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An All VB.NET Explorer Tree Control with ImageList Management

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17 May 2012CPOL30 min read 2.2M   29.5K   269  
Explorer TreeView control with Shell Folder access class and Icon management.
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports ExpTreeLib.CShItem
Imports ExpTreeLib.ShellDll
Imports ExpTreeLib.SystemImageListManager

<DefaultProperty("StartUpDirectory"), DefaultEvent("StartUpDirectoryChanged")> _
Public Class ExpTree
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl

    Private Root As TreeNode

    Public Event StartUpDirectoryChanged(ByVal newVal As StartDir)

    Public Event ExpTreeNodeSelected(ByVal SelPath As String, ByVal Item As CShItem)

    Private EnableEventPost As Boolean = True 'flag to supress ExpTreeNodeSelected raising during refresh and 

    Private WithEvents DragDropHandler As TVDragWrapper

    Private m_showHiddenFolders As Boolean = True

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

    Public Sub New()

        'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

        'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

        'setting the imagelist here allows many good things to happen, but
        ' also one bad thing -- the "tooltip" like display of selectednode.text
        ' is made invisible.  This remains a problem to be solved.
        SystemImageListManager.SetTreeViewImageList(tv1, False)

        AddHandler StartUpDirectoryChanged, AddressOf OnStartUpDirectoryChanged


    End Sub
    'ExpTree overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
        If disposing Then
            If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    'Required by the Windows Form Designer
    Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

    'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
    'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.  
    'Do not modify it using the code editor.
    Friend WithEvents tv1 As System.Windows.Forms.TreeView
    <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
        Me.tv1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TreeView
        Me.tv1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
        Me.tv1.HideSelection = False
        Me.tv1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
        Me.tv1.Name = "tv1"
        Me.tv1.ShowRootLines = False
        Me.tv1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 264)
        Me.tv1.TabIndex = 0
        Me.Name = "ExpTree"
        Me.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 264)

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "   Public Properties"

#Region "       AllowDrop"

    Public Overrides Property AllowDrop() As Boolean
            Return Not IsNothing(DragDropHandler)
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
            If value Then
                If IsNothing(DragDropHandler) Then
                    If tv1.IsHandleCreated Then
                        If Application.OleRequired = Threading.ApartmentState.STA Then
                            DragDropHandler = New TVDragWrapper(tv1)
                            Dim res As Integer
                            res = RegisterDragDrop(tv1.Handle, DragDropHandler)
                            If Not (res = 0) Or (res = -2147221247) Then
                                DragDropHandler = Nothing
                                'Throw New Exception("Failed to Register DragDrop for " & Me.Name)
                            End If
                            Throw New ThreadStateException("ThreadMustBeSTA")
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If Not IsNothing(DragDropHandler) Then
                    Dim res As Integer
                    res = RevokeDragDrop(tv1.Handle)
                    If res <> 0 Then
                        Debug.WriteLine("RevokeDragDrop returned " & res)
                    End If
                    DragDropHandler = Nothing
                End If
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "       RootItem"
    ' RootItem is a Run-Time only Property
    ' Setting this Item via an External call results in
    '  re-setting the entire tree to be rooted in the 
    '  input CShItem
    ' The new CShItem must be a valid CShItem of some kind
    '  of Folder (File Folder or System Folder)
    ' Attempts to set it using a non-Folder CShItem are ignored
    <Browsable(False)> _
    Public Property RootItem() As CShItem
            Return Root.Tag
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As CShItem)
            If Value.IsFolder Then
                If Not IsNothing(Root) Then
                End If
                Root = New TreeNode(Value.DisplayName)
                Root.ImageIndex = SystemImageListManager.GetIconIndex(Value, False)
                Root.SelectedImageIndex = Root.ImageIndex
                Root.Tag = Value
                tv1.SelectedNode = Root
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "       SelectedItem"
    <Browsable(False)> _
    Public ReadOnly Property SelectedItem() As CShItem
            If Not IsNothing(tv1.SelectedNode) Then
                Return tv1.SelectedNode.Tag
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Get
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "       ShowHidden"
    <Category("Options"), _
    Description("Show Hidden Directories."), _
    DefaultValue(True), Browsable(True)> _
   Public Property ShowHiddenFolders() As Boolean
            Return m_showHiddenFolders
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
            m_showHiddenFolders = Value
        End Set
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "       ShowRootLines"
    <Category("Options"), _
  Description("Allow Collapse of Root Item."), _
  DefaultValue(True), Browsable(True)> _
Public Property ShowRootLines() As Boolean
            Return tv1.ShowRootLines
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
            If Not (Value = tv1.ShowRootLines) Then
                tv1.ShowRootLines = Value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "       StartupDir"

    Public Enum StartDir As Integer
        Desktop = &H0
        Programs = &H2
        Controls = &H3
        Printers = &H4
        Personal = &H5
        Favorites = &H6
        Startup = &H7
        Recent = &H8
        SendTo = &H9
        StartMenu = &HB
        MyDocuments = &HC
        'MyMusic = &HD
        'MyVideo = &HE
        DesktopDirectory = &H10
        MyComputer = &H11
        My_Network_Places = &H12
        'NETHOOD = &H13
        'FONTS = &H14
        ApplicatationData = &H1A
        'PRINTHOOD = &H1B
        Internet_Cache = &H20
        Cookies = &H21
        History = &H22
        Windows = &H24
        System = &H25
        Program_Files = &H26
        MyPictures = &H27
        Profile = &H28
        Systemx86 = &H29
        AdminTools = &H30
    End Enum

    Private m_StartUpDirectory As StartDir = StartDir.Desktop

    <Category("Options"), _
     Description("Sets the Initial Directory of the Tree"), _
     DefaultValue(StartDir.Desktop), Browsable(True)> _
    Public Property StartUpDirectory() As StartDir
            Return m_StartUpDirectory
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As StartDir)
            If Array.IndexOf([Enum].GetValues(Value.GetType), Value) >= 0 Then
                m_StartUpDirectory = Value
                RaiseEvent StartUpDirectoryChanged(Value)
                Throw New ApplicationException("Invalid Initial StartUpDirectory")
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
#End Region

#End Region

#Region "   Public Methods"

#Region "       RefreshTree"
    '''<Summary>RefreshTree Method thanks to Calum McLellan</Summary>
    <Description("Refresh the Tree and all nodes through the currently selected item")> _
    Public Sub RefreshTree(Optional ByVal rootCSI As CShItem = Nothing)
        'Modified to use ExpandANode(CShItem) rather than ExpandANode(path)
        'Set refresh variable for BeforeExpand method
        EnableEventPost = False
        'Begin Calum's change -- With some modification
        Dim Selnode As TreeNode
        If IsNothing(Me.tv1.SelectedNode) Then
            Selnode = Me.Root
            Selnode = Me.tv1.SelectedNode
        End If
        'End Calum's change
            Dim SelCSI As CShItem = Selnode.Tag
            'Set root node
            If IsNothing(rootCSI) Then
                Me.RootItem = Me.RootItem
                Me.RootItem = rootCSI
            End If
            'Try to expand the node
            If Not Me.ExpandANode(SelCSI) Then
                Dim nodeList As New ArrayList()
                While Not IsNothing(Selnode.Parent)
                    Selnode = Selnode.Parent
                End While

                For Each Selnode In nodeList
                    If Me.ExpandANode(CType(Selnode.Tag, CShItem)) Then Exit For
            End If
            'Reset refresh variable for BeforeExpand method
        End Try
        EnableEventPost = True
        'We suppressed EventPosting during refresh, so give it one now
        tv1_AfterSelect(Me, New TreeViewEventArgs(tv1.SelectedNode))
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "       ExpandANode"
    Public Function ExpandANode(ByVal newPath As String) As Boolean
        ExpandANode = False     'assume failure
        Dim newItem As CShItem
            newItem = GetCShItem(newPath)
            If newItem Is Nothing Then Exit Function
            If Not newItem.IsFolder Then Exit Function
            Exit Function
        End Try
        Return ExpandANode(newItem)
    End Function

    Public Function ExpandANode(ByVal newItem As CShItem) As Boolean
        ExpandANode = False     'assume failure
        Dim baseNode As TreeNode = Root
        baseNode.Expand() 'Ensure base is filled in
            'do the drill down -- Node to expand must be included in tree
            Dim testNode As TreeNode
            Dim lim As Integer = CShItem.PidlCount(newItem.PIDL) - CShItem.PidlCount(baseNode.Tag.pidl)
            'TODO: Test ExpandARow again on XP to ensure that the CP problem ix fixed
            Do While lim > 0
                For Each testNode In baseNode.Nodes
                    If CShItem.IsAncestorOf(testNode.Tag, newItem, False) Then
                        baseNode = testNode
                        RefreshNode(baseNode)   'ensure up-to-date
                        lim -= 1
                        GoTo NEXLEV
                    End If
                GoTo XIT     'on falling thru For, we can't find it, so get out
NEXLEV:     Loop
            'after falling thru here, we have found & expanded the node
            Me.tv1.HideSelection = False
            Me.tv1.SelectedNode = baseNode
            ExpandANode = True
XIT:        tv1.EndUpdate()
    End Function
#End Region

#End Region

#Region "   Initial Dir Set Handler"

    Private Sub OnStartUpDirectoryChanged(ByVal newVal As StartDir)
        If Not IsNothing(Root) Then
        End If
        Dim special As CShItem
        special = GetCShItem(CType(Val(m_StartUpDirectory), ShellDll.CSIDL))
        Root = New TreeNode(special.DisplayName)
        Root.ImageIndex = SystemImageListManager.GetIconIndex(special, False)
        Root.SelectedImageIndex = Root.ImageIndex
        Root.Tag = special
    End Sub

    Private Sub BuildTree(ByVal L1 As ArrayList)
        Dim CSI As CShItem
        For Each CSI In L1
            If Not (CSI.IsHidden And Not m_showHiddenFolders) Then
            End If
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Creates a TreeNode whose .Text is the DisplayName of the CShItem.<br />
    ''' Sets the IconIndexes for that TreeNode from the CShItem.<br />
    ''' Sets the Tag of the TreeNode to the CShItem<br />
    ''' If the CShItem (a Folder) has or may have sub-Folders (see Remarks), adds a Dummy node to
    '''   the TreeNode's .Nodes collection. This is always done if the input CShItem represents a Removable device. Checking
    '''   further on such devices may cause unacceptable delays.
    ''' Returns the complete TreeNode.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="item">The CShItem to make a TreeNode to represent.</param>
    ''' <returns>A TreeNode set up to represent the CShItem.</returns>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' This routine will not be called if the CShItem (a Folder) is Hidden and ExpTree's ShowHidden Property is False.<br />
    ''' If the Folder is Hidden and ShowHidden is True, then this routine will be called.<br />
    ''' If the Folder is Hidden and it only contains Hidden Folders (files are not considered here), then, 
    ''' the HasSubFolders attribute may be returned False even though Hidden Folders exist. In that case, we 
    ''' must make an extra check to ensure that the TreeNode is expandable.<br />
    ''' There are additional complication with HasSubFolders. 
    ''' <ul>
    ''' <li>
    ''' On XP and earlier systems, HasSubFolders was always
    ''' returned True if the Folder was on a Remote system. On Vista and above, the OS would check and return an 
    ''' accurate value. This extra check can take a long time on Remote systems - approximately the same amount of time as checking
    ''' item.GetDirectories.Count. Versions 2.12 and above of ExpTreeLib have a modified HasSubFolders Property which will always
    ''' return True if the Folder is on a Remote system, restoring XP behavior.</li>
    ''' <li>
    ''' On XP and earlier systems, compressed files (.zip, .cab, etc) were treated as files. On Vista and above, they are treated
    ''' as Folders. ExpTreeLib continues to treat such files as files. The HasSubFolder attribute will report a Folder which
    ''' contains only compressed files as True. In MakeNode, I simply accept the Vista and above interpretation, setting a dummy
    ''' node in such a Folder. An attempt to expand such a TreeNode will just turn off the expansion marker.
    ''' </li>
    ''' </ul>
    ''' </remarks>
    Private Function MakeNode(ByVal item As CShItem) As TreeNode
        Dim newNode As New TreeNode(item.DisplayName)
        newNode.Tag = item
        newNode.ImageIndex = SystemImageListManager.GetIconIndex(item, False)
        newNode.SelectedImageIndex = SystemImageListManager.GetIconIndex(item, True)
        If item.IsRemovable Then
            newNode.Nodes.Add(New TreeNode(" : "))
        ElseIf item.HasSubFolders Then
            newNode.Nodes.Add(New TreeNode(" : "))
        ElseIf item.IsHidden Then
            If item.GetDirectories.Count > 0 Then
                newNode.Nodes.Add(New TreeNode(" : "))
            End If
        End If
        Return newNode
    End Function

    Private Sub ClearTree()
        Root = Nothing
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "   TreeView BeforeExpand Event"

    Private Sub tv1_BeforeExpand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventArgs) Handles tv1.BeforeExpand
        Dim oldCursor As Cursor = Cursor
        Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
        If e.Node.Nodes.Count = 1 AndAlso e.Node.Nodes(0).Text.Equals(" : ") Then
            Dim CSI As CShItem = e.Node.Tag
            Dim StTime As DateTime = Now()
            Dim D As ArrayList = CSI.GetDirectories()

            If D.Count > 0 Then
                D.Sort()    'uses the class comparer
                Dim item As CShItem
                For Each item In D
                    If Not (item.IsHidden And Not m_showHiddenFolders) Then
                    End If
            End If
            Debug.WriteLine("Expanding " & e.Node.Text & " " & Now().Subtract(StTime).TotalMilliseconds.ToString & "ms")
        Else    'Ensure content is accurate
        End If
        Cursor = oldCursor
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "   TreeView AfterSelect Event"
    Private Sub tv1_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles tv1.AfterSelect
        Dim node As TreeNode = e.Node
        Dim CSI As CShItem = e.Node.Tag
        If CSI Is Root.Tag AndAlso Not tv1.ShowRootLines Then
            With tv1
                    .ShowRootLines = True
                    .ShowRootLines = False
                End Try
            End With
        End If
        If EnableEventPost Then 'turned off during RefreshTree
            If CSI.Path.StartsWith(":") Then
                RaiseEvent ExpTreeNodeSelected(CSI.DisplayName, CSI)
                RaiseEvent ExpTreeNodeSelected(CSI.Path, CSI)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "   RefreshNode Sub"

    Private Sub RefreshNode(ByVal thisRoot As TreeNode)
        If Not (thisRoot.Nodes.Count = 1 AndAlso thisRoot.Nodes(0).Text.Equals(" : ")) Then
            Dim thisItem As CShItem = thisRoot.Tag
            If thisItem.RefreshDirectories Then   'RefreshDirectories True = the contained list of Directories has changed
                Dim curDirs As ArrayList = thisItem.GetDirectories(False) 'suppress 2nd refresh
                Dim delNodes As New ArrayList()
                Dim node As TreeNode
                For Each node In thisRoot.Nodes 'this is the old node contents
                    Dim i As Integer
                    For i = 0 To curDirs.Count - 1
                        If CType(curDirs(i), CShItem).Equals(node.Tag) Then
                            curDirs.RemoveAt(i)   'found it, don't compare again
                            GoTo NXTOLD
                        End If
                    'fall thru = node no longer here
NXTOLD:         Next
                If delNodes.Count + curDirs.Count > 0 Then  'had changes
                        For Each node In delNodes 'dir not here anymore, delete node
                        'any CShItems remaining in curDirs is a new dir under thisRoot
                        Dim csi As CShItem
                        For Each csi In curDirs
                            If Not (csi.IsHidden And Not m_showHiddenFolders) Then
                            End If
                        'we only need to resort if we added
                        'sort is based on CShItem in .Tag
                        If curDirs.Count > 0 Then
                            Dim tmpA(thisRoot.Nodes.Count - 1) As TreeNode
                            thisRoot.Nodes.CopyTo(tmpA, 0)
                            Array.Sort(tmpA, New TagComparer())
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        Debug.WriteLine("Error in RefreshNode -- " & ex.ToString _
                                        & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace)
                    End Try
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "   TreeView VisibleChanged Event"
    '''<Summary>When a form containing this control is Hidden and then re-Shown,
    ''' the association to the SystemImageList is lost.  Also lost is the
    ''' Expanded state of the various TreeNodes. 
    ''' The VisibleChanged Event occurs when the form is re-shown (and other times
    '''  as well).  
    ''' We re-establish the SystemImageList as the ImageList for the TreeView and
    ''' restore at least some of the Expansion.</Summary> 
    Private Sub tv1_VisibleChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tv1.VisibleChanged
        If tv1.Visible Then
            SystemImageListManager.SetTreeViewImageList(tv1, False)
            If Not Root Is Nothing Then
                If Not IsNothing(tv1.SelectedNode) Then
                    tv1.SelectedNode = Me.Root
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "   TreeView BeforeCollapse Event"
    '''<Summary>Should never occur since if the condition tested for is True,
    ''' the user should never be able to Collapse the node. However, it is
    ''' theoretically possible for the code to request a collapse of this node
    ''' If it occurs, cancel it</Summary>
    Private Sub tv1_BeforeCollapse(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventArgs) Handles tv1.BeforeCollapse
        If Not tv1.ShowRootLines AndAlso e.Node Is Root Then
            e.Cancel = True
        End If
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "   tv1_HandleCreated, tv1_HandleDestroyed"
    <DllImport("uxtheme.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
Private Shared Function SetWindowTheme(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal pszSubAppName As String, ByVal pszSubIdList As String) As Integer
    End Function

    Private Sub tv1_HandleCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tv1.HandleCreated
        SetWindowTheme(tv1.Handle, "explorer", Nothing)
    End Sub

    Private Sub tv1_HandleDestroyed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles tv1.HandleDestroyed
        Me.AllowDrop = False
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "   FindAncestorNode"
    '''<Summary>Given a CShItem, find the TreeNode that belongs to the
    ''' equivalent (matching PIDL) CShItem's most immediate surviving ancestor.
    '''  Note: referential comparison might not work since there is no guarantee
    ''' that the exact same CShItem is stored in the tree.</Summary>
    '''<returns> Me.Root if not found, otherwise the Treenode whose .Tag is
    ''' equivalent to the input CShItem's most immediate surviving ancestor </returns>
    Private Function FindAncestorNode(ByVal CSI As CShItem) As TreeNode
        FindAncestorNode = Nothing
        If Not CSI.IsFolder Then Exit Function 'only folders in tree
        Dim baseNode As TreeNode = Root
        Dim testNode As TreeNode
        Dim lim As Integer = PidlCount(CSI.PIDL) - PidlCount(baseNode.Tag.pidl)
        Do While lim > 1
            For Each testNode In baseNode.Nodes
                If CShItem.IsAncestorOf(testNode.Tag, CSI, False) Then
                    baseNode = testNode
                    lim -= 1
                    GoTo NEXTLEV
                End If
            'CSI's Ancestor may have moved or been deleted, return the last one
            ' found (if none, will return Me.Root)
            Return baseNode
        'on fall thru, we have it
        Return baseNode
    End Function
#End Region

#Region "   Drag/Drop From Tree Processing"

    Private Sub tv1_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles tv1.ItemDrag
        'Primary (internal) data type
        Dim toDrag As New ArrayList()
        Dim csi As CShItem = CType(e.Item, TreeNode).Tag
        'also need Shell IDList Array
        Dim MS As System.IO.MemoryStream
        MS = CProcDataObject.MakeShellIDArray(toDrag)
        'Fairly universal data type (must be an array)
        Dim strD(0) As String
        strD(0) = csi.Path
        'Build data to drag
        Dim dataObj As New DataObject()
        With dataObj
            If Not IsNothing(MS) Then
                .SetData("Shell IDList Array", True, MS)
            End If
            .SetData("FileDrop", True, strD)
        End With
        'Do drag, allowing Copy and Move
        Dim ddeff As DragDropEffects
        ddeff = tv1.DoDragDrop(dataObj, DragDropEffects.Copy Or DragDropEffects.Move)
        'the following line commented out, since we can't depend on ddeff
        'If ddeff = DragDropEffects.None Then Exit Sub 'nothing happened
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "   DragWrapper Event Handling"

    ' dropNode is the TreeNode that most recently was DraggedOver or
    '    Dropped onto.  
    Private dropNode As TreeNode

    'expandNodeTimer is used to expand a node that is hovered over, with a delay
    Private WithEvents expandNodeTimer As New System.Windows.Forms.Timer()

#Region "       expandNodeTimer_Tick"
    Private Sub expandNodeTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
       Handles expandNodeTimer.Tick
        If Not IsNothing(dropNode) Then
            RemoveHandler DragDropHandler.ShDragOver, AddressOf DragWrapper_ShDragOver
            End Try
            AddHandler DragDropHandler.ShDragOver, AddressOf DragWrapper_ShDragOver
        End If
    End Sub
#End Region

    '''<Summary>ShDragEnter does nothing. It is here for debug tracking</Summary>
    Private Sub DragWrapper_ShDragEnter(ByVal Draglist As ArrayList, _
                                        ByVal pDataObj As IntPtr, _
                                        ByVal grfKeyState As Integer, _
                                        ByVal pdwEffect As Integer) _
                                Handles DragDropHandler.ShDragEnter
    End Sub

    '''<Summary>Drag has left the control. Cleanup what we have to</Summary>
    Private Sub DragWrapper_ShDragLeave() Handles DragDropHandler.ShDragLeave
        expandNodeTimer.Stop()    'shut off the dragging over nodes timer
        If Not IsNothing(dropNode) Then
        End If
        dropNode = Nothing
    End Sub

    '''<Summary>ShDragOver manages the appearance of the TreeView.  Management of
    ''' the underlying FolderItem is done in DragWrapper
    ''' Credit to Cory Smith for TreeView colorizing technique and code,
    ''' at
    ''' Node expansion based on expandNodeTimer added by me.
    Private Sub DragWrapper_ShDragOver(ByVal Node As Object, _
                                ByVal pt As System.Drawing.Point, _
                                ByVal grfKeyState As Integer, _
                                ByVal pdwEffect As Integer) _
                                Handles DragDropHandler.ShDragOver

        If IsNothing(Node) Then  'clean up node stuff & fix color. Leave Draginfo alone-cleaned up on DragLeave
            If Not dropNode Is Nothing Then
                dropNode = Nothing
            End If
        Else  'Drag is Over a node - fix color & DragDropEffects
            If Node Is dropNode Then
                Exit Sub    'we've already done it all
            End If

            expandNodeTimer.Stop() 'not over previous node anymore
                Dim delta As Integer = tv1.Height - pt.Y
                If delta < tv1.Height / 2 And delta > 0 Then
                    If Not IsNothing(Node) AndAlso Not (Node.NextVisibleNode Is Nothing) Then
                        ' Thread.Sleep(250)  'slow down a bit
                    End If
                End If
                If delta > tv1.Height / 2 And delta < tv1.Height Then
                    If Not IsNothing(Node) AndAlso Not (Node.PrevVisibleNode Is Nothing) Then
                        ' Thread.Sleep(250)   'slow down a bit
                    End If
                End If
                If Not Node.BackColor.Equals(SystemColors.Highlight) Then
                    Node.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight
                    Node.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText
                End If
            End Try
            dropNode = Node     'dropNode is the Saved Global version of Node
            If Not dropNode.IsExpanded Then
                expandNodeTimer.Interval = 1200
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub DragWrapper_ShDragDrop(ByVal DragList As ArrayList, _
                                ByVal Node As Object, _
                                ByVal grfKeyState As Integer, _
                                ByVal pdwEffect As Integer) Handles DragDropHandler.ShDragDrop

        If Not IsNothing(dropNode) Then
        End If
        ' If Directories were Moved, we must find and update the DragSource TreeNodes
        '  of course, it is possible that the Drag was external to the App and 
        '  the DragSource TreeNode might not exist in the Tree
        'All of this is somewhat chancy since we can't count on pdwEffect or
        '  on a Move having actually started, let alone finished
        Dim CSI As CShItem      'that is what is in DragList
        For Each CSI In DragList
            If CSI.IsFolder Then    'only care about Folders
            End If
        If tv1.SelectedNode Is dropNode Then   'Fake a reselect
            Dim e As New System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs(tv1.SelectedNode, TreeViewAction.Unknown)
            tv1_AfterSelect(tv1, e)      'will do a RefreshNode and raise AfterNodeSelect Event
            RefreshNode(dropNode)        'Otherwise, just refresh the Target
            If pdwEffect <> DragDropEffects.Copy AndAlso pdwEffect <> DragDropEffects.Link Then
                'it may have been a move. if so need to do an AfterSelect on the DragSource if it is SelectedNode
                If DragList.Count > 0 Then     'can't happen but check
                    If Not IsNothing(tv1.SelectedNode) Then     'ditto
                        Dim csiSel As CShItem = tv1.SelectedNode.Tag
                        Dim csiSource As CShItem = DragList(0)  'assume all from same dir
                        If CShItem.IsAncestorOf(csiSel, csiSource) Then 'also true for equality
                            Dim e As New System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs(tv1.SelectedNode, TreeViewAction.Unknown)
                            tv1_AfterSelect(tv1, e)      'will do a RefreshNode and raise AfterNodeSelect Event
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        dropNode = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub ResetTreeviewNodeColor(ByVal node As TreeNode)
        If Not node.BackColor.Equals(Color.Empty) Then
            node.BackColor = Color.Empty
            node.ForeColor = Color.Empty
        End If
        If Not node.FirstNode Is Nothing AndAlso node.IsExpanded Then
            Dim child As TreeNode
            For Each child In node.Nodes
                If Not child.BackColor.Equals(Color.Empty) Then
                    child.BackColor = Color.Empty
                    child.ForeColor = Color.Empty
                End If
                If Not child.FirstNode Is Nothing AndAlso child.IsExpanded Then
                End If
        End If
    End Sub
#End Region

End Class

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Written By
United States United States
After 30+ years working in the IT field, mostly managing SysAdmins, I have retired. One of my hobbies returns me to programming, basically just to keep my hand in.

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