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Great Reads

by Dave Kerr
There are cases where great efforts have been made to adopt microservice patterns without understanding the specifics of the problem at hand...
by Petru Faurescu
Is there an easy way to succinctly and unambiguously communicate the architecture of a software system? Something that could highlight the requirements, and still be brief?
by darkoman
C# implementation of the serverless OLAP engine
by Tibor Blazko
Connecting Functions with other web services

Latest Articles

by Wessel Beulink
Azure Functions, Microsoft’s serverless compute service, lets you run event-driven code without having to manage the infrastructure.
by Evgenii Zaiats
Create a simple but scalable Telegram bot using AWS Lambda and the python-telegram-bot library
by Dr. Song Li
AWS step function and CDK and SAM local and miscellaneous subjects
by egoebelbecker
Create an AWS Lambda in five minutes

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12 Jan 2018 by Dave Kerr
There are cases where great efforts have been made to adopt microservice patterns without understanding the specifics of the problem at hand...
24 Jan 2017 by Petru Faurescu
Is there an easy way to succinctly and unambiguously communicate the architecture of a software system? Something that could highlight the requirements, and still be brief?
29 Aug 2018 by Sander Rossel
Get started with Azure Functions and serverless computing in Azure. We'll see what serverless computing is and how it's implemented in Functions.
16 Sep 2016 by Tom Chantler
If you're hosting your Ghost blog in Azure then you're probably not backing up your database, even if you think you are. I wasn't, but I am now. Here's how.
17 Jul 2017 by BC3Tech
Could we find a way to monitor the nuget feed for updates to a certain package and then send an alert somewhere when one is encountered?
21 Feb 2017 by Sander Knape
Dynamic Image Generation with AWS API Gateway and Lambda
6 Nov 2017 by BC3Tech
While it would be high near impossible to DDoS a solution running on a serverless platform (scaling would just continue to handle all the requests it needed to), somebody still has to pay for the execution.
29 Apr 2018 by harleydk
Going serverless with Internet-of-Things and Azure Functions
31 May 2018 by BC3Tech
With that in mind, let’s implement our solution from earlier in this series in Azure Functions.
1 Jun 2018 by BC3Tech
The last in the series, a walk through on taking our problem statement and implementing it with the new abstraction from the Azure Functions team, Durable Functions...
6 Jan 2024 by Wessel Beulink
Azure Functions, Microsoft’s serverless compute service, lets you run event-driven code without having to manage the infrastructure.
17 Jul 2017 by BC3Tech
Serverless approaches are great for quick, simple jobs that need to run periodically - let's explore using Azure Functions for just one such application; to poll the Nuget feed for updates to a package we're interested in.
9 Dec 2014 by John Atten
How to install and use SQLite on Windows
20 Nov 2015 by Val Okafor
Android SQLite for beginners
17 Sep 2015 by Val Okafor
In this post, I will cover the fundamentals of Android SQLite from a beginners perspective. In the next post I will provide a similar introduction to Content Provider and in the last part of the series I will show how to use Android SQLite and Content Provider to build a Note taking app.
7 Feb 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article primarily focuses on the basics of serverless computing and how they emerged. It also talks about other changes such as NoOps. Finally, a sample Azure Function is shown as an example. This is just the introduction post. In future posts, I will give more explanation for Functions.