This is a small class that replaces the default MFC splitter window CSplitterWnd
with a splitter that has a small (flat) border. It's a very small class (only about 10 lines of code excluding all the standard MFC stuff), but I thought this might be useful for someone.
Basically, you would use this splitter if you want a GUI like the one in the (newest) "Start->Find->Files or Folders" window. This effect can't be achieved with the standard splitter window, because it draws a WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
-like border.
This is very simple to use, just do whatever you would do with a normal splitter, but replace CSplitterWnd
with CFlatSplitterWnd
, and don't forget to #include "FlatSplitterWnd.h"
Update & Credits
This latest version now supports multiple CFlatSplitterWnd
s inside of each other, like the demo app shows it. All of this thanks to Kris (http://krisoftware.w.interia.pl) - Cheers!
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