Well, it's probably
how you are asking the question as much as
where you are asking it - or more likely even more.
SO doesn't close questions that are "relevant": and moderators aren't often actually rude anywhere. So start by thinking about your question, and what you need to know. Then think about what the person on the other end needs to know in order to help you - because the cannot see your screen; can't access your HDD; can't read you mind - all they get to work with is exactly what you type.
Start here:
Asking questions is a skill[
^] and think about what you need to know, and what you need to tell people in order to get help.
Then try to find the right tags / forums within a site to ask the question - because posting it in the wrong place means it comes to the attention of the wrong people (ones who don't know about your subject) instead of people who can help you.
Me? I never even heard of "openlayers" so I have no idea if it's an API, specification, language, or OS - and I couldn't even begin to answer the question unless it's really basic - but QA here may be a good place to start once you have a "good question". Just don't assume we n=know anything about your project, because we really, really don't know anything you don't tell us!