Webtester is a tool to test your web site or web application, written in C#.
Instructions for Use
To begin, in the address input textbox which in the upper region of the program, type a URL such as "www.codeproject.com" and then press the <ENTER> key or press the 'Go' button. WebTester will then display the webpage in the middle of the program. Click any hyperlinks you like in the web page or type another URL in the address input textbox. You will see that at the same time WebTester records URLs and Post data you just submitted in the lower part of the program.
Press the button "Play" in the toolbar and a file open dialog appears to prompt you to input an Excel file to save the screen copy images while playing. WebTester starts up another instance of Internet Explorer which can reproduce the same actions you have just done. If you want to keep your work for future use, select the menu "File-->Save" to save to an XML file. If you want to replay a previous session, select the "File-->Open" menu to load an XML file, and then press the "Play" button in the toolbar.
WebTester is supposed to be most useful in the case when you are testing an ASP or JSP Application to verify if the actions of the application are OK. Usually this will involve many web page navigations, and many inputs. If the actions are not OK, the Application must be modified, after which you will repeat the test with many web page navigations, and many inputs. WebTester makes the test work simple and fast.
Extended Interface for Status Message By Phillip Davis.
Windows Forms FAQ maintained by George Shepherd.
Hopefully, this programs will be of use to you -- I need your comments.
To get the newest version of WebTester, please refer to