Average article rating: 3.97
Programming Languages
C |
9 Feb 2008
Updated: 9 Feb 2008
Rating: 3.86/5
Votes: 16
Popularity: 4.42
Licence: CPOL
Views: 56,686
Bookmarked: 14
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I get asked this question sometimes from seasoned programmers who are new to C++. There are plenty of good books written on the subject, but I found no clear and concise set of rules on the Internet for those who don't want to understand every nuance of the language—and just want the facts.
17 Feb 2008
Updated: 19 Feb 2008
Rating: 4.20/5
Votes: 3
Popularity: 2.00
Licence: CPOL
Views: 40,434
Bookmarked: 14
Downloaded: 469
The Service Locator can be used to decouple classes, which improves the overall design and significantly helps with unit testing.
C# |
13 Aug 2011
Updated: 13 Aug 2011
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 2
Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL
Views: 17,631
Bookmarked: 3
Downloaded: 0
The powerful DoFixture() in FitLibrary simulates English like specification. The PhraseFixture proposal takes this to the next level.
C++/CLI |
9 Feb 2008
Updated: 18 Jan 2010
Rating: 3.00/5
Votes: 8
Popularity: 2.71
Licence: CPOL
Views: 68,757
Bookmarked: 18
Downloaded: 575
Because NUnit is designed to unit test managed code, it does not lend itself to test unmanaged C++ code as easily as for C#, until now!
Web Development
9 Feb 2008
Updated: 24 Aug 2010
Rating: 4.25/5
Votes: 6
Popularity: 3.31
Licence: CPOL
Views: 36,190
Bookmarked: 12
Downloaded: 40
This article describes a technique for making use of inheritance with JavaScript, including inheriting interface, implementation, and data from base classes.
15 Dec 2007
Updated: 15 Dec 2007
Rating: 3.50/5
Votes: 6
Popularity: 2.72
Licence: CPOL
Views: 42,840
Bookmarked: 23
Downloaded: 263
This document describes a method by which features of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) can be used in straight C, including Standard/ANSI C, and some variants of pre-ANSI C.
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United States
My interests mostly revolve around making machines do work for people. I'm a computer programmer, software architect, development manager, program manager and a computer programmer. I said programmer twice because I believe you need to be able to do the work yourself if you're going to direct others. I started my career creating software for abstract art, followed by work in embedded systems and HMI. In the 90s I created a successful product called Visual DLL and helped develop the Sales Force Automation product, Arsenal. I've often been involved in online communities, creating games, utilities, and collaboration software. I'm passionate about agile requirements management, acceptance testing through executable specification, and anything that will make developers more productive. My current role is Principal Scientist where I get to work on different technologies with an awesome team, to solve real-world practical problems. I'm Armenian, so talking is in my nature -- if you see me online or offline, say hi and we'll geek out about the latest tools and libraries. If you learned something cool recently (and you should if you're a lifelong learner), then I'd like to hear about it.