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I am Working on SCADA project in which I am writing real time data to excel worksheet. Now I want to apply a check on data that if worksheet is updating continuously or not if not then I will restart my windows form Application. I try following code but it doesn't work.

Private EventDel_CellsChange As Excel.DocEvents_ChangeEventHandler

        Public Sub UseDelegate()

            'Get references to the the worksheet.
            xlBook = excelWB
            xlSheet1 = xlBook.Worksheets(2)
            CType(xlSheet1, Excel._Worksheet).Activate()
            'Add an event handler for the Change event for Worksheet
            EventDel_CellsChange = New Excel.DocEvents_ChangeEventHandler( _
                  AddressOf CellsChange)
            AddHandler xlSheet1.Change, EventDel_CellsChange

            'Make Excel visible and give the user control.
            xlApp.Visible = True
            xlApp.UserControl = True
        End Sub

        Private Sub CellsChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
            'This is called when a cell or cells on a worksheet are changed.
            MsgBox("Restrating Of Application Required")
        End Sub

Any Help Please ................ thanks in advance.

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