Have you known OOXML? Have you started using ExcelPakage to generate Excel files or other OOXML files on your server? If yes, did you find that there is no �CopySheet� function in this package, actually, the section of Copy is empty, just a name there.
We must say ExcelPakage is a powerful and useful tool, we can handle OOXML files in a very easy way by using it, and we also plan to use it in our new development. However, CopySheet is our main requirement and it�s real a pity that we can�t find such a function in ExcelPakage. After taking some efforts, we fill it up ourself. Following you can see how we�ve done it.
And I'm sorry for the previous version with some mistakes, it's OK now. Thank Felipe and Abhijit. I had a problem to the formatting.
Using the code
The following you can find the two main functions from the whole class.
protected string CopySheet(string fileName, string sheetName, int fileNo)
string partName = "/xl/workbook.xml";
string relFile = "/xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels";
Package xlPackage = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
string newSheetName = "";
Uri documentUri = new Uri(partName, UriKind.Relative);
PackagePart documentPart = xlPackage.GetPart(documentUri);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsManager.AddNamespace("d", doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
string searchString = string.Format("//d:sheet[@name='{0}']", sheetName);
XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode(searchString, nsManager);
if (node == null)
return null;
string relId = node.Attributes["r:id"].Value;
string sheetId = node.Attributes["sheetId"].Value;
string name = node.Attributes["name"].Value;
XmlNode nodeSheets = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("d:sheets", nsManager);
string relId1 = node.Attributes["r:id"].Value + "_" + fileNo.ToString();
int maxSheetID = 0;
int tempSheetID = 0;
foreach (XmlNode note in nodeSheets.ChildNodes)
tempSheetID = Convert.ToInt32(note.Attributes["sheetId"].Value);
if (maxSheetID < tempSheetID)
maxSheetID = tempSheetID;
string sheetId1 = Convert.ToString(maxSheetID + 1);
newSheetName = name + "_" + fileNo.ToString();
string sheetFileName;
Uri xmlUri = new Uri(relFile, UriKind.Relative);
PackagePart xmlPart = xlPackage.GetPart(xmlUri);
XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode nodeSheet1 = SelectOneNode(doc1.DocumentElement.ChildNodes, "Id", relId);
sheetFileName = nodeSheet1.Attributes["Target"].Value;
string sheetFileName1 = sheetFileName.Substring(sheetFileName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1, (sheetFileName.IndexOf('.')
- sheetFileName.LastIndexOf('/') - 1)) + "_" + fileNo.ToString() + ".xml";
string xmlString = "<Relationship Id=\"" + relId1 + "\"
Target=\"worksheets/" + sheetFileName1.ToLower() + "\" />";
XmlNode node1 = doc1.DocumentElement;
node1.InnerXml += xmlString;
string sheetXmlToPaste = "/xl/worksheets/" + sheetFileName1.ToLower();
CopyXmlFile(xlPackage, "/xl/" + sheetFileName, sheetXmlToPaste);
nodeSheets.InnerXml += "<sheet name=\"" + newSheetName + "\" sheetId=\"" + sheetId1 + "\" r:id=\"" + relId1 + "\" />";
doc.Save(documentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
doc1.Save(xmlPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
return newSheetName;
return newSheetName;
internal void CopyXmlFile(Package xlPackage, string sheetXmlToCopy, string sheetXmlToPaste)
Uri sheetUri = new Uri(sheetXmlToCopy, UriKind.Relative);
PackagePart sheetPart = xlPackage.GetPart(sheetUri);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Uri xmlUri = new Uri(sheetXmlToPaste, UriKind.Relative);
if (xlPackage.PartExists(xmlUri))
throw new InvalidOperationException("XML part is existing.");
PackagePart xmlPart = xlPackage.CreatePart(xmlUri, @"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml");
using (Stream outputStream = xmlPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputStream))
string schemaRelationships = @"";
PackageRelationship rel = xlPackage.CreateRelationship(xmlUri, TargetMode.Internal, schemaRelationships + "/worksheet");
Points of Interest
I'm sure there must be any smarter ways for copying sheets and I will be very happy when you can email me and share anything you want with me.