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by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
by shunninghuang
CPS1 emulator, ROM hacking
by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter using NVIDIA encoder API in C#
by CMalcheski
Thinking outside the box can result in critical performance gains

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by EgorYusov
This article introduces Diligent Engine, a modern cross-platform graphics API abstraction library and rendering framework
by Michael Chourdakis
An introduction to machine learning with working C++ code that trains a linear regression model.
by Michael Chourdakis
DirectX hardware screen capture and encoding with audio mixing capabilities. H264/H265/VP80/VP90/FLAC/MP3. HDR supported.
by Shao Voon Wong
Lee Algorithm Mazesolver in MFC and Direct2D

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11 Aug 2008 by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
3 Apr 2021 by shunninghuang
CPS1 emulator, ROM hacking
16 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter using NVIDIA encoder API in C#
4 Oct 2017 by CMalcheski
Thinking outside the box can result in critical performance gains
8 Jun 2017 by CMalcheski
How to Create a Complete DirectX Game in Assembly Language
22 May 2013 by Dejan Mauer
Free and easy way to access a web camera by using the Aforge library.
20 Mar 2024 by Michael Chourdakis
DirectX hardware screen capture and encoding with audio mixing capabilities. H264/H265/VP80/VP90/FLAC/MP3. HDR supported.
4 Jul 2005 by DeltaEngine
Normal maps are used for realtime 3D rendering (mostly in games) to improve the visual quality, but compressing them makes the 3D content look ugly, this tool helps to fix that problem.
28 Jun 2005 by Greg Rezansoff
This brief article describes how to use managed Direct3D to render texture bitmaps with alpha channels and transparency key colours onto vertices in C# with the aid of a MatrixStack.
26 Jun 2018 by CMalcheski
A Full DirectX Sample Application Created in Pure Assembly Language
18 Nov 2010 by JimRL
A glow effect achieved by leveraging the stencil buffer
30 Sep 2023 by honey the codewitch
Run and develop Arduino code, including a display, on PC using this Windows PC shim and emulator.
20 Jan 2017 by Ansel Castro
The article shows how to render 3D graphics with C# in .NET using an API Igneel.Graphics.
17 May 2009 by Carlo McWhirter
Interactive 3D Spectrum Analyzer for Windows Media Player using DirectX 9 and some light GPGPU.
14 Feb 2010 by Irfan alam
A library for creating a voice and text conferencing application
20 Nov 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article shows how easy to make various video effects using PixelShaders in Direct3D.
9 May 2019 by Michael Chourdakis
Create music easily
2 Aug 2016 by Evgeny Pereguda
Simple article about using of Desktop Duplication API for capture desktop screen WITH image of cursor
7 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic task which are requre to solve for developing your own DirectShow Splitter filters.
10 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to make pure C# rendering video on VMR9 with custom allocator presenter over Direct3D in .NET
5 Mar 2017 by Jose A Pascoa
14 Jun 2017 by CMalcheski
Part II - Laying the Foundation for the Migration to Assembly
3 Mar 2024 by Shao Voon Wong
Lee Algorithm Mazesolver in MFC and Direct2D
10 May 2009 by Michael Chourdakis
Draw your vectors using a new, ActiveX based hardware accelerated interface.
22 Mar 2013 by Terence Wallace
TexasQuest is a 2D side scroller platform game similiar to Super Mario
23 Sep 2020 by EgorYusov
Introduction to amplification and mesh shaders, the new programmable stages available in modern GPUs, and how to use them to implement view frustum culling and object LOD selection on the GPU using the Diligent Engine API
11 Jan 2021 by EgorYusov
An introduction to ray tracing API in Diligent Engine
13 Nov 2012 by Shmuel Zang
This article shows how we can render an interoperable MDX (Managed DirectX) scene, inside a WPF window.
13 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic tasks for implementing your own File Source DirectShow filters.
12 Jul 2023 by EgorYusov
This article describes Unity low-level plugin interface and the Unity graphics interface emulator that facilitates native plugin development.
18 Apr 2024 by Michael Chourdakis
An introduction to machine learning with working C++ code that trains a linear regression model.
31 Jul 2001 by Xavier John
20 Jan 2015 by Android on Intel
Android* Texture Compression - a comparison study with code sample
10 Sep 2015 by Kenneth Haugland
Create HLSL files, compile them and use them in a WPF appliction. A light Shazzam Shader Editor tool for Visual Studio
7 May 2012 by Espen Harlinn
If you haven't looked at this, it's a good reference:Improving the Performance of Direct2D Applications[^]This one is also useful:Direct2D: Hardware Acceleration in Windows 7 Plotting[^][Update]For XP and OpenGL have a look at PicZoom: A Photo Viewer Created in OpenGL[^]Best...
16 Nov 2012 by lewax00
There's isn't a best one. Which one is right for you depends on what you want to do.If you want to make games on a mobile platform, you'll probably want to do it in the languages best suited for the platform (Java/C++ for Android, Objective C for iOS, and C# (I think) for Windows Phones,...
6 Aug 2010 by ely_bob
GPUToaster is correct, this has been discussed @ the Creators Club[^]..X formats are not designed for "editing" type procedures, if you want to do this you will need to be working in DirectX, or OpenGl, NOT XNA. Xna is designed for displaying, not making.
9 Jul 2011 by DaveAuld
There is a technical blog article on the subject;Face Recognition Project: Introduction To Face Recognition[^]
19 Feb 2012 by barneyman
Alternatives to enhzflep's solutions, if you don't have access to/want to change the texture ...1. Multiple textures - first is your map, second is your line2. Stencil 'Shadows' - render the line 'above' the map, then cast a shadow from it, perp'l to the mapagain, comfy chair, coffee
25 Apr 2013 by Volynsky Alex
Hi,Nowadays technologies are so developed that they free developers from having to cover much of the 'technical' aspects of their job and let them concentrate on the core issues they have. One of such helpers is the core concept of object-oriented languages, and C++ too, which of course is -...
23 Aug 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
DirectX is the way alternative to GDI, a faster one. Moreover, even though GDI and DirectX can be used together, they poorly live together. To see it, it's enough to put some GDI object on top of, say DirectX-based video and see what happens. For resolving such clashes, a layout manager exists,...
17 Apr 2017 by EgorYusov
Descriptors and descriptor heaps are key components of a new resource binding paradigm introduced in Direct3D12. This article describes an efficient system for managing descriptor heaps.
3 Apr 2010 by Rod Kemp
To learn how to create plug-ins for Windows Media Player, see the Windows Media Player SDK[^].This should outline what you can and can't do with a plug-in in WMP.
28 May 2010 by Anthony Mushrow
Which version of the DLL that your program is using depends on which build of the library your program actually linked to.You may either need to check your linker settings and make sure that in Release you are not linking with the debug lib or check your code for any #pragma comment(lib,...
9 Apr 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
You have statements of the form#include "Includes//Main.h"I think there should only be a single '/' character in the path name.
15 Apr 2011 by Anthony Mushrow
will my final resulting .exe still work on an end user's system using the latest (2010) DirectX end user runtime?Yes. When you link with a .lib file it is actually put into your .exe or .dll fileFunctionality from previous versions of DirectX are always available in the runtime for...
11 May 2011 by Olivier Levrey
Most likely you forgot to provide the corresponding .lib file in the Link tab of your project properties.Find out which .lib you need for this interface and just fill it in the Link tab.Otherwise, it might be a version issue: check that the version of DirectX you use in your code matches...
11 May 2011 by Albert Holguin
Here's a post with someone who had the same problem:[^]It mentions what .libs you may be missing.
18 Jun 2011 by enhzflep
Without knowing the software, or the brand of the projectors, it's impossible to say that there is an available SDK that provides this functionality. It's entirely possible that no provision has been made to control this aspect of the projectors.I'm assuming that the connection between the...
23 Nov 2011 by #realJSOP
So run it under the debugger and make sure all of the pointers are valid (not null). The error you cite generlly means you're either accessing a null pointer, or overflowing a boundary.
29 Mar 2012 by CDP1802
XNA will not help very much if you have a WPF application. There are two problems which are not easy to overcome1) WPF applications are event driven while XNA applications run in a continuous rendering loop. Getting those two worlds together does not work out of the box. You will have to...
20 Apr 2012 by Aescleal
If you want skills that'll translate into the games industry on desktop computers NOW then learn C++ and about DirectX on windows. Every games shop I've worked in has been exclusively C or C++, apart from mobile phone games which were J2ME.One problem with C++ is that consoles (apart from...
20 Apr 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Have a look at this page:List of game engines[^]Best regardsEspen Harlinn
27 Jun 2012 by bearsomg
Hello. I am currently working on a rendering engine which is meant to render character animations. Right now I am working on vertex blending to make the body parts move with the bones.For each vertex declaration, I have a short that represents the first bone's weight, and 2 shorts...
29 Mar 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
No, there is no general solution to this via DirectX.The reason for this is that the Window you're trying to capture may have no existance in DirectX at all. If it belongs to an application that doesn't use DirectX then from the DirectX point of view there is nothing special about that area...
31 Jul 2013 by Ayush001
Traditional game which becomes more interetsing.
22 May 2014 by CPallini
You should use Polyphonic C#[^].(kidding)Have a look at this Stack Overflow question: "Play two sounds simultaneusly"[^].
5 Aug 2014 by vertex4343
DirectShow Hangs on Pause – Solved with WNDPROC message
20 Nov 2014 by Gregory Morse
Analyzing Text With DirectWrite in .NET Using SharpDX
7 Mar 2017 by Ansel Castro
Describes the basic steps to render height maps using the graphics engine of Igneel
27 Nov 1999 by Stephane Rodriguez
A DirectDraw Framework made of template classes
26 Sep 2001 by Anthony Roach
A framework for writing apps using DirectX 8
2 Sep 2008 by Uri91
Hello,I'm a high-school student seeking to learn about 3D programming. I have experience with C# and C++, OOP and more.I don't have any intentions of making high-grade stuff with 3D, but I do want to learn something that I might use in the...
2 Sep 2008 by John_Adams
Hi,I would suggest you to visit the following links to know the difference between WPF, DIRECTX and XNA.[^][^]Hope this helps ...
6 Aug 2010 by GPUToaster™
AFAIK the vertex buffer cannot be read back. If you are trying to modify the UV sets then try duplicating Buffers. Because you will not get any performance difference.Try using search engines. :)
19 Aug 2010 by Yusuf
I pretty sure it is not your code. Otherwise you wouldn't have dumped it here and asked someone read it for you.
5 Oct 2010 by ely_bob
Use XNA, this has all the stuff that you need without going into the 3d portion of the API..and in the long run if you want to do things like sparkles, music, explosions.. or whatever else to augment your game you would have easy access to that stuff through XNA.GDI, and it pains me to...
12 Oct 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
Try at least doing some basic research for yourself before posting questions. Here[^] is a list of DirectX links that could help you.
17 Oct 2010 by Kubajzz
The answer is simple: you can't.At least not the easy way. The Viewport3D control makes it possible to display 3D content in simple way, but there are many restrictions. For example it's not possible to draw lines (thus it's not possible to render a wireframe object, although there are...
24 Nov 2010 by CDP1802
Nothing against XNA, but WPF would be better for this. A card game may need not much of a GUI, but some may be needed and that would be a pain, especially for somebody who just got started.With WPF you get the user interface and also the cards (including transformations) with far less overhead.
16 Dec 2010 by Marc A. Brown
Is this[^] helpful?
8 Feb 2011 by gavaliganesh
I have following code:void CD3DXGraph::InitializeDevice( const HWND &f_hwnd, const CRect &f_rect) { try { D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS l_d3dpp; //function gets direct3d pointer. if(NULL == m_d3d) { m_d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION); ...
11 Feb 2011 by Rajesh G Manwani from Mumbai
What all tools are available for porting Windows-based Active X control which uses DirectX, to Linux platform? I have explored to some extent and zeroed onto two options - WineLib and JAVA. Which one is better choice? Are there any other options available?
23 Feb 2011 by Haechtsuppe
Hey guys,I am trying to play a video in a Form with DirectX 9 but it doesn't work. :(I have no experience with DirectX so I thought I have to start with a simple videoplayer.I've got a video in my "Content" folder of the project which conatins an ".avi" file.Heres my code:private...
23 Mar 2011 by Eduard Keilholz
The Loader lock exception is pretty common in VS when you use DX 9. In your project properties see the exceptions dialog and disable that exception. If you have no other exceptions in your application it will run fine!Good luck!
15 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You can find how a linker works in any decent book on system programming.Here is a nice simple introduction, but you won't see much detail:[^].Main idea of behind a traditional linker is separate compilation. A separate units of code are...
9 May 2011 by Andows
I’m trying to make a very simple application which would display different images on each eye. I have Asus VG236H monitor and NVIDIA 3D Vision kit, the stereo 3D shutter glasses. The I’m using C#, .NET Framework 2.0, DirectX 9 (Managed Direct X) and Visual Studio 2008. I have been searching high...
18 May 2011 by achainard
30 May 2011 by Anthony Mushrow
Just as an experiment try using:CheckDeviceType( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_REF, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, false );The reference device is just what it says it, it should behave exactly the same as a fully compliant DirectX compatible graphics card. If CheckDeviceType works...
6 Jul 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I happened to give some answers based on my joystick experience recently. It is not very trivial matter.Please look at them:How to Interface Joystick to WAF[^],How to Interface Joystick[^],Creating A Joystick Event?[^].Not everything is exactly relevant to your problem but very...
9 Jul 2011 by thatraja
Addition to Dave's answer.Found a bunch in CPHuman Emotion Detection from Image[^]Pupil or Eyeball Detection and Extraction by C# from eye image[^]Face Detection in C#[^]Face and Eyes Detection Using OpenCV[^]Efficient Face Detection Algorithm using Viola Jones method[^]Face...
4 Aug 2011 by walterhevedeich
The following links might help:[^][^][^]
9 Nov 2011 by Hardghost
I have found the problem.This is the solution. (you don't find any solutions for this problem). private Device device; private Texture texture; private Material material; private Sprite sprite; Surface s; SurfaceDescription...
5 Dec 2011 by Derek Henderson
Although not sure what language your using try this link. You could strip out the video bit and just use the Frame grab.[Look here]
6 Dec 2011 by JackDingler
Do you mean you need to rotate an image? Use OpenGL and let your GPU do the work.If you're writing high performance image processing software, then I'd recommend that you learn OpenGL or DirectX and one of the GPU Technologies like OpenCL, DirectCompute, and or CUDA.CUDA seems to be the...
20 Dec 2011 by tonyjiang88215
hello , i had a project from VS2010 and i want to compile it in VC6 for supporting winXP, i had used DSound in my project , when i include dsound.h it was something wrong , the error is : d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\vadefs.h(48) : error C2144: syntax error :...
17 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Sorry, your questions and comments (please see above) suggest that such problem is well above your head. You need to pick much simpler assignment.Let's start from the input which is other than MIDI. The input is the digitized (sampled) dependency between the current in the coil of the...
6 Feb 2012 by CDP1802
SA, don't be so sarcastic :)Why don't you download this software[^]? With this you can make any 3D models you may need and export them to DirectX or many other formats.The dowside is, that you will have to read the manual and practice a while before you might come up with a model that is...
6 Feb 2012 by E.F. Nijboer
This is how it is done in c# for directx 9, 10 and 11:[^]Here an article that also has a example:Capture Sample with DirectX and .NET[^]Good luck!
19 Feb 2012 by enhzflep
I can think of 3 solutions for this task. Don't know which would be the best/most appropriate for your needs.1. Use the logical XOR operation to non-destructively draw the line. Repeat to remove line.2. Load the image, draw over it, re-load when line is no longer needed3. Load the...
20 Apr 2012 by Clifford Nelson
Here is a site for programming games in C# and XNA:[^]. It is not very hard. A group did a simple game program at my school using C# in only a week or so.
1 Jun 2012 by Espen Harlinn
12 Jul 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
There is no comparison. Media Foundation is the next generation multimedia platform for Windows that enables developers, consumers, and content providers to embrace the new wave of premium content with enhanced robustness, unparalleled quality, and seamless interoperability.DirectX Video...
19 Sep 2012 by brownii
26 Sep 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Have a look at SlimDX[^], it's pretty feature complete.Best regardsEspen Harlinn
30 Oct 2012 by ridoy
You not mentioned what type of application you need to embed it,here's some for you..[^][^]
30 Oct 2012 by Thomas Daniels
You don't need to use DirectX. You can add a Windows Media Player control[^].If you do that, you don't need to add a reference to the DirectX library.
5 Nov 2012 by lukeer
You should have an underlying data structure with methods to change the data. Usually that is called the business logic layer.It should also declare and fire the appropriate events to inform your UI of any changes.[Edit]It's done something like that:public static class...
2 Feb 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
You might want to look up the Windows MediaFoundation API if you're a COM/C++ developer which is the way DirectX works best. There is a sample media player that goes with it that is really small and simple and plays swf files. I know I have it somewhere because I was using it as a reference...