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Think i start loosing the plot here....This sort of half way work, but i think i might have been looking too much at it and now can't see the forrest for all the trees....Any idea how to improve this is welcommen
Private ReadOnly CurrentDay As Date = Today
        Private Property Age As Integer = Nothing
        Private Property myBirthDay As Date = Nothing
        Private Property DaysToNextBirthDay As Long = 0
        Private Property NewBirthDate As Date = Nothing

Friend Sub CalculateNextBirthdayAndAge(ByVal ThisBirthDate As Date)
myBirthDay = ThisBirthDate	'keep a copy a original birthdate

If ThisBirthDate.Month > CurrentDay.Month AndAlso ThisBirthDate.Month <= 12 Then
'Birthday is after today, but this year......Working...
NewBirthDate = CDate(FormatDateTime(CDate(String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", CurrentDay.Year, ThisBirthDate.Month, ThisBirthDate.Day)), DateFormat.ShortDate))
DaysToNextBirthDay = (-(DateDiff("d", NewBirthDate, CurrentDay)))

ElseIf ThisBirthDate.Month < CurrentDay.Month AndAlso ThisBirthDate.Month >= 1 Then
'Birthday was ealier this year, so increase with one year for next birthday
NewBirthDate = CDate(FormatDateTime(CDate(String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", CurrentDay.Year + 1, ThisBirthDate.Month, ThisBirthDate.Day)), DateFormat.ShortDate))
DaysToNextBirthDay = (DateDiff("d", CurrentDay, NewBirthDate))

ElseIf ThisBirthDate.Month = CurrentDay.Month Then
'Birthday is same month as current month.

If ThisBirthDate.Day > CurrentDay.Day Then
'Same month, but later this month
NewBirthDate = CDate(FormatDateTime(CDate(String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", CurrentDay.Year, ThisBirthDate.Month, ThisBirthDate.Day)), DateFormat.ShortDate))
DaysToNextBirthDay = (-(DateDiff("d", NewBirthDate, CurrentDay)))

ElseIf ThisBirthDate.Day < CurrentDay.Day Then
'same month but ealier this month
NewBirthDate = CDate(FormatDateTime(CDate(String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", CurrentDay.Year + 1, ThisBirthDate.Month, ThisBirthDate.Day)), DateFormat.ShortDate))
DaysToNextBirthDay = (DateDiff("d", CurrentDay, NewBirthDate))

'Birthday today
MessageBox.Show("Happy Birthday", "Happy Birthday", MessageBoxButtons.OK)

End If
End If

'Age = CInt(CInt(DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, myBirthDay, Today) / 12) & " år.")
lblAge.Text = CInt(CInt(DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, myBirthDay, Today) / 12) & " år.").ToString							'Age.ToString & " år."
lblDaysToBirthDays.Text = DaysToNextBirthDay.ToString & " dage til næste fødseksdag..."

myBirthDay = Nothing
DaysToNextBirthDay = Nothing
NewBirthDate = Nothing
Age = Nothing

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub</pre>
Updated 13-Dec-17 23:20pm

You can actually do math directly with dates, to produce TimeSpans:
Private Shared Function DaysToNextBirthday(ByRef DOB As DateTime) As Integer
	Dim today As DateTime = DateTime.Now
	Dim Birthday As New DateTime(today.Year, DOB.Month, DOB.Day)
	Dim diff As TimeSpan = Birthday - today
	If diff.Days < 0 Then
		' Had his birthday this year!
		diff = Birthday.AddYears(1) - today
	End If
	Return diff.Days
End Function
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Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 13-Apr-11 3:22am    
My 5.
thatraja 13-Apr-11 5:02am    
Comment from OP:
uhhh...of course...Thanks....knew there much be a easier way....
You use the class DateDiff of the Time Period Library for .NET[^], to calculate the age and the next birthday (including months). Sample in C# ;)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void BirthdayInfo( DateTime birthDate )
  DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

  // age
  Console.WriteLine( "Age: {0}", new DateDiff( now, birthDate ) );

  // next birthday
  DateTime nextBirthday = new DateTime( now.Year, birthDate.Month, birthDate.Day );
  if ( nextBirthday < now )
    nextBirthday = nextBirthday.AddYears( 1 );
  Console.WriteLine( "Next Birthday: {0}", new DateDiff( nextBirthday, now ) );
} // BirthdayInfo
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VB Overlord 15-Apr-11 6:15am    
Yeah...just not really into C#...however have been playing around with since i got all of them...C++ vb, C# all part of Visual Studio 2010 ultimate, anyway thanks
Jani Giannoudis 15-Apr-11 7:19am    
You can download the library which includes the 'Pub\Desktop.Release\Itenso.TimePeriod.dll'. After adding a reference to your VB.NET project, you can adapt the few lines of my solution.

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