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GeneralWebresource.axd or WebForm_PostBackOptions undefined problem Pin
S Sansanwal17-Oct-06 17:02
S Sansanwal17-Oct-06 17:02 
GeneralRe: connecting MS access database to vb combo box and list box Pin
Tyrone888824-Feb-07 6:14
Tyrone888824-Feb-07 6:14 

i'm new to this site and dont know just yet how to create a new thread.
I'm quite new to visual basic 6 and would like some help designing a program.

-Using visual basic 6 to connect to a Microsoft Access 2000 database
- using a Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library

I want to connect a combo box to a databae, for example if the user clicks on the combo box the names of the tables should appear. When the user clicks on the table name its attributes should be displayed in a list box below the combo box.

Can anyone help write the code to accomplish this

Thank you

Here's my attempt to to display the table names in the combo box, this works perfectly fine apart from that it display unnecessary information in the combo such as MSys
Access Objects, MSysACEs,MSysObjects. All i want is thecombo box to display these three tables which are Attainment,Student Module. plus i want the user to select the table name and its attributes are displayed in a list box

[vbcode]Option Explicit

Private Cn As ADODB.Connection ' This is the connection
Private rstSchema As ADODB.Recordset ' This is the recordset
Private strCn As String ' string to be used in the code
Public strSelectedItem As String
Private Sub OpenDB()
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection 'Declared it as a ADODB connection
strCn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=c:\Documents and Settings\newResults.mdb" 'A connection string that is connected to the database
Cn.Open strCn
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' retrieve all the information from the database and places it in the combobox
Set rstSchema = Cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)

Do Until rstSchema.EOF
cboTables.AddItem " " & rstSchema!TABLE_NAME

End Sub[/vbcode]


GeneralSelectALL in Compact Framework Pin
S Sansanwal2-May-06 11:52
S Sansanwal2-May-06 11:52 
GeneralConverting HTML text to Word Pin
S Sansanwal1-Feb-06 16:23
S Sansanwal1-Feb-06 16:23 
GeneralPostback in WebControl Pin
S Sansanwal18-May-05 12:25
S Sansanwal18-May-05 12:25 

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