Event Calendar Day View

Event Calendar Week View

ASP.NET Scheduler
DayPilot includes a Scheduler control that allows you to display events for multiple resources.
DayPilot includes a Gantt control that displays one task per row on a horizontal time axis.
Event Calendar Features
DayPilot is an Outlook-like open-source event calendar/scheduling control:
Getting Started
The only required step to make DayPilot working is to bind it to a data source. It supports DataTable (and DataSet) as a data source so you can easily load the events from your database.
Let's have a following table:
ID |
Name |
Start |
End |
1 |
Lunch |
2014-06-01 12:00:00 |
2014-06-01 12:30:00 |
2 |
Dinner |
2014-06-01 19:00:00 |
2014-06-01 21:00:00 |
3 |
Sleep |
2014-06-01 22:00:00 |
2014-06-02 07:00:00 |
4 |
Breakfast |
2014-06-02 07:30:00 |
2014-06-02 08:30:00 |
In order to show the events in DayPilot calendar you have to do the following steps:
- Place the DayPilot control on a WebForm.
- Set the DataSource property.
- Set column name properties.
- Select the days that will be shown.
- Call DataBind().
Setting the DataSource property
After loading a DataTable from a database (or other source) you should assign it to the DayPilotCalendar.DataSource property:
DayPilotCalendar1.DataSource = MyDataTable;
In our example we are building the DataTable by hand:
DataTable dt;
dt= new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("start", typeof(DateTime));
dt.Columns.Add("end", typeof(DateTime));
dt.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("id", typeof(string));
DataRow dr;
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["id"] = 0;
dr["start"] = Convert.ToDateTime("15:30").AddDays(1);
dr["end"] = Convert.ToDateTime("16:30").AddDays(1);
dr["name"] = "Partner conf. call";
return dt;
When loading the events from a database I recommend limiting the SELECT so only the necessary events are loaded (not all events from the table). DayPilot will work properly in both cases (it only select the relevant events) but all the events will have to be loaded and they will be stored in the ViewState.
Setting column name properties
You need to indicate which columns contain the necessary data:
DayPilotCalendar1.DataStartField = "Start";
DayPilotCalendar1.DataEndField = "End";
DayPilotCalendar1.DataTextField = "Name";
DayPilotCalendar1.DataValueField = "ID";
Setting the visible dates
Let's say we want to show just a single day:
DayPilotCalendar1.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1 June 2012");
DayPilotCalendar1.Days = 1;
But we can show multiple days as well. This is a new feature of DayPilot 2.0.
DayPilotCalendar1.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1 June 2012");
DayPilotCalendar1.Days = 5;

Data binding
Bind the data in the Page_Load() method:
if (!IsPostBack)
Data-Related Calendar Properties Overview
Here are the data-related properties of DayPilotCalendar:
Source of event data (DataSource or DataTable).
Name of the data source column that contains the event start date and time (string).
Name of the data source column that contains the event end date and time (string).
Name of the data source column that contains the event name (string).
The Id will be passed to the event handling code when clicking on the event (string).
The first date that should be shown by the calendar (DateTime, the default value is DateTime.Today).
The number of days that should be rendered (int, the default value is 1).
Integration with System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar
For switching the date you can use the standard .NET Framework control System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar. You can use the PostBack event to change the DayPilot StartDate and EndDate.

In our sample we will use the DayRender event to improve the calendar:
- the days will become links to a specific day (i.e. no PostBack)
- the days that contain an event will be bold
private void Calendar1_DayRender(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayRenderEventArgs e)
string fontWeight = "normal";
if (isThereEvent(e.Day.Date))
fontWeight = "bold";
string color = "black";
if (e.Day.IsOtherMonth)
color = this.Calendar1.OtherMonthDayStyle.ForeColor.Name;
e.Cell.Text = String.Format("<a href='Default.aspx?day={0:d}' style='color: "
+ color + ";text-decoration:none; font-weight:"
+ fontWeight + "'>{1}</a>", e.Day.Date, e.Day.Date.Day);
The method isThereEvent() returns true if a specific day contains any event. This method will be specific to your application. You can go through the data returned from the database (and supplied to DayPilotCalendar.DataSource) to avoid another database request. We are not using the database in our sample so it is hard-coded:
private bool isThereEvent(DateTime date)
DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);
DateTime anotherDay = today.AddDays(3);
if ((date.DayOfYear == today.DayOfYear) && (date.Year == today.Year))
return true;
if ((date.DayOfYear == tomorrow.DayOfYear) && (date.Year == tomorrow.Year))
return true;
if ((date.DayOfYear == anotherDay.DayOfYear) && (date.Year == anotherDay.Year))
return true;
return false;
Integration using UpdatePanel
Since version 2.3 DayPilot can be used inside UpdatePanel (ASP.NET AJAX Extensions/.NET Framework 3.5). If you place both the Calendar (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar) and DayPilotCalendar inside the same UpdatePanel you can switch the date using Calendar.SelectionChanged event handler. It can be used like a regular PostBack event:
protected void Calendar1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DayPilotCalendar1.StartDate = Calendar1.SelectedDate;
Event Calendar Appearance
There are many options to change the default appearance:
Cell height in pixels (int, the default value is 20). Minimum height is 15.
Width of the hour name in pixels (int, the default value is 40).
Hour when the business hours start (int, the default value is 9).
Hour when the business hours end (int, the default value is 18).
Determines the visible hour range (HeightSpecEnum, the default value is BusinessHoursNoScroll).
Determines whether the hour names column should be visible (bool, the default value is true).
The time format - 12-hours cycle (3 PM) or 24-hours cycle (15:00).
Width of the control (string, the default value is "100%").
Calendar CSS Theme Examples
You can create your own CSS theme using the online theme designer [themes.daypilot.org].
Green CSS Theme

White CSS Theme

Transparent CSS Theme

Handling User Actions
There are two types of user actions:
- clicking a free time (you will typically use this action to create a new event)
- clicking an event (you will typically use this action to show event details)
The actions can be handled on the client (by custom JavaScript code) or on the server (by handling the server event).
JavaScript code that should be executed when the user clicks on a calendar event (provided that EventClickHandling is set to JavaScript). The string "{0}" will be replaced with an event ID.
JavaScript code that should be executed when the user clicks on a free-time slot (provided that FreetimeClickHandling is set to JavaScript). The string "{0}" will be replaced with the date and time specified in the standard format produced by DateTime.ToString("s") - e.g. "2014-05-15T07:00:00".
Server-side event handling
Occurs when the user clicks on an event and EventClickHandling property is set to PostBack.
Occurs when the user clicks on an event and TimeRangeSelectedHandling property is set to PostBack.
Your server-side event handling methods will get the important data:
EventClick Example
The id of the event can be read using e.Value.
private void DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick(object sender, EventClickEventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "Selected event: " + e.Value;
FreeTimeClick Example
The start of the clicked time cell can be read using e.Start.
private void DayPilotCalendar1_TimeRangeSelected(object sender, TimeRangeSelectedEventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "Selected time: " + e.Start;
DayPilot for JavaScript
DayPilot has a special client-side only version that can be used with any kind of backend (PHP, Ruby, Node.js):
DayPilot for ASP.NET MVC
DayPilot has a special version that includes ASP.NET MVC bindings (server-side):
- December 28, 2006 - DayPilot 2.1 SP3 released
- February 4, 2007 - New user forums online
- March 19, 2007 - Feature list updated
- April 22, 2007 - DayPilot Lite 2.2 released
- May 2, 2007 - Links updated to DayPilot Lite 2.2
- July 9, 2007 - DayPilot Lite 2.3 released
- September 10, 2007 - Data-related properties overview and usage fixed (according to DayPilot Lite 2.3)
- December 14, 2007 - Week view screenshot link fixed, UpdatePanel integration section added
- May 15, 2008 - Screenshot links fixed
- March 4, 2009 - Link to DayPilot Lite 3.0 release added
- June 11, 2012 - Link to DayPilot Lite 3.1 release added, API description updated
- April 2, 2013 - Link to DayPilot Lite 3.2 release added
- February 13, 2014 - Upgraded for DayPilot Lite 4.0
- June 2, 2014 - DayPilot Lite 4.1, NuGet package
- March 30, 2015 - DayPilot Lite 5.0, NuGet package updated