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I am trying to make a simple shotgun game where the user vs the CPU and the both pick shot, shield or reload but In my GetOptionFromUser I keep getting the error Cannot implicitly convert type string to;ShotgunGame.Program.ShotgunOption from the cases in my switch statement.

Any Guidance would be appreciated

The error happens where it says
case "SHOOT":, case "RELAOD":, case "SHIELD":

//Declare Variables
            Console.Title = "Welcome To The Shotgune Game";
            int CPUBullets = 3, userBullets = 3;
            ShotgunOption UserOption;
            int computerChoice, userScore = 0;
            bool QUIT = false;
            double gameCount = 0.0;
            Random computer = new Random();
            Console.WriteLine("SHOOT RELOAD SHIELD");

            UserOption = GetOptionFromUser();
            ShotgunOption CPUOption = (ShotgunOption)computer.Next(1, 3); // 1 is Shot, 2 is Reload, 3 is Shield


                //if (UserOption == "QUIT")
                   // break;
                //Console.Write("Please enter choice, or enter QUIT to quit: ");

                  switch (UserOption)
                    case "SHOOT":
                        if((int)CPUOption == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shoot. It was a tie!", userChoice);
                            ; userBullets --;CPUBullets --; ++gameCount;
                        else if ((int)CPUOption == 2)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Reload. You win!", userChoice);
                            ++userScore; ++gameCount;
                        else if ((int)CPUOption == 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shield. No Damage!", userChoice);
                    case "RELAOD":
                        if((int)CPUOption == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shoot. You lose!", userChoice);
                             ++userScore; ++gameCount;
                        else if ((int)CPUOption == 2)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Reload. You Both Gain A bullet", userChoice);
                            userBullets++; CPUBullets++; ++gameCount;
                        else if ((int)CPUOption == 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shield. No Damage!", userChoice);
                    case "SHIELD":
                        if((int)CPUOption == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shoot. You lose!", userChoice);
                        else if ((int)CPUOption == 2)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Reload. You win!", userChoice);
                            ++userScore; ++gameCount;
                        else if ((int)CPUOption == 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shield. No Damage!", userChoice);
                while (UserOption != ShotgunOption.Shield || CPUOption != ShotgunOption.Shield);
            } while (QUIT == false || gameCount == 3);
Updated 24-Jun-15 7:54am
[no name] 24-Jun-15 13:58pm    
The error is very clear and specific. So..... what exactly is your question?

Your switch block uses UserOption which is declared as:
ShotgunOption UserOption;

But your
statements all use strings:
case "SHOOT":
case "RELAOD":
case "SHIELD"

So unless ShotgunOption is actually a string (which it isn't, string is a sealed class) means that you can't directly compare it's values to strings. It's liek trying to compare integers to strings - would you expect
if (123 == "hello!")
To compile, or even make any sense in the real world? :laugh:
What you're doing is in fact exactly that, I suspect: ShotgunOption is almost certainly an
enum - which means that it's really an integer, but with added names.

I suspect that what you want to try is this:
case ShotgunOption.Shoot:
case ShotgunOption.Reload:
case ShotgunOption.Shield
Or at least something very similar!
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You're trying to compare the enum type ShotgunOption with a string.  Instead use the different enum values in your case statements.

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