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by Zahid Tanveer
Starting with Ionic Framework
by Nikola Breznjak
Connecting Angular app to AWS Mobile Hub
by Nikola Breznjak
This blog entry covers what we learned at the first Ionic framework meetup in Čakovec.
by Nikola Breznjak
An introduction to Test Driven Development in Ionic

Latest Articles

by Nikola Breznjak
This blog entry covers what we learned at the first Ionic framework meetup in Čakovec.
by Nikola Breznjak
An introduction to Test Driven Development in Ionic
by Zahid Tanveer
Starting with Ionic Framework
by Nikola Breznjak
Connecting Angular app to AWS Mobile Hub

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26 Dec 2017 by Nikola Breznjak
Connecting Angular app to AWS Mobile Hub
28 Jan 2020 by phil.o
You should replace LOGIN with the unix username and groupname of the account which should be the new owner of specified path. If username is username, the command is then sudo chown -R username:username /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova Regarding your chmod command, the error message tells...
3 Mar 2020 by Richard Deeming
Assigning a value to will reload the page using the new URL. But you immediately call location.reload after that, which reloads the page using the current URL, which doesn't include the new search parameter. Remove the call to...
9 Mar 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
See Xamarin.Essentials - Xamarin | Microsoft Docs[^], but you need to be a reasonably experienced programmer.
15 Mar 2022 by Nikola Breznjak
This blog entry covers what we learned at the first Ionic framework meetup in Čakovec.
15 Mar 2022 by Nikola Breznjak
An introduction to Test Driven Development in Ionic
16 Jun 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Error: Unknown argument: platform You are (presumably) using incorrect options. Check the angular documentation to see what it should be.
6 Aug 2017 by Member 13348179
var query=" SELECT * FROM measurements WHERE project_type=? AND project_id= ? AND subproject=? LIMIT 1"; $cordovaSQLite.execute(db, query, ['SMBH',$scope.proj1,'DRILLING AND COMPLETION OF 5 INCH DIAMETER BOREHOLE BASEMENT']).then(function(result) { $scope.results=[]; if(result.rows.length...
6 Aug 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
sub["l"+m] = result.rows.item(i).l1;//FETCHES THE RESULT sub["l"+m] = result.rows.item(i)+l+m;//DOESN'T FETCH THE RESULT This first line gets the member called 'l1' of the item, while the second gets the item object and try to add to it 'l' and '1', that's really not the same... You may use...
14 Dec 2017 by Member 13577351
i wanted to update particular record from firebase real time database. Here i have created data list and 2 button named delete and edit.On Edit button i have called modal window.That window contain form with input field.i wanted to update record based on that modal window value.i don't know how...
28 Feb 2018 by bambo Growth
I am trying to send two data (itemName and itemAmout) to firebase database But it gives me this error: Quote: Error: Reference.push failed: first argument contains undefined in property 'shoppingItem.itemName' I dont know where the probleme come from. Here is my code : addItem.ts : import {...
24 Mar 2018 by Member 13744702
when I were implementing in my ionic 3 project I have been included google maps in it after I set all the steps were necessary for use maps correctly in ionic 3 (page : google maps with searching in search bar) my typescript code for mapping is : import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild,...
18 Apr 2018 by devdoubts
I am working on an ionic application, and I am facing issue with direct printing without preview. Is there any method by which I can print without any print preview window as soon as a condition is met? as per requirement I don't want any manual process (like click) to print ticket. What I have...
17 Jun 2018 by kumar siddharatha
I want to create an application which would support native print as shown in android just after hitting on print option. Does ionic 2/3 support this kind of feature? What I have tried: I have come across Although I doubt this support...
16 Jul 2018 by Gerry Schmitz
Have at it: Path must be a string. Received undefined after upgrading my cordova to 7.1.0 - Stack Overflow[^]
31 Aug 2018 by Mehdi Gholam
Follow the setup instructions here : Ionic Resources | Windows Platform Setup[^]
27 Sep 2018 by Nomanshahsyed
My Ionic Info is below: cli packages: (C:\Windows\System32\node_modules) @ionic/cli-utils : 1.19.2 ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.0 global packages: cordova (Cordova CLI) : not installed local packages: @ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.11 Cordova Platforms : android 7.0.0 browser 5.0.4 Ionic Framework ...
23 Apr 2020 by Member 14170167
Hi, I am developing an ioinc 4 app. Now i am trying to exit the app when user click the button. I am trying to write the logic " this.plateform.exitApp() " the error is " Property 'exitApp' does not exist on type 'plateform' " . any one who have idea about ionic 4? help will be appreciated...
3 Mar 2019 by OriginalGriff
Try instead
9 Apr 2019 by Abhishek Gupta 18
I am using IONIC version 1 with cordova. I have tried many cordova plugins to browse the PDF files from mobile file system. But None of them has worked for me. Thanks in advance. What I have tried: File Picker, Cordova File Chooser, Cordova-plugin-file
12 Apr 2019 by hrmaker
I'm using a component named "trip" and this component tries to recover some information, like 'rider id', 'tax' and 'distance' between driver and rider. When Geolocalization function is passing to the component, it doesn't recover all the objects. I think that Cordova Plugin doesn't ok. ...
17 Jun 2019 by Member 14503742
How to show email suggestion above keyboard when we have email field on ionic? What I have tried: can't find solution.please help ASAP.
18 Jun 2019 by Eric Tade
Hello, I have been encountering this error below and i haven't gotten a solution. I would appreciate it if a solution is being rendered. Thanks. The below error occurs after i exported a phone number object and assigned a data type of number in my app.service.ts and imported it in my...
18 Jun 2019 by Thomas Daniels
What your code currently tries to do, is creating a user property of the AppPage class of type user, and the PhoneNumber property of user gets set to a value - however, the 'value' in this case is number, which is a type and not a value. How to fix it, depends on what you want to do. If you...
3 Jul 2019 by Eric Tade
I keep getting this error whenever i try to run my ionic code. core.js:15724 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'tabs/tab2/tabs3/DNKagDWuNX8vkXj4pqiB' Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'tabs/tab2/tabs3/DNKagDWuNX8vkXj4pqiB' Someone...
10 Oct 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
What you need to use is some sort of a location tracking object that tracks and updates your app with the updated location. Since you are using Ionic, I believe there might be some limitations as native integrations won't be available, but you can get started here, Background Geolocation - Ionic...
27 Feb 2020 by Member 14704249
I have created menu using ionic 4 it will work fine, but when i logged in to my application or website it will not opening up, for opening it i need to refresh the whole browser. May be it's CORS issue but i can not disable CORS as my all the...
2 Mar 2020 by Viswanatha Swamy
Are you accessing the hosted Web API using your application from "http://localhost:8100"? Please advise. In this case you need to add the URL to the CORS section. Please refer to the URL:...
30 Jul 2020 by Shweta Babbar
Hi I am new to Ionic Cordova. I am implementing fingerprint and passcode authentication to integrate it with login API for an application. I am thinking that when first time user logs in into the app, app should be able to authenticate with...
30 Jul 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
This seems more of the program logic of authentication. You need to track if its the first time (user has ever logged in via username/password). Once you have this info as true, then you make use of fingerprint approach. If you find otherwise,...
23 Sep 2020 by Member 14946640
Hi, I'm currently working on one hybrid app using ionic 3. In this application, I have implemented a video calling interface using WebRTC apis. Its correctly working for android side but for iOS I'm encountering an error at the time of call...
9 Mar 2021 by KEEPREADING
I am looking to build a Children’s educational app for alphabets, numbers, phrases, words etc. I want to use a cross platform framework that can create good 2D graphics and animated videos. Could you kindly suggest any cross platform frameworks I...
12 Apr 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
Your single best source of information on this is going to be Ionic Serve support. See the "Support" link in the top-right corner of their page? Click it.
27 Apr 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
Why are you asking in a forum like this instead of asking PingID? Go to their website. See that "Support" link at the top? Your question is what that link is for.
16 May 2021 by tasinsahin
Hi, I want to read and write data in a webpage that requires authentication with my ionic mobile application. Anyway to achieve this? What I have tried: Searched internet and couldnt find answer
18 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to use whichever language you understand that is capable of generating Android applications. And if you don't want to use Android Studio then take a look at Xamarin.Forms | .NET[^], or possibly Intel's C++ Compiler For Android[^].
21 Jun 2021 by Sage43
I am building an app in which I have integrated a paystack payment gateway. The default amount specified is NGR 5000 and the default email is I want to dynamically change the amount and email so that the email is equal to...
4 Feb 2022 by Member 15523665
Hello, everyone! I’ve been looking for a long time and haven’t found anything like it. I want a function in typescript that when selecting a checkbox a text input appears next to it to enter numbers. So far I have this, but when selecting a...
22 Nov 2022 by rayron
Hi , I am building a capacitor plugin for the minew sdk to get and receive beacon data. I have the ios part working great but I have is an issue with Andriod. My plugin code is public void startScan(PluginCall call) { mMtCentralManager...
8 Jan 2023 by Member 15676890
Hello every one, I am developing an ionic application. At first my angular cli version is 9.0. When i run the command line"ionic cordova build android",it works.But now the angular cli update to 14.0.1.I try to run the command line"ionic cordova...
15 Aug 2022 by Member 15737857
I am doing my project in ionic 6 with angular and a firebase database. I need a typescript function that adds the values fetched from an array that are extracted from a collection in firebase. async getGastos() { const uid = await...
12 Sep 2022 by Archana P Babu
Try these steps in order. Worked for me. 1. ionic cordova platform rm android 2. ionic cordova platform add android 3. ionic cordova build android
8 Jan 2023 by Member 15888030
If you run this command: ng add @ionic/cordova-builders it should add the required builders that are missing from the angular.json file generated by the Ionic CLI.
3 Mar 2020 by Member 14704249
I wants to refresh a page for only one time using angular 7. What I have tried: I have tried ngOnInit(){ let win = (window as any); if( !== '?loaded' ) { = '?loaded'; ...
16 Jul 2018 by tasinsahin
I made an ionic project and succesfully converted it to ios app and installed it to my device successfully. However; after trying addding android platform to the project; ionic cordova platform add android I had the following error; Failed to install 'cordova-universal-clipboard':...
31 Aug 2018 by citu@08
* What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'. > The SDK directory 'D:\androidsource' does not exist. * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. at ChildProcess.whenDone...
19 Mar 2019 by Member 14170167
Hi every one, I am developing an ionic 4 application. The app is running on browser well. But when i build the app for android then get error like "An error occurred while running subprocess cordova." Is there any solution to solve this problem. Help will be appreciated. Thank You here is the...
10 Oct 2019 by Member 14619265
Hi team, I have implementing live tracking app in which we have move the map via user marker tell me anyone how to move map? What I have tried: i have search on google but not found any solution
28 Jan 2020 by Member 14704249
To ensure permissions are correct, run this command on Mac what should i replace with LOGIN? as im getting error chown: LOGIN: illegal username. $ sudo chown -R LOGIN /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova For Read and Write permission: chmod -R 777 '/Users/username/.cordova/lib/tmp' in this...
1 Mar 2020 by Member 14704249
When i’m uploading my project on hosting site and data is coming from there only,it worked fine on localhost but when i uploaded my webapi on hosting server it’s not working data is not coming and i’m not able to logged into my application. ...
23 Apr 2020 by Member 13697495
I have the same problem, when I add navigator.['app'].exitApp(); I get error also when I use this.platform.exitApp(); I also get an error. Please anyone help
27 Apr 2021 by adhikar patil
Hello All, I have two applications App1 and App2 with ping identity on my device. When i login to App1 using ping identity it login to App1. When i login to App2 it will automatically login. But when i logout from App1 it logs out but not...
18 Jun 2021 by Shivam Shokeen 2021
I want to create an app widget on the home screen like a basic music player that contains next, previous and pause/resume. I don't want to use the android studio. What I have tried: I tried to use Cordova, capacitor but nothing found...
22 Nov 2022 by Member 15841121
were you able to find solution for this ?
6 Feb 2023 by Member 15610936
To implement the capacitor Firebase/Crashlytics in ionic project. where to implement this functionality in which component.. I have implemented Capacitor plugin for Firebase Crashlytics in my Ionic 6 app.. where to implement this functionality...