []
        var cls = className(this), newName = funcArg(this, name, idx, cls)
          if (!$(this).hasClass(klass)) classList.push(klass)
        }, this)
        classList.length && className(this, cls + (cls ? " " : "") + classList.join(" "))
    removeClass: function(name){
      return this.each(function(idx){
        if (name === undefined) return className(this, '')
        classList = className(this)
        funcArg(this, name, idx, classList).split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(klass){
          classList = classList.replace(classRE(klass), " ")
        className(this, classList.trim())
    toggleClass: function(name, when){
      return this.each(function(idx){
        var $this = $(this), names = funcArg(this, name, idx, className(this))
          (when === undefined ? !$this.hasClass(klass) : when) ?
            $this.addClass(klass) : $this.removeClass(klass)
    scrollTop: function(){
      if (!this.length) return
      return ('scrollTop' in this[0]) ? this[0].scrollTop : this[0].scrollY
    position: function() {
      if (!this.length) return

      var elem = this[0],
        // Get *real* offsetParent
        offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),
        // Get correct offsets
        offset       = this.offset(),
        parentOffset = rootNodeRE.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset()

      // Subtract element margins
      // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
      // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0  -= parseFloat( $(elem).css('margin-top') ) || 0
      offset.left -= parseFloat( $(elem).css('margin-left') ) || 0

      // Add offsetParent borders  += parseFloat( $(offsetParent[0]).css('border-top-width') ) || 0
      parentOffset.left += parseFloat( $(offsetParent[0]).css('border-left-width') ) || 0

      // Subtract the two offsets
      return {
        top:  -,
        left: offset.left - parentOffset.left
    offsetParent: function() {
        var parent = this.offsetParent || document.body
        while (parent && !rootNodeRE.test(parent.nodeName) && $(parent).css("position") == "static")
          parent = parent.offsetParent
        return parent

  // for now
  $.fn.detach = $.fn.remove

  // Generate the `width` and `height` functions
  ;['width', 'height'].forEach(function(dimension){
    $.fn[dimension] = function(value){
      var offset, el = this[0],
        Dimension = dimension.replace(/./, function(m){ return m[0].toUpperCase() })
      if (value === undefined) return isWindow(el) ? el['inner' + Dimension] :
        isDocument(el) ? el.documentElement['offset' + Dimension] :
        (offset = this.offset()) && offset[dimension]
      else return this.each(function(idx){
        el = $(this)
        el.css(dimension, funcArg(this, value, idx, el[dimension]()))

  function traverseNode(node, fun) {
    for (var key in node.childNodes) traverseNode(node.childNodes[key], fun)

  // Generate the `after`, `prepend`, `before`, `append`,
  // `insertAfter`, `insertBefore`, `appendTo`, and `prependTo` methods.
  adjacencyOperators.forEach(function(operator, operatorIndex) {
    var inside = operatorIndex % 2 //=> prepend, append

    $.fn[operator] = function(){
      // arguments can be nodes, arrays of nodes, Zepto objects and HTML strings
      var argType, nodes = $.map(arguments, function(arg) {
            argType = type(arg)
            return argType == "object" || argType == "array" || arg == null ?
              arg : zepto.fragment(arg)
          parent, copyByClone = this.length > 1
      if (nodes.length < 1) return this

      return this.each(function(_, target){
        parent = inside ? target : target.parentNode

        // convert all methods to a "before" operation
        target = operatorIndex == 0 ? target.nextSibling :
                 operatorIndex == 1 ? target.firstChild :
                 operatorIndex == 2 ? target :

          if (copyByClone) node = node.cloneNode(true)
          else if (!parent) return $(node).remove()

          traverseNode(parent.insertBefore(node, target), function(el){
            if (el.nodeName != null && el.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' &&
               (!el.type || el.type === 'text/javascript') && !el.src)
              window['eval'].call(window, el.innerHTML)

    // after    => insertAfter
    // prepend  => prependTo
    // before   => insertBefore
    // append   => appendTo
    $.fn[inside ? operator+'To' : 'insert'+(operatorIndex ? 'Before' : 'After')] = function(html){
      return this

  zepto.Z.prototype = $.fn

  // Export internal API functions in the `$.zepto` namespace
  zepto.uniq = uniq
  zepto.deserializeValue = deserializeValue
  $.zepto = zepto

  return $

window.Zepto = Zepto
'$' in window || (window.$ = Zepto)

  function detect(ua){
    var os = this.os = {}, browser = this.browser = {},
      webkit = ua.match(/WebKit\/([\d.]+)/),
      android = ua.match(/(Android)\s+([\d.]+)/),
      ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/),
      iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/),
      webos = ua.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[\s\/]([\d.]+)/),
      touchpad = webos && ua.match(/TouchPad/),
      kindle = ua.match(/Kindle\/([\d.]+)/),
      silk = ua.match(/Silk\/([\d._]+)/),
      blackberry = ua.match(/(BlackBerry).*Version\/([\d.]+)/),
      bb10 = ua.match(/(BB10).*Version\/([\d.]+)/),
      rimtabletos = ua.match(/(RIM\sTablet\sOS)\s([\d.]+)/),
      playbook = ua.match(/PlayBook/),
      chrome = ua.match(/Chrome\/([\d.]+)/) || ua.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/),
      firefox = ua.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]+)/)

    // Todo: clean this up with a better OS/browser seperation:
    // - discern (more) between multiple browsers on android
    // - decide if kindle fire in silk mode is android or not
    // - Firefox on Android doesn't specify the Android version
    // - possibly devide in os, device and browser hashes

    if (browser.webkit = !!webkit) browser.version = webkit[1]

    if (android) = true, os.version = android[2]
    if (iphone) os.ios = os.iphone = true, os.version = iphone[2].replace(/_/g, '.')
    if (ipad) os.ios = os.ipad = true, os.version = ipad[2].replace(/_/g, '.')
    if (webos) os.webos = true, os.version = webos[2]
    if (touchpad) os.touchpad = true
    if (blackberry) os.blackberry = true, os.version = blackberry[2]
    if (bb10) os.bb10 = true, os.version = bb10[2]
    if (rimtabletos) os.rimtabletos = true, os.version = rimtabletos[2]
    if (playbook) browser.playbook = true
    if (kindle) = true, os.version = kindle[1]
    if (silk) = true, browser.version = silk[1]
    if (!silk && && ua.match(/Kindle Fire/)) = true
    if (chrome) = true, browser.version = chrome[1]
    if (firefox) browser.firefox = true, browser.version = firefox[1]

    os.tablet = !!(ipad || playbook || (android && !ua.match(/Mobile/)) || (firefox && ua.match(/Tablet/)))  = !!(!os.tablet && (android || iphone || webos || blackberry || bb10 ||
      (chrome && ua.match(/Android/)) || (chrome && ua.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/)) || (firefox && ua.match(/Mobile/))))
  }$, navigator.userAgent)
  // make available to unit tests
  $.__detect = detect


  var $$ = $.zepto.qsa, handlers = {}, _zid = 1, specialEvents={},
      hover = { mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout' } = specialEvents.mousedown = specialEvents.mouseup = specialEvents.mousemove = 'MouseEvents'

  function zid(element) {
    return element._zid || (element._zid = _zid++)
  function findHandlers(element, event, fn, selector) {
    event = parse(event)
    if (event.ns) var matcher = matcherFor(event.ns)
    return (handlers[zid(element)] || []).filter(function(handler) {
      return handler
        && (!event.e  || handler.e == event.e)
        && (!event.ns || matcher.test(handler.ns))
        && (!fn       || zid(handler.fn) === zid(fn))
        && (!selector || handler.sel == selector)
  function parse(event) {
    var parts = ('' + event).split('.')
    return {e: parts[0], ns: parts.slice(1).sort().join(' ')}
  function matcherFor(ns) {
    return new RegExp('(?:^| )' + ns.replace(' ', ' .* ?') + '(?: |$)')

  function eachEvent(events, fn, iterator){
    if ($.type(events) != "string") $.each(events, iterator)
    else events.split(/\s/).forEach(function(type){ iterator(type, fn) })

  function eventCapture(handler, captureSetting) {
    return handler.del &&
      (handler.e == 'focus' || handler.e == 'blur') ||

  function realEvent(type) {
    return hover[type] || type

  function add(element, events, fn, selector, getDelegate, capture){
    var id = zid(element), set = (handlers[id] || (handlers[id] = []))
    eachEvent(events, fn, function(event, fn){
      var handler   = parse(event)
      handler.fn    = fn
      handler.sel   = selector
      // emulate mouseenter, mouseleave
      if (handler.e in hover) fn = function(e){
        var related = e.relatedTarget
        if (!related || (related !== this && !$.contains(this, related)))
          return handler.fn.apply(this, arguments)
      handler.del   = getDelegate && getDelegate(fn, event)
      var callback  = handler.del || fn
      handler.proxy = function (e) {
        var result = callback.apply(element, [e].concat(
        if (result === false) e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()
        return result
      handler.i = set.length
      element.addEventListener(realEvent(handler.e), handler.proxy, eventCapture(handler, capture))
  function remove(element, events, fn, selector, capture){
    var id = zid(element)
    eachEvent(events || '', fn, function(event, fn){
      findHandlers(element, event, fn, selector).forEach(function(handler){
        delete handlers[id][handler.i]
        element.removeEventListener(realEvent(handler.e), handler.proxy, eventCapture(handler, capture))

  $.event = { add: add, remove: remove }

  $.proxy = function(fn, context) {
    if ($.isFunction(fn)) {
      var proxyFn = function(){ return fn.apply(context, arguments) }
      proxyFn._zid = zid(fn)
      return proxyFn
    } else if (typeof context == 'string') {
      return $.proxy(fn[context], fn)
    } else {
      throw new TypeError("expected function")

  $.fn.bind = function(event, callback){
    return this.each(function(){
      add(this, event, callback)
  $.fn.unbind = function(event, callback){
    return this.each(function(){
      remove(this, event, callback)
  $ = function(event, callback){
    return this.each(function(i, element){
      add(this, event, callback, null, function(fn, type){
        return function(){
          var result = fn.apply(element, arguments)
          remove(element, type, fn)
          return result

  var returnTrue = function(){return true},
      returnFalse = function(){return false},
      ignoreProperties = /^([A-Z]|layer[XY]$)/,
      eventMethods = {
        preventDefault: 'isDefaultPrevented',
        stopImmediatePropagation: 'isImmediatePropagationStopped',
        stopPropagation: 'isPropagationStopped'
  function createProxy(event) {
    var key, proxy = { originalEvent: event }
    for (key in event)
      if (!ignoreProperties.test(key) && event[key] !== undefined) proxy[key] = event[key]

    $.each(eventMethods, function(name, predicate) {
      proxy[name] = function(){
        this[predicate] = returnTrue
        return event[name].apply(event, arguments)
      proxy[predicate] = returnFalse
    return proxy

  // emulates the 'defaultPrevented' property for browsers that have none
  function fix(event) {
    if (!('defaultPrevented' in event)) {
      event.defaultPrevented = false
      var prevent = event.preventDefault
      event.preventDefault = function() {
        this.defaultPrevented = true

  $.fn.delegate = function(selector, event, callback){
    return this.each(function(i, element){
      add(element, event, callback, selector, function(fn){
        return function(e){
          var evt, match = $(, element).get(0)
          if (match) {
            evt = $.extend(createProxy(e), {currentTarget: match, liveFired: element})
            return fn.apply(match, [evt].concat([], 1)))
  $.fn.undelegate = function(selector, event, callback){
    return this.each(function(){
      remove(this, event, callback, selector)

  $ = function(event, callback){
    $(document.body).delegate(this.selector, event, callback)
    return this
  $.fn.die = function(event, callback){
    $(document.body).undelegate(this.selector, event, callback)
    return this

  $.fn.on = function(event, selector, callback){
    return !selector || $.isFunction(selector) ?
      this.bind(event, selector || callback) : this.delegate(selector, event, callback)
  $ = function(event, selector, callback){
    return !selector || $.isFunction(selector) ?
      this.unbind(event, selector || callback) : this.undelegate(selector, event, callback)

  $.fn.trigger = function(event, data){
    if (typeof event == 'string' || $.isPlainObject(event)) event = $.Event(event)
    fix(event) = data
    return this.each(function(){
      // items in the collection might not be DOM elements
      // (todo: possibly support events on plain old objects)
      if('dispatchEvent' in this) this.dispatchEvent(event)

  // triggers event handlers on current element just as if an event occurred,
  // doesn't trigger an actual event, doesn't bubble
  $.fn.triggerHandler = function(event, data){
    var e, result
    this.each(function(i, element){
      e = createProxy(typeof event == 'string' ? $.Event(event) : event) = data = element
      $.each(findHandlers(element, event.type || event), function(i, handler){
        result = handler.proxy(e)
        if (e.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) return false
    return result

  // shortcut methods for `.bind(event, fn)` for each event type
  ;('focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick '+
  'mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave '+
  'change select keydown keypress keyup error').split(' ').forEach(function(event) {
    $.fn[event] = function(callback) {
      return callback ?
        this.bind(event, callback) :

  ;['focus', 'blur'].forEach(function(name) {
    $.fn[name] = function(callback) {
      if (callback) this.bind(name, callback)
      else this.each(function(){
        try { this[name]() }
        catch(e) {}
      return this

  $.Event = function(type, props) {
    if (typeof type != 'string') props = type, type = props.type
    var event = document.createEvent(specialEvents[type] || 'Events'), bubbles = true
    if (props) for (var name in props) (name == 'bubbles') ? (bubbles = !!props[name]) : (event[name] = props[name])
    event.initEvent(type, bubbles, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
    event.isDefaultPrevented = function(){ return this.defaultPrevented }
    return event


  var jsonpID = 0,
      document = window.document,
      rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
      scriptTypeRE = /^(?:text|application)\/javascript/i,
      xmlTypeRE = /^(?:text|application)\/xml/i,
      jsonType = 'application/json',
      htmlType = 'text/html',
      blankRE = /^\s*$/

  // trigger a custom event and return false if it was cancelled
  function triggerAndReturn(context, eventName, data) {
    var event = $.Event(eventName)
    $(context).trigger(event, data)
    return !event.defaultPrevented

  // trigger an Ajax "global" event
  function triggerGlobal(settings, context, eventName, data) {
    if ( return triggerAndReturn(context || document, eventName, data)

  // Number of active Ajax requests
  $.active = 0

  function ajaxStart(settings) {
    if ( && $.active++ === 0) triggerGlobal(settings, null, 'ajaxStart')
  function ajaxStop(settings) {
    if ( && !(--$.active)) triggerGlobal(settings, null, 'ajaxStop')

  // triggers an extra global event "ajaxBeforeSend" that's like "ajaxSend" but cancelable
  function ajaxBeforeSend(xhr, settings) {
    var context = settings.context
    if (, xhr, settings) === false ||
        triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxBeforeSend', [xhr, settings]) === false)
      return false

    triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxSend', [xhr, settings])
  function ajaxSuccess(data, xhr, settings) {
    var context = settings.context, status = 'success', data, status, xhr)
    triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxSuccess', [xhr, settings, data])
    ajaxComplete(status, xhr, settings)
  // type: "timeout", "error", "abort", "parsererror"
  function ajaxError(error, type, xhr, settings) {
    var context = settings.context, xhr, type, error)
    triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxError', [xhr, settings, error])
    ajaxComplete(type, xhr, settings)
  // status: "success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", "parsererror"
  function ajaxComplete(status, xhr, settings) {
    var context = settings.context, xhr, status)
    triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxComplete', [xhr, settings])

  // Empty function, used as default callback
  function empty() {}

  $.ajaxJSONP = function(options){
    if (!('type' in options)) return $.ajax(options)

    var callbackName = 'jsonp' + (++jsonpID),
      script = document.createElement('script'),
      cleanup = function() {
        delete window[callbackName]
      abort = function(type){
        // In case of manual abort or timeout, keep an empty function as callback
        // so that the SCRIPT tag that eventually loads won't result in an error.
        if (!type || type == 'timeout') window[callbackName] = empty
        ajaxError(null, type || 'abort', xhr, options)
      xhr = { abort: abort }, abortTimeout

    if (ajaxBeforeSend(xhr, options) === false) {
      return false

    window[callbackName] = function(data){
      ajaxSuccess(data, xhr, options)

    script.onerror = function() { abort('error') }

    script.src = options.url.replace(/=\?/, '=' + callbackName)

    if (options.timeout > 0) abortTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
    }, options.timeout)

    return xhr

  $.ajaxSettings = {
    // Default type of request
    type: 'GET',
    // Callback that is executed before request
    beforeSend: empty,
    // Callback that is executed if the request succeeds
    success: empty,
    // Callback that is executed the the server drops error
    error: empty,
    // Callback that is executed on request complete (both: error and success)
    complete: empty,
    // The context for the callbacks
    context: null,
    // Whether to trigger "global" Ajax events
    global: true,
    // Transport
    xhr: function () {
      return new window.XMLHttpRequest()
    // MIME types mapping
    accepts: {
      script: 'text/javascript, application/javascript',
      json:   jsonType,
      xml:    'application/xml, text/xml',
      html:   htmlType,
      text:   'text/plain'
    // Whether the request is to another domain
    crossDomain: false,
    // Default timeout
    timeout: 0,
    // Whether data should be serialized to string
    processData: true,
    // Whether the browser should be allowed to cache GET responses
    cache: true,

  function mimeToDataType(mime) {
    if (mime) mime = mime.split(';', 2)[0]
    return mime && ( mime == htmlType ? 'html' :
      mime == jsonType ? 'json' :
      scriptTypeRE.test(mime) ? 'script' :
      xmlTypeRE.test(mime) && 'xml' ) || 'text'

  function appendQuery(url, query) {
    return (url + '&' + query).replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, '?')

  // serialize payload and append it to the URL for GET requests
  function serializeData(options) {
    if (options.processData && && $.type( != "string") = $.param(, options.traditional)
    if ( && (!options.type || options.type.toUpperCase() == 'GET'))
      options.url = appendQuery(options.url,

  $.ajax = function(options){
    var settings = $.extend({}, options || {})
    for (key in $.ajaxSettings) if (settings[key] === undefined) settings[key] = $.ajaxSettings[key]


    if (!settings.crossDomain) settings.crossDomain = /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^\/]+)/.test(settings.url) &&
      RegExp.$2 !=

    if (!settings.url) settings.url = window.location.toString()
    if (settings.cache === false) settings.url = appendQuery(settings.url, '_=' +

    var dataType = settings.dataType, hasPlaceholder = /=\?/.test(settings.url)
    if (dataType == 'jsonp' || hasPlaceholder) {
      if (!hasPlaceholder) settings.url = appendQuery(settings.url, 'callback=?')
      return $.ajaxJSONP(settings)

    var mime = settings.accepts[dataType],
        baseHeaders = { },
        protocol = /^([\w-]+:)\/\//.test(settings.url) ? RegExp.$1 : window.location.protocol,
        xhr = settings.xhr(), abortTimeout

    if (!settings.crossDomain) baseHeaders['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
    if (mime) {
      baseHeaders['Accept'] = mime
      if (mime.indexOf(',') > -1) mime = mime.split(',', 2)[0]
      xhr.overrideMimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType(mime)
    if (settings.contentType || (settings.contentType !== false && && settings.type.toUpperCase() != 'GET'))
      baseHeaders['Content-Type'] = (settings.contentType || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
    settings.headers = $.extend(baseHeaders, settings.headers || {})

    xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
      if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
        xhr.onreadystatechange = empty;
        var result, error = false
        if ((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status == 304 || (xhr.status == 0 && protocol == 'file:')) {
          dataType = dataType || mimeToDataType(xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type'))
          result = xhr.responseText

          try {
            if (dataType == 'script')    (1,eval)(result)
            else if (dataType == 'xml')  result = xhr.responseXML
            else if (dataType == 'json') result = blankRE.test(result) ? null : $.parseJSON(result)
          } catch (e) { error = e }

          if (error) ajaxError(error, 'parsererror', xhr, settings)
          else ajaxSuccess(result, xhr, settings)
        } else {
          ajaxError(null, xhr.status ? 'error' : 'abort', xhr, settings)

    var async = 'async' in settings ? settings.async : true, settings.url, async)

    for (name in settings.headers) xhr.setRequestHeader(name, settings.headers[name])

    if (ajaxBeforeSend(xhr, settings) === false) {
      return false

    if (settings.timeout > 0) abortTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
        xhr.onreadystatechange = empty
        ajaxError(null, 'timeout', xhr, settings)
      }, settings.timeout)

    // avoid sending empty string (#319)
    xhr.send( ? : null)
    return xhr

  // handle optional data/success arguments
  function parseArguments(url, data, success, dataType) {
    var hasData = !$.isFunction(data)
    return {
      url:      url,
      data:     hasData  ? data : undefined,
      success:  !hasData ? data : $.isFunction(success) ? success : undefined,
      dataType: hasData  ? dataType || success : success

  $.get = function(url, data, success, dataType){
    return $.ajax(parseArguments.apply(null, arguments))

  $.post = function(url, data, success, dataType){
    var options = parseArguments.apply(null, arguments)
    options.type = 'POST'
    return $.ajax(options)

  $.getJSON = function(url, data, success){
    var options = parseArguments.apply(null, arguments)
    options.dataType = 'json'
    return $.ajax(options)

  $.fn.load = function(url, data, success){
    if (!this.length) return this
    var self = this, parts = url.split(/\s/), selector,
        options = parseArguments(url, data, success),
        callback = options.success
    if (parts.length > 1) options.url = parts[0], selector = parts[1]
    options.success = function(response){
      self.html(selector ?
        $('<div>').html(response.replace(rscript, "")).find(selector)
        : response)
      callback && callback.apply(self, arguments)
    return this

  var escape = encodeURIComponent

  function serialize(params, obj, traditional, scope){
    var type, array = $.isArray(obj)
    $.each(obj, function(key, value) {
      type = $.type(value)
      if (scope) key = traditional ? scope : scope + '[' + (array ? '' : key) + ']'
      // handle data in serializeArray() format
      if (!scope && array) params.add(, value.value)
      // recurse into nested objects
      else if (type == "array" || (!traditional && type == "object"))
        serialize(params, value, traditional, key)
      else params.add(key, value)

  $.param = function(obj, traditional){
    var params = []
    params.add = function(k, v){ this.push(escape(k) + '=' + escape(v)) }
    serialize(params, obj, traditional)
    return params.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+')

;(function ($) {
  $.fn.serializeArray = function () {
    var result = [], el
    $( ).each(function () {
      el = $(this)
      var type = el.attr('type')
      if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'fieldset' &&
        !this.disabled && type != 'submit' && type != 'reset' && type != 'button' &&
        ((type != 'radio' && type != 'checkbox') || this.checked))
          name: el.attr('name'),
          value: el.val()
    return result

  $.fn.serialize = function () {
    var result = []
    this.serializeArray().forEach(function (elm) {
      result.push( encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(elm.value) )
    return result.join('&')

  $.fn.submit = function (callback) {
    if (callback) this.bind('submit', callback)
    else if (this.length) {
      var event = $.Event('submit')
      if (!event.defaultPrevented) this.get(0).submit()
    return this


;(function($, undefined){
  var prefix = '', eventPrefix, endEventName, endAnimationName,
    vendors = { Webkit: 'webkit', Moz: '', O: 'o', ms: 'MS' },
    document = window.document, testEl = document.createElement('div'),
    supportedTransforms = /^((translate|rotate|scale)(X|Y|Z|3d)?|matrix(3d)?|perspective|skew(X|Y)?)$/i,
    transitionProperty, transitionDuration, transitionTiming,
    animationName, animationDuration, animationTiming,
    cssReset = {}

  function dasherize(str) { return downcase(str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '$1-$2')) }
  function downcase(str) { return str.toLowerCase() }
  function normalizeEvent(name) { return eventPrefix ? eventPrefix + name : downcase(name) }

  $.each(vendors, function(vendor, event){
    if ([vendor + 'TransitionProperty'] !== undefined) {
      prefix = '-' + downcase(vendor) + '-'
      eventPrefix = event
      return false

  transform = prefix + 'transform'
  cssReset[transitionProperty = prefix + 'transition-property'] =
  cssReset[transitionDuration = prefix + 'transition-duration'] =
  cssReset[transitionTiming   = prefix + 'transition-timing-function'] =
  cssReset[animationName      = prefix + 'animation-name'] =
  cssReset[animationDuration  = prefix + 'animation-duration'] =
  cssReset[animationTiming    = prefix + 'animation-timing-function'] = ''

  $.fx = {
    off: (eventPrefix === undefined && === undefined),
    speeds: { _default: 400, fast: 200, slow: 600 },
    cssPrefix: prefix,
    transitionEnd: normalizeEvent('TransitionEnd'),
    animationEnd: normalizeEvent('AnimationEnd')

  $.fn.animate = function(properties, duration, ease, callback){
    if ($.isPlainObject(duration))
      ease = duration.easing, callback = duration.complete, duration = duration.duration
    if (duration) duration = (typeof duration == 'number' ? duration :
                    ($.fx.speeds[duration] || $.fx.speeds._default)) / 1000
    return this.anim(properties, duration, ease, callback)

  $.fn.anim = function(properties, duration, ease, callback){
    var key, cssValues = {}, cssProperties, transforms = '',
        that = this, wrappedCallback, endEvent = $.fx.transitionEnd

    if (duration === undefined) duration = 0.4
    if ($ duration = 0

    if (typeof properties == 'string') {
      // keyframe animation
      cssValues[animationName] = properties
      cssValues[animationDuration] = duration + 's'
      cssValues[animationTiming] = (ease || 'linear')
      endEvent = $.fx.animationEnd
    } else {
      cssProperties = []
      // CSS transitions
      for (key in properties)
        if (supportedTransforms.test(key)) transforms += key + '(' + properties[key] + ') '
        else cssValues[key] = properties[key], cssProperties.push(dasherize(key))

      if (transforms) cssValues[transform] = transforms, cssProperties.push(transform)
      if (duration > 0 && typeof properties === 'object') {
        cssValues[transitionProperty] = cssProperties.join(', ')
        cssValues[transitionDuration] = duration + 's'
        cssValues[transitionTiming] = (ease || 'linear')

    wrappedCallback = function(event){
      if (typeof event !== 'undefined') {
        if ( !== event.currentTarget) return // makes sure the event didn't bubble from "below"
        $(, wrappedCallback)
      callback &&
    if (duration > 0) this.bind(endEvent, wrappedCallback)

    // trigger page reflow so new elements can animate
    this.size() && this.get(0).clientLeft


    if (duration <= 0) setTimeout(function() {
      that.each(function(){ })
    }, 0)

    return this

  testEl = null

//     Zepto.js
//     (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Fuchs
//     Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

;(function($, undefined){
  var document = window.document, docElem = document.documentElement,
    origShow = $, origHide = $.fn.hide, origToggle = $.fn.toggle

  function anim(el, speed, opacity, scale, callback) {
    if (typeof speed == 'function' && !callback) callback = speed, speed = undefined
    var props = { opacity: opacity }
    if (scale) {
      props.scale = scale
      el.css($.fx.cssPrefix + 'transform-origin', '0 0')
    return el.animate(props, speed, null, callback)

  function hide(el, speed, scale, callback) {
    return anim(el, speed, 0, scale, function(){$(this))
      callback &&

  $ = function(speed, callback) {
    if (speed === undefined) speed = 0
    else this.css('opacity', 0)
    return anim(this, speed, 1, '1,1', callback)

  $.fn.hide = function(speed, callback) {
    if (speed === undefined) return
    else return hide(this, speed, '0,0', callback)

  $.fn.toggle = function(speed, callback) {
    if (speed === undefined || typeof speed == 'boolean')
      return, speed)
    else return this.each(function(){
      var el = $(this)
      el[el.css('display') == 'none' ? 'show' : 'hide'](speed, callback)

  $.fn.fadeTo = function(speed, opacity, callback) {
    return anim(this, speed, opacity, null, callback)

  $.fn.fadeIn = function(speed, callback) {
    var target = this.css('opacity')
    if (target > 0) this.css('opacity', 0)
    else target = 1
    return, target, callback)

  $.fn.fadeOut = function(speed, callback) {
    return hide(this, speed, null, callback)

  $.fn.fadeToggle = function(speed, callback) {
    return this.each(function(){
      var el = $(this)
        (el.css('opacity') == 0 || el.css('display') == 'none') ? 'fadeIn' : 'fadeOut'
      ](speed, callback)


//     Zepto.js
//     (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Fuchs
//     Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

  var cache = [], timeout

  $.fn.remove = function(){
    return this.each(function(){
        if(this.tagName === 'IMG'){
          this.src = ''
          if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout)
          timeout = setTimeout(function(){ cache = [] }, 60000)

//     Zepto.js
//     (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Fuchs
//     Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

// The following code is heavily inspired by jQuery's $

;(function($) {
  var data = {}, dataAttr = $, camelize = $.camelCase,
    exp = $.expando = 'Zepto' + (+new Date())

  // Get value from node:
  // 1. first try key as given,
  // 2. then try camelized key,
  // 3. fall back to reading "data-*" attribute.
  function getData(node, name) {
    var id = node[exp], store = id && data[id]
    if (name === undefined) return store || setData(node)
    else {
      if (store) {
        if (name in store) return store[name]
        var camelName = camelize(name)
        if (camelName in store) return store[camelName]
      return$(node), name)

  // Store value under camelized key on node
  function setData(node, name, value) {
    var id = node[exp] || (node[exp] = ++$.uuid),
      store = data[id] || (data[id] = attributeData(node))
    if (name !== undefined) store[camelize(name)] = value
    return store

  // Read all "data-*" attributes from a node
  function attributeData(node) {
    var store = {}
    $.each(node.attributes, function(i, attr){
      if ('data-') == 0)
        store[camelize('data-', ''))] =
    return store

  $ = function(name, value) {
    return value === undefined ?
      // set multiple values via object
      $.isPlainObject(name) ?
        this.each(function(i, node){
          $.each(name, function(key, value){ setData(node, key, value) })
        }) :
        // get value from first element
        this.length == 0 ? undefined : getData(this[0], name) :
      // set value on all elements
      this.each(function(){ setData(this, name, value) })

  $.fn.removeData = function(names) {
    if (typeof names == 'string') names = names.split(/\s+/)
    return this.each(function(){
      var id = this[exp], store = id && data[id]
      if (store) $.each(names, function(){ delete store[camelize(this)] })

  var zepto = $.zepto, oldQsa = zepto.qsa, oldMatches = zepto.matches

  function visible(elem){
    elem = $(elem)
    return !!(elem.width() || elem.height()) && elem.css("display") !== "none"

  // Implements a subset from:
  // Each filter function receives the current index, all nodes in the
  // considered set, and a value if there were parentheses. The value
  // of `this` is the node currently being considered. The function returns the
  // resulting node(s), null, or undefined.
  // Complex selectors are not supported:
  //   li:has(label:contains("foo")) + li:has(label:contains("bar"))
  //   ul.inner:first > li
  var filters = $.expr[':'] = {
    visible:  function(){ if (visible(this)) return this },
    hidden:   function(){ if (!visible(this)) return this },
    selected: function(){ if (this.selected) return this },
    checked:  function(){ if (this.checked) return this },
    parent:   function(){ return this.parentNode },
    first:    function(idx){ if (idx === 0) return this },
    last:     function(idx, nodes){ if (idx === nodes.length - 1) return this },
    eq:       function(idx, _, value){ if (idx === value) return this },
    contains: function(idx, _, text){ if ($(this).text().indexOf(text) > -1) return this },
    has:      function(idx, _, sel){ if (zepto.qsa(this, sel).length) return this }

  var filterRe = new RegExp('(.*):(\\w+)(?:\\(([^)]+)\\))?$\\s*'),
      childRe  = /^\s*>/,
      classTag = 'Zepto' + (+new Date())

  function process(sel, fn) {
    // quote the hash in `a[href^=#]` expression
    sel = sel.replace(/=#\]/g, '="#"]')
    var filter, arg, match = filterRe.exec(sel)
    if (match && match[2] in filters) {
      filter = filters[match[2]], arg = match[3]
      sel = match[1]
      if (arg) {
        var num = Number(arg)
        if (isNaN(num)) arg = arg.replace(/^["']|["']$/g, '')
        else arg = num
    return fn(sel, filter, arg)

  zepto.qsa = function(node, selector) {
    return process(selector, function(sel, filter, arg){
      try {
        var taggedParent
        if (!sel && filter) sel = '*'
        else if (childRe.test(sel))
          // support "> *" child queries by tagging the parent node with a
          // unique class and prepending that classname onto the selector
          taggedParent = $(node).addClass(classTag), sel = '.'+classTag+' '+sel

        var nodes = oldQsa(node, sel)
      } catch(e) {
        console.error('error performing selector: %o', selector)
        throw e
      } finally {
        if (taggedParent) taggedParent.removeClass(classTag)
      return !filter ? nodes :
        zepto.uniq($.map(nodes, function(n, i){ return, i, nodes, arg) }))

  zepto.matches = function(node, selector){
    return process(selector, function(sel, filter, arg){
      return (!sel || oldMatches(node, sel)) &&
        (!filter ||, null, arg) === node)

//     Zepto.js
//     (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Fuchs
//     Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

  $.fn.end = function(){
    return this.prevObject || $()

  $.fn.andSelf = function(){
    return this.add(this.prevObject || $())

    var fn = $.fn[property]
    $.fn[property] = function(){
      var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments)
      ret.prevObject = this
      return ret

//     Zepto.js
//     (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Fuchs
//     Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

  var touch = {},
    touchTimeout, tapTimeout, swipeTimeout,
    longTapDelay = 750, longTapTimeout

  function parentIfText(node) {
    return 'tagName' in node ? node : node.parentNode

  function swipeDirection(x1, x2, y1, y2) {
    var xDelta = Math.abs(x1 - x2), yDelta = Math.abs(y1 - y2)
    return xDelta >= yDelta ? (x1 - x2 > 0 ? 'Left' : 'Right') : (y1 - y2 > 0 ? 'Up' : 'Down')

  function longTap() {
    longTapTimeout = null
    if (touch.last) {
      touch = {}

  function cancelLongTap() {
    if (longTapTimeout) clearTimeout(longTapTimeout)
    longTapTimeout = null

  function cancelAll() {
    if (touchTimeout) clearTimeout(touchTimeout)
    if (tapTimeout) clearTimeout(tapTimeout)
    if (swipeTimeout) clearTimeout(swipeTimeout)
    if (longTapTimeout) clearTimeout(longTapTimeout)
    touchTimeout = tapTimeout = swipeTimeout = longTapTimeout = null
    touch = {}

    var now, delta

      .bind('touchstart', function(e){
        now =
        delta = now - (touch.last || now)
        touch.el = $(parentIfText(e.touches[0].target))
        touchTimeout && clearTimeout(touchTimeout)
        touch.x1 = e.touches[0].pageX
        touch.y1 = e.touches[0].pageY
        if (delta > 0 && delta <= 250) touch.isDoubleTap = true
        touch.last = now
        longTapTimeout = setTimeout(longTap, longTapDelay)
      .bind('touchmove', function(e){
        touch.x2 = e.touches[0].pageX
        touch.y2 = e.touches[0].pageY
        if (Math.abs(touch.x1 - touch.x2) > 10)
      .bind('touchend', function(e){

        // swipe
        if ((touch.x2 && Math.abs(touch.x1 - touch.x2) > 30) ||
            (touch.y2 && Math.abs(touch.y1 - touch.y2) > 30))

          swipeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
            touch.el.trigger('swipe' + (swipeDirection(touch.x1, touch.x2, touch.y1, touch.y2)))
            touch = {}
          }, 0)

        // normal tap
        else if ('last' in touch)

          // delay by one tick so we can cancel the 'tap' event if 'scroll' fires
          // ('tap' fires before 'scroll')
          tapTimeout = setTimeout(function() {

            // trigger universal 'tap' with the option to cancelTouch()
            // (cancelTouch cancels processing of single vs double taps for faster 'tap' response)
            var event = $.Event('tap')
            event.cancelTouch = cancelAll

            // trigger double tap immediately
            if (touch.isDoubleTap) {
              touch = {}

            // trigger single tap after 250ms of inactivity
            else {
              touchTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
                touchTimeout = null
                touch = {}
              }, 250)

          }, 0)

      .bind('touchcancel', cancelAll)

    $(window).bind('scroll', cancelAll)

  ;['swipe', 'swipeLeft', 'swipeRight', 'swipeUp', 'swipeDown', 'doubleTap', 'tap', 'singleTap', 'longTap'].forEach(function(m){
    $.fn[m] = function(callback){ return this.bind(m, callback) }

// outer and inner height/width support
if (this.Zepto) {
  (function($) {
    var ioDim, _base;
    ioDim = function(elem, Dimension, dimension, includeBorder, includeMargin) {
      var sides, size;
      if (elem) {
        size = elem[dimension]();
        sides = {
          width: ["left", "right"],
          height: ["top", "bottom"]
        sides[dimension].forEach(function(side) {
          size += parseInt(elem.css("padding-" + side), 10);
          if (includeBorder) {
            size += parseInt(elem.css("border-" + side + "-width"), 10);
          if (includeMargin) {
            return size += parseInt(elem.css("margin-" + side), 10);
        return size;
      } else {
        return null;
    ["width", "height"].forEach(function(dimension) {
      var Dimension, _base, _base1, _name, _name1;
      Dimension = dimension.replace(/./, function(m) {
        return m[0].toUpperCase();
      (_base = $.fn)[_name = "inner" + Dimension] || (_base[_name] = function(includeMargin) {
        return ioDim(this, Dimension, dimension, false, includeMargin);
      return (_base1 = $.fn)[_name1 = "outer" + Dimension] || (_base1[_name1] = function(includeMargin) {
        return ioDim(this, Dimension, dimension, true, includeMargin);
    return (_base = $.fn).detach || (_base.detach = function(selector) {
      var cloned, set;
      set = this;
      if (selector != null) {
        set = set.filter(selector);
      cloned = set.clone(true);
      return cloned;

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Written By
Founder CryptoGateway Software Inc.
Canada Canada

His interests in software research and development include security, domain specific meta-language development technologies and tools, meta-language driven code generation, generation of non-invasive and virtual SQL database for "un-structured" data (sqlization), automated relational data service production technologies, file system sqlization technologies and products, structured multi-lingual documentation tools and technologies, sqlization of user's personal data, like emails, etc..

He was a physicist before year 2000. He studied theoretical physics (the hidden symmetry between the past and future, quantum field theories, mirror universe, cosmological dark energies etc.) in which he think to had made fundamental breakthroughs[^] but the community is either not ready for it or is actively rejecting/ignoring it Smile | :) .

It struck me on Apr. 11, 2023 that the said theory above can even generate General Relativity naturally after a recent discussion in the Insider News group that triggers a rethinking of the subject on my side. The first stage of the work is completed in Sept. 2023, it is and will be continue to be published online

  • On Vacuum
  • Quantum and Gravity

    Most recent software system to share:

    • V-NET[^] - Full stack virtualization management system including networking, storage, virtual machines and containers, with an emphasis on networking ... to be released.

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