With the Online Code Editor, you can edit your code online. It allows to write well-formatted source code with line enumeration, tab support, search and replace (with regexp), and live syntax highlighting (customizable).
The Online Code Editor is based on EditArea, a free JavaScript editor for source code, created by Christophe Dolivet. We added a file browser to manipulate files (load and save). The file browser is based on a tree, like MS Explorer. The script code of the tree was created by Geir Landrö.
Using the code
You just upload a page and a directory to your server, and then you can navigate the files and edit them.
Points of interest
This is the recursive directory script:
Sub RecursiveDir(ByVal Root As String, ByVal pID As Integer, _
ByVal ListFiles As Boolean)
Dim Folder As New DirectoryInfo(Root)
Dim SubFolder As DirectoryInfo
Dim File As FileInfo
For Each SubFolder In Folder.GetDirectories
iID = iID + 1
If LCase(SubFolder.Name) <> "_codeedit" Then
Response.Write("d.add(" & iID & ", " & pID & _
",""" & SubFolder.Name & _
""");" & vbLf)
Call RecursiveDir(Root & "\" & SubFolder.Name, iID, ListFiles)
If ListFiles Then
For Each File In Folder.GetFiles("*.*")
iID = iID + 1 If LCase(File.Name) <> "_codeedit.aspx" Then_
Response.Write("d.add(" & iID & "," & _
pID & ",""" & File.Name & _
""",""_codeedit.aspx?side=right&screenwidth=" & _
Trim(Request("screenwidth")) & "&screenheight=" & _
Trim(Request("screenheight")) & "&file=" & _
Server.UrlEncode(Root & "\" & File.Name) & """);" & vbLf)
Response.Write("d.icon.node =""_CodeEdit/images/folder.gif"";" & vbLf)
End If
End Sub
This is a rough version. We have plans to update it soon. Please visit our website to get any updated news.